South Africa Timeline

Post on 20-Feb-2016

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South Africa Timeline. Sandra Gomez. 4 th century . Migrants from north settle, joining the indigenous San and Khoikhoi people. 1795. British forces conquer Cape Colony from the Netherlands. -territory is returned to dutch in 1803 Surrended to British in 1806. 1816 - 1826. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


South Africa TimelineSandra Gomez

4th century Migrants from north settle,

joining the indigenous San and Khoikhoi people

1795British forces

conquer Cape Colony from the Netherlands. ◦-territory is

returned to dutch in 1803

◦Surrended to British in 1806

1816 - 1826Shaka Zulu

founds and expands the Zulu empire, ◦Creates a

fearsome fighting force

1867Diamonds discovered at


1880-81Boers rebel against the British,

sparking first Anglo-Boer War. ◦Conflict ends with a negotiated

peace◦Transvaal is restored as a republic

Mid 1880sGold is discovered in the

Transvaal, triggering the gold rush

1899British troops gather on the

Transvaal border and ignore final offer to separate ◦Second Anglo-Boer War begins

1902Treaty of Vereeniging ends the

second Anglo-Boer War.◦Transvaal and Orange Free State are

made self-governing colonies of British Empire

1910Formation of Union of South

Africa ◦by former British colonies of the

Cape and Natal, and the Boer republics of Transvaal, and Orange Free State.

1912Native National Congress

founded, later renamed the African National Congress (ANC).

1948Policy of apartheid adopted when

National Party (NP) takes power

1950Population classified by raceGroup Afreas Act passed to

segregate blacks and whites.Communist Party bannedANC responds with campaign of civil

disobedience, led by Nelson Madela

1960Seventy black demonstrators

killed at Sharpeville. ANC banned

1960sInternational pressure against

government begins;◦South Africa excluded from Olympic


1964ANC leader Nelson Mandela

sentenced to life imprisonment

1966 SeptemberPrime

Minister Hendrik Verwoerd assassinated

1976More than 600 killed in clashes

between black protesters and security forces during uprising starting in Soweto

1990ANC unbanned, Mandela released

after 27 years in prison◦Namibia becomes independent

2001High court rules that pregnant

women must be given Aids drugs to help prevent transmission of the virus to their babies

2005 AugustAround 100,000 gold miners

strike over pay, bringing the industry to a standstill

2009 JulyTownship residents complaining

about poor living conditions mount violent protests

2010 JuneSouth Africa hosts the World Cup

football tournament

2010 AugustCivil servants stage nation-wide
