Solidcam 5 Axis

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SolidCAM Simultaneous5-axis Machining

User’s Guide

©1995-2005 SolidCAM LTD.

 All Rights Reserved.

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5-axis MachiningSolidCAM2005 Milling Manual



1. Introduction ............................................................................................................................... 5

2. User Interface ........................................................................................................................... 6

2.1 Adding a 5-axis Operation....................................................................................................6

2.2 5-axis Operation user interface ............................................................................................8

2.3 Stages of the Simultaneous 5-axis Operations parameters definition ............................... 10

3. CoordSys Page ...................................................................................................................... 11

4. Tool Page ................................................................................................................................ 12

5. Levels Page ............................................................................................................................ 14

6. Geometry Page ...................................................................................................................... 17

6.1 Drive surface selection ....................................................................................................... 18

6.2 Cut Controls: ...................................................................................................................... 20

6.2.1 Parallel cuts ..................................................................................................................20

Exercise 1: .................................................................................................................... 23

Exercise 2: .................................................................................................................... 25

6.2.2 Cuts along curve ...........................................................................................................26

Exercise 3: .................................................................................................................... 27

Exercise 4: .................................................................................................................... 28

6.2.3 Morph between two curves ........................................................................................... 30

Exercise 5: .................................................................................................................... 32

Exercise 6: .................................................................................................................... 34

6.2.4 Parallel to curve ............................................................................................................ 36

Exercise 7: .................................................................................................................... 37

Exercise 8: .................................................................................................................... 38

6.2.5 Project curves ...............................................................................................................40

Exercise 9: .................................................................................................................... 41

Exercise 10: ..................................................................................................................43

6.2.6 Morph between two surfaces ........................................................................................45

Exercise 11: ..................................................................................................................46

Exercise 12: ..................................................................................................................48

6.2.7 Parallel to surface .........................................................................................................50Exercise 13: ..................................................................................................................52

6.3 Flip Stepover ...................................................................................................................... 54

Exercise 14: ..................................................................................................................55

6.4 Cutting Method ................................................................................................................... 56

6.5 Cut Order ........................................................................................................................... 58

Exercise 15: ..................................................................................................................60

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9.3.4 Tool axis will be tilted with fixed angle to axis ............................................................ 114

9.3.5 Tool axis will tilted around axis ................................................................................... 115

9.3.6 Tool axis will be tilted through point ...........................................................................116

9.3.7 Tool axis will be tilted through curve ...........................................................................117

9.3.8 Tool axis will be tilted through lines .............................................................................123

9.3.9 Tilted from point away ................................................................................................. 123

9.4 Side tilt definition .............................................................................................................. 124

9.5 Tool axis direction limit parameters ..................................................................................125

9.5.1 XZ Limit ....................................................................................................................... 126

9.5.2 YZ Limit ....................................................................................................................... 126

9.5.3 XY Limit: ..................................................................................................................... 127

9.5.4 Conical angles from leading curve .............................................................................. 127

10. Gouge Check page ............................................................................................................ 128

10.1 Clearance ....................................................................................................................... 128

10.2 Check gouge between positions ....................................................................................129

10.3 Gouge pages .................................................................................................................. 131

10.4 Tool ................................................................................................................................. 131

10.4.1 Tool Tip and Tool Shaft ............................................................................................. 131

10.4.2 Check Arbor and Check Holder ................................................................................ 132

10.5 Strategy .......................................................................................................................... 132

10.5.1 Retracting tool along tool axis ................................................................................... 133

10.5.2 Moving tool away ......................................................................................................134

10.5.3 Tilting tool away with max angle ............................................................................... 141

10.5.4 Leaving out gouging points .......................................................................................143

10.5.5 Stop tool path calculation ..........................................................................................143

10.6 Drive Surfaces ................................................................................................................144

10.7 Check Surfaces .............................................................................................................. 144

10.8 Stock to leave.................................................................................................................144

11. Stock Page ......................................................................................................................... 145

12. Additional parameter Page ................................................................................................. 146

13. Appendix ............................................................................................................................ 147

13.1 Single Surface versus Multi Surface Machining in 5 Axis ..............................................147

13.2 At the beginning of all: Single Surface 5 Axis Flowline .................................................. 147

Document number: SC5AUG06001

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5-axis Machining

1. Introduction

Simultaneous 5-Axis machining is becoming more and more popular due to the need for reducedmachining time, better surface finish and improved life span of tools. SolidCAM utilizes all theadvantages of Simultaneous 5-Axis machining and together with collision control and machine

simulation, provides a solid base for your 5-Axis solution. A number of intelligent and powerful 5-axis machining strategies enable the use of SolidCAM for machining of such complex geometry partsas turbine blades and impellers. SolidCAM provides a realistic simulation of the whole machine tool,showing the motion of all rotational and linear axes.

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2. User Interface

2.1 Adding a 5-axis Operation

5-axis (3)

 This operation performs 3-axis operations using special tools such as Lollipop and T-cutter, mostly for undercut areas. It is also possible to use the standard tools in this operation in order to create a3D finish tool path; in this case the operation generates 3 axis G-Code and it is not possible to tilt thetool.

 This operation is available for 3 axis, 4 axis and 5 axis CNC-machines.

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5-axis Machining

5-axis (4)

 This operation is used for 4-axis finish operations such as turbine blade profiles on the outside diameterand spiral parts. The tool will be normal to the center line but will not necessarily cross the center line. The only tilt strategies that are available are those that support this type of tilting (4-axis).

 This operation generates 4-axis G-code and is available for 4-axis and 5-axis CNC-machines.

 This Operation type is unavailable for 3-axis CNC-machine types.

The output from this operation depends on the CNC machine type.

For the 4-axis machine, the output will be performed with the @line_4x and @move_4x commands.

For the 5-axis machine, the output will be performed with the @line_5x and @move_5x commands.

 With such output, SolidCAM positions the tool to the proper working angle using 5-axis capabilitiesand then performs the 4-axis machining.

5-axis (5)

  This operation is used for 5-axis finish and supports all kinds of 5-axis operations. The user hascomplete control over all the cutting parameters. The tool can be tilted to any possible direction thatthe machine supports. All the tilt strategies are available.

 The operation generates 5 axis G-code. The @line_5x and @move_5x commands will be used in theoutput.

 This type of operation is available only for postprocessors that support 5-axis machining.

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2.2 5-axis Operation user interface

 The following 5-axis Operation dialog is displayed on the screen:

 The parameters of the 5-axis Milling Operation are divided into a number of sub-groups. The sub-groups are displayed in a tree format on the left side of 

the 5-axis Operation dialog box. When you click on an item in the tree, theparameters of the selected sub-group appear on the right side of the Operation

dialog box.

• CoordSys Page

Define the CoordSys Position for the 5-axis machining.

• Tool Data Page

Choose a tool for the operation and define tool-related parameters such as feed and spin.

• Levels Page

Define Milling levels such as Clearance plane and Safety distance.

• Geometry

SolidCAM enables you to choose a drive surface for the machining. Define the machining parameters such as the Cut control, Cuting area, Cutting method etc.

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• Finish Parameters

 This page enables you to define the machining parameters such as Cut tolerances, Stock

to leave, Run tool etc.

• Gaps Page

Surfaces defining the work piece can have gaps and holes. In such cases you can choosebetween several options. For example you can choose to have small gaps ignored andmilled without the tool retracting and big gaps detected with the tool retracting back tothe rapid plane and skipping the gap. Such options are set within this dialog. Entry and Exit moves are also defined here.

• Tool axis control

Define the tool orientation relative to the surface normal.

• Gouge check

 This page contains all the options to avoid the tool gouging selected drive surfaces andcheck surfaces.

• Motion Limit control

  This page is related to CNC machine definitions. The defaults are determined by theMAC-file (machine definition parameters). Generally, these parameters are defined in thefirst definition of the postprocessor for this machine and usually it is not necessary to

change these values. The Motion Limit control page enables you to change the parameterslocally for the current operation.

• Stock Page

Stock definition can be provided in this page. All tool moves in the air that do not removematerial will be trimmed using this given stock definition.

