Small Wind Turbine

Post on 07-Jul-2018

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Small Wind Turbine

Submitted in the partial fulfillment of the requirement for the

award of 

Diploma of Technology



Submitted to: Submitted y

!I"T PO#YT$%&NI% %O##$'$( ")NDI 'OIND&')!&


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We are highly grateful to the authorities of RIMT POLYTECHNIC COLLEGE, MandiGoindgarh for allo!ing us to "a#e $ro%e&t on 'Small Wind Turbine+()

We !ould li#e to e*$ress a dee$ sense of gratitude and than# $rofusely to 'Er) Gaura+

ansal, Head of the -e$art"ent .RIMT Polyte&hni& College, Mandi Goindgarh/ for his

sin&ere and in+aluale guidan&e, suggestions and attitude, !hi&h ins$ired us to su"it our 

 $ro%e&t in the $resent for") His dyna"is" and diligent enthusias" ha+e een highly

instru"ental in #ee$ing our s$irits high) We !ould also li#e to than#s our $ro%e&t guide

' ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, (, Le&turer .ME/ for their intelle&tual su$$ort throughout the &ourse

of this !or#) His fla!less and forthright suggestions lended !ith an innate intelligent

a$$li&ation ha+e &ro!ned our tas# !ith su&&ess)

We !ould also than#ful to all fa&ulty "e"ers of Me&hani&al Engineering -e$art"ent of 

RIMT Polyte&hni& College for their dire&t0indire&t intelle&tual su$$ort

 Na"e of student .oard Roll No/

 Na"e of student .oard Roll No/

 Na"e of student .oard Roll No/

 Na"e of student .oard Roll No/

 Na"e of student .oard Roll No/

 Na"e of student .oard Roll No/


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Fig. No. Name of gure Page no.



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1 wind turbine is a de+i&e that &on+erts #ineti& energy fro" the !ind into ele&tri&al $o!er)

The ter" a$$ears to ha+e "igrated fro" $arallel  hydroele&tri& te&hnology.rotary $ro$eller/)

The te&hni&al des&ri$tion for this ty$e of "a&hine is an aerofoil.powered generator)

The result of o+er a "illenniu" of !ind"ill de+elo$"ent and "odern engineering, today2s

!ind turines are "anufa&tured in a !ide range of +erti&al and hori3ontal a*is ty$es) The

s"allest turines are used for a$$li&ations su&h as attery &harging for au*iliary $o!er for 

 oats or  &ara+ans or to $o!er traffi& !arning signs) 4lightly larger turines &an e used for 

"a#ing &ontriutions to a do"esti& $o!er su$$ly !hile selling unused $o!er a&# to the

utility su$$lier +ia the ele&tri&al grid) 1rrays of large turines, #no!n as !ind far"s, are

 e&o"ing an in&reasingly i"$ortant sour&e of rene!ale energy  and are used y "any

&ountries as $art of a strategy to redu&e their relian&e on fossil fuels)


1 5uantitati+e "easure of the !ind energy a+ailale at any lo&ation is &alled the Wind Po!er 

-ensity .WP-/) It is a &al&ulation of the "ean annual $o!er a+ailale $er s5uare "eter of 

s!e$t area of a turine, and is taulated for different heights ao+e ground) Cal&ulation

of !ind $o!er density in&ludes the effe&t of !ind +elo&ity and air density) Color6&oded "a$s

are $re$ared for a $arti&ular area des&ried, for e*a"$le, as 7Mean 1nnual Po!er -ensity at

89 Metres7) In the :nited 4tates, the results of the ao+e &al&ulation are in&luded in an inde*

de+elo$ed y the National Rene!ale Energy Laoratory and referred to as 7NREL CL1447)

The larger the WP- &al&ulation, the higher it is rated y &lass) Classes range fro" Class ;

.<99 !atts $er s5uare "eter or less at 89 " altitude/ to Class = .>99 to <999 !atts $er s5uare

"/) Co""er&ial !ind far"s generally are sited in Class ? or higher areas, although isolated

 $oints in an other!ise Class ; area "ay e $ra&ti&al to e*$loit)

Wind turines are &lassified y the !ind s$eed they are designed for, fro" &lass I to &lass I@,

!ith 1 or referring to the turulen&e

%la++ )/g Wind Speed 0m1+2 Turbulence

I1 ;9 ;>A

I ;9 ;BA

II1 >)8 ;>A

II >)8 ;BA

III1 =)8 ;>AIII =)8 ;BA


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I@1 B ;>A

I@ B ;BA


 Not all the energy of lo!ing !ind &an e used, ut so"e s"all !ind turines are designed to

!or# at lo! !ind s$eeds)

Conser+ation of "ass re5uires that the a"ount of air entering and e*iting a turine "ust e

e5ual) 1&&ordingly, et32s la!gi+es the "a*i"al a&hie+ale e*tra&tion of !ind $o!er y a

!ind turine as 8A of the total #ineti& energy of the air flo!ing through the turine)D;8

Further ineffi&ien&ies, su&h as rotor lade fri&tion and drag, gearo* losses, generator and

&on+erter losses, redu&e the $o!er deli+ered y a !ind turine) Co""er&ial utility6&onne&ted

turines deli+er =8A to >9A of the et3 li"it of $o!er e*tra&tale fro" the !ind, at rated

o$erating s$eed)

Effi&ien&y &an de&rease slightly o+er ti"e due to !ear) 1nalysis of ?;<> !ind turines older 

than ;9 years in -en"ar# sho!ed that half of the turines had no de&rease, !hile the other 

half sa! a $rodu&tion de&rease of ;)<A $er year 

!I$3 &ISTO!Y O3 WIND "I##S

Wind energy &on+erters are not a ne! te&hnology and ha+e een utilised for "ainly

"e&hani&al a$$li&ations su&h as grain &rushing sin&e B 1)-) .first reliale infor"ation fro"

histori&al sour&es as &ited Hau, <999J/ Wind"ills !ere first utilised in the an&ient area of 


