Sonoma County Intergroup NEWS JUNE ·...

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SCIF CENTRAL OFFICE750 Mendocino Ave., Suite 10

Santa Rosa, CA 95401 Manager: Donna K. Phone: (707) 546-2066 Fax: (707) 566-9677


Summer Hours Monday-Friday 10-6

Saturday 11-3

The bookstore is staffed by volunteers. Occasionally it is closed due to lack of staff - Call first!

The Bookstore is closed on these Holidays

Memorial Day May 25

Independence Day July 4

Labor Day September 7

Thanksgiving November 26

Christmas December 25

New Year’s January 1 & 2

Get the latest meeting listings, upcoming events and more at

NEWSSonoma County

Intergroup Fellowship


Disclaimer: The Fellowship News is the monthly newsletter of Sonoma County Intergroup Fellowship. Opinions contained herein are strictly those of the authors. Publication of opinions, articles, and announcements does not represent express or implied endorsement, approval, or affiliation by Intergroup. We reserve the right to edit submissions for clarity, language, length and content that violates A.A. Traditions.

Howarth Park Gazebo, 630 Summerfield Road, Santa RosaHamburger & beans w/ soda or water $6•

Hot Dog & beans w/ soda or water $5•Bring a side dish or dessert to share!•

Info/Volunteer: Jessica W. 707-483-1767

Sonoma County Intergroup Fellowship Presents

Page 2 Sonoma County Intergroup Fellowship News June 2015

Need to report meeting changes?

Send an email to: or contact the

SCIF Office at 546-2066



We Agnostics and Atheists in A.A., Wednesday, 6:00 p.m. (O) (W) (K), Petaluma Valley Hospital - Burns Hall, 400 N. McDowell.



PetalumaCelebrate Sobriety, Saturday, 7 p.m. (O) (W). Now meets every Saturday.Petaluma Old School, Sunday, 5 p.m. (O) (W). Now an open meeting. New name: Give It Up.

Santa RosaCaring and Sharing, Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, 9 a.m. (O) (W). Last meeting 5/22. Looking for a new location.

Thank you all for our last Unity Day planning meeting in May. We had a

good turnout, and managed to get some of our jobs filled. Alex C. agreed to co-Chair the com-mittee, and Susy E. took on the task of treasur-er. Larry O., who is our liaison to the facility where we will have the event, is also the liaison to Interpretation & Translation. Mike C. will head up the beverage table commitment, and Sunny H. will be in charge of mug sales. Mar-tin K. will assist me in doing outreach to the many service entities that we are lucky enough to have in Sonoma County, and Lisa C. is our General Service liaison. There is a couple who have agreed to take on the food service aspect of the event, and a woman who has expressed an interest in doing the decorating. In addition,

Monica B. has agreed to once again set up her Photo Booth if her schedule permits. Thank you all!

If you have decided you want to ex-pand your service opportunities into the wider world of A.A., please attend our next planning meeting, which will be held on Tuesday, June 9th at the bookstore at 750 Mendocino Ave in Santa Rosa, 6:30-7:30 p.m. We still have a number of jobs that need people like you to undertake, and I hope to see you at our next planning session. Our theme of this year’s Unity Day is “Many Paths to Service: It’s all about the journey.” So I hope you will join us as we trudge that road of happy destiny. — James C.

Sonoma County Intergroup Fellowship Presents

Wednesday, July 22, 2015 6:30 - 8:00pm

Info: Lori S. 707-529-9664

SCIF Central Office / Bookstore750 Mendocino Ave, Santa Rosa

how to shareyour experience,strength & hope--- a seminar and discussion ---

This SCIF newsletter is made possible through the contribu-tions of our members. Please read this newsletter and pass it on. Newsletters are also avail-able online:

Other A.A. Resources:

