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Post on 06-May-2015

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Senmus Capital Franquicia - Inglés


Xalapa, Ver. México MMIX Elaboró JRZG/SNCDG01 1

Xalapa, Ver. México MMIX Elaboró JRZG/SNCDG01 2

Senmus CapitalGlobal Franchise “Model for Capital Markets Formation”Business Oportunity Profile

Confidential Information©

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Who are we


• We are creative individuals with an innovative and ecological approach basis aimed for the common good; comitted with the generation of alternatives to implement and enjoy the benefits of sustainable regional development.

• We are dedicated to promote a better and more just relationship with both our planet and us; the human kind.

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Who are we


• We believe that “ecological” business (Eco-Business) are the only

viable option for humanity, since we must insist on the sustentability

of resources; for our own good as a specie, and we aim to develop

under a scheme we call “Co-Operative-Capitalism”, which is a

creative financing alternative, developed by us to give business the

capital and the freedom to operate in fair conditions and with flexible

and effective well-defined outlines.

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Who are we


• We act as the Corporate Integration and Cooperative Development

Axis of our Model "MÉXICO NUEVO ©“.

• We are the Model´s element that performs the functions of financingand development of Sustainable Business, through investment of Venture Capital.

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To exercise as a Society Promoter of Investment, a deep

cooperative attitude and social responsibility; which, with the

participation of Venture Capital Investors, will productively

articulate and successfully manage investment portfolios

integrated by high-impact projects to create Sustainable Wealth.

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Operate a Prosperous, Innovative, Sustainable and Honest

Business Model that by 2013 positions us at the Global

Leadership of the Venture Capital Industry.

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Manage and invest funds commited in an offshore trust by Venture Capital (Capital Emprendedor) Investors in prosperous and sustainable projects, managed with the technology of the Senmus Capital Model.

These funds are partnering with developers of innovative and sustainable projects of great social impact.

• Aligned to the millennium goals of the UN • Of scientific and technological base • Socially responsible • Sustainable and ecological • Creators of prosperity and abundance

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Concept of the Model


The Model makes an optimum use of the synergy that is created by theMexican Legislation from the combinated use of the legal figures“Anonymous Society Promoter of Investment” and the internationalfigure of the “Venture Capital Investment Trusts”; which SENMUSCAPITAL calls in it’s Model:

“Fideicomiso de Inversión de

Capital Emprendedor” o


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Main atributes of the FICE•It´s a Foreign Trust. Each of the FICE’s has it´s own legal andindividual identity, OFFSHORE located.

•It is the vehicle to gather and manage the assets of theinvestment partners to be used to acquire Special Series CShares of Senmus Capital in the terms of “Inversión Neutra”defined by Title V the Mexican Foreign Investment Law.

•It’s self-governed exclusively by the investment partners ofthe Trust. They elected it’s board; and amongst all, select theinvestment projects for the Trust´s resources. Acts as theguardian of the funds.

•The Board is “the first key to open the box of funds“.

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Operational Articulation of our Model


•The internal elements of the Model are symbionts; beeing SENMUS CAPITAL the Genesis that creates the rest of the elements and at the sametime it´s the operational axis over which all activity rotates.

•The Model creates a venture capital market sui generis, complete, integral and integrator by emulating the stock market operational scheme, where as SENMUS CAPITAL performs as the Stock Market and Auction Floor; TheFICE's as the brokers for the clientele, which in order to enter the Market

must go throug a broker.

•The Tiltes that are traded in this venture capital market are THE INDIVIDUALLY OWNED CERTIFICATES OF PARTICIPATION IN THE FICE TRUST.

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Purpose of the Model


The SENMUS CAPITAL Model shields all participants, the Investors as well as the entrepreneurs by:

1.- Performing the project screening and prospect selection process not by the Investors (FICE) but by a separate entity (SENMUS CAPITAL); the Investor decide the investments to be instrumented by the Trust (FICE), from the prospects thatSENMUS CAPITAL has screened for them; this way the emotional related factors are mitigated o eliminated from the equation;

2.- Assuring that once the investment is decided, everything, from the instrumentation of the deal, the tracking of the performance up to the exit of the investment; is executed accordingly to expectations defined by all Parties;

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Purpose of the Model


3.- Giving the individual Investor the option of exiting the venture, by selling to market his CERTIFICATES OF PARTICIPATION IN THE FICE TRUST, which is madepossible by the desing of the SENMUS CAPITAL Globel Franchise infrastructure, and