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4eistan . Persia, 1fghanistan / and $ri"iti+e "a&hines are still eing used today in the region

for grain $ro&essing) The first !ind "ills !ere +erti&al a*is turines !hi&h used sails around

a $i+ot to &reate "e&hani&al $o!er) Centuries after the Persian !ind "ill te&hnology !as

do&u"ented ne!s of the Chinese utilising !ind "ills to drain their ri&e $addies of !ater 

rea&hed Euro$e) Whether or not the Chinese had already een utilising the !ind"ill or a run6

off of a !ind "ill efore the Persians &an no longer e deter"ined !ith &ertainty today).Hau,

<999J/ Interestingly, the Chinese !ind "ill !as also a +erti&al a*is a"oo stru&ture !ith

sails, si"ilar to the Persian syste")

The &lassi&al or hori3ontal a*is !ind turine &an e &onfidently attriuted to Euro$ean

designers inde$endent of the oriental +erti&al a*is syste"s) The first do&u"ented histori&al

e+iden&e of hori3ontal a*is !ind "ills dates a&# to ;;>9 !hi&h tells of a !ind "ill &alled a

 post or trestle mill $resent in the -ut&h Nor"andy) Fro" there on the $ost "ill 5ui&#ly s$read

throughout Euro$e and !as then further de+elo$ed into the to!er "ill t!o &enturies later) In

the ;Bth &entury the -ut&h !ind "ill !as de+elo$ed in Holland !hi&h &o"$osed of a "ill

house !ith a rotating to!er &a$ and rotor lades) This design is still in $ra&ti&al use today

throughout the Netherlands and other Euro$ean &ountries for traditional "illing $ro&esses)

-ut&h To!er "ill Pillar Mill


Wind turines &an rotate aout either a hori3ontal or a +erti&al a*is, the for"er eing oth

older and "ore &o""on) They &an also in&lude lades .trans$arent or not/ or e ladeless)  

&ori4ontal a5i+


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Hori3ontal6a*is !ind turines .H1WT/ ha+e the "ain rotor  shaft and ele&tri&al generator  at

the to$ of a to!er, and "ust e $ointed into the !ind) 4"all turines are $ointed y a

si"$le !ind +ane, !hile large turines generally use a !ind sensor &ou$led !ith a ser+o

"otor ) Most ha+e a gearo*, !hi&h turns the slo! rotation of the lades into a 5ui&#er 

rotation that is "ore suitale to dri+e an ele&tri&al generator)


4in&e a to!er $rodu&es turulen&e ehind it, the turine is usually $ositioned u$!ind of its

su$$orting to!er) Turine lades are "ade stiff to $re+ent the lades fro" eing $ushed into

the to!er y high !inds) 1dditionally, the lades are $la&ed a &onsiderale distan&e in front

of the to!er and are so"eti"es tilted for!ard into the !ind a s"all a"ount)

-o!n!ind "a&hines ha+e een uilt, des$ite the $role" of turulen&e ."ast !a#e/, e&ause

they don2t need an additional "e&hanis" for #ee$ing the" in line !ith the !ind, and e&ause

in high !inds the lades &an e allo!ed to end !hi&h redu&es their s!e$t area and thus their 

!ind resistan&e) 4in&e &y&li&al .that is re$etiti+e/ turulen&e "ay lead to fatigue failures,

"ost H1WTs are of u$!ind design)


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6ertical a5i+ de+ign

@erti&al6a*is !ind turines .or @1WTs/ ha+e the "ain rotor shaft arranged +erti&ally) One

ad+antage of this arrange"ent is that the turine does not need to e $ointed into the !ind to

 e effe&ti+e, !hi&h is an ad+antage on a site !here the !ind dire&tion is highly +ariale) It is

also an ad+antage !hen the turine is integrated into a uilding e&ause it is inherently less

steerale) 1lso, the generator and gearo* &an e $la&ed near the ground, using a dire&t dri+e

fro" the rotor asse"ly to the ground6ased gearo*, i"$ro+ing a&&essiility for 


Darrieu+ wind turbine


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Eggeater7 turines, or -arrieus turines, !ere na"ed after the Fren&h in+entor, Georges

-arrieus) They ha+e good effi&ien&y, ut $rodu&e largetor5ue ri$$le and &y&li&al stress on the

to!er, !hi&h &ontriutes to $oor reliaility) They also generally re5uire so"e e*ternal $o!er 

sour&e, or an additional 4a+onius rotor to start turning, e&ause the starting tor5ue is +ery

lo!) The tor5ue ri$$le is redu&ed y using three or "ore lades !hi&h results in greater 

solidity of the rotor) 4olidity is "easured y lade area di+ided y the rotor area) Ne!er 

-arrieus ty$e turines are not held u$ y guy6!ires ut ha+e an e*ternal su$erstru&ture

&onne&ted to the to$ earing


1 suty$e of -arrieus turine !ith straight, as o$$osed to &ur+ed, lades) The &y&loturine

+ariety has +ariale $it&h to redu&e the tor5ue $ulsation and is self6starting) The ad+antages

of +ariale $it&h areK high starting tor5ue a !ide, relati+ely flat tor5ue &ur+e a higher 

&oeffi&ient of $erfor"an&e "ore effi&ient o$eration in turulent !inds and a lo!er lade

s$eed ratio !hi&h lo!ers lade ending stresses) 4traight, @, or &ur+ed lades "ay e used) 

Sa/oniu+ wind turbine


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These are drag6ty$e de+i&es !ith t!o .or "ore/ s&oo$s that are used in

ane"o"eters, Flettner +ents .&o""only seen on us and +an roofs/, and in so"e high6

reliaility lo!6effi&ien&y $o!er turines) They are al!ays self6starting if there are at least

three s&oo$s)

Twi+ted Sa/oniu+

T!isted 4a+onius is a "odified sa+onius, !ith long heli&al s&oo$s to $ro+ide s"ooth tor5ue)

This is often used as a roofto$ !indturine and has e+en een ada$ted for shi$s) 

1nother ty$e of +erti&al a*is is the Parallel turine, !hi&h is si"ilar to the &rossflo! fan or 

&entrifugal fan) It uses the ground effe&t) @erti&al a*is turines of this ty$e ha+e een tried for 

"any yearsK a unit $rodu&ing ;9 #W !as uilt y Israeli !ind $ioneer ru&e rill in the




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The "ost re&ent ad+an&e"ent in @erti&al 1*is Wind Turines has een the @orte*is @1WT,

utili3ing a $re6s!irled aug"ented +erti&al a*is !ind turine .P16@1WT/ designed for the

