Social Business Journal Volume 1

Post on 25-Jun-2015

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In the Social Business Journal Volume 1, eighteen thought leaders share their insights on key topics on the road to social business success. Sign up to receive Volume 2 on the last slide. Enjoy!



As the host of the Social Business Engine show, I’m focused on producing video and podcast

content that inspires people to become a social business. I invited thought leaders to join me on

this journey by providing their insights in Volume 1 of this


Social business is a journey…Like any journey, the road can be filled with potholes and detours.

With strategic planning, leadership and an agile mindset, the road to success can be rewarding.

In Volume 1, we focus on the premise for being a social business. The common theme from these

thought leaders is emphasis on the customer experience, a culture of giving and employee

involvement. I urge you to consider how these insights can be applied in your social business


I invite you to become a student of social business in motion. In each interview on the Social

Business Engine I speak with a business professional to capture valuable insights about their

journey. You'll discover strategies and ideas from them that can possibly transform your business.

I'm confident you'll enjoy Volume 1 of . If you want to contribute to

Volume 2 or just sign up to receive it, go here. Follow our ongoing conversation with hashtag

#sbeshow on Twitter.

To your social business success, Bernie Borges CEO, Find and Convert Host, Social Business Engine @bernieborges


The Social Business Journal 2014 Vol. 1

Hi, I’m Your Host Bernie Borges.

#sbeshow @sbengine

Marty McPadden Co-founder and CEO of

PodJamTV Productions LLC. I

am a digital, video and audio

content producer and

strategist. I help brands and

small business owners connect

with their customers and clients

through multimedia content



It’s a business that acquires not only customers, but cultivates

fans and advocates for their brand. It’s a business that

understands they don’t control the message, their customers

and clients do. It’s a business that actively engages with their

audience by listening and being transparent.

It’s not all about YOU! It’s about your customers and audience.

Your content should offer solutions to problems your audience

will find helpful.

Content marketing in a social business is authentic and real.

Instead of posting a slickly produced sales video, social

businesses connect directly with their audience through written

text (blog posts,) audio (podcasts,) and video (YouTube and

live streaming.) They offer high value content, not a sales pitch.

The leaders of the company are the face of communication.

Social businesses are comprised of real people and they

connect directly with their customers and clients. People want

to do business with people, not logos or avatars. The social

content tools available today make this direct connection


Social businesses are not afraid of their consumers setting the

agenda. People don’t expect perfection, but they do expect

authenticity. @MartyMcPadden

The Social Business Journal 2014 Vol. 1

#sbeshow @sbengine

Robert Rose

Robert Rose is the Chief

Strategy Officer for the

Content Marketing Institute

and a Senior Analyst for the

Digital Clarity Group. He helps

marketers become better



It’s not. Or, rather, it shouldn’t be. Content Marketing (at its

core) is a process that we infuse into all the activities we do as

marketers. Its goal is to deliver value to our customers by

delighting, engaging, informing or providing some level of

usefulness that is separate and distinct from our product and

service. It has direct correlation with the social business in that

it is, in most cases, what the conversation should be about. In

other words, if the business’ social conversation with the

consumer is about value delivered from the content it’s sharing

– as opposed to the products its producing - then the business

wins. Every time.

The Social Business Journal 2014 Vol. 1


#sbeshow @sbengine

David Graham

David is a thought leader in the

Business to Business (B2B)

digital marketing, relationship

marketing and content

marketing space and is the

“go-to” person at Deloitte



To become a social business, you need to manage the

transition as you would an enterprise resource planning

implementation with the right training and a rigorous change

management process, involving the entire enterprise. There

has to be a respected, well-liked executive sponsor who is

passionate about the project. This person should be a role

model and has to set a precedent amongst the rest of the C-

Suite. This will then cascade down to senior management,

management and line staff. The social business transition must

not be owned by the CMO or CEO but rather the entire

enterprise. Get everyone involved and inject excitement into

the project. The C-Suite must ensure that social business

processes are incorporated into every part of the business and

is the responsibility of the C-suite member who heads up

induction and on-boarding, production, product development,

marketing, sales, etc. It has to become part of the very DNA of

the organisation. Social business should be a discussion point

at board meetings and with external stakeholders such as

shareholders, clients and suppliers. Social Business must not be

treated as a passing fad but rather a strategy without which the

business will fail.

