South Asian Youth Society E-Newsletter South...

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South Asian Youth Society E-Newsletter Volume 3| Issue 2| March-April 2015

South Asian Youth Society

SAYS Table From the desk of the South Asian Youth Society (SAYS),

the contributors and team working behind the action

projects of SAYS are extremely excited to convey a

wonderful edition which reflects their unique aptitude and

skills to deliver an eloquent and informative newsletter.

Their vivacious work for development from a specific and

individual angle has been portrayed through the bold and

powerful use of words. Our members‟ achievements and

success stories define their profound dedication of their

work. We express extreme gratitude and pride to share

these diverse success stories of the brilliant members

which, we believe, will inspire and originate footsteps for

the visionary potential youth.

The journey of development of South Asia and beyond

begins from here.

SAYS- Connecting the youth to the developed future.

SAYS Table

Youth for Development

It is important to have a concrete goal

in one’s life for self development. The

same is required for a nation, region

and beyond. The Development goals

map the visionary alleys of the youth.

The youths are the change makers of a

brighter tomorrow who maps their goals

into strategies.

To give a deeper insight of the

development goals, this session

highlights our members’ efforts to jot

down the Sustainable Development

goals (SDGs) and aware the mass

people about it. Their endeavor begins

from their local communities through

Concise and Action-oriented projects.

- From Editor’s Desk

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In the peace and conflict session, emphasis were given to increase overall regional cooperation and

building a strong communication system connecting people to people so that South Asia can move

forward in a common direction in the way to prosperity. These will help combat issues like terrorism,

scarcity of resources, climate change and will also help overcome the political differences. Shehreen

Khan from Bangladesh urged to create a platform where rather than relying on conventional media

South Asian countries will be able to share their thoughts, opinions regarding the real political situation

of the country.

Virtual Model SAARC Summit


-Amina Khan

The first ever Virtual Model SAARC Summit 2015 was

organized by South Asian Youth Society (SAYS) in

association with US Embassy at EMK Centre on 7th

March, 2015. Delegates from five SAARC countries

including Bangladesh, India, Pakistan, Nepal and

Afghanistan participated through Skype and shared their

thoughts and ideas aiming at building a peaceful and

prosperous South Asia.

The day started with opening remarks of Mr. George Mesthos (Cultural Affairs Officer, the American Center),Towfique

A. Khan (The Founder and President of SAYS) and Mr. Zunayeed (International Program Coordinator at South Asian

Youth Society (SAYS) where the delegates were given a warm welcome.

Then two committee sessions “Peace & Conflict” and “Socioeconomic Committee” were conducted by Mr. George. Four

delegates from India Neeraj Kumar, Ruth Verma, Gayatri Ragunandan, Deepsha Dhal, two delegates from Nepal Mr.

Bishal Dahal and Mr. Sanjaya Neupane, two delegates from Bangladesh Rasheduzzaman, Shehreen Ataur Khan, one

delegate from Pakistan and Afghanistan Huda Hussain Burgri and Nasratullah Rasa joined the session. Unfortunately

delegates from Bhutan Maldives and Sri Lanka could not attend the session due to some technical difficulties.

In the Socio economic committee, facts like using blue economy or ocean economy for development, sharing resources,

investing more in the countries having potential resources but are economically poor, industrial cooperation and

improvement of education system were discussed which are the key to an affluent South Asia. Deepsha from India said

“Participation of youth can lead to a better situation”. Another delegate named Nasratullah from Afghanistan believes that

economic development is impossible without mutual cooperation.

In the closing session Towfique A. Khan suggested using the South Asian Youth Society (SAYS) platform for sharing

their ideas and opinions. After that George Mesthos ended the session saying “This is not the end, only the beginning”

and the actual Model SAARC Summit 2015 will be implemented soon.

In the peace and conflict session, emphasis were given to increase

overall regional cooperation and building a strong communication

system connecting people to people so that South Asia can move

forward in a common direction in the way to prosperity. These

will help combat issues like terrorism, scarcity of resources,

climate change and will also help overcome the political

differences. Shehreen Khan from Bangladesh urged to create a

platform where rather than relying on conventional media South

Asian countries will be able to share their thoughts, opinions

regarding the real political situation of the country.



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Celebrating our words

with “Bhashar Shopoth”

-Tamanna AlamNavila

Black and White are the colors. We

celebrate our language, honoring the

sacrifices of our heroes for a language that is


However, just like how we fail to appreciate

what we have, we distort our own language.

