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#solopr transcript – 2/10/2016 Page | 1 For more information and resources, visit http://soloprpro.com/

#SoloPR Transcript – 2/10/2016

Q1: How does #PR / #SocialMedia differentiate from other disciplines in


Q2: Are the blurred lines of #PR, #Marketing, #SM diluting the value of


Q3: Many companies want #PR / #SocialMedia to tie to new business.

Should PR/SM be accountable for sales?

Q4: How do you get companies to include #PR / #SocialMedia in proactive

#strategy rather than add-on tactic?

Q5: Should #PR / #SocialMedia pros broaden skills/offerings or focus on

becoming more specialized in a single area?

Q6: How can solo #PR / #SocialMedia #marketing pros position themselves

to work alongside big agencies for large clients?

#solopr transcript – 2/10/2016 Page | 2 For more information and resources, visit http://soloprpro.com/

Q7: What tools/tips do you use to ensure clients understand/value your role?

Q8: Are clients asking you to measure success differently in 2016?

Transcript follows in reverse chronological order:

SoloPR 2:00pm via tchat.io

What a great group today! Thank you to @sharonmostyn and #smchat crew for a lively,

insightful chat! #solopr

MBennett715 2:00pm via tchat.io

@sharonmostyn @KarenSwim @SoloPR Fastest hour ever! #solopr

KristK 2:00pm via Twitter Web Client

RT @MBennett715: A8: Need to agree w/clients on WHAT to measure, not nec HOW.

Metrics keep changing. #SoloPR #SMChat

MBennett715 2:00pm via tchat.io

Thanks for informative chat today - love learning from you all! #SoloPR @smchat

Thanks @sharonmostyn!

MichelleRTaylor 2:00pm via Hootsuite

RT @MBennett715: A8: Need to agree w/clients on WHAT to measure, not nec HOW.

Metrics keep changing. #SoloPR #SMChat

sharonmostyn 2:00pm via TweetDeck

#solopr transcript – 2/10/2016 Page | 3 For more information and resources, visit http://soloprpro.com/

Thanks everyone for participating in today's #smchat #solopr combo! Special thanks to

@KarenSwim & the @SoloPR team!

KarenSwim 2:00pm via TweetChat by oneQube

Yes! RT @MBennett715 A8: Need to agree w/clients on WHAT to measure, not nec

HOW. Metrics keep changing. #SoloPR #SMChat

KarenSwim 1:59pm via TweetChat by oneQube

So glad you were were here @dariasteigman Thanks @sharonmostyn and #smchat crew!


MBennett715 1:59pm via tchat.io

A8: Need to agree w/clients on WHAT to measure, not nec HOW. Metrics keep

changing. #SoloPR #SMChat

3HatsComm 1:58pm via TweetDeck

nice to be able to make #soloPR #smchat today, thx for all the good answers.

KarenSwim 1:58pm via TweetChat by oneQube

A8: Hearing many being asked to tie more closely to sales, lead gen #solopr #smchat

MichelleRTaylor 1:58pm via Twitter for iPhone

@CreativationMkt Groups like #solopr, as well as aligning myself with other

organizations in similar space - attend events, network #smchat

PaulaJohns 1:58pm via tchat.io

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Made me smile... RT @KristK I don't need to know everything, just more than my

clients, competition or students #Smchat #solopr

dariasteigman 1:58pm via TweetDeck

Great #smchat / #solopr today, lead by smarties @KarenSwim & @sharonmostyn.

Thanks all, for a great hour of smarts & sass.

KarenSwim 1:57pm via TweetChat by oneQube

RT @sharonmostyn: #SMChat #SoloPR Q8 Are clients asking you to measure success

differently in 2016?

PRProSanDiego 1:56pm via Twitter Web Client

A8. Clients have always wanted to know PR ROI. Now they think analytics can draw a

bright line btwn effort and results. #soloPR

KristK 1:56pm via tchat.io

@dariasteigman @MBennett715 So true. We know how to ask smart questions and find

answers. #smchat #solopr

MBennett715 1:55pm via tchat.io

@dariasteigman of course! It is fun with SOs, kids though ;( #solopr

SoloPR 1:55pm via Hootsuite

RT @citinoal: #solopr #smchat Q4: find out the biz challenge first! Then create your

robust integrated social & pr plan @SoloPR #smchat

KristK 1:55pm via tchat.io

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@MBennett715 Not according to my husband. LOL #solopr

dariasteigman 1:55pm via TweetDeck

@MBennett715 @KristK Actually, I don't think our value is that we know everything;

it's that we know where to go to find As. #solopr #smchat

ernieschell 1:54pm via Twitter for Android

RT @KristK: I don't need to know everything, just more than my clients, competition or

students #Smchat #solopr

MichelleRTaylor 1:54pm via Hootsuite

Love this! RT @KristK: I don’t need to know everything, just more than my clients,

competition or students #Smchat #solopr

MBennett715 1:54pm via tchat.io

@KristK but it's fun to know everything, isn't it? #SoloPR @smchat

sharonmostyn 1:54pm via TweetDeck

#SMChat #SoloPR Q8 Are clients asking you to measure success differently in 2016?

CreativationMkt 1:53pm via TweetDeck

RT @KarenSwim: A7: Up front communication, articulation of problem and how I will

solve, agreed upon measures of success at start #solopr ##smchat

sharonmostyn 1:53pm via TweetDeck

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RT @KristK: I don't need to know everything, just more than my clients, competition or

students #Smchat #solopr

MichelleRTaylor 1:53pm via Hootsuite

RT @KarenSwim: I love that term @adriwall "booster" - perfect description! #solopr


dariasteigman 1:53pm via TweetDeck

What @KristK said. Also, not just what you know, but the ability to connect the dots.

#solopr #smchat twitter.com/KristK/status/…

MichelleRTaylor 1:53pm via Hootsuite

RT @adriwall: #smchat #solopr solo is a nimble contributor who can maintain or change

focus fast to address or emphasize solutions https://twitter.com/sharonmostyn/s…

SoloPR 1:53pm via tchat.io

Yes, essential RT @MBennett715: A7: Good reporting with ROI as best as is possible to

key stakeholders. #SoloPR #SMChat

TeamCrowdbabble 1:52pm via Twitter Web Client

RT @akenn: A7. Agree w/ @MBennett715 that reporting/showing ROI is important.

Also need to be seen, be in convos. Can't be "outsider" #SMchata href="#"

class="_quickSearchPopup hash" title="solopr">#solopr

sourcePOV 1:52pm via Twitter for Android

For a guy w/ lots to say on it, I remain flatfooted re: PR execution. Good news for y'all

>> skills & networks still matter #solopr #smchat

#solopr transcript – 2/10/2016 Page | 7 For more information and resources, visit http://soloprpro.com/

KristK 1:52pm via tchat.io

I don't need to know everything, just more than my clients, competition or students

#Smchat #solopr

akenn 1:51pm via tchat.io

A7. Agree w/ @MBennett715 that reporting/showing ROI is important. Also need to be

seen, be in convos. Can't be "outsider" #SMchat #solopr

jlovepro 1:51pm via tchat.io

A5 just having the extra knowledge of other areas can easily improve your specialization!


HaseldenAlison 1:51pm via TweetDeck

A7: I find once I ask a client some key questions on branding that they're unable to

answer, they realize they need help. #smchat #solopr

KristK 1:51pm via Twitter Web Client

RT @KarenSwim: A7: Up front communication, articulation of problem and how I will

solve, agreed upon measures of success at start #solopr ##smchat

KarenSwim 1:51pm via TweetChat by oneQube

A7: Up front communication, articulation of problem and how I will solve, agreed upon

measures of success at start #solopr #smchat

CreativationMkt 1:50pm via TweetDeck

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RT @dariasteigman: A6 Value + strategic partners & edge that the senior ppl you're

negotiating with are the ppl who will be doing the work.#solopr

MBennett715 1:50pm via tchat.io

A7: Good reporting with ROI as best as is possible to key stakeholders. #SoloPR


sharonmostyn 1:50pm via TweetDeck

RT @dariasteigman: a5 It's not an either/or. Broaden wisely, & you're doing it where you

have the expertise (e.g., the "specialty").

