Snoqualmie River Basin Fecal Coliform Bacteria, Dissolved ......Snoqualmie River Basin Fecal...

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  • Snoqualmie River Basin Fecal Coliform Bacteria, Dissolved Oxygen,

    Ammonia-Nitrogen, and pH Total Maximum Daily Load

    Water Quality Effectiveness Monitoring Report

    March 2008

    Publication No. 08-03-005

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    Publication Information This report is available on the Department of Ecology’s website at

    Data for this project are available at Ecology’s Environmental Information Management (EIM) website at Search User Study ID, GONW0001. Project Tracker Code (Environmental Assessment Program) is 06-025.

    TMDL Study Code (Water Quality Program) is Snoq07MP. For more information contact: Publications Coordinator Environmental Assessment Program P.O. Box 47600 Olympia, WA 98504-7600 E-mail: Phone: (360) 407-6764 Washington State Department of Ecology - o Headquarters, Olympia 360-407-6000 o Northwest Regional Office, Bellevue 425-649-7000 o Southwest Regional Office, Olympia 360-407-6300 o Central Regional Office, Yakima 509-575-2490 o Eastern Regional Office, Spokane 509-329-3400

    Any use of product or firm names in this publication is for descriptive purposes only and does not imply endorsement by the author or the Department of Ecology. If you need this publication in an alternate format, call Joan LeTourneau at (360) 407-6764. Persons with hearing loss can call 711 for Washington Relay Service. Persons with a speech disability can call 877-833-6341. Cover photo: The Snoqualmie River at Fall City. This river is an important recreational resource and salmon fishery.

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    Snoqualmie River Basin Fecal Coliform Bacteria, Dissolved Oxygen,

    Ammonia-Nitrogen, and pH Total Maximum Daily Load

    Water Quality

    Effectiveness Monitoring Report


    Debby Sargeant Environmental Assessment Program

    Washington State Department of Ecology Olympia, Washington


    Ralph Svrjcek

    Water Quality Program Northwest Regional Office

    Washington State Department of Ecology Bellevue, Washington

    March 2008

    Waterbody Numbers: WA-07-1060, -1062, -1064, -1066, -1068, -1070, -1100, -1101,

    -1102, -1104, -1106, -1108, -1110, -1130, -1140, -1150

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    Table of Contents Page

    List of Appendices ...............................................................................................................7

    List of Figures ......................................................................................................................8

    List of Tables .....................................................................................................................11

    Abstract ..............................................................................................................................13


    Executive Summary ...........................................................................................................15

    Why is Ecology Checking Water Quality in the Snoqualmie River Watershed?..............19

    What is Ecology’s Water Cleanup Process?......................................................................20 Washington State's Water Quality Assessment ...........................................................20 A Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) Limits Water Pollution................................20 Effectiveness Monitoring Measures Water Quality Improvement ..............................22 Ecology Studied Bacteria, Nutrients, pH, and Dissolved Oxygen ..............................22

    Good Water Quality in the Snoqualmie Watershed is Important for People and Fish ......23 Health Risks for People ...............................................................................................23 Health Risks for Animals.............................................................................................24 Effects on Aquatic Life................................................................................................24

    Study Area and Background Information ..........................................................................25 Snoqualmie River Basin ..............................................................................................25 Potential Pollution Sources Vary Throughout the Watershed .....................................28

    What Was Done to Improve Water Quality?.....................................................................29 Washington State Department of Ecology...................................................................29 Washington State Department of Agriculture..............................................................32 King Conservation District ..........................................................................................32 Snohomish Conservation District ................................................................................34 Natural Resources Conservation Service.....................................................................35 King County.................................................................................................................35 Snohomish County.......................................................................................................38 Snohomish and Snoqualmie Salmon Recovery Forums..............................................39 City of North Bend.......................................................................................................40 City of Snoqualmie ......................................................................................................40 City of Carnation..........................................................................................................41 City of Duvall ..............................................................................................................41 Washington State University, Cooperative Extension Program..................................41 Public Health of Seattle/King County..........................................................................42 Snohomish Health District...........................................................................................43 Snoqualmie Tribe.........................................................................................................43 Stewardship Partners....................................................................................................44 Stilly/Snohomish Fisheries Enhancement Taskforce...................................................44 Tulalip Tribes...............................................................................................................44 Wild Fish Conservancy................................................................................................45

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    Other organizations......................................................................................................46

    How did Ecology Conduct this Effectiveness Monitoring Project? .................................47 Monitoring Goals and Objectives ................................................................................47 Study Design................................................................................................................50 Field and Laboratory Methods.....................................................................................51 Data Analysis Methods ................................................................................................52 Quality Assurance and Quality Control Results ..........................................................53

    Comparison of Environmental Conditions ........................................................................54 Flow Conditions...........................................................................................................54 Rain Event Sampling ...................................................................................................58 Air Temperature Levels ...............................................................................................59 Interpreting Fecal Coliform Data.................................................................................59 Summary of Environmental Conditions ......................................................................60 Water Quality Results by Pollution Parameter ............................................................61

    Has Water Quality Improved? ...........................................................................................69 Snoqualmie River Water Quality Trend Analysis .......................................................69 Comparison of TMDL Water Quality and Water Quality Now ..................................70

    Water Quality in the Upper Snoqualmie River..................................................................72 Middle Fork Snoqualmie River: Snoqualmie RM 45.3 ...............................................73 North Fork Snoqualmie River: Snoqualmie RM 44.9 .................................................75 South Fork Snoqualmie River, RM 44.4, North Bend Wastewater Treatment Plant ..77 South Fork Snoqualmie River: Snoqualmie RM 44.4 .................................................80 Mainstem Snoqualmie RM 42.3 (Meadowbrook Way Bridge Crossing)....................85 Kimball Creek Watershed: Snoqualmie RM 41.1 .......................................................86 Snoqualmie Wastewater Treatment Plant at Snoqualmie RM 40.8............................90 Mainstem Snoqualmie at RM 40.7 (Hwy 202 crossing at Falls).................................92

    Water Quality in the Lower Snoqualmie River .................................................................97 Tokul Creek: Snoqualmie RM 39.6 .............................................................................98 Raging River: Snoqualmie RM 36.2..........................................................................100 Snoqualmie River Fall City Transect Study, RM 36.0 – 35.3 ...................................103 Mainstem Snoqualmie River at RM 35.3 ..................................................................103 Patterson Creek: Snoqualmie RM 31.2......................................................................106 Griffin Creek: Snoqualmie RM 27.2 .........................................................................109 Mainstem Snoqualmie River at RM 25.2 ..................................................................111 Tolt River: Snoqualmie RM 24.9...............................................................................114 Harris Creek: Snoqualmie RM 21.3...........................................................................118 Ames Creek: Snoqualmie RM 17.5 ...........................................................................120 Duvall Wastewater Treatment Plant at Snoqualmie RM 11.0...................................123 Tuck Creek: Snoqualmie RM 10.3 ............................................................................125 Cherry Creek: Snoqualmie RM 6.7 ...........................................................................128 Mainstem Snoqualmie River at RM 2.7 ....................................................................130

    Recommended Actions to Improve Water Quality in the Snoqualmie River Basin........137


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    List of Appendices

    Appendix A. Glossary, Acronyms, and Abbreviations.

    Appendix B. Overview of Potential Pollution Sources.

    Appendix C. Historical Data Evaluation and TMDL Conclusions.

    Appendix D. Water Quality Standards and Beneficial Uses.

    Appendix E. Raw Laboratory and Field Data.

    Appendix F. Quality Assurance / Quality Control Results.

    Appendix G. Precipitation Data for Synoptic and Intensive Sampling, and Fall City Special Study.

    Appendix H. Snoqualmie River / Fall City Transect Study.

    Appendix I. TMDL Study and Effectiveness Monitoring Study, Water Quality Comparison.

    Appendix J. Intensive Survey Results.