The Social Business Journal 2014 Vol. 1


#sbeshow @sbengine

Ted Rubin

Ted Rubin is a leading Social

Marketing Strategist, Keynote

Speaker, Brand Evangelist, and

Acting CMO of Brand

Innovators. Ted is the most

followed CMO on Twitter

according to Social Media

Marketing Magazine; one of

the most interesting CMOs on

Twitter according to Say

Media, #13 on Forbes Top 50

Social Media Power

Influencers, and number 2 on

the Leadtail list of Top 25

People Most Mentioned by

digital marketers... his book,

Return on Relationship was

released January 29, 2013.


Let's define a social business and how it is evolving. It’s not just

“being social” with your customers (having social profiles

where you know they hang out); it’s about being more

connected in your business processes as well. Stop thinking in

terms of silos of information and people, and start thinking

about ways to connect everyone.

For instance, a common problem in many brands has been the

gulf between marketing and sales. There has always been a

“cold war” going on between those two departments because

their thought processes and drivers are different. But if the end

goal is to drive more business-why not give them every

opportunity to collaborate? Formal meetings can be time-

consuming, but social gives us opportunities to help our

employees connect with each other (as well as with their

personal networks).

Besides connecting marketing and sales, another way social

connection can be an advantage is with customer service. In my

opinion, companies that think of customer service more as a

mind-set than a separate department already have an

advantage. Think of ways to connect everyone who has input

so they can collaborate on ways to deliver the best customer


The Social Business Journal 2014 Vol. 1


#sbeshow @sbengine

Erik Qualman

Erik Qualman is an

international motivational

speaker who has taught Digital

Leadership to audiences in 44

countries. His Pulitzer Prize

nominated best sellers

propelled him to be voted the

second most likeable author in

the world behind Harry Potter's

J.K. Rowling.


For a company to be a successful social business they need to

transform themselves into being engaged by following 4

simple steps:

1. Listening

2. Interacting

3. Responding

4. Sharing

The Social Business Journal 2014 Vol. 1


#sbeshow @sbengine

Andrew Davis

Andrew Davis’ 20-year career

has taken him from local

television to The Today Show.

He’s worked for The Muppets

in New York, written for Charles

Kuralt and marketed for tiny

start-ups as well as Fortune 500

brands. In 2001, Andrew Davis

co-founded Tippingpoint Labs,

where he changed the way

publishers think and how

brands market their products.

His most recent book,

Brandscaping: Unleashing the

Power of Partnerships hit

shelves in September, 2012.


What is the role of an employee in a social business?

Social media is powered by billions of social interactions:

millions of Tweets with @replies and #hashtags, Facebook

posts, comments, Likes and replies, YouTube annotations,

Reddit threads, and even ‘thumbs-up’ on StumbleUpon.

All of these interactions are people-powered. Your employees -

the people at your organization - create a social business.

Without those personal interactions, there is no social in your


A social interaction, cannot occur between an inanimate object,

an anthropomorphized brand, or even a personified logo. This

means, all those Tweets from your branded tweet stream - they

don’t matter - they’re inauthentic. Those posts are fake and

forced attempts at social interaction. They’re a prime example

of traditional marketers attempting to feign authenticity in an

environment powered by authentic personal interactions.

Here’s a hint: social media is powered by people, not logos.

Here’s the good news. In today’s online universe everyone has

an audience and every individual has a voice. You no longer

have to inauthentically personify your brand, your team, your

employees, your coworkers, do this for you.

…If the future of all branding is personal, how can your brand

remain relevant without embracing truly authentic, people-

powered, social interactions? How can you survive if you’re not

a social business?

What if you unleashed and encouraged the social interactions

of your employees, partners and vendors to power your social

strategy? What if you closed your logo-laden Facebook Brand

page? What if you actually embraced the one thing that truly

differentiates your products in the marketplace - the people

that make what you sell?

The Social Business Journal 2014 Vol. 1


#sbeshow @sbengine

Rick Short

Rick is the Director of

Marketing Communications at

The Indium Corporation. He is

also a songwriter, musician,

and the leader of The Rick

Short Band.


