Soigner la psyché par le genre? - Paris 2018Nan Goldin, The ballad of sexual dependancy, 1985...

Post on 25-Sep-2020

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Soigner la psyché par le genre?

Fabrice Bourlez

Ecole Supérieure d’Art et de Design de Reims

Sciences Po – Paris

Hôpital de Jour MGEN

Paul Thek, Untilted Diver, 1969-70

David Woljnarowicz, Silence = death, 1990

Giorgione, Vecchia col tempo, 1506

Robert Bechtle, 61 Pontiac, 1968

Diane Arbus, A young man in curlers at home on West 20th Street, N.Y., 1966

Thomas Eakins, Betweenrounds, 1898

Nan Goldin, The ballad of sexual dependancy, 1985

Leonor Fini, Due donne, 1939

Francesca Woodman, Polka Dots, Providence, 1976

Michel Journiac, Hommage à Freud, 1972

Barbara Kruger, Your body is a battlegroud, 1989

Peter Hujar, Daniel Schook sucking his toe, 1981

Philip Lorca di Corcia, Epiphany, 2009