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    List of Figures


    Figure 1. Ecology's Water Cleanup Process ................................................................................ 21

    Figure 2. Snoqualmie River monitoring study area. .................................................................... 26

    Figure 3. Snoqualmie River and tributary sampling locations. ................................................... 27

    Figure 4. Dairies in the Snoqualmie River basin. ........................................................................ 33

    Figure 5. King Conservation District (KCD) activities in the Snoqualmie watershed................ 33

    Figure 6. Flooding in the Ames Creek subbasin during the October 21, 2003 sampling event, typical of flooding in other subbasins from about RM 35.3 to RM 2.7. ...................... 58

    Figure 7. Fecal coliform bacteria results for the upper Snoqualmie basin sites during the critical period and wet season. ..................................................................................... 62

    Figure 8. Fecal coliform bacteria results for the lower Snoqualmie basin sites (RM 40 – 25) during the critical period and wet season. .................................................................... 62

    Figure 9. Fecal coliform bacteria results for the lower Snoqualmie basin sites (RM 25 – 2.7) during the critical period and wet season. .................................................................... 63

    Figure 10. Snoqualmie mean orthophosphate levels during the critical period and wet season. 64

    Figure 11. Upper Snoqualmie mean ammonia-nitrogen levels during the critical and wet periods.................................................................................................................. 65

    Figure 12. Lower Snoqualmie mean ammonia-nitrogen (RM 40-25) levels during the critical period and wet season..................................................................................... 66

    Figure 13. Lower Snoqualmie mean ammonia-nitrogen (RM 25-2.7) levels during the critical period and wet season..................................................................................... 66

    Figure 14. Snoqualmie RM 2.7 trend analysis results for fecal coliform bacteria, Water years 1991 – 2005. ........................................................................................... 69

    Figure 15. Snoqualmie RM 2.7 trend analysis results for total persulfate nitrogen, Water years 1991 – 2005. ........................................................................................... 70

    Figure 16. Upper Snoqualmie River and tributary sample sites. ................................................. 72

    Figure 17. Middle Fork Snoqualmie River monthly fecal coliform statistics for August 2003 – February 2005. ................................................................................... 73

    Figure 18. Middle Fork Snoqualmie instantaneous fecal coliform concentrations and estimated fecal coliform loading for August 2003 – February 2005.......................... 74

    Figure 19. North Fork Snoqualmie River fecal coliform statistics for August 2003 – February 2005............................................................................................................. 76

    Figure 20. North Fork Snoqualmie River instantaneous fecal coliform concentrations and estimated daily loading (loading is underestimated) for August 2003 – February 2005............................................................................................................. 76

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    Figure 21. North Bend WWTP performance with TMDL-required permit limitations, 1995-2006................................................................................................................... 79

    Figure 22. South Fork Snoqualmie River fecal coliform bacteria statistics for the critical and wet periods during August 2003 – February 2005. ............................................ 81

    Figure 23. South Fork Snoqualmie RM 2.8 and 2.0 monthly fecal coliform statistics for August 2003 – February 2005. ................................................................................... 82

    Figure 24. South Fork Snoqualmie RM 2.0 instantaneous fecal coliform concentrations and estimated daily loading. ....................................................................................... 83

    Figure 25. Mainstem Snoqualmie River RM 42.3 monthly fecal coliform statistics for August 2003 – February 2005. ................................................................................... 86

    Figure 26. Kimball Creek monthly fecal coliform statistics for August 2003 – February 2005. 88

    Figure 27. Snoqualmie WWTP performance with TMDL-required permit limitations. ............. 90

    Figure 28. Mainstem Snoqualmie RM 40.7 fecal coliform statistics for August 2003 – February 2005............................................................................................................. 93

    Figure 29. Mainstem Snoqualmie RM 40.7 instantaneous fecal coliform concentrations and estimated daily loading............................................................................................... 94

    Figure 30. Mainstem Snoqualmie RM 40.7 continuous temperature and dissolved oxygen levels for August 29 – September 1, 2005.................................................................. 95

    Figure 31. Lower Snoqualmie River and tributary sample sites.................................................. 97

    Figure 32. Tokul Creek monthly fecal coliform statistics for August 2003 – February 2005..... 98

    Figure 33. Tokul Creek instantaneous fecal coliform concentrations and estimated daily loading. ....................................................................................................................... 99

    Figure 34. Raging River monthly fecal coliform statistics for August 2003 – February 2005. 101

    Figure 35. Raging River instantaneous fecal coliform concentrations and estimated daily loading. ..................................................................................................................... 101

    Figure 36. Mainstem Snoqualmie RM 35.3 monthly fecal coliform statistics for August 2003 – February 2005. ................................................................................. 104

    Figure 37. Mainstem Snoqualmie RM 35.3 instantaneous fecal coliform concentrations and estimated daily fecal coliform loading............................................................... 104

    Figure 38. Patterson Creek monthly fecal coliform statistics for August 2003 – February 2005........................................................................................................... 107

    Figure 39. Griffin Creek monthly fecal coliform statistics for August 2003 – February 2005........................................................................................................... 110

    Figure 40. Griffin Creek instantaneous fecal coliform concentrations and estimated daily fecal coliform loading...................................................................................... 110

    Figure 41. Mainstem Snoqualmie RM 25.2 monthly fecal coliform statistics for August 2003 – February 2005. ................................................................................. 112

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    Figure 42. Mainstem Snoqualmie RM 25.2 instantaneous fecal coliform concentrations and estimated daily loading. ..................................................................................... 113

    Figure 43. Snoqualmie RM 25.2 continuous temperature, dissolved oxygen, and conductivity readings for September 8-11, 2003...................................................... 115

    Figure 44. Snoqualmie RM 25.2 continuous temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen, and conductivity readings for August 29 – September 1, 2005. ..................................... 115

    Figure 45. Tolt River monthly fecal coliform statistics for August 2003 – February 2005. ..... 116

    Figure 46. Tolt River instantaneous fecal coliform concentrations and estimated daily loading. ..................................................................................................................... 117

    Figure 47. Harris Creek monthly fecal coliform statistics for August 2003 – February 2005. . 118

    Figure 48. Harris Creek instantaneous fecal coliform concentrations and estimated daily loading. ..................................................................................................................... 119

    Figure 49. Ames Creek monthly fecal coliform statistics for August 2003 – February 2005... 121

    Figure 50. Duvall WWTP compliance with TMDL-required permits. ..................................... 123

    Figure 51. Tuck Creek monthly fecal coliform statistics for August 2003 – February 2005. ... 126

    Figure 52. Tuck Creek instantaneous fecal coliform concentrations and estimated daily loading for August 2003 – February 2005................................................................ 126

    Figure 53. Cherry Creek monthly fecal coliform statistics for August 2003 – February 2005. 129

    Figure 54. Mainstem Snoqualmie RM 2.7 monthly fecal coliform statistics for August 2003 – February 2005. ................................................................................. 132

    Figure 55. Mainstem Snoqualmie RM 2.7 continuous temperature and dissolved oxygen readings for September 8 – 18, 2003........................................................................ 133

    Figure 56. Mainstem Snoqualmie RM 2.7 continuous temperature and dissolved oxygen readings for July 13 – 22, 2004. ............................................................................... 133

    Figure 57. Mainstem Snoqualmie RM 2.7 continuous temperature and dissolved oxygen readings for August 29 – September 1, 2005. .......................................................... 134

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    List of Tables

    Page Table 1. 303(d) Listings addressed in the TMDL Study (Joy, 1994). .......................................... 25

    Table 2. Wastewater treatment plant effluent limits summary. ................................................... 30

    Table 3. Selected best management practices known to be installed as part of approximately 84 approved farm plans in Snoqualmie River watershed farms as of 2004................... 34

    Table 4. Water quality criteria used to determine beneficial uses in the Snoqualmie River basin. .............................................................................................................................. 48

    Table 5. TMDL recommended water quality targets for the August-October critical period ..... 49

    Table 6. Snoqualmie River TMDL Effectiveness Monitoring Study sampling locations. ........... 50

    Table 7. Snoqualmie River TMDL Effectiveness Monitoring Study sampling regimes.............. 51

    Table 8. Flow conditions (cfs) at select mainstem sites for the TMDL study and the effectiveness monitoring continuous diurnal surveys, 1989-2005. ............................... 54

    Table 9. Flow statistics for the seven-day, 20-year flow (7Q20), the TMDL Study, and the TMDL Effectiveness Monitoring Study. ......................................................................... 56

    Table 10. Monthly average and average maximum air temperaturesfor Snoqualmie Falls during the TMDL Study and Effectiveness Monitoring Study...................................... 59

    Table 11. Hourly rainfall totals (inches) for select sample events............................................... 60