 $ur$ose of de+elo$ing a high effi&ien&y @1WT &on&e$t that #ee$s the ad+antages of @1WTJs

&o"$a&t si3e, la&# of ias as to in&o"ing !ind dire&tion, easy de$loy"ent and lo! radar 

&ross se&tion for use in "oile a$$li&ations for the "ilitary, referred to in 4$e&ial

O$erations as 7la&# 4!an)


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S")## WIND T-!IN$S

4"all !ind turines "ay e used for a +ariety of a$$li&ations in&luding on6 or off6grid

residen&es, tele&o" to!ers, offshore $latfor"s, rural s&hools and &lini&s, re"ote "onitoring

and other $ur$oses that re5uire energy !here there is no ele&tri& grid, or !here the grid isunstale) 4"all !ind turines "ay e as s"all as a fifty6!att generator for oat

or &ara+an use) Hyrid solar and !ind $o!ered units are in&reasingly eing used for traffi&

signage, $arti&ularly in rural lo&ations, as they a+oid the need to lay long &ales fro" the

nearest "ains &onne&tion $oint)  The :)4) -e$art"ent of Energy2s National Rene!ale

Energy Laoratory .NREL/ defines s"all !ind turines as those s"aller than or e5ual to ;99

#ilo!atts) 4"all units often ha+e dire&t dri+e generators, dire&t &urrent out$ut, aeroelasti&

 lades, lifeti"e earings and use a +ane to $oint into the !ind)

Larger, "ore &ostly turines generally ha+e geared $o!er trains, alternating &urrent out$ut,

fla$s and are a&ti+ely $ointed into the !ind) -ire&t dri+e generators and aeroelasti& lades for 

large !ind turines are eing resear&hed)

a+ic concept+

Wind turines &o"e in a +ariety of different designs !ith +arying out$uts and effi&ien&ies ut

all &on+ert the #ineti& energy &ontained in an airstrea" into "e&hani&al !or#) The "ost

&o""on ty$e of !ind turine is the Hori3ontal a*is !ind turine !ith lade nu"ers

generally ranging fro" one to three) .Hau.<999/ Gi$e.<99/ and M&Go!an

Rogers.<99?/ all state that the three laded hori3ontal a*is !ind turine is the "ost suitale

to standard !ind &onditions and is also the "ost aestheti&ally $leasing of the !ind energy


There are also a !ide +ariety of +erti&al a*is !ind turines eing utilised for the $ur$ose of 

ele&tri&ity $rodu&tion ho!e+er none &an a&hie+e as high a $o!er &oeffi&ient as the hori3ontal

designs) @erti&al a*is !ind turines !ere initially designed to e used as $urely drag ty$e

rotors ho!e+er later on engineers redesigned the syste"s to also in&or$orate aerodyna"i& lift

as a sour&e of rotation) The "ost &o""on ty$e of +erti&al a*is !ind turine is the -arrieus

rotor !hi&h &an e est

des&ried as a turine rese"ling the 's$inning ro$e( $rin&i$le) The s$e&ifi& ad+antages

asso&iated !ith the +erti&al a*is !ind turine are generally related to the si"$li&ity of the


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design) The gearo* and generator &an e $la&ed at ground le+el !hi&h also $re+ents the need

for a ya!ing syste" to e in&or$orated in the design) Ho!e+er the ad+antages of the +erti&al

a*is turine are also a&&o"$anied y so"e "a%or disad+antages su&h as the lo! ti$6s$eed

ratio $rodu&ed, the inaility to self6start and also the inaility to &ontrol the $o!er out$ut y

self $it&hing of the lades)

1nother +ariation of the -arrieus rotor is the H6rotor !hi&h utilises straight lades &onne&ted

to the +erti&al a*is y struts as o$$osed to &ur+ed lades) Yet another design and $erha$s the

"ost asi& is the 4a+onius rotor !hi&h uses < or "ore !ind &u$ li#e lades) The 4a+onius

rotor !as "ost &o""only used for "e&hani&al a$$li&ations su&h as to $u"$ !ater or as a

+entilation "e&hanis" for train &arriages) 1s this ty$e of rotor does not utilise any ty$e of 

aerodyna"i& lift, the "a*i"u" a&hie+ale $o!er &oeffi&ient is a +alue of 9)<8) In general

due to their si"$li&ity there are a large +ariety of different +erti&al a*is rotors ut due to their 

lo! $o!er &oeffi&ients the e&ono"y of this ty$e of "e&hanis" is 5uestionale) .M&Go!en

Rogers .<99?/) 1t $resent +erti&al a*is rotor &on&e$ts are generally not &o"$etiti+e !ith

hori3ontal a*is !ind turines)

-arrieus rotor 


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The "ost effe&ti+e and &o""on ty$e of !ind turine found today is the hori3ontal a*is !ind

turine !hi&h &an e "ost easily identified y its $ro$eller li#e rotor design).Hau.<999/

M&Go!an Roerts.<99?/ Gi$e.<99/ Heier.;>/ / This &on&e$t de+elo$ed fro" the

Euro$ean !ind "ill no! do"inates the !ind energy industry in ter"s of design, effi&ien&y

and a&hie+ale $o!er fa&tors) The "ain &hara&teristi&s !hi&h lead to the su$eriority in design

o+er their +erti&al a*is &ounter$arts areK

• The aility to &ontrol the rotor s$eed and $o!er out$ut of the turine y self $it&hing

the lades around their longitudinal a*is !hi&h ensures their safe o$eration and also

sur+i+al in high !inds and e*tre"e !eather &onditions)

• The aerodyna"i& design of the rotor lades $lay a "a%or role in a&hie+ing a higher 

 $o!er fa&tor and ased on this as$e&t alone &an a&hie+e t!i&e the effi&ien&y of "ost

+erti&al a*is turines at si"ilar !ind s$eeds)

• The turine in&or$orates a ya!ing syste" in its design !hi&h allo!s it to %udge and

ada$t to the !ind dire&tion to ensure "a*i"u" energy asor$tion fro" the !ind)

laded !ind turine)

The three laded +erti&al a*is !ind turine is the "ost &o""on ty$e of energy $rodu&ing

