SMS LIMITED SMSeLINK - Nagpur · I am happy to inform that we have appointed KPMG to implement SAP...

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Volume 4, Issue 4 Oct 2016 - Dec 2016


SMSeLINK Focus On One:

Take up one idea, Make that one idea your LIFE- think of it, dream of it &

live on that idea. Let the brain, muscles, nerves, every part

of your body, be full of that idea, and just leave every other idea alone. This is

the way to success. -Swami Vivekananda

The world is the great gymnasium where we come to make ourselves strong. 010101

MD Message Dear Colleagues, You will have some concerns that the company is facing cash flow mismatch affecting the working of sites and delay in salaries. No doubt there have been delays, however I would like to assure you that these concerns are unjustified considering them in the context of the bigger picture i.e. SMS Limited has overall more than 3500 Crore of work in hand including L1 status in addition to OMT and BOT works not limited to Environment vertical. It is our task now to prevent further interruptions impacting our daily business. You all would agree that fund flow and timely execution with cost cutting in all available areas is the crux of success, which will take us to larger heights. All these are interrelated and we are bound to have diversity as same parameters cannot be adopted for a similar problem at different sites. I want to assure you that company is not facing any difficulty and is in fact poised to achieve greater heights in near future. I would also like to bring to your notice that the present issues of funds will be addressed through reduction in debt by sale of Durg Bypass project and certain assets including future cash flow discounting of Maharashtra Enviro Private Limited (MEPL). SMS Limited has strong fundamentals. Let me mention some of the most important facts at this point of time : 1. Our claims made at Zarap Patradevi project have been awarded and we expect 75% payment of the same in the month of Jan-2017. We have signed

term sheet with Tata Realties and Infrastructure Limited (TRIL), a Tata Group company for sale of Durg Bypass project. Our cash flow discounting proposal for Ayodhya Gorakhpur project is sanctioned and disbursal is made.

2. We have been awarded 500 Crore worth of projects in Irrigation department at Telangana in JV and Salua at West Bengal. Our offers have been found lowest in electrical projects worth 200 Crore at Bihar and 85 Crore in Rajasthan. Our offers have been found lowest in mining projects worth 475 Crore in Hindustan Copper.

3. We fulfil all the banking dues in time and are rated as ‘A – / A2’. Our enhancement proposal from all banks is considered and we expect documentation to be completed in Jan-2017. This will provide us Bank Guarantee and working capital for above projects.

In a situation like this the most important factor is our system and process. I am happy to inform that we have appointed KPMG to implement SAP system along with Business Process Reengineering. There is therefore no basis for us to stop from growing further. Nor can uncertainty in the Government policies about the outcome of our various legal cases with our client and agencies of Government of India, explain this negativity on our name, if we continue to deal them with as we have. You have all done a tremendous job over the past few years, you are the ones who are in constant contact with our clients, agencies, vendors and making it clear how SMS is really doing. You are SMS - that is impressively clear. All of us in the management highly appreciate it. I take this opportunity in wishing you and your families a very Happy, Safe and Successful New Year! You will hear back from me soon. Please keep working as you have been doing so far. We are and we remain a strong SMS Limited. Yours Sincerely, Anand Sancheti Managing Director


1. Message....................................................................................................01 2. Index .......................................................................................................02 3. Editorial ..................................................................................................03 4. Remembrance ........................................................................................04 5. From the Vertical :

Accounts & Finance ..........................................................................05 E&CE..................................................................................................06 Electrical ............................................................................................07 R&R and Irrigation ..........................................................................08 STP .....................................................................................................09 Legal ...................................................................................................10 IT ...................................................................................................11-13 HR ......................................................................................................14

6. Employee Zone ................................................................................15-17 7. Health Corner .......................................................................................18

Anything that makes you weak physically, intellectually and spiritually, reject as poison 020202


Compiled by:

Mr. Pravin Umathe

Ms. Reena Banerjee

Editorial Board:

Ms. Reena Banerjee

Mr. Chandrakant Waikar

Mr. Dhiraj Telrandhe

Mrs. Shweta Bhoyar

Dr. Ila Tiwari

Mr. Satyanarayana


Igniting Young Minds : Swami Vivekananda's Success Mantras for Youth!