    Table 12. Summary of fecal coliform bacteria reductions needs at sites that did not meet water quality standards during the critical period, August-October............................ 63

    Table 13. Snoqualmie RM 40.7 mean nutrient concentrations for the 2003-2005 sample events. .......................................................................................................................... 94

    Table 14. Snoqualmie RM 25.2 mean nutrient concentrations for both sample periods........... 113

    Table 15. Snoqualmie RM 2.7 mean nutrient concentrations for both sample periods............. 132

    Table 16. Summary of major water quality cleanup activities and monitoring needed in the Snoqualmie basin................................................................................................. 140

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    Abstract The Washington State Department of Ecology (Ecology) is required under Section 303(d) of the federal Clean Water Act to develop and implement Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDLs; water cleanup plans) for impaired waters in the state. Ecology is also required to evaluate the effectiveness of the water cleanup plan in achieving the needed improvement in water quality. During 2003-05, Ecology conducted this study to determine the effectiveness of cleanup efforts in the Snoqualmie River watershed. The study analyzes the effectiveness of 1994-2004 TMDL implementation activities in protecting and restoring water quality. Water quality in the Snoqualmie River has improved, but more effort is needed to ensure that Washington State water quality standards and TMDL targets are met. Dissolved oxygen levels in the mainstem Snoqualmie have generally remained the same. More study is needed to determine if dissolved oxygen TMDL targets are met. Bacteria levels in the mainstem and most of the tributaries have improved. The mainstem Snoqualmie River nearly meets standards for fecal coliform, but many tributaries do not meet fecal coliform standards. Higher nutrient levels and low dissolved oxygen levels in some of the tributaries may be associated with high bacterial inputs. Ecology sampled wastewater from three wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) for this 2003-05 study, but the amount of data collected was insufficient to determine compliance. Review of monitoring data submitted as part of WWTP National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System permits revealed compliance with the target control recommendations in the TMDL. Higher bacteria and nutrient levels were measured downstream of the City of North Bend and its WWTP. This report recommends that local governments continue existing pollution-control actions in the Snoqualmie watershed. The study also shows that additional pollution controls are needed through on-site sewage system surveys, agricultural practice surveys, and stormwater pollution-control activities.

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    The authors of this report would like to thank the following people for their contribution to this study:

    • Numerous staff from the King Conservation District and King County who supplied information on implementation activities.

    • Janne Kaje and Kollin Higgins from the King County Water and Land Resources Division for review of the document and suggestions for improvements.

    • Washington State Department of Ecology staff:

    o David Batts for his invaluable help with the history of this project and technical assistance.

    o David Batts, Cindy Callahan, Dave Garland, Bill Ward, Jim Garner, Chad Wiseman, and Casey Clishe for help with sampling.

    o Joe Joy, Jim Garner, and Bill Ward for technical assistance.

    o George Onwumere, Joe Joy, and Dave Garland for review of the document and suggestions for improvements.

    o Joan LeTourneau, Cindy Cook, and Gayla Lord for formatting and editing the final report.

    This project was funded, in part, by King County.

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    Executive Summary The Snoqualmie River is an important recreational resource and salmon fishery. The river also provides hydropower at Snoqualmie Falls, Twin Falls, and Weeks Falls, as well as aesthetic values throughout its diverse watershed. Due to concerns about water quality, the Washington State Department of Ecology (Ecology) conducted a study of the Snoqualmie River and tributaries during 1989-91. In 1994 Ecology made recommendations on how to protect and improve water quality in the river in the report, Snoqualmie River Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) Study (Joy, 1994). Early studies showed that the Snoqualmie River and some tributaries were polluted because of high levels of fecal coliform bacteria and nutrients. The risk of becoming ill from swimming and wading was too high in many areas because of the high bacteria levels. High levels of nutrients are a problem because they can cause excessive plant growth which in turn can lead to low oxygen levels in the water. Ecology was also concerned that future growth and the related increase in discharges from wastewater treatment plants would lower dissolved oxygen levels at several locations in the Snoqualmie River. The river could become unhealthy for fish if action was not taken. Since 1994, many actions have been taken to improve water quality in the Snoqualmie basin. To check on progress, Ecology conducted an Effectiveness Monitoring Study on the river and tributaries in 2003-2005. The purpose of this study was to (1) determine how much water quality had improved, and (2) assess which areas could use more resources and funds to improve water quality. This report presents the results of the Effectiveness Monitoring Study and provides a picture of water quality in the watershed from North Bend downstream to Monroe. The good news is that water quality has been protected in many areas and is getting better in others.

    Overall Water Quality is Being Protected or Getting Better This 2003-05 Snoqualmie River Effectiveness Monitoring Study was more extensive than the original 1989-91 TMDL Study (Joy, 1994). The 2003-05 study shows that water is the same or getting better where clear comparisons could be made. During the study, dissolved oxygen levels in the Snoqualmie River met TMDL targets at several sensitive points (large pools of slow moving water). Definitive conclusions about dissolved oxygen in the river could not be made because the only way to determine if dissolved oxygen levels have actually improved is to rerun the original TMDL model or monitor water quality under projected worse-case conditions. Neither of these actions or conditions occurred as part of this 2003-05 study. Fecal coliform bacteria levels have improved in the Snoqualmie River and in many of the tributaries but need more improvement to reach Washington State standards. Bacteria levels in the main river have improved so that it is safer for swimming and other water contact recreation. Ecology modified the effluent limit requirements for biochemical oxygen demand and ammonia at the North Bend, Snoqualmie, and Duvall wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) as a result of the original Snoqualmie TMDL. Ecology also evaluated permit limit compliance and a limited

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    number of wastewater samples from the WWTPs. No remedial actions are recommended for the WWTPs at this time. Ecology recommends further study of water quality downstream of the North Bend WWTP due to the elevated nutrient levels at the South Fork river mile (RM) 2.0 site. While water quality has generally improved in the Snoqualmie watershed, there are some areas that need additional work to meet water quality standards. Water temperatures were high in many locations. Ecology is following up this Effectiveness Monitoring Study with a temperature TMDL to help evaluate the problem and develop solutions. For bacteria, many streams have good water quality except when it rains. This indicates that problems occur when stormwater picks up pollution as the stormwater travels over land and flows to surface water. Table ES-1 provides a summary of major water quality cleanup activities and monitoring needed in the Snoqualmie basin. A brief overview of water quality by subbasin is provided below.

    Upper Snoqualmie River Watershed Water from the North and Middle Forks is too warm but meets other water quality criteria. Actions to decrease water temperatures in these areas should proceed immediately. South Fork water temperatures are acceptable. But a 14% reduction in bacteria levels is needed at RM 2.0 (Snoqualmie Trail crossing) during the critical period (August through October). In addition, higher phosphorus levels at this site (RM 2.0) should be investigated. Kimball Creek does not meet Washington State standards for bacteria, temperature, or dissolved oxygen. Fecal coliform bacteria levels need to be reduced by 77% to meet standards. To improve water quality in Kimball Creek, Ecology recommends a survey of on-site sewage treatment systems, illicit discharge detection and correction, improvement of riparian vegetation, and implementation of small farm best management practices.

    Lower Snoqualmie River Watershed The quality of water going over Snoqualmie Falls into the Lower Snoqualmie watershed was good throughout the 2003-05 Effectiveness Monitoring Study. The next major tributary downstream of the falls, Tokul Creek, had generally good water quality with the exception high nitrogen and pH levels. Ecology recommends that additional monitoring be conducted to investigate any possible effects of the Tokul Creek hatchery activities. Ecology determined that the Raging River met the TMDL target for bacteria, but pH and temperature were higher than (exceeded) criteria. Ecology places a high priority on additional study of the physical and biological characteristics of the Raging River because of the river’s importance to the local fishery. Although Ecology is currently preparing a temperature TMDL for the Snoqualmie River, actions to reduce water temperatures in the Raging River should begin immediately. A special diagnostic study (Sept. 2003-Sept. 2005) of the Snoqualmie River in the Fall City area revealed higher fecal coliform, nitrite-nitrate nitrogen, and chloride levels just upstream of the Fall City area on the left river bank (as seen traveling downstream from Snoqualmie Falls). Ecology recommends additional study of land uses, evaluation of potential pollution sources, and water quality monitoring of this upstream area and the Raging River.

