Soccer or Futbol

Post on 13-Mar-2016

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A creative way to see soccer


A true player steps on the field and forgets everything, a true player holds his head up high win or lose, a true player has the heart of a lion, a true player scores a goal and every part of his body is flowing with excitement and wants more of it, a true player lives soccer forever with passion and heart to get betterand become the best.

I feel like I can ESCAPE from all the crap life has to throw at me and KICK it aw

ay into the back of the net.

I feel like I can ESCAPE from all the crap life has to throw at me and KICK it aw

ay into the back of the net.

When I think about it a bit more, there is one thing thatcomes back, one feeling, one experience that links all these people and places, not only to each other, but also to me. It is the feeling of striking a round object with the foot and seeing it soar, or watching others do the same. It is the beautiful game, the world sport,football, soccer, or whatever you please. There’s no denying that this sport .

If you end the game with regrets, Then you didn’t play the game right, As long as you leave it All out on the field, Win Or Lose you did what you went on the field to do!