!ind turine in use) @erti&al a*is !ind turines ho!e+er need only one slender lade to

&a$ture the energy in the !ind .Gi$e,<99/) To effe&ti+ely s!ee$ the rotor dis#, single laded

turines need to rotate at a higher +elo&ity than their < and ? laded &ounter$arts) This


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redu&es the gearing ratio re5uired for trans"ission and suse5uently the "ass and &ost of the

gearo*) Pro$onents argue that sin&e one lade &osts less than < or three, single laded rotors

!ill deli+er o$ti"al engineering e&ono"y)

Cost effe&ti+eness ho!e+er is not the only fa&tor to &onsider) T!o laded turines are often

used for reasons of stati& alan&e .Gi$e,<99/) Three laded turines are $reffered o+er single

or t!o laded turines as they gi+e greater dyna"i& staility) Rotors using three lades are

also "ore effi&ient than single or t!o laded turines due to the aerodyna"i& losses at the ti$

of the lades .Gi$e, <99 Hau, <999/) elo! is a &o"$arison of the o+erall effi&ien&ies of 

differnet ty$es of turine designs)

High a ti$ s$eed ratio the o$eration of the < laded turine and -arrieus rotor e&o"es

un&ontrolale and dangerous) It &an e seen that the three laded !ind turine gi+es the

highest effi&ien&y at &ontrollale !ind s$eeds)

It is e+ident that for a&hie+ing "a*i"u" attainale effi&ien&y, the three laded rotor syste"

is the "ost effe&ti+e o$tion) Ta#ing this into a&&ount, the design of the ;68 #W !ind turine

!ill e ased u$on the te&hnology used to de+elo$ the three laded syste") Preli"inary

design !ill in&or$orate a rotor syste" &o"$rising of three aerofoil sha$ed rotors dri+ing a


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suitale ele&tri& generator using a gearing syste" to effe&ti+ely generate the re5uired tor5ue

and rotational s$eed)


The initial design of the turine rotors !as ased u$on the et3 e5uation and the design

guidelines for a rotor !ithout any !a#e rotation) This data !as sour&ed fro" the te*t Wind 

 Energy Explained and !as used to &reate a &o"$uter "odel for testing and referen&e during

sha$ing) The initial ai" !as to &reate the lade sha$e using a light !eight foa", also

&o""only used for "a#ing surf oards, ho!e+er due to $role"s en&ountered !ith the

foa"Js stru&tural $ro$erties a different "aterial !as used)

The lade sho!n in Figure is a "odified +ersion of the o$ti"u" design data) This !as done

to a&&o""odate for the diffi&ulty in sha$ing the lade y hand fro" either foa" or !ood)

The &hord lengths +arying !ith distan&e fro" the lade root !ere in&reased to "a#e sha$ing

easier and to in&rease the strength of the lade) Note that this is only an initial lade design

for testing and "odelling $ur$oses and further de+elo$"ent !as &ondu&ted for the final

design) The lade in&or$orates an o+erall lade t!ist of ?>)< fro" root to ti$) The "a%ority


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of the lade t!ist, around <B degrees, o&&urs in the first 99"" of lade fro" the root and

then turns into a gradual t!ist o+er the re"aining B99"" of the lade)

Initial +haping of the blade+

The first stages of lade sha$ing too# $la&e during the "id se"ester study rea# et!een the

th and ;;th of 1$ril <99) 4ha$ing too# $la&e in a !ood !or#ing !or#sho$ in Millaa

Millaa, Far North ueensland) 1t first the ai" !as to sha$e the lades out of a large $ie&e of 

high density foa" due to the ease of !hi&h the "aterial &an e sha$ed and for"ed) Initially

an aerosol $ro$elled foa" in a &an ty$e sustan&e !as used) The foa" !as in%e&ted into a

"ould, ;<99 * <99 * ;99 in di"ension, to &reate a lan# for sha$ing) Ho!e+er on&e fully

&ured the foa" did not $oses the right stru&tural and "e&hani&al $ro$erties for further 

sha$ing) The foa" !as s$ongy and did not sand +ery easily instead &ru"ling and rea#ing

off in &hun#s and the de&ision !as "ade to dis&ontinue !ith the "aterial) -ue to ti"e

&onstraints the de&ision !as "ade to &ontinue using ti"er as a "aterial for &reating an initial

 lade sha$e) The lade $rofile !as then sha$ed using Cariean $ine as a ase "aterial) The

 $hysi&al lade "odel !as for"ed $redo"inantly to a&t as a lan# for the future "oulding of 

 lades as the lades need to e identi&al and alan&ed for the turine to o$erate safely and

effi&iently) :nless CNC $rofile &utting e5ui$"ent is a+ailale and a unifor" light!eight

"aterial is used, the $re&ision and a&&ura&y of the lade di"ensions is &o"$ro"ised) -uring

the first sha$ing $ro&ess a total of three identi&al ti"er lades !ere &reated all slightly

+arying in di"ension) The lade t!ist in all three !as "aintained at ?> degrees of their 

lengths &onfor"ing to the ideal lade guidelines for a lade !ith no !a#e rotation) The three

 lades !ill e used for "odelling of the rotor asse"ly and for testing of the aerofoils drag

and lift for&es)

!i+7 a++e++ment

The design and &onstru&tion of a !ind turine in&or$orates +arious ris#s and ha3ards that

need to e rought to the attention to anyone !ho is in+ol+ed in the $ro&essing of $arts,

asse"ly and o$eration of the "a&hine) The "a%ority of ris#s and ha3ards are &o""on in

industry and there is $rofessional training a+ailale to $re$are indi+iduals for safe o$eration

!ithin a ha3ardous en+iron"ent)

The "a%ority of ha3ards asso&iated !ith the $ro%e&t are in the &onstru&tion stage and are

identified in the follo!ing taleK


8/18/2019 Small Wind Turbine 21/45

&a4ard 1 !i+7 De+cription 1 +ignificance1 li7elihood1

e5po+ure %on+equence+1 counter


3ume+ -uring the fari&ation of fire glass

 lades0 &aron fire lades there is a

ha3ard asso&iated !ith the fu"es

 $rodu&ed y &o"ining the resin !ith the

&atalyst) The fu"es &an &ause nausea and

e*tre"e heada&hes and if e*$osed to

the" for e*tended $eriods &an &ause

 rain da"age) If $ro$er reathing "as#s

and eye $rote&tion are used during the

handling of the &he"i&als the ris# is

"ini"i3ed) Prote&ti+e &lothing and

glo+es should also e a$$lied to a+oid

&onta&t !ith s#in)