With this realization, Active Citizenship

team of South Asian Youth Society (SAYS)

launched “Bhashar Shopoth”, with which

they dedicated their 21st February to

collecting pledges from individuals across

the globe. Different professionals from

diverse age group and nationalities were

seen celebrating their language through

rectifying their mistakes.

it dedicated the last week of February, from 21st

to 28th

to collect pledges from individuals across the

globe. Different professionals from diverse age group and nationalities were seen celebrating their

language through rectifying their mistakes.

As a member of this group, I went to talk to the general population with Tanvir Nabil and Abdullah

Mohammed Arif, and the response was astonishing. Yes, we did hear “no”s and “I am running late”s,

but some responses were truly inspiring. For instance, when I asked a gentleman in Jamuna Future

Park, Dhaka what his pledge would be, he kept us waited for twenty minutes just to make sure that he

will be able to act according to the pledge he writes! We came across mortified faces who forgot

spellings; we laughed with people trying to correct their pronunciations. At the end of the day, we

rediscovered our roots and left some minds pondering. What is your Bhashar Shopoth?

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Old Dhaka. It has been forever since all the newly recruited SAYS members have reconciled with the senior and

executive members of the organization. Finally the long anticipated day had arrived.

At around 7:30 am in the morning, we all gathered at the Mohsin Hall field of Dhaka University for an exciting cricket

match between the boys. Nearly 25 people were present there. It was a breath taking match that lasted for almost 3

hours and ended up in a draw. After the match, we freshened up and sat together for breakfast where we discussed the

fun moments of the match. Everyone seemed to be tremendously enthusiastic for the up-coming events. Our next

destination was Old Dhaka. At around 11, we reached the renowned historical place of the country, the “Lalbagh Fort”.

“Lalbagh Fort”, also known as Aurangabad Fort, is situated at the Lalbagh area of Old DHaka, by the river Buriganga.

The fort consists of three main parts; the mosque at the west, the tomb of “PariBibi” and “Diwan-I-Aam”, which was

the main fort. Diwan-I-Aam was a two storied building, which was turned into a museum by the authorities. We spent

almost 2 hours looking through the belongings of the Mughals, which stood as proof of their aristocracy. We felt

honored to be in presence of such historic artifacts which have been carefully preserved. Later, we went to visit the

famous “Star Mosque”, known as “Tara Masjid” to the locals.

The Mosque was built over a century ago. It is beautifully decorated with stars all over it. Many precious gems were

used in its decoration too, which were taken away by people through ages. Its beauty is truly breath taking. While

waiting on the bus for others to finish their Jumma prayer, we indulged ourselves into cold glasses of the famous

“Beauty‟s Sorbet” (Beauty‟s juicy, a delicacy of Old Dhaka). It was undoubtedly a relief as it went down our throat in

the scorching heat of summer. Followed by this, we went to experience the famous culinary delicacies of Old Dhaka,

Hotel Al-Razzak. After the appetizing meal we headed towards our next destination- the extraordinary architecture of

the Nawab period, the “Ahsan Manzil”. On the way, we sang along and chattered among ourselves, which was pretty

entertaining and the entire journey in a humid summer day among the hustles and bustles seemed least bothering.

Visiting “Ahsan Manzil” was a pleasurable and learning experience. We remained absolutely astonished looking at the

standard of their stunning architecture. We bore diligence amongst ourselves discussing the brilliance of the structure,

starting from their court-rooms to their back-yards. This palace was turned into a museum; all the artifacts, books and

furniture which once were used by the Nawab family were now displayed in exhibits for us to gaze at. Later in the

evening, there was a quiz contest for all of us where we had to answer few questions related to the historical facts we

had learnt throughout the day. Tanvir Nabil of 2014-15 batch was the winner of the contest. Tamanna Alam Navila of

2014-15 batch and Shakil Ahme, a senior member and facilitator, were the two runner ups. All of them were given

exciting prizes in a short award ceremony.

SAYS “Day Out” Ramisha Anjum

It has been a while, since the South Asian

Youth Society (SAYS) has been planning a

day-long get together for all its members.

On 24 March, 2015, all the members of the

SAYS family were informed about the

“SAYS Day Out”. It was a daylong event,

which included visit to the incredible

historical and architectural specialties of

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Finally, we ended the day-out with a speech from the founder and president of SAYS, Mr. Towfiq A Khan, reflecting

on the prospect of our contribution towards preservation and representation of our rich history and culture.

We are extremely grateful to the South Asian Youth Society for arranging such a well organized event for all of us. It

has undoubtedly left a significant place in our hearts and it is one which will be preserved in our memory forever. The

day has definitely built a bond of friendship between the members of the SAYS family.

