social science; programmed based learning material

Post on 15-Jul-2015

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The Indus Valley Civilization was characterized by

well planned cities or towns ,use of language in written and spoken form and well developed art

and craft.

Once the early men started cultivating, they started growing more than their requirement. This extra produce was known as surplus.

As a result, some people chose other profession like pottery, craftsmanship and trading. Villages gradually started developing into towns.

People exchanged their surplus products with other towns and thus emerged the trading system.

The development of the town culture is generally what is seen as the beginning of a civilization.

One such civilization developed in India about 4700 years ago (2700-2500 in the northwestern part of Indian subcontinent.

It is known as Indus Valley Civilization, as it developed around the River Indus.

The Indus Valley civilization was a contemporary of the three other Bronze civilization namely Mesopotamian on the bank of the Euphrates and the Tigris rivers, Egyptian in the Nile River valley, and the Chinese on the bank of the river Hwang-Ho .

These civilizations are called the Bronze age civilizations because the technology of the making bronze items played an important role in the growth of cities in this age.

Q.1 In the Indian subcontinent, the first civilization developed in……….

a. the valley of River Ganga

b. the valley of River Indus

c. the valley of River Yamuna

d. none

Read the text again Q.1

Q.2 The term Civilization means………...

a. advanced stage of trade

b. advanced stage of education

c. advanced stage of human development

d. advanced stage of agriculture

Read the text again Q.2

Q.3 Indus Valley Civilization was developed in India about……..

a. 4500 yrs ago

b. 4580 yrs ago

c. 4760 yrs ago

d. 4700 yrs ago

Read the text againQ.3

This civilization is also known as the Harappan Civilization as it was first discovered in 1921 at Harappa.

In 1992,similar excavations at Mohenjo-Daro in Sindh,Pakistan revealed similar findings at Harappa.

These two sites of the Indus Valley Civilization are 483 km apart and are linked through the River Indus.

Other important Harappan sites are;











Q.1 The Indus Valley Civilization is also known as the …………..Civilization.

a. Mesopotamia

b. Egyptian

c. Harappan

d. Crete

Read the text againQ.1


To the west of each was the citadel, fortified by crenellated walls. The citadel was usually based on an elevated position.

It was occupied by the members of ruling class. Below the citadel lay a lower town containing brick houses which are in habited by the common people.

Grid system

The arrangement of houses in the lower town is followed by grid system.

The streets were wide, straight and intersected each at right angles.

Thus dividing the city in large rectangular blocks and grids.

This rectangular town planning was a unique feature and was not found in other civilizations.

Drainage system

The drainage system of the cities of the Indus Valley Civilization was very impressive .

Water flowed from the houses to the streets, which had drains were covered with bricks and stone slabs.

The drainage system is a unique feature of this civilization indicating that the Harappans paid a great deal of attention to health and cleanliness.

Important building

Great bath at Mohenjo-Daro

Large Granary at Harappa

Brick dockyard at Lothal

Q.1 Mohenjo-Daro is most well known for its ………..

a. drainage system

b. Great Bath

c. granary

d. brick dockyard

Read the text again Q.1

Q.2 …………….of good quality were used as building material for houses

a. Mud

b. Burnt bricks

c. Clay

d. Sand

Read the text again Q.2


The Indus Valley was fertile due to the annual inundation in the Indus River.

Walls made of the burnt bricks for the protection show that floods took place annually.

Agriculture was one of the main economic activities of the people using ploughs.

The Indus people sowed seeds in the November when the flood receded and harvests in April before the advent of next flood.

Wheat and barley were the main crops cultivated by the Indus people.

Animal husbandry

The people of the Indus Valley Civilization practiced animal husbandry .

They domesticated animals such as oxen, buffaloes, goats, sheep, pigs ,cats and dogs and elephants.

Asses and camels were possibly used for transporting goods.

Art and craft

Bronze figurines


Bead making

Seal engravings

Clay models making

Weaving and pottery making

Q.1 the earliest cities came up on the banks of rivers because…………

a. the land near the river was fertile

b. people could swim in the river

c. people could worship in the river

d. people could wash their clothes

Read the text again Q.1

Around 1750BCE,the Harappan culture began to decline. Various causes have

been suggested for this change.

The city of Mohenjodaro became weak under the pressure of population. There was influx of refugees into the city.

Rooms were divided into smaller portions and street plans were no longer followed and all this led to gradual decline.

Some suggest that expansion of the neighboring desert increased the salinity of the soil and decreased fertility.

Other consider floods as the main cause.

At other places it is suggested that the rivers changed their course or dried up which again led to shift of population to other areas.

Whatever be the reason, the sudden disappearance of this civilization remains a mystery.

Q.1 What are causes of decline of Indus Valley Civilizations.

a. Flood

b. Increase of population

c. Desertification

d. Above all.

Read the text again Q.1