The CMO in a social business has to step up and really lead.

This is because, even today, being truly “social” is foreign, and

sometimes scary or threatening, to many people within an

organization. Traditional leaders are trained to see threats. So,

naturally, they identify many threats in a social business

scenario. The CMO has to prove to the organization’s leaders,

as well as to all others, that these threats are identified,

understood, and well addressed. This takes strong leadership.

In addition, the CMO has to lead the exploration, creation, and

articulation of the goal of a social business program. Without a

shared and well understood goal, people will head off in a

variety of directions, creating inefficiencies and frustrations. As

a leader, the CMO will have to keep that goal front and center,

and motivate others to aspire to it. Without a clearly

articulated, well accepted, and adhered to goal, any social

business program will flounder.

Also, the CMO should lead by example. In my practice, I never

asked anyone to do something that I hadn’t proven,

developed, and practiced myself. This provides at least two

positions of strength: 1) the stigma of being a pioneer doesn’t

exist for anyone except the CMO. So, others feel more

comfortable forging ahead. And 2) the CMO can be very

helpful when the team gets stuck or confused.

Traditional marketing departments talk to an audience. Social

marketing teams converse with a community (ideally). This

means that the individuals that comprise the marketing have to

be valuable to the target audience … and able to share their

expertise, knowledge, and insights. They do not have to be

polished actors or stock photography models. In fact, that old

cliché is such a turn off. Our communities want authenticity. It’s

OK to be human, to be odd, to be unique, to be your true self.

It is not OK to be shallow, phony, or disingenuous. Bottom line

is that it’s all about trust. When your community trusts you

(because they know you, see you, understand you, appreciate

you, etc.), and when you are valuable to them (for what you

know, who you know, what you can deliver, etc.) they need you

… they love you.

The Social Business Journal 2014 Vol. 1


#sbeshow @sbengine

Paul Roetzer

Paul Roetzer is founder and

CEO of PR 20/20, and creator

of Marketing Score. He is the

author of two books, The

Marketing Agency Blueprint

(Wiley 2011) and The Marketing

Performance Blueprint:

Strategies and Technologies to

Build and Measure Business

Success (Wiley 2014).


Social businesses support openness, collaboration and

transparency. One of the greatest benefits is that internal silos

are removed, allowing knowledge, best practices, information

and resources to be shared across departments and teams.

With open communication channels, social businesses are able

to collaborate better, innovate more and get projects done in

record time. Employees also feel more connected to the

organization since opinions and ideas are encouraged, and

relationships between colleagues are forged.

These internal benefits also transcend outward to external

audiences. With the infrastructure in place to be agile, social

businesses can react in real-time and adjust strategy as

needed. This, in turn, results in improved communication and

responsiveness to customer needs.

The Social Business Journal 2014 Vol. 1


#sbeshow @sbengine

Lewis Bertolucci

Lewis is currently Head of

Social Media for Fortune 100

Humana Inc., where he's built a

sustainable social media

program across 55,000

associates from the ground up

and is responsible for their

Enterprise Social Network of

over 37,000 registered

associates. He is also founder

of, an online

lifestyle magazine and, a

hyper-local online magazine



I believe that often times social practitioners don’t differentiate

between a social strategy and what’s known in the industry as

social business. A social marketing strategy lays out the

channels, platforms and tactics to support your business goals;

like awareness via publishing, insights surfaced through

listening and content marketing to spur engagement. A social

business can be thought of as the intersection of social

technologies and process with an organization’s culture and

practices to create value within your business and thus

delivered to your end-customer. The best way to visualize the

concept of a social business is to think of your organization

working together as a unified and empowered team with the

same goal in mind, as opposed to disparate silos across an

organization that often create a fragmented consumer

experience for prospects and members alike.

One of the biggest benefits of being a social business is the

ability to create a flat organization, where silos are crumbled

and meaningful conversations are initiated across all

geographies and functional areas. By closing the geographic

gap, especially if you’re a disbursed or global workforce, and

breaking down silos, you enable your associates to quickly

connect with other subject matter experts, find answers and to

do their jobs more efficiently. Becoming a social enterprise

doesn’t happen overnight. Complete convergence where

social is deeply embedded into the fabric and culture of the

organization is a progressive evolution, not a revolution.