"achining 3abrication The "a&hining and fari&ation of $arts isa ha3ardous $ro&edure "ainly due to the

e*$osure to "o+ing $arts and &utting

e5ui$"ent) Interferen&e !ith the

e5ui$"ent &an result in serious in%ury

arasions, &uts, ruising) To a+oid &onta&t

and "ini"i3e the ris# of these o&&urring,

no loose fitting &lothing should e !orn

during o$eration of the e5ui$"ent) 4teel

toed oots, ear "uffs and a$$ro$riate eye

 $rote&tion should e !orn during the

o$eration of e5ui$"ent) If $ossile the

!or# should e &arried out under the

su$er+ision of $rofessionals)


8/18/2019 Small Wind Turbine 22/45

$lectrical 1s the turine is used to $rodu&e

ele&tri&al energy there is an a$$arent

ele&tri&al ha3ard) Interferen&e !ith

ele&tri&ity &an &ause signifi&ant da"age

to a $erson or e+en death) The a"ount of 

energy eing $rodu&ed y the turine

 $oses a signifi&ant ris# to anyone !ho

&o"es into &onta&t !ith it) This eing

said only $rofessional ele&tri&al

te&hni&ians should &ondu&t any !or# on

the generator, the trans"ission and the

storage unit) 1ll !iring and &onne&tions

"ust e effe&ti+ely insulated and tested

on a $eriodi& asis to a+oid short

&ir&uiting !hi&h &ould &ause da"age to

the ele&tri&al net!or#)

%on+truction The &onstru&tion of the turine !ill

in+ol+e the use of a &rane lifting the

na&elle and rotor in $osition so"e B6;9"

ao+e the ground) O%e&ts falling fro"

su&h heights &an &ause signifi&ant

da"age to anything they &o"e into

&onta&t !ith) Hard hats and steel toed

 oots should e !orn during the

asse"ly and ere&tion of the turine)

Operational On&e in o$eration the rotors of the turine

are in &onstant "otion) There is a slight

&onta&t ris# for $ersonnel &ondu&ting

"aintenan&e on the turine) The rotors

"ust e stalled efore any "aintenan&e is

&ondu&ted on the turine to a+oid &onta&t)

Conta&t &an result in &uts, ruises,

 rea#ing of li"s and "ay &ause a fall

fro" a height that &ould e fatal)


8/18/2019 Small Wind Turbine 23/45

!$SO-!%$ !$8-I!$"$NTS

-esign 1s the $ro%e&t deals "ainly !ith the design and i"$le"entation of a !ind turine and

a&tual &onstru&tion is only a se&ondary $ro%e&t o%e&ti+e that !ill only e &ondu&ted if ti"e $er"its, the "a%ority of resour&es !ill e in the for" of soft!are and literature) The design of 

the !ind turine !ill e ased on e*isting te&hnology !hi&h !ill e in+estigated in the

literature re+ie!) This !ill $ro+ide the a&#ground #no!ledge and aid in o$ti"ising the

te&hni&al design $ara"eters of the $ro%e&t "aterials, geo"etry, stru&ture, ele&tri&al generator 

sele&tion et&))) The :ni+ersity Lirary !ill e the $ri"ary sour&e of infor"ation aiding the

design $ro&edure along !ith $ri+ate $uli&ations fro" industry) The geo"etri& and $hysi&al

design and "odelling !ill re5uire a C1- $a&#age su&h as PRO Engineer or 4OLI- Wor#s)

The soft!are is a+ailale for use at the uni+ersity along !ith 1N4Y4 for finite ele"ent

analysis of the design and testing of indi+idual &o"$onents)

%on+truction( fabrication

If &onstru&tion of the turine is to ta#e $la&e a !ide +ariety of "a&hinery, tooling and

additional tooling is re5uired) These are listed elo!K

• Milling &entres . tooling /

• Metal lathe .tooling/

• Welding e5ui$"ent .TIG, MIG/

• Wor#sho$ e5ui$"ent . general tooling/

• Fire glassing e5ui$"ent

• Testing fa&ilities .Tensile, i"$a&t, fatigue, !ind tunnel/


• The lades !ill e o$ti"ally &onstru&ted using either &aron fire or fire glass

&oated ti"er)

• The "e&hani&al $arts !ithin the Hu and gear o* !ill e "a&hined fro" high

tensile steel .;9, ?9/ to ensure !ear resistan&e)

• The ase and housing of the na&elle !ill e "a&hined and fari&ated fro"

alu"iniu" sto&#)

• The to!er !ill o$ti"ally e fari&ated fro" a$$ro$riately si3ed steel tuing)

Pro9ect timeline


8/18/2019 Small Wind Turbine 24/45

The $ro%e&t ti"e line is a ti"e "anage"ent too that a&ts as a guide to ensure tas#s are

 $lanned and &o"$leted on s&hedule

T&$ "$%&)NI%)# D$SI'N IN%O!PO!)T$S


8/18/2019 Small Wind Turbine 25/45

• Three laded rotor syste" !ith a &a"ered aerofoil $rofile

• ;KB s$eed u$ gear o*

• Centrifugal s$eed go+erning ra#e

• 8996 <999 W 1C generator . de$endant on the area of a$$li&ation, !ind s$eeds


• 1n alu"iniu" fra"e

• 1 fire glass na&elle &o+er !ith air inta#es for the &on+e&tion &ooling of the

generator and &entrifugal rea#ing unit)

• @ein that allo!s the rotor to ad%ust to the dire&tion of on&o"ing !ind .ya!ing/

• 4teel to!er . fire &o"$osites are of $referen&e, see future !or#/

Turine o+er +ie!, 4ide +ie! Turine o+er+ie!, Front +ie!


