Social media days 2014 - Den sosiale hodejakten

Post on 10-Jul-2015

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Choose among many Layouts Right-click on slide and select Layout

© Creuna

Eivind Jonassen CEO - SimCom

Alain Fassotte Director of Sales - Creuna selgeren


Eivind Alainlad og den sosiale hodejakten!

Choose among many Layouts Right-click on slide and select Layout

Hvem er SimCom? Hvem er SimCom?

Choose among many Layouts Right-click on slide and select Layout

Etablert i februar 2013

Gründerbedrift med 5 ansatte på furuset

Utviklingssenter i Litauen med 8 personer

spin-off fra Telekompetanse

Etablert i februar 2013

Choose among many Layouts Right-click on slide and select Layout

Utvikler innovative løsninger

for tale, chat og video til små og store virksomheter

Choose among many Layouts Right-click on slide and select Layout

Ambisjon om å gjøre komplekse løsninger

enklere å bruke

Choose among many Layouts Right-click on slide and select Layout

“choose a job you love, and

you will never have to work a day in your life.


Choose among many Layouts Right-click on slide and select Layout

Choose among many Layouts Right-click on slide and select Layout

Dette er SimCom!

Dette er Stephan

Dette er Glenn

Dette er Andreas

Choose among many Layouts Right-click on slide and select Layout


Choose among many Layouts Right-click on slide and select Layout

Choose among many Layouts Right-click on slide and select Layout

Dette er SimCom

Dette er de ansatte

Dette er kulturen

Dette er visjonen

Dette er vår reise

Choose among many Layouts Right-click on slide and select Layout


Choose among many Layouts Right-click on slide and select Layout

Insert image in background 1. Click on image placeholder

2. Choose Insert/Click Picture-button 3. Select image and click OK

Size of image=1500x844 px (2000x1126 px for even better quality)

Put the fish on the table!

© Creuna

Choose among many Layouts Right-click on slide and select Layout

© Creuna

Jobbmarkedet opererer som om vi

enda var i 1994

Choose among many Layouts Right-click on slide and select Layout

In some cases you may want background images 1. Click on Picture icon

2. Find image, select OK Size of image=1500x844 px

(2000x1126 px for even better quality)

Click Increase Indent button to get predefined ‘quote-name’ font

Hvorfor? © Creuna

Dagens jobbmarked er like upersonlig og verdiløst som en forenklet selvangivelse!

Choose among many Layouts Right-click on slide and select Layout

© Creuna

Choose among many Layouts Right-click on slide and select Layout

In some cases you may want background images and you can repeat the agenda throughout

the presentation and highlight the coming section

Insert image in background 1. Click on lower Picture icon

2. Find image, select OK Size of image=1500x844 px

(2000x1126 px for even better quality)

© Creuna

Choose among many Layouts Right-click on slide and select Layout

© Creuna

eier de ikke personlighet?

har de ingen historier?

Choose among many Layouts Right-click on slide and select Layout

© Creuna Rekrutterere

Choose among many Layouts Right-click on slide and select Layout

Oppgaver er sekundært!

1.  Utvikle mennesker 2.  Skape resultater sammen 3.  Åpenhet 4.  Innovasjon og kunnskap 5.  Utenriksminister 6.  Generasjon Y

© Creuna

7.  Arbeid er handling og ikke ett sted 8.  Ønsker struktur og prosess 9.  Sette positive spor. (Beklager

tyveriet HP!) 10.  Lage butikk 11.  Tar sosiale medier på alvor!

Verdier først!

Choose among many Layouts Right-click on slide and select Layout

© Creuna

startet min liten revolusjon for å endre jobbmarkedet

…og få meg


Choose among many Layouts Right-click on slide and select Layout

© Creuna

Choose among many Layouts Right-click on slide and select Layout

In some cases you may want background images and you can repeat the agenda throughout

the presentation and highlight the coming section

Insert image in background 1. Click on lower Picture icon

2. Find image, select OK Size of image=1500x844 px

(2000x1126 px for even better quality)

Hva visste jeg 1. mai?