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    Patterson Creek water quality was poor during the dry critical period (August – October) with violations of fecal coliform, dissolved oxygen, and temperature criteria. The highest bacteria levels were observed in association with storm events. A 64% reduction in fecal coliform bacteria levels is needed during the critical period. To improve water quality in Patterson Creek, Ecology recommends examination of compliance with livestock ordinances, on-site sewage treatment systems, and stormwater conveyances. Griffin Creek had good water quality during the wet season (November through April) but high bacteria levels during storm events. Although mean bacteria levels in Griffin Creek have improved since the original 1989-91 TMDL Study, a 43% reduction in fecal coliform bacteria levels is needed during the critical period. Ecology recommends continued work with Griffin Creek property owners to control stormwater runoff. Because of the small size of the developable area and relative lack of growth pressure, Griffin Creek is a lower priority for focused water cleanup projects. The Tolt River showed good water quality for bacteria, pH, and dissolved oxygen levels. Ecology recommends continued attention to stormwater management in the Tolt River watershed to prevent water quality problems in the future. Harris Creek had good water quality during the wet season but showed higher bacteria levels during storm events. A 10% reduction in fecal coliform bacteria levels is needed during the August-October critical period. Ecology recommends continued work with Harris Creek property owners to control stormwater runoff. Because of the large size of the developable area, growth pressures, and potential changes in property ownership, Ecology considers Harris Creek an important area for continued water cleanup efforts. Ames Creek bacteria levels showed improvement since the original 1989-91 TMDL Study (Joy, 1994). However water quality remains poor, and an 86% reduction in fecal coliform levels is needed during the August-October critical period. Ecology recommends continued work with Ames Creek property owners to control both dry-weather and wet-weather pollution discharges. Because of the consistently elevated bacteria levels and poor overall water quality, Ames Creek is a higher priority for focused water cleanup projects. In Tuck Creek, water quality has deteriorated since the 1989-91 TMDL Study. The current 2003-05 Effectiveness Monitoring Study detected problems with bacteria, ammonia-nitrogen, dissolved oxygen, and pH levels. A 39% reduction in fecal coliform bacteria levels is needed during the critical period. Because of persistent elevated bacteria levels and poor overall water quality, Tuck Creek is a good candidate for focused water cleanup projects. Cherry Creek bacteria levels have improved since the 1989-91 TMDL Study. Wet season water quality is good, but water quality during the August-October critical period remains poor. During the critical period, dissolved oxygen, pH, and temperature levels did not meet standards. In addition, a 63% reduction in fecal coliform levels is needed during the critical period. Ecology recommends continued work with Cherry Creek property owners to control critical period pollution discharges. Cherry Creek is a higher priority stream for focused water cleanup projects because of the consistently elevated bacteria levels and poor overall water quality.

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    Table ES-1. Summary of major water quality cleanup activities and monitoring needed in the Snoqualmie River basin.

    Best Management Practices Monitoring

    Subbasin location Improve riparian shading*

    Illicit discharge detection & elimination

    Investigate agricultural


    Prevent future

    stormwater impacts

    Survey on-site sewage systems

    Reduce phosphorus discharges

    More study Long-term Periodic

    Upper Snoqualmie basin

    Middle Fork X X North Fork X X South Fork at RM 2.0 X North Bend WWTP X South Fork at RM 1.5 X X X X X Snoqualmie RM 42.3 X X** Kimball Creek X X X X X X X

    Lower Snoqualmie basin

    Snoqualmie RM 40.7 X X Tokul Creek X X Raging River X X X Snoqualmie RM 35.3 X X X X X Patterson Creek X X X X X X X Griffin Creek X X X Snoqualmie RM 25.2 X X Tolt River X X Harris Creek X X X X Ames Creek X X X X X X Tuck Creek X X X X X X X Cherry Creek X X X X X X X Snoqualmie RM 2.7 X X X X X X**

    * Due to downstream temperature problems, investigation of additional shading opportunities is recommended for all tributaries. ** Currently performed by the Washington State Department of Ecology (Ecology). RM - river mile WWTP - wastewater treatment plant

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    Why is Ecology Checking Water Quality in the Snoqualmie River Watershed?

    The Washington State Department of Ecology (Ecology) is concerned about the quality of water in the Snoqualmie River watershed. In the early 1990s, Ecology conducted a technical study of the Snoqualmie River and tributaries and made recommendations on how to protect and improve water quality in the river (Joy, 1994). This type of study is called a Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) study. The early studies showed that the Snoqualmie River and some of its tributaries were polluted because of high levels of bacteria (fecal coliform) and nutrients. High levels of nutrients are a problem because they can cause excessive plant growth which in turn can lead to low oxygen levels in the water. During the original 1989-91 TMDL Study (Joy, 1994), the river was frequently unhealthy for people and could become a problem for fish if action was not taken. Since the 1990s many actions have been taken to improve water quality in the Snoqualmie watershed. To check on progress toward making the watershed safer for people and fish, Ecology conducted a water quality study on the river and its tributaries in 2003-2005. The purpose of the study was to see how much water quality had improved and determine which areas could use more resources and funds to make the water cleaner. This report describes our current understanding of the pollution problems in the Snoqualmie River basin. The report provides a picture of water quality in the watershed from the city of North Bend downstream to the Snoqualmie River’s confluence with the Skykomish River. The good news is that water quality has improved in many areas, but more work needs to be done. This report recommends additional studies and pollution cleanup work that will help these waterbodies meet water quality standards. In the following pages, we will discuss the following:

    • What is effectiveness monitoring?

    • Why is it important to have good water quality in the Snoqualmie River?

    • What pollution sources can affect the Snoqualmie River?

    • Is the watershed getting cleaner? Because this report analyzes a large amount of scientific data, the discussion of current water quality and pollution trends is fairly technical. Ecology has attempted to write the report in a way that will help all readers learn more about the river’s water quality. Appendix A includes a glossary of terms and acronyms. Appendix B discusses potential pollution sources and actions taken to reduce pollution. Readers needing more information or explanation are encouraged to call the Ecology Water Quality Specialist for the Snoqualmie Watershed at 425-649-7000.

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    What is Ecology’s Water Cleanup Process?

    Washington State's Water Quality Assessment The federal Clean Water Act established a process to identify and clean up the nation’s polluted waters. Under the Clean Water Act, every state and many tribes have their own water quality standards designed to protect, restore, and preserve water quality. Water quality standards consist of designated uses for protection, such as cold water biota and drinking water supply, and criteria, usually numeric criteria, to achieve those uses. Every two years, states are required to prepare a list of waterbodies – lakes, rivers, streams or marine waters – that do not meet water quality standards. This list is called the 303(d) list. To develop the list for Washington State, Ecology compiles its own water quality data along with data submitted by local, state, and federal governments, tribes, industries, and citizen monitoring groups. All data are reviewed to ensure that they were collected using appropriate scientific methods before they are used to develop the water quality assessment. The 303(d) list identifies polluted waters. In Washington State, we include the 303(d) list in our Water Quality Assessment process. Our list tells a more complete story about the condition of Washington’s waters. This list divides waterbodies into one of five categories:

    • Category 1 – Meets tested standards for clean water. • Category 2 – Waters of concern. • Category 3 – No data available. • Category 4 – Polluted waters that do not require a TMDL since the problems are being

    solved in one of three ways: o 4a – Has a TMDL approved and it is being implemented. o 4b – Has a pollution control project in place that should solve the problem. o 4c – Is impaired by a non-pollutant such as low water flow, dams, culverts.

    • Category 5 – Polluted waters that require a Total Maximum Daily Load – on the 303d list.

    A Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) Limits Water Pollution The goal of a TMDL is to ensure that Category 5 impaired waters will eventually meet water quality standards, or TMDL targets, that protect beneficial uses. Beneficial uses are activities like fishing, shellfish harvesting, and swimming among other things. A TMDL includes a written, quantitative assessment of water quality problems and of the pollutant sources that cause the problem. The TMDL determines the amount of a given pollutant that can be discharged to the waterbody and still meet standards (the loading capacity) and allocates that load among the various sources. If the pollutant comes from a discrete source (referred to as a point source) such as a municipal or industrial facility’s discharge pipe, that facility’s share of the loading capacity is called a

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    1. Conduct Water Quality Study

    3. Prepare the Water Quality

    Implementation Plan

    Put the Plan into ACTION!