• Miscellaneous parameters

 This page contains special functions for custom applications.

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2.3 Stages of the Simultaneous 5-axis Operations parameters definition

  The process of the Operation parameters definition for the tool path creation is divided into 3stages:

1. Geometry, Finish Parameters and Gaps – the type of finish tool paths generatedalong the selected faces is defined. Tool tilting and gouging are not taken intoaccount at this stage.

2. Tool axis control - controls the angle of the tool from the normal vector in every point along the tool path.

3. Gouge check –the gouge strategies that SolidCAM has to take into account toavoid tool and holder crashes are defined.

Tool path generation Tool axis control

Gouge check

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5-axis Machining

3. CoordSys Page

Choose the appropriate CoordSys position for the operation. The CoordSys Position can be choseneither direcly on the model or from the list.

 After the CoordSys selection, the model will be rotated to the selected CoordSys orientation.

 The CoordSys selection operation must be the first step in the Operation

definition process.

In the 5 axis (3) Operation, SolidCAM enables you to choose both the MachineCoordinate systems and CoordSys Positions for the operation. In 5 axis (4) and 5 axis (5) operations, SolidCAM enables you to choose only the MachineCoordinate systems. The Machine CoordSys definition contains data of theMachine CoordSys location relative to the center of the rotation of the machine.  Therefore, SolidCAM enables you to generate the G-Code according to the

center of the rotation of the machine.

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4. Tool Page

 The Data button enables you to choose a tool from the Part Tool Table.

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Feed Finish

 This field gets the default from the Feed Finish parameter in the Tool Data dialog. If theuser changes this value it will not change the related field in the Tool Data dialog.

Feed Z

 The feed that SolidCAM will use to move from the safety position to the depth point.

Retract Rate

 The feed that SolidCAM will use to move the tool from the material to the retract level.

Spin Finish

 The spindle speed for the cutting operation.

Feed Rates

If this switch is set, then the feed rate optimizer is utilized. The feed rate optimizer usesthe machining feed rate supplied by the user and modifies this feed rate based on thesurface curvature. The surface curvature is calculated at each tool path position where thesurface contact point of the tool is known.

  This function works only on single surfaces and can’t be used to connect 2surfaces

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5. Levels Page

Clearance Plane

 The clearance plane is a Z coordinate value and presents an absolute plane at this height which is parallel to the XY plane. The tool moves from and to this clearance plane tomake major repositionings. In some cases like turbine blade machining around the X axis,

it might be better to have the clearance plane defined in the X axis. Setting the clearanceplane height in the X axis will make the YZ plane the parallel plane and the given X value will be the clearance value over this plane.

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5-axis Machining

Retract Distance and Safety Distance

 The tool changes its orientation at the clearance plane (machine tables or spindles areturned) and then it moves down to the part to the retract distance. The tool then movesin a rapid motion with some orientation to the safety distance. The tool then approachesthe surface with the cutting feed rate.

Rapid Retract

 This option enables you to perform the retract movement with the rapid feed.

 When this option is not active, the tool will be moved to the safety distance with thedefined Retract Feed (see topic 4.).

Clearance plane

Safety distance

Retract distance

Retract distance

Safety distance

Retract Rate

Rapid feed

Retract distance

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 When the Rapid Retract option is active, the retract movement will be performed with theRapid Feed.


 The Depth defines a further offset of the tool in the axial direction (especially for swarf 


 This command shifts each point of the tool path in the vector direction of the tool. Thestart position of the cutting will also be shifted. The gouge control will take out all the

gouges that result from this shift.

Safety distance

Rapid feed

Retract distance

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5-axis Machining

6. Geometry Page

 This page enables you to select the faces to be machined and the machining strategy. The differentstrategies available are:

• Parallel cuts

• Cut along curve

• Morph between 2 curves

• Parallel to curve

• Project curve

• Morph between 2 surfaces

• Parallel to surface

For all the above strategies, select the drive surface and the related geometries. In the Morph

between 2 curves and Parallel to curve strategies, the curves have to be part of the surface externalboundaries. Select the faces first, and than select the edges. Do not use sketches to define these typesof geometries.

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6.1 Drive surface selection

Click on the Define button. The Choose faces dialog will be displayed.

 This dialog enables you to select one or several faces of the SolidWorks model. The selected Face tags will be displayed in the dialog.

If you chose wrong entities, use the Unselect option to undo your selection. You can also right click on the entity name (the object will be highlighted)and choose the Unselect option from the menu.

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5-axis Machining

SolidCAM enables you to machine surfaces from thepositive direction of the surface normals. Sometimes

surfaces are not oriented correctly and you have toreverse their normals. The Reverse/Reverse All command enables you to reverse the direction of the

surface normals.

SolidCAM does not enable you to see the surface direction. You have to selectthe faces for the 5 axis operation and calculate the operation. If the tool ismachining one of the faces from the wrong direction, return to the Geometry 

definition and use the Reverse command.

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6.2 Cut Controls:

 The Exercises of the Cut control option are located in the Exercises\Cut_Control folder.

6.2.1 Parallel cuts

 The Parallel cuts option will create tool paths that are parallel to each other. The direction of the cutsis defined by two angles. The angles in X, Y and Z determine the direction of the parallel cuts of thetool path. Imagine slicing an apple: You can slice it with a knife parallel from top to bottom or fromthe left side to the right side. The pictures in the dialog show how the desired cutting direction is set

using the angles.

With constant X 



Changing the Machining angle in the Z parameter to 90 degrees creates tool

paths parallel to the Y axis. The X -distance is constant.

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With constant Y 



Changing the Machining angle in Z and the Machining angle in X, Y to 90 degreescreates tool paths parallel to the X axis. The Y -distance is constant.

With constant Z



Changing the Machining angle in Z and the Machining angle in X, Y to 0 degreescreates circular tool paths. The Z-distance is constant.

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Fast orientation buttons

 Th following buttons enable you to expedite the definition of the orientation of the parallel cuts.

 The Constant Z button.

 The Parallel button.

In this setup you can enter any angle to get the required tool path.

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5-axis Machining

Exercise 1:

1. Load the CAM-Part: Exercises\Cut_control\parallel_cuts.prt

2. Simulate the operations and check the parameters used to control the Machining angles for the Parallel Cuts strategy.

3. Add operations for the machining of other cylinders. Use the Parallel Cuts strategy and define the necessary parameters in order to cut the cylinder normalto the direction of the center line.

4. In order to cut the cylinder and the top face you have to use a different angle(inclination). Create some operations to practice this task.

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Change Parallel cuts to spiral

 This option enables you to substitute the parallel cuts with the spiral cuts with the pitch equal to thedefined Step over.

The option is chosenThe option is not chosen

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5-axis Machining

Exercise 2:

1. Load the CAM-Part: Exercises\Cut_control\parallel_cuts.prt

2. Simulate the operations and check the parameters used to control the Machining angles for the Parallel Cuts strategy.

3. Edit the operation rotate around z 45 deg.

4. In the Geometry page, choose the Change parallel cuts to spiral option.

5. Calculate and simulate the operation. Note that the parallel cuts of the operation were changed to spiral movements.

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6.2.2 Cuts along curve

 The Cuts along curve option enables the user to

select a leading curve. The generated tool path isorthogonal to this leading curve, so the cuts do nothave to be parallel to each other. If a wrong leading curve is selected, the cuts can cross over each otherand the result will be unacceptable.

  The curve geometry does not have to be locatedon the surface or on the edges of the surface. Theselected chain could be a planar or a 3D sketch. Ineach point of the leading curve, SolidCAM createsa plane nornal to the curve. The tool path will becreated at the intersection of this plane with thedrive surface.

 This kind of tool path is popular for milling enginesports or internal curved surfaces.





Tool path

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5-axis Machining

Exercise 3:

1. Load the SolidWorks document: Exercises\Cut_control\cone.sldprt

2. Define a new CAM-Part. Use the Fanuc_4x_x postprocessor.

3. Define the Machine CoordSys with the X-axis directed along the cone centerline

and the Z-axis directed upwards. For the CoordSys definition, use the home_ 

definition sketch.