The role of the C-Suite is to champion social business

transformation via cultural change and to articulate the vision,

while informing the enterprise around the value it brings to the

business and end-customer. Your C-Suite should also ensure

that the organization is enabled to evolve into a social business

by means of providing resources, budget and ensure success.

The eventual convergence of the C-Suite (top down) and

associate groundswell (bottom-up) will ensure that your social

business efforts are not being stifled; C-Suite buy-in is critical.

The Social Business Journal 2014 Vol. 1


#sbeshow @sbengine

Pamela Muldoon Pamela Muldoon has

combined her three decades of

marketing and audio

experience into Audio Content

Solutions. She helps agencies

and brands develop an

effective content strategy that

includes integrating audio into

their content plans. She is also

the Podcast Network Director

for the Content Marketing

Institute Podcast Network,

which is home to various

marketing podcasts hosted by

some of the top content

marketers from around the



Having worked inside of enterprise companies both as a

marketing consultant and as a Social Media Director, the key to

successfully integrating social across the organization is

education. This education has to be on two levels: educating

leadership across all departments on the importance of

becoming a social business for their buy-in and subsequently

educating employees within these departments on how they

can help the organization to become a social business.

Creating training documents, presentations and content that

answers the most common questions employees have on social

media implementation is a great way to not only educate on

use, but create stronger internal engagement. Marketing

should also work with Human Resources and IT to draft a social

media policy and implementation guideline that is distributed

to all employees to ensure there is some sort of internal

compliance and consistency. Creating a content strategy of

internal education and consistent communication can better

ensure success towards becoming a solid social business.

The Social Business Journal 2014 Vol. 1


#sbeshow @sbengine

Ardath Albee

Ardath Albee is a B2B

marketing strategist and CEO

of her firm Marketing

Interactions, Inc. She helps B2B

companies use persona-driven

strategies and contagious

content platforms to turn

prospects into buyers. She

authored the books,

eMarketing Strategies for the

Complex Sale and Digital

Relevance, coming in January



Content in a social business carries a bigger load as it must be

radically relevant to both the audience targeted and the

channel in use. For those companies that have yet to embrace

“social” the biggest challenge will be in loosening the grip on

control over the messaging. If they can’t do this, then it will be

hard for them to venture beyond the web properties they own.

Content marketing in a social business operates with different

parameters. It means having an integrated strategy that

enables marketers to be relevant through the power of story as

it applies to distribution. While the aim of a traditional business

is consumption of content, the goal for a social business is

experiential, or interactive, and based on context to achieve

desired outcomes. Content marketing in a social business must

be driven by deep customer insights, or personas, or it will fail

to engage. This is because once your company becomes a

social business, audience expectations change and continue to

evolve along with the channels in use, as well as new ones. And

you must keep pace. There is no “pause” button.

The Social Business Journal 2014 Vol. 1


#sbeshow @sbengine

Arnie Kuenn

Arnie Kuenn is the CEO of

Vertical Measures, a search,

social & content marketing

company helping their clients

get more traffic, more leads,

and more business. Arnie has

held executive positions in the

world of new technologies and

marketing for more than 25

years. He is a frequent speaker

and author of the award

winning content marketing

book Accelerate! available on

Amazon. In 2014, Arnie was

honored as the Interactive

Person of the Year in Arizona.


Becoming a social business means you need to start small.

There’s nothing less successful than a business that wants to

join social media, but bites off more than they can chew. They

join Pinterest, Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and more – all at

once. Choose one or two platforms to start with, get to know

the lay of the land and what works for your business…or what

doesn’t work. Some platforms will work better than others for

your specific business.

Transforming into a social business means taking small steps,

measuring as you go, and remembering above all: consistency

is key. Strive to build relationships with your followers and open

up that channel of engagement that will lead all your content

marketing and online efforts in the future. I highly recommend

appointing a single person in your organization as your

“community manager.” They may wear other hats as well, but

a single point of contact for this role is key.