Cal. Northern Coastal

A.A. World


June 2015 Sonoma County Intergroup Fellowship News Page 3


Sonoma County Intergroup Fellowship General Meeting – April 27, 2015The meeting opened at 8:00 p.m. with the Serenity PrayerReadings: Kathy M. read the Preamble; Nan B. read Tradition 4; Rachele. read Concept IV.New Representative: Todd D., Saturday Night Living Right; Paul A., Saturday Solutions; Becki W., Monday No Frills; Wanda P., Saturday Women’s Book Group; Jordan H., Big Book Review; Dana S., Petaluma Valley Group; Evelynn P. SOCYPAA; Ellen G., Sunday Saints & Sin-ners; Cathey W., Saturday Women’s; Patrick L., Azure Acres; Rosemary A, The Promises Group.Birthdays: Kathy 30 years; Scott 3 years; Luann S. 4 years, John C. 14 years; Jamie 3 years; Jim B. 17 years; Dan F. 21 years; Jim N. 15 years; Rachele M. 12 years; Stacy G. 5 years; Michael C. 14 years.OFFICER REPORTS:Chair: (Holly H.) Who may vote explained. Vacancies available. Elec-tion taken: Activity Chairs: (Founder’s Day: Jessica W.; Halloween: Kathy M.; New Years’: James C.); Outreach Chair: Tom J.; Communi-cations Chair: Audrey S. ICSC Election Chair: (Michael C.) Sam F.Vice Chair: (Barry D.) Those new reps that did not attend the ori-entation tonight should arrive by 7:30 p.m. next month to attend the orientation. Include phone number and email when signing in. Please bring information to your groups regarding the vacant positions. There were 11 new reps tonight. Volunteers needed for teleservice.Secretary: (Jennifer R.) The General Meeting minutes of April 2015 were put forth and approved.Treasurer: (Carolyn A.) Group contributions for March were $4,713 and $100 individual which was $206 less than March of last year. After expenses we had a net gain of $1,937. Bookstore income was $57,536 and after expenses there was a net gain of $1,189. Overall we had a net gain of $3,126.Registrar: (Madeleine T.) In March there were 221 Groups offering 344 meetings per week in Sonoma County. There are currently 117 groups that regularly send a rep to the General Meeting. There were 62 Reps at the March meeting (12 of which are new). New Reps are encouraged to sign in on the correct day of the week. (clearly marked). And if a rep is an alternate or just picking up items for another rep. Please sign in using the reps name, meeting time, and day.COMMITTEE REPORTS:Bookstore: (Jay S. for Donna K.) The book that will be on sale at the bookstore for the month of April will be the “One on One AA Spon-sorship”. The book sale price will be $10. Volunteers are needed at the bookstore.ICSC: (Jay S.) Financial Projections done – financial house is in order. We can continue to monitor throughout the year. Donna’s evaluation – evaluation done, she has done a good job coming in and learning the ropes and we greatly appreciate Donna’s service and continue to look forward to her service as bookstore manager. Discussion of the Spirit of Rotation.Activities: (Jessica W.) Founder’s Day on 6/20/15 at Howarth Park. Meeting begins at 11:00. Food/drinks/activities following meeting.Outgoing Alkathons: (Steve V.) Not present.

Outgoing Communications/Newsletter: Audrey S. elected this eve-ning.Outgoing Outreach: Thomas J. elected this evening.Seminars: (Lori S.) Next seminar 5/27/15, A.A. In The Armed Services.Teleservice: (Gus C.) No open shifts.LIAISON REPORTSUnity Day: (James C.) Unity Day volunteer Meeting 5/12/15 6:30 at the Bookstore.SOCYPAA: (Alex) Not present.Spanish Central Office: (Jessica B.) The following is information from the General Service Business Meeting of District 18 (Spanish Lin-guistic District) held Sunday, April 19th. The Intergroup Meetings are held each Saturday and I will attend next month. Teleservice Chair’s concerns regarding the Spanish AA Hot line number to District 18 and they will be looking into it. Will be brought up again directly at the next Intergroup meeting. The concern is that the Spanish AA Hot line number as listed in Directory is not consistently answering and District 12’s AA Hot line cannot help those that call in Spanish. District 18 is in the process of editing/updating their meeting directory, but they rep-resent many meetings outside of Sonoma County (District 18 stretches from Marin up to the Oregon Border).PI/CPC: (Michelle G.) Last month presentation give at Casa Grande High School for the 2nd year with NA. Extremely successful event! Hoping to be able to partner with them more in the future. Next month presenting at El Molino High School. For those people who are inter-ested in speaker training for PI, that are unable to attend our regular training sessions which are held the 2nd Wednesday of the month S.R. City Hall underground at 7pm. We will have extra training available on Saturdays 11- 3 @ the bookstore. It is a 2 year sobriety requirement.Hospitals and Institutions: (Mary B.): Speaker and conference 5/17/15 at 1:00 p.m. at the Community of Christ Church in Santa Rosa.General Service: (Jennifer B.) Pre -Conference Assembly in Pleasan-ton earlier this month where the GSRs shared your group consciences. Next month, we will travel to Eureka for the Post-Conference Assembly where our delegate will report back on what happened at the confer-ence. (The conference itself took place last week in New York.) Del-egate’s BBQ, the first Monday in June. Instead of our regular business meeting, we host a party at 6pm and then our delegate, Raymundo L., will share his experience and answer questions. Burgers, hot dogs, veg-gie burgers and sodas provided, and just hope you can bring a side dish or dessert to share. Bridging the Gap: (Bill D.) Committee meets the third Tuesday of the month at 6:30 p.m. Over 70 cards filled out last month. Access Sonoma County: (John F. ) 5/30 Pain Management Workshop at Bethlehem Lutheran Church. Child care and Spanish translation provided.OLD BUSINESS: None.NEW BUSINESS: None.Group Representative Sharing: Kathy M. Monday, Mature and So-ber Meeting in Santa Rosa is in need of a G.S. Representative.ADJOURNMENT: The meeting adjourned at 8:50 p.m. with the Re-sponsibility Statement. In service, Jennifer R.