4. Start a new 5-axis Operation and choose the Cuts Along Curve strategy.

5. Define the conical face as thedrive surface. Choose the circle

segment contained in the Lead_ 

curve sketch as a lead curve.

6. Calculate and Simulate theOperation.

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Exercise 4:

1. Load the SolidWorks document: Exercises\Cut_control\cone.sldprt

2. Create a new CAM-Part. Use the Fanuc_5x CNC controller.

3. Define the CoordSys on the top face of the model.

4. Start a new 5-axis Operation and choose the Cuts Along Curve strategy.

5. Define the internal face of the manifold as the Drive Surface and the sketch

segment containd in the Center_line sketch as a Lead curve.

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6. Calculate and Simulate the Operation.

  The simulation can be performed using either 3D or HostCAD simulationmodes.

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6.2.3 Morph between two curves

 The Morph between two curves option will create swarf cuts morphing between two leading curves. This option is very suitable for machining steep areas for mould making. The more accurate theguiding curves are to the real surface edges, the better this function works.

 To select the first (upper) and second (lower) curve, click on the Upper and Lower button.

First curve

Tool path

Second curve

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It is very important to define the geometry for theUpper and Lower Edge curves correctly. SolidCAM

generates the tool path from the Upper Edge curvetill the Lower Edge curve.

It is recommended to selectthe edges of the surface as thegeometry of the Upper andLower Edge curves. SolidCAM  will check the distance fromthe curve to the surface and if the distance is bigger than 0.03and the option that moves the

tool exactly on the edges of the surface is used, tool jumps can result. The reason for these jumps is that

SolidCAM did not find a point on the surface after creating a circle with thetolerance size on a plane normal to the point on the curve.

Upper Edge curve

Lower Edge curve

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Exercise 5:

1. Load the CAM-Part: Exercises\Cut_control\air_console.prt

2. Create a new 5-Axis Operation using the Morph between two curves strategy.

3. Define the Drive Surface as shown.

4. Select the model edge for theUpper Edge curve geometry asshown.

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5. Select the model edge for the Lower Edge curve geometry as shown.

Make a note to select the short edge as shown.

6. Save, Calculate and Simulate the operation.

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Exercise 6:

1. Load the CAM-Part: Exercises\Cut_control\impeller.prt

2. Create a new 5-Axis Operation using the Morph between two curves strategy. This option is used due to the inequality of the distance between the upper and

lower curves of the blade.

3. Define the Drive Surface as shown.

4. Select the model edgefor the Upper Edge

curve geometry asshown.

Make a note to select the geometry accurately without gaps. The accurateselection results in a more accurate tool path without tool jumps.

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5. Select the model edge for the Lower Edge curve geometry as shown.

Select the short edge as shown - the absence of this edge in the geometry causes an inaccurate tool path.

6. Save, Calculate and Simulate theoperation.

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6.2.4 Parallel to curve

 The Parallel to curve option will align the cut direction along a leading curve.

Click Single Edge and select the curve.


Tool path

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5-axis Machining

Exercise 7:

1. Load the CAM-Part: Exercises\Cut_control\air_console.prt.

2. Create a new 5-Axis Operation using the Parallel to curve strategy.

3. Define the Drive Surface as shown.

4. Select the model edge as shownas the Curve geometry. 

5. Save, calculate and simulate theoperation.

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Exercise 8:

1. Load the CAM-Part: Exercises\Cut_control\impeller.prt

2. Create a new 5-Axis Operation using the Parallel to curve strategy.

3. Define the Drive Surface as shown.

4. Select the model edge for the Lower Edge curve geometry as shown.

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Select the short edge as shown - the absence of this edge in the geometry causesan inaccurate tool path.

5. Save, calculate and simulate the operation.

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6.2.5 Project curves

Project curves generates a single tool path along a curve.

Click on the Projection curve button to define a curve.

  The projected curve is a result of the projection

of the specified curve onto the selected surface.SolidCAM will not check the curve against the

surface to check if it is a good curve. The calculationalgorithm tries to retrieve the vector to each pointof the curve according to the surface normal in thispoint. If the point is not on the surface the point will be eliminated from the tool path and handledlike a gap.

 The tool will move with the center on the selectedgeometry. It is not possible to get the tool path in theleft or the right side.

Curve & Tool path

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5-axis Machining

Exercise 9:

1. Load the CAM-Part: Exercises\Cut_control\Solidcam.prt.

2. Create a new 5-Axis Operation using the Project curves strategy.

3. Define the Drive Surface as shown.

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4. Select the model edges of the text for the Projection curves geometry asshown.

5. Save, calculate and simulate the operation.

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5-axis Machining

Exercise 10:

1. Load the CAM-Part: Exercises\Cut_control\3D_engraving.prt.

2. Create a new 5-Axis Operation using the Project curves strategy.

3. Define the Drive Surface as shown.

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4. Select the curve in the middle of the surface as the Projected curve geometry. This curve has to be created in the middle of the selected face and projected on

the surface or created exactly on the surface.

5. Save, calculate and simulate the operation.

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5-axis Machining

6.2.6 Morph between two surfaces

 This option is similar to the Morph between

two curves option. SolidCAM will createtool path morphing between two leading curves. In contrast to the Morph between

two curves option where the leading curvesare directly selected on the model, theMorph between two surface option enablesyou to choose two surfaces adjacent to thedrive surface. The common boundaries of 

these surfaces and the drive surface will beused as the leading curves.

For proper machining, the Calc based on tool center option must be enabled.If the calculation is not based on the tool center, a wrong tool path will begenerated. The option is located on the Misc. Parameters page.

Drive surface

Upper edge surface

Lower edge surface

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Exercise 11:

1. Load the CAM-Part: Exercises\Cut_control\insert.prt.

2. Create a new 5-Axis Operation using the Morph between two surfaces strategy.

3. Define the Drive Surface as shown.

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4. Select the upper fillet as shown to define the Upper Edge surface geometry.

5. Select the lower fillet as shown to define the Lower Edge surface geometry.

6. Save, calculate and simulate the


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Exercise 12:

1. Load the CAM-Part: Exercises\Cut_control\air_console.prt.

2. Create a new 5-Axis Operation using the Morph between two surfaces strategy.

3. Define the Drive Surface asshown. Select all the tangentialside faces of the pocket.

4. Select all the adjacent top faces

as shown to define the Upper

Edge surface geometry.

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5. Select all the faces of the lower fillet as shown to define the Lower Edge surface geometry.

6. Save, calculate and simulate the operation.

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6.2.7 Parallel to surface

 This option is similar to the Parallel to curve option. SolidCAM will align the cut direction along a

leading curve. In contrast to the Parallel to curve option where the leading curve was directly selectedon the model, the Parallel to surface option enables you to choose the surface adjacent to the drive

surface. The common boundary of this surface and the drive surface will be used as the leading curve.

Edge surface

Drive surface

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5-axis Machining

 You can work with margins. The tool has to be a sphere mill and the Calc based on tool center optionhas to be activated in the Misc. Parameters page.


Tool center


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Exercise 13:

1. Load the CAM-Part: Exercises\Cut_control\insert.prt.

2. Create a new 5-Axis Operation using the Parallel to surface strategy.

3. Define the Drive Surface as shown.

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6.3 Flip Stepover

Flip step over changes the start cutting direction. This can change the machining direction from theoutside to the inside or from the left to the right.

  The machining begins at the top of the workpiece.

  With the Flip Step over option the machining begins at the edge.

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Exercise 14:

1. Load the CAM-Part: Exercises\Cut_control\insert.prt prepared in Exercise 11.

2. In the Geometry page make sure that the Flip step over checkbox

is not activated.

3. Simulate the Operation. During the simulation, note that the cutting is performedfrom the upper boundary of the drive surface downwards.

4. Activate the Flip step over checkbox.

5. Save, calculate and simulate the Operation. Note that the cutting direction waschanged: the cutting was performed from the lower boundary of the drive surfaceupwards.

6. Do not close the CAM-Part.

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6.4 Cutting Method

SolidCAM enables you to choose the following Cutting methods:

• One way

• Zig Zag

If you have a closed geometry and you select one way machining, the tool will always move aroundthe part in the same direction.

