Soc media seminar one grad students v5

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Social Media Seminar Series

Shawna Reibling

Cultivating Digital Social Presence: Part 1

Kyle Mackie

Format of Workshop

Social Media Issues

Social Media Tools (11am MACS 311a)

Social Media Learning Circle

starting Jan 2012Coaching available

What is Social Media?What is Social Media?

Social Media

Illustration by W. B. Jones

• Relationship• A cycle of knowledge

exchange• Searching, sharing• Possibilities


Flickr YouTubeFacebook

Digital Presence• Who you are online• What are your ideas• Possibilities

What are you here to learn more about?What are you here to learn more about?

Questions you need to consider before crafting your online presence

• Do I need a online presence?

• Am I ready to be digitally social?

• What is my online presence?

• Am I starting from scratch?

• Precautions & opportunities …

not as careful as I probably should be... sold my soul to the internet... I gave up... recognition and getting

yourself known... common name... not a whole lot (I don't think)... you

probably wouldn't find me... I have no idea what's online about me ...

probably are going to be implications in the future... I think

people should get over themselves…

What is my online presence?Am I starting from scratch?


Social media identity

consistent identity message

Your Social Identity

• What does your email address say about you?

• What does your online name say about you?

• What do you want your

online identity to be?


Choosing an Identity Checklist

• What do you currently use?

• For Twitter: choose something short

• Do you use mobile devices? Is it easy to type?

• Is this for professional or personal use?

Who am I online?

‘When you’re promoting brand YOU, everything you do – and everything you choose not to do – communicates the value and character of your brand’ (Tom Peters, 1997, The brand called you)

Questions you need to consider before joining social media

• Who am I trying to reach?

• What do I want people to know about me?

• Am I starting from scratch?

• Precautions & opportunities …

Who am I trying to reach?• Knowledge mobilization: Moving research knowledge

into active service

• Feedback on ideas• What are others in your field working on today?• Real-time conversation and network exchange • Resource sharing • Immediate awareness of when information is shared• Jobs? Contacts? Support?• Precautions & opportunities …

How do I choose where to share my identity?

How you share your identity


Best of blog









Tools• Blogs: share your writing, thoughts, ideas

– Blogger, Wordpress

• Social Networks: have conversations– Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, MySpace

• Social Networks: search and share– YouTube, Vimeo (video) Flickr (pictures)– Slideshare/scribd: (powerpoints); Atrium (files); Dropbox

• Work together: create content together – Dropbox, google docs

• Website: curate your identity– Wordpress, Drupalgardens, etc.

End of Part 1

Part 2 begins at 11am in MACS 311a

- Bring your new twitter name ideas

Social Media Seminar Series

Shawna Reibling

Cultivating Digital Social Presence: Part 2

Kyle Mackie

Format of Workshop

Social Media Issues

Social Media Tools (11am MACS 311a)

Social Media Learning Circle

starting Jan 2012Coaching available

Tools• Blogs: share your writing, thoughts, ideas

– Blogger, Wordpress

• Social Networks: have conversations – Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, MySpace

• Social Networks: search and share– YouTube, Vimeo (video) Flickr (pictures)– Slideshare/scribd: (powerpoints); Atrium (files); Dropbox

• Work together: create content together – Dropbox, google docs

• Website: curate your identity– Wordpress, Drupalgardens, etc.

What is my online presence?Am I starting from scratch?

Exercise: Open a web browser and find yourself using one of these tools

How to create a social media identity•Step 1. Figure out what you want to share

•Step 2. Who do you want to share it with

•Step 3. Start finding out more about those networks

•Step 4. Create yourself in the network

•Step 5. Start a conversation with stakeholders

•Step 6. Make it easy for people to find you and your stuff i.e. add tags

How you share your identity


Best of blog









I want to share my ideas online

– Use a blog: Blogger, Wordpress

About link takes you to

Who do I want to share with?• Social Networks: have conversations

– Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, MySpace

Kyle: Twitter at Conferences and other events

Start finding out about networks

• Twitter Terms: tweet, re-tweet, follow, direct message, @, #, hastag.

• Tools: Tweetdeck;;

• Definitions:

• For further reading:

Exercise: Find someone who works in your field. Find one person they follow who is in Canada.

Create yourself in the Network

• Twitter Terms: tweet, re-tweet, follow, direct message, @, #, hastag.

• Tools: Tweetdeck;;

• Definitions:

• For further reading:

How to create a Twitter Account

Find people to have a conversation with

Exercise: Find someone who works in your field. Find one person they follow who is in Canada.

Listen before starting a


Exercise: Reply to someone’s tweet

Tell people what you are reading


Exercise: share a web article on Twitter

Make it easy to find you & your stuff• Social Networks: search and share

– YouTube, Vimeo (video); Flickr (pictures)– Slideshare/scribd: (powerpoints); Atrium (files)

• Creative Commons

• Shawna: example of atrium files

• Kyle: Open vs. Closed systems

Help Others Find You

• Be consistent• Claim your space• Be recognizable• Start walking!o Profileso Privacy Settingso ePortfolioo Blogo Domains

Photo credit:

Ask others & Talk about it

Add to email signature

Add to Business cards

Write it on your name tag

Share your twitter user name

Bonus Tools for Work Together

• Link to dropbox resources for students:

• Google docs: how you registered for this workshop

• Precautions, opportunities

Advanced Steps: Website

• Your own domain name

• Website: Wordpress, Drupalgardens, etc.

Join us in January 2012!

Shawna Reibling | | @ICESGuelphKyle Mackie | | | @kylemackie