8/18/2019 Small Wind Turbine 26/45

Rotor and hu asse"ly

Gear o* e*$loded asse"ly


8/18/2019 Small Wind Turbine 27/45

The +arious &o"$onents of the turine asse"ly !ere designed to e "anufa&tured fro"

"aterials that are easily re&y&lale after the turine rea&hes its useful life) The gear o*

housing and na&elle fra"e !or# are "ade fro" solid rolled $late alu"iniu" due to its high

strength to !eight ratio and also e&ause alu"iniu" &an e easily "elted and re6&ast) The

gears are hardened ;9, a high tensile alloy steel that &an e "olten and re6&ast) The lades

!ere designed to e "anufa&tured fro" Ne! Guinea rose !ood, a short grained, high

duraility ti"er, that &an e &ar+ed, "a&hined and sanded until the desired lade sha$e is

a&hie+ed) :sing ti"er as o$$osed to fire glass redu&es the &ost of the lades and also

in&reases the re&y&laility of the syste") 1 layer of resin is ho!e+er a$$lied to the outer 

surfa&e of the lades to !ater $roof the ti"er 

E*$loded na&elle asse"ly in&luding rotor 

The rotor syste" is "ounted dire&tly to the gearo* in$ut shaft) The in$ut shaft of the gear 

 o* is su$$orted radially y t!o radial roller earings and a*ially y a thrust earing !hi&h

sits et!een the gearo* housing and a shoulder on the in$ut shaft) The gearo* uses sealed

roller earings se&ured y nylon retaining $lates to seal the gearo* and &onstrain the a*ial

 $osition of the gears) The gears are &onstrained to the shafts using B"" #ey !ays and gru


8/18/2019 Small Wind Turbine 28/45

s&re!s) The s$eed of the out$ut shaft of the generator is go+erned y a &entrifugal fri&tion

 ra#e !hi&h is "ounted on the shaft $rior to the generator) The s$eed li"iter restri&ts the

"a*i"u" rotational s$eed to ;999 r$" ensuring the turine does not o+er6s$eed and &ause

da"age to any internal &o"$onents or e*ternal odies) The na&elle fra"e !or# !hi&h a&ts as

a "ounting $latfor" for the ra#e and generator is dire&tly "ounted on the gearo* housing)

The $latfor" !as designed to allo! the ele&tri&al trans"ission &ales to $ass fro" the

generator to the &entre of the to!er !here it is di+erted to the in+erter and regulator &ir&uit)


8/18/2019 Small Wind Turbine 29/45

3-T-!$ WO!* 

To attain the rotors realisti& $erfor"an&e, "a*i"u" $o!er &oeffi&ient and tor5ue &oeffi&ients

at different !ind s$eeds, it is en+isioned that the turine e ta#en to a large &ontrolled flo!!ind tunnel) The !ind s$eed &an then e set to a &onstant and the rotational s$eed,

interferen&e fa&tor and a&&urate $o!er &oeffi&ients &an e gathered at different s$eeds) -ue to

a la&# of ti"e and e5ui$"ent tor5ue readings and a&&urate !ind s$eeds !ere unattainale

during the field trial) 1 tor5ue "easuring de+i&e !ith a&ti+e feeda&# &ontrol !ould e a

 enefi&ial tool in deter"ining the rotorJs effi&ien&y and "e&hani&al &a$ailities)

On&e the o$ti"u" o$erating &onditions are deter"ined, the gear o* and generator &an e

redesigned to a &onfiguration that $rodu&es "a*i"u" effi&ien&y) This design &an then e

"anufa&tured and tested to deter"ine the realisti& o$erating $erfor"an&e in an un&ontrolled


1s the turine !as designed $ri"arily fro" a "e&hani&al $ers$e&ti+e, there is allot of 

ele&tri&al ased engineering to do to ensure a safe, effe&ti+e ele&tri&al $o!er regulation and

distriution &ir&uit is &onstru&ted) asi& ele&tri&al theory and &ir&uits !ere in+estigated

during the &ourse of the $ro%e&t ho!e+er no s$e&ifi&ations !ere "ade !ith res$e&t to the

si3ing of ele&tri&al ite"s and units)

1 "e&hani&al to ele&tri&al !ind energy &on+ersion syste" is a series of &o"$onents that

re5uire the attention of ele&tri&al engineers and te&hni&ians as !ell as "e&hani&al engineers)

The to!er and foundation design is an area !here &i+il engineers !ould "ost li#ely $rodu&e

su$erior designs) The to!er designed for this $arti&ular turine !as &onstru&ted fro" rolled

steel tuing !hi&h is +ery stale and relati+ely ine*$ensi+e) Natural fire &o"$osites are a

grou$ of "aterials that has een re&ei+ing allot of attention of late, es$e&ially at the

:ni+ersity of 4outhern ueensland) The de+elo$"ent of a natural fire &o"$osite to!er 

!ould e signifi&ant a&&o"$lish"ent in ter"s of future !or#, not only for the $ur$ose of the

 $ro%e&t ut also for the future of rene!ale, en+iron"entally friendly "aterials and energy)


8/18/2019 Small Wind Turbine 30/45

'$)! TOOT& )N)#YSIS

1 gear tooth for&e and stress analysis !as &ondu&ted to deter"ine the ade5uate si3ing of the

gear tooth for") The si3e &hosen !as a "odule < tooth for") The tooth for" is i"$arted onthe !or# $ie&e y a for" &utter !hi&h &uts the tooth $rofile on the outer &ir&u"feren&e of the

 lan# s$ur)

Module < is a relati+ely fine tooth for") 1t its root the !idth of the tooth is a$$ro*i"ately

?); "" and the total tooth de$th is )< "") The "aterial &hosen !as ;9, a high tensile,

hardenale alloy)

Cross se&tion of gear tooth)

The for&e and stress &al&ulations !ere &ondu&ted using "aterial fro" .u+inal Marshe#,

<99B/) 4o"e +alues are &on+erted fro" "etri& to i"$erial for the $ur$ose of &al&ulation and

then re+erted a&# to "etri&)

.e5 ;8)?/               

.e5 ;8);?/   ;<

   8)B= ;>9∗ ∗ ;< <B=)< ft0"in.e5 ;8);/   ??999  

  ??999 )<B<B=)< 8<B l Con+ert to "etri&∗

  8<B )><??)B∗  

The for&e i"$arted on the gear tooth under full rea#ing .gears not turning/, trans"itting ?)<