One Way Zig Zag

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If the geometry is not completely closed, then it is recommended to set the optionEnforce closed contours.

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6.5 Cut Order

In the cut order menu you can choose between three options:

• Standard - Sets a default cut order.

• From Center Away - The machining begins in the center of the surface.

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• From outside to center - The machining begins from outside the surface.

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Exercise 15:

1. Use the CAM-Part prepared in Exercise 14.

2. Edit the 5-axis operation.

3. Make sure that the Flip step over checkbox is not active in the Geometry page.

4. Set the Cut order to the From center away option.

5. Calculate and simulate the operation. You will see that the tool path starts from

the center and moves sequentially one step up and one step down.

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6. Set the Cut order to the From outside to center option.

7. Calculate and simulate the operation. As you can see the tool path starts from thetop, moves to the bottom and then moves to the second top and so on.

8. Do not close the CAM-Part.

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6.6 Direction for One Way machining

 This option is available only for the One way Cutting method.

 The Clockwise and Counter clockwise options are not for the spindle rotation. They are usedto determine whether the tool should move around a closed surface model in clockwise orcounter clockwise direction.

• Ccwise

 This option enables you to perform the machining in counter clockwise direction.

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• Cwise

 This option enables you to perform the machining inclockwise direction.

• Climb

 The tool movement and the tool rotation have thesame direction.

Climb milling is preferred when milling heat treatedalloys. Otherwise chipping can result when milling hot rolled materials due to the hardened layer on thesurface.

• Conventional

 The tool movement is opposite to the tool rotation.

Conventional milling is preferred for milling of castings or forgings with very rough surfaces.

Tool movement direction

Tool rotation

Tool movement direction

Tool rotation

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Exercise 16:

1. Use the CAM-Part prepared in Exercise 15.

2. Edit the 5-axis operation.

3. Switch to the Geometry page and choose the Cwise for the Direction for one way

machining option.

4. Calculate and simulate the operation. As you can see the tool path works in theopposite direction. When the tool path is normal to the surface, it is not so clear what is the conventional or climb milling direction. So you can use the CW or

CCW to get the requested tool path direction.

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6.7 Cutting Area

SolidCAM enables you to choose the following options for the Cutting area:

• Full, start and end at exact surface edge

If this option is chosen, the tool path will be generated on the whole surfaceand exactly to the surface edge or to thenearest possible position.

Simulate the appropriate operation of 

Exercise18. The CAM-Part is located inthe Exercises/Cutting_area folder.



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• Full, avoid cuts at exact edges

 With this option the tool path will be generated on

the whole surface but avoids the surface edges.

Simulate the appropriate operation of Exercise18.

 The CAM-Part located in the Exercises/Cutting_ 

area folder.

• Limit cuts by one or two points

  This option enables you to limit the machining between one or two points. The Data buttondisplays the Limit cuts between two points dialog.

 This dialog enables you to define point coordinatesor pick the points from the workplane.

Simulate the appropriate operationof  Exercise18.   The CAM-Part islocated in the Exercises/Cutting_ 

area folder.



Point 1 Point 2

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Exercise 17:

1. Use the CAM-Part prepared in Exercise 16.

2. Edit the 5-axis operation.

3. Simulate the operation. Note that the tool path does not reach the edges of thedrive surface because of the Cutting area option. This option is set to Full, avoid

cuts at exact edges.

4. Switch to the Geometry page and set the Cutting area option to the Full, start

and end at exact surface edges.

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5. Calculate and simulate the operation. Note that the first and last cuts are performedexactly on the drive surface edges.

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6.8 Start Point

Examples of the Start Point option are located in the Exercises\Start_Point folder.

 The Start point option enables you to choose a new start point where the machining begins. Depending on the geometry, 5axmsurf tries to find the nearest possible position next to your point.

 With the Rotate by option you can relocate the start position for the following cut. The coordinates will be calculated with the stepover and the angle you set.

Click on the Data button. In this window you can enter X, Y and Z coordinates for your new point orselect a point in your geometry.

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Original start point New start point

Default tool path start position Tool path start position with new start point

20° 20° 20°

Start points

This is a tool path start position with a new start point and a 20 degrees rotation angle.

Simlate operations of  Exercise4 . The CAM-Part is located in the Exercises\Start_Point folder.

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7. Finish Parameters page:

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7.1 Tool Contact point

Examples of the Tool Contact point option are located in the Exercises\Tool_Contact_pointfolder.

 This parameter defines the contact point of the tool and drive surfaces. At a surface point with a givensurface normal direction, the tool can always be placed tangentially.

 You can see the touching points in the above picture. Center is exactly in the middle of the tool. Front 

is the point where the flat part of the tool ends and the radius starts, but only in the move direction.Radius is every point on the round radius surface.


Move direction

Center Front

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If this parameter is set to AT CENTER, then the tip of the tool touches the surface’scontact point. If the tool axis orientation is changed due to tilting options, then the tool will be tilted around this tip point. In such a case, the tool and surface are not tangentialanymore and the tool will gouge the surface. This situation must be avoided by setting thefirst gouge check strategy to retract the tool from the drive surfaces.


If this parameter is set to AT RADIUS, then the tangentiality is maintained like in the caseof AUTO, the difference is that for a bull nose tool, the tip of the tool is never used as thetouch point on the drive surfaces.

Tool Center

Move direction

Tool Path

Tool Radius

Move direction

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 The option AT FRONT is similar to AT CENTER and forces the tool touching point to bealways a fixed point on the tool. In this case, this fixed point is the beginning of the radiusof a bull nose tool in the direction of the tool motion. All changes to the tool orientationare done around this pivot point which can cause gouging of the drive surfaces. Setting thegouge control is critical when working with this option.


If the AUTO option is chosen, the tool can be placed tangentially at a surface point witha given surface normal direction. If the user changes the orientation of the tool, then thesurface contact point remains and the contact point on the tool moves from the tip of thetool to the radius of the tool still maintaining the tangentiality between the tool and thesurface.

Simulate the operations of Exercise13.   The CAM-Part islocated in the Exercises\Tool_ 

Contact_point folder.

Tool Front

Move direction

Touch points

Move direction

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Exercise 18:

1. Load the CAM-Part: Exercises\Tool_Contact_point\blade.prt.

2. Simulate the CAM-Part. This part is machinedusing the 4 axis CNC machine. The blade is

twisted and if the tool is positioned tangentially to the surface, the tool path will not be parallel.

It is possible to define a parallel tool path by using the Run tool option.

3. Edit the 5-axis operation and switch to theFinish parameters page.

4. Set the Tool Contact point option to At center.

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5. Calculate and simulate the operation. It is recommended to use 3D simulation

mode to perform the simulation of the tool path with the tool displayed.

  The tool center is coincidentto the drive surface along the

  whole length of the tool path.  This causes gouges, so this

option has to be used together with the gouge control options.

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6. If a flat tool is used for rough face milling, the At Front option enables you to millthe front part of the tool. Change the Tool Contact point option to At Front.

7. Calculate and simulate the operation. It is recommended to use the 3D simulationmode to perform the simulation of the tool path with the tool displayed.

 The front of the tool is placed on the point and the angle results from the vectorof this point. (Later on we will see how we can tilt the tool more in the cutting direction to get better cutting conditions).

8. To use the At radius option we have to define the tool with corner radius for theoperation. Change the Corner Radius to 2.

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9. Set the Tool Contact point option to At radius.

10. Calculate and simulate the operation. It is recommended to use the 3D simulationmode to perform the simulation of the tool path with the tool displayed. Notethat the tool corner radius is tangent to the drive surface along the whole lengthof the tool path.

Make a note that the corner radius of the tool is tangent to the surface. Note thatthe tool path is not parallel because SolidCAM tries to put the radius tangentialto the surface normal.

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7.2 Lead in / Lead out

 This switch turns on and off the tangential entry and exit moves.

 The Lead in / Lead out dialog enables you to define the parameters of Lead in / Lead out.

