Social media and speech pathology

Post on 13-Dec-2014

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Social Media and Speech Pathology

What is a Speech and Language Pathologist?Speech and Language Pathologists, often

referred to as SLP’s, evaluate and treat children and adults with varieties of speech related disorders.

Some of these disorders can include:the inability to produce certain soundsspeech rhythm problemsfluency disordersvoice disorders

SLP’s can also help individuals that have difficulty swallowing.

What is Social Media? Social Media is the use of web based and

mobile technologies to communicate and interact on a social level.

Some examples of social media websites are:FacebookTwitterLinkedInFlickrYouTube

Advantages of Social Media for Speech Pathologists

Social media networks are often used to enhance professional knowledge. There are many advantages that SLP’S gain from using social media.

Therapists are able to expand their professional learning networks.

able to comment and engage in online discussions.

educate themselves and fellow colleagues inform parents, students, and clientspromote their business

FacebookFacebook is one of the more well known social media networks. It allows individuals to interact and create information in the form of posts. Users are also able to post links, videos, and photos. Creating your own Facebook page and joining others pages SLP’s can share speech therapy related discussions, gain info, and network with other professionals.

Joining Facebook pages of organizations such as the American Speech and Hearing Association (ASHA) can be used to obtain new information, stay up to date on research, and current events.

Twitter is the second most popular social media website. Twitter allows users to “tweet” with a max of 140 characters at a time. SLP’s that use Twitter are able to engage in chats and discussions that are relevant to the Speech Pathology subject.

YouTube is another great professional tool that can be used by SLP’s to post videos and demonstrations. YouTube is accessible to everyone and it can be easily embedded into a blog or website. YouTube videos can also be easily shared by using Facebook and Twitter.

Flickr is an image and video hosting website, web services suite, and online community. In addition to being a popular website for users to share and embed personal photographs, the service is widely used by bloggers to host images that they embed in blogs and social media.

What is LinkedIn?It is a business oriented social-networking

site.One purpose of the site is to allow registered

users to maintain a list of contact details of people with whom they have some level of relationship, called Connections.

Features of LinkedInIt can be used to find SLP jobsEmployers can list jobs and search for job-

seekersUsers can post their own pictures and view

othersUsers can follow different companies and be

notified about new offers.Users can bookmark SLP jobs in which they

would like to apply for

The growing population of online social media networks present many opportunities for Speech and Language Pathologists. The use of these networks can be an effective aid in acquiring useful knowledge for all professions.

Communications 400 Projectby Summer Jones

Created in courtesy

Google ImagesAmerican Speech and Hearing Association