#W of $o!er .at rated s$eed of ;>9 r$"/ is   <??)B  )

4tress &al&ulations) The gear "aterial is high tensile ;9)

.e5 ;8);Ba/             


8/18/2019 Small Wind Turbine 31/45

Spring de+ign for centrifugal brea7ing +y+tem

The &entrifugal rea#ing syste" relies on the relationshi$ et!een the &entrifugal for&e

&reated y the rotation of the ra#e shoes and the relati+e s$ring &oeffi&ient of the s$rings in

the rea# asse"ly) The s$ring &oeffi&ient go+erns the e*tension of the s$rings !hi&h

&ontrols the rea#ing a$$lied at high s$eeds)

Centrifugal rea#ing syste"6 tension s$rings)

First the a"ount of &entrifugal for&e is deter"ined for the rea# shoe rotating at ;999 r$")

ra#e shoe


8/18/2019 Small Wind Turbine 32/45

The &entre of gra+ity of the rea# shoe rotates at a distan&e of )>< "" fro" the &entre of 

the hu at lo! s$eeds and 8)>< "" at high s$eeds) The re+olution s$eed !ill e ;999 r$")

The "ass of the shoe is >99g) The radius of rotation is 8)>< ""

Centrifugal for&e   <     


;999B9 ∗ < 9)98>∗ ∗

8)=?> "0s   9)> 8)=?B<9)98>∗  >9)?   

The &entrifugal for&e e*$erien&ed y the ra#ing shoe is >9)? N at ;999 r$") e&ause there

are t!o tension s$rings go+erning the "o+e"ent of ea&h ra#e shoe, the for&e is di+ided

e5ually et!een the t!o) The s$ring &oeffi&ient is thereforeK




This s$ring &onstant is relati+ely high) 1 lighter s$ring &an e used if the relati+e !eight of 

the ra#e shoe &an e de&reased) This &an e done y "a&hining $o&#ets into the steal

se&tions of the rea# shoe or e+en using a high strength fire &o"$osite instead of stainless


Tower Stre++ and bending

The turine to!er su$$orts the na&elle &ontaining the gearo*, ra#ing syste" and ele&tri&

generator along !ith the rotor) It e*$erien&es oth &o"$ression and a ending "o"ent aout

its footing) The &o"$ression is due to the !eight of the na&elle and rotor !hilst the ending

"o"ent is indu&ed y the thrust &aused y drag for&es on the rotor) The to!er itself also

e*$erien&es an une+enly distriuted for&e due to the drag for&es &reated y the on&o"ing

!ind) In &o"$arison to the thrust of the rotor, the for&e e*$erien&ed y the $ole due to drag is

5uite s"all)

The to!er is 8" tall and at <9"0s !inds e*$erien&es a thrust for&e due the drag for&es a&ting

on the rotor of ;<B8 N)


8/18/2019 Small Wind Turbine 33/45

Loading of to!er Cross se&tion of $ole .to$ +ie!/

-ue to the +arian&e in dia"eter and !all thi&#ness of the $ole, the to!er has een "odelled

and analysed as a <99 "" dia"eter "ild steel to!er !ith a <9 "" !all thi&#ness)

Elasti& "odulus   <;9

Mo"ent of inertia  !   B  Q

 !   B 9)<8Q9);B ;)8B  ";9Q

4e&tion "odulus  #   ?<   Q

 #   ?<  " 9)<8 9)<8Q9);B ;)<== " ;9Q?

Thrust e*$erien&ed at <9"0s ;<B8 N

4tress at &onstrained ase   # 

 ;<B8 8;)<==∗ " ;9Q?

 )8?  $ .at flange $late/

Yield strength of "ild steel  ?<9  $

-efle&tion of to!er at ti$   ?? ! 

  ;<B8 8?? <;9∗ ∗ ";9 ;)8B∗ ";9Q

   9)99;8= "



8/18/2019 Small Wind Turbine 34/45

The stress asso&iated !ith the ending "o"ent eing a$$lied at the ti$ of the to!er is not

threatening to the to!ers stru&tural integrity) The defle&tion &aused y thrust loading is not

&onsidered to e large enough to &ause &on&ern to the o$eration of the turine)


8/18/2019 Small Wind Turbine 35/45


The $rototy$e of the $ro$osed design !ill in&ur a relati+ely '"iddle range( "anufa&ture &ost)

1s the design &onsists of a nu"er of intri&ate $arts that !ill need to e &o"$letely "a&hinedin the $rototy$ing stages, the "a%ority of the &ost !ill lie in laour and "aterials) The

generator and ele&tri&al distriution syste" !ill e a relati+ely "inor &ost and initial 5uotes

esti"ate the generator and ele&tri&al &ir&uit &o"$onents at Rs)B99 6 Rs)>99) There !ill

o+iously e a te&hni&ianJs hourly rate to e a&&ounted for as !ell ho!e+er it is en+isioned

that the &o"$letion of the &ir&uit ta#e no longer than a day)

The "a&hining of the $arts !ill "ost li#ely ta#e $la&e on CNC "illing "a&hines !hi&h are

&a$ale of o$erating at re+olution s$eeds u$ to around ;<999 r$" !hi&h !ill greatly redu&e

 $rodu&tion ti"e) Ho!e+er the "a%ority of the &ost in the $rototy$ing stage lies in the

 $rogra""ing ti"e !hi&h &o""only e*&eeds the a&tual "a&hining ti"e) 1fter a$$roa&hing a

 $rototy$ing &o"$any and en5uiring aout their standard o$erating &osts an e*$e&ted

"a&hining &ost of around Rs);99 an hour &an e e*$e&ted ta#ing into a&&ount the setting u$

ti"e, tooling re5uire"ents and other o+erheads)




44 ?;B 6 Rs) ?9 9)8 Rs) >9



44 ?;B *


9)8 Rs) ;;9



44 ?;B 6 Rs) 89 9)8 Rs) ;99

TOWER M4 6 Rs);<99 < Rs) ;99

TOWER PL:G 44 ?;B 6 Rs) 89 9)8 Rs) ;99


Rs) <99

< Rs) B99



899 W ind) gen Wiring et&)) Rs) >99



1l 6 Rs) ?9 9)8 Rs) >9


8/18/2019 Small Wind Turbine 36/45




FG 6 Rs) ?99 8 6


Rs) >99

 NO4E CONE 1l 6 Rs) 89 9)8 Rs) ;99


44 ?;B 6 Rs) 89 9)8 Rs) ;99



;9 < * Rs)