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Lead in/Lead out  – These checkboxes enable you to define the lead in/out. The approach/retreatmovements are performed by an arc with the following parameters:

Arc sweep – The sweep angle of the lead in/out arc from the entry point on the tool path.

Arc diameter / Tool diameter % - This parameter specifies the ratio of the lead in/out arc diameter tothe tool diameter.

Don’t plunge with tool

 This option enables you to perform

the arc approach in the plane normalto the tool vector in the entry point.

Tool path

Lead in arc

Arc sweep

Lead in point

Tool Path

Tool Path

Lead outLead in

Lead in


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 When this option is not chosen, the approach arc plane will be normal to the previous plane.

Tool Path

Tool Path


Lead in

Lead in

Lead in

Lead out

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Exercise 19:

1. Load the CAM-Part Exercises\Lead_in_Lead_out\insert.prt

Now we will see how to use the entry and exit arc moves.

2. Set the following parameters in the Finish page.

Choose the Morph between 2 surfaces option in the Cut Control field.

Choose the Drive, Upper edge and Lower edge surface as shown.

Drive surface Upper edge surface

Lower edge surface

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Choose the Zigzag option in the Cutting method field.

Choose the Standard option in the Cut Order field.

3. Switch to the Finish parameters page and set the following parameters:

Set the Step Over value to 3.

4. Activate the Lead in/Lead out checkbox and click on the Lead in/Lead out button

in order to define the Lead in/Lead out parameters.

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5. In the Lead in/Lead out dialog activate both the Lead in and Lead out sections.

Set the Arc Sweep to 90 and Arc diameter/Tool diameter to 200 in bothsections.

6. Switch to the Gaps page and set the following parameters:

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7. Calculate and simulate the operation.

 As you can see, the entry and exit movements are performed by arcs. The arc sizeis double the tool radius.

 The arcs are parallel to the tool path direction in the entry point.

8. Display the Lead in/Lead out dialog and activate the Plunge with Z-Axis option.

9. Calculate and simulate the operation.

 As you can see the entry and exit arc are

rotated 90 degrees and are now normalto the tool path direction in the Lead

in/Lead out point.

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Exercise 20:

1. Load the CAM-Part Exercises\Lead_in_Lead_out\Undercut.prt

 We will now see how the gouge checking affects the entry and exit arcs.

2. Start a new 5-axis Operation and choose Tool #1 from the Part Tool table.

3. Set the following parameters in the Geometry page:

Choose the Parallel Cuts option for the Cut Control.

Click on theConstant Z

button to define theMachining Angle


Choose the One Way option in the Cutting Method field.

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4. Define the Drive surface as shown below.

5. Switch to the Finish parameters page and set the following parameters:

Set Step Over to 6.

Check the Lead in/Lead out checkbox.

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6. Switch to the Gouge check page and define the following parameters:

 Activate the Enable/Disable checkbox.

Inactivate the Check surfaces option.

In the Strategy field, choose the Tilting tool away with max. angle option.

The Gouge check options will be explained later.

7. Switch to the Gouge 2 page and define the following parameters:

 Activate the Enable/Disable checkbox.

Inactivate the Drive surfaces option.

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8. Define the Check surfaces as shown below.

 The chosen strategy enables the user to avoid gouging by retracting the tool along the tool axis.

9. Switch to the Tool Axis Control page.

Check surfaces

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10. Set the following options:

Choose the Tilted relative to cutting direction option in the Tool axis direction


Set the Tilt angle at side of cutting direction value to 90.

Choose the Follow surface iso direction option in the Side tilt direction combo-box.

11. Calculate and simulate the operation.

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 We can see arcs in every tool path depth in the right side approach and only onein the left side. This is because the gouge check sees that the tool will gouge to

the left wall and moves the tool along the vector of the tool center till this gougeis finished. In this part all the paths move to a safe point (in the same point inthis part) and then adds the exit arc. The gouge algorithm and the Entry/Exit 

algorithms protect the part from gouging.

12. Close the simulation.

13. Choose the Leaving out gouging points option in the Strategy fieldof the Gouge

check page.

14. Calculate and simulate the operation.

 As you can see the arc is mirrored and movedout from the corner and the part is gougeprotected.

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7.3 Round surface by tool radius

 This switch can be set to find small radius areas and inner sharp edges in the surface model. Such areas

 will be left out from the tool path generation. Inside corners can cause “fish tails” in tool paths. Suchfish tails are removed by turning on this switch. This flag can also be considered as a fillet generator. The surface model is rounded (filletted) in the direction of tool path slices with a radius to avoid smallradii and inner sharp corners. The applied radius is the main tool radius plus the current stock to leave  value. The fillet generation is independent of the tool type and shape. In most cases, this switch is usedin the presence of a ball cutter, lollipop cutter or a conical cutter with a ball tip. If swarf machining isapplied (side cutting), then also cylinder or torus cutters are used together with this switch.

 The Round surface by tool radius option is not active.

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 The Round surface by tool radius option is active.

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7.4 Stock to leave

 The Stock to leave parameter describes the stock to be left on the finishing surfaces. This parametercan also be negative, e.g. for cutting electrodes.

For example, if this value is set to 0.2 units, then the tool will not come closer than 0.2 units to the

surface. Therefore, after the machining, there will be remaining stock on the surface of about 0.2units.

Simulate the operations of  Exercise14.  The CAM-Part is located in the Exercises\Stock_to_leave folder.

Stock to leave

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7.5 Multi Passes

 This switch can be turned on to calculate multiple tool path passes on the same geometry.

 The Multi passes dialog enables you to define the following parameters:

 The Roughing passes section enables you to define a number of rough passes (specified by theNumber parameter) with the specified spacing (the Spacing parameter) between them.

 The Finishing passes section enables you to define a number of finishing passes.

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Constant step over at each pass – this option enables you to define the order of execution of theroughing and finish passes.

 When this option is turned off, all the rough and finish passes will be done at the current height levelbefore moving to the next height level. When the Constant step over at each pass option is notselected; each pass will be finished for all height levels before moving to the next pass.

Simulate Exercise16. The CAM-Part is located in the Exercises\Multi_Passes folder.

Without the Constant Stepover optionWith the Constant Stepover option

1 2 3 4









With Constant Stepover Without Constant Stepover

pass pass pass pass

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7.6 Surface Quality

7.6.1 Chaining Tolerance

 The chaining tolerance is an internal value for the tool path generation and should be 1 to 10 times thecut tolerance. If you have untrimmed simple surfaces, then this value can be set to 100 times of thecut tolerance and will increase the calculation speed drastically.

Using higher values in the chaining tolerance can cause inaccuracies. The tool path will not be as good,but the calculation time will be faster.

Simulate Exercise5. The CAM-Part is located in the Exercises\Chaining_tolerance.

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7.6.2 Cut tolerance

 The Cut tolerance is the tolerance for the accuracy of the tool path. A tight Cut tolerance gives youmore tool path points on the drive surface. Therefore the generated tool path is more accurate. Theresult of the machining is a very good surface quality but the calculation time is increased.

  A loose Cut tolerance generates less points on the tool path. After the machining, the surface isrougher but the calculation time is much faster.

Loose Cut tolerance Tight Cut tolerance

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7.6.3 Distance

  Whether you have more or less points depends on the Cut tolerance. You have more points on

round surfaces because the tool path always changes direction. Use the Distance option to get morepoints on flat surfaces. Although the Cut tolerance is the same you get more points on straight or flatsurfaces. Setting a small value gives more points whereas a high value gives fewer points.

Result without distance Result with distance

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7.6.4 Stepover

 The Stepover is the distance between two neighboring parallel cuts.

Small stepover

Big Stepover

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8. Gaps Page

 The tangential entry and exit switch add 90° arc moves to the beginning and end of each tool pathsection. The diameter of this arc is determined in relation to the currently used tool diameter. Theplane of the arc is automatically determined perpendicular to the surface.

8.1 Gap Along Cut

If gaps along a tool path are detected,then you can ignore the gap andmove the tool connecting the twosides of the gap or retract the tool tothe rapid plane and skip the gap, thencome back from the rapid plane tothe other side of the gap and pursuethe machining. The limit for ignoring 

the gap can be entered as the gap sizeas a % of the tool diameter.