Swami Vivekananda expressed this confidence in the youth of this country exactly 50 years before the end of Colonial Rule while speaking to a mammoth gathering of youngsters in Chennai. Swami ji himself was the embodiment of youth, dynamism and vibrancy. The life and ideals of Swami ji are the greatest inspira on for the youth of our na on. The wri ngs of Swami ji can ignite the minds of the reader. Someone rightly pointed out that if you are lying down and reading Swami ji’s work you will instantly sit upright. If you are si ng and reading his wri ngs then you will stand up and if you read him standing, you will at once set out towards your mission. This is nothing but the influence of Swami Vivekananda’s lively message. Anybody who has come into either direct or indirect contact has witnessed an ocean of change in his or her life. Today, the youth of this country faces various challenges and certainly the message of Swami Vivekananda has the power to wonderfully guide them into the future. Swami ji always held that the real birth of the individual takes place when the purpose of his life germinates. He believed that he who does not have a purpose is nothing but a walking-talking corpse. Till the purpose is not recognized, life is absolutely useless. Youngsters should decide what they want to do in this life. Right from our childhood, we are constantly chained by the thought of

careers, or what we want to be and in that process forget some of the finer aspects that life has to offer. It is extremely important not to decide the purpose of life with the narrow objec ve to be something or the other. Think of doing not becoming and in this process you will certainly become something. A precursor to do anything in life is to have confidence in the self. Swami Vivekananda a ached more importance to self-confidence than even faith in God! “He is an atheist who does not believe in himself,” he famously stated. Unfortunately, we have limited ourselves without knowing our capabili es. Many mes we feel that we can do ‘only this much’ despite being blessed with tremendous capabili es. If we are determined, there can be nothing impossible for us to achieve in the world! But, for this we must regain our self-confidence. Swami ji always believed that everything that is happening around us be it small, big, posi ve or nega ve gives us the opportunity to manifest the poten al within. For any endeavor to a ain the pinnacle of success, dedica on to the cause is absolutely essen al. Swami Vivekananda once said, “To succeed, you must have tremendous perseverance, tremendous will. ‘I will drink the ocean’, says the persevering soul; ‘at my will mountains will crumble up’. Have that sort of energy, that sort of will; work hard, and you will reach the goal.” Another quality that

Swami Vivekananda spoke of was pa ence. He said, “Be like the pearl oyster. There is a pre y Indian fable to the effect that if it rains when the star Svâ is in the ascendant, and a drop of rain falls into an oyster, that drop becomes a pearl. The oysters know this, so they come to the surface when that star shines, and wait to catch the precious raindrop. When a drop falls into them, quickly the oysters close their shells and dive down to the bo om of the sea, there to pa ently develop the drop into the pearl. We should be like that.” Very o en, it so happens that we take on a task with immense enthusiasm but as me passes by, the same enthusiasm fizzles out. Pursuing a challenge with utmost dedica on is indeed a road to our success. This era belongs to organiza on and teamwork. Be it any sector from science, technology to business, teamwork cons tutes a major cornerstone to a aining the desired results. Teamwork is the oil that makes the team work. It can enable smoother movement towards targets, can prolong forward momentum, and can help teams to overcome obstacles. Long live the Swami’s thoughts and the power of inspira on bestowing benefits to all. May his inspira on enhance and enrich our contribu on to society by helping us to manage our resources be er and produc vely.

Truth can be stated in a thousand different ways, yet each one can be true. 030303


Many of us have par cipated in Health Check up camp organized on December 19 2016 in fond memory of our founder Chairman. This was an Ini a ve by Kingsway Hospitals. Awareness on cri cal cases related to Kidney & Diabetes given by Dr Pramod Gandhi and Dr Prakash Khetan . Kingsway Hospitals is latest venture of SMS group. We, SMS Group are contribu ng our two cents with the venture. A Super specialty Healthcare center is taking shape in the heart of Nagpur., kings way hospital will be Central India’s biggest private Hospital. The project is conceptualized by leading Medical consultants from Nagpur with a vision of crea ng the state of the art mul Specialty Hospital in associa on with SMS Group. The capacity envisaged consists of 300+ beds, 40+ full me Consulta on Chambers, 09 numbers of Opera on Theatres, 75+ beds under various Intensive & Trauma Care, 1000+ employees and parking for 250 cars which will be highest in any Private Hospital in Nagpur. This Hospital will be ready by December 2017.

