SOUTH CENTRAL REGIONAL CONSORTIUM · 2020. 1. 31. · CTE Outcomes Project & Burning Glass Update ....

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Friday, January 18 Pierpont Inn, 550 San Jon Road, Ventura, CA 93001 8:30-9:00 a.m. Continental Breakfast and Networking

9:00-11:30 Meeting, 11:30-12:30 Working Lunch


Approval of October and December Minutes Betty Pazich

New Program Feedback • Interactive Internet for Business Certificate project Steve Wright

CCCAOE Board Report (VP South Central Region) Julius Sokenu

Regional Chairs Report Diane Hollems/Betty Pazich

Chancellor’s Office Reports Robin Harrington

Special Populations Robert Cabral

CTE Outcomes Project & Burning Glass Update Updates from Group

On-Going Business Diane Hollems

• CCCAOE Election of VP • Vote on Fiscal Agent for the SCRC • Project Reimbursement Applications due January 31 • “Doing What Matters for Jobs & the Economy”

Reports from Colleges, EWD Initiatives, CTE Projects Group



Friday February 22, 2013 from 8:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. Pierpont Inn, 550 San Jon Road, Ventura, CA 93001

Thursday, March 21, 2013 CCCAOE Spring 2013 Conference Oakland Details to be posted

Friday, April 19, 2013 from 8:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. Crowne Plaza, 450 E. Harbor Blvd., Ventura, CA 93001

Sun-Tues, June 9-11, 2013

Cambria, Details to be posted



Friday, January 18 Pierpont Inn, 550 San Jon Road, Ventura, CA 93001 8:30-9:00 a.m. Continental Breakfast and Networking

9:00-11:30 Meeting, 11:30-12:30 Working Lunch

MINUTES (Approved) WELCOME AND INTRODUCTIONS Diane Hollems Meeting called to order at 9:00am. Diane did an icebreaker. We learned fun and interesting things about each other. In attendance were: Diane Hollems, Steve Wright, Doug Hersh, Patricia Duffy, Margaret Lau, Roanna Bennie, Rick Rantz, Terry Schukart, Marnie Melendez, Carmen Guerrero, Matthew Green, Joe Klocko, Israel Dominguez, Karen DuBois, Melissa Moreno, Leana Bowman, Robert Cabral, Julius Sokenu, Kristin Houser, Sharon Dwyer, Bruce Whistler, Sabrina Robertson and Robin Harrington. Approval of October and December Minutes Diane Hollems October minutes tables again. December minutes corrected by Julius that nomination deadline the 25th not the 18th. Melissa Moreno was in attendance. CTE Outcomes of the Pilot Project should be header of that section. Accepted with one abstention. New Program Feedback

• Interactive Internet for Business Certificate project Steve Wright PowerPoint attached Under the IIMA4BIZ grant funding there is money to help implement the certificate at colleges throughout the region this. The new sector will be ICT/Digital Media under the revamped CCCCO sectors.

CCCAOE Board Report (VP South Central Region) Julius Sokenu The CCCAOE Conference is on March 20-22 in Oakland. Please register and book your hotel ASAP. The theme is CTE Fueling the Economy. There will be keynote speakers, breakout sessions and Leadership Academy modules. The modules are already sold out. The regions no longer obligated to provide a specified amount to the Leadership Academy; the Chancellor’s Office is doing so with $99,000. The Leadership Academy will no longer be held as a separate event, but will rather precede the CCCAOE Conferences. They will seek to increase the capacity of these sessions. CCCAOE are seeking nominations to different work groups focused on CTE. Discussion at last CCCAOE board retreat focused on Governor’s budget. There is not enough allocated for CTE programs. CCCAOE wants to engage in discussions regionally about CTE and Adult/Contract Education programs to field the needs of the region and how to handle the upcoming budgetary changes as well as how to handle advocacy with the legislature. CCCAOE wants to develop a white paper on CTE/Contract Ed for the legislature. SCRC can assist by providing feedback to CCCAOE. Diane suggested doing a Survey Monkey poll of our region, what we are doing and what we need, what we’d like to see so we can discuss at a future meeting. Overall the group wants further discussion on contract education.

2 Follow up items for next meeting: Survey Monkey poll, nominations for leadership to Rich Mayberry by 25th and let Julius know so we can recognize nominees at next meeting. Only need a letter of nomination and a photo to nominate. A resume will be required later. The group indicated that we will have several nominations coming from our region. Diane put forth the questions, do we want to create sector workgroups, and do we want a RFA workgroup? The group agreed it was necessary. We have five sectors, bold are team leaders of the sector workgroups:

Manufacturing: Sharon Dwyer, Suzanne Valery, Matthew Green, Kritstin Houser, Joe Klocko, Karen Cowell

Health: Cynthia Dorroh, Carol Higashida, Roanna Bennie, Carmen Guerrero, Armonie Derdiarian, Betty Pazich Small Business: Israel Dominguez, Carmen Guerrero, Steve Wright, Steve Tannenhill, Robert Cabral, Rick Rantz, Terry Schukart, Tom O’Neil ICT: Marnie Melendez, Steve Wright, Kristin Houser, Roanna Bennie, Julius Sokenu Ag/Water: Margaret Lau, Kristin Houser, Israel Dominguez, Matthew Green, Sharon Dwyer Note: Call AVC for their participants What do workgroups do??? Understand what we have and what the gaps are? How do we fill the gaps??? How start to identify our outcomes??? Reports from workgroups requested and we will schedule an extra meeting in February, Friday the 8th at noon with lunch, meeting at 1:00pm so we can use info for RFAs which are due March 18. Regional Chairs Report Diane Hollems Tabled

Chancellor’s Office Reports Robin Harrington

Attached, correction on bidder’s conference on Jan. 31.

Robin encouraged all to read the RFA, send questions to the Chancellor’s Office a couple days before this conference for any clarifications. Clarifications will only be provided to the group, not on an individual basis to keep competition fair. It will be an all electronic submission with attachments.

Special Populations Robert Cabral 1) Annual Conference: All materials now available on their website. 2) February 4 he has a committee meeting and will bring back info. 3) Special populations workshop being scheduled, will send Leana flyer to distribute. 4) Webinar series available through April on non-traditional careers. 5) In February they will work on their annual workplan. Robert will send all the links.

CTE Outcomes Project & Burning Glass Update Tabled

3 On-Going Business Diane Hollems

• CCCAOE Election of VP Julius has agreed to serve again. Nomination to be sent to Rich Mayberry.

• Vote on Fiscal Agent for the SCRC SBCC has agreed to serve again, all in agreement.

