
Post on 12-Jan-2015

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King Of The Reptiles By : Noah Monreal

Snake’s Prey Or Food Birds Fish Alligators Deer Monkeys Lizards Rats Other snakes too Lions when threatened Foxes Almost all mammals Rabbits They may bite people Insects for babies Wolves Jaguars Almost anything they

Can fit into its mouth

How Snakes Are Useful

Snakes are an important part of the food chain because they are both consumers and prey. Farmers use snakes to lure away all the mice that eat the crops. They also make medicine from the venom of poisonous snakes. Snakes are also used for meat for us to eat and for purses , boots, clothes, shoes, hats and necklaces.

Diver Looking at a Snake

Researchers learn as much as they can about snakes. That way we can learn more about those snakes. Click on snake to watch


Snakes Habitats Damp places Under rocks Rivers Lakes Oceans Ponds Forests, jungles Deserts Everywhere except Antartica

Certain Types of Snakes Puff Adder Anacondas Water Moccasin Mambas Eastern Diamondback Western Diamondback Cobras Rat Snakes Pythons Coral Snakes Inland Taipan Racers Bull snakes Garden snake Pit vipers Milk snake

Snake Battling Alligator Snakes will battle or try to kill almost

anything. They will even attack lions. Snakes are not afraid and can kill an animal two times as big as it is like an alligator.

How To Prevent From Being Bitten By A Snake

Be alert when picking up or climbing on rocks. Wear boots so the snake’s fangs can’t penetrate your feet. Most snakes bites occur 99 percent of the time below the knee . If you see a snake stay away. That is the best way to make sure nobody gets hurt . Never approach a snake thinking you can beat it because even a little snake can still be dangerous . When you are hiking always wear boots , carry a scarf , or a bandage and your cell phone. Memorize the phrase “ Red, yellow kill a fellow , red and black friend of jack “. This can help you determine if a snake is poisonous or not.

If You’re Bitten

Do not cut the area and try to bite or suck the poison. Do not put anything cold over the bite as this slows blood flow and may make things worse. Get a bandage or a scarf and tie it two feet above the bite to stop the venom from spreading to other parts of your body. Try to call the hospital as fast as you can so they can get anti venom.

All Poisonous Snakes In Central Texas

Coral Snake

Cotton Mouth

Rattle Snakes

Copper head

3 Non Venomous Snakes In Central Texas

Bull snake

King snake

Rat snake

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