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Rendezvous with the Car-Boy

The first formula racer of Bangladesh,

MahfuzurRahmanTushar was featured on Dhaka

Tribune’s “I’m made in Bangladesh” campaign which

featured some young heroes of the country who

shone in various fields. We recently sat with him to

know his feeling about his achievement and his

overall opinion on racing in Bangladesh.

1. How does it feel to see your face on a

bill board?

It felt really good. It shows that you can

achieve your dreams if you just don‟t give

up. I personally liked the line they have used

(I grew up in the jam ridden streets of Dhaka,

now I am a race car driver). It really explains

my journey in one line.

2. How was the experience of giving an


It was a really good feeling to sit and tell my

story. To know that my dream and journey

was getting published on news paper felt

amazing. Stories like these inspire people to

chase their dreams and work hard for them.

I often get positive feedback from people

when anything about me gets published,

which makes me feel that I have achieved


3. We all have read your story and your

passion towards speed. But what inspired

you to be a racer?

Bangladesh has brilliant drivers, but there is

no opportunity for professional car racing. I

saw this as an opportunity I can capitalize on.

I grew up admiring the greats of racing, who

inspired me to be a racer. Automobile

engineer, NijamuddinAowliaLipu has also

been a great inspiration. Another key moment

for me was when I lost the World Cyber

Games Bangladesh 2007. This loss gave the

inspiration to prove myself.

4. How supportive was your family and


When I started my journey, some of my

friends and my family were skeptical about

my choice. But gradually they began to

support my decisions. It was their support that

lead me to where I am now.

5. How much have you progressed?

I am currently racing in the Formula 4

category, but I am eligible to race in Formula

3. Many of the people in our country only

know that there is Formula 1. They don‟t

understand that Formula 4 is also an

important stage, which every great racer has

to cross to reach higher levels. I should

mention here that the sons of the legendary

racers James Hunt and NikiLauda have raced

in the very race tracks where I race now. In

Sha Allah in near future I will be racing with

them as well.

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6. What was that one moment that made you feel successful?

There is this one moment that I would cherish forever. It was the starting of one of my races. The announcer

was introducing the racers. While introducing me, he said “Here is MahfuzurRahmanTushar, The

NarainKarthikeyan of Bangladesh”. Being compared to the South Asian legend NarainKathikeyan made me

forget everything and just cherish the moment.

7. What is your future plan?

MY future plan is to organize a professional racing event. Then, hopefully I‟ll start a car racing club for the

enthusiastic races of the country, and make racing a regular sport.

8. What do you do when you are not racing?

When I am not racing I am usually doing what a regular guy of my age would do. I hang out with friends,

study and travel. I am a big fan of bikes as well. I also like designing cars.

9. If you were not a racer what would you have been?

If I was not a car racer, I would have been an artist. Art has always been a passion for me. I enjoy designing

cars and making car models in my free time.

-car models designed by Tushar

10. A message to the members of the SAYS family?

Think big, dream big. Follow your passion and be consistent about it. And giving up is not an option. This is

the key to success.

The interview was designed

and conducted by Tanvir Nabil.

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Our leader in One word

“Visionary”- Monojit Saha

“Energetic”- Mumta Hena Pia

“Motivator”- Abdullah Mohammed Arif

“Friendly”- Inzamum Ul Hoque Navin

“President”- Abdullah Mahir Masud

“Prudent”- Paromita Reeti

“DYNAMIC”- Punna Islam

“Versatile”- Tahrima H Moon

“Selfless”- Tamanna Alam Navila

Designed and compiled by

Tamanna Alam Navila

On 13 March, our honorable founder and president, Mr.

Towfique A. Khan was featured in the Daily Star. Titled

“Leading by Example”, the article featured his vision

towards forming the huge youth network, The South

Asian Youth Society (SAYS). On this occasion, we

asked our members to describe their image of a leader in

one word. We got a huge response within hours. Some of

those responses are shared below-

Official website :

Twitter :

Facebook :

Linked in: South Asian Youth Society (Group)


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We have

conquered the


Better hold the pen

so that people think I

am working!!

Who Wants teach





See Guys! This is

how you do the

Gangnam Style!

I look


Must not




TEETH!!! He is so


Why are we all


I don’t know!

Just go with

the flow bro!

Glad I brushed

my teeth this







I am so


I am gonna eat

everyone’s Biryani at


Wait, did I say that out


Where is the


SAYS Off The Record!!!