    2. Develop the Water Quality

    Improvement Report

    wasteload allocation. If it comes from diffuse sources such as general urban, residential, or farm runoff (referred to as nonpoint sources), the cumulative share is called a load allocation. The TMDL must also consider seasonal variations and include a margin of safety that takes into account any lack of knowledge about the causes of the water quality problem or its loading capacity. A reserve capacity for future loads from growth pressures is sometimes included as well. The sum of the wasteload and load allocations, the margin of safety, and any reserve capacity must be equal to or less than the loading capacity. Ecology follows a three-step TMDL process Washington State now follows a three-step process for documenting the problems and solutions for polluted waterbodies (see Figure 1). In early TMDLs such as the Snoqualmie TMDL, we did not use the same names for our reports but they addressed the same needs. Currently, Ecology typically prepares separate reports for each step of the process. Those steps are discussed below. We completed Steps 1-3 for the Snoqualmie TMDL. After significant pollution control activities are completed, Ecology conducts an Effectiveness Monitoring Study. This study evaluates water quality and reexamines what cleanup activities are still needed. Step 1: The Water Quality Study Ecology reviewed available water quality data and shared this information with local governments, environmental organizations, and others. This scientific review showed how dirty the water was in the early 1990s, and how clean it needed to be. The original study (Joy et al., 1991) is available on Ecology’s website at Step 2: Water Quality Improvement Report Ecology outlined the findings of the water quality study and set numeric goals for cleaning up the Snoqualmie River in 1994 (Joy, 1994). We received approval for our plan from the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) 1996. To learn more about the federal TMDL program, visit the EPA website at Ecology’s Snoqualmie Water Quality Improvement Report can be found at Step 3: Water Quality Implementation Plan (Action Plan) Ecology collaborated with local government, businesses, and the public to identify the actions needed to make the Snoqualmie River a safe place for people and fish. Earlier TMDLs such as the Snoqualmie River TMDL did not have a published Implementation Plan. Instead, Ecology

    Figure 1. Ecology's Water Cleanup Process

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    put numeric effluent limitations in the Water Quality Improvement Plan (Joy, 1994) and prepared a separate Nonpoint Action Plan (Ecology, 1994).

    Effectiveness Monitoring Measures Water Quality Improvement As noted above, the Effectiveness Monitoring Study determines if the water quality standards and water quality targets set in the TMDL have been met. It also reevaluates what actions are still needed in the TMDL area to ensure local waters will meet water quality standards, be safe to swim in, and be a healthy place for fish and other aquatic life. Effectiveness monitoring is an important part of any restoration or implementation activity since it measures whether the water cleanup work has been successful and tells us what we need to do next. The benefits of effectiveness monitoring and evaluation include:

    • Optimization in planning/decision-making (i.e., program benefits). • Watershed recovery status (i.e., how much restoration has been achieved, how much more

    effort is required). • Adaptive management or technical feedback to refine restoration design and implementation. • More efficient allocation of funding for future water cleanup activities. Effectiveness monitoring addresses four fundamental questions:

    1. Is the restoration or implementation work achieving the desired objectives or goals (significant improvement)?

    2. How can restoration or implementation techniques be improved? 3. Is the water quality improvement sustainable? 4. How can the cost-effectiveness of the work be improved?

    Ecology Studied Bacteria, Nutrients, pH, and Dissolved Oxygen Ecology studies in the early 1990s revealed that most of the mainstem of the Snoqualmie River had good water quality during the low-flow conditions found during summer and early fall (Joy et al., 1991; Joy, 1994). However, some mainstem reaches and many of the tributary streams were either threatened or not meeting some state water quality standards. Water quality parameters in the Snoqualmie watershed that did not meet water quality standards included dissolved oxygen, fecal coliform bacteria, pH, and temperature. Ecology’s early TMDL work studied all of these with the exception of temperature. For that reason, this report will focus on dissolved oxygen, fecal coliform, and nutrients. This report also discusses temperature because it affects dissolved oxygen levels. A summary of previous TMDL findings is provided in Appendix C. The summary is discussed for comparative purposes, along with upper and lower basin water quality data, later in this report.

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    Good Water Quality in the Snoqualmie Watershed is Important for People and Fish

    State law sets the standards for quality in Washington State waters (Washington Administrative Code (WAC) Chapter 173-201A). These are referred to as the water quality standards. The purpose of the standards is to establish the uses and activities (beneficial uses) that we should all expect from our local rivers, streams, lakes, and marine areas. The water quality standards are discussed in Appendix D. When surface waters do not meet state standards, the risk of injury or sickness to people and animals, including fish and other aquatic life, increases. Those risks are discussed below.

    Health Risks for People Bacteria targets for Washington waters are set to a low level to protect people who work and play in and on the water from waterborne illnesses. Fecal coliform is used as an “indicator bacteria” for the state’s freshwaters (lakes, rivers, and streams). Fecal coliform in water “indicates” the presence of waste from humans and other warm-blooded animals. Waste from warm-blooded animals is likely to contain bacteria, viruses, and parasites that will cause illness in humans. Pathogens known to be present in fecal matter include Escherichia coli 0157, salmonella, cryptosporidium, giardia, and viruses such as hepatitis A. Keeping local waters at or below state bacteria standards should result in low rates of serious intestinal illness (gastroenteritis) in people. The majority of the Snoqualmie River watershed has a “Primary Contact” designation in the Washington State Water Quality Standards WAC 173-201A). Primary contact use waters should support swimming and other recreational activities. Waters should be suitable for activities that involve direct contact with water to the point of complete submergence. To meet this standard, fecal coliform levels must not exceed a geometric mean value of 100 colonies/100 mL, with not more than 10% of all samples (or any single sample when less than ten sample points exist) exceeding 200 colonies/100 mL” (WAC 173-201A-200(2)(b), 2003 edition).1 The estimated 90th percentile is often used in this report as a surrogate for the “not-more-than-10 percent” criterion2. Parts of the upper watershed have an even higher standard of “Extraordinary Primary Contact.” The water quality standard for fecal coliform bacteria limits the risk of illness to humans that work or play in water. Our state standards are designed to allow no more than seven illnesses out of every 1,000 people engaged in primary contact activities. Once the concentration of fecal coliform in the water exceeds one of the criteria, the chance of becoming ill increases above acceptable levels. Ecology studies have shown we have reached that point in the Snoqualmie watershed in a number of areas, and bacteria levels must now be reduced.

    1 The term “colonies” (sometimes referred to as colony forming units or cfu)) refers to the number of bacteria colonies that grow in a Petri dish after 100 milliliters (mL) of stream water is filtered and tested on the dish. To give you an idea of how much water that is, 100 mL is almost half a cup (0.42 cups to be more exact). 2 For compliance with not-more-than 10% criterion, 90th percentile levels determined using the log values of sample results (as done by the National Shellfish Sanitation Program (2003)) will be used as a screening tool. Where this conflicts with the Water Quality Standards, Ecology will use the state standard.

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    Health Risks for Animals Clean water is important for keeping livestock and other animals healthy. Water constitutes 60 to 70% of the bodies of livestock. Animals that do not drink enough water may suffer stress or even dehydration. This in turn makes them more susceptible to diseases (Faries et al. 1998). Waters polluted with suspended solids, objectionable tastes, or unusual odors can cause animals to drink less than they should (Pfost et al., 2006). Water needs for animals change depending on weather and the type of food consumed. While dry cows generally need 8 to 10 gallons of water daily, a cow in her last 3 months of pregnancy may drink up to 15 gallons/day. Those producing milk need about five times as much water as the volume of milk produced (Faries et al., 1998). Sick animals do not gain weight quickly which can result in lower profits at auction. Among the many water-transmitted diseases that can affect livestock are leptospirosis (foot-rot), fusobacterium, cryptosporidium, and giardia (Fleming and Eng, 2004; Atwill, 2006). Fusobacterium is carried on the feet of animals, which contaminates any body of water they enter (Pfost et al., 2006). Cryptosporidium affects mainly younger animals; approximately 25% of calves with diarrhea between 5 days to 1 month old are infected with Cryptosporidium parva (Fleming and Eng, 2004). In some cases, giardia infections can reduce livestock weight gains by 20% (Yurchak and Buchanan, 1995).

