Sourcing Images

Post on 28-Jul-2015

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Unit 51 Page Layout & Design

PR9 Sourcing Images

1. What is copyright and what doesit protect?

The 1976 Copyright Act generally gives the owner of copyright the exclusive right to reproduce the copyrighted work, to prepare derivative works, to distribute copies or phone records of the copyrighted work, to perform the copyrighted work publicly, or to display the copyrighted work publicly.

A copyright, which is often seen abbreviated using the symbol © is used for protecting the following, whether or not they are actually published:

• Writings, including publications, articles, music, lyrics, and books;• Designs, including logos, schematics, and ideas for designs;• Works of art, including photography, graphic arts, paintings, and drawings;• Other “forms of expressions” and concepts (ideas) that have been


2. How can you use ‘Copyright Hub’ to get permission to use images? And what are the organisations that you can contact to gain access to use images


Copyright Hub is an organization in which makes licensing simpler, their website can help if you want to get permission to use somebody else's work, or want to know about how copyright relates to your own work. They are also building technology to help copyright work the way the internet works, making the process of getting and giving permission quicker and easier for everyone. Their site has more information about this as well as copyright generally, there vision and there organization. To the right are a list of organizations that you can contact to gain access to use images legally, for example if you had found an image which was copyrighted by Getty Images you could contact them and they would give you access to use the image for your own benefit.

Here is found images that will be used for my music magazine, on this slide it states how I will get permission from the copyright owner, using copyright


These are the images I will be using in my music magazine, I found them on the photographers website who is called Marc Senthi. His photographs which are of festivals and that relate to my magazine have been copyrighted to himself. So to get permission to use his photos I would have to email him and all this information to do this can be found on copyright hub it gives you tips and pointers when it comes to asking for copyright.