Social Media for Brokers: LinkedIn - CoStar | # 1 · PDF file · 2012-06-26Social...

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Social Media for Brokers:


June 26, 2012

Today’s Presenters

Barbi Reuter,

RPA Principal

Cushman & Wakefield

| PICOR Commercial

Real Estate

Angela Brown External



CoStar Group

Today’s Presenters

Barbi Reuter, RPA Principal

Cushman & Wakefield |

PICOR Commercial Real Estate

@PICORcres @BarbiReuter

Today’s Presenters

Angela Brown External Communications Manager

CoStar Group, Inc.

@TheCoStarGroup @angelambrown


Recording and slides

The recording will be available tomorrow morning and the slides

are available right now. (Links are case sensitive)

Recording –

Slides -


Questions will be addressed at the end, but you may submit them

at any time both through GoToMeeting and Twitter


Please use the hash tag #CoStarSocial when live-tweeting during

this program or submitting questions via Twitter. Send questions to


What We’ll Cover


What you can do with


Which account type is

right for you?

Is your profile up to par?

Third-party apps

Navigating groups

Building your network

…for brokers

Testimonial: Is it worth your


Nailing your strategy

Do’s and don’ts

Getting engaged

Next-level networking:


Testimonial: Group



Quick Facts About LinkedIn

161+ million users in over 200 countries and territories

87 million monthly visitors

61% of companies have acquired a customer through


LinkedIn, more than any other social media site, is

driving customers for B2B organizations

80% of LinkedIn members influence business decisions

What Can You do with LinkedIn?

Build your personal brand

Promote your company

Expand your network

Become a thought leader

Generate and nurture leads

Which Account Type is Right

for You?

Which Account Type is Right for You?

LinkedIn currently offers four premium

account types for:

– Business Users

– Recruiters

– Job Seekers

– Sales Pros

Which Account Type is Right for You?



Ideal for lightweight LinkedIn use

Simpler, more limited search capabilities


$24.95 - $99.95/mo

More powerful search with higher results and

premium filters

Ideal for open, aggressive networking and research

See full list of who’s viewed your profile

Which Account Type is Right for You?


$19.95 - $99.95/mo

Similar to Business, but entry level option

does not offer InMail

Offers “Lead Builder,” which allows you to

create and save lists of prospects

Which Account Type is Right for You?

Think about…

Your individual and business needs – what is

your role within the company?

How open do you want your network to be?

How often do you need to connect with

people outside your network?

What are you trying to achieve? Who do you

want to connect with?

How might your needs change in the future?

Is Your Profile Up to Par?

Is Your Profile up to Par?

Did you spend

enough time setting

up your profile?

A good rule of thumb is

to spend at least two

hours on initial set up.

Is Your Profile up to Par?

Have an informative

headline (be specific)

Take advantage of

opportunities to highlight

other sites

Make sure education and

work info are complete and


Use an appropriate photo

Use a custom URL

Keep your status up to date

Is Your Profile up to Par?

The summary statement, specialties and skills & expertise fields

give more context to who you are – what is your skill set? What

territories do you cover?

Fill the “Specialties” and “Skills & Expertise” sections with

keywords and phrases that you want associated with you and your

areas of expertise

Third-party Applications

Third-party Applications

LinkedIn has partnered with companies such as

WordPress, TripIt and Microsoft to develop free

applications to help users enhance their profiles

A new way to define and showcase what you and your

business have to offer

Best for business: WordPress, SlideShare, BlogLink


Third-party Applications

Bonus: LinkedIn Productivity Tools

Outlook Connector

Build your network from frequent contacts

Manage your LinkedIn contacts in Outlook

Lotus Notes Widget

Get your email and LinkedIn updates all in one place

Quickly learn more about people who send you email

Search for people you want to contact and work with

Share your status, see what your connections are

working on

Sharing Bookmarklet

Share webpages to LinkedIn from your browser

Navigating Groups

Navigating Groups

Groups are a great way to build visibility and

make new connections, but…

The simple act of joining a group won’t get you

very far

You can join up to 50, but only join as many as

you can actively participate in

One or two are better than ten

The CoStar CRE Forum is a great place to


Navigating Groups

Feeling things out

Understand that it’s a process – joining a group won’t

result in closing a deal right away

Read the group rules in the top right corner – is

promotional activity allowed?

Navigating Groups

Feeling things out

Take a look at the group stats (right side) – is

the group active? Who are its members?

Observe first – participate where appropriate

and take time to build trust with other


Navigating Groups

Becoming an active participant

Target the most active discussions in the group for

the most visibility

Wait until you’ve spent some time participating in top

discussions before starting your own

Study the most popular posts – what do people

respond to?

Add value – respond to existing

comments, provide an insight or

opinion or ask a thought-provoking


Building Your Network

Building Your Network

Start with professional contacts you know and


Building Your Network

Make the effort – include a personal note

when you send invitations to connect

Follow up with new connections - send a

personal note back when you accept an


Have a goal in mind – what types of

professionals do you want to connect with?


Did you just return from an event? Take action

with those business cards (and be timely)

Building Your Network

Are you asking for an

introduction or connecting

with someone you don’t

know personally? Explain the

mutual benefit.

Take advantage of

introductions but tread lightly

- the most effective intro

tactic is to pick up the phone

Connect with purpose –

focus on quality, not quantity

Building Your Network

Remember the social media golden rule:

Take online relationships offline for maximum




Make sure your profile is complete and


Keep your profile and your updates current

Get involved in groups but don’t go crazy

Make note of group rules and stats before you join

Listen first before engaging in groups

Actively pursue new connections but make it

personal and avoid spam

Take online relationships offline for maximum


…for brokers

A Word About “Experts”

Value Proposition

Is this worth my time?

Industrial user requirement – found via Search

State Commerce Authority – connection resulted

in event attendance/key listing tours

Presentation opportunity – lunch/learn on CRE

10,000 sf law firm – tenant rep via Groups

Know Your Strategy

What do I want to accomplish?

Visibility and credibility

Lead generation

Thought leadership


Network growth


Track competition

The Do’s


Be consistent & authentic

Follow traditional rules of

– Networking

– Communication

– Business etiquette

Give credit to sources

The Don’ts

Post listings

Be a taker – give back

Spam (groups, individuals)

Over automate


Consistency over frequency

Status updates – personal, company, groups

Comment and like – keep discussions active

LinkedIn Answers

LinkedIn Polls

Springboard to personal contact


“People You May Know”

– Always personalize ask

Second degree connections

Accepting invitations – which?

Connecting with competitors – should I?

When do I disconnect?


Contacts > Add connections > People You May Know


Quality over quantity

Strike while the iron is hot

Client testimonials over co-workers

Personalize requests

Make it easy


Handling requests

Search and Research

277% more effective for lead gen than Facebook

& Twitter for B2B

Powerful search tool

– Prospecting

– Basic vs Premium accounts

Company research

Who can introduce you?

Search and Research

Get Your Group On

Top source of referrals to PICOR Connect

Get Your Group On

Types of groups to target

Location centric

Prospect’s business



Get Your Group On

How to interact

Two way

Discussions & polls

Be relevant and user-focused

Respect group rules

Control digest frequency

Get Your Group On



Focus and target – Will this activity drive business?

– Will it expand my network?

– Can we help each other?

He that gives…

Resources – HubSpot – How To Guides

– WindMill Networking – LinkedIn Category

– Social Media Examiner – LinkedIn tag

– YouTube – “InTips” playlist on LinkedIn Channel