Page 4 Sonoma County Intergroup Fellowship News June 2015

I want to remind everyone that the bookstore is run by volunteers in Sonoma County.

Currently we don’t have enough volunteers to cover all shifts, so please call before you make a trip into town. A lack of volunteers not only means the bookstore could be closed at odd hours, but that income will drop as a result as well.

If you’d like to join all the great volunteers who give of their time, you need one year’s continued sobriety and a working knowledge of the steps. Please feel free to give me a call, 546-2066.

— Donna K., SCIF Central Office/Bookstore Manager

Looking for Something Different?Did you know there are people who still think of an alcoholic as

an old man in a trench coat drinking from a bottle in a brown paper bag? Alcoholism has no age or financial boundaries, no color or size preferences.

We at PI/CPC, or Public Information and Cooperation with the Professional Community, get to inform the public of what A.A. is and is not. Whether it’s at a DUI class or a local school, we’re grate-ful for the opportunity.

If this is something that sounds interesting to you, our business meeting is the second Wednesday of each month at 7:30 p.m., at the City Hall underground lunchroom. Speaker training begins at 7 p.m. You are more than welcome to attend the business meeting that follows.

— In love and service, Mike D.

The season of frenetic group activities to find consciences on agen-da topics has wound down. At the Pre-Conference Assembly

the group consciences were shared with the Area Delegate. He in turn went to the General Service Conference in New York to share our area’s consciences, and help decide what is best for A.A. as a whole. At the Post-Conference Assembly on May 9th he shared the outcomes of many of the agenda topics, as well as his personal experience of the conference.

And the delegate’s experience of the conference is available to you at the Delegate’s BBQ and Report, on Monday, June 1st, at Faith Lutheran Church, 4930 Newanga, Santa Rosa, from 6 p.m to 9 p.m. The event begins with a great potluck BBQ under the oaks, followed by the delegate’s report in Hummond Hall. This is a great opportunity to experience how A.A. as a whole operates. And, did I mention a great BBQ?

— In service, Bob S.



Our sale book for the month of June will be

Sober and Out: Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender A.A. Members Share Their Experi-ence, Strength and Hope. This book was produced last year by Grapevine and was on sale at that time. It does not seem like many people know about it, so I would like to put it on sale again this year for a price of $10.00, again a 20% dis-count from the retail value.

Let those in our fellow-ship share their diversity and hope with you.

Bookstore Volunteers Needed!

“Just as the aim of every A.A. member is personal sobriety, the aim of our services is to bring sobriety within reach of all who want it.”

— Tradition Nine, pg. 175, Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions.


Outreach: Making Sure Each Group’s Voice is Heard

The SCIF Outreach Committee is looking for volunteers. It is a great way to be of service and takes very little time. Members

of the Outreach Committee attend meetings that currently do not have an Intergroup Representative and, when possible, help the meet-ing to acquire one.