Its just a pile

of soil Arif!

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First Life Skill Workshop of Peace and

Prosperity and Civic Education Team

-An Initiative to Teach Our Future Leaders Some Healthy


Tahrima H Moon

On March 21st, Team “Peace and Prosperity/ Civic

Education” decided to start its day differently; they took a

great motive. The team planned to teach the school

going children some basic civic responsibilities and share skills of public speaking. The target group was the students

of Class 3 to 5 and the designated school was “Tejgaon Farm Government Primary School”.

The basic notion behind conducting the workshop was to make the young learners know how they can contribute to

the society by:

First Aid knowledge

Basic awareness about manufacturing date

and expired date of packaged food

Traffic Regulations


Public Speaking

From the very beginning of the session, the members got a huge response from the curious listeners. They not only

listened to the speakers but also engaged in a one-to-one conversation with them.

The most interesting part of the session was hearing about the dreams of the children by their own voices, as in the

Bangladeshi concept it is generally decided either by the parents or by the grades what a student‟s future should be. It

came as a greater surprise to the members that these children have their own dreams. One thing should be mentioned

here that the children belonged to the underprivileged community where basic needs are supposed to be the main

concerns of the families.

Despite a disadvantaged background, they dare to dream differently, which is praiseworthy. A student of class 4 even

said that he wants to be “A Software Engineer”.

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In the 4-hour long session, the speakers of the team gave practical lessons of: first-aid (speaker was Dr.Tasnuva Nuhat

Shafin), important traffic rules (speaker was Tahrima Hossain), some issues that usually remain ignored but should be kept in

mind for a good health ( Speaker was Mumta Hena Pia), manufacturing and expiry dates while having packaged food (

Speaker was Punna Islam) and fearless public speaking ( speaker was Shatosree Saha).

The biggest achievement of this day-long Civic Education

workshop was experiencing the enthusiasm of these school

children. They were extremely interested about learning.

Their interactive behavior energized the speakers to share


The session ended successfully and cheerfully with these

amazing children and the Civic Education team looks

forward to organize more of such interactive sessions to

nurture the eventual „Civic‟ education of the future nation.

Member Spotlight

Mohammad Nur Nabi Hero

Hero completed Honors and masters from International

Relations department of University of Dhaka. He has

several academic publications.

He has been accepted into the Political Science (Thesis)

MA Program (Concentration in International Relations) at

McGill University for FALL 2015, which is one of the top

25 educational institutes in the world.

Md Ali Haider

Ali Haider Graduated in Islamic Studies from Dhaka

University. He got the NESA Ugrad Scholarship at

International Relations at Fairleigh Dickinson University,


He got admitted to the 2015 International Summer School

(ISS) at the University of Oslo as a scholarship student.

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Story of Success

Omer Fayshal Pavel

Pavel is a SAYS Senior Member and Facilitator of Community

Development Team. He has recently been selected as Eco Tunza

Generation Ambassador of Bangladesh. Regarding this success,

Pavel shared:

„‟To be a part of positive young mind and active citizen of

Bangladesh, it is my responsibility to introduce my country to

the world from the young generation. It is a great opportunity for

me to share the environmental issues of Bangladesh to world

through “Tunza Eco-Generation” platform-a joint initiative of

Samsung engineering and UNEP.

I believe no one can get leadership skills by born rather it has to

be achieved. We- the youth are the threshold of nation but our talent and skills need a perfect direction to be

utilized, which I got from this wonderful platform “South Asian Youth Society (SAYS) who works on positive

change making”. My ultimate goal is to make the people aware about the health issues and environment by

making a green future. „‟

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Upcoming Scholarships, Conferences and International Programs

WISE Learners' Voice

Applications open until 18.00 GMT - April 30,



International Associate for Intelligence

Educate Essay Competition Submissions are due May 3, 2015 at EST





Team Newsletter

Editor in Chief: Towfique Ahmad Khan

Executive Editor: Punna Islam

Senior Sub Editor: Rakibul Hasan

Sub Editors: Tamanna Alam Navila and Tanvir Nabil

Special Thanks To: Mahfuzur Rahman Tushar and Omer Fayshal Pavel


Ramisha Anjum Inzamum Ul Hoque Navin Amina Khan

Monojit Saha Abdullah Mahir Masud Tahrima H Moon

Mumta Hena Pia Paromita Reeti Abdullah Mohammed Arif

South Asian Youth Society (SAYS)

Head Office: 407, South Goran, Khilgaon, Dhaka-1219, Bangladesh.

Email:, Voice: 02-7211104.