#smchata href="#" class="_quickSearchPopup hash" title="solopr">#solopr

sharonmostyn 1:49pm via TweetDeck

It's important to have great partners! #smchat #solopr twitter.com/DanielleLeitch…

MBennett715 1:49pm via tchat.io

RT @MBennett715: .@KarenSwim Like "coopetition" - competition + cooperation!

#newword #SoloPR #SMChat

dariasteigman 1:49pm via TweetDeck

a5 It's not an either/or. Broaden wisely, & you're doing it where you have the expertise

(e.g., the "specialty").

#smchat #solopr

sharonmostyn 1:48pm via TweetDeck

@JanetLFalk I belive @KarenSwim's Q5 had to do with skills specialization #smchat


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KristK 1:48pm via Twitter Web Client

RT @MBennett715: .@KarenSwim Like "coopetition" - competition + cooperation!

#newword #SoloPR @smchat

TeamCrowdbabble 1:47pm via Twitter Web Client

@akenn here is an example #solopr #smchat pic.twitter.com/gFowrfDqRS

SoloPR 1:47pm via tchat.io

important RT @jlovepro: A5 I'm a fan of specializing but also think we should have a

little knowledge in other areas #solopr #smchat

MBennett715 1:47pm via Twitter Web Client

.@KarenSwim Like "coopetition" - competition + cooperation! #newword #SoloPR


KristK 1:47pm via tchat.io

A6: Every time I've subbed to an agency, they called me. Knew me, my skills and needed

an extra brain for project. #smchat #solopr

dariasteigman 1:47pm via TweetDeck

A6 Value + strategic partners & edge that the senior ppl you're negotiating with are the

ppl who will be doing the work. #solopr #smchat

KarenSwim 1:47pm via Twitter Web Client

RT @sharonmostyn: #SMChat #SoloPR Q7 What tools/tips do you use to ensure clients

understand/value your role?

#solopr transcript – 2/10/2016 Page | 10 For more information and resources, visit http://soloprpro.com/

sharonmostyn 1:47pm via TweetDeck

#SMChat #SoloPR Q7 What tools/tips do you use to ensure clients understand/value your


DanielleLeitch 1:47pm via Twitter for iPhone

Partnerships key & very valuable for agency -flexibility to scale, unique expertises, cost

effective #SMchat #soloPR twitter.com/sharonmostyn/s…

jlovepro 1:46pm via tchat.io

A5 I'm a fan of specializing but also think we should have a little knowledge in other

areas #solopr #smchat

KerryModcom 1:46pm via Twitter Web Client

RT @PRProSanDiego: A6. Just as we solos often augment an in-house PR team, we can

augment a firm's team with specialty skills, or taking on#soloPR

PRProSanDiego 1:46pm via Twitter Web Client

A6. Just as we solos often augment an in-house PR team, we can augment a firm's team

with specialty skills, or taking on a project. #soloPR

CreativationMkt 1:45pm via TweetDeck

Love it: Get ready to RFP! #smchat #solopr twitter.com/3HatsComm/stat…

KerryModcom 1:45pm via Twitter Web Client

RT @KarenSwim: I love that term @adriwall "booster" - perfect description! #solopr


#solopr transcript – 2/10/2016 Page | 11 For more information and resources, visit http://soloprpro.com/

CreativationMkt 1:45pm via TweetDeck

RT @KarenSwim: A6: Must embrace coopetition and see it as stronger team to serve the

client's needs #solopr #smchat

KarenSwim 1:45pm via TweetChat by oneQube

I love that term @adriwall "booster" - perfect description! #solopr #smchat

TeamCrowdbabble 1:45pm via Twitter Web Client

@akenn our platform mines all the social media data you need so you can make great

decisions with little work on your part #SMCHAT #SOLOPR

sharonmostyn 1:45pm via TweetDeck

RT @adriwall: #smchat #solopr solo is a nimble contributor who can maintain or change

focus fast to address or emphasize solutions https://twitter.com/sharonmostyn/s…

TeamCrowdbabble 1:44pm via Twitter Web Client

RT @adriwall: #smchat #solopr solo is a nimble contributor who can maintain or change

focus fast to address or emphasize solutions https://twitter.com/sharonmostyn/s…

adriwall 1:44pm via Twitter for Android

I like that...kinda like a booster #solopr #smchat twitter.com/KarenSwim/stat…

akenn 1:44pm via tchat.io

Can you share example(s)? @TeamCrowdbabble A6: Shameless plug: using

#socialmediaanalytics to make yourself valuable #SMchat #solopr

#solopr transcript – 2/10/2016 Page | 12 For more information and resources, visit http://soloprpro.com/

sharonmostyn 1:44pm via TweetDeck

RT @akenn: @sharonmostyn A6. positioning themselves as "feet on the ground" or

niche experts are two poss ways #SMchat #solopr

KerryModcom 1:43pm via Twitter Web Client

RT @adriwall: #smchat #solopr solo is a nimble contributor who can maintain or change

focus fast to address or emphasize solutions https://twitter.com/sharonmostyn/s…

KristK 1:43pm via tchat.io

Meetup idea: IABC natl conference is in NOLA in June #smchat #solopr

3HatsComm 1:43pm via TweetDeck

RT @KristK: A6: Networking is key. If you want to work with large agencies, get to

know their people. #smchat #solopr

CreativationMkt 1:43pm via TweetDeck

Would love to know what criteria you use to find other specialists for collaboration?

#smchat #solopr twitter.com/MichelleRTaylo…

SoloPR 1:43pm via tchat.io

Absolutely RT @KristK: A6: Networking is key. If you want to work with large

agencies, get to know their people. #smchat #solopr

adriwall 1:43pm via Twitter for Android

#smchat #solopr solo is a nimble contributor who can maintain or change focus fast to

address or emphasize solutions twitter.com/sharonmostyn/s…

#solopr transcript – 2/10/2016 Page | 13 For more information and resources, visit http://soloprpro.com/

3HatsComm 1:43pm via TweetDeck

A6: think big, act big. have strategic partnerships, co structure, insurance, etc. And get

ready to RFP. #soloPR #smchat

PRProSanDiego 1:43pm via Twitter Web Client

.@MBennett715 Offer to assess outside SM effort through a PR prism using analytics.

Clients like it, SM team can be sensitive tho. #soloPR

KarenSwim 1:43pm via TweetChat by oneQube

A6: Must embrace coopetition and see it as stronger team to serve the client's needs

#solopr #smchat

KristK 1:42pm via tchat.io

A6: Networking is key. If you want to work with large agencies, get to know their

people. #smchat #solopr

TeamCrowdbabble 1:42pm via Twitter Web Client

A6: Shameless plug: using #socialmediaanalytics to make yourself valuable to the larger

clients #SMCHAT #SOLOPR twitter.com/sharonmostyn/s…

MichelleRTaylor 1:42pm via Hootsuite

A5: Tough one! Broaden offerings but stay true to specialties. And collaborate with other

specialists as needed. #solopr #smchat

3HatsComm 1:42pm via TweetDeck

#solopr transcript – 2/10/2016 Page | 14 For more information and resources, visit http://soloprpro.com/

RT @kcwriter: A5: Depends on your market. Some will appreciate a specialist but it's a

good idea to have a network of other experts to draw#solopr

akenn 1:42pm via tchat.io

@sharonmostyn A6. positioning themselves as "feet on the ground" or niche experts are

two poss ways #SMchat #solopr

SoloPR 1:41pm via tchat.io

We have our conference this year in Tampa, so Orlando is doable! @sharonmostyn

@SoloPR @dariasteigman @KarenSwim #solopr

uniquelyphilly 1:40pm via Uniquely Phlly

#solopr is trending on Twitter in #philly

deqaruxolysa 1:40pm via Twitter Web Client

Now available! 100% Money Back Guarantee! #solopr pic.twitter.com/MvUzpcr7Ls

KristK 1:40pm via Twitter Web Client

RT @sharonmostyn: #SMChat #SoloPR Q6 How can solo #PR / #SocialMedia

#marketing pros position themselves to work alongside big agencies for…

KristK 1:40pm via tchat.io

A5: Focus more on being able to develop a comms strategy/plan than being expert on

specific tactics or channels #smchat #solopr

sharonmostyn 1:40pm via TweetDeck

#solopr transcript – 2/10/2016 Page | 15 For more information and resources, visit http://soloprpro.com/

