social media 2012 - Plan for a charity

Post on 29-Nov-2014

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A friend from a charity recently asked me to answer four questions that will help them plan their social media strategy 2012.


Social Media Plan for a charity / non profit


Javier García Journalist

Community - @jgarciacl


I am interested in charities that do a good job in social networks.

Planning is very important and I hope that this presentation will be helpful for your organization

2012 is a year of economic crisis, and it is very important that charities do not be neglect in Social Media.

This is a revised version of a presentation uploaded in November 2011.

Considerations about Social Media Plan for a charity Social media needs time and planning. Its a cheaper and more targeted than traditional

media. Listening is as important as talking. The technical expertise and available time of the

person in charge/ or the volunteers who will participate should influence your planning.

...So your plan can be realistic, manageable and efficient.

Mission and priorities for social media Mission: Objectives:

In order of priorities









• Products & merchandasing

• News of social programs

• Fundraising campaign

• Prayer / Quotations

• Events /  news

•News about our partners

•Devotional / Reflexion

•Increase the number of volunteers

•Awareness about our cause

•Increase donations

Drag and Drop the appropriate goal to your plan

Introduction: What do you get?

With this plan we will achieve: Increase Awareness of our organization (new people) Increase Awareness about our mission (actual fans) Increase Web Traffic

The above points can help us: Increase volunteers Increase donations Motivating people to action in Social Media

Profile of your main follower Does not exist a tool for understanding the demographic

profile of followers. % country | % language | Follow news and brands, not just friends. Between 24- 45 years old (a bit older than in Facebook) Check Twitter at least twice a day. Use Social Media in the morning and evening. Have a Facebook account

This help us to recognize which content will be interesting to those who tend to engage more

(Retweet, Reply, move to action)

Profile of our fan on Facebook

Who like your page ...% have 18-24 ...% have 25-34 ...% have 35-44 ...%female ...%male

Total. …. Country 1 …. Country 2

• What we can do with this information?

• Try to engage more actual fans…or reach new fans?

Who like your reached ...% have 18-24 ...% have 25-34 ...% have 35-44 ...%female ...%male

Total. …. Country 1 …. Country 2

Talking about your page ...% have 18-24 ...% have 25-34 ...% have 35-44 ...%female ...%male

Total. …. Country 1 …. Country 2

Communications SWOT

Strengths: Weaknesses

Opportunities Threats:

•Social media experience of the person in charge. •Our Mark is very / moderately / poorly known

Move them where is appropriate according to the current situation

•Many / few staff members share news of us in FB•High / Low Frequency of Update TW

•Sufficient / poor news update in our website





•We have many / few people of our country in our TW

TW=Twitter / FB=Facebook

•Several / few journalists and / or  media follow us. •We use language that is understandable for the people.

•We’ve strengthened/neglected in publications about mission FB TW

•High / Low  activity of charities like us.

•Bad / reliable Internet connection in the office.

• Important websites have links to us ( google)•We post in an organized / disorganized way TW FB

• We have high / low influence on TW (see ranking

•Logos of TW FB in our bags  / brochures /banners

Increase smartphone / table users in the country

•We have in TW FB advocates well / poorly trained

• Active Partners / Board. retweet news on FB TW

• We publish in the media often / rarely. •We have a apps for Iphone / Android

Which social networks.

Twitter and Facebook are the fastest growing social media and are among the three most used in the world.

Then focus in: Youtube / Vimeo, Flickr In third priority Slideshare, Foursquare, and others

All must be addressed according to the capabilities. Having a good handle on Twitter and Facebook

is essential.

Content is key in any strategy

Create content is vital. Get testimonies (email, audio or video). Have a good pool of questionsto choose the

appropiate for each interview. Leader talking about our cause. News about your social programs News about our parterns Key statistics about awarness Photos / Wallpaper of your cause.

2.1  Weekly Checklist. Twitter. w. 1 w. 2 w. 3 w. 4

Have you sent a tweet between 19 to 22 hours? (scheduled)

Have you sent quotations about our cause?

Have you sent news of social programs / on the mission?

Have you sent #FF on Fridays? (Follow Fridays)

Have you repeated a tweet last week? (repeat no more than 30%, 70% should be fresh content)

Have you mentioned someone in any of your tweets?

Have you responded tweets with mentions with “Thanks", “Praying“, “congratulations” is sufficient in several cases)

Have you retweeted at least one tweet of your friends?

Have you included # in your tweets #literacy #poverty #justice #country

Essential Tools Twitter and Facebook to schedule reports and have clicks on your links. with a weekly email you know who stopped following and do the same (usually) to know how many people you have reached with your last 50 tweets. to measure the growth and the number of tweeting daily.

Monthly metricsJan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

Rank. Klout

Rank. Peer Ind

Avg. news followers


% grow in FB

Active users

Clicks web

Min. web

Click from TW

Form. Contact

TweetReach /

Realistic and challenging goals.

It depends on many factors such as: Number of Tweets, type of content, type of cause, but

The numbers in the “monthly metrics” can help you set goals.

Goals should include retweets and mentions, not just number of followers / fans.

Include a move to action (call or email) to register for an event and / or support a campaign.

Over 30 points in Klout is synonym you are engaging well. If you do the weekly checklist you will have more chance of engagment