    Effects on Aquatic Life Washington State Water Quality Standards are also meant to help protect all natural biota living in our local waters. The Snoqualmie River watershed supports many species of salmon, trout, whitefish, suckers, and other important fish species and supporting habitat. The watershed is home to the threatened chinook and other salmon species that use the waters throughout the year. Other organisms that live in the watershed are no less important to salmon survival although they receive less attention. The wide range of plants, insects, and other living organisms that live in the watershed provide the underlying support for those fishery resources. Starting at the plant level with algae, then moving up to zooplankton and macroinvertebrates, each of these organisms are needed to feed fish from their development from fry to fingerlings to smolts. Good oxygen levels, low water temperatures, proper nutrient levels, and adequate streamflows are all important to the good health of the small creatures that live in the river and its tributary streams. When a stream or river experiences pollution, native plants and bugs often fail to flourish and are replaced by non-native plants and bugs. Fish populations that have used those native species as food sources over their thousands of years in the stream often do not adjust to the new food sources and can suffer from a lack of nutrition. Poorly nourished fish do not compete as well and become more susceptible to predation. In extreme cases, young fish could die due to malnutrition. Inappropriate oxygen, nutrient, or temperature levels can cause this problem. In addition, young fish that experience excessively high temperatures during rearing are more susceptible to diseases and can suffer developmental problems that can reduce their ability to spawn successfully in the future (Meyers et al., 1998).

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    Study Area and Background Information

    Snoqualmie River Basin The Snoqualmie is a river system with generally good water quality and multiple aquatic resources, located within 15 miles (24 km) of the Seattle-Bellevue metropolitan area (Figure 2). The river and its tributaries are highly valued for their recreational, aesthetics, aquatic habitat, hydropower, and domestic water supply uses. The Snoqualmie River Valley has been undergoing rapid changes in land use with additional wasteload discharges proposed for the river (Joy, 1994). As a result, the Washington State Department of Ecology (Ecology) developed a TMDL for ammonia, biochemical oxygen demand (BOD), and fecal coliform for the basin. The TMDL was approved by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Region 10 in 1996. The 303(d) listings addressed in the TMDL are described in Table 1.

    Table 1. 303(d) Listings addressed in the TMDL Study (Joy, 1994).

    Waterbody Segment Waterbody Name TMDL Parameters Addressed

    ID-WA-07-1060 Snoqualmie River Ammonia-nitrogen, fecal coliform, BOD ID-WA-07-1062 Cherry Creek Ammonia-nitrogen, fecal coliform, BOD ID-WA-07-1066 Ames Creek Ammonia-nitrogen, fecal coliform, BOD ID-WA-07-1064 Tuck Creek Ammonia-nitrogen, fecal coliform, BOD ID-WA-07-1068 Harris Creek Ammonia-nitrogen, fecal coliform, BOD ID-WA-07-1070 Tolt River Ammonia-nitrogen, fecal coliform, BOD ID-WA-07-1100 Snoqualmie River Ammonia-nitrogen, fecal coliform, BOD ID-WA-07-1101 Griffin Creek Ammonia-nitrogen, fecal coliform, BOD ID-WA-07-1102 Patterson Creek Ammonia-nitrogen, fecal coliform, BOD ID-WA-07-1104 Raging River Ammonia-nitrogen, fecal coliform, BOD ID-WA-07-1106 Tokul Creek Ammonia-nitrogen, fecal coliform, BOD ID-WA-07-1108 Kimball Creek Ammonia-nitrogen, fecal coliform, BOD ID-WA-07-1110 Snoqualmie River Ammonia-nitrogen, fecal coliform, BOD ID-WA-07-1130 Snoqualmie River Ammonia-nitrogen, fecal coliform, BOD ID-WA-07-1140 Snoqualmie River Ammonia-nitrogen, fecal coliform, BOD ID-WA-07-1150 Snoqualmie River Ammonia-nitrogen, fecal coliform, BOD

    The Snoqualmie River system drains 700 square miles (mi2), or 1813 square kilometers (km2), in King and Snohomish Counties before meeting the Skykomish River to create the Snohomish River. Most of the Snoqualmie River basin is in King County. The study area includes the lower 44.5 miles (71.6 km) of the river from the South Fork Snoqualmie River and confluence of the two other main forks near North Bend (elevation 430 ft / 131 m), to the confluence with the Skykomish River at Monroe (elevation 15 ft / 4.6 m), as illustrated in Figures 2 and 3. Snoqualmie Falls, with a vertical height of 268 feet (81.7 m), is a predominant feature of the Snoqualmie River at river mile (RM) 40.4. The Tolt River, which drains a 101 mi2 (262 km2) basin, is a large tributary to the lower mainstem Snoqualmie (Joy, 1994). The Tolt provides 30% of the drinking water for the 1.3 million people in the Seattle area.

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    Figure 2. Snoqualmie River monitoring study area. (WRIA - Water Resource Inventory Area)

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    Figure 3. Snoqualmie River and tributary sampling locations. (WWTP - Wastewater Treatment Plant) The upper Snoqualmie watershed above North Bend is mainly forested land under both private and U.S. Forest Service management. Residential and commercial land uses are concentrated in two areas in the upper portion of the study area: along the Interstate 90 corridor around the city of North Bend, and in the city of Snoqualmie located near Snoqualmie Falls. The lower valley, which is located below Snoqualmie Falls, is characterized by several major population centers and mixed agriculture. The population centers are the cities of Duvall and Carnation and the unincorporated towns of Fall City and Preston. Agriculture includes dairies, berry fields, pastures, and row crop fields. In addition, golf courses, wildlife reserves, and other recreational facilities are present along the mid to lower end of the river. The slopes and upland

    South Fork Baseline

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    sub-drainage areas of the lower valley have traditionally supported forestry and water supply uses, but are being converted to residential and commercial developments along the western borders of the lower basin and around several cities. Stormwater from a number of residential developments on the western plateaus discharges into the Snoqualmie River through drainage systems or by direct pipeline (Onwumere and Batts, 2004). Sampling sites for the Effectiveness Monitoring Study are shown in Figure 3. All but one of the sampling sites used in the study are located on a stream reach that are either TMDL or 303(d) listed or both. The unlisted site is on the South Fork at river mile (RM) 2.8 and is considered a baseline station. Appendix D summarizes water quality criteria and beneficial uses for the waterbody classifications in the Snoqualmie watershed. The Snoqualmie River and its tributaries are classified as Primary Contact Recreation waters from the mouth to the west border of Twin Falls State Park at river mile (RM) 9.1 on the South Fork. The entire Middle Fork and North Fork Snoqualmie Rivers, and South Fork Snoqualmie River above RM 9.1, are classified as Extraordinary Primary Contact Recreation waters. The South Fork Tolt River system is also Extraordinary Primary Contact Recreation waters, with a special condition on the South Fork of the Tolt River (a Seattle water supply) above RM 6.9 prohibiting any waste discharge.

    Potential Pollution Sources Vary Throughout the Watershed A number of pollution sources have the potential of degrading water quality in the Snoqualmie watershed. Several categories of pollution sources are described in Appendix B. Specific actions taken within subbasins of the watershed are discussed in the following sections in this report: Water Quality in the Upper Snoqualmie River and Water Quality in the Upper Snoqualmie River.

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    What Was Done to Improve Water Quality? Ecology surveyed internal staff, local governments, and other agencies to determine key implementation activities that took place prior to, or during, the 2003-05 Snoqualmie TMDL Effectiveness Monitoring Study. Ecology, King County, King Conservation District, Public Health of Seattle-King County, and National Resources Conservation District (NRCS) activities comprise the majority of activities documented during the period prior to effectiveness monitoring, 1994 to 2004. Each organization and its major program elements and accomplishments are discussed below. Individual projects may be discussed, along with water quality data by subbasin, later in this report. Some organizations discussed below have only become active in recent years; therefore, their activities have not contributed significantly to water quality changes observed in this study. However, Ecology considers their activities important to TMDL implementation in the future.

    Washington State Department of Ecology Ecology administers two programs that control pollution inputs to the Snoqualmie watershed

    1. The National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permits for wastewater treatment plants and other point source discharges.