#SMChat #SoloPR Q6 How can solo #PR / #SocialMedia #marketing pros position

themselves to work alongside big agencies for large clients?

sharonmostyn 1:39pm via TweetDeck

@SoloPR @dariasteigman @KarenSwim DC, Baltimore, Michigan...are we meeting in

the middle? You know...Orlando ;) #smchat #solopr #meetup

kcwriter 1:39pm via tchat.io

A5: Depends on your market. Some will appreciate a specialist but it's a good idea to

have a network of other experts to draw on. #solopr

HaseldenAlison 1:38pm via TweetDeck

RT @SoloPR: MT @HaseldenAlison: A4: Walking through the co. vision, showing how

PR/SM are vital to seeing vision through long-term. #smchat#solopr

sourcePOV 1:38pm via Twitter for Android

Perhaps. But 'vital' to PR folks not so to others. Still resistance > "Never needed all this

before" #solopr #smchat twitter.com/SoloPR/status/…

KerryModcom 1:38pm via Twitter Web Client

A5: Strike a balance between bldg skills/knowledge but not being a jack of all trades

#solopr #smchat

KristK 1:38pm via tchat.io

A5: Not a one-size-fits-all answer. Specialization works for some PR /SM pros;

generalization for others. #smchat #solopr

#solopr transcript – 2/10/2016 Page | 16 For more information and resources, visit http://soloprpro.com/

sharonmostyn 1:37pm via TweetDeck

@TeamCrowdbabble @DanielleLeitch So glad you're both here on #smchat #solopr :)

MichelleRTaylor 1:37pm via Hootsuite

RT @PaulaJohns: A4 Ounce of prevention worth a pound of cure. Demonstrate costs of

NOT being proactive, show examples of major PR/SM fails.#SMchat

dariasteigman 1:37pm via TweetDeck

@SoloPR @sharonmostyn Count me in. We need to make this happen. #smchat #solopr

MBennett715 1:37pm via Twitter Web Client

RT @MichelleRTaylor: @KerryModcom Tough though when PR is brought in later - as

it often is. #solopr #smchat twitter.com/KerryModcom/st…

JanetLFalk 1:37pm via Twitter Web Client

@sharonmostyn My clients are B2B. Law, finance, accounting, nonprofit. No confusion

nor concern that I do not "get" them #soloPR #smchat

SoloPR 1:36pm via tchat.io

Love this idea! RT @sharonmostyn: @dariasteigman Exactly! We need to get together!

#smchat #solopr meetup?!?!

TeamCrowdbabble 1:36pm via Twitter Web Client

@DanielleLeitch @sharonmostyn HI!! #smchat #solopr pic.twitter.com/DCzu7nJwlV

#solopr transcript – 2/10/2016 Page | 17 For more information and resources, visit http://soloprpro.com/

akenn 1:36pm via tchat.io

As a #soloPR I find that clients, esp smaller ones, appreciate a broad skill set-but industry

experience/specialty is also important #SMchat

kcwriter 1:36pm via Twitter Web Client

RT @PaulaJohns: A4 Ounce of prevention worth a pound of cure. Demonstrate costs of

NOT being proactive, show examples of major PR/SM fails.#SMchat

KristK 1:36pm via Twitter Web Client

RT @sharonmostyn: #SMChat #SoloPR Q5 Should #PR / #SocialMedia pros broaden

skills/offerings or focus on becoming more specialized in a sin…

KristK 1:36pm via Twitter Web Client

RT @PaulaJohns: A4 Ounce of prevention worth a pound of cure. Demonstrate costs of

NOT being proactive, show examples of major PR/SM fails.#SMchat

sourcePOV 1:35pm via Twitter for Android

A4. If PR vision = old 1-way broadcast models (TV, radio, newspaper), #SocialPR won't

make sense. Change that. #solopr #smchat

SoloPR 1:35pm via tchat.io

MT @HaseldenAlison: A4: Walking through the co. vision, showing how PR/SM are

vital to seeing vision through long-term. #smchat #solopr

sharonmostyn 1:35pm via TweetDeck

@dariasteigman Exactly! We need to get together! #smchat #solopr meetup?!?!

#solopr transcript – 2/10/2016 Page | 18 For more information and resources, visit http://soloprpro.com/

JanetLFalk 1:35pm via Twitter Web Client

@sharonmostyn Do you mean content or skills specialization? #soloPR #smchat

akenn 1:34pm via tchat.io

Both! Or either! Seriously, deciding whether to broaden skills/offerings or specialize in a

single area is a big Q for solos #SMchat #solopr

citinoal 1:34pm via Twitter for iPhone

#solopr #smchat Q4: find out the biz challenge first! Then create your robust integrated

social & pr plan @SoloPR

DanielleLeitch 1:34pm via Twitter for iPhone

@sharonmostyn A little late, but I'm here now! #SMChat #SoloPR

KerryModcom 1:34pm via Twitter Web Client

RT @PaulaJohns: A4 Ounce of prevention worth a pound of cure. Demonstrate costs of

NOT being proactive, show examples of major PR/SM fails.#SMchat

KarenSwim 1:34pm via Twitter Web Client

RT @PaulaJohns: A4 Ounce of prevention worth a pound of cure. Demonstrate costs of

NOT being proactive, show examples of major PR/SM fails.#SMchat

3HatsComm 1:34pm via TweetDeck

RT @HaseldenAlison: A4: Walking through the company vision and showing how

PR/SM are vital to seeing that vision through long-term. #smchat#solopr

#solopr transcript – 2/10/2016 Page | 19 For more information and resources, visit http://soloprpro.com/

PaulaJohns 1:34pm via tchat.io

A4 Ounce of prevention worth a pound of cure. Demonstrate costs of NOT being

proactive, show examples of major PR/SM fails. #SMchat #solopr

3HatsComm 1:34pm via TweetDeck

@HaseldenAlison agree, start w/ core, culture, reputation. focus on big picture, end goals

- then how tactics get there. #soloPR #smchat

sharonmostyn 1:34pm via TweetDeck

RT @citinoal: A3: @sharonmostyn not accountable but pr objectives should support new

biz objs which should all ladder up to company objs #solopr

KerryModcom 1:34pm via Twitter Web Client

RT @KarenSwim: @MBennett715 I always take the approach of collaborating so that we

both serve client's best needs #solopr #smchat

sharonmostyn 1:34pm via TweetDeck

RT @HaseldenAlison: A4: Walking through the company vision and showing how

PR/SM are vital to seeing that vision through long-term. #smchat#solopr

cloudseamedia 1:34pm via IFTTT

RT sharonmostyn #SMChat #SoloPR Q5 Should #PR / #SocialMedia pros broaden

skills/offerings or focus on becoming more specialized in a singl…

KristK 1:34pm via tchat.io

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LOVE! MT @HaseldenAlison: A4: Walking thru company vision and showing how

PR/SM are vital to seeing that thru long-term. #smchat #solopr

jlovepro 1:34pm via tchat.io

@sourcePOV Great idea! #solopr

KarenSwim 1:33pm via TweetChat by oneQube

@MBennett715 I always take the approach of collaborating so that we both serve client's

best needs #solopr #smchat

KerryModcom 1:33pm via Twitter Web Client

Important point RT @MichelleRTaylor: @KerryModcom Tough though when PR is

brought in later - as it often is. #solopr #smchat

MBennett715 1:33pm via tchat.io

A4: Also important to counsel that not everything needs to be a halftime Oreo win; look

at Red Lobster brou-ha-ha #SoloPR #SMChat

sharonmostyn 1:33pm via TweetDeck

#SMChat #SoloPR Q5 Should #PR / #SocialMedia pros broaden skills/offerings or focus

on becoming more specialized in a single area?

sourcePOV 1:32pm via Twitter for Android

A4. Burning platform. Show #marketing execs & mgrs a few problems that ONLY

#socialPR can solve effectively meet in future #solopr #smchat

JanetLFalk 1:32pm via Twitter Web Client

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@MBennett715 Watch, suggest, be a team player, resource. Extra eyes, ears & hands are

welcome #solopr #smchat

KerryModcom 1:32pm via Twitter Web Client

RT @KristK: A4: Lots of examples of poor planning that PR/SM pros spotted instantly

when brought in -- dates, names, products, etc. #smchat#solopr

HaseldenAlison 1:32pm via TweetDeck

A4: Walking through the company vision and showing how PR/SM are vital to seeing

that vision through long-term. #smchat #solopr

citinoal 1:31pm via Twitter for iPhone

RT @SoloPR: #SMChat #SoloPR Q4 How do you get companies to include #PR /

#SocialMedia in proactive #strategy rather than add-on tactic?