• Project Reimbursement Applications due January 31

Reports from Colleges, EWD Initiatives, CTE Projects Group

SBCC: Deans now support continuing educations programs along with credit programs. Hancock: Hancock and Cuesta attended Ag conference together. Also working with Oxnard on a Conservation Corp project. They also have a new manufacturing grant. They are also considering bring the Get Focused-Stay Focused to northern SB County. They are also a little over half way complete on their public safety center. Cuesta: Program restructuring resulted in $800K savings, well on the way to goal of $1.2M They are also going through accreditation process. Working with wine companies in the region as well. COC: They have applied for an NSF grant, not yet awarded but looks promising. Haas Automation has donated another machine for their manufacturing program. They are also offering automated welding program. Ventura: Has a new chancellor in favor of CTE programs. Working with leading county manufacturers as well. Oxnard: Project Create moving forward. CTE was hit hard in budget cuts but new Prop 30 funding has helped. Culinary program is growing. The TV instruction program articulated between Pacifica High school through university. Moorpark: 19 busses (800 kids or so) are coming for CTE outreach program. They are eliminating drafting program so Julius would like to know who is doing such so referrals can be made. They are hiring a lab tech for the physics lab.



Friday February 22, 2013 from 8:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. Pierpont Inn, 550 San Jon Road, Ventura, CA 93001

Thursday, March 21, 2013 CCCAOE Spring 2013 Conference Oakland Details to be posted

Friday, April 19, 2013 from 8:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. Crowne Plaza, 450 E. Harbor Blvd., Ventura, CA 93001

Sun-Tues, June 9-11, 2013

Cambria, Details to be posted



Friday, February 22 Pierpont Inn, 550 San Jon Road, Ventura, CA 93001

8:30-9:00 a.m. Continental Breakfast and Networking, 9:00-10:30 Meeting 10:30 CCCAOE Excellence Nominee Recognition, 12:00 Working Lunch



Approval of January Minutes Betty Pazich


CACT’s 3D printing capabilities Joe Klocko

CCCAOE Board Report (VP South Central Region) Julius Sokenu

Regional Chairs Report Diane Hollems/Betty Pazich

Chancellor’s Office Reports Robin Harrington

Special Populations Robert Cabral

CCCAOE Excellence Nominee Recognition Group



Thursday, March 21, 2013 CCCAOE Spring 2013 Conference Oakland Details to be posted

Friday, April 19, 2013 from 8:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. Crowne Plaza, 450 E. Harbor Blvd., Ventura, CA 93001

Sun-Tues, June 9-11, 2013

Cambria, Details to be posted



Friday, February 22 Pierpont Inn, 550 San Jon Road, Ventura, CA 93001

8:30-9:00 a.m. Continental Breakfast and Networking, 9:00-10:30 Meeting 10:30 CCCAOE Excellence Nominee Recognition, 12:00 Working Lunch



Margaret Lau, Rich McNeal, John Cascamo, Joe Klocko, Betty Pazich, Leana Bowman, Terry Schukart, Robert Cabral, Tim Baber, Doug Hersh, Steve Wright, Rick Rantz, Kristin Houser, Gina Bogna, Diane Hollems, Robin Harrington, Julius Sokenu, Rick Rantz, Karen Cowell, Dorothy Minarsch, Patti Robinson, Karen DuBois, Sabrina Robertson, Sharon Dwyer, Regina Blasberg, Jeffrey Kreill and Jenny Kreill, Kim Hoffman, Subhash Karkare,

Approval of January Minutes Betty Pazich

SBCC: replace handle with support and credit rather than Academic. CCCAOE: $99,000 Cuesta: Program restructuring resulted in $800K savings, well on the way to goal of $1.2M Karen Cowell on Manufacturing/Tom O’Neil on Small Business Minutes approved as amended unanimously


CACT’s 3D printing capabilities Joe Klocko

Joe brought examples of 3D printing. The CACT is offering regional colleges 3D printing as a resource to support programs.

CCCAOE Board Report (VP South Central Region) Julius Sokenu

The elections have been concluded, Julius will remain our VP. The upcoming conference is March 20-22 in Oakland; there are already more than 300 registrants. The conference is focused on Fueling CTE. Natalie Gossett will be doing a session at the conference. A panel discussion will be on Friday of the conference from various folks form the Chancellor’s Office. Our region made 12 nominations of the 39 statewide nominations for the Excellence Awards.

Regional Chairs Report Diane Hollems/Betty Pazich

There was a phone conference meeting in February that covered primarily the grant objectives from the RFA with a webinar from Robin Harrington. Diane and Rick made a presentation to the regional WIBs reporting on the results of our workgroups and share the three projects we intend to build into the regional consortium RFA application.

2 Discussion covered internships, a suggestion was made to convene meetings by industry groups by sector to make sure programs are pertinent to actual workforce needs versus Burning Glass identified workforce needs. Recommendation was made to change name from “Growing your Workforce” to something more like “Preparing the Workforce.”

Chancellor’s Office Reports Robin Harrington

Robin shared the current RFAs for Regional Consortia, Sector Navigator and Labor Market. The Deputy Sector Navigator (formerly Centers) RFA is out today, with 62 will be awarded at $300K each. The webinars on the RFAs for Consortium/Navigators are available on CCC Confer. The answers to question submitted are now in the website as well as the accountability requirements. Launch Board will collaborate with CalPass Plus. Exact parameters on how, still not quite set. Launch Board is intended to take inputted info on students then be able to track and gather data.

Launch Board is not really expected until year two of the grant process because it isn’t really finished. We need to identify that we will comply with whatever is dictated when the time comes. For the mini grants, if it deals with students collect data anyway. Otherwise we will report on participants and results in the quarterly/final reports as we have in past.

The SB-70 grants are on the backburner for now because of the timing of the current SB-70 timeframe (Nov 2014 end date). There will be only one SB-70 center rather than multiple collaboratives as before. The division of the actual dollars not yet determined. We need to convene a special meeting of SB-70 stakeholders to discuss, set for March 8 morning. (Kristin Houser, Karen Cowell, Karen DuBois, Marnie Melendez, Sabrina Robertson, Rick Rantz, Susanne Valery, Celine Park, Lauren Wintermeyer, Audrey Green, Sharon Dwyer, Julius Sokenu.)

Sharon Dwyer indicated that she will not seek to head the Center of Excellence grant again. There was discussion if another college in the region would like to apply. Margaret Lau (Ag/Water), Israel (Small Business), Joe Klocko (Manufacturing), will apply as Deputy Sector Navigators to essentially continue their Centers.

As a region we need to consider developing Deputy Sector Navigator proposals for ICT/Heath and Center of Excellence.

Special Populations Robert Cabral

Robert attended the first annual JASPAC meeting and the work on annual workplan. Robert was assigned to partnership development with other professional organizations (CCCAOE, NAPE, etc.) NAPE (National Alliance for Partnerships in Equity) has a good website with resources at Robert provided a handout on Root Causes and Strategies for Non-Traditional Career Preparation. The next meeting is in May.