    2. The Dairy Nutrient Management Program (Chapter 90.64 Revised Code of Washington).

    The activities for these programs are discussed below. 1. Management of Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plant Discharges Municipal wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) for the cities of North Bend, Snoqualmie, and Duvall currently discharge directly to the Snoqualmie River. Many changes have taken place at these WWTPs since the original TMDL technical work was performed in the early 1990s. These changes are discussed later in this report under Water Quality in the Upper Snoqualmie River and Water Quality in the Lower Snoqualmie River. The 1994 Snoqualmie low-flow TMDL analyzed several scenarios for managing municipal wastewater discharges from existing and potential future sources (Joy, 1994). At the time of the TMDL’s approval, four WWTPs were operating within the basin: North Bend, Snoqualmie, Echo Glen, and Duvall. Echo Glen discharges were not significant during dry weather conditions as wastewater infiltrated into the dry streambed during that time of the year. Wastewater from Echo Glen now flows to the Snoqualmie WWTP, eliminating all discharges from this site. After EPA approved the Snoqualmie TMDL in 1996, Ecology started to include special effluent limitations in the NPDES permits to these treatment plants. Ecology reduced the amount of ammonia and biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) that could be discharged from these plants

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    during the dry summer season. The reductions were designed to protect dissolved oxygen levels downstream of the plants. A summary of these permit limits is shown in Table 2. (The reader should refer to the NPDES permits for the correct limits for compliance purposes.) Table 2. Wastewater treatment plant effluent limits summary. For comparison, this table contains only selected limits that are specifically related to the TMDL. Some limits in the table are expressed in different units than those in the NPDES permits.

    Wastewater Treatment Plant

    Year-round or Wet Weather Limits (November thru July, lbs/day)

    Dry Season Limits (August thru October, lbs/day)

    Duvall WWTP

    Weekly Average Maximum

    Daily Maximum

    Weekly Maximum

    Daily Maximum

    Calculated Daily Maximum limit1 Date Permit Issued BOD5 CBOD5 Ammonia CBOD5 Ammonia CBOD5 + Ammonia

    10/9/1992 338 --- 60 --- --- --- 3/10/2000 --- 300 60 172 12.5 4/11/2002 --- 300 60 --- --- 203.5 6/19/2006 --- 438 --- --- --- 171.8 1 Equivalent CBOD5 loading is defined as follows: CBOD5 lbs/day + (2.5 * NH3-N lbs/day) where CBOD5 and total ammonia (as NH3-N) are measurements from the same daily composite sample.

    Snoqualmie WWTP

    Weekly Average Maximum Daily Maximum Date Permit Issued BOD5 CBOD5 Ammonia BOD5 CBOD5 Ammonia

    12/15/1994 87 --- 29 --- --- --- 12/20/2002 807 --- n/a 225.2 --- 75 1Dry season limits are derived from daily maximum concentration limits in the permit and the maximum daily flow of 1.8 MGD.

    North Bend WWTP

    Weekly Average Maximum

    Daily Maximum

    Weekly Average Maximum Daily Maximum Date Permit Issued BOD5 CBOD5 Ammonia BOD5 CBOD5 Ammonia

    11/15/1994 150 --- 93.4 --- --- --- 12/19/1999 --- 354 --- --- 307 20.25 4/7/2006 801 1Wasteload allocations for North Bend WWTP are 175 lbs/day CBOD5 and 81.5 lbs/day ammonia based on the original TMDL. Using the QUAL2E model, this distribution was changed to 307.5 and 20.25 lbs/day for CBOD5 and ammonia, respectively. This allocation is more suited for the present configuration of the North Bend plant.

    The City of Carnation has begun constructing a new WWTP to serve its growing wastewater needs. Carnation will be converting from the use of individual on-site septic systems to community use of membrane bioreactor technology and constructed wetlands to meet the TMDL allocations. The new WWTP is expected to begin operating in 2008 or 2009.

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    2. Dairy Nutrient Management Program In 1997 Ecology began a systematic dairy inspection program. All dairies were inspected and required to develop and implement Dairy Nutrient Management Plans by December 31, 2003. All dairy inspections are now performed by the Washington State Department of Agriculture. In 1998, Class A dairies became regulated by the Dairy Nutrient Management Act, RCW 90.64. Each dairy was required to develop and implement a Dairy Nutrient Management Plan (DNMP). The DNMP describes how to manage nutrient-rich byproducts of the dairy operation. All DNMPs were to be implemented by December 31, 2003. Both financial and technical assistance is available to dairies and other commercial animal husbandry organizations through the National Resource Conservation Service, the King Conservation District, and King County’s Agricultural Assistance Program. Ecology administered the Dairy Nutrient Management Act until July 1, 2003, when those duties were transferred to the Washington State Department of Agriculture. Nine dairies were in operation during the 2003-05 Effectiveness Monitoring Study. This number is down from approximately 25 dairies at the time the original TMDL data was collected (Ecology Database; Nelson, 2004) (Figure 4). Most dairies were located along the mainstem of the Snoqualmie River. Ecology staff inspected all active facilities from

    approximately 1998 to 2003. As a result of these inspections, 23 formal and informal enforcement actions were taken against 10 dairies (Hovde, 2001). Nine of those 10 facilities had some type of water quality concern. Ecology issued two dairy NPDES permits as a result of ongoing or potential water quality problems at those locations. One dairy in the Duvall area had failed to develop and implement a farm plan during the Effectiveness Monitoring Study and was receiving monthly fines of $100. A dairy in the Tuck Creek subbasin went out of business near the end of the 2003-05 Effectiveness Monitoring Study and is now home to an organic herb and vegetable facility.

    Figure 4. Dairies in the Snoqualmie River basin. Dairies active during the 2003-05 study are shown with green triangles. Currently inactive dairies believed to be in operation at the time TMDL data were collected are shown with red triangles.

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    Washington State Department of Agriculture Ecology administered the Dairy Nutrient Management Act until July 1, 2003. At that time, he Washington State Department of Agriculture (WSDA) took over the inspection responsibilities for that program with enforcement authority retained by Ecology. The act requires dairy farmers to implement approved dairy nutrient management plans. WSDA has responsibility for inspecting dairies for compliance with state and federal water quality laws. The WSDA is committed to inspecting all dairies in the Snoqualmie watershed on an 18-24 month interval. If a problem is noted at the facility, follow-up inspections will be made and enforcement actions initiated as needed. WSDA will also routinely inspect any non-dairy operations covered under the NPDES CAFO permit and coordinate with Ecology on any compliance actions on such facilities. WSDA will coordinate with Ecology on responding to water quality complaints about other livestock operations. WSDA staff responded to at least two citizen complaints regarding dairy operations in the Duvall area during the course of this 2003-05 study.

    King Conservation District The King Conservation District (KCD) supported Snoqualmie basin TMDL goals by providing education and technical assistance to rural landowners and the agricultural community on how to manage land and animals in an environmentally sustainable manner. The KCD is not a regulatory agency. The KCD works closely with the Natural Resources Conservation Service, which provides technical assistance to the KCD, conducts training sessions for KCD personnel, and develops the practices and standards which the KCD uses to develop and implement its projects. Landowners within the KCD boundaries receive free information and technical assistance for water quality protection, farm management plans, soil and slope stability information, volunteer opportunities, stream restoration/enhancement assistance, and many other natural resource topics on an as-requested basis. Between 1990 and 2000, the King Conservation District prepared about 132 farm plans for residents in the Snoqualmie basin (Figure 5). Farm plans detail the best management practices (BMPs) that are needed to make a farm healthy for animals and the environment. Dairies were required to develop Dairy Nutrient Management Plans, a version of a farm plan, by the Washington State Legislature, which was done through a partnership of the Natural Resources Conservation Service and the KCD. Among the most basic and important BMPs for the control of bacteria and nutrient inputs are the installation of fencing, use of heavy use protection areas and roof runoff management systems, and the establishment of trees and shrubs where needed. Locations where these BMPs were observed to be installed as part of farm plan implementation are shown in Figure 5.

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    Figure 5. King Conservation District (KCD) activities in the Snoqualmie watershed.

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    As shown in Table 3, the implementation rate of key BMPs that reduce bacteria and nutrient loading is less than half of what was identified as being needed (KCD, unpublished data, 2004). However, good progress is being made. Best management practices were implemented to protect water quality such as (1) improvements to roof runoff management systems that prevent stormwater contamination, (2) use of off-stream watering point, and (3) installation of at least seven miles of fencing. Because KCD and King County resources do not allow for a comprehensive number of revisits to all farms, the numbers provided are likely to be underestimates. This report recommends that regular visits to all farms, or a large number of random visits, be conducted to accurately document farm plan implementation. Table 3. Selected best management practices known to be installed as part of approximately 84 approved farm plans in Snoqualmie River watershed farms as of 2004.

