Socia media for public advocacy

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How can NGOs use social media to organize a movement?


Social Media For Public Advocacy

How can NGOs use Social Media to organize a movement?

Author: Alberto Brea | The Digital Economist

Document Purpose

Develop a playbook to help small NGOs with limited resourcesapply social media to mobilize public support

Guiding Principles for Playbook

• Easy to understand, implement and manage• Relevant to NGOs’ needs• Low cost to build and maintain• Measurable and scalable

Alberto Brea | The Digital Economist


Alberto Brea | The Digital Economist

Alberto Brea | The Digital Economist

Who: Education for All (EA) is a small NGOs with a staff of 10 peoplein the Dominican Republic with the goal of improving education levelsin the country

What: The Government just announced that it is planning to reduce thebudget for education. However, the constitution established thatEducation should receive 4% of the GDP

When/Where: To approve the measure, a congressional majorityneeds to approve the adjustment next month, on March 20th

Case Study Simulation- For Illustration Purposes Only

Alberto Brea | The Digital Economist


Create SocialPresence

Build YourNetwork

Analyze andAdapt

Alberto Brea | The Digital Economist

Create Social Presence

To create an social presence, we need to make an assessment to developa customize social plan

1. Conduct Self-Assessment2. Set Clear Objectives3. Define Audience Priority4. Establish Social Channel Mix

Alberto Brea | The Digital Economist

1. Conduct Self-Assessment1. How much time does your staff currently spend on marketing and communications


2. How much time do you expect to devote specifically to social media?

3. Which social media channels does your staff have experience with, either personallyor professionally?❑ Facebook❑ Twitter❑ Blogging❑ Photo sharing sites (like Flickr)❑ Video sharing sites (like YouTube)

4. What assets are available to your organization?❑ Experienced writers❑ Experts in the topic area of your mission❑ Lots of organizational photos❑ Experienced photographers❑ Organizational videos❑ People with experience creating videos

Source: Idealware - Social Media decision guide 2010

Alberto Brea | The Digital Economist

1. Implications

Number ofChannels1

Activity( Engager)2

Monitoring and Research Initiating Responding Measuring

40% 20%20%20%

Number of hours a weekyou can commit to social



Maximum number of socialmedia channel you can take



4 =

2.Source: Idealware - Social Media decision guide 2010 & 4 hours time based on author personal experience

Alberto Brea | The Digital Economist

2. Set Clear Objectives

Uber Goals

Call to Action

Time Sensitivity


Reaching Out Engaging Supporters Fundraising

Reaching new supportersfor the organization

Raising money for yourorganization

Enhancing relationship withyour audience

Promote an event - Build excitement prior to an event - Get people to take a particular action- Draw traffic to a particular online resource - Build your email list - Solicit donations

Week - Month - Quarterly

Number of people to recruit for an event - Donation goal $$ - Number of press mentions…

Based on a survey by Idealware among 460 NGOs in 2010, there are three main goals forusing social media. To increase the likelihood of success, NGOs need to set clear goals

Alberto Brea | The Digital Economist

2. Implications

EA wants to reach out to new supporters to sign up 10,000 people

to participate in a protest, “4% Education,” on March 4th in front of

the Dominican National Congress

Uber Goal Measurement

Time SensitivityCall to Action

Alberto Brea | The Digital Economist

3. Define Audience Priority


• Publish a blog• Publish their own web page• Upload videos• Write and post articles and stories


• Read blogs• Post/ratings/reviews of blogs• Comment on someone else’s blog• Contribute to online forum



Focus on the people that count the most. The traditional model of casting a wide net doesnot work today. Need to identify the people talking about the issue and reflect back to them

Alberto Brea | The Digital Economist

• Your name and people connected to yourorganization

• Your organization’s name• Program or event names• Peer/competitor names and program/event names• Your tagline or other key phrases• URL for any web properties (main website, blog)• Related issues/topics• Common misspellings

To identify advocates and followers, set up Google alerts, Technorati search, Facebok Twittersearch, etc.

Source: Beth’s Blog, Beth Kanter

3. Define Audience Priority

Alberto Brea | The Digital Economist

3. Implications

Channel Advocates Followers Network

Twitter 200 300 60,000


Advocate List Followers

Alberto Brea | The Digital Economist

4. Social Media Channel Mix

Blog Micro-blogging Image Sharing Video SharingSocial Network

Alberto Brea | The Digital Economist

4. Social Media Channel Mix

Facebook, Twitter and Blogs work best to reach new supporters for the organization

Source: Idealware - Social Media decision guide 2010

Alberto Brea | The Digital Economist

Blog Micro-blogging Image Sharing Video SharingSocial Network

Report news

4. Implications



Showcase NGOexpertise

Share photos ofevents and volunteers

Promote videosto support cause

Connect, engage andrecruit supporters

DailyWeeklyDaily Per Event Per Event

Alberto Brea | The Digital Economist


Create SocialPresence

Build YourNetwork

Analyze andAdapt

Alberto Brea | The Digital Economist

Build Your Network: On Demand Model

Identify what people aresaying, and craft the message

Initiate conversations that reflectwhat you are hearing through multi-media platforms

Publish and share with youradvocates and invite them to join

Monitoring and Research 40% Initiating 20%


Initiating 20%


Alberto Brea | The Digital Economist

Analyze & Adapt


WP Stats PluginGoogle Analytics Feedburner

Page insightsBacktype


Insights Stats ($)AnalyticsTools

Alberto Brea | The Digital Economist

Blogger Dashboard Example - Free

Alberto Brea | The Digital Economist

Facebook Dashboard Example - Free

Alberto Brea | The Digital Economist

Youtube Dashboard Example - Free

Alberto Brea | The Digital Economist

Summary: Social Media For Public Advocacy

Create SocialPresence

Build YourNetwork

Analyze andAdapt

1. Conduct Self-Assessment2. Set Clear Objectives3. Define Audience Priority4. Establish Social Channel Mix

1. Monitoring & Researching2. Initiating 3. Responding4. Measuring

1. People2. Engagement 3. Traffic

How can NGOs use Social Media to organize a movement?

Alberto Brea | The Digital Economist

About the Author: Alberto Brea

International marketing consultant with more than 10years of experience in managing brand strategydevelopment, customer research, CRM and digitalmarketing programs in the U.S., Latin America, andglobal markets. Postgraduate education includes anMPA in International Economic Policy, an MS inIntegrated Marketing, and an MBA.

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