Birth Anniversary - Late. Shri Shak kumar M. Sanche (Bade Bhau)

The Birth Anniversary of our Founder Chairman - Late. Shri Shaktikumar M. Sancheti falls on 19th December. To commemorate the occasion with reverence, the employees all across the SMS Group has organized Blood Donation and Health Checkup camp.

SMS Limited HO (Nagpur)

SMS Limited - AGSTPL

Arise! Awake! and stop not until the goal is reached. 040404

Accounts & Finance What are green bonds? A bond is a debt instrument with which an en ty raises money from investors. The bond issuer gets capital while the investors receive fixed income in the form of interest. When the bond matures, the money is repaid. A green bond is very similar. The only difference is that the issuer of a green bond publicly states that capital is being raised to fund ‘green’ projects, which typically include those rela ng to renewable energy, emission reduc ons and so on. There is no standard defini on of green bonds as of now. Green bonds are created to encourage sustainability and the development of brown field sites. More specifically, green bonds finance projects aimed at energy efficiency, pollu on preven on, sustainable agriculture, fishery and forestry, the protec on of aqua c and terrestrial ecosystems, clean transporta on, sustainable water management, and the cul va on of environmentally friendly technologies. Indian firms like Indian Renewable Energy Development Agency Ltd and Greenko have in the past issued bonds that have been used for financing renewable energy, however, without the tag of green bonds. Who can issue green bonds? Green bonds are issued by mul lateral agencies

such as the World Bank, corpora ons, government agencies and municipali es. Ins tu onal investors and pension funds also have appe te for such

bonds. For instance, investment funds BlackRock and PIMCO have specific mandates from their investors to invest only in bonds which fund green projects. The issuer provides periodic reports about the project. What are the benefits of inves ng in green bonds? Going green is one of the most popular trends in the economy right now, and that trend is going to con nue. Governments around the world are highly likely to present favorable regula on, which will help many green projects. The tax-exempt status makes purchasing a green bond a more a rac ve investment compared to a comparable taxable bond, providing a monetary incen ve to tackle prominent social issues such as climate change and a movement to renewable sources of energy. To qualify for green bond status, the development must take the form of any of the following: At least 75% of the building is registered for LEED

cer fica on. The development project will receive at least $5

million from the municipality or state. The building is at least 1 million square feet or 20

acres in size. It carries lower risk than other bonds. According to a KPMG report, in case of a green bond, “proceeds are raised for specific green projects, but repayment is

ed to the issuer, not the success of the projects.” This means the risk of the project not performing stays with the issuer rather than investor. An important feature of green bonds is that the

responsibility of repayment is with the issuer and not with the firm that is u lizing the funds in green projects. Higher credibility of the issuer like the EXIM Bank helps to mobilize big amounts through bonds at lower interest rate. Hurdles of green bonds? The risk with green bonds is a lack of liquidity. This is s ll a small market, and ge ng in and out of posi ons will not be easy. If you’re looking for a liquid investment, then you should consider avoiding green bonds. This is likely to change in the future since demand for new issuances is high and the market should con nue to grow, but for right now, green bonds should be le for those who don’t mind holding to maturity. Other risks for green bonds include low yields (which isn't necessarily a risk), mispricing (which can also be a benefit), a lack of sufficient complex research available to make an educated investment decision, and the existence of some green bond issuers with unscrupulous reputa ons for money laundering and LIBOR fixing (so make sure you do your research prior to inves ng). The Bo om Line is green bond are without doubt are on the rise, and that trend is likely to con nue. However if investor are looking for liquidity, then consider wai ng un l market grows larger and more investment product are available.

