Social Media Etiquette and Policy 2010

Post on 27-Jun-2015

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Social Media Etiquette and Policy for Small Business 2010


Social Media EtiquettePresented by NeXt IT

Shawn WillsonPaige Brockmyre


Getting Started Implementation LinkedIn guidelines Facebook guidelines Listen & Measure Results Tools : breakout

#1: Budget Constraints

Concerns with Social Media

#3: Impact Employee Productivity

#2: Security Risks

#4: Potential for Imperiling the Company’s Reputation

Social Media Policy

• Be transparent about working for NeXt I.T.• Post meaningful, respectful comments • Stick to your area of expertise • When disagreeing with others’ opinions, keep it appropriate and

polite• If you want to write about the competition facts straight and that you

have the appropriate permissions. • Never comment on anything related to legal matters, litigation, or

any parties Next I.T. may be in litigation with. • Never participate in social media when the topic being discussed may

be considered a crisis situation. • Be smart about protecting yourself, your privacy, and Next I.T.’s

confidential information.

Who’s going to do it?

• Determine who will be an admin

• Identify a schedule of tasks

• Create measurable metrics

• Expand brand or product awareness: How you will get your brand name out there

• Build community: How you will attract and keep them engaged

• Qualify fans and convert them to customers: How you will solicit information from users and use that insight to further the relationship

• Improve customer satisfaction: How you plan to offer exceptional service

Goals for the program

Sample Schedule

Daily◦ Respond to comments made by your community◦ Check Alerts, digests (2 emails)

Weekly◦ Post to Facebook 1-3x per week◦ Post a Blog weekly◦ Update your Linkedin status 1-3x per week

As Needed◦ Create events, upload pictures

Connect them to repurpose (with care)

General Guidelines

Negative Posts

Option One: Respond directly

Option Two: Let the community respond

Option Three: Remove the comment

General Guidelines

How to respond to comments◦ Respond!

Photo use policy◦ Be careful or get permission

Geolocation Notes ◦ Use it wisely

General Guidelines

Accepting and Sending invitations from people you do not know

Sending the form invitation

Remind me HOW? I know YOU?

Email address in profile box

Using Linkedin Answers and Groups

Linkedin Guidelines

Business vs Personal Page Page to be fully developed

Facebook Guidelines

Google Alerts

Listen & Measure Results

Google Blog Search

Listen & Measure Results

Twitter Search

Listen & Measure Results

Social Mention

Listen & Measure Results

Nutshell mail

Listen & Measure Results

Q & A Breakout session: Get started w/ these tools


Thanks for coming!

Wrap up