KarenSwim 1:31pm via Hootsuite

@dariasteigman Absolutely, not new, same song, new terms and you're right! #smchat


jlovepro 1:31pm via tchat.io

Exactly! RT @KristK: A4: Examples help. Love case studies of how proactive PR/SM

strategy at beginning drove results. #smchat #solopr

MichelleRTaylor 1:31pm via Hootsuite

RT @KristK: A4: I can do more for clients who ask "what should we do?" than those

who say "this is what we need you to do." #SMchat #solopr

#solopr transcript – 2/10/2016 Page | 22 For more information and resources, visit http://soloprpro.com/

KristK 1:31pm via tchat.io

A4: Lots of examples of poor planning that PR/SM pros spotted instantly when brought

in -- dates, names, products, etc. #smchat #solopr

jlovepro 1:30pm via tchat.io

A4 Compare to competitors who are making that leap. would be the first step for me

#solopr #smchat

SoloPR 1:30pm via tchat.io

RT @KristK: A4: I can do more for clients who ask "what should we do?" than those

who say "this is what we need you to do." #SMchat #solopr

KerryModcom 1:30pm via Twitter Web Client

RT @KristK: A4: I can do more for clients who ask "what should we do?" than those

who say "this is what we need you to do." #SMchat #solopr

MichelleRTaylor 1:30pm via Hootsuite

@KerryModcom Tough though when PR is brought in later - as it often is. #solopr

#smchat twitter.com/KerryModcom/st…

MBennett715 1:30pm via tchat.io

A4: More of a Q, but how to get on same page with internal SM team if already on board

and that's a service you offer too? #SMChat #SoloPR

Marketer_UK 1:30pm via RoundTeam

#solopr transcript – 2/10/2016 Page | 23 For more information and resources, visit http://soloprpro.com/

RT @KristK: A4: Examples help. Love case studies of how proactive PR/SM strategy at

beginning drove results. #smchat #solopr

J9media 1:29pm via Twitter Web Client

A3: #solopr #smchat It is difficult to show a direct line to sales from #pr or #social. It's a

combo of all mkt but should be tracked.

3HatsComm 1:29pm via TweetDeck

RT @KristK: A4: Examples help. Love case studies of how proactive PR/SM strategy at

beginning drove results. #smchat #solopr

KristK 1:29pm via tchat.io

A4: I can do more for clients who ask "what should we do?" than those who say "this is

what we need you to do." #SMchat #solopr

socialhelp 1:29pm via RoundTeam

RT @sharonmostyn: #SMChat #SoloPR Q4 How do you get companies to include #PR /

#SocialMedia in proactive #strategy rather than add-on tacti…

jlovepro 1:29pm via Twitter Web Client

RT @KristK: A4: Examples help. Love case studies of how proactive PR/SM strategy at

beginning drove results. #smchat #solopr

SoloPR 1:29pm via tchat.io

Love this! RT @KristK: A4: Examples help. Love case studies of how proactive PR/SM

strategy at beginning drove results. #smchat #solopr

#solopr transcript – 2/10/2016 Page | 24 For more information and resources, visit http://soloprpro.com/

akenn 1:29pm via tchat.io

A4. Starts with strategy. Have to be in the conversation + know what the needs/goals are.

#SMChat #solopr

dariasteigman 1:28pm via TweetDeck

RT @KerryModcom: A4: Incorporate all components into an overarching IMC plan at

the outset #solopr #smchat

KarenSwim 1:28pm via TweetChat by oneQube

Yes! RT @KerryModcom A4: Incorporate all components into an overarching IMC plan

at the outset #solopr #smchat

KristK 1:28pm via tchat.io

A4: Examples help. Love case studies of how proactive PR/SM strategy at beginning

drove results. #smchat #solopr

KerryModcom 1:28pm via Twitter Web Client

A4: Incorporate all components into an overarching IMC plan at the outset #solopr


socialsensi 1:28pm via RoundTeam

RT @sharonmostyn: #SMChat #SoloPR Q4 How do you get companies to include #PR /

#SocialMedia in proactive #strategy rather than add-on tacti…

dariasteigman 1:28pm via TweetDeck

#solopr transcript – 2/10/2016 Page | 25 For more information and resources, visit http://soloprpro.com/

@danfarkas Yes. I have a "whole org" mindset that got me to the same Qs. (I guess

something rubbed off from my HR classes.) #solopr #smchat

abelekene 1:28pm via Mobile Web (M2)

@pipalwa #Marketing has a great rule to play.. #Smchat #Solopr

jlovepro 1:28pm via Twitter Web Client

RT @SoloPR: Great point @abelekene @BisilaBokoko social media has truly made the

market global, what we do is on a world stage #smchat #solopr

SoloPR 1:27pm via Hootsuite

#SMChat #SoloPR Q4 How do you get companies to include #PR / #SocialMedia in

proactive #strategy rather than add-on tactic?

AffiliateW0rld 1:27pm via RoundTeam

RT @jlovepro: A2: I honestly think the value has increased. gives a greater chance for

collaboration & innovation #SMchat #SoloPR

KristK 1:27pm via Twitter Web Client

RT @JanetLFalk: Love to drive web traffic & have news stories make the phone ring.

Clients have to ask How did you hear of us & track. #solopra href="#"

class="_quickSearchPopup hash" title="smchat">#smchat

KarenSwim 1:26pm via TweetChat by oneQube

RT @sharonmostyn: #SMChat #SoloPR Q4 How do you get companies to include #PR /

#SocialMedia in proactive #strategy rather than add-on tacti…

#solopr transcript – 2/10/2016 Page | 26 For more information and resources, visit http://soloprpro.com/

JanetLFalk 1:26pm via Twitter Web Client

Love to drive web traffic & have news stories make the phone ring. Clients have to ask

How did you hear of us & track. #solopr #smchat

BlakeGroup 1:26pm via Twitter Web Client

Just popping into #solopr #smchat twitter.com/SoloPR/status/…

jlovepro 1:26pm via Twitter for Android

RT @MBennett715: @jlovepro Yes. Recent FB thread abt sales cycle breaking down bc

of website, sales issues, even if generated by PR. #SoloPRa href="#"

class="_quickSearchPopup hash" title="SMChat">#SMChat

abelekene 1:26pm via Mobile Web (M2)

RT @sharonmostyn: #SMChat #SoloPR Q4 How do you get companies to include #PR /

#SocialMedia in proactive #strategy rather than add-on tacti…

KristK 1:26pm via Twitter Web Client

RT @sharonmostyn: #SMChat #SoloPR Q4 How do you get companies to include #PR /

#SocialMedia in proactive #strategy rather than add-on tacti…

KarenSwim 1:26pm via TweetChat by oneQube

RT @pipalwa A3 #PR and #socialmedia can generate Leads. But Conversion of it Lies

with #marketing #smchat pic.twitter.com/1Dx7NWnjl7 #solopr

danfarkas 1:26pm via Twitter Web Client

#solopr transcript – 2/10/2016 Page | 27 For more information and resources, visit http://soloprpro.com/

@dariasteigman I love the #solopr interview guide for clients. Having a journalism

mindset can be quite helpful.

kcwriter 1:26pm via Twitter Web Client

RT @KristK: @danfarkas As consultants, we can't be one size fits all but we can make

sure we don't offer solution that doesn't match their #solopr

MichelleRTaylor 1:26pm via Hootsuite

RT @danfarkas: A3: The work should tie into the goal. The goal isn't always sales. The

challenge is to ID the core issue at hand. #smchat #solopr

sharonmostyn 1:26pm via TweetDeck

#SMChat #SoloPR Q4 How do you get companies to include #PR / #SocialMedia in

proactive #strategy rather than add-on tactic?

