Smart cube eng

Post on 11-Jul-2015

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Invitation to presentation of the Smart Cube for the company Samsung.TDI Group


In July 2011, Samsung led the Belarusian market a line of high-tech new generation of TV Smart TV.The company decided to start selling television to make a presentation. The target audience of the presentation - bloggers thousanders, which ultimately could write reviews about your presentation, and a new TV in my blogs. The specificity of the TA that provides advanced Internet users, opinion leaders, experienced different kinds of presentations and technical innovations.


•The minimum budget.

•The complexity of the target audience. Bloggers are reluctant to attend such events as draw all the information they need on-line.


We decided to develop a teaser invitation, which would have caused the target audience sense of curiosity. Also invitation was to have a close relationship with the brand (TV Samsung Smart TV).We decided to create an interactive reality of the existing transformer Smart Cube. By placing the information in the original Smart Cube can get brand new content that would meet the hobbies and interests of a particular person. Thus we have shown that TV Samsung Smart TV is a generator of new information and helps to see anew has long been known things.

Implementation. Step 1. Teaser - notifies the user.

In the social network Facebook blogger came a notice that he is placed in the Smart Cube.

Implementation . Step 2. Smart-avatar.

Information about each of bloggers was recorded Smart Cube, which is integrated out of it a unique smart-avatar, which we sent a blogger.

Implementation. Step 3. Notification of premises in the Smart Cube the other bloggers.

Blogger received notice that a few bloggers, whom he knew well were placed in the Smart Cube and got their own unique smart-avatars. All posts have been constructed so that the impression that the Smart Cube is really a new mechanism for the collection and integration of information, which operates independently and has its own intelligence.

Implementation. Step 4. E-mail with an invitation to the presentation.

In the fourth stage, we disclose the legend Smart Cube. The blogger received an email invitation to the presentation of a new TV Samsung Smart TV.

The results of the project:

•At the presentation were invited 19 journalists and 30 bloggers. Do not come just one blogger.

•As the result of the presentation was placed 14 free publications in various media, which is also one of the results of a successful invitation.

•Bloggers have unsubscribed in his blog about the event.

•Submitted smart-avatars are still placed in photo albums bloggers on Facebook.

Examples of publications:

Thanks for attention!

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