If you are interested, please contact Tom J. at 228-6408, or e-mail

June 2015 Sonoma County Intergroup Fellowship News Page 5


“Implicit throughout A.A.’s Traditions is the confession that our Fel-lowship has its sins. We admit that we have character defects as a society and that these defects threaten us continually. Our Traditions are a guide to better ways of working and living, and they are to group survival and harmony what A.A.’s Twelve Steps are to each member’s sobriety and peace of mind.” —A.A. Comes of Age

The May 6, 2015, meeting of the Hospitals and Institutions Committee gave a bright spring welcome to our newest meeting

reps: Vicki B., representing the New Hope Book Study (Rohnert Park); Robert D., 12x12 and Beyond; Brad B., Saints & Sinners (Rohnert Park); Karina M., Young People’s Group; Ruby S., Women’s Big Book (Sonoma); Jeff R., Saturday Night Live; Mike A., Signs of Sobriety; Mark M., Quitting Time (Petaluma); Chris F., Petaluma Valley Group; Greg F., South Park Survivors; Kathleen A., 4th Edition At Noon (Rohnert Park); Terry M., Women Empowering Women (Rohnert Park); Debbie D. River Women’s Meeting (Guerneville); Deanna T., No Frills Group; and Tim J., Beginners Meeting. Thank you so much for being of service!

Welcome, of course, to our visitors: Melissa, Max and Joy—keep coming back!

Call it May Day Madness (or sanity): over 193 years of sobriety was being celebrated by H&I members for the month of May!

Another alcoholic needs you—would you like to share your gift with an alcoholic who is confined? For suggestions on how to do that, please come to the next meeting of the H&I Committee, Wednesday, June 3, 2015, at 6:15 pm. As always, everyone is welcome to attend the orientation that begins at 5:45. The location is the Community of Christ Church, 1495 W. Steele Lane, on the corner at Range Avenue (parking is off of Range, behind the church, with additional parking at the ice arena).

In service, Mardi

BrIDgINg tHe gaP

Bridging the Gap has helped me become a happier version of me. When I came into Bridging the Gap, I had been dry for a year

and a half, and was about to turn 21. Completely terrified of drinking, I didn’t know what else to do. I decided to do the only thing I knew how; I decided to jump into service. The committee had just started present-ing in Athena house and I took the position in a heartbeat.

Since then I have progressively stopped thinking about myself and starting thinking about what I could do to help those women. Even my worst days didn’t look so bad as I could look forward to giving what I had to others at least once a month. I am grateful I had the op-portunity to give back to my fellow A.A. members. However, in the spirit of rotation, I have given my position to another woman who will do a fantastic job. I hope to always remember what working with this committee has provided me.

In Service, Allie A.


Back in 2010 and again in 2013, our fellowship’s Access Sonoma County Committee held workshops on the subject of mental

health and sobriety. Those events were hugely successful in carrying the A.A. message to people with both alcoholism and a mental health di-agnosis. I think that it’s likely that lives were (literally) saved as a result of the experience shared and the personal connections made at these workshops. This is enormously important stuff to many of our brothers and sisters in the fellowship and perhaps to you personally. 

I’ve had a few sponsees – wonderful, lovable men – who, while they were clearly alcoholic and both wanted and worked hard for the gifts of our program, also had mental health issues that made them feel “apart from” rather than “a part of” our fellowship. Often in these cases, other sponsees and friends who shared their “extra” issues were far more important to their ongoing well-being, their sense of belong-ing and their recovery than I was as their sponsor.

These workshops – these opportunities to meet other alcoholics who share and can relate with these common issues combined with alcoholism – can make the difference between some of the people we know and love being “happily and usefully whole” or dying a hope-less alcoholic death. Lives are at stake here. Again, literally.

Now … this melodramatic diatribe of mine may seem over the top to a lot of you. I’m OK with that. If however, as you read this, certain faces from your experience come to mind … that really sweet guy or gal who you’ve seen suffer with these issues and perhaps even ended their lives as a result of feeling hopelessly alone and misunderstood … Or if that’s you … If you see the need for this, we need your help. 

Perhaps you have first-hand experience with these issues in sobriety either in your own life or in that of a sponsee. We need and welcome your input and participation. 