CCCAOE Excellence Nominee Recognition Group

The finalists for the state will be announced March 21. Nominees are: Excellence in Teaching Regina Blasberg from College of the Canyons, nominated by Kristin Houser for innovations with online teaching. Jeffrey Kreill from Moorpark, nominated by Laurie Bennett for strengthening career technical programs. (pic)

3 Excellence in Leadership Tim Baber from College of the Canyons, nominated by Kristin Houser for leadership in CTE programs. He is also responsible for receiving $5M in grants. (pic) Carmen Guerrero from Oxnard College, nominated by Christine Tafoya and Robert Cabral for her overall support to CTE faculty. Subhash Karkare from Moorpark nominated by Kim Hoffman for his leadership with biotech programs. (pic) Steve Wright from SBCC, nominated by Doug Hersh for leadership for his work with IMA4BIZ. Excellence in Partnership Gina Bogna from College of the Canyons, nominated by Kristin Houser for the leadership and partnerships created for the CTE internship program. (pic) Israel Dominguez from Cuesta College, nominated by John Cascamo for his work with developing partnerships with business and Paso Robles Chamber of Commerce. Armine Derdiarian from Oxnard College, nominated by Christine Tafoya for partnership developed with the Ventura County Dental Society. Margaret Lau from Allan Hancock College, nominated by Rick Rantz for developing partnerships for the Center throughout the State of California including the CA Air Resources Board. (pic) Dorothy Minarsch from College of the Canyons, nominated by Kristin Houser for developing partnerships including the large Towne Center Mall for the architecture programs. (pic)



Friday, March 8, 8:30am – 1:00pm at the Pierpont Special SB-70 meeting

Thursday, March 21, 2013 CCCAOE Spring 2013 Conference Oakland Details to be posted

Friday, April 19, 2013 from 8:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. Crowne Plaza, 450 E. Harbor Blvd., Ventura, CA 93001

Sun-Tues, June 9-11, 2013

Cambria, Details to be posted



Thursday, March 21, 2013 CCCAOE Conference, Oakland, CA



Approval of February 22 Minutes Diane Hollems

New Program

• Medical Assisting-Multi Skilled Degree Kathleen Schrader • Revised MA Administrative Degree

CCCAOE Board Report (VP South Central Region) Julius Sokenu

Chancellor’s Office Reports Robin Harrington

Special Populations Robert Cabral

On-Going Business Diane Hollems

• Deputy Sector Navigator Grants • SB-70 Collaborative Grant

Reports from Colleges, EWD Initiatives, CTE Projects Group



Friday, April 19, 2013 from 8:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. Crowne Plaza, 450 E. Harbor Blvd., Ventura, CA 93001

Sun-Tues, June 9-11, 2013 Cambria, Details to be posted



Thursday March 21 At CCCAOE Conference, Oakland, CA


WELCOME AND INTRODUCTIONS Diane Hollems Approval of February 22 Minutes Diane Hollems New Program Feedback

• Medical Assisting Multi Skill Degree Kathleen Schrader

• Revised MA Administrative Degree

CCCAOE Board Report (VP South Central Region) Julius Sokenu

Chancellor’s Office Reports Robin Harrington

2 Special Populations Robert Cabral

On-Going Business Diane Hollems

• Deputy Sector Navigator Grants

• SB-70 Collaborative Grant

3 Reports from Colleges, EWD Initiatives, CTE Projects Group

SBCC: Hancock: Cuesta: COC: Ventura: Oxnard: Moorpark:



Friday, April 19, 2013 from 8:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. Crowne Plaza, 450 E. Harbor Blvd., Ventura, CA 93001

Sun-Tues, June 9-11, 2013 Cambria, Details to be posted



FRIDAY, April 19, 2013 Crowne Plaza Hotel – 450 East Harbor Blvd, Ventura, CA 93001

8:30 – Continental Breakfast 9:00 – 12:00 Meeting (with break)

12:00 – 1:00 Working Lunch


Icebreaker Diane Hollems

WELCOME AND INTRODUCTIONS Diane Hollems Approval of March Minutes Betty Pazich

Program Approval • Nursing Programs, Ventura College Kathleen Schrader • CNIT and ADS, Oxnard College Carmen Guerrero

CCCAOE Board Report (VP South Central Region) Julius Sokenu

Regional Chairs Report Betty/Betty

Chancellor’s Office Reports Robin Harrington

Special Populations Robert Cabral

CTE Outcomes Project Update Updates from Group

New Business

• June Planning for Cambria Diane Hollems • Updates on Deputy Sector Navigator grants due 5/3 • Possible discussion on SB1070 if there is any update

Reports from Colleges, EWD Initiatives, CTE Projects Group



Next SCRC meeting: Sun-Tues, June 9-11, 2013, Cambria Pines in Cambria There are a total of 27 rooms reserved for the 9-11th. The resort will extend a group rate of $215

a night for those wishing to arrive earlier at their own cost based on availability. Please RSVP to Leana at 805-892-3718 or by May 10 so she can

secure your space. Rooms are first come, first served for this meeting. We are limited to rooms at hand.



FRIDAY, April 19, 2013 Crowne Plaza Hotel

450 East Harbor Blvd, Ventura, CA 93001 8:30 – Continental Breakfast

9:00 – 12:00 Meeting (with break) 12:00 – 1:00 Working Lunch


Robert Cabral, Carmen Guerrero, Alan Walker, Kathleen Schrader, Tom O’Neil, Karen DuBois, Luann Swanberg, Joe Klocko, Terry Schukart, Rich McNeal, Gina Bogna, Pete Bellas, Margaret Lau, Rick Rantz, Steve Wright, Robin Harrington, Kristin Houser, Diane Hollems, Betty Pazich, Joe Pollon, Susanne Valery, Sharon Dwyer, Leana Bowman, Matthew Green

Icebreaker 9:05 Diane Hollems “What do you like best about your job?” WELCOME AND INTRODUCTIONS Diane Hollems Luann Swanberg introduced officially as Chair. Approval of March Minutes Diane Hollems Corrections: Carmen e-mailed Special Populations report. Perkins due for 13/14. Cynthia Dorroh and Jeff Roberts names corrected. Approved with corrections, two abstentions.

Program Approval

Administrative Assistant, Certificate of Achievement, Ventura College, presented by faculty member Alan Walker *Still need to post to website, vote in June or via e-mail.

CNIT, Dental Assisting and Administrative Assistant, are undergoing substantial changes, Oxnard College presented by Carmen Guerrero *Still need to post to website, vote in June or via e-mail.

ADS (Addictive Disorder Studies), Oxnard College presented by Carmen Guererro *Still need to post to website, vote in June or via e-mail.