 An example of the Gap Along Cut

option is located in the Exercises\ 

Gap_Along_Cut folder.

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8.1.1 Gap Size as % of tool diameter

 The value in the field Gap Size as % of tool diameter sets thethreshold for small and large gaps along a tool path segment. The value is defined as the percentage of the tool diameter. All gaps

along the tool path segment, which are smaller than this threshold value, are considered as small gaps and the action defined for smallgaps is executed. All other gaps that are larger than this value arelarger gaps and the action defined for large gaps is performed. E.g.if the tool diameter is 20mm and the gap size is set to 10%, thenthe threshold is 10% of 20mm, which is 2mm. All gaps smaller

than 2mm are considered small gaps. All gaps greater than 2mm are considered large gaps.

Here you can see that if the motion is bigger than the gap size, the tool path is set to “broken”. If themotion is smaller than the gap size, the tool movement is Direct. The gap size is set to 50% of thetool diameter. The tool diameter is 20 mm so the small gaps are 10 mm and smaller and the big gapsare over 10 mm.

8.1.2 Direct

If you choose Direct, the tool uses the shortest way to the other side of the gap without any retracting movements. The tool path in the gap is a straight line and the tool moves in machining speed.

If the Gap size is bigger than the tool path length, the tool will go back from theend to the start and connect the tool path to closed loops.

Tool path

Tool path < Gap size

Tool path > Gap size

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Here you can see the Direct tool path betweenthe two drive surfaces.

Simulate the appropriate operation of Exercise19 The CAM-Part is located in theExercises\Gap_Along_Cut folder.

8.1.3 Broken

If you choose Broken and a gap is detected, the tool retracts a litt le bit. Theretracting direction is the tool axis. With rapid speed, the tool leaves the drive

surface and moves over to the next tool path point with machining speed.

 As you can see the short retraction is way above the gap.

Simulate the appropriate Operation of Exercise19 The CAM-Part is located in theExercises\Gap_Along_Cut folder.

8.1.4 Retract

  With the Retract mode the tool moves back to the rapid plane. The toolmovement has rapid speed. Only the return to the drive surface has machining speed.

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Here you can see the tool retracting to the rapidplane. It leaves and enters the drive surfaces

along its axis.

Simulate the appropriate Operation of Exercise19 The CAM-Part is located in theExercises\Gap_Along_Cut folder.

8.1.5 Follow Surface

SolidCAM performs the machining of the gap area tangentially to the surfaces close to the gap.

Simulate the appropriate Operation of Exercise19 The CAM-Part is located in theExercises\Gap_Along_Cut folder.

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8.2 Gaps between cut (Gap Size as % Of Stepover)

If gaps between a tool path are detected, you can ignore the gap and move the tool connecting the

two sides of the gap or retract the tool to the rapid plane, skip the gap and then come back from therapid plane to the other side of the gap and pursue the machining. The limit for ignoring the gap canbe entered as the gap size as a % of the maximum stepover.

8.2.1 Gap Size as % of Stepover

 This value defines the thresholdvalue to recognizea gapas a percentageof the user given maximum stepover value (in this case, the gap is thestep over move). E.g. if this value is set to 150% and the maximumstep over value is 0.1mm, the gap threshold is 0.15mm. That means allstep over moves from one tool path slice to the next slice are checkedagainst 0.15 mm and it is then determined whether the gap is smalleror larger than this value.

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8.2.2 Direct

If you choose Direct, the tool uses the shortest way to the other side of thegap without any retracting movements. The tool path in the gap is a straightline and the tool moves in machining speed.

Here you can see the Direct toolpath between the two drive surfaces.

8.2.3 Broken

If you choose Broken and a gap is detected, the tool retracts a little bit. The retracting direction is thetool axis. With rapid speed the tool leaves the drive surface and moves over tothe next tool path point with machining speed.

 As you can see the short retraction is way above the gap.

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8.2.4 Retract

 With Retract the tool moves back to the rapid plane. The tool movement hasrapid speed. Only the return to the drive surface has machining speed.

Here you can see the tool retracting to the rapid plane. It leaves and enters thedrive surfaces along its axis.

8.2.5 Follow surface

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9. Tool axis control page

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9.1 Output format

 The output format can be set to 3, 4 or 5 axis. In case of 3 axis, the tool axis direction must be defined

by the user, e.g. top view is 0,0,1. In case of 4 axis output, the rotary axis must be selected, e.g. aroundX, Y or Z.

 The output format is the property of this operation. As explained previously, SolidCAM has threetypes of 5-axis Operations: 3-axis, 4-axis and 5-axis.

In case of 3-axis Operation type, the tool axis direction is defined according to the Machine CoordSysand the Position used for the Operation.

In case of  4-axis Operation type, SolidCAM generates the output for simultaneous 4-axis movement. This output can be used with 4- and 5 axes-CNC Machines. If you use this output with z 5-axis CNCmachine, the G-code will set the 5-axis to the correct position and then simultaneous 4-axis tool path will be performed.

In case of  5-axis Operation type, the simultaneous 5-axis output will be performed.

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9.2 Maximum angle change

 The maximum angle step is the maximum angle value between two tool path points on the surface. The

number of points generated depends on the surface blending and the maximum angle step. Increasing the maximum angle step generates more points, decreasing the value generates less points.

Big maximum step angle Small maximum Step angle

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9.3 Tilting strategies (Tool axis direction)

Exercises of the Tilting strategies are located in the Exercises\Tilting_strategies folder.

9.3.1 Tool axis is not tilted and stays normal to the surface

Simulate the appropriate Operation of  Exercise9 The CAM-Part is located in the Exercises\Tilting_ 

strategies folder.

Tool Axis: Surface normal

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9.3.2 Tool axis will be tilted relative to cutting direction

 This option enables you to change the lag angle of the cutting directionas well as the lag angle at the side of the cutting direction. Both areshown below.

Simulate the appropriate Operation of Exercise9 The CAM-Part is located in theExercises\Tilting_strategies folder.

 The tool axis is tilted only with a lag angle of 

45° to the cutting direction and 0° at the sideof the cutting direction.

 C u t t i n g

  d i r e c t

 i o nTool Axis

Surface Normal


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Simulate the appropriate Operation of  Exercise9. The CAM-Part is located in the Exercises\Tilting_ 

strategies folder.

 The tool axis is tilted with a lag angle of 45° to the cutting direction and 45° at the side of the cutting 





Tool Axis

Tool Axis



Surface Normal

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9.3.3 Tool axis will be tilted with the angle

Simulate the appropriate Operationof  Exercise9. The CAM-Part islocated in the Exercises\Tilting_ 

strategies folder.

In the above case, the tool axis is

tilted 45 degrees from the surface

normal direction towards the Y axis.

9.3.4 Tool axis will be tilted with fixed angle to axis

Simulate the appropriate Operation of  Exercise9. The CAM-Part is located in the Exercises\Tilting_ 

strategies folder.

 The tool axis is tilted 15 degrees towards the main Z axis.

Tilt Axis

Tool Axis

Surface Normal


Z Axis

Tool Axis


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9.3.5 Tool axis will be tilted around axis

Simulate the appropriate Operation of  Exercise9. The CAM-Part is located in the Exercises\Tilting_ 

strategies folder.

 The tool axis direction is the same like the surface normal but tilted with a 45 degrees angle aroundthe main Z axis.

Z Axis

Tool Axis


45°Tool Axis


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9.3.6 Tool axis will be tilted through point

Simulate the appropriate Operation of  Exercise9. The CAM-Part is located in the Exercises\Tilting_ 

strategies folder.

 The tool axis is always aligned to the point above the work piece.

Tool Axis direction


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9.3.7 Tool axis will be tilted through curve

Simulate the appropriate Operation of  Exercise9. The CAM-Part is located in the Exercises\Tilting_ 

strategies folder.

 The tool axis is always aligned to the curve above the workpiece.

