Social media advertising trends 2016

Post on 12-Jan-2017

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The first trend and probably the most important new in our

sector is the growth forecast in a global level during the next two

years. Investment in social media advertising will grow a 10% and

if we talk only about mobile devices, advertising will increase a

45%. This marketing tactic lets you select and reach an specific

target to transmit your business message in an effective way.

Font: eMarketer

This year we have seen that an investment in social media provides

a high ROI. Social networks work, that is a fact, and so many

businesses know it and have decided to start investing in this new

field. It means a huge creation of content that competes to be in

the target’s feed. Facebook has proceeded reducing the organic

reach of the fan pages, so that buying advertising is nearly

compulsory. This reach will keep shrinking when new businesses

join the social network and occupy the user’s feed. Due to the

growth of the demand, the cost of advertising in social media will

increase in 2016.

Font: Forbes / Social Ogilvy

It is well known that good things come in small packages. One

thing we have on the Internet is information about the users, so,

why can’t we use it for our business? The selection of small

audiences with a potential interest whom I can talk to in social

advertising campaigns is the key to get more effective results in

your campaigns. A bigger CPM can drive to a smaller CPA.

Campaigns that use microtargeting are two times more effective

than the ones that don’t. A study suggests that ads that consider

their target are much more inspiring when it’s time to buy the

product. Companies are working hard to elaborate microtargeting


Font: Janrain

Maybe you will need to improve your data rate because the use of

video for marketing goals keeps growing. Videos are without a

doubt the best way to show to our potential customer how a

product works and brands know it. That is why the video content

strategy will be developed, and for the first time, more than the

written content strategy. Even if they are not videos, GIFs will

take profit of this trend to have a place in the user’s feed and

develop themselves through new interesting and entertaining

formats for the user such as the interactive GIF in Twitter. Be

prepared to watch a lot of videos the coming years.

Font: Contently

With the use of multiple tools to follow the results of your digital

campaigns, the importance of Analytics will grow this 2016. Spend

in comprehensive analysis tools will grow a 60%. Market data

obtained in social networks will be crucial for the development of

acquisition tactics and any effort related to marketing. Companies

are ready to collect the information that we provide them.

Font: The CMO Survey

We have seen how every year social media small platforms were

born and rapidly died or established themselves as step platforms

that neither received attention from the users or died. Last year

the trend changed. New platforms have gained popularity -

Quickfire, Pebbles, WhetLab, Fastlane or Fliptop - and for the first

time they could live by their own and that is why they have

attracted Facebook, Twitter and Linkedin attention, who have

bought and integrated them in their system. The fight between

these 3 giants to dominate the sector will reduce the creation of

small platforms. As a company, it will make you be on the ball

when these platforms appear, right when they do it. Even though,

the integration of these platforms in the main social networks

helps unifying the strategy.

Font: Entrepreneur

Facebook Instant Articles are just the beginning. The program

publishers publish their articles directly in Facebook without the

need to visit an external page. The main goal is keeping people

inside the platform as long (and better) as possible. And we can’t

forget the new native advertising formats that will be offered in

these in-app content subspaces. New publishing methods for

companies and organizations are coming soon. Twitter Lightning

Project, yet to come, will highlight news from all the tweets about

a topic and will create stories written by the users. Also instagram

surprised us with the new of the launching of a new video stories

channel, made from users’ publications and similar to Snapchat


Font: Facebook / NBC / Wired

Social media are real time by nature, but there are more recent

publications than others. Periscope (acquired by Twitter this year)

lets users publish streaming videos with a part of their lives. It has

nothing to do with recording a video and uploading it later.

Nowadays, Periscope users watch 40 years of video in a single

day. And of course, it incorporates a system of promoted

emissions so that brands like yours can stand out from the other

ones. Other networks like Instagram or Snapchat are also looking

for this immediacy. If this trend gains force, forget about planning

your company posts.

Font: Periscope / Twitter

Facebook (since 2014) and Pinterest (since June 2015) are two

platforms that have attracted users attention by adding direct buy

buttons for their advertisers. Facebook and Pinterest users who

see a product they like, can now have it in just one click without

leaving the app. Twitter has started integrating it this last

semester, Instagram is working on it and many other social

networks will follow. At the end of 2016, the buy button will be

available in most social media advertising campaigns.

Font: Twitter

Wearable technology is expected to reach the 28% of population

in 2016. That means a great amount of information to be used in

marketing and advertisers will be able not only to define a target

by their web habits, but only by their daily habits communicated

through wearable devices. Will we see native ads in these devices?

What is sure is the growth of the IoT and marketing will have the

function to discover ways to use these tools to keep a relation

with their customers.

Font: Marketing Tech

Adsmurai speeds up and drives results on Facebook ads through its proprietary software, Katana.With an intuitive flow to create campaigns with specific targets (e-commerce, videos, engagement, fans,apps...), and a very user friendly interface, it drives the best results possible.

The strenghts of Adsmurai are the ease of use and the high quality user experience we provide. Katana

supports the most innovative ad formats, such as Dynamic Product Ads. It allows you to create alerts to

better manage your KPIs, as well as the option to save new target groups, and uploading your briefing

directly from the platform... This allows Adsmurai to deliver on the promise of better performance and

return for your ad spend on social media.

Adsmurai has two different service models: a managed model (Adsmurai experts manage the campaigns),and a self service model (advertisers use the software to manage their campaigns with the support ofAdsmurai).