Medical Assisting Multi-Skill and Revised Medical Assisting, Ventura College Approved by e-mail vote on April 16.

CCCAOE Board Report (VP South Central Region) Diane read an e-mail report that Julius submitted in his absence.

Regional Chairs Report Diane Hollems Chairs met by phone conference. Last meeting talked about helping CCCCO with setting up Launch Board parameters. The LA/Orange Regional Consortium Chair was awarded to Rancho Santiago instead of Rio Hondo that formerly held the grant. There was also discussion of the upcoming Deputy Sector Navigator grants.


Chancellor’s Office Reports Robin Harrington Robin submitted all the important upcoming dates. She reminded all to get their quarterly reports in on time to ensure timely funding. Any extensions on current grants will be on a case by case basis only and is not encouraged. Robin also shared final Perkins allocations. Sharon Wong now managing CTE Transitions instead of Robin. SB-70 RFAs still not developed for release. Robin is working on the IDRC but likely to be released in May and will be very similar to previous ones.

Special Populations Robert Cabral JSPAC has not met since last report. The next scheduled meeting is May 6. However, here is the latest news on funding and its impact on JSPAC: The Leadership Team of the JSPAC is anticipating a reduction in the budget for the 2013-14 fiscal year of at least $58,000 (an overall reduction from $208,000 to $150,000). The Leadership Team has met and discussed the JSPAC mission, priorities and the budget. Below are the anticipated major changes for next year: 1. The regional workshop will be reduced from 15 to 12. 2. There will be a total of 3 JSPAC meetings instead of 4. The face to face meetings will be reduced from 4 to 2 (one of which includes the conference meeting) and there will be one electronic meeting. 3. The CA NAPE membership fee of $13,800 will not be covered by the JSPAC for 2013-14. 4. The Coordinator position (Tammy’s) hours will be reduced from 32 hours per week to 24. 5. The Project Director position (Diane Munson) will reduce from 10% to 5% time and effort. Good news! 1. The annual conference will remain intact. Save the date for Dec 3-4 at the Sheraton Grand Hotel in Sacramento for upcoming conference. 2. Two additional distance learning products (i.e. E-Seminars) will be created. 3. The JSPAC website and the “News You Can Use” Newsletter will remain. The following action items came from our meeting: 1. We will explore options to pursue additional funding sources for the JSPAC. 2. We will explore options for alternative revenues to fund the CA NAPE membership. CTE Outcomes Project Update Updates from Group Colleges are encouraged to look into the cycle to participate.

New Business

June Planning for Cambria Diane Hollems Format: Sunday 2-5pm is professional development Monday all day Monday night is social/winery outing arranged by Tom O’Neil Tuesday is usual SCRC meeting


Possible Cambria topics: CTE faculty training Servant Leadership New technologies/Technology training Model partnerships from each college Succession planning Completion/Placement rates Launch Board Compare Scorecards to look for gaps/assistance SB-1070 Diane asked to form a planning sub-committee to meet to finalize Cambria: Carmen, Gina, Sharon, Diane, Tom, Luann, Leana.

Updates on Deputy Sector Navigator grants due 5/3 Who is applying? COC: Health, Manufacturing, ICT Hancock: Small Business, Ag/Water Cuesta: Small Business SBCC: Global/Logistics

Reports from Colleges, EWD Initiatives, CTE Projects Group

Susanne Valery reported on a training program for topic expert/part-time teachers. The program is available on a thumb drive with Word/PowerPoint documents. This component fulfills one of our regional consortium outcomes. Oxnard: Busy preparing for graduation. Ventura: Been very busy with SLOs and program review. Police reserve academy is on hold this semester. Classes have been very full but overall enrollment down since fall. Nursing graduate hiring doing well as they are encouraging long term care facilities to transition into their focus area. AVC: Just completed a solar boot camp. SB-70 and STEM grant to promote CTE/STEM. Working on a prisoner training program. Their college president suffered a grievous auto accident with family. Moorpark: Laurie Bennett promoted to EVP. Student services all move to a central location. Summer classes are doubled over last year. Professional development conference at Reagan Presidential Library for 135 people so far. CTE conference also coming up for counselors. The big summer camp for middle schools also coming up. Also working on Biotech articulation. VCCCD: Terry reported that done some field trips and events for hospitality/tourism/retail. Cuesta: Hiring for EVPs going on now. Just kicked off its 50th anniversary year of events. Also noted enrollment also down. Margaret commended the leadership academy at CCCAOE. Worked with CA Conservation Corp for training sanctioned by Fire Marshall.


Hancock: Hiring a new president. Down three deans still. Implementing a pilot Career Integration Initiative to improve retention/completion of CTE students. Starting a CTE strategic plan with high schools/ROP to articulate programs. COC: Developed a formal internship with Habitat for Humanity. Looking at an internship partnership with municipal water for their water/ag program. Very busy with scheduling, SLO, and program review. They are starting a new culinary building and student services. Have grant monies for events, event on May 9 for businesses and on May 10 for colleges. Developed a program with Boston Scientific. SBCC: New college president working out very good and meets with deans every month. Hiring a new RDN and RN faculty. Get Focused Stay Focused going strong. SBCC is #1 community College (with Walla Walla) in the nation. Restructuring adult/life long learning programs to a self-supporting fee-based system.

Adjournment 1:00pm


Next SCRC meeting: Sun-Tues, June 9-11, 2013, Cambria Pines in Cambria There are a total of 27 rooms reserved for the 9-11th. The resort will extend a group rate of $215

a night for those wishing to arrive earlier at their own cost based on availability. Please RSVP to Leana at 805-892-3718 or by May 10 so she can

secure your space. Rooms are first come, first served for this meeting. We are limited

to rooms at hand.

South Central Regional Consortium Annual Planning Retreat

Cambria Pines Lodge June 9-11, 2013

All sessions are held in the Peacock Room A

Sunday, June 9 Arrive at Cambria Pines

Implementing “Doing What Matters” – facilitated by Luann Swanberg and Diane Hollems

2:00 – 5:00 p.m. Prospective Deputy Sector Navigators do brief presentations about their Grant applications, and will distribute a one-page abstract. Discussion and planning for: Coordination, Outcomes, and Timelines

5:00 p.m. Networking in the Cambria Pines Lounge with hors’d oeuvres

Snacks and drinks provided during afternoon - Dinner on your own

Monday, June 10 All-Day Session – (facilitators in bold)

9:00 – 9:30 a.m. Working Breakfast – Introductions/Welcome New Attendees Diane Hollems 9:30 – 10:00 a.m. Icebreaker (relevant, but fun ) Diane Hollems

10:00 – 11:30 Presentation, with group discussion, on Burning Glass, other data tools and how our Center of Excellence will work with the region as well as with each college Laura Coleman