4.- Avoiding that the Investors deal with multiple managing teams and responsabilities and ending up running the venture themselves; they only deal with SENMUS CAPITAL. Our operational Model achives that all operations are standarized and certificated to operate and inform automatically and over our web site, on line 24/7

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Our Business Model in Action


SENMUS CAPITAL generates a growing spiral of prosperity when:1.- Builds the FICE trust with funds for investment; 2.- Articulates Eco-Business; 3.- Promotes and manages the funds to buy shares in existing ventures or establishes new ones.;4.- Makes the venture thrive; 5.- Executes the investment exit strategy; 6.- Liquidates the trust fund of investment; and7.- Opens the participation to Investors in It´s own capital structure.

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SENMUS CAPITAL as the Master Operator of the Capital Market


Hence we have a great expectation of generating wealth is, since the first trust fund is intended to capture:

The formation of the Regional Capital Market is performed once the FICE’S exists; then, unfolds as a Global Franchise; developing in three phases, from 2009 to 2020.

The resources that will be invested in the development of the projects of the Investor´s selected companies, are managed in the investment trust fund that the SENMUS CAPITAL MODEL incorporates and operates; Runs over our own AI/IT platform; coordinating all interested parts in real time.

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Legal Aspects and Profits


The founders of SENMUS CAPITAL are Capitalist and Non-capital (INDUSTRIAL) Partners, incorporated on January 6th. 2009 in Xalapa, Veracruz, México; as an ANONYMOUS SOCIETY PROMOTER OF INVESTMENT OF VARIABLE CAPITAL, we are ruled by a Board of Directors.

The profits will be divided in a proportion of 70%(seventy percent) to the Capital Partners and the remaining 30%(thirty percent) will be equally divided among the Industrial Partners.

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Maximum Potencial, Total Control


•SENMUS CAPITAL acts as a generator and manager of projects thatare funded by Investors Angeles, linked to SENMUS CAPITAL by theFICE Trust.

•This allows freedom for entrepreneurs to gain from the Venture Capital Investment that SENMUS CAPITAL makes directly to develop it’s projects to their maximum potential.

•SENMUS CAPITAL never loses control of its investment since the entrepreneur is pre-investment certified with the "Seal of Quality SENMUS CAPITAL."

•The entrepreneur adopts the operating Model SENMUS CAPITALthat links all pertaining information –thus assuring accountability-to the SENMUS CAPITAL Intelligent System.

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Innovative Model


•SENMUS CAPITAL operates on an Internet platform in real time•Our project is a candidate to the National Technology Award 2009 Mexico.

•It creates an effective shield through an unique product: The FICE.

• Integrator and integral product for all participants; both theInvestors and Entrepreneurs, which delivers:

• The safety of the proper investment of it’s resources.

• A transparent operation and full accountability and

• The financial success of the enterprises in which weinvest.

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Attractive, Safe, Productive…


•Provides interest-free financing for sustainable projects, throughdirect entrepreneur capital investment.

•The Investors do not control SENMUS CAPITAL, it is controlled by it´sown Board of Directors.

•We operate an auto regulated Model within the frame provided by ofboth the Stock Market Law and the Foreign Investment Law.

–Automated and self-regulated, operating in a transparent way, all information isaccessible in real time to the Investors, through their password over the Internetportal.

•The Operation is over the Internet on a platform of our own designand development, automated y equipped with artificial intelligencecapability.

•No double taxation for Investors.

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Responsibility and Fidelity


•Our Human Factor is highly responsible, committed, dedicated, contributing their expertise to validate the proposals of the Artificial Intelligence Robot.

•We Invest in projects of high value creation and highly adaptability to changes.

•The operation of the new created companies is transparent and all the information is accessible through the Internet to all Participants.

•We regularly consult three different Advisory Councils, one of Institutions, one of Entrepreneurs and one of Experts and Independent Professionals.

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Responsibility and Fidelity


•The resources provided by the Investors are the investment patrimony of a FICE, which gives a pre-established certainty in terms of number of participants, dates and lengths of investments.

•Investors decide in which projects the funds are invested into, creating the investment portfolio of the FICE.

•SENMUS CAPITAL acts on careful planning, over clear specifications to achieve quality auto-certificated control (Quality Assurance Procedures).