We ask all our employees to like, share, comment, and

generally engage with our social presence. If you think of it this

way – 1 post x 40 some employees (if they all engage) x their

network of hundreds, we can get a nice wave of rolling

promotions and it can reach out to people we never would

have reached with just our own business account. So the role of

an employee in a social business is to engage as much as they

can and feel comfortable with. It’s never a requirement, but if

they are ready and willing, take advantage of their support and

network to skyrocket your social efforts.

The marketing department can be integral to any social media

presence, even being the sole driver depending on your

internal business structure. You produce the content for the

audience you're trying to reach and social media is how you

spread the message and draw people back to the content.

Social media has to be thought of from the very beginning

planning phases – where will this content live, how and where

will it reach its target audience, and how will we shape our

message? These are questions that can be answered by the

marketing department – so the most successful social just

becomes part of the overall marketing strategy rather than a

siloed means of customer engagement.

The Social Business Journal 2014 Vol. 1


#sbeshow @sbengine

Heidi Cohen Chief Content Officer

Actionable Marketing Guide

Providing marketing insights

on social media, content

marketing and mobile. Named

top content marketing blog in

2011 and top social media blog

in 2012 and 2013.


A social business taps into the strengths of social media activity

in the broadest sense to drive corporate transformation.

Specifically a social business focuses on the big 3 Cs:

Community, Communication and Collaboration.

• Encompasses a business’s employees,

customers, influencers, investors, and the public.

• Puts listening and responding to

conversations across the organization as well as with its

various publics into the process of transformation.

• Works as a team by breaking down the silos

to streamline processes and make the organization more


Note: This social media influence use of the term social

business shouldn’t be confused with earlier uses that apply to


The Social Business Journal 2014 Vol. 1


#sbeshow @sbengine

Jill Rowley Founder and Chief Evangelist


Jill Rowley provides strategy

and planning, keynote

speeches and #SocialSelling

workshops to companies that

are #CustomerObsessed


#PartnerObsessed. Executive-

level support #NotOptional


Salespeople are on the brink of EXTINCTION. They're being

replaced by search engines and social networks. It’s time to

adapt or be replaced. B2B buyers are anywhere between 57%-

70% through the buying process prior to engaging with sales.

Your buyers are having learning parties without you. Meet the

Modern Buyer. She's digitally-driven, socially connected,

mobile, and empowered with unlimited access to information

and people. Is your sales team prepared?

Salespeople need to embrace Social Selling -- the process of

using Social Networks to do Research to be Relevant to build

Relationships that drive Revenue (we all know the rubber meets

the road with revenue).

• She's an “information concierge” — she provides the right

information to the right person at the right time in the right


• She's an “insights professional” — she teaches the buyer

something he doesn't already know.

• She's a socially connected individual — she's where her

buyers are: on LinkedIn, on Twitter, on Facebook, Quora,

Slideshare, Pinterest, and more.

• She has a personal brand — she's a thought leader, not a

product pusher.

• She's a content connoisseur—she reads what her buyers

read and shares that content across her social networks.

• She's a .

The Social Business Journal 2014 Vol. 1


#sbeshow @sbengine

Chris Brogan

Chris is the world's leading

authority of owning the game

you most want to live. He is

CEO of Owner Media Group

and the New York Times

bestselling author of 8 books

and counting.


The role of sales in the world of social business is such that

smart professionals will use social tools to do better

prospecting, to create and distribute interesting content that

leads to calls, and as a way to earn access to a better potential

relationship with buyers. It's not magic, but these tools make

for great gatejumping, and that's what sales professionals most

often need. Social business is a competitive edge now. You can

ignore it. But should you?

The Social Business Journal 2014 Vol. 1


#sbeshow @sbengine

Jeremy Epstein

Jeremy is V.P. Marketing at

Sprinklr, an enterprise social

infrastructure company

enabling companies to be

social at scale. He builds word-

of-mouth marketing engines

that scale effectively, are

measured relentlessly, and

operate efficiently, while

inspiring people to innovate

and kicking them in the butt to

follow through.


A company transforms to becoming a social business by

putting the customer experience at the forefront and

implementing the processes and technology to support it.

As the number of connected devices grows, the amount of

information that is shared grows which provides customers with

more options and influence. The resulting shift in the power

dynamic in the relationship between customers and

corporations means that customer centricity-and the core driver

of that being customer experience-takes center stage in the

Age of Empowered and Connected Customers. A company

must become customer-centric at every single touchpoint,

otherwise the overall experience for that customer risks being

degraded. The only way to deliver this is through a technology

that scales and with the people and culture that put experience

at the forefront.