© Creuna

1.  Ingen lønn fra august 2.  En etablert blogg 3.  Personlig merkevare som @Selgeren

Choose among many Layouts Right-click on slide and select Layout

Our five basic colours Yellow, Blue, Red, Green and Grey

These are the colours we use for backgrounds

Darker colours You’re basically free to use the different

saturations of the colours, but we still recommend these second to darkest ones

Change colour of numbering 1.  Select all text with numbering

2. Choose Format/Bullets and Numbering 3. Select colour from ‘Color’ dropdown.

4. Click OK

Change background colour 1. Right click outside slide

2. Choose Format Background 3. Select Fill and choose your colour

4. Click OK

© Creuna

Digitalt nettverk!

Choose among many Layouts Right-click on slide and select Layout

© Creuna


teknologi selskap

Brukerorientering - Lite fokus på våre egne


Tradisjonell markedsføring/”branding”

- Lite fokus på brukernes behov

Tradisjonell kundedialog - Lite fokus på effektivitet og


Alle vet at Jeppe drikker!

Choose among many Layouts Right-click on slide and select Layout

To add pre-formatted bullet text please use the Increase/Decrease Indent

buttons found in the Top-PowerPoint menu

Så jeg bestemte meg for å bruke bloggen!

© Creuna

At noen har sagt opp jobben sin er ikke interessant.

At noen skriver om prosessen rundt jakten på drømmejobben i sosiale medier, er interessant!

Choose among many Layouts Right-click on slide and select Layout

© Creuna


teknologi selskap

Choose among many Layouts Right-click on slide and select Layout

under prosjektet 270 000 blogg 1. mai

17 000

© Creuna

SoMe 3 200

Choose among many Layouts Right-click on slide and select Layout

Insert image in background 1. Click on image placeholder

2. Choose Insert/Click Picture-button 3. Select image and click OK

Size of image=1500x844 px (2000x1126 px for even better quality)

72 Hvor mange jobbtilbud?

© Creuna

Hvor mange relevante?

45 Hvor mange var utlyste?


Choose among many Layouts Right-click on slide and select Layout

© Creuna

Choose among many Layouts Right-click on slide and select Layout

Choose among many Layouts Right-click on slide and select Layout

Choose among many Layouts Right-click on slide and select Layout

Paid reach 100.000

Potential reach 1600

Hvor mange ble nådd?

Choose among many Layouts Right-click on slide and select Layout

Choose among many Layouts Right-click on slide and select Layout

Choose among many Layouts Right-click on slide and select Layout


•  20 søknader

•  5 kandidater ble plukket ut

•  3 intervjurunder skulle gjennomføres

Choose among many Layouts Right-click on slide and select Layout

Insert image in background 1. Click on image placeholder

2. Choose Insert/Click Picture-button 3. Select image and click OK

Size of image=1500x844 px (2000x1126 px for even better quality)

Fordi det var det eneste selskapet hvor vi delte alle 11 verdiene!

Hvorfor Creuna?

© Creuna

Choose among many Layouts Right-click on slide and select Layout

340 visjonære mennesker

© Creuna Page 38

Choose among many Layouts Right-click on slide and select Layout

© Creuna

Choose among many Layouts Right-click on slide and select Layout

© Creuna

Choose among many Layouts Right-click on slide and select Layout

© Creuna

Choose among many Layouts Right-click on slide and select Layout

© Creuna


Choose among many Layouts Right-click on slide and select Layout

Insert image in background 1. Click on image placeholder

2. Choose Insert/Click Picture-button 3. Select image and click OK

Size of image=1500x844 px (2000x1126 px for even better quality)

© Creuna

Choose among many Layouts Right-click on slide and select Layout

In some cases you may want background images 1. Click on Picture icon

2. Find image, select OK Size of image=1500x844 px

(2000x1126 px for even better quality)

Click Increase Indent button to get predefined ‘quote-name’ font

-  Digitale medier har endret spillereglene innen rekruttering, og Alains evne til å tenke helt nytt er et fabelaktig eksempel på hvilke egenskaper

vi ønsker å rekruttere til Creuna.

-  adm. dir. Gaute Engbakk i Creuna Norge.

© Creuna

Choose among many Layouts Right-click on slide and select Layout

Hils på Freddy

Choose among many Layouts Right-click on slide and select Layout

© Creuna

Eivind Jonassen CEO - SimCom

Alain Fassotte Director of Sales - Creuna

Snipp snapp snute, så var den sosiale hodejakten ute!