? Rs) 99



;9 < * Rs)


< Rs) <9



1CET1L B *

Rs) 8

; Rs) ;?9





Rs) <99

;9 Rs) ;B99




Rs) ;99

< Rs) ?99

R1SE H: 44 ?;B 6 Rs)B9 ;)8 Rs) <;9

R1SE 4HOE 44 ?;B < *

Rs) 89

< Rs) ?99

-RI@E 4H1FT 44 ?;B 6 Rs)


? Rs) 89




1l 6 Rs) ?9 9)8 Rs) >9



M4 6 Rs) ?9 9)8 Rs) >9



1l < * 9 < Rs) <>9



1l < * 9 < Rs) <>9


14E LI-

1L < * 9 < Rs) <>9

E1RING4 @arious < *


> total Rs) ;<9

F14TENER4 @arious ?;B Rs) <99



 Nitriding gears Rs) <99

FO:N-1TION Con&rete U reo ar

8 Rs) B99


8/18/2019 Small Wind Turbine 37/45

L1-E ROOT 1l ? * Rs)?9 8 Rs) 89

R1SE P1-4 Co"$osite <

* Rs) ?9

Rs) B9



1l 6 Rs)89 ? Rs) ?89



Rs) 899




Rs) ;999

Total Rs) ;< 8<9

The total esti"ated $rototy$ing &ost for the turine is Rs) ;< 8<9) This is ased on est &ase

s&enario 5uotation !ithout any re6"a&hining or une*$e&ted failures) e&ause there is al!ays

hu"an error in+ol+ed allo!an&es need to e "ade to ensure that an a&&urate s&enario is

5uoted) Therefore the &ost esti"ation should e gi+en an e*tra <9A funding to a&&ount for 

une*$e&ted losses) Ne! total Rs) ;8 9<

This is a reasonale +alue for the $rototy$e $rodu&tion &ost) On&e the o$eration goes to a

 $rodu&tion s&ale it is e*$e&ted that the turine &an e "anufa&tured and installed for around

Rs) 999) 1lthough there are &hea$er alternati+es already on the "ar#et this !ould e of the

highest 5uality and !ould e al"ost ;99A re&y&lale)


4"all s&ale !ind energy &on+ersion syste"s are an effe&ti+e, en+iron"entally friendly $o!er 

sour&e for household and other a$$li&ations) 1lthough they are su%e&t to &li"ati& eha+iour 

and do not al!ays deli+er a &onstant su$$ly of energy, they &an e ada$ted to energy storage

units that allo! the sele&ti+e distriution of the energy on&e it has een &on+erted)

1ll "odern !ind turines use lift for&e to &reate rotational "otion in order to dri+e their 

gearo* and generator) For ele&tri&al energy generation high rotor s$eeds are fa+ourale as

they redu&e the gearo* ratio re5uired to a&hie+e the generatorJs o$ti"u" o$erating s$eed)

Lo! solidity rotors ensure high rotational s$eeds are generated, ho!e+er a rotor "ust also


8/18/2019 Small Wind Turbine 38/45

 $rodu&e enough tor5ue to o+er&o"e the dri+e train and generator losses) Three laded

turines are of the "ost suitale solidity for a road range of !ind s$eeds and are the "ost

fre5uently e"$loyed as "e&hani&al0ele&tri&al &on+erters)

.urton, 4har$e, en#ins and ossanyi <99;/ 4tate that on a good site, a !ind turine

re&o+ers the energy used in its "anufa&ture and installation !ithin the first year of its


Whilst this is not al!ays the &ase, it highlights the $otential for !ind energy &on+erters as a

sour&e of sustainale $o!er su$$ly for the future)


8/18/2019 Small Wind Turbine 39/45

Assemble !"#b$%e &% ' bl&() #&&* S!+, (le+# &* #&!&#

S(+le -$e. T#"s!, +ss$s!+%!


8/18/2019 Small Wind Turbine 40/45


8/18/2019 Small Wind Turbine 41/45

  /%$!$+l s+e bl+es (+#$be+% $%e "b +% #$-e s+*! $%

be+#$% bl&()s

 $#s! +ssembl, &* #&!&# "b #e+# #$-e s+*!

l&()$% $%s


8/18/2019 Small Wind Turbine 42/45


M+($%e s!+$%less #$-e s+*! Bl+e #&&!s l"e $%!& bl+e



8/18/2019 Small Wind Turbine 43/45

 T$mbe# bl+es +% #&&! b#+()e!s R&!&# +ssembl,$% -$(e


M$(#& ,#& !"#b$%e e%e#+!&# "se *&# !es!$% S+e !$mbe# bl+es



8/18/2019 Small Wind Turbine 44/45

M+($%$% #$-e s+*! L&(+!$&% $% $%!e#%+l


 M+($%e %,l&% "b +% "%%$se "b (&m&%e%!s $% +ssembl,

&s!$&%b+le #&&! &le#s



8/18/2019 Small Wind Turbine 45/45

"b +l-es #e m+($%$% Re(ess m+($%e M+($%e %,l&%"b

+! 120 $%!e#-+ls


• M&Go!an, Rogers, <99?, Wind Energy Explained- Theory, Design and Application ,

ohn Wiley 4ons Ltd, West 4usse*

• E"anuel, ;>8,  Motors, Generators, Transformers, And Energy, Prenti&e6Hall,

Engle!ood Cliffs

• u+inall, Marshe#, <99B, Fundamentals of Machine Component Design, ohn Wiley

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• u+inall, Marshe#, <99B, Fundamentals of Machine Component Design, ohn Wiley

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• Par# ), ;>;, The ind poer !oo", Cheshire oo#s

• Peterson P) Clausen P)-), <99, Tim!er for #igh Efficiency $mall Wind Tur!ine

 %lades6 Wind Engineering, @olu"e <>, Nu"er ;, Multi64&ien&e Pulishing Co) Ltd)