Sophie Angus Unit 30 LO4

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Level 3 Cambridge Introductory Diploma in Media

Unit 30:

Sophie AngusCandidate Number: 1006

UK Media Publishing

Contents for LO4Title Slide

Environment of Presentation 4

Sources for Presentation 5

Materials used – Script 6

Materials used 7-8

Evidence of Pitch 9-10

Evidence of Improvement on Prezi 11-12

Evidence of Improvement on Photoshop


Evidence of Improvement on the Script


Pitch 15

Pitch- Witness Statement 16

Conclusion 17

Environment of Presentation

The section of the class room where I will pitch my magazine

The Slide that I will use to change from slide to slide.

Computer where I created my pitch and also where I will present my pitch as well.

I have taken a few images of the environment where I will perform my pitch of two of my music magazine ideas in front of the publisher. I will need the computer so I will be able to transfer my PowerPoint into Prezi. In addition, I can also present my pitch from the PowerPoint and onto the whiteboard so that the publishers are able to see the pitch better. You can also change the slide with the slide changer. This is important because I am able to change from slide to slide. I could also go backward on my pitch if I need to.

Sources for PresentationTarget Audience Feb2013.pdf Spending Power Interview Budget Summary Plan for the Magazine Rate Income and Outgoing Production Plan

Materials used – Script

I have created a script when presenting two of my magazine ideas so that I will know what I will need to be talking about when on specific slides. This will enable me to make eye contract with the audience instead of reading off the board. This will reveal to the publishers that I am passionate about my magazine and I also put in the effort to learn my magazine and the important details about it.

Materials used

I have used PowerPoint to create and display all of my information on it so that I am able to display the information within a professional and interesting way so the publisher will be interested to invest in my magazine. However, I have decided to transfer all of the PowerPoint onto Prezi so that it will look better when transitioning slide to slide.

Materials usedI have transferred my PowerPoint to Prezi so that it will look professional and also add a bit of fun to the pitch and the slide are able to fun animation from slide to slide.I have used to the internet for find out detail about the office space for when I create my future magazine. Also I used the internet to budgets summary, so I will be able to find out the cost of making the magazine. In addition, I use the internet to use to find out the advertising rate for the magazine, so that I can see how a magazine can make their money. In addition, I went on the internet to look how a magazine the process of the magazine, so that I can see the production plan. This is important because I would be able to create a production plan for my magazine so that it can create and design my magazine. This will help me to understand the step by step of how to create a magazine and also the different jobs that are needed.

Evidence of Pitch When I was doing my pitch or both of my music magazine, a camera was on and film me. This is important because I am able to review my pitch and see the positive and the negative feature of my pitch. Also for my pitch I had verbal feedback of my pitch from the publishers. On the witness statement I am able to see the positive and the negative feature of my pitch and what I would need to to improve on. On the witness statement I have sign it. The positive impact on the pitch was that I put a lot of detail in the target audience and also mention all of the media theory such as Katz and Hartley’s 7 subjectivities. Also by tweeting the strapline of the magazine, its shows a effective way to encourage viral marketing. However, a negative features about my pitch is I would need to refer and add to the test and plan photograph in my pitch. Also the language that I display on pitch pitch was wrong such as a a picture collection instead of saying a mood board.

This is evidence of the witness statement and the verbal feedback.

When the publisher gave my the witness statement of my picture. It reveal to me what I have done well and also what I should improve on. Also the typed up witness statement helps more to understand what the publisher need to know about my magazine. This is why I will use the feedback from the publisher as correction, so it will be more appealing for the publisher to support my magazine.

Evidence of Pitch These are all of the EBI comments that I have to change in my pitch and the DTP improvements so that it will make the presentation more appealing for the publishers to invest in my music magazine. All of these changes have been made. These changes will improve the overall appearance of my presentation and therefore make it more appealing. The changes on Photoshop works will ensure that my work will appeal to their intend target audience as this will improve the overall appearance of the magazine front cover and double page spread.