11:30 - 1:00 p.m. Lunch with college updates and networking

1:00 – 2:30 p.m. SB 1070: Group discussion and planning for coordination regarding grant applications – Diane Hollems

2:30 – 2:45 p.m. BREAK

2:45 – 3:45 p.m. “Tying it all together: Coordination, Collaboration and Communication” Luann Swanberg

3:45 – 5:00 p.m. Planning for next year’s SCRC meetings:

Dates for Pierpont meetings Diane

Report on budget for 2012-13 Diane and Leana

Planning for budget 2013-14 Luann, Diane and Leana

Topics for prospective speakers at meetings Luann

Other ideas Luann and Diane

5:30 p.m. Meet to go to wine tasting event Dinner on your own

Tuesday, June 11 Half-Day Session – 8:30 – 9:00 a.m. Full Working Breakfast 9:00 – 12:00 p.m. Regular SCRC meeting New Business Review/Update Program Approval Process SCRC Website Redo Standard Reports

o Approval of April Meeting Minutes – Diane Hollems o CCCCO Report - Robin Harrington o CCCAOE Board Report – Julius Sokenu o Regional Chairs Report – Diane Hollems o Special Populations – Robert Cabral o Program Approval – Diane Hollems o CTE Outcomes Project updates – Group

Doing What Matters [Note: This will become a standard agenda item] Luann Swanberg

Luann will wrap up any lingering items from Sunday and Monday and will facilitate group discussion about immediate next steps. Adjournment Drive Safely!

South Central Regional Consortium Annual Planning Retreat

Cambria Pines Lodge MINUTES

June 9-11, 2013

Sunday, June 9

Diane Hollems, Luann Swanberg, Leana Bowman, Melissa Moreno, John Cascamo, Sabrina Robertson, Lisa Wearda,

Doug Hersh, Gina Bogna, Israel Dominguez, Karen DuBois, Marnie Melendez, Diane Morey, Karen Cowell, Tom

O’Neil, Robert Cabral, Lauren Wintermeyer, Robin Harrington, Anne Cremarosa, Margaret Lau, Rick Rantz, Laura

Coleman, Pete Bellas, Paula Hodge, Karen LeDoux, Kathy Schrader, Carmen Guerrero, Josepha Baca, Matthew Green,

Bret Clark, Linda Hillman and Celine Park.

Implementing “Doing What Matters” Facilitated by Luann Swanberg and Diane Hollems

Prospective Deputy Sector Navigators brief presentations about their Grant applications.

Slide presentations were made of project abstracts and major application points of the Consortia and DSN grants. DSN

grants will be decided by June 21. Slides/Abstracts were also included in conference packets. Slides included a bio on the

prospective DSN, how the apps tie into the consortium/regional objectives/activities, the objectives/activities of the DSN

proposals, and how the SB1070 funds portion of the grants will be used.

Monday, June 10

Diane Hollems, Luann Swanberg, Leana Bowman, Melissa Moreno, John Cascamo, Lisa Wearda, Doug Hersh, Gina

Bogna, Israel Dominguez, Karen DuBois, Marnie Melendez, Diane Morey, Karen Cowell, Tom O’Neil, Robert Cabral,

Lauren Wintermeyer, Robin Harrington, Anne Cremarosa, Margaret Lau, Rick Rantz, Laura Coleman, Pete Bellas, Paula

Hodge, Karen LeDoux, Kathy Schrader, Carmen Guerrero, Josepha Baca, Matthew Green, Bret Clark, Linda Hillman,

Kristin Houser, Joe Pollon and Celine Park.

Presentation, with group discussion, on Burning Glass, other data tools and how our Center of Excellence will

work with the region as well as with each college by Center of Excellence Director, Laura Coleman. Laura overviewed the purpose of the COE and the new structure. There is no statewide director/sector navigator. The

COE maintains two websites and

Laura overviewed the objectives and activities from the grant proposal. In particular, coordinating research projects

beginning in July through April. In addition, Laura reiterated that the COE is here to help! Call her first, she will do what

she can before you go with a contractor. She has many tools at her disposal…EDD, EMSI, Census, Burning Glass,

HWOL plus geo-mapping (ArcGIS) and will also assist with employer surveys/input or find a vendor to conduct for you.

Her services, if she has the resources on hand with no outside costs, are conducted free of charge. If she needs to use

outside resources that have a fee, then colleges will need to cover those fees.

Discussion on Burning Glass and how much the region has used it and how much it expects to use it. Oxnard College has

used it frequently. Most colleges have not used it as much as they would like or expected to. All agreed that we need a

data repository as we all create reports that can be shared. Discussion if that is held on the SCRC website or at COE or


SB 1070: Update on RFAs by Robin Harrington The RFAs are still in process. IDRC/Tech Assistance may be out in about a month or two. The SB-1070s are also still in

process and are likely to be out in a couple months.

Overview of program for Teaching Strategies for CTE faculty by Joe Pollon The training was first designed as an IDRC grant in 2008/2009 at Palomar. Instructs CTE adjuncts “how” to deliver and

facilitate classes. Program has four 4-hr modules: learning theories/styles; student learning outcomes in context; teaching

methods and strategies; and classroom management. The group really felt that a train the trainer workshop would be really

useful. Other suggestions included presenting at CCCAOE as part of the leadership track, using it for flex credit and also

creating a hybrid on-line/live via CCCConfer program to serve the region.

Update on regional projects funded by the SCRC mini-grant project reimbursements

Anne Cremarosa/AHC: Used funds for their first Business Start-Up Weekend. There were 60 participants with 15

coach/mentors. Start-up weekends occurred throughout the world. Twenty participants did a 60-second pitch with six

projects chosen and then teams were formed around these projects. Then teams present a four-minute pitch with winning

team receiving support services. The winning project was “We Gift”, a project collecting the remainder of gift cards for


Kristin Houser/COC: Created a CTE Manufacturing Computations class/curriculum.

Tom O’Neil/AVC: Global business and social media conference. Faculty member also attended an international trade


Diane Hollems/SBCC: Training workshop for nine international business and marketing faculty members to take all their

classes and make them available on-line.

Kathy Schrader/Ventura: Put together template simulations of scenarios for nursing students to address patient care and

conduct corresponding documentation/record keeping.

Brainstorming the Creation of Regional Entrepreneurship Modules for CTE Courses

Israel suggested workshops on business concepts, marketing, law/contracts, and office management for specific clusters,

like artists or musicians. Diane suggested soft skills such as time management and project management. Rick suggested

learning how to be self-employed/independent contractor. Anne suggested teaching skills that make a good employee and

also teaching students how to be entrepreneurs in whatever discipline.