    Best Management Practice Amount Planned Amount

    Implemented Percent installed

    Composting (number of facilities) 21 9 43 Fence (feet) 136,099 37,893 28 Heavy Use Protection Area (acres) 21 7 36 Roof Runoff Management (number of facilities) 81 36 44

    Tree and Shrub Establishment (acres) 45 17 38

    Targeted efforts by the KCD include implementation of the Sensitive Areas Protection from Domestic Livestock Program in 1993. The KCD worked with citizens and local and state agencies to reduce nonpoint source pollution from livestock operations in King County. A farm plan was developed for a 67-acre commercial beef operation on the Snoqualmie River. A total of 51 farm practices were implemented, and a two-stage manure storage pond and five-million-gallon manure lagoon at Carnation Farms were included in this effort. During 1995-97, the Washington State Conservation Commission provided the KCD with a $48,000 grant for the Floodplain Fencing Demonstration Project. Three sites were planted in May 1996 - July 1997. In recent years, the KCD applied for and received a competitive grant from Ecology to perform water quality monitoring and increased outreach to Snoqualmie watershed residents. This work supports the goals of the Snoqualmie TMDL and is ongoing through June 2008. The KCD has also created a new competitive grant program called the “Opportunity Fund” to support improvements on private property that promote salmon recovery and improve water quality.

    Snohomish Conservation District The Snohomish Conservation District (SCD) works with landowners and livestock owners throughout Snohomish County and on Camano Island to develop resource management plans. A principal focus of their work is surface water protection. The SCD provides information and services including, but not limited to, riparian and instream restoration, soils, water quality, livestock husbandry, backyard conservation, pasture management, nutrient management, and residential low impact development (LID) retrofits.

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    The SCD provides technical assistance, farm plans, and cost-share funds to help implement BMPs using county, state, and federal funds. TMDL-related BMPs that are recommended and implemented include: fencing livestock out of streams, improving pasture and nutrient management, installing gutters to keep water away from barnyard areas, composting and storage of manure, and planting riparian buffers. These BMPs help prevent the transport of mud, nutrients, and manure to surface waters and also improve watershed health overall. The SCD also conducts water quality monitoring as part of many of its targeted projects. The SCD has a strong program of education and outreach including well-attended workshops and evening programs on Small Farms Management, Horses for Clean Water, and other topics. In July 2005 the SCD was awarded Centennial Grant funds to provide small farm BMP education, including riparian vegetation improvements, in the Harvey-Kackman-Armstrong, March, and Fish Creek sub-watersheds. Water quality monitoring will be performed to educate residents and other stakeholders on current status of pollution levels in these creeks. The SCD also has received state Salmon Recovery Funds to control erosion from forest roads in the Segelsen Creek area.

    Natural Resources Conservation Service The Natural Resources Conservation District (NRCS) works in partnership with the King and Snohomish Conservation Districts to provide technical guidance and funding for a number of programs that affect water quality. The NRCS works primarily with the agricultural community acting as the technical resource aid for farm plan preparation. In partnership with other parts of the U.S. Department of Agriculture, the NRCS also oversees the construction and operation of dikes, pump stations, and other devices associated with the engineering of floodplain areas in agricultural areas. The NRCS also administers several important financial assistance programs including the Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program (CREP), Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP), Wild Life Incentive Program (WHIP), and the Wetland Reserve Program (WRP).

    King County King County has a number of programs that reduce and control pollution inputs into the Snoqualmie watershed. The most significant pollution reduction activities during the 1990s and early 2000s were related to agricultural assistance and salmon restoration activities. Stormwater management, road maintenance, and flood control activities also occurred; however, these activities probably had a smaller impact on controlling bacteria and nutrient pollution, which was the focus of the original 1994 Snoqualmie TMDL Study. Rural and Agricultural Assistance Programs King County has several programs to help rural landowners and to support a strong and viable agricultural community. By doing so, landowners get technical assistance and will have the economic ability to both sustain their activities and do so in an environmentally acceptable manner.

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    King County developed the Rural Drainage Program (RDP) in 1999 by extending the surface water management fee to eastern King County (and Vashon Island) through the passage of Ordinance 13695. The fee was originally $85 and was increased 20% to $102 per residence in 2002. The RDP provides funding for a comprehensive approach to protecting water-related resources including drainage services; environmental enforcement; Snoqualmie technical assessment activities; five basin stewards (one each for the Vashon, Green River, Bear/Issaquah Creeks, Cedar River, and Snoqualmie watersheds); lake stewardship activities; the King County Agriculture Program; Rural Forest Preservation activities; and the Vashon groundwater project. These activities are discussed below: Basic Education and Outreach Programs King County helped to organize and staff the Livestock and Rural Landowner Assistance booth at the King County Fair (provided assistance to over 2,000 fairgoers in 2002). The County also helped organize the first King County Small Farm Fair Expo at the Enumclaw Fairgrounds, 500 rural landowners attended in 2002. County staff also attended planning workshops for existing and new farmers and developed a Ditch Maintenance Training Video that is available to landowners. County staff responded to over 500 requests for technical assistance in 2002 across the Rural Drainage Program service area. Three Agricultural Drainage Assistance flyers were produced and distributed. A questionnaire was sent to 2,000 residents of the Patterson Creek watershed in October 2001 to get feedback on water quality problems in their area. Agricultural Cost Share Assistance Since 1996, King County has helped livestock owners and horticultural operations install needed BMPs to protect the environment, especially water quality. This program was only a few years old at the time the 2003-05 TMDL Effectiveness Monitoring Study was started. King County had $85,000 available in the early 2000s to work with farms to put in fences to exclude animals from riparian areas. This grant money was awarded in anticipation of changes in sensitive area management requirements for fencing in agricultural areas. Manure management systems and composting structures were installed in several locations, along with stream and wetland buffer fencing, confinement area footing, and clean water diversion. Puget Sound Fresh Program King County works through the Puget Sound Fresh Program to market produce and help keep farms economically healthy. This farm marketing effort is important because a healthy farm is better equipped to properly manage pollution sources. The County started the program by providing $400,000 in 1997 and then $100,000 annually beginning in about 1999. Forestry Program King County’s Forestry Program focuses on the retention of forest land for its environmental, social, and economic benefits. Healthy forests help maintain natural watershed hydrology (proper river flow) and introduce less sediment into local waters. The forestry program assisted in teaching several eight-week Forest Stewardship classes in 2001 and 2002. Additional outreach included the development of a color brochure explaining the value of forests and the

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    mailing of Farm and Forest Newsletters to 10,000 residents in the Rural Drainage Program area. The County continues to mail these newsletters on a regular basis. Snoqualmie Basin Steward King County’s Snoqualmie Basin Steward works directly with landowners to protect water quality and aquatic resources in many ways. In 2002, the basin steward prepared over $1,100,000 in grant applications for land acquisition and restoration activities in the Snoqualmie River watershed. The steward organized eight public planting events in 2000-02 located at Chinook Bend, Middle Fork Snoqualmie Park Natural Area, and the Griffin Creek Park Natural Area. About 4,000 plants were planted and 3-4 acres of noxious weeds were destroyed; steward activities improved 20 acres of floodplain and riparian habitat and engaged about 500 volunteers. King County Livestock Program The King County Council passed the King County Livestock Management Ordinance (LMO) in December 1993. Livestock Program staff facilitated a 9-member Livestock Oversight Committee (composed of livestock owners, environmentalists, tribal, federal, and Washington State Fish & Wildlife department representatives) whose purpose was to implement the ordinance. The LMO supports livestock management that minimizes adverse impacts to the environment, particularly with regard to water quality and salmon habitat. One staff person currently administers the LMO and may refer problem sites to the Department of Development and Environmental Services for enforcement, if necessary. Beginning in 2004, the King County Agricultural Commission replaced the oversight committee while continuing to let farmers take an active role in developing and evaluating policies, regulations, and incentives that can affect King County agriculture. The Livestock Ordinance required the preparation and implementation of Farm Plans on those farms of a specified animal density:

    • Six large animals per acre if you: (1) Follow