Social media--Who Are You, And What Do You Stand For? (quoted from Diane Hochman, Dr. Faith Kurz...

Post on 17-Jun-2015

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Social media is no longer an option for a business; it's a necessity. 79 percent of large corporations are leveraging social media to engage their audience, and they are using innovative ways to build buzz, establish relationships, foster communication, improve products, and cultivate long-term brand awareness and consumer trust. It stands to reason that local small businesses should follow suit. The primary question that anyone building a content strategy must answer is this: " Who am I, and What Do I Stand For?" To get a perspective on this question, it has been posed to my by no fewer than 3 6, 7 and 8-figure earners. I finally decided it was time to pay it attention. The people who have posed it to me are Diane Hochman, Dr. Faith Kurz Shell and Russell Brunson.


Social Media: Turning Customers Into a Volunteer Marketing Army

By: Laurie Owen, Certified Internet Marketing Advisor

Social media is no longer an option for a business; it's a necessity.

• 79 percent of large corporations are leveraging social media to engage their audience, and they are using innovative ways to build buzz, establish relationships, foster communication, improve products, and cultivate long-term brand awareness and consumer trust.

• It stands to reason that local small businesses should follow suit.

• Social media is not so much a new idea as it is a way to communicate ideas, and the nature of a good idea hasn't changed.

• The same marketing principles from 50 years ago apply today; they are simply communicated in a different way. The trick is knowing where and when to apply social media strategies.

• My approach relates to Attraction Marketing, the essence of which is this:

1) Know who you are, what you stand for, and how your product or service relates to that.

• 2) Develop your marketing strategy, your online presence, around the answer to that question—and above all, be sure to be YOURSELF—”You, Inc.”.

• 3) figure out how what you do can provide a solution for somebody who has a challenge.

• Figure out who “your people” are, what keeps them up at night, and where they hang out online. Demographics are a key.

• If you do this with authenticity and a good heart, you will thrive–and you’ll help others thrive. You’re in the business of providing transformative experiences.

• 5 Key Concepts for a Successful Social Media Marketing Campaign:

• 1) ALWAYS keep in mind that social media is social. This is a two-way conversation. If people perceive you as being present and responsive, they will be drawn to you. And they’ll be more likely to bring their concerns directly to you, rather than broadcasting them in the form of a bad review.

• 2) Your Profile is Your Signature--and Your Yellow Pages Ad. Use the “real estate” that the “about” part of your profile provides. ALWAYS include Name, Address and Phone Number (NAP)

• 3) Be present, with a coordinated brand, on all of the platforms, but use one as a hub. I recommend having a blog that will be your hub—because you own the content, and the content will work for you 24/7.

• 4) Always incorporate a way for people to contact you, the option for them to be part of your mailing list, and a call to action.

• 5) Stay Relevant and Current. The search engines love new content, and so will your customers.

* Laurie Owen:

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* You can find a version of this presentation at