Plan to get started

1) Form a work group: Melissa Moreno (SBCC), Israel Dominguez (Cuesta), Anne Cremarosa (AHC), Steve Tannenhill

(COC), Linda Hillman (SB-WIB) Karen LeDoux (SB-WIB, Tom O’Neil (AVC). Israel will chair.

How are we going to tie things in with our WIBs???

Representatives from the SB WIB made a brief presentation. WIBS are finishing up their 5-year plan

(, with mandates to define industry sectors. Their sectors may/may not match our regional sectors.

They have been mandated to provide workforce research, business services, workforce skills/lifelong learning. Their

identified industry clusters are: energy/environment; agriculture; technology/innovation; building/design;

hospitality/tourism/wineries; business services; and healthcare.

WIA has ability to contract with education/training to create new or improve curricula for worker training in emerging

sectors. Seeking public comments on contracts with higher education or eligible training providers and input on how the

process can be handled and/or deployed. Comments are due by 6/18/13.

Special Farewell to Robin Harrington!!!! This was Robin’s last meeting as our monitor; she is on to LA/Orange. We

wished her well and let her know that she will be missed, greatly! Robin will miss us too, she says we are the best region!

“Tying it all together: Coordination, Collaboration and Communication” by Luann Swanberg

Common themes emerged from input from the group…

Coordination Collaboration Communication

Research Meetings/Sub Committees Web Site

Sharing Tech/Communication Updates/Frequent but brief

Subset Workgroups Training Listserv

Identify Resources News Blog

Training Data Sharing DSN

Meetings at various sites Sub Committees

The big needs identified were a comprehensive regional website, collaborative training opportunities and a common

regional calendar. Expertise and Needs for our region by sector identified were:

Health Manufacture Small Biz Ag/Water ICT Global

Expertise LVN Curriculum AVC

Sta Barbara/Vta Cty Dental Society, Linda

Lacuza, E.D.

AVC Robert Mabry coord./instru

machine tech

Chris Hamilton AVC

AHC Small Biz Ctr Anne Cremarosa

Entrep Ideas call

Melissa Moreno SBCC 805-892-3643

BEC Israel Dominguez

Water Tech Program

on-line COC Dr. Les Uhazy AVC

Neal Weisenberger

(eroscaping) AVC

COC, Cuesta, VTA,

AVC, SBCC Finance, Intl

banking, marketing,

trade course on-line, call Diane Hollems


Needs CAN Courses AVC

Clinical Sites AVC

AVC Expand Welding

program COC help w getting

employers to be active


Link SBDC activities

more tightly to for-credit programs COC

Expand internships


AVC Sm Biz Cttr

would like global trade workshop for

local businesses.

Planning for next year’s SCRC meetings:

In July, Luann and newly designated DSNs will meet. SCRC meetings held typically in Aug/Sept/Dec/Jan/Feb/Apr/June

with meetings at CCCAOE in October and March.

Meeting Dates for 2013/2014 year will be:

August 9, Sept 20, Oct 23-25 at CCCAOE, Nov/dark, Dec 6, Jan 31, Feb 21, Mar 12-14 at CCCAOE, Apr 18 at Sta

Maria for tour, May/dark, June Retreat 8-10 in Cambria. All meetings will be at the Pierpont.

Report on budget for 2012-13 Plan to prepay about $34,000 for next year’s meetings and retreat plus burning glass. The $20K for mini-projects plus the

prepay can then be used for region projects in next year’s budget.

Planning for budget 2013-14

Designating about $65,000 to region projects, what are our ideas???

1) Entrepreneurship Modules $5,000

2) CTE Adjunct Training (Trainer/Stipends) $15,000

3) Workforce/Industry Meetings $5,000

*** $40,000 left over for tbd projects after Robin sends a cross table of allowable activities for the braided funding.

Topics for prospective speakers at meetings

1) Schedule a CEO/CIO regional meeting to brief them on what’s going on and why we need their buy-in. Meeting asked

to be planned for September 20 at our meeting, before their meeting with the Statewide Chancellor. Dr. Van Hook will

issue the invitation. Everyone check with their CEOs to check date/times. Karen/AVC, Rick/AHC, Pete/COC,

Carmen/OC, Kathy/Vta, Karen/Moorpk, Diane/SBCC, John/Cuesta. Pete will check w/ Dr. Van Hook about

day/time/location and let Leana know to send to contacts; 2) field trip to Hancock Public Safety Building;

3) CTE reporting requirements, looking at common metrics (Maybe a CCCAOE workshop?) Karen will contact Ted

Youngblood about assisting us define; 4) redefine success; 5) Launchboard; 6) research tools; 7) core indicators; 8) how

regionalization will/may affect curriculum; 9) SB-1070 streamlining/sharing best practices 10) BA Degree at the CCC

level; 11) HS regional meeting; 12) adult ed.

Tuesday, June 11 Diane Hollems, Luann Swanberg, Leana Bowman, Melissa Moreno, John Cascamo, Lisa Wearda, Doug Hersh, Gina

Bogna, Israel Dominguez, Karen DuBois, Marnie Melendez, Diane Morey, Karen Cowell, Tom O’Neil, Robert Cabral,

Lauren Wintermeyer, Robin Harrington, Anne Cremarosa, Margaret Lau, Rick Rantz, Laura Coleman, Pete Bellas, Paula

Hodge, Karen LeDoux, Kathy Schrader, Carmen Guerrero, Josepha Baca, Matthew Green, Bret Clark, Linda Hillman,

Kristin Houser, Joe Pollon and Celine Park.

Standard Reports

CCCCO Report - Robin Harrington

Timelines for RFAs….IDRC-Aug, SB-70/Perkins TA in June, but Robin thinks in reality in July. They are cross-

training our new monitor, Katie Feries. They are also working on the rules for allowable/non-allowable

expenditures for us and the monitors for clarification and will send a chart to track allowable expenditures for the

“braided” funding. Plans for Perkins may include being competitive, regional and by sectors and also not activity

based but outcome based.

Update on budget…the Governor’s revised budget was accepted. It is anticipated that the budget low balls

expected revenues.

With all the changes, Diane encouraged DSNs to proactively work with business offices at each college in what

procedures we should follow as we move forward with collaborating on grants/funding/projects.

Regional Chairs Report – Diane Hollems

Diane has participated with regional phone conferences. They are working with CCCCO on reporting templates to

ease use of Launchboard. They are also working on tools to” on-boarding” new DSNs etc.

Special Populations – Robert Cabral

JASPAC has completed their budget. Robert will forward a document outlining what JASPAC is. The conference

is coming up Dec 2-4 at the Sheraton in Sacramento. About 300 participants from Middle/High School/CC are

expected. Check the JASPAC website ( for good links/resources. Call for proposals for the

conference due September 9. There are new e-training seminars available on the website.