KerryModcom 1:25pm via Twitter Web Client

RT @citinoal: A3: @sharonmostyn not accountable but pr objectives should support new

biz objs which should all ladder up to company objs #solopr

PaulaJohns 1:25pm via TweetDeck

I agree, @MBennett715. Millennials seem easier to work with — more open minded

about who owns what. #soloPR #SMchat twitter.com/MBennett715/st…

jlovepro 1:25pm via tchat.io

I agree RT @danfarkas: A3: The work should tie to goal. goal isn't always sales.

challenge is to ID the core issue at hand. #smchat #solopr

#solopr transcript – 2/10/2016 Page | 28 For more information and resources, visit http://soloprpro.com/

citinoal 1:25pm via Twitter for iPhone

RT @sharonmostyn: #SMChat #SoloPR Q3 Many companies want #PR / #SocialMedia

to tie to new business. Should PR/SM be accountable for sales?

abelekene 1:25pm via Mobile Web (M2)

RT @SoloPR: Great point @abelekene @BisilaBokoko social media has truly made the

market global, what we do is on a world stage #smchat #solopr

SoloPR 1:25pm via tchat.io

True RT @sourcePOV: A1 Easier said than done of course. Careers. Skills. Cultures.

Knowledge bases. All slow to evolve. #solopr #smchat

citinoal 1:25pm via Twitter for iPhone

A3: @sharonmostyn not accountable but pr objectives should support new biz objs which

should all ladder up to company objs #solopr

sourcePOV 1:25pm via Twitter for Android

A1 Easier said than done of course. Careers. Skills. Cultures. Knowledge bases. All slow

to evolve. #solopr #smchat

SoloPR 1:25pm via tchat.io

Great point @abelekene @BisilaBokoko social media has truly made the market global,

what we do is on a world stage #smchat #solopr

KerryModcom 1:25pm via Twitter Web Client

#solopr transcript – 2/10/2016 Page | 29 For more information and resources, visit http://soloprpro.com/

RT @KristK: @danfarkas As consultants, we can't be one size fits all but we can make

sure we don't offer solution that doesn't match their #solopr

MBennett715 1:24pm via tchat.io

@jlovepro Yes. Recent FB thread abt sales cycle breaking down bc of website, sales

issues, even if generated by PR. #SoloPR #SMChat

sharonmostyn 1:24pm via TweetDeck

RT @TeamCrowdbabble: A3 We do social media analytics... trust us... it does #smchat

#solopr #roi #socialmedianalytics

KristK 1:24pm via Twitter Web Client

@danfarkas As consultants, we can't be one size fits all but we can make sure we don't

offer solution that doesn't match their goal #solopr

dariasteigman 1:24pm via TweetDeck

@danfarkas Ah, details, details. Wouldn't it be nice if ppl knew up front what they

"really" wanted to accomplish? #solopr #smchat

abelekene 1:24pm via Mobile Web (M2)

RT @jlovepro: A2: I honestly think the value has increased. gives a greater chance for

collaboration & innovation #SMchat #SoloPR

CreativationMkt 1:24pm via TweetDeck

RT @danfarkas: A3: The work should tie into the goal. The goal isn't always sales. The

challenge is to ID the core issue at hand. #smchat #solopr

#solopr transcript – 2/10/2016 Page | 30 For more information and resources, visit http://soloprpro.com/

jlovepro 1:24pm via tchat.io

A3: Shouldn't be accountable. It's tough to know, who is buying a product through word

of mouth or any other ads #Solopr #smchat

sourcePOV 1:23pm via Twitter for Android

A1 Silos start with boxes & lines. Interdisciplinary need is a matter of definition. Break

the silo model, all good #solopr #smchat

KarenSwim 1:23pm via Twitter Web Client

RT @danfarkas: A3: The work should tie into the goal. The goal isn't always sales. The

challenge is to ID the core issue at hand. #smchat #solopr

MBennett715 1:23pm via tchat.io

@CreativationMkt @PaulaJohns Territorialism still a problem. Less so w/millennials?

#SoloPR #SMChat

abelekene 1:23pm via Mobile Web (M2)

A3: There are right,as my friend @BisilaBokoko would say the market is no longer in US

or France, the market is #SocialMedia #Smchat #Solopr

TeamCrowdbabble 1:23pm via Twitter Web Client

RT @adriwall: #solopr #smchat A3-2: while not usually my 1st priority in a true #pr

campaign I do want to show value any way I can.

sharonmostyn 1:23pm via TweetDeck

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RT @jlovepro: A2: I honestly think the value has increased. gives a greater chance for

collaboration & innovation #SMchat #SoloPR

citinoal 1:23pm via Twitter for iPhone

A2: the blurred lines in #social #pr #marketing make all 3 stronger. Still need

communication between paid & "free" #solopr

KerryModcom 1:23pm via Twitter Web Client

RT @danfarkas: A3: The work should tie into the goal. The goal isn't always sales. The

challenge is to ID the core issue at hand. #smchat #solopr

sharonmostyn 1:23pm via TweetDeck

Just out of curiousity - will any of my #smchat #solopr #RaganChat friends be attending

#RaganDisney? Would love to meet in person!

dariasteigman 1:22pm via TweetDeck

RT @KristK: A3: PR/SM can build bridges, open doors, bring a horse to water -- but

closing the sale is often beyond our scope #smchat #solopr

TeamCrowdbabble 1:22pm via Twitter Web Client

A3 We do social media analytics... trust us... it does #smchat #solopr #roi


danfarkas 1:22pm via Twitter Web Client

A3: The work should tie into the goal. The goal isn't always sales. The challenge is to ID

the core issue at hand. #smchat #solopr

#solopr transcript – 2/10/2016 Page | 32 For more information and resources, visit http://soloprpro.com/

dariasteigman 1:22pm via TweetDeck

A3 No. But if goal is sales (which it usually is), then results of both need to be linked.

#solopr #smchat

KerryModcom 1:22pm via Twitter Web Client

RT @KristK: A3: PR/SM can build bridges, open doors, bring a horse to water -- but

closing the sale is often beyond our scope #smchat #solopr

jlovepro 1:22pm via tchat.io

A2: I honestly think the value has increased. gives a greater chance for collaboration &

innovation #SMchat #SoloPR

adriwall 1:22pm via Twitter for Android

#solopr #smchat A3-2: while not usually my 1st priority in a true #pr campaign I do want

to show value any way I can.

KerryModcom 1:21pm via Twitter Web Client

A3: Also brings up the question of short- vs long-term impact on sales over time #solopr


PaulaJohns 1:21pm via tchat.io

This! MT @KristK A2: Start w/ goal, find best comms solution that achieves it--

marcomm, SM, PR. Labels matter less and less #smchat #solopr

MBennett715 1:21pm via Twitter Web Client

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RT @MichelleRTaylor: Great point. Those blurred lines can make educating

clients/execs re: PR value a bigger challenge. #solopr #smchat


MichelleRTaylor 1:21pm via Twitter for iPhone

Great point. Those blurred lines can make educating clients/execs re: PR value a bigger

challenge. #solopr #smchat twitter.com/3hatscomm/stat…

dianekrose 1:21pm via TweetChat by oneQube

RT @KristK: A3: PR/SM can build bridges, open doors, bring a horse to water -- but

closing the sale is often beyond our scope #smchat #solopr

MBennett715 1:21pm via tchat.io

@akenn Q for the ages! #SoloPR #SMChat

Daniel_L_Curry 1:21pm via Twitter Web Client

.@PRProSanDiego I'm always looking to learn! Thankful for educators like @rivarbrown

who push us to grow outside of the classroom! #soloPR

KristK 1:20pm via tchat.io

A3: PR/SM can build bridges, open doors, bring a horse to water -- but closing the sale is

often beyond our scope #smchat #solopr

dariasteigman 1:20pm via TweetDeck


(It's about the best solution -- & the results.)

#solopr #smchat twitter.com/KristK/status/…

#solopr transcript – 2/10/2016 Page | 34 For more information and resources, visit http://soloprpro.com/

adriwall 1:20pm via Twitter for Android

#solopr #smchat A3: I say bring it on if they are willing to attach tracking or modify

process to include tracking. Sometimes they are not.

akenn 1:20pm via tchat.io

A3. Of course PR and SM should be accountable to sales. But how is the question!

