Sounding Board Programming and Data Retrieval 1. Sensoplex Software Download the Sensoplex files...

Post on 21-Jan-2016

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Sounding Board Programming

and Data Retrieval


Sensoplex Software

Download the Sensoplex files onto your computer’s desktop

Extract all files

Install the “SP Monitor” using the “Setup” file inside the folder “Setup,v1.0”

Follow the setup instructions

Now copy the "SPMonitor,v1.26” to your desktop

Plug the cable into the Sounding Board and into your computer (the sensor should start blinking)


Sensoplex Software cont.Go to your computers “Control Panel” click on “Device Manager”>”Ports (COM & LPT)

Right click on “XR21B1411 USB UART” > “Update Driver Software” > “Browse my computer for driver software”

Go to the location where you have copied the “XR21B1411 drivers only - version“ file

Double click the “xr21x1411 drivers only – version” file and select either the “x64” or “x86” folder depending on whether you machine is running on a 32-Bit (x86) or 64-Bit (x64) operating system

If you don’t know your operating system go to “Control Panel”>”System” and look at the “System type” tab to see your computers operating system


Sensoplex Software cont.A window will pop up notifying you of the update, take note of which “COM” port it is using then close the window


Arming the Sounding BoardRun the SP Monitor Program

Click on “Configure” (at the top)>”Comm Port”

A “CommPort Properties” box opens, change the “Port” selection from “Disabled” to the COM port you took note of on the last slide (ex: “COM5”), then click “OK”



Data Logging

Charging Status


Record Type 2


Start/Stop Logging

Read To File


Data LoggingNow that the board is active you will switch the tab at the bottom of the screen from “MPU-9250” to “Data Logging”

Make sure the “Record Type 2” “Enabled” box is checkedCheck the boxes of all the sensors you would like to record, then immediately click “Set” and then “Save”

Click “Start Logging” and then you may close the SP Monitor program and unplug the Sounding Board


Downloading Data

• Once you have completed testing plug the sounding board back into the computer and run the SP Monitor program

• Once you have confirmed the correct Comm. Port is enabled, go back down to Data Logging and click “Stop Logging”

• Then click “Read To File”, name the file and save to your desktop, you now have the raw data

• you may close the SP Monitor program and unplug the Sounding Board


Downloading Data cont.• Open Excel, change the tab from home to

Data• Click on “Get External Data”>”From Text”

• A search box will appear, change the file type from “Text Files” to “All Files”, then click on your data file then click “Import”


The Text Import Wizard box will open:1. Check “Delimited” 2. Click “Next >”3. Check: “Tab”, “Semicolon”, “Comma”, and “Space”4. Click “Finish”5. The Import Data box appears (this just tells us

where we want to put the data in the spreadsheet), choose where you want your data then click “OK”

Now you should see all the data points in the prospective rows and columns (there are going to be a lot of rows)

Downloading Data cont.


Formatting Data• If the rows are not labeled, you need to label

them• The order of the sensors on the SP Monitor

program is how the data is read to the excel file

• For example if I checked the sensors in the image on the left, then the excel file should look like the image in the center, and should be labeled like the image on the right


Making a Chart• Change the tab from “Data” to “Insert”• Highlight all the sensors you want to graph starting

with the name and highlighting downward• With all the rows highlighted, click on the line

graph, the first selection under 2-D is fine• The graph should appear

with the data points you highlighted

• You can look at the dataand adjust which rows are not needed and create new graphs that are more appropriate if needed

2 172 342 512 682 852 1022119213621532170218720







Temperature (K)

Temperature (K)


Calibrated smart sensor module combining a 3 axis gyroscope, 3 axis accelerometer, 3 axis magnetometer, temperature sensor,

pressure sensor, DMP, 16-bit microcontroller and Bluetooth.

The Sounding BoardSP-10c

This is the sounding board.



• Triaxial accelerometers measure the vibration in three axes X, Y and Z. They have three crystals positioned so that each one reacts to vibration in a different axis. The output has three signals, each representing the vibration for one of the three axes. 

An accelerometer is a device that measures the vibration, or acceleration of motion of a structure. The force caused by vibration or a change in motion (acceleration) causes the mass to "squeeze" the piezoelectric material which produces an electrical charge that is proportional to the force exerted upon it. Since the charge is proportional to the force, and the mass is a constant, then the charge is also proportional to the acceleration. There are two types of piezoelectric accelerometers (vibration sensors). The first type is a "high impedance" charge output accelerometer. In this type of accelerometer the piezoelectric crystal produces an electrical charge which is connected directly to the measurement instruments. The charge output requires special accommodations and instrumentation most commonly found in research facilities. This type of accelerometer is also used in high temperature applications (>120oC) where low impedance models can not be used.

Accelerometers cont.

The second type of accelerometer is a low impedance output accelerometer. A low impedance accelerometer has a charge accelerometer as its front end but has a tiny built-in micro-circuit and FET transistor that converts that charge into a low impedance voltage that can easily interface with standard instrumentation. This type of accelerometer is commonly used in industry. An accelerometer power supply like the ACC-PS1, provides the proper power to the microcircuit 18 to 24 V @ 2 mA constant current and removes the DC bias level, they typically produces a zero based output signal up to +/- 5V depending upon the mV/g rating of the accelerometer. All OMEGA(R) accelerometers are this low impedance type.

Accelerometers cont.


• Magnetometer, an instrument for measuring the strength and sometimes the direction of a magnetic field. An important use of magnetometers is in measuring the earth's magnetic field. By detecting irregularities in the earth's magnetic field, a magnetometer can indicate the location of deposits of magnetic ore, such as iron ore, or of geological formations associated with petroleum.

• Another use of magnetometers is at airports to screen boarding passengers for concealed guns or other metallic weapons. In a typical system, the passenger walks through a fluctuating magnetic field, which sets up secondary magnetic fields of various strengths around metallic objects he or she may be carrying. When the magnetometer detects a secondary magnetic field characteristic of a weapon, an alarm sounds.

• Magnetometers have been based on a number of different principles. Most magnetometers contain a magnetic device sensitive to an external magnetic field. Some magnetometers use a permanent magnet, others an electromagnet, and yet others make use of the magnetic properties of the nuclei of atoms