We at ASC intend to do the next workshop in the fall of this year and, despite making announcements at General Service, Intergroup meetings and in articles like this one, we’re just not getting the volun-teers we need to accomplish this.

Please, if you think that this workshop should happen this year and are willing to be on the committee that will make it happen, contact us at or Dan at 707-694-8201

In service, Dan F.


The unity of Alcoholics Anonymous is the most cherished quality our Society has. Our lives, the lives of all to come, depend squarely upon it. We stay whole, or A.A. dies. With-out unity, the heart of A.A. would cease to beat; our world arteries would no longer carry the life-giving grace of God ... .”

— Tradition One, pg. 129, Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions.

Suggestions & Submissions for Newsletter WelcomePlease send any corrections, suggestions, submissions or com-

ments about the Sonoma County Intergroup Fellowship news-letter to:

Page 6 Sonoma County Intergroup Fellowship News June 2015


1General Service Faith Lutheran Church6:45 Service Manual Study6:45 New Rep. Orientation7:30 Business Meeting

2 3Hospitals & Institutions Community of Christ Church5:45 New Rep. Orientation 6:15 Business Meeting

4 5 6

7SOCYPAA First United Methodist 7:15 Business Meeting

8SCIF Bookstore 6:30 ICSC Meeting 8:00 Intergroup Steering Committee Meeting

9 10PI/CPC S.R. City Hall 7:00 Training 7:30 Business

11Access Sonoma County SCIF Bookstore6:15 Orientation 6:30 Meeting

12July 2015 Newsletter Deadline 5 P.M.


14 15 16Bridging The Gap SCIF Bookstore 6:00 New Rep. Orientation 6:30 Business Meeting

17 18 19 20

21SOCYPAA First United Methodist 7:15 Business Meeting

22SCIF Bookstore7:00 Teleservice MeetingIntergroup St. Luke Lutheran Church 7:30 New Rep. Orientation 8:00 Business Meeting

23 24 25 26 27 General Service Area 06 Committee 320 N. McDowell Blvd.Petaluma

28Happy Trails Meet at Coddingtown Post Office to carpool, 10 am.

29 30 First United Methodist Church: 1551 Montgomery Dr., Santa RosaFaith Lutheran Church: 4930 Newanga ave., Santa RosaSt. Luke Lutheran Church: 905 Mendocino ave., Santa RosaCommunity of Christ Church: 1495 W. Steele Lane, Santa rosaS.R. City Hall Employee Lounge: First St. & Santa rosa ave., Santa RosaSCIF Bookstore: 750 Mendocino ave., Suite 10, Santa Rosa


JUNE • 2015

Annual Cache Creek Group Raft Trip  Friday June 26, through Sunday June 28, 2015 is our Annual A.A.

Rafting trip. It includes two nights of camping, two days of rafting, two meetings, and three days of fellowship and fun in the sun, all for only $155.00 per person.

What’s provided:

• Friday: Potluck dinner with a meeting under the stars.• Saturday: Breakfast, rafting on the river, lunch on the river,

and appetizers before dinner. For dinner, a great BBQ of either chicken, rib eye steak, or veggie burger.

• Saturday Night: Another meeting under the stars.• Sunday: Breakfast, rafting, and lunch on the river.

Visit for more information and sign-up.

SOCYPAA Hosts Camping Trip Sonoma County Young People in A.A. (SOCYPAA) will host its

annual “Wet Brain Olympics” camping trip June 12-14 at the Pleasure Cove Marina at Lake Berryessa, 6100 Hwy. 128, Napa. The camping trip will include games, fun, food, fellowship and speaker meetings Friday and Saturday night at 8 p.m. Cost is $25. Co-hosting are other YPAAs, including EBYPAA, SACYPAA. SANYPAA, SLOPAA and PENYAA. There is a barbecue dinner Saturday night. You can register at, or call Rachel G. for information at 415-596-7754.

