So / Cult presentation (English version)

Post on 05-Dec-2014

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Humans, Brands, Stories. Grabbing attention is good. Captivating attention is better. // Humans love stories // // Stories need humans // // Humans use brands // // Brands need stories //


So Cult

humans, brands, stories

So Cult

Making an impression is getting harder every day.

So Cult

Competition is intense.

So Cult

We are bombarded by over 1,000 ad messages every day. *

*Results may vary, but you get the idea : it's a lot.

So Cult

Aspérité : n.f. (a-spé-ri-té)

Etat de ce qui est rugueux, inégal.Saillie, partie qui dépasse.

Fig. L'aspérité du caractère. Les aspérités du style, tout ce que le style a de rude dans la forme.

Grabbing attention isn’t that complicated. (Once you understand basic rules)

So Cult

 But how do you keep it?

So Cult

Being mesmerizing is more complicated.

So Cult

Grabbing attention is good. Captivating attention is better.

So We know

So Cult

humans love


So Cult

humans love


So Cult

humans love


So Cult

humans love stories

Image : Robbie Cooper Série «Immersion» - «Jerard Ocitti & Noah Harrowes playing Star Wars Battlefront videogame»

So We think

So Cult

Sometimes a message alone is not enough.

awesome logo

So Awesome

It’s important to tell a story.

So Cult

‟with great power comes great



So Cult


So Cult

‟always follow

your dreams”

le messagemessage

So Cult


So Cult

‟Think different.”

le messagemessage

So Cult


So What ?

So Cult

You hear a message.

So Cult

You listen to a story.

So Cult

To tell a story you need an audience.

So Cult

Source : « The Conversation Prism » by Brian Sollis & Jess3

Here is where stories are told.

So Cult


So Cult


Here is where stories are told.

So Cult

Source : « Social Media Brandsphere» by Brian Sollis & Jess3

Here are some storytelling tools.

So Cult

Passive audiences become engaged actors.(And that’s good !)

passive audience(allegory)

engaged actors(allegory)

So Cult

Media become brands.

So Cult

Brands become media.

So Cult

Brands become pop culture.

So Cult

Brands become icons.

So Cult

A good brand story is a good story. Period.

So We do

So Cult

Brand persona

So Cult

Brands don’t just tell stories, they are stories.

The best brands are easy to spot : they are memorables protagonists.

Brand persona

So Cult

Brand Content

So Cult

Brand Content

Good brand content is good content. Period.

(The pitch becomes the brand baseline)

So Cult

Social storytelling

So Cult

In social media, the public is the media and the brandis what’s said about it.

Social storytelling

So Cult

Transmedia Storytelling

So Cult

We are multiconnected. 

Today, a well-told story is a story that multiplies points of entry.

Transmedia Storytelling

So We are

So Cult

So/Cult is the fusion between Olivier Ravard, idea digger & storyteller and Celina Barahona, multimedia projects director.

we are humans

we are

humans love


One More thing

So Cult

To tell a good story,you need a compelling hook.

So Cult

A hook is an irresistible magnetthat attracts the audienceand draws it into the story.