Some Ways to Enhance Creativity

Post on 09-Aug-2015

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Some Ways to Enhance Creativity

By Jim Weinstein

Definition of CREATIVITY

One of the most valuable attributes that someone can bring to an employer, a relationship, or a task is CREATIVITYCREATIVITY..

It can identify new and better ways of solving problems, improve one’s sense of competence, reduce stress, and increase attractiveness to others, among many other things.

1. Incubate

2. Cultivate Flow

3. Be Curious

4. Expose Yourself to New People, Experiences, and Information

5. Don't Be Too Quick to Dismiss a New Idea

6. Don't Be Afraid to Make a Mistake

Ways to Maximize Your Creativity


By taking the pressure off, allowing time for synapses to connect in new ways as the mind addresses the issue, the unconscious can more readily emerge with a solution.

After all, the unconscious mind is far more suited to establishing new and novel associations and patterns than is the conscious, organized, logical mind.

Cultivate Flow

- Intense and focused concentration on the present moment

- Merging of action and awareness

- A loss of reflective self-consciousness

- A sense of personal control or agency over the situation or activity

- A distortion of temporal experience, one's subjective experience of time is altered

- Experience of the activity as intrinsically rewarding

Be Curious

Wondering why things are the way they are,

Why a particular way of doing something is the

“right” way, and

Questioning accepted patterns

if they don't make sense to you can often lead can often lead to creative creative insights.

Expose Yourself to New People, Experiences, and Information

Travel to unfamiliar places, listen to different kinds of music, read books that involve the unconventional (e.g. science fiction).

These activities will expand your mind and allow it to enter new solution territory.

Don't Be Too Quick to Dismiss a New Idea

Whether the idea is your own or another's, it is so easy to dismiss a thought that seems "weird" or illogical.

Try not to judge a thought prematurely.

Don't Be Afraid to Make a Mistake

Mistakes provide very valuable information, indicating which paths of exploration do NOT hold potential, allowing attention to be focused on other paths that might.

And sometimes what may seem to be a mistake turns out to be quite the opposite.

Want More? Contact US

Jim Weinstein Jim Weinstein Career & Life Consultant

1633 Q St., NW, Suite 200

Washington D.C. 20009

Tel: (202) 667-0665



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