Snap Peas Cucumbers Tomatoes Green Beans Corn Bell Peppers ... › prod › ... · people end up...

Post on 28-Jun-2020

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Bell Peppers

CucumbersSnap Peas

Green Beans

Summer Squash


Corn is actually considered a grain, vegetable, AND fruit! Corn for eating as a vegetable is harvested when the kernels are still soft. Corn that’s used as a grain (like in cornbread or corn tortillas) is harvested when the kernels are mature and hard. Finally, each corn kernel on a cob is actually a whole fruit!

Corn Identity Crisis

Many vegetables such as corn, tomatoes, peppers, and green beans grow best in warm temperatures, so we usually enjoy them fresh during the summer. It’s easy to grow many of these vegetables in your own garden during the summer – just remember to give your plants lots of water!

Summer Goodness

Vegetables are one of the five food groups you should eat every day. The others are fruits, grains, protein, & dairy. Each food group

gives you something important that your body needs & vegetables give you lots of vitamins & minerals for

healthy eyes, skin, blood, bones, & immune systems!

Fantastic Five

We need about 5 cups of fruits and vegetables every day – about 2 cups of fruit and 3 cups of vegetables. But most

people end up eating less than 2 cups total! That’s quite a gap – when you don’t eat

enough fruits and vegetables, you miss out on all the health and nutrition they contain. Eat 1-2 fruits and vegetables at every meal

and snack, and fill the gap!

Mind the Gap

Throw a variety of peppers, corn, and tomatoes together for a southwestern style stir fry. Radishes add a pop of

color to your salads. You can even eat some summer vegetables raw and dip

them in hummus.

Liven Up Your Food!

Tomatoes were mistakenly thought to be poisonous until the nineteenth Century.

Safe to Eat!

Did you know? Red, orange, and yellow peppers are just green

peppers that are very ripe.

a Rainbow of Peppers

Did you know? Cucumbers are 96% water.

Water, Water, Everywhere