Curve tilt type

SolidCAM enables you to choose thefollowing options for the Curve tilt


• Closest point

• Angle from point

• Angle from spindle, main


• From start to end

• Automatic curve


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Closest point

 The direction of your tool axis here is the same like the shortest distance between your present toolpath point and the tilt curve. So the 3D-length is used. The following example shows a wavy surface with a tilt curve above. You can see that the tool axis has the same direction like the shortest 3D

distance between the surface and the present tool path point.

Tool path point

Tool Axis direction


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Fixed tilt angle

 You can set an additive tilt angle to your present tool axis direction. The Positive angle lets the axistilt against the main axis. With negative angles the tool axis tilts from the main axis. The main axis isusually the Z-axis. Maximum tilt is reached when the tool axis is parallel to the main axis.

Tool Axis direction


Maximum angle


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Angle from curve

 The direction of your tool axis here is the projected length between your present tool path point andthe tilt curve. So the 2D distance is used. The following example shows a wavy surface with an tiltcurve above. You can see that the tool axis has the same direction like the projected distance between

the surface and present tool path point.

Tool Axis direction


Shortest 2D distance

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 The view from the top shows the shortest 2D distance between the tilt curve and the tool path point. The tool axis always has the same direction.

Tool Path point

Tool Axis direction


S  h  o  r  t   e  s  t    2  D  

 d   i   s  t   a  n  c  e  

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Tool Axis direction

Tilt curve

Curve points

From Start to end

 This tilt type is used for generating tool paths for tube milling. The tube milling is usually machinedin z-constant cuts and the result is cut slices. The amount of the z constant cuts depends on themaximum stepover. Now the tilt curve will be divided by the number of slices of the tool path. Every 

slice is now aligned to its point on the curve. Make sure that the beginning of the curve is on the rightside. Click the tilt curve and select the curve from your geometry. The curve tilt type is from the startto the end .

In this example the maximum step over is 10 mm. The tool path for the tube has 10 slices. So thecurve has 10 points. Now every cut is aligned to its point on the curve..

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9.3.8 Tool axis will be tilted through lines

Simulate the appropriate Operations of  Exercise9 and Exercise8 The CAM-Part is located in theExercises\Tilting_strategies folder.

9.3.9 Tilted from point away

Simulate the appropriate Operation of Exercise9 The CAM-Part is located in theExercises\Tilting_strategies folder.

  The tool axis is always aligned from thepoint.


 Tool Axis

 Tool Axis

 Tool Axis

 Tool Axis





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9.4 Side tilt definition

  This parameter defines the side tilting direction when the tilt strategy is set to relative to cutting dir.

Side tilting definition is an important setting to define a proper side milling with the tool. Side milling is aimed to get a line contact between the tool and the surface. The definition of the side tilt directionis a user option with the following interpretation:

  The option Follow surface iso directions is a good choice if linear surfaces are present. Multiple

surfaces can be used here. If any surface does not have a compatible u and v direction with theneighboring surfaces, then this function tries to correct this automatically.

 The option Ortho to cut dir at each pos can be used only if the Cut strategy is Parallel cuts or Morph

between 2 curves. The side tilt direction is determined by an orthogonal line from the current surfacecontact point to the lower edge curve.

Use the Ortho to cut dir at each pos if the side tilt direction should be defined by the tool path moving direction and orthogonal direction to this move direction.

 The Ortho to cut dir at each contour option is similar to Ortho to cut dir at each pos. The difference

is that the side tilt direction is not individually defined at each tool path position. Instead it is set for acomplete contour segment. The function Approximate sets the formula to calculate the side directionat each position of the contour.

 The option Use spindle main direction uses the machine definitions spindle main direction vectordefinition as the reference for finding the side tilt direction. The side tilting always happens from the  view defined by the spindle main direction vector. E.g. if the spindle main direction vector is the zaxis and side tilting of 90 degrees from surface normal takes place, then the tool axis orientation is

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the surface normal rotated 90 degrees towards the spindle main direction. In practical terms, such arotation can be handled by a machine tool without utilizing the C axis.

 The next option Use user defined dir is the same like the previously described spindle main directionoption. The only difference is that the user can set any user defined direction instead of the spindlemain dir.

 The option Use tilt line definition utilizes user given tilt line elements as the side tilt direction. Thisoption gives the user the freedom of defining the side tilting direction manually by just passing lines.

9.5 Tool axis direction limit parameters

 The Data button displays the Limits dialog.

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9.5.1 XZ Limit

 This switch is set to true to limit the tool on the XY plane between angle b1 andb2.

In this example you can see that theminimum tool limit angle b1 = 30 degrees

and the maximum angle b2 = 120 degrees.

9.5.2 YZ Limit

 This switch is set to true to limit the tool on the YZ plane between angle a1 anda2.

In this example you can see that the

minimum tool limit angle is a1 = 40 degrees

and the maximum angle is a2 = 95 degrees. You can use any angle between 0 and 360


Tool axis





Tool axis





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9.5.3 XY Limit:

 This switch is set to true to limit the tool onthe XY plane between angle c1 and c2.

In this example you can see that the minimumtool limit angle c1 is 40 degrees and themaximum angle c2 is 95 degrees. You canuse any angle between 0 and 360 degrees.

9.5.4 Conical angles from leading curve

 This switch is set to true to limit the tool between two angles which are orthogonal

to the leading curve. The angles start from the tool path slice normal vector. Inother words, imagine 2 cones with different opening angles w1 and w2. The toolaxis direction is between these 2 cones. The orientation of the cones is redefinedby subsequent tool path slices.

  This function worksespecially for tube milling.In this example you have alimit angle w1 = 10° and w2

= 10°. You can use any anglebetween 0 and 180 degrees.





Surface normal




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10. Gouge Check page

 The gouge checking option looks at the generated tool path and the end surfaces to decide whetherthe tool tip or shaft is gouging the surfaces. Further check surfaces can be selected to avoid gouges with surfaces that are not going to be machined.

 The gouge checking is supported for all tool types (flat, ball, conical and bull nose). The check is doneat each calculated tool position. Gouge checking for complicated swarf motions between two tool

positions is under development.

10.1 Clearance

Clearance is a virtual stock added to your holder and arbordiameter.

 Arbor clearance

Holder clearance



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10.2 Check gouge between positions

Exercises of  Check gouge between positions option are located in the Exercises\Gouge_Check folder.

 This switch is set to true to activate the collision check between tool path positions. The 5 axis sweepmoves from one position to the next position and is then used to check for collisions with drive andcheck surfaces.

False True

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Position 2

Position 1

Position 1

Position 2

No gouge check between positions With gouge check between positions

SolidCAM sets this field as the default to avoid problems of gouging check surfaces along movements.

If the option is checked, the gouge check will be done in steps of the Cut tolerance defined in theFinish Parameters page. If the tolerance is 0.01, the check will be performed every 0.01 of mm (or

inch) along the tool path.

If the option is not checked, the checking will be done at every end point of the tool path.

Using this option will slow down the calculation but it is important if you areusing check surfaces.

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10.3 Gouge pages

SolidCAM enables you to set a number of parameter sets for the gouge check. When the page isenabled, the collision checking will be performed with the defined parameters.

10.4 Tool

Here you can activate the gouge check for the Tool Tip, Tool Shaft, Arbor and Holder. It is also

possible to give a clearance to the arbor and the holder.

Gouge of holder switch is used to turn on gouge checking of tool holders and arbors defined withinthe tool definition page. Please note that the holder and arbor are considered cylindrical.

 The non-cylindrical holder shape of the backplot function can mislead the user.

10.4.1 Tool Tip and Tool Shaft

Both switches are set to true if collision checking should be performed with the tool tip and shaft.Both switches are set to false to turn off collision checking with the tool tip and shaft. Please note that

the gouge checking is only from the tool tip up to the shoulder and not overall.

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10.5.1 Retracting tool along tool axis

If control by retracting tool along tool axis is selected, then the gougeis avoided by retracting the tool. The resulting tool path is then gougefree. The retract distance is shown to the user. Also a red line is drawn

 which shows the retraction move. Another line connects the calculatedtool position before retraction and the surface point used for calculating the tool position. Actually this surface point may indicate remaining stock, because there is a surface area that ought to be machined but afterretraction, that is not the case. You can turn the find and report optionon and off.

