Smart Travel P_Raghuraman

Post on 15-Jul-2015

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Smart Travel and Mobility

View as a Infra Developer30th January 2015

Elements of Smart travel


• Education

• Health

• Family

• Get out of routine

• Exploration

• Leisure

• Shopping

• Recreation

•One point to another

•One location to another

•One place to another

For Purpose

For fun

For travelFor


Factors that impact Travel

Ease of availability


AlternativesGround Reality


Challenges to smart travel

Fewer Options


Poor infrastructure

Inefficiency in operations

Pointers for smart mobility





Self comfort

Common good

Ground level scenario in India

• Absence of long term development plans for the city

• Unmitigated expansion in demographic growth – addition to urban areas and migration from interior towns and villages.

• Increasing level of congestion in our cities - huge disruption to personal lives, inhibits economic activity & general environmental degradation.

• As the urban population and employment density increases, the roads and public transport systems unable to cope the demands of an increasingly mobile population.

• Constraints and cost of space impact transport infrastructure capacity augmentation indefinitely.

• Wayward development of transport solutions – Demand is more individualistic, focus on self comfort.

• Cost, implementation bottlenecks leading to chaotic situation.

Outlook for smart mobility

• Quality of journey experience is directly linked to

– reliability in journey time,

– quality of journey including the last mile connectivity,

– pedestrian infrastructure

– and parking provisions.

• For inclusive and sustainable mobility solutions

– that enhance end-to-end journey experience

• More Public transport options than individual

• No compromise on self comfort

• Oriented more towards integrated, inclusive and inter modal options

• Organized Just in time development

• Lesser cost and low impact on environment

• Sustainable yet viable on a long term basis.

Salient features

•High level of public transport usage including buses, rail transit, taxis or shared vehicle usage • limited reliance on personal vehicles;

•Integrated multi-modal and journey options ;•to maximize the overall system efficiency and personal travel needs;

•Provision of high quality infrastructure for pedestrians and last mile connectivity;•Integrating walking spaces with retail and commercial infrastructure of the city

•to create habitable, safe and socially amiable environment •Providing journey time reliability for commuters, business travelers, freight and personal trips

•ensure higher level of customer satisfaction.•Sustainable development of city for efficient travel demand management through

• integrated land use and• integrated mobility planning

Performance measure

KPI Target

Public Transport (PT) mode share – including buses, trams, rail,

taxis, shared vehicles

More than 65%

Median journey duration 30-45mins (depending size of city)

Accessibility to PT options A bus/transit stop every 500m

Low Accidents Rate Low level of serious or fatal accidents

Vehicular Pollution Reduced and sustainable emissions

Smart Cities would try to measure Mobility performance on the following metric:

Role of an Integrated Mobility Manager

For inclusive and sustainable mobility solutions that enhance end-to-end journey experience. • recommended that a single entity be appointed as the overall "Integrated Mobility Manager" for the city • to take care for development, operation and maintenance of all mobility solutions for the cityScope for the Integrated Mobility Manager• be the development and operative arm of the city to work on the mandate provided by the Authority. The divisions of responsibilities :


•Coordinate central planning functions including Integrated Land Use and Transport Master planning

•Provide regulatory oversight

• Identify Capital investment requirements and coordinate with the City Investment Management Agency

•Define taxes, tariffs, fines and surcharges

Integrated Mobility Manager

•Design, develop and operate and manage city transport infrastructure assets

•Be the customer facing agency responsible for integrated customer services including licensing, registration and transactional services such as ticketing and fare management systems

•Coordinate with Land Use planning agency to propose city mobility development plans

Role of an Integrated Mobility Manager

• Design and development of City Public Transport infrastructure

• Managing or Sub-Leasing operations of PT buses, & maintenance and operation of the city bus fleet and rolling stock.

• Developing and managing integrated fare and payment systems - including parking, registration, PT fares, taxi services and Shared Car/Bike hire schemes

• Shared Car services (in-line with bike hire plans) based on Electric vehicles

• Managing or Sub-Leasing operations of Taxi services in the city.

• Manage the Mobility Command and Control Centre

• Operate the city parking system including deployment of parking Management systems and services on an Integrated Payment Platform

• Monitor and enforce city traffic regulations through Surveillance and Compliance monitoring

• Manage vehicle registration services and manage all transaction services based on existing rules and guidelines

• Manage the Vehicle and Driver Licensing services based on available regulatory framework and guidelines

• Provide quarterly mobility report to the Concessioning Authority reporting key performance metrics and the network performance statistics.

Commercial/Revenue Model(a) Tariffs and User Charges

Key sources for the Mobility Manager:

• Integrated fare for various Public Transport systems

• Parking charges

• Traffic fines and surcharges

• Levies and charges such as Tolls, Congestion Charge etc. – based on regulatory approval by the Authority.

• Other fees and charges from franchise services for running private transport systems

• Vehicle Registration and Annual Services Charges

• Non-Fare revenues such as :

– Advertising on City Transport Infrastructure Assets

– Franchise and Sub-Leasing of transport services

– Transit Oriented Growth and Monetization of Real Estate growth

– Levies and charges on private users for public facilities such as Buses for Private Hire

(b) Capital Funding

• To meet the planned transport infrastructure development targets

– Either by City Investment Management Body or through grants or loans from the State or Central Funding agencies.

• The Mobility Manger would be required

– to develop and execute the capital investment plans and

– be allowed to form SPV to manage and deliver the infrastructure projects.