#SMchat #solopr

abelekene 1:20pm via Mobile Web (M2)

RT @sharonmostyn: #SMChat #SoloPR Q3 Many companies want #PR / #SocialMedia

to tie to new business. Should PR/SM be accountable for sales?

MBennett715 1:19pm via tchat.io

A3: Ties into prev q: educating clients on PR's function which is hard to tie to

sales.#solopr #SMChat #solopr

sharonmostyn 1:19pm via TweetDeck

RT @KarenSwim: Lol @sourcePOV the foundation of what we do remains the same, but

the tactics have definitely evolved! #solopr #smchat

sourcePOV 1:19pm via Twitter for Android

Internet & #socialmedia transforming SO MANY industries .. not stopping, either ..

#solopr #smchat twitter.com/KarenSwim/stat…

KarenSwim 1:19pm via TweetChat by oneQube

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RT @KristK: A2: Start with goal and find the best comms solution that achieves it --

marcomm, SM, PR, etc. Labels matter less and less #smchata href="#"

class="_quickSearchPopup hash" title="solopr">#solopr

KarenSwim 1:19pm via TweetChat by oneQube

Excellent point @MBennett715! as education evolves, less focus on role and more on

solving specific problems #solopr #smchat

KerryModcom 1:19pm via Twitter Web Client

Very true! RT @akenn: A2. Perhaps less of an issue with smaller co's. They don't try to

separate. Just want it done. #solopr

CreativationMkt 1:19pm via TweetDeck

Down w/silos! RT @PaulaJohns A2 No, the blurred lines are adding value-making us all

aware that silos need to be eliminated. #soloPR #smchat

dianekrose 1:19pm via TweetChat by oneQube

A2: The "blurring" can be a problem with a contract. Way easy for scope creep to happen

if not careful. #smchat #solopr

KristK 1:19pm via Twitter Web Client

RT @sharonmostyn: #SMChat #SoloPR Q3 Many companies want #PR / #SocialMedia

to tie to new business. Should PR/SM be accountable for sales?

jlovepro 1:19pm via tchat.io

@adriwall very true! #solopr

#solopr transcript – 2/10/2016 Page | 36 For more information and resources, visit http://soloprpro.com/

sharonmostyn 1:19pm via TweetDeck

#SMChat #SoloPR Q3 Many companies want #PR / #SocialMedia to tie to new business.

Should PR/SM be accountable for sales?

J9media 1:18pm via Twitter Web Client

RT @MBennett715: @sharonmostyn A2: as long as we learn how to use best of both,

they can complement each other well #solopr #SMChat

jlovepro 1:18pm via Twitter Web Client

RT @adriwall: A1: ability to close the feedback loop & listen to needs of key publics &

act in real time #smchat #solopr twitter.com/sharonmostyn/s…

3HatsComm 1:18pm via TweetDeck

RT @akenn: A2. Wouldn't call it diluting value-but I do think people confuse them; one

person's PR is another person't social media or marc#solopr

dariasteigman 1:18pm via TweetDeck

@KarenSwim I think that's always been true. So it's up to us to educate cos on value (&

expertise). #solopr #smchat

sourcePOV 1:18pm via Twitter for Android

Secret to survival, yes? :) .. but alas, I shall never understand PR !! #solopr #smchat


PaulaJohns 1:18pm via tchat.io

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Agree, this is key @MBennett715 A2 Challenge is educating clients to support overall

mission/goals #SMchat #solopr

KarenSwim 1:18pm via TweetChat by oneQube

Lol @sourcePOV the foundation of what we do remains the same, but the tactics have

definitely evolved! #solopr #smchat

citinoal 1:18pm via Twitter for iPhone

RT @sharonmostyn: #SMChat #SoloPR Q2 Are the blurred lines of #PR, #Marketing,

#SM diluting the value of all?

sharonmostyn 1:17pm via TweetDeck

Great point, @JanetLFalk - the lines are blurring due to integrated #marketing #smchat

#solopr twitter.com/JanetLFalk/sta…

KristK 1:17pm via tchat.io

A2: Start with goal and find the best comms solution that achieves it -- marcomm, SM,

PR, etc. Labels matter less and less #smchat #solopr

akenn 1:17pm via tchat.io

A2. Perhaps less of an issue with smaller co's. They don't try to separate or care about diff

budgets. Just want it done. #solopr

PRProSanDiego 1:17pm via Twitter Web Client

.@Daniel_L_Curry Welcome Daniel, I'm impressed to see an aspiring pro on board.

You're way smarter than I was back in the day! #soloPR

#solopr transcript – 2/10/2016 Page | 38 For more information and resources, visit http://soloprpro.com/

KerryModcom 1:17pm via Twitter Web Client

RT @dariasteigman: @3HatsComm But isn't it our job to explain how each fits into the

whole? And which of these any given client needs? #solopra href="#"

class="_quickSearchPopup hash" title="smchat">#smchat

adriwall 1:17pm via Twitter for Android

@sourcePOV I hope it never does!! #smchat #solopr

SoloPR 1:17pm via tchat.io

Hello @jlovepro glad you could make it! We're joint chatting today so use both hashtags

#smchat #solopr

dariasteigman 1:16pm via TweetDeck

@3HatsComm But isn't it our job to explain how each fits into the whole? And which of

these any given client needs? #solopr #smchat

akenn 1:16pm via tchat.io

Agree! RT @HaseldenAlison I think the combination is where the beauty lies and makes

our brands/clients better and stronger #SMchat #solopr

CreativationMkt 1:16pm via TweetDeck

RT @JanetLFalk: @sharonmostyn #PR #SM #marketing Blurred lines show integration,

provoking multi-disciplinary coordination #soloPR #smchat

sourcePOV 1:16pm via Twitter for Android

Someday I'll figure out PR. As soon as it stops changing :) #solopr #smchat

#solopr transcript – 2/10/2016 Page | 39 For more information and resources, visit http://soloprpro.com/

SoloPR 1:16pm via tchat.io

and all PR is not MR MT @akenn: ... I do think people confuse them; one person's PR is

another person't social media or marcomm #solopr

sharonmostyn 1:16pm via TweetDeck

We're glad you could join us @J9media! It's a lively group today on #smchat #solopr


PaulaJohns 1:15pm via tchat.io

True MT @akenn:

A2. ... one person's PR is another person't social media or marcomm #solopr #SMchat


jlovepro 1:15pm via TweetChat by oneQube

hello everyone! #solopr

KristK 1:15pm via Twitter Web Client

RT @akenn: A2. Wouldn't call it diluting value-but I do think people confuse them; one

person's PR is another person't social media or marc#solopr

KerryModcom 1:15pm via Twitter Web Client

RT @danfarkas: #SMChat #SoloPR Q2: I think brands that appreciate the blurred lines

and can work in cross-functional settings are OK. Silos…

HaseldenAlison 1:15pm via TweetDeck

#solopr transcript – 2/10/2016 Page | 40 For more information and resources, visit http://soloprpro.com/

A2: I think the combination is where the beauty lies and makes our brands/clients better

and stronger #SMchat #SoloPR

dariasteigman 1:15pm via TweetDeck

@CreativationMkt Agreed. Cos need to understand why you (usually) can't pick just one.

#smchat #solopr

nataliecwalker5 1:15pm via Twitter for iPhone

RT @MBennett715: @sharonmostyn A2: as long as we learn how to use best of both,

they can complement each other well #solopr #SMChat

KerryModcom 1:15pm via Twitter Web Client

RT @akenn: A2. Wouldn't call it diluting value-but I do think people confuse them; one

person's PR is another person't social media or marc#solopr

SoloPR 1:15pm via tchat.io

Welcome @Daniel_L_Curry so glad you could join us today! #smchat #solopr

3HatsComm 1:15pm via TweetDeck

@dariasteigman depends on biz, I'd disagree. the line is blurred to point some see PR

solely as marketing tactic. #soloPR #smchat

JanetLFalk 1:15pm via Twitter Web Client

@sharonmostyn #PR #SM #marketing Blurred lines show integration, provoking multi-

disciplinary coordination #soloPR #smchat

danfarkas 1:15pm via Twitter Web Client

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#SMChat #SoloPR Q2: I think brands that appreciate the blurred lines and can work in

cross-functional settings are OK. Silos=diluting.

akenn 1:14pm via tchat.io

A2. Wouldn't call it diluting value-but I do think people confuse them; one person's PR is

another person't social media or marcomm #solopr

MBennett715 1:14pm via tchat.io

A2 I think challenge is educating clients that they should both be on same page and

support overall mission and goals #soloPR #SMchat

adriwall 1:14pm via Twitter for Android

#solopr #smchat A2: mildly. I think it's normal to have to prove worth in PR / SM still -

not everyone yet "gets it" so we need to educate.