Nimisha Kiran (Intern)

Green Bonds

Every great achievement is done slowly. 050505

Honorable Environment Minister (GoM) Shri. Ramdasji Kadam, paid visit to our 130 MLD Sewage Treatment Plant situated at Bhandewadi near Nagpur. The minister observed en re plant premises, took a look at Model Diagram and SCADA Room and discussed about various processes. On this occasion, Joint Director Shri. Motghare, MPCB Nagpur Regional Officer (RO), SRO - I & II and field

officers were present. Also present were Honorable Commissioner of NMC Shri. Shravan Hardikar, Shri Dupare and their team members. Mahagenco Dy. Engineer & Asst. Engineer and SMS group members were well present and honorable minister appreciated the efforts of

all the stakeholders.

Company: VVF (INDIA) LIMITED, TALOJA DIST: RAIGAD Visitors: Mr. SUNIL S.KATEKARI, AGM-EHS Purpose: Mr. SUNIL S.KATEKARI visited MEPL-Pune office for the Consultancy proposal from us towards the poly-glycerol based waste stream generated from their edible oil manufacturing unit at Taloja. We have shown them the presentations and discussed about providing the consultancy offer towards the same.

E&CE Free Eye check-up and Eye Surgery Camp successfully organized at MEPL, Nagpur

As a part of CSR ac vity, Maharashtra Enviro Power Ltd. (MEPL), Bu bori- Nagpur unit organized Free Eye check-up and Eye Surgery Camp on 14.10.2016 in partnership with Mahatme Eye Bank, Vidarbha Industries Associa on (VIA) and Bu bori Manufactures Associa on (BMA). Through this camp, around 450 people were benefi ed. Free Eye check Up was done for all and 38 Free Eye Surgeries were performed. The camp was inaugurated by Mr. Hemant Chandewar (Dy SP), Mr. Kishore Malviya, (Director, SMS Evocare), Ni n Lonkar (President BMA,) Dr. Ali (CEO, Mahatme Eye Bank). En re MEPL staff took efforts to make this camp a successful event.

Guest Visits to the MEPL Pune Office/Ranjangaon Plant during the period Oct-Dec’2016

Company: Tata Steel Limited, R&D and Scientific Services Dept., India | Jamshedpur 831007. Visitors: 1. Dr. Supriya Sarkar, Head, Environment Research Group, R&D Department. 2. Dr. Santanu Sarkar, Researcher, Environment Research Group, R&D Dept . Purpose: The team of Tata Steel from Jamshedpur visited the MEPL Pune Office for understanding the operations of our plasma plant and discussing their requirements. They are generating approx. 20TPD of carbonaceous waste from their steel manufacturing plant at Jamshedpur and almost similar waste and quantities at other plants. Waste streams are packaging material, PVC containers, tyres, electric cables, oily sludge, Jute with grease etc. they are interested in setting up of small decentralized PGVR units for their various operating units and to start with Jamshedpur unit. We have shown them the presentations and discussed about providing the consultancy offer towards the same.

Company: BHEL, Trichy Visitors: Mr.RAMESH KUMAR, Deputy General Manager, BHEL, Trichy Purpose: Mr.Ramesh Kumar visited the MEPL-Ranjangaon Plant for understanding the operations of our plasma plant and discussing their requirements. We have shown them the presentations and discussed about providing the consultancy offer towards the same

Environment Minister (Govt. of Maharshtra) visited 130 MLD STP Bhandewadi Project Site on 6.12.2016

Art is — representing the beautiful. There must be Art in everything. 060606


The ongoing projects of Electrical Ver cal are at Madurai & Vellore in Tamilnadu, Bihari Sharif in Bihar and Kota, Bikaner & Jaipur in Rajasthan. All of these projects are on the verge of comple on. Looking at the order book posi on and work in hand, it was decided to par cipate in new tenders and with co-opera on of all, we par cipated in various tenders and were successful in being declared L1 in 3 and out of these we have received LOI for the following tenders amoun ng of Rs 160 + cr and the third-one is expected shortly

1. IPDS works in Samas pur District in North Bihar Power Distribu on Company Limited, 2. DDUGJY works in Shaikhpura District in South Bihar Power Distribu on Company Limited 3. IPDS works in SriGanganagar in Joodhpur Vidyuth Vitaran Nigam Limited, Rajastan.