Program Approval – Diane Hollems

o Administrative Asst COA- VC Approved with one abstention

o Computer Network/IT COA & AS – OC Approved with one abstention

o Admin Asst COA & AS - OC Approved with one abstention

o Dental Assisting COA & AS – OC Approved with one abstention

o Addictive Disorders COA & AS – OC Approved with one abstention

o TV/Film COA & AA – OC Approved with one abstention

CTE Outcomes Project updates – Group

No updates. Kathy will send contact info to become a participant.

Doing What Matters-Luann Swanberg Next Steps….

1) Pete check with Dr. Van Hook meeting for CEO/CIOs in September;

2) CTE “Train the Trainers,” Josepha and Karen and Joe will plan. Date TBD

3) Entrepreneur Modules, the work group will meet by July, Israel will chair.

4) Outreach to industry, let DSNs coordinate with SCRC and WIBs (Rapid Response Roundtables).




Friday, July 26 Pierpont Inn, 550 San Jon Road, Ventura, CA 93001

8:30-9:00 a.m. Continental Breakfast and Networking, 9:00-12:00 Meeting, 12:00 Working Lunch


Deputy Sector Navigator (DSN) Integration Strategy Session WELCOME AND INTRODUCTIONS Diane Hollems/Luann Swanberg Our DSNs are: Global Trade - SBCC, Melissa Moreno Business and Entrepreneurship – Cuesta College, Israel Dominguez Health – College of the Canyons, TBD ICT and Digital Media - College of the Canyons, Paula Hodge Agriculture, Water & Environmental Technologies – Allan Hancock College, Margaret Lau Manufacturing, College of the Canyons, Joe Klocko Business

• DSN Overview (2-5 minute overview – No PPTs)

• DSN integration with SB70 Diane Hollems

o SB70 5-minute brief No PPTs) on programs and activities related to regional

sectors and areas of technical expertise (e.g. dual enrollment,

articulation, event/conference planning, etc.)

o Strategize on interface and integration DSN/SB70

• DSN integration with Regional Consortium and the Sector Navigators (SN) Luann Swanberg

o Discuss roles and responsibilities (Regional Chair- Generalist/DSNs Specialists)

o Strategize on interface, integration and alignment (meetings, tracking, projects, etc.)

• Next Steps Luann Swanberg

o Initial activities (program inventory, gap analysis, projects, etc.)

o Timeline

o Next meeting and possible agenda




August 2-3 CTE Teacher Training at Allan Hancock College

August 9, 8:30-12:00 Pierpont Inn in Ventura

September 3-5 California Workforce Association (C.W.A) Conference Meeting of the Minds, Monterey, CA

September 6 Special CEO/CIO meeting at COC Details TBD, COC President sending invites

September 21 Josepha Baca’s Wedding

September 20, 8:30-12:00 Pierpont Inn in Ventura

October 13-16 NACCE Conference, Charlotte, NC.

October 23-25 CCCAOE, Palm Springs, more details closer to date

November 23 Powerful Women Conference, co-located at multiple campuses.

December 2-4 JSPAC Conference, Sacramento, CA

December 6, 8:30-12:00 Pierpont Inn in Ventura

January 31, 8:30-12:00 Pierpont Inn in Ventura

February 21, 8:30-12:00 Pierpont Inn in Ventura

March 12-14 CCCAOE, Sacramento, more details closer to date

April 18 at Allan Hancock Lompoc campus for tour More info closer to the date

June Planning Retreat June 8-10 in Cambria



Friday, July 26

Pierpont Inn, 550 San Jon Road, Ventura, CA 93001 8:30-9:00 a.m. Continental Breakfast and Networking,

9:00-12:00 Meeting, 12:00 Working Lunch


Deputy Sector Navigator (DSN) Integration Strategy Session WELCOME AND INTRODUCTIONS Diane Hollems/Luann Swanberg Pete Bellas, Steve Wright, Laura Coleman, Rich McNeal, Margaret Lau, Lauren Wintermeyer, Leana Bowman, Paula Hodge, Melissa Moreno, Luann Swanberg, Diane Hollems, Subhash Karkare, Kristin Houser, Sharon Dwyer, Israel Dominguez, Nancy Gutierrez, Karen DuBois, Steve Tannenhill, Carmen Guerrero, Matthew Green, Cynthia Dorroh, Kathy Shrader, Joe Pollon Our DSNs are: Global Trade - SBCC, Melissa Moreno Business and Entrepreneurship – Cuesta College, Israel Dominguez Health – College of the Canyons, John Cordova ICT and Digital Media - College of the Canyons, Paula Hodge Agriculture, Water & Environmental Technologies – Allan Hancock College, Margaret Lau Manufacturing, College of the Canyons, Joe Klocko Business

DSN Overview (2-5 minute overview – No PPTs)

DSN integration with SB70 Diane Hollems

o SB70 5-minute brief No PPTs) on programs and activities related to regional sectors and areas of

technical expertise (e.g. dual enrollment, articulation, event/conference planning, etc.)

Ventura: After School/Summer Camp, career development for faculty, articulation sectors addressed

Manufacturing and Water/Ag, faculty externships.

Cuesta: Summer camp, working on an ag/water project with HS teachers, issued RFPs to High Schools

for projects and Tech Fair.

SBCC: Dual enrollment across CTE and articulation across all region sectors, summer bridge program

Oxnard: Articulation Ag/Water, ICT, Global/Biz, Health,, host a CTE professional dev conference and

summer CTE academy across all sectors

Moorpark: Articulations Health, ICT, Bus/Global, Career Speakers event across all sectors HS, summer

program middle school, Biotech workshops for teachers, faculty externships all sectors


COC: Career Coaches in HS across Sectors, High School Institute, Educators/Counselors in Industry and

externships, College to Careers event across all sectors, Pathway Education for faculty, articulation with


Hancock: Externships across sectors, manufacturing summer camp in works, teacher training for

adjunct faculty, Bus/Entrep events, articulation in manufacturing, ICT, small business and Career Expo Day.

Antelope: Not at meeting, we’ll get input later

So the common threads for our region are….

Articulation Externships Events Summer/After School Programs

Dual Enrollment Articulation Agreements K-12 Linkage

Externships Professional Dev for Faculty/Counselors College/HS

Business/Industry Career Exploration

Summer Camps Summer Bridge

o Strategize on interface and integration DSN/SB70

What are possible strategies??? 1. Specific contact info shared 2. Help w/ projects 3. Get students articulated to sectors 4. Focused CTE counselor 5. Colleges use program review to articulate needs 6. Use DSN funds to create resources 7. Use DSN funds for equipment and curriculum development 8. Create “authentic experience” for students 9. Incentives for faculty

Can each college connect with DSNs to work on these items???