It’s an exciting time, to be sure, as people will find more value

in their relationships with the brands that do increase their

customer-centricity and those brands will prosper even more.

The Social Business Journal 2014 Vol. 1


#sbeshow @sbengine

Michael Idinopulos

Michael is Chief Marketing

Officer at PeopleLinx, a leader

in social selling, empowering

teams to drive awareness,

leads and deals through social

networks. Michael is an

executive, entrepreneur, and

thought leader on a mission to

make work more interesting

and engaging for everyone.


A social business is a company that integrates social

networking tools and techniques into its core business

processes for strategic advantage. This goes way beyond

posting jobs on LinkedIn or broadcasting from a corporate

Twitter handle. From Customer Service to Marketing to Sales

to HR to Product Management, social businesses

fundamentally rethink their core business processes for an age

when employees, customers, and partners are all on social

networks. They incorporate social into their governance,

metrics, and roles. And they evaluate their success based on

what really matters to business: increasing revenues and

decreasing costs.

The Social Business Journal 2014 Vol. 1


#sbeshow @sbengine


"Social business" to me, means that we set up listening posts

to truly understand our customers and employees, and we

consider our customers' communication patterns part of the

process to grow. A social business understands that

technology has infiltrated our current business model in such a

way that a new "go-to-market" business model may emerge. I

think social business is a big idea. In these ways:

• In a social business, the majority of our marketing

distribution comes from our customers (through social


• In a social business, our employees (all employees) are seen

as critical parts of our marketing. Each employee is a

touchpoint that can lead to more new and current business.

• In every piece of content we create, we don't ask "will this

help us sell?" But, we ask "will our customers share this with

their colleagues?"

A social business is inherently a giving

knowledge that helps customers live better lives and get better

jobs. There is a purpose behind the marketing, and it compels

stakeholders to take some kind of action in line with the

mission of the organization.

The Social Business Journal 2014 Vol. 1


Joe Pulizzi Founder & CEO

Content Marketing Institute

(an Inc. 500 company)

Joe Pulizzi is widely recognized

as a leader in modern

marketing strategy, specifically

the chief global evangelist

behind the content marketing

movement. Joe is a renowned

author, podcaster, globe

trotting keynote speaker and

lover of all things orange.

#sbeshow @sbengine

The Social Business Engine isn't just a

podcast or a video series, it's a business

methodology that everyone should embrace.

I don't miss an episode, and neither should you.


The Social Business Journal 2014 Vol. 1

I enjoyed my appearance on the

Social Business Engine show as a

co-host alongside Bernie. The show is an

innovative approach to featuring organizations

that have valuable stories to share about their

social business success.

The most aspirational source for

social business best practices. Not just a podcast or video

channel. Social Business Engine is

a resource for business professionals

that want to be in the know with real

world social business success stories.

I'm a big fan of the Social Business

Engine. I enjoy the interviews Bernie

brings to his audience on the TV show and

podcast. The stories are inspirational and actionable. You

need to get on the Social Business Engine bus!

The Find and Convert Social

Business Engine is a great source

of information for business decision

makers to understand the value proposition

associated with social business and why they need to

develop their social business strategies now in order

to remain competitive. Business is changing and Bernie

Borges wants to help people figure

it out. The Social Business Engine is

a perfect resource for people who

want to make their business stand out in the 21st

century. It was an honor to be featured as a guest on

the show and I continue to learn something new from

every other guest Bernie invites on. t

I enjoyed the opportunity to be a

guest on the Social Business Engine.

Bernieand his co-host facilitated a

healthy dialogue that highlighted the key

elements of our social business journey.

I like that the Social Business Engine

show is available in video and podcast

format. As a guest on the podcast, I enjoyed

discussing with Bernie highlights from my e-book

The Sophisticated Marketer's Guide to LinkedIn.

The Social Business Engine is a

great content asset for marketers. I

really enjoy the educational focus of the show.

#sbeshow @sbengine

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The Social Business Journal 2014 Vol. 1

#sbeshow @sbengine