All the projects are having an execu on period of 24 months. We also intent to par cipate in some more tenders of the similar nature in coming months hopefully we may get further orders which will further improve the order book posi on.

Real education is that which enables one to stand on one's own legs. 070707

Rail, Road & Irrigation Achievements in Project Execu on By Civil Ver cle of SMS limited

Gulbarga Tunnel Name of Work

Construc on of new BG line between Bidar-Gulbarga Sta ons – Proposed Construc on of BG Single line Railway Tunnel (4.925 X 7.7O0 M. approx clear Dimension D’ Shaped) from KM 58400 TO 60200 M.

Loca on of Work:

Marugu (H) & Kamlapur (Tq.) sta on , near Marugu Reserve Forest, Dist. Gulbarga In Karnataka State.

Contract Value 66.918 Crores Total Length 1800 Rmt

Surpura Reservoir

Name of Work

Construc on & Development of Surpura Dam As Storage reservoir for Drinking Water to Jodhpur City

Loca on of Work:

Surpura Dam is located @ 15 km from Jodhpur City lying within urban area of Mandor Panchayat Samitee in Rajasthan State

Contract Value 97.25 Crores

Total Length 210 Mc

Life is good or evil according to the state of mind in which we look at it. 080808


The dignitaries on the dais are honorable Chief Minister of Maharashtra Shri.Devendra Fadnavis, Minister for Road, Transport and Highways Shri. Ni n Gadkari as a Chief Guest, Minister for Energy, New and Renewable Energy Maharashtra Shri. Chandrashekhar Bawankule as a special guest, Minis-ter of Water Resources, River Development and Ganga Rejuvena on Smt. Uma Bhar , MP Rajya Sa-bha Shri. Ajay Sanche , Mayor Shri. Parvin Datke and other office bearers.

Maharashtra CM inaugurated 130 MLD Bhandewadi Sewage Treatment Plant on 18.12.2016

Purity, patience and perseverance overcome all obstacles. 090909


Almost after completion of a decade of its en-forcement, the Apex Court recently has deliv-ered a very significant ruling on the issue of ‘Domestic Violence law”. While delivering its Judgment on 6th October 2016, a Bench of the Supreme Court comprising of Justice Shri. Ku-rian Joseph and Justice Shri. Rohinton F. Nariman, has declared that the words “adult male” in Section 2(q) of the Protection of Wom-en from Domestic Violence Act, 2005 shall stand deleted being violative of Article 14 of the Constitution. As a consequence thereof, the pro-viso to Section 2(q) also stand deleted as serving no practical purpose. The Judgment has been authored by Justice Shri. R.F. Nariman. After passing of this landmark Judgment, it has become explicitly clear that this benevolent piece of legislation should not be seen as a shield, which is available just for the aggrieved daughter-in-law against her husband and in-laws, but the same can be resorted to by every woman within a family who suffers from any kind of domestic violence in whatever manner and at the hands of any person. The basic intention of legislature was to enact a

civil law to provide for a remedy, which is in-tended to protect the woman from being victims of domestic violence and to prevent the occur-rence of domestic violence in the society. Earlier on, in view of the definition of “respondent” and the proviso thereof, a com-plaint against the daughter-in-law, daughters and sisters was maintainable under the provisions of the Act of 2005, where they were co-respondents in a complaint made against an adult male person. However, a complaint against the daughter-in-law, daughters and sis-ters was not maintainable under the provisions of the Act of 2005, if no complaint was filed against an adult male person of the family. The Apex Court while delivering its Judgment held that if “respondent” meant only an adult male person, then the same would frustrate the very objective of the legislation since “perpetrators and abettors of domestic violence” can be women too. The Apex Court further ob-served that “If “respondent” is to be read as only an adult male person, it is clear that women who evict or exclude the aggrieved person are not within its coverage, and if that is so, the object

of the Act can very easily be defeated by an adult male person not standing in the forefront, but putting forward female persons who can therefore evict or exclude the aggrieved person from the shared household. This again is an im-portant indicator that the object of the Act will not be sub-served by reading “adult male per-son” as “respondent”.” It is clear that the definition of “adult male per-son” definitely threatened the doctrine of equali-ty by restricting the reach of a social beneficial statute meant to protect all women against all forms of domestic violence. This verdict will definitely send shockwaves in the gender activist circuit, as deletion of the words means that now women, and even chil-dren can be prosecuted for subjecting a woman relative to domestic violence and abuse.