Simulate the appropriate Operation of Exercise11. The CAM-Part is located in the Exercises\Gouge_ 

check folder.

Here you can see the tool retracting along the tool axis.

Check surface

Tool axis

Drive surface

Retracting direction

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10.5.2 Moving the tool away

 This option assigns the direction in which the tool has to move away. When retracting, the tool always uses the shortest distance to go aroundthe check surface.

From the point a gouge is detected, the tool moves away only in theselected retracting direction.

Here a gouge is detected. If you select “move tool in –X “ the affected tool path points will be moved

away only in –X direction until the check surface ends and the tool is able to pass.


Here you can choose between the following available retracting options. X, Y, and Z axis, retracting the tool along the surface,retracting the tool away from the origin and retracting the tool tocut center.

Check surface

Drive surface

Old tool path points

New tool path pointsX-direction

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Retract tool in XY:

Simulate the appropriate Operation of  Exercise11 The CAM-Part is located in the Exercises\Gouge_ 

check folder.

Here the tool retracts in X or Y.

Retract tool in XZ:

Simulate the appropriate Operation of Exercise11 The CAM-Part is located in the Exercises\Gouge_ 

check folder.

Here the tool retracts in X or Z.

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Retract tool in YZ:

Simulate the appropriate operation of Exercise11. The CAM-Part is located in the Exercises\Gouge_ 

check folder.

Here the tool retracts in Y or Z.

Retract tool in +Z:

Simulate the appropriate operation of Exercise11. The CAM-Part is located in the Exercises\Gouge_ 

check folder.

Here the tool retracts only in +Z.

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Retract tool in –Z:

Simulate the appropriate operation of Exercise11. The CAM-Part is located in the Exercises\Gouge_ 

check folder.

Here the tool retracts only in -Z.

Retract tool in –X:

Simulate the appropriate operation of Exercise11. The CAM-Part is located in the Exercises\Gouge_ 

check folder.

Here the tool retracts only in -X.

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Retract tool in +X:

Simulate the appropriate operation of Exercise11. The CAM-Part is located in the Exercises\Gouge_ 

check folder.

Here the tool retracts only in +X (Operation 7).

Retract tool in –Y:

Simulate the appropriate operation of Exercise11. The CAM-Part is located in the Exercises\Gouge_ 

check folder.

Here the tool retracts only in -Y.

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Retract tool in +Y:

Simulate the appropriate operation of Exercise11. The CAM-Part is located in the Exercises\Gouge_ 

check folder.

Here the tool retracts only in +Y.

Retract tool along surface normal:

Simulate the appropriate operation of Exercise11. The CAM-Part is located in the Exercises\Gouge_ 

check folder.

Tool axis

Surface normal

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Retract tool away from orign:

Simulate the appropriate operation of Exercise11. The CAM-Part is located in the Exercises\Gouge_ 

check folder.

Retract tool cut to center:

 You need this gouge check option for

tube milling. To avoid the gouge thecutter will be tilted to the cut center. The cut center is the center point of your enclosed geometry.

 This drawing shows a simple cutoutthrough a tube. The green drive

surface is machined in parallel Z-cuts. The red surface is the check surface.  With the gouge check the cutterretracts along the check surface to

the cut center.

Tool axis


Surface normal

Tool path

Cut center

Drive surface Check surface

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10.5.3 Tilting tool away with max angle

If control by tilting tool away with max. angle is selected, then the gouge is avoided by tilting the tool.Below you can see the options that are given with the option with tilting tool away with max. angle toprevent gouging:

 The gouge checking requires a lot of computing time. So the best approach is to use limit angles, tiltangles etc. to create a gouge free tool path and use the gouge checking find and report option just toprove that there are no gouges.

 This main parameter contains a std vector of 4 independent collision control operations where eachof them can be defined individually by the user.


Use side tilt angle:

 The tool tilts horizontally with a 65 degrees angle orthogonal to the surface normal.



Tool Axis



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Use lead/lag angle:

 The tool tilts horizontally with a 90 degrees angle orthogonal to the surface normal.

Use lead/lag angle and side tilt angle

 The tool tilts horizontally and vertically with a 90 degrees angle orthogonal to the surface normal.





Tool Axis







Tool Axis

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10.5.4 Leaving out gouging points

 Activating this option will cause the tool path to be trimmed when acollision is detected.

10.5.5 Stop tool path calculation

If you select the option Avoid by leaving out the tool, the tool path will be created only until the first

gouge is detected.

Here you can see that the next cut would cause contact with the check surface. The tool path was createduntil the stop position.

Check surface

Drive surface

Stop position

Check surface

First gouge

Tool path

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10.6 Drive Surfaces

 This switch should be set to true if collision control is performed with the drive surfaces passed by the user.

10.7 Check Surfaces

 This switch should be set to true if collision control is performed with the check surfaces passed by the user. E.g. if collision control operation Nr. 3 is used, then the user needs to pass Check Surfaces

3 as geometry to the interface.

10.8 Stock to leave

Stock to leave defines a minimum distance between the tool and check surface.

0.5 mm

Check surface

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11. Stock Page

If this switch is set to true, then the surfaces or triangle meshes must be provided to the library todefine the stock or remaining stock from the last operation. This information is then used to allow only tool path segments that are removing chip (material) from this given stock. E.g. if multiple cutsare used, the stock definition will allow the library to eliminate air cuts. All the tool path segments outof the stock definition will be filtered out.

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12. Additional parameter Page

 The following parameters in this page are implemented to handle very exceptional cases. Please ignorethis page unless you are advised otherwise.

Read last operation flag reads the last operation in the operation manager and creates a 5 axis tool path

based on that. This “base operation” can be any 3 axis or 5 axis operation. In such a case 5axmsurf is

used to modify the tool angles or to do a gouge checking.

Create multiple pockets creates several pocket operations with tilted tool planes for each tool sectioninstead of one 5axmsurf operation.

Set Y axis machining limit restricts the angle output of SolidCAM calculation to a certain machinelimit.

Ignore all closed contours switch ignores all closed shapes in the geometry and machines only openareas.

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13. Appendix 

13.1 Single Surface versus Multi Surface Machining in 5 Axis

Due to increased availability and lower pricing of 5 Axis Milling machines and recent developments

from the controller side (Fanuc etc.), the need for information about 5 Axis machining has recently increased dramatically. This publication tries to as easily and clearly as possible address one commonquestion about 5 Axis machining of multiple surfaces. There are more issues to explain but it seemsto be more reasonable to deal with one point of interest.

13.2 At the beginning of all: Single Surface 5 Axis Flowline

Machining CAD surfaces are generally built on customer-defined interpolation points. Surface XYZ-points in CAD/CAM-systems are afterwards usually defined by a 2-Parameter representation. Theseparameters are called U and V :

Each surface point s X -, Y - and Z-coordinate can be calculated from a unique pair of  U and V .

Parameter V Parameter U

Surface point (U,V)

Interpolation points

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Each surface point is associated with a surface normal that is always perpendicular to the surface atthat point.

In 3 axis machining this surface normal for a ball end mill points to the cutter center. The cutter axisalways comes from one direction, usually it is aligned with Z. In some rare cases the cutter is aligned with the Y axis.

Surface Normal


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In 5 Axis machining the surface normal may not only determine the cutter center but the cutterorientation as well (there are other ways to control the tool axis to achieve a 5 axis machining tool path,

but this will be discussed later):

  A Flowline 5 Axis tool path follows only the u-direction and v-direction of the surface. In thesubsequent figure, a 5 axis flow line tool path is shown which is mainly calculated in the u-direction. As soon as the surface edge is reached the tool steps in v and then continues movement in reversed u-

direction to achieve a Zig-Zag tool path. During movement, the tool axis direction is changed in every single point of the tool path according to the local surface normal. This kind of machining is called a

single-surface 5 axis flow line tool path.

Tool movement in


Parameter UParameter V

Tool movement in


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On a real machine the machine has to move its axis to rotate the tool to the required direction asshown below.

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