PRProSanDiego 1:14pm via Twitter Web Client

Hi folks, joining in a little late and multitasking by monitoring an online news

conference. #soloPR

Daniel_L_Curry 1:14pm via Twitter for iPhone

#SMChat #solopr Hello all! Jumping in a little late. I'm a Comm/PR student at the

University of Central Arkansas! Glad to join in today!

TeamCrowdbabble 1:14pm via Twitter Web Client

Best response to A2 #smchat #solopr twitter.com/dariasteigman/…

KerryModcom 1:14pm via Twitter Web Client

#solopr transcript – 2/10/2016 Page | 42 For more information and resources, visit http://soloprpro.com/

RT @KarenSwim: A2: Kind of, some do not understand that nothing is plug and play,

requires expertise and budget to execute well #solopr #smchat

sharonmostyn 1:14pm via TweetDeck

RT @MBennett715: @sharonmostyn A2: as long as we learn how to use best of both,

they can complement each other well #solopr #SMChat

KristK 1:14pm via tchat.io

Good point RT @PaulaJohns: A2 No, blurred lines are adding value--making us all

aware that silos need to be eliminated. #smchat #solopr

MichelleRTaylor 1:14pm via Hootsuite

Yes! Taking me back to my college days, @KristK #solopr #smchat


KerryModcom 1:14pm via Twitter Web Client

RT @MBennett715: @sharonmostyn A2: as long as we learn how to use best of both,

they can complement each other well #solopr #SMChat

CreativationMkt 1:14pm via TweetDeck

@dariasteigman #PR & #socialmedia don't necessarily need to differentiate, just need

unique value proposition to "sell" each #smchat #solopr

KarenSwim 1:14pm via TweetChat by oneQube

A2: Kind of, some do not understand that nothing is plug and play, requires expertise and

budget to execute well #solopr #smchat

#solopr transcript – 2/10/2016 Page | 43 For more information and resources, visit http://soloprpro.com/

KristK 1:14pm via tchat.io

A2: Now I'll never get that song out of my head. #SMchat #solopr

PaulaJohns 1:14pm via tchat.io

A2 No, the blurred lines are adding value--making us all aware that silos need to be

eliminated. #soloPR #smchat

dariasteigman 1:13pm via TweetDeck

A2. The opposite. They're a sign that we're walking the walk on "integrated"

marcomm. #smchat #solopr twitter.com/sharonmostyn/s…

3HatsComm 1:13pm via TweetDeck

@JanetLFalk @KristK and those actions have strategic goals.. raise awareness, build

email list, etc. there's always more #smchat #soloPR

KristK 1:13pm via Twitter Web Client

RT @SoloPR: RT @sharonmostyn: #SMChat #SoloPR Q2 Are the blurred lines of #PR,

#Marketing, #SM diluting the value of all?

MBennett715 1:13pm via tchat.io

@sharonmostyn A2: as long as we learn how to use best of both, they can complement

each other well #solopr #SMChat

LUCYrk78 1:13pm via Twitter Web Client

A2 No way- if anything, blurred lines ensures someone will be there to respond to people

faster/more often. #smchat #soloPR

#solopr transcript – 2/10/2016 Page | 44 For more information and resources, visit http://soloprpro.com/

SoloPR 1:13pm via Hootsuite

RT @sharonmostyn: #SMChat #SoloPR Q2 Are the blurred lines of #PR, #Marketing,

#SM diluting the value of all?

CreativationMkt 1:12pm via TweetDeck

RT @VoiceMattersLLC: A1: one word comes to mind: fluidity - in both, ability to pivot

& serve clients well. #solopr #smchat

sharonmostyn 1:12pm via TweetDeck

RT @dariasteigman: BINGO >> Across comms, we need to be flexible, adapt, go where

peeps go. #solopr #smchat twitter.com/VoiceMattersLL…

TeamCrowdbabble 1:12pm via Twitter Web Client

@MicheleMcDFox Hey Michelle! We are in Toronto as well at the @RyersonDMZ

#smchat #solopr

MichelleRTaylor 1:12pm via Hootsuite

#solopr #smchat A1: Yes, lines are blurring, but PR and SM still focuses more on

authentic relationships and engagement.

SoloPR 1:12pm via tchat.io

Very true MT @KerryModcom: : Different, yet integrated....#smchat #solopr

sharonmostyn 1:12pm via TweetDeck

#SMChat #SoloPR Q2 Are the blurred lines of #PR, #Marketing, #SM diluting the value

of all?

#solopr transcript – 2/10/2016 Page | 45 For more information and resources, visit http://soloprpro.com/

KerryModcom 1:12pm via Twitter Web Client

RT @KristK: A1: Discussed in #TPR1 intro to PR class last week: Grunig's comms

model. PR / SM both aspire to two-way symmetric comms vs one#solopr

JanetLFalk 1:11pm via Twitter Web Client

@KristK Beyond broadcast, #PR #SM drive to action & share: e.g., visit website,

download whitepaper, see infographic #soloPR #smchat

J9media 1:11pm via Twitter Web Client

Hello #solopr friends and #smchat. Checking in a little late but look forward to the


KristK 1:11pm via tchat.io

A1: Discussed in #TPR1 intro to PR class last week: Grunig's comms model. PR / SM

both aspire to two-way symmetric comms vs one-way #solopr

KarenSwim 1:11pm via TweetChat by oneQube

Glad you could make it @TeamCrowdbabble! Joint chat today so you will need to add

both hashtags #solopr #smchat

KerryModcom 1:10pm via Twitter Web Client

A1: Different, yet integrated, mechanisms for relationship building and communicating

w/ key stakeholders #solopr

dariasteigman 1:10pm via TweetDeck

#solopr transcript – 2/10/2016 Page | 46 For more information and resources, visit http://soloprpro.com/

BINGO >> Across comms, we need to be flexible, adapt, go where peeps go. #solopr

#smchat twitter.com/VoiceMattersLL…

PaulaJohns 1:10pm via TweetDeck

Looks beautiful, Jen! MT @jendonovansf: Enjoying the last hour of vaca until water taxi

arrives. #soloPR #SMCchat pic.twitter.com/a4WIvOhBLp

KerryModcom 1:10pm via Twitter Web Client

A2: Different, yet integrated, mechanisms for relationship building and communicating

w/ key stakeholders #solopr

KarenSwim 1:10pm via Twitter Web Client

RT @LUCYrk78: A1 I'd say the main difference is the focus - where you are targeting,

which relationships you are deepening #solopr

VoiceMattersLLC 1:09pm via TweetDeck

A1: one word comes to mind: fluidity - in both, ability to pivot & serve clients well.