Adv. Anupam Desai Legal Consultant


One ounce of practice is worth a thousand pounds of theory. 101010

IT Digital Payments


Cards, USSD, AEPS, UPI, Wallets

Bank Cards

Getting a Bank Card


Approach nearest bank branch Multiple cards from one

account PIN issued by bank separately

ACTIVATE YOUR CARD At your Bank’s ATM by even

balance checking At your bank branch by any


· PREPAID CARDS Pre-loaded from your bank

account Safe to use, limited amount of

transaction Can be recharged like mobile


DEBIT CARDS Linked to your bank account Used to pay at shops, ATMs,

wallets, microATMs, online shopping



Prepaid Cards Debit cards Credit Cards


ANYWHERE At any PoS At ATM Online shopping



(FOLLOWING BENEFITS) Pre-loaded card Equivalent to cash Can be recharged several

times Can be used at any PoS,


USSD Unstructured Supplementary Service Data (USSD) based Mobile Banking




Can be used for payments upto Rs 5000 per day per customer

Step 2 :Registration Visit your branch to link mobile number and bank account (Can be

done at ATM or online also ) You will get your Mobile Money Identifier (MMID) and Mobile PIN

(MPIN) upon registration Remember your MMID and MPIN

New changes being brought to simplify user experience; no need for separate MMID

Step 3 :Transfer Funds to another Bank Account

Step 1: Required for Activation

Point of Sale (POS) & Card steps

Types of Cards & Usage

Mobile No.

No great work has been done in the world without sacrifice 111111

AEPS Aadhar enabled payment system

Step 2: Key Steps for AEPS Transaction

Step 3: Aadhaar Enabled Payment System Steps

AEPS allows bank-to-bank transaction at PoS (MicroATM) with the help of BC

Only Aadhar needed

Aadhar enabled Services Balance Enquiry Cash Withdrawal Cash Deposit Aadhaar to Aadhaar Funds Transfer

Step 1: Aadhaar Enabled Payment System (AEPS)

Seed your account with your Aadhar number at bank or with the help of banking correspondent

Now you can do many transactions at any AEPS point without any pin or password (AEPS points – Micro ATMs)

You can do Account balance Aadhar to Aadhar fund transfer Cash withdrawal Cash deposit Purchase at Fair Price Shops with


Step 4 : MicroATM Transaction

UPI (IT) Step 1 : Requirements for registration on UPI REQUIREMENTS Smartphone with internet facility Bank Account details (only for registration) AVAILABLE APPS (28 BANK APPS) SBI app, PNB UPI, UPI Collect (ICICI), Axis Pay, Canara Bank UPI, UCO UPI, Union Bank UPI, OBC UPI and 20 other banks





Be strong, get beyond all superstitions, and be free. 121212


Using Wallets

What are e-wallets?

Point of Sale (PoS) (IT) Types of PoS

Electronic pre-paid payment system, mobile-first Used in purchasing items on-line with a computer or a smartphone at

a store. An individual's account is required to be linked to the digital wallet to

load money in it. Most banks have their e-wallets and some private companies

Consumer Wallet Limits: Rs.20,000/month for all. Rs.1 lakh/month with KYC




Merchant Wallet Limits: Rs.50,000/month with Self Declaration. Rs.1 lakh/month with KYC




Basic Requirements to Start Using a Wallet: Bank Account, Smartphone, 2G/3G Connection & A Free

PHYSICAL POS Physical Card Swiping – PTSN with landline / GPRS enabled

MPOS Phone connected with external

POS device through jack / Bluetooth

V-POS Virtual E-payment Gateway

Physical PoS




Installation of Physical PoS Terminal 1. Open / identify current account for transactions 2. Fill in the application form (online / at the

branch) 3. Identify type of PoS required (landline / GPRS) 4. Submit following documents:

