So you’re interested in Panhellenic Exec?

Post on 07-Feb-2016

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So you’re interested in Panhellenic Exec?. Who are We?. Pan=All Hellenic=Greek We represent all sorority women on the SDSU campus!. What We Do. Support Advocate Advance. How we do it!. Innovative programming Fostering cross chapter relationships Leadership development - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


So you’re interested in Panhellenic Exec?

Who are We?Pan=All


We represent all sorority women on the SDSU campus!

What We Do




How we do it! Innovative programming

Fostering cross chapter relationships

Leadership development

New member education

Promotion of Greek life on and off campus

Here are some examples! Recruitment

Greek Week

New Member Series

Presidents retreats

Order of Omega

GAMMA (Greeks Advocating Mature Management of Alcohol)

AS Involvement

Fraternal Values Society

Faculty Appreciation Events

GLAB (Greek Life Activities Board)

Sister sororities

Panhellenic Pride Days

Executive Board gatherings

And even more!

Executive Officer PositionsPresident

Vice President



Judicial Director

Scholarship Director

Risk Management Director

Chapter Programming *Formally Sports Director

Activities Director

Public Relations Director

A.S. Liaison

Recruitment Director*

Assistant Recruitment Director*

*Elected at the end of the fall semester


Have overall responsibility for the operation of the Panhellenic Association.

Run weekly Panhellenic executive board and delegate meetings.

Work with all chapter presidentsAct as a liaison between Panhellenic chapters

and Student life and LeadershipAssist in coordinating recruitment activities. Oversee the general programming and

operations of the Panhellenic community.Must have served previously on the Panhellenic

executive board to be considered eligible.

Vice PresidentPerform the duties of the President in her absence,

inability to serve, or at her call.

Help coordinate New Member series.

Responsible for philanthropy selection and execution.

Coordinate Greek sponsored community service events.

Work with the Fraternal Values Society, promoting values based leadership.

Secretaryresponsible for keeping Panhellenic files, rosters

and directories up-to-date and accurate.

Take minutes and attendance at all meetings of the Panhellenic Council.

Be responsible for the Constitution, Bylaws and Standing Rules of the Panhellenic council.

Maintain and update the Panhllenic webite.

Coordinate sister sorority pairings and planning of events.

Maintain morale among Panhelellenc exec members and delegates.

TreasurerBe responsible for the general supervision of the

finances of the San Diego State University Panhellenic Association.

Create and manage a budget of over $25,000

Responsible, for the Panhellenic Council and Recruitment account budgets.

Receive all payments due to the Panhellenic Association.

Judicial DirectorEducate members on Panhellenic Judicial


Uphold necessary duties in judicial procedures.

Be responsible for the judicial committee

Serve on the recruitment team to to plan and execute Fall Formal Recruitment.

Scholarship Director

Responsible for all scholarship reports, awards, and programs

Serve as the Panhellenic Association Liaison to the Order of Omega

Be responsible for faculty relations and related campus awareness events.

Help chapters strengthen their scholarship programming.

Collect chapter scholarship reports of chapter scholarship programs.

Risk Management DirectorCo-chair (with IFC) the SDSU chapter of GAMMA,

and preside at all GAMMA meetings

Plan and delegate the necessary tasks for GAMMA sponsored events.

Promote health and safety among the Panhellenic community.

Chapter Programming Director (formally known as Sports Director)

Be responsible for organizing and informing chapters of Intramural activities.

Plan and execute Panhellenic events.i.e. Panhellenic Pride Week, Executive Board

Gatherings, Greek Olympics

Promote and enhance relationships between chapters.

Activities DirectorCo-Chair and facilitate GLAB (Greek Life Activities


Plan and promote Greek Homecoming events.

Coordinate, publicize, and execute Greek Week

Public Relations Director

Update and maintain all social media accounts

Write and distribute Panhellenic newspaper.

Promote all Panhellenic activities to the Greek and SDSU community.

A.S. LiaisonAttend all Associated Students Council meetings, and act as

a Liaison between A.S. and Panhellenic

Sit as designated seat on A.S. Campus Communities as the Panhellenic Liaison.

Fulfill any other obligation required by A.S..

Be responsible for educating and recruiting women from all chapter to be appointed for boards/committees within Associated Students Organization

Conducting presentations throughout the semester, showcasing the benefits of the Associated Students Organization.

Promote and manage all chapters to participate in school wide events such as Homecoming and Greenfest

Requirements for RunningAn active member of an SDSU NPC


Must be in good standing in your chapter

Good judicial and academic standing with the university

Application Requirements One copy of completed application and


Cover letter

Current resume

One letter of recommendation from an active member of the Panhellenic community

One letter of recommendation from an advisor, employer, supervisor, etc.

What is the Time Commitment?

Weekly exec and delegate meetingsExec: Mondays 1:00-2:00Delegate: Mondays 2:00-3:00

Additional hours for work and projects vary by week

A term on the Panhellenic exec board lasts one year.

What about Recruitment?Panhellenic exec plays a key role during the

planning and execution of recruitment.

Similar to a rho chi, you are disaffiliated from your chapter, and stay off campus in a hotel during recruitment.

Many exec members consider recruitment to be one of the most fun and rewarding parts of serving on Panhellenic.

Can I be on my chapters executive board at the same time?Members may not serve on both

chapter and Panhellenic executive boards at one time.

Serving on Panhellenic exec requires the same drive and dedication as a chapter council.

Think of Panhellenic as the exec of the execs!

Why Panhellenic?What’s in it for me?

What will I take away from the experience that I can’t on my own chapter’s executive board?

What will I be able to do?

A bigger picture! Deeper understanding of Greek life.

Knowledge beyond just one chapter

The ability to work and interact with leaders from other chapters, councils, and organizations.

“I love having the opportunity to be the voice for 1,500 women in our Greek community.”-Becca, AS Liason

Meaningful RelationshipsForm relationships with other student leaders,

university officials, and community members.

Extend your network beyond one chapter.

The ability to work with inspiring, dedicated, and innovative leaders

A new and different perspective

“I have grown into a driven, motivated leader because of Panhellenic!” –Connie Turner, Vice President

Travel Opportunities Leadership Conferences and workshops

Cross Country Travel

Opportunities to expand your friends and network with leaders and alumni across the state and Country

“From Alumnae Panhellenic events, to Greek leadership retreats in Indiana, Panhellenic has taken me all over the country and has introduced me to so many incredible people.” –Haley, President

Resume BoostersReal life experience

Opportunity for prestigious awards and recognition.

A member of a nationally known council

Experience in PR, event planning, leadership, public speaking, financial management, strategic planning, etc!

Everything on a larger scale

“ Panhellenic has enhanced my professional skills, and given me great experience to talk about in job and internship interviews!” –McCall, Risk Management Director

Friendships! Form new and lasting relationships

The ability to walk into any chapter house and feel welcome

Think joining a sorority made the campus shrink? Try joining a Panhellenic council!

“The support we have for each other as an exec board is inspiring!” –Lauren Weaver, Secretary

The ability to make a lasting impact!Leave a lasting mark on the

Panhellenic and SDSU community.

Program events for thousands of students

The sky is the limit for what you can do! “Panhellenic is more

than just a council, it is a community where we are able to break down boundaries and become united!” –Sophia, Public Relations Director

Any Questions?

Thank you! Remember Applications are due to

Student Life and Leadership (SSW 1661) On February 19th!

You will then be asked to schedule an interview.

Feel free to contact any current exec members with questions