June 2015 Sonoma County Intergroup Fellowship News Page 7


GROUP CONTRIBUTIONS 2015MEETINGS APRIL Y 5102 TD11th Step, Petaluma 12x12 @ 12 Acres Fellowship Alcoholics Anon. of Sonoma Anonymous Any Lengths Group Be What You Want to See Big Book Study Petaluma BYOBB Expect A Miracle FAHA Home Group Fresh Air Group Friday Night Vets General Service Geyserville Good Neighbor Graton Fellowship GRBBS Grin and Win Group Healdsburg Anonymity Group Individual Kenwood Group Kittens on the Steps Language of the Heart Group LGBT Newcomers Group Lytton Springs Mature and Sober Midweek Madness

Monday Night Book & Disc. Monday Night Alcoholics Only Monday Night Sonoma AANew Sobriety Group North Bay Dog on the RoofNot a Glum Lot Oaks Fellowship Open Door Petaluma Valley Group Promise’s Group Quitting Time Petaluma Rick Smith MeetingsRiver Discussion River Grace Rule 62 River ReadersSaturday Night High SteppersSaturday Serenity Saturday Solution Group SCGMAA Serenity Fellowship Sharing & Caring Signs of Sobriety

Sober Sisters Sober Sunday SOCYPAA Sonoma Co. Mens StagSonoma Valley Fellowship

Step Sisters Steps in Windsor Sunday Breakfast Club Sunday Morning Villa A.A. Grp. Sunday PM Closed Disc. Grp. The Eldridge Group The River Discussion Group There is a Solution Thurs 11th Step Thurs. Night 12 X 12 Disc. Thursday Night Women’s AA Tuesday Night Beginners Warm Springs Fellowship We’re Not Saints We’re In The Now Wednesday Matinee Group Wednesday Night Men’s Stag Wednesday Westsiders Women in the Solution - Petaluma Women’s Book Group, Sonoma Women’s River Meeting Women’s Step Study Women’s Step Study/Disc. Women’s Tuesday at Noon, Windsor Young and Sober Young at Heart Guerneville APRIL Y 5102 TD


Apr-15 Apr-14 Year to Date 2015 2014

Income Expense Net Net Income Expense Net NetGroup Supported: Comparison Comparison Central Office groups Individuals Directories Pamphlets & Cards Newsletter teleservice Interest/Bank Charges SubtotalSelf Supported: Bookstore alkathons Unity Day activities Seminars Unity Day SubtotalTOTAL

Assets & LiabilitiesCash in Bank & Petty CashPrepaid expensesBookstore InventoryProperty SubtotalLiabilities total assets & Liabilities

Page 8 Sonoma County Intergroup Fellowship News June 2015



Sonoma County Intergroup Fellowship 750 Mendocino Ave. #10 Santa Rosa, CA 95401-4846

Sonoma County General Service P.O. Box 536 Santa Rosa, CA 95402

Area 22 H&I Treasurer P.O. Box 192490 San Francisco, CA 94119-2490

P.O. Box 459, Grand Central Station New York, NY 10163

CA Northern Coastal Area TreasuryP.O. Box 884222 San Francisco, CA 94188

Sonoma County PI/CPC* P.O. Box 11305 Santa Rosa, CA 95406

SOCYPAAP.O. Box 5784 Santa Rosa, CA 95402*Funded solely through Sonoma County General Service




Chair Holly H. Vice Chair Barry D. Secretary Jennifer R. Treasurer Carolyn A. Registrar Madeleine T.


Activities Jessica W. Alkathons Steve V. ICSC Tom F. Seminars Lori S. Teleservice Gus C. ICSC Nominating Mike C. Unity Day James C.

CommunicationsNewsletter Audrey S. Website Sam K. Meeting Changes Russell


DCMC Jennifer B. Treasurer Diana D. Registrar Darlene H. Archivist Denise G. Grapevine David K. Access So. County Dan. F. Bridging the Gap Tom F. PI/CPC Paul D. Interpret./Translation Larry O.


Liason Mary B.


Liason Michael H.


Santa Rosa (707) 544-1300 Sonoma (707) 938-8508 Spanish Speaking (707) 623-6702


Phone Line Coordinator Joe B. (707) 591-9376

Teleservice Chair Gus C. (707) 623-6662

As a hotline volunteer, you are the voice of hope. You can help alcoholic, as well as non-alcoholic,

callers. Calls range from directions to meetings to Twelfth Step work. Get into service, help a drunk in need. If you’re interested, contact Gus C. at 623-6662, or email and sign up for a shift or get on the waiting list.