#solopr #smchat

J9media 1:09pm via Hootsuite

RT @KarenSwim: Combined #SoloPR and #SMChat: The Role and Value of PR in 2016


LUCYrk78 1:09pm via Twitter Web Client

A1 I'd say the main difference is the focus - where you are targeting, which relationships

you are deepening #solopr

#solopr transcript – 2/10/2016 Page | 47 For more information and resources, visit http://soloprpro.com/

dariasteigman 1:09pm via TweetDeck

A1 Do they need to? Lines across marcomm disciplines are blurring -- & this is a good

thing. #solopr #smchat twitter.com/sharonmostyn/s…

KarenSwim 1:09pm via TweetChat by oneQube

@adriwall We are joint chatting so you will need to use both hashtags so that we can all

see #solopr #smchat

KristK 1:09pm via tchat.io

A1: Good Q! PR/social media continue to focus on engagement, relationships beyond

transactions. #SMchat #solopr

KarenSwim 1:08pm via TweetChat by oneQube

Use both hashtags @MBennett715 #solopr #smchat

kcwriter 1:08pm via tchat.io

@SoloPR Aw :) #solopr

dianekrose 1:08pm via TweetChat by oneQube

Hello from Florida. I'll be lurking today while I do some other work. Go Gators,

@nataliecwalker5. #solopr

sourcePOV 1:07pm via Twitter for Android

Welcome to #solopr #smchat everyone. Chris Jones from #Charlotte, 3x chat instigator &

connector of dots, checking in :) #smm #marketing

#solopr transcript – 2/10/2016 Page | 48 For more information and resources, visit http://soloprpro.com/

adriwall 1:07pm via Twitter for Android

A1: ability to close the feedback loop & listen to needs of key publics & act in real time

#smchat #solopr twitter.com/sharonmostyn/s…

rivarbrown 1:07pm via Twitter Web Client

@Daniel_L_Curry Happening now if you need something to do while waiting in our

lobby! :-) #SMChat #SoloPR #prls4316

sharonmostyn 1:07pm via TweetDeck

@MBennett715 Use both hashtags please - then we can all read your insights! #smchat


SoloPR 1:07pm via tchat.io

A little of you @kcwriter is better than none at all :) #solopr

nataliecwalker5 1:07pm via Twitter for iPhone

RT @sharonmostyn: @nataliecwalker5 Welcome Natalie and GO GATORS! #SMChat

#SoloPr #UFSMM

KerryModcom 1:06pm via Twitter Web Client

@nataliecwalker5 Welcome aboard! #solopr

MichelleRTaylor 1:06pm via Hootsuite

@LUCYrk78 Nice to meet you! Always great to meet a fellow Chicago solo! #solopr


#solopr transcript – 2/10/2016 Page | 49 For more information and resources, visit http://soloprpro.com/

kcwriter 1:06pm via tchat.io

Got a big workload, but I'll be peeking in on #solopr from time to time

HaseldenAlison 1:06pm via TweetDeck

RT @sharonmostyn: @HaseldenAlison We're excited that you made #smchat #solopr

your first chat Alison!

jendonovansf 1:06pm via Twitter for iPhone

Enjoy today's #solopr chat friends. Enjoying the last hour of vacation until the water taxi

arrives. pic.twitter.com/WsNzAYRdzf

SoloPR 1:06pm via Hootsuite

RT @sharonmostyn: #SMChat #SoloPR Q1 How does #PR / #SocialMedia differentiate

from other disciplines in 2016?

JanetLFalk 1:06pm via Twitter Web Client

NYC #soloPR advising law firms, accounting firms, Wall Street, nonprofit, small biz &

consultants. #smchat

KristK 1:06pm via Twitter Web Client

RT @sharonmostyn: #SMChat #SoloPR Q1 How does #PR / #SocialMedia differentiate

from other disciplines in 2016?

sharonmostyn 1:06pm via TweetDeck

@nataliecwalker5 Welcome Natalie and GO GATORS! #SMChat #SoloPr #UFSMM

#solopr transcript – 2/10/2016 Page | 50 For more information and resources, visit http://soloprpro.com/

MBennett715 1:06pm via tchat.io

NVM I see now :) #solopr

dariasteigman 1:06pm via TweetDeck

@MichelleRTaylor Glad to "see" you here. #solopr #smchat

MBennett715 1:06pm via tchat.io

@SoloPR so we should use #solopr or #smchat?

KristK 1:05pm via tchat.io

@sharonmostyn time flies when you're having fun. Thanks! #smchat #solopr

LUCYrk78 1:05pm via Twitter Web Client

@MichelleRTaylor I'm in Chicago too! :) #solopr

sharonmostyn 1:05pm via TweetDeck

@KristK Congrats on 25 years experience! #smchat #solopr

KristK 1:05pm via tchat.io

@nataliecwalker5 Hi Natalie! Welcome. You picked a good one. #SMchat #solopr

KarenSwim 1:05pm via Twitter Web Client

#solopr transcript – 2/10/2016 Page | 51 For more information and resources, visit http://soloprpro.com/

RT @sharonmostyn: #SMChat #SoloPR Q1 How does #PR / #SocialMedia differentiate

from other disciplines in 2016?

SoloPR 1:05pm via tchat.io

If you use tweetchat or tchat.io you only have to add one hashtag, the other will be auto-

added #solopr

sharonmostyn 1:05pm via TweetDeck

#SMChat #SoloPR Q1 How does #PR / #SocialMedia differentiate from other disciplines

in 2016?

nataliecwalker5 1:05pm via Twitter for iPhone

Hi everyone! I'm a Marketing student at the University of Florida. Excited to get involved

in my first chat #SMChat #SoloPr #UFSMM

VoiceMattersLLC 1:04pm via TweetDeck

Hi all! Joining from the Philly Burbs. #solopr #smchat

KarenSwim 1:04pm via TweetChat by oneQube

@MichelleRTaylor so glad you are here and congrats on one year! #solopr #smchat

dariasteigman 1:04pm via TweetDeck

@3HatsComm Hi, Davina. Welcome back. #solopr #smchat

KristK 1:04pm via tchat.io

@dariasteigman I wonder if there's a reason Baseball season starts after Easter. #solopr

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MBennett715 1:04pm via tchat.io

Joining chat briefly - in snowy CT. #soloprchat #solopr

sharonmostyn 1:04pm via TweetDeck

@HaseldenAlison We're excited that you made #smchat #solopr your first chat Alison!

akenn 1:04pm via tchat.io

Checking in from Boston & looking forward to combined #solopr and #smchat today.

MichelleRTaylor 1:04pm via Hootsuite

Hello from Chicago! Joining in for my first #solopr chat after more than a year as a solo.


KerryModcom 1:04pm via Twitter Web Client

Hi Everyone! Joining from Alberta, Canada (15+yrs exp, 5+yrs as solo) #solopr #SMchat

dariasteigman 1:04pm via TweetDeck

@sharonmostyn Ditto. Weirdly too long. :) #solopr #smchat

KristK 1:03pm via tchat.io

@HaseldenAlison Welcome! Jump in; the water's fine. #smchat #solopr

MicheleMcDFox 1:03pm via TweetDeck

#solopr transcript – 2/10/2016 Page | 53 For more information and resources, visit http://soloprpro.com/

Joining from Toronto area. Hello all at #SMChat and #SoloPR

sharonmostyn 1:03pm via TweetDeck

@dariasteigman Hi Daria! Thanks for joining today! I've missed chatting with you

#smchat #solopr

SoloPR 1:03pm via tchat.io

I am @KarenSwim of solopr[dot]com and will be co-moderating from #solopr

dariasteigman 1:03pm via TweetDeck

@HaseldenAlison Welcome, Alison. #solopr #smchat

sharonmostyn 1:03pm via TweetDeck

Starting the #smchat #solopr combo! Framing can be found here: bit.ly/1Ph8vQq

dariasteigman 1:03pm via TweetDeck

@KristK Teeny, tiny violin. :) (And now I'm beginning to understand the concept of

Lent.) #solopr #smchat

HaseldenAlison 1:03pm via TweetDeck

Hi #SoloPR and #SMchat I'm so excited to be joining my first chat for #UFSMM

sharonmostyn 1:03pm via TweetDeck

Hi everyone! Look for #smchat #solopr Tweets from me, @KarenSwim and @SoloPR

among others! twitter.com/SoloPR/status/…

#solopr transcript – 2/10/2016 Page | 54 For more information and resources, visit http://soloprpro.com/

PaulaJohns 1:02pm via tchat.io

Hi #SoloPR friends. Joining the chat from sunny San Diego. Another day in paradise. :)

3HatsComm 1:02pm via TweetDeck

delurking to join #soloPR and #smchat hello all, been a while. :)

sharonmostyn 1:02pm via TweetDeck

RT @KarenSwim: Will be chatty for next hour with #solopr joint chat. Feel free to join

or mute if it gets too noisy. #smchat

dariasteigman 1:01pm via TweetDeck

Joining from Washington, DC. Biz owner, digital strategist, comms pro, & HUGE

baseball fan. #solopr #smchat

SoloPR 1:01pm via tchat.io

Welcome everyone! Please remember to use both #solopr and #smchat for our joint chat

today. @sharonmostyn is your moderator