First Draft Final DraftSecond Draft

When I was created the first draft of front cover, I have gain feedback so I will be able to make changes to the front cover to make it better. Therefore it will make it look more professional so that it will look like it is made from a high quality. On this page I will be comparing my first draft of front cover to my final front cover. This is important as the final correction will reveal all of the correction that I have made. Some of the changes that for the final front cover are the background, the eye colour, puff promotion and cover-line. So when I have received feedback from my first Front Cover, I had to change the cover to make it more suited to publisher and therefore this could improve the sale figure of my magazine as it will look more professional. These are all of the drafts of my front cover that improve on in order to crate the final draft.

Evidence of Improvement on PreziSome of the improvement, which I have gain from the witness statement was about the terminology that I have used through my presentation. I have used the terminology that wasn’t professional and therefore I have to change the terminology that were used. One of the terminology that I have to change through my presentation and update on my Prezi. This mean that the PowerPoint presentation and the Prezi will be the same than each other. I have to change the terminology from profit and loss to income and outgoing in order to make my pitch professional and appeal to the publisher.

This was the statement from the witness statement.

Test ImageTest Image

Evidence of Improvement on Prezi

Another improvement that were needed to be made is for the photography plan and test photography to be added and referred in the pitch. The test photography was known as test images, this is why I have change the titles so that it will sound more professional and it will reveal that I have mention test photography during my pitch. This was one way that I have referred and add test images to my pitch as well as adding the slides about photography plan for each magazine as well. In addition, I didn’t mention the photography plan and test photography in my script, which mean I did talk about these topic a lots so now I have add extra information about the photography plan and test photography so that I know what I am talking about when I am presenting.

Test ImagesTest Images

This was from my script for the presentation

Evidence of Improvement on Photoshop

There was two main changes that I needed to make on photoshop for both for my front cover and for the double page spread so that it will improve the magazine’s appearance and also reputation in the future.

The first change was to the front cover to move the masthead behind the main image so that the reader as able to have a clearly view of the image and therefore it will gain more ‘star appeal’ (Richard Dyer) to the magazine. This could cause an increase of sale and popularity for the magazine.

The second change of the photoshop work was to include an encouragement for the readers to go on the website to watch the full interview with the artist. This is important as it will encourage the readers to go on the offical website so that they will be able to see other information that could appeal to them after they watch the interview.

Evidence of Improvement on the Script

I have to change some wording into the script so that I will use the correct wording as I know what I am talking about and also it will look professional. For instances I will have to use the word ‘mood board’ instead of picture collect which I have said during my pitch. In addition, I use the word conversions instead of conventions, which have two different meaning.

This is the script for my presentation, which I have used so that I know what I have to say when presenting. You are able to see that I have changing the the spelling from conversion to convention.


I have do some screen shot of the pitch, which is on the video. This will prove that I have done the pitch and also that I have used Prezi to pitch two of my magazine ideas. This provide that I was always making eye contract with the audience instead of reading from the board. ( Link to the Prezi pitch)

Pitch- Witness Statement

This is evidence of the feedback that I have gain from the publisher. This feedback is in the witness statement. This will share with me what I have done well during the pitch and also what I should improve on. This will help to me improve the overall content of the pitch and therefore make the pitch better next time.

ConclusionWhen I was pitching my two of my magazine ideas I will need to know where I have sourced all of the work so that I will be about to prove that the information is real instead of being made up. This will have to include different types of materials to prove that it is presented in a nice way and also presented my pitch within a professional way to make the publisher interest within my magazine ideas. This is the reason why I have decided to use Prezi as I think it is a creatively way to present the pitch rather than using PowerPoint. In addition, it is important to understand the environment of where the pitch will be presented. This is important as I will be able to get use of using the equipment to present my pitch. This is important because if I am conformable with the environment of the pitch , then it will look professional and therefore the publisher will feel conformable to be part of my magazine.