Proof of business (any one) Shop & establishment registration

certificate VAT certificate Sales tax

Proof of address Photo identity proof of proprietor / partner Financial details

Bank statement income tax return

5. Acceptance of MDR by merchant 6. Execution of Merchant Establishment Agreement

V-PoS 1. No PoS machine

required 2. QR code used for

payment to bank account of merchant

3. Complete privacy of merchant bank account

Must Do Practices Register your mobile number at bank

for regular information by SMS for every transaction

Never share your PIN to anyone Transact at only trusted merchants While at ATM, ensure no one is

looking over your shoulders

Everything can be sacrificed for truth, but truth cannot be sacrificed for anything. 131313


"Asking employees at the me of qui ng why they are leaving is like asking your spouse how to improve a marriage on the day before the divorce is final. By that me it's just too late.” What is a Stay Interview? What is the need of a Stay Interview? Stay interviews are an employee sensing exercise, to detect early warning signals, to know about compensatory expecta ons so that the company can make a proac ve correc on at the right me before the employee announces that he's leaving. Stay interviews are conducted to understand the reasons why employees wish to con nue working for the organiza on. It's all about their work, the environment, the prac ces and the people that appeal to them and mo vate them to stay on. Stay interviews are held to understand the issues an employee may be facing, get his feedback from

me to me while he's s ll at the job. Stay interview is a preven ve tool in employee reten on strategy, which appreciates the exis ng

best prac ces for horizontal deployment in the organiza on. These interviews could prove to be crucial as they may actually bring forth an issue that the manager may have hitherto ignored. How it is different from tradi onal Exit interview? An Exit Interview is a survey that is conducted with an employee when he or she leaves the company. The informa on from each survey is used to provide feedback on why employees are leaving, what they liked about their employment and what areas of the company need improvement. Contrary to this, Stay Interviews are conducted to understand the reasons why employees wish to con nue working for the organiza on. Stay interviews are conducted with a random selec on of employees who have been with the organiza on for at least 6 Months. The selected employees respond to ques ons about the job, their supervisor, employee benefits, working condi ons and communica ons.

Do stay interviews benefit the organiza on or the par cular employee? If yes, what are its advantages? Stay interview helps an organiza on to iden fy the areas of improvement. While the key to be er personal health may lie in healthy diet and exercise, the secret to be er health for business organiza ons may be in frequent “workplace health checks". An organiza on should proac vely undertake workplace check-ups in the form of "Stay Interviews" in order to iden fy and address poten al issues before they affect workplace morale and poten al loss of staff. The main benefit is that you are able to iden fy issues and problems at an early stage before they have reached crisis point and are causing high staff turnover. Stay interview does help both the organiza on and the employees. Organiza on gets to know its grey areas that are paralyzing its people and give a mechanism for collec ng feedback on its popular & unpopular policies & prac ces. Employees get to share their concerns before their concerns influence their decision for con nuing associa on or dissocia on with the organiza on.

Stay Interviews – The latest Breakthrough in Human Resources

You cannot believe in God until you believe in yourself. 141414

Employee Zone

Every 10 minutes someone is added to the wai ng list to receive an organ dona on. There are more than 117,000 people on that list—a number that will rise by the me you are done reading this ar cle. The most common reason why someone might need an organ dona on is end-stage organ failure, which can be caused by a variety of condi ons, including diabetes, hepa s, cirrhosis, coronary heart disease, and cys c fibrosis. The good news is that although the wai ng list is long, an average of 79 people receives organ transplants every day. Unfortunately, another 18 people die each day while wai ng for a transplant because of the shortage of donated organs. Understanding Organ Dona on There are two kinds of organ dona on: living and deceased. Deceased donors can provide six types of organs (kidney, pancreas, liver, lungs, heart, and intes nes) as well as ssues (such as bones, skin, heart valves, and veins) and corneas.

