Software Engineer John ·...

Post on 15-Aug-2018

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Google Confidential and Proprietary

Life of a ChangeContributing to the WebM Project

John KoleszarSoftware Engineer

Google Confidential and Proprietary

So you want to contribute to WebM...

● Developing a Change○ Getting Started○ Testing your change○ Uploading your change○ Code review○ Criteria For Submission

● Open Discussion

Photo: National Park Service

Google Confidential and Proprietary

Getting StartedContributor License Agreement

Must complete the CLA before your change can be accepted upstream.

Individual● May sign electronically

Corporate● List of people allowed to contribute● Signed by an authorized representative● Print, Sign, Scan, (E)mail

Google Confidential and Proprietary

Getting StartedCreate A Google Account

● Register a username/password with Google○ Not a "GMail Account," can use your existing email address.○ Used for authenticating to WebM tools (code review, build, dashboard)

Google Confidential and Proprietary

Getting StartedRegister With Gerrit Code Review

● Visit○ Register link in the top right

● Real Name● Preferred Email● Username

○ Hint: Try to use the username you use on your development machine● Public Key

○ Used for SSH authentication when pushing changes○ You may already have one you can reuse

Google Confidential and Proprietary

Getting StartedWalkthrough

Visit our website:○ Step-by-step guides○ Screencasts

Google Confidential and Proprietary

Develop Your ChangeGet The Code

Clone from git$ git clone review:webm/libvpx

Checkout experimental branch$ git checkout experimental○ Forked from master in June 2011○ Stripped down to make easier to hack on○ Changes generally not ported from master (except tests)

Build$ configure --enable-experimental \ --enable-internal-stats$ make

See EXPERIMENT_LIST in the configure script

Google Confidential and Proprietary

Develop Your ChangeTest Your Change● Check out the Contributors Guide

$ run_tests 200 500 50 baseline$ run_tests 200 500 50 mytweak$ "*stt" baseline mytweak > mytweak.html

Google Confidential and Proprietary

Develop Your ChangeTest Your Change

Standard Test Sequences●● Soon:

YouTube● Google Internal● 360p, HD




CityCrewCyclistsGipsMotionGipsStationaryJetsNightPedSherrifBlue SkyPark JoyShieldsCrowd RunRiverbedSunflowerOld Town

Google Confidential and Proprietary

Develop Your ChangeTest Your Change

Legacy: libvpx-tester● Run server-side as a presubmit check● Generally too hard to run locally● Good coverage● Deprecated. Porting to gtest unit test framework underway.

Latest and Greatest: gtest● Easy to run during development

$ make test● Write one!

Google Confidential and Proprietary

Develop Your ChangeWalkthrough

Screencast to be made available on

Google Confidential and Proprietary

Upload Your Change

Uploading your change triggers:● Notification on IRC● Email notification to users "watching" the project● Automated Build -

○ Compilation Tests○ Unit Tests○ Linters○ Fuzzing○ Quality Tests (Dashboard launching 2012Q3)

● Build result -> Gerrit -> Email○ First time committers builds will fail

Or upload as draft:● Publish to only a few people

Google Confidential and Proprietary

Upload Your ChangeCompilation Tests

Google Confidential and Proprietary

Upload Your ChangeUnit Tests

Google Confidential and Proprietary

Participate in Code ReviewGerrit Code Review

● A reviewer will review your change, and say:○ +1 - Looks Good To Me, but someone else must approve○ -1 - I'd prefer you didn't submit this

● Verified/Fails bit if the reviewer actually tests the code○ Set by Jenkins

● Any user can perform +1/-1 code reviews● An approver will review your change, and say:

○ +2 - Looks Good To Me, approved.○ -2 - Do not submit.

● Make comments in the web UI - per line, or top level○ Drafts until Published○ Emailed to author and reviewers○ But don't respond via email!

● Not a good medium for larger discussion

Google Confidential and Proprietary

Participate in Code ReviewDiscussion Forums


IRC#vp8 on FreeNode

Google Confidential and Proprietary

Participate in Code ReviewCriteria For Submission

● Quality up, bitrate down, low complexity!○ Otherwise, trade 10% speed (optimized) for 1% quality○ If it's not a clear win, can still submit as an experiment

● Verification○ Server-side presubmit checks must pass○ Need to see RD curves if change affects quality

■ Use script (until dashboard launches)■ Otherwise must wait for independent verification

● Approval○ Approvers don't approve their own changes○ You can be an approver too!

■ Nominate new approvers who have submitted several deeply technical patches

● Success!

Google Confidential and Proprietary

Open Discussion

● Questions?● Are there additional barriers we should work on removing?● Are there any codec development practices out there in industry

that we should adopt?● Thoughts on development practices as format starts to solidify?