Software Project Management

Post on 15-Jul-2015

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Guided By,

Miss R.Indumathi., MCA







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Overview Of Project Planning

Introduction PRINCE 2 is a set of project management standard.It is sponsored by Central Computing and Telecommunications Agency(CCTA)Step Wise should be comfortable with PRINCE 2 It covers planning stage of a project, not monitoring and control the project

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Stepwise Project Planning Steps in Project Planning

Step 0 : Select project

Step 1 : Identify project scope and objectives

Step 2 : Identify project infrastructure

Step 3 : Analyze project characteristics

Step 4 : Identify project products and activities

Step 5: Estimate effort for each activity

Step 6 : Identify activity risks

Step 7 : Allocate resources

Step 8: Review / Publicize plan

Step 9 & 10 : Execute plan / lower level of planning 07/24/14 3

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Step 0 : Select Project

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Step 1: Identify Project Scope and Objectives

Step 1.1 Identify objectives and measure of effectiveness

Get the objectives of a project Measuring effectiveness can be in terms of

software quality Performance measurement Mean time of failure Predictive measurement Error in code

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Step 1.2 Establish a project authority ‘Who is the boss?’ Identify the authority of the project

Step 1.3 Stakeholders AnalysisIdentify all stakeholders in the project The stockholders who are all having interest in

project With the team we want to check Not in project team but with in

organization External stakeholders

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Step 1.4 Change objectives based on stakeholder analysis

The stakeholder suggestion is satisfied means change the objective

If it’s not satisfied means , don’t change the original objective of the project

Step 1.5 Establish method of communication with all parties

We should satisfy the customer requirementsHow do we keep in contact with customer

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Step 2: Establish project infrastructure

Step 2.1: Identify relationship between project and strategic planning

What are the standard methods going to complete the project

Step 2.2 : Identify installation standards and proceduresWhat are the front end andBack end Software are going to use in this project

Step 2.3 : Identify project team organizationOrder of organizing to the projectTeam management 07/24/14 9

Step 3:Analyze project characteristics

Step 3.1 : Distinguish project as objective driven or product driven

Product - It will be given by the user & design by external person

Objective - Problem is givenWe want to find the solution Get recommendation

Step 3.2 : Analyze other project characteristics Including quality –based onesWhat are the problems going to solve

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Cont..Step 3.3 : Identify high level of project risks

Identify the level of risk

Step 3.4: Take user requirement concerning implementation

Confirm with the user requirement

Step 3.5: Select development methodology and life cycle approach

Step by step process ,what are the methods going to follow in the project

Step 3.6: Review overall resource estimationAfter risk identification, re-estimate effort &

resources of project07/24/14 11

Step 4 : Identify Project Products and Activities

Step 4.1: Identify and describes project products

Deliverable: Product handover to userIn this step identify each and every phaseIdentify the project going to deliverEach and every stage consider as a productProduct hierarchyProject Specification

Module specificationSystem product Management product

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Cont.. Project Specification

Module System Management specification procedure products Design Code Overall Integration Testing Progress report 07/24/14 13


Step 4.2 : Document generic product flows Product flow diagram One stage output is given to input of other stage

Eg: Requirements




Step 4.3 : Record product instancesFor each and every product what are the steps

going to follow Identifying product instance 07/24/14 14


Step 4.4 : Produce ideal activity network Each and every module having several activity After complete individual module combine all the


Step 4.5 : Modify ideal to take stages and checkpoints

Project divided into number of product check each and every stage we do correctly or not

Check point to check the progress of the project

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Step 5: Estimate effort for each activity

Step 5.1: Carry out bottom-up estimation Estimate

Staff effort How much work in need to complete the

project Product elapse time How much time taken to complete the

project Non-staff resources Designing tools Software need

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Step 5.2: Revise plan to create controllable activities

Every phase we need to control Need to break a task into a series of manageable

sub-tasks Break up very long activities into a series of

smaller ones as we can’t judge the status in long activities

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Step 6 : Identify activity risks

Step 6.1 : Identify and quantify activity based risks

Identify risk for each activity During the design phase identify the risk Identify damage and likelihoodIdentify possibilities of mistakes

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Step 6.2 : Plan risk reduction and contingency measures where appropriate Review plan and do some steps for reduce riskHave the alternative planAlternative measurement Otherwise specify a contingency plan

For example: Contract temporary developer if team

member becomes unavailable through illness

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Step 6.3 : Adjust overall plans and estimates to take account of the risks

Including add new activities - such as training and practice -if needed

Add new activities which reduce risk associated with other activities

E.g. Training

Pilot trials

Information gathering07/24/14 20

Step 7 : Allocate resources

Step 7.1 : Identify and allocate resourcesType of staff needed for each activityStaff availability are identifiedStaff are provisionally allocated to task

Step 7.2 : Revise plans and estimates to take into account resource constraints

Staffing constraintsStaffing issues

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Step 8 : Review / Publicize Plan

Step 8.1 : Review quality aspects of the project planTo ensure each activity is completed with a quality

productEach activity should have “exit requirements”This ensures the quality of product on each

activityCheck quality of phase before going to next stage

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Step 8.2 : Document plans and obtain agreements

All parties understand and agree to the commitments in the plan

Make sure everyone understands and agree Specify this task in a communication plan if

needed Develop the documentation

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Step 9 & 10 :Execute plan / lower level of planning

During the project draw up plans for activities in greater detail as they become due

Detail has to wait as more information becomes available

Especially if you are using an iterative development approach

Maintain provisional plans for more important later tasks

Planning in great detail too soon could be a waste of time

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References: Bob Hughes and Mike Cotterell (2004)

“Software Project Management”, McGraw-Hill. P.Jalote(2000) “Software Project Management

In Practice”, Pearson Education..


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