Living donors can provide a kidney or a por on of a liver, lung, or intes ne. In some cases living donors can provide eyes and ssues. Also, family member of a brain dead person can donate his/her organs. A brain dead person has absolutely no chance of recovering. Brain death is a form of death and is irreversible. Living Organ Dona on Of course, willingness is the first step in becoming a living organ donor, but even the most willing donor must meet certain qualifica ons. Donors are typically between the ages of 18 and 60 years old and are selected based on certain medical and health criteria—such as blood and ssue matching, kidney func on, liver func on, and overall health. Gender and race are not factors in determining a successful match. Living donors need not be related to the recipient. In fact, some mes rela ves are not a match and transplant recipients must look elsewhere—to friends or even strangers—for a match.

As with any surgery, there are risks—but living dona on does not change life expectancy, and most donors live happy, healthy, and normal lives a er recovering from the procedure. Recovery me varies depending on the surgery, but most donors resume their normal lives within two to six weeks. For living kidney donors, the remaining kidney will enlarge slightly to do the work that two healthy kidneys share. It is generally considered very safe to live with one kidney. The liver has the ability to regenerate and regain full func on. Lungs and pancreas do not regenerate, but donors usually have no problems with reduced func on. How to Donate? Anyone — regardless of age or medical history—can sign up to be an organ donor upon his or her death. There is a facility of online organ registry for the people all over India who are willing to donate organs on their own will. Organ registry ensures the proper organ dona on as well as the fair use of donated organs in the future according to the priority of need and requirements of the organs to the recipients.

Tanuja Ganguly Sr. Execu ve HR

Life is Amazing; Pass it on!!!

To be good and to do good that is the whole of religion. 151515

Employee Zone

Se ng objec ves The objec ve of nego a on does not always necessary mean to get the goods at cheapest possible rate. There are several other factors such as quality, delivery me, past performance of earlier deals with your company or other purchasers etc. Both sides should feel comfortable at the end of nego a on. For effec ve nego a on, the nego ator should set objec ves before start of the nego a on. This should include. Price of goods. Past experience Delivery period Payment terms Quan ty- Bulk quan ty procurement or

procurement in stages. Nature of your requirement i.e. to be procured of

specific Brand or any brand. Training to your technicians, if require to use the

goods/machinery being purchased. Period for which you require a er sales service of

the goods etc..

Understand the vendor Remember that if you want to do more business

with the vendor in the future, you should aim to strike a deal so that both par es will be happy.

Analyze the key staff with whom to be

nego ated. There is no point to nego ate with junior staff who doesn’t have authority to finalize the deal.

Nego ate up to certain level. If you push too far

you may erode its goodwill, which could damage the quality of goods and service you get.

Chalk out nego a on strategies List out your priori es such as low price, high

specifica on goods or a specific delivery schedule.

Work out cos ng break up of goods to be nego ated.

Study of pricing of goods in the market and fix the price which you are looking for. Making

Compara ve sheet is the good exercise. Never under es mate the vendor’s

representa ve. Try to give the impression that you are

approaching the nego a ons posi vely

Nego a ng Team Once you've set out your strategy, it is also essen al to choose your right nego a ng team. Ensure to match the seniority with vendor’s representa ve. No junior officer should nego ate with higher level management of Vendor. Every member of the team should be confident and familiar with your nego a ng strategy. Nego a ons Invite the vendor for nego a on on specific date

and me. If possible, conduct nego a ons preferably at the

end of quarter because most of the sales person wants to complete the quarterly targets at this

me. Before star ng the nego a on, you should

convince the vendor how valuable your business to them in long term. If the vendor is new, brief about your company’s past and further business.

Brief your requirement and terms. Make sure

both sides are sa sfied with what is being nego ated. Insist on using your own terms and condi ons and end up the nego a ons in such a way that both the par es should feel comfortable.

Ganesh Dande AGM. Purchase

Price nego a ons – Objec ves and strategies….

The weakest person is the one who has no self control. 161616

Employee Zone

Ayush Navghare - (10 yrs) Son of Neeta Navghare

Pravin Umathe - IT dept (HO)

Best Out of Waste and Pencil Art

Rajesh Agnihotri -(HO)

Be a Hero, Always say, ‘I have no fear’. 171717

Health Corner

Strength is Life, Weakness is Death. 181818

Volume 4, Issue 4 Oct 2016 - Dec 2016

SMS LIMITED IT Park, 20 STPI, Gayatri Nagar, Parsodi, Nagpur–440022