•Decision making is assisted by the most modern technology, with skills and capabilities of Artificial Intelligence, in real time, for Mexico and the Globe.

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Strategic Alliances


Mexican Association of Private Capital/Interamerican Development Bank (IADB)•Strengthening of the Operating Model SENMUS CAPITAL SAPI DE CV

Government of the State of Veracruz•Strengthening of the Operating Model SENMUS CAPITAL SAPI DE CV

FIICSA-CONLA•Quality Management Model “Total Productive Operation”• Assistence in Obtaining Federal Grants and Incentives for the Model.

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Strategic Alliances


LANIA, A.C.•Developer and Integrator of Informatics

Delphi Asesores, S.A. de C.V.•Delphos projects and Risk management operation and analysis Model

•Portfolio and Financial Management Tools•Elaboration, Control and Budget Report

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Execution Program for the Society's Master Strategy

Develompent Phases for the Operation of

the Model and it’s unfolding into a

Global Franchise

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Phase I

Constitution and Capitalization (2009)


Objetive: Establish the operating base and ensure the income generation for SENMUS CAPITAL. Integrate the Franchise Operation and Constitute the first FICE. Capital Budget: $15’000,000.00 MEX.• $4’000,000.00 MEX. To build the infrastruture to support actual operations

during the immediate next development phase; which generates profits before 12 months after the operations to the public.

• $11’000,000.00 MEX. To launch and operate the SENMUS CAPITAL Franchise at a global scale. MKT LAUNCH: JAN2010.

Yields to be obtained, once the model is operating, will be used for:• To liquidate stock positions acquired by the Investment Trust Fund.• To pay attractive returns to the Investors.

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Anchor project for the first FICE

“Creation of the Waste to Energy (WTE) Industry in Veracruz”

in charge of

Industrias Ecológicas de Veracruz,

S.A. de

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Phase II

Consolidation and Investment Growth (2009-2013)

Objetive: constitute at least one investment trust fund per year, primarily to support the expansion of the anchor projects and encourage new ones.

Strategy: Operate as a Global Franchise

Each FICE will be provided with USD $500’000,000.00 as patrimony for investing.

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Phase III

Increment of the Society’s Value; maturity and extinction of the First Investment Trust Fund (2014-2020)

The participation of the Investment Trust Fund in SENMUS CAPITAL will be liquidated with charge to the Social Capital of SENMUS CAPITAL.

The direct reduction in the numer of shares is a raise in It’s Value, since the capitalisation of the corporation, acomplished duringPhase I and to added the value of the portfolio, managed during Phase II.

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This achieves…


a Capitalistion Value of well over

$2,500’000,000.00 (PESOMEX)

By 2020.

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Investment Opportunity




Represented by 15,000 (Fifteen Thousand) Shares of the ASeries –Capital with no with drawl rights- with a nominalvalue of $1,000 (One Thousand Mexican pesos) each.

*To date there are 12,500 (Twelve Thousand Five Hundred)

Shares of the A Series Available for immediate subscription.

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We invite you to participate

In this business opportunity

By subscibing Shares of the A Series

(Social Capital with no with drawl rights)

minimum lot:

500 (five hundred) Titles*By doing so, you become Capitalist Partner with Founder Rights in

Senmus Capital, S.A.P.I. de C.V. and a permanent

Member of the Board of Directors of the Society.

*mínimum subscription is for $500,000.00 (Five Hundred Thousand Pesos)


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Expected Yields for the Capital Invested by the

Founders Partners

Value creation proposal from the CEO

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Short Term, 12 to 18 MONTHS

Cash Return:

Capitalist partners will get back the amount of their original investment, in no longer than 18 months ($15,000,000.00).

Invested in Shares

2 Enterprises (Rise of the actual action value to): $300’000,000.00


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Medium Term, 24 to 36 MONTHS

Cash Return:

From $1’600,000 to $2’000,000 MX a year for A series; distributed in proportion to the number of shares held; plus the respective 30% share for the industrial partners.

Invested in Shares:


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Long Term, 48 to 60 MONTHS

Cash Return

From $2’000,000 to $4’000,000.00 MX a year for A series; distributed in proportion to the number of shares held; plus the respective 30% share for the industrial partners.

Invested in Shares


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Thank you for your attention


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José Ricardo Zea GrayebCEO


Nextel: 72*853843*1

CelPhone: ++52 228 199 1397