DSN integration with Regional Consortium and the Sector Navigators (SN) Luann Swanberg

o Discuss roles and responsibilities (Regional Chair- Generalist/DSNs Specialists)

1. Collaborate w/ SN/DSNs/RC/Colleges 2. Collaborate w/ employers/WIBs/Industry 3. Identify gaps and prioritize needs 4. Incumbent worker training (Cont Ed) 5. Data Collection

What are DSNs Planning or Working On? ICT: Working on gathering industry data, exploring existing programs Small Bus: Looking at industry trends and will share regionally, working on the contextualized entrepreneurship modules and will help with dissemination, technical assistance to business, $5000 mini-grants to each college


AWET: Researching occupational sectors relating to ag/water, developing regional sub work groups, refine identifying gaps, will fund incumbent worker training curriculum development, workshops and student field trips, faculty conference support, and ag/water summit/symposium and built money into budget for equipment for schools to implement curriculum. Global: Working on a Phase One work group to leverage existing resources and do more industry data research. COE: Laura asked for colleges to let her know what data needs are and try to standardize the terms between us all. They now have access to a new data tool, Info USA, to pull up industry/employer data. Laura has been elected from all the COEs to serve as the lead for all COEs. The August 9

th meeting will be rescheduled to Thursday August 8

th and should include the finance

people from each college so that the money can move between colleges as we work regionally. Sharon suggested a committee meet via CCCConfer beforehand to make a plan to present to finance folks. (Sharon, Pete, Diane, Leana, Carmen)

Next Steps Luann Swanberg

o Initial activities (program inventory, gap analysis, projects, etc.)

o Meet with fiscal services August 8th


o Train the Trainer event, Karen DuBois will attend on behalf of the region.



August 2-3 CTE Teacher Training at Allan Hancock College

August 8, 8:30-12:00 (Finance procedure focus) Pierpont Inn in Ventura 8:30-9 Network/9-10 usual biz/10-lunch Fiscal

September 3-5 California Workforce Association (C.W.A) Conference Meeting of the Minds, Monterey, CA

September 6 Special CEO/CIO meeting at COC Details TBD, COC President sending invites

September 20, 8:30-12:00 Pierpont Inn in Ventura

October 13-16 NACCE Conference, Charlotte, NC.

October 23-25 CCCAOE, Palm Springs, more details closer to date

November 23 Powerful Women Conference, co-located at campuses.

December 2-4 JSPAC Conference, Sacramento, CA

December 6, 8:30-12:00 Pierpont Inn in Ventura

January 31, 8:30-12:00 Pierpont Inn in Ventura

February 21, 8:30-12:00 Pierpont Inn in Ventura

March 12-14 CCCAOE, Sacramento, more details closer to date

April 18 at Allan Hancock Lompoc campus for tour More info closer to the date

June Planning Retreat June 8-10 in Cambria



Thursday, August 8 Pierpont Inn, 550 San Jon Road, Ventura, CA 93001

8:30-9:00 a.m. Continental Breakfast and Networking, 9:00-10:00 Regular Meeting 10:00 a.m. - Noon Fiscal Services and Grant Procedures, 12:00 Working Lunch



Approval of June Minutes Leana Bowman

CCCAOE Board Report (VP South Central Region) Julius Sokenu

Special Populations Robert Cabral

College Reports Group

New Business Leana Bowman Formulating regional process/documentation to facilitate flow of grant monies between colleges



September 3-5 California Workforce Association (C.W.A) Conference Meeting of the Minds, Monterey, CA

September 6 Special CEO/CIO meeting at COC Details TBD, COC President sending invites

September 20, 8:30-12:00 Pierpont Inn in Ventura

October 13-16 NACCE Conference, Charlotte, NC.

October 23-25 CCCAOE, Palm Springs, more details closer to date

November 23 Powerful Women Conference, co-located at multiple campuses.

December 2-4 JSPAC Conference, Sacramento, CA

December 6, 8:30-12:00 Pierpont Inn in Ventura

January 31, 8:30-12:00 Pierpont Inn in Ventura

February 21, 8:30-12:00 Pierpont Inn in Ventura

March 12-14 CCCAOE, Sacramento, more details closer to date

April 18 at Allan Hancock Lompoc campus for tour More info closer to the date

June Planning Retreat June 8-10 in Cambria



Thursday, August 8 Pierpont Inn, 550 San Jon Road, Ventura, CA 93001

8:30-9:00 a.m. Continental Breakfast and Networking, 9:00-10:00 Regular Meeting 10:00 a.m. - Noon Fiscal Services and Grant Procedures, 12:00 Working Lunch



Kathy Schrader, Jeanine Day, Brenda Griego, John Cordova, Tom O’Neil, Karen Cowell, Israel Dominguez, Pete Bellas, Margaret Lau, Sharon Dwyer, Carmen Guerrero, Nancy Acebo, Carolyn Shaw, Jon Aasted, Jennifer Clark, Kim Carlson, Leana Bowman, Marnie Melendez, Melissa Moreno, Celine Park, Julius Sokenu, Tonya Yescas, James Zava, Kiyoko Koski. Approval of June Minutes Approved with minor changes

CCCAOE Board Report (VP South Central Region) Julius encouraged everyone to register, Oct 24-25 for the conference. He also encouraged all to register for the pre-conference activities. Spring 2014 conference in Sacramento on March 12-14 also in planning stages, they are calling for presentations.

College Reports

Ventura: VC has a new president but now looking for a new EVP. CTE should be up and running with the new year and they are continuing the camps and outreach. VC had a successful Summer Career Institute with 150 students.

Oxnard: All ten of OC’s curriculum approvals have been completed by the state. They are being accredited for their dental program. The Gamification program went well.

Moorpark: MC is seeking an interim president now and will seek a permanent president in the fall. They also have two new Deans so they now have a full complement of deans. Next week is Flex Week. The college is focusing on Student Success on all levels on campus not just as a student service. They are getting their own Burning Glass license to continue their work with it. It has been quite useful. The child development center has received accreditation.

Hancock: AHC has a new president. They are also focused campus-wide on student success. There is a lot of bond-measure construction going on. Margaret has met with the statewide sector navigator and submitted a written synopsis. They are planning an Ag Summit for spring 2014.

Antelope Valley: New president there as well plus three new VPs. Also have a new director of institutional research. They are working on their educational master plan. Good enrollment in CTE classes. They are working on a Perkins program, a video focused on tech programs and it was played in


two major cinemas in town. To see the video, visit Planning a CTE/STEM conference in October.

COC: Pete mentioned the movie theatre ads are a good value. COC’s summer program went over very well. They are doing sessions on emergency procedures during their flex week. They are having a Rush event next week that aids students with completing their registration process. Had a groundbreaking for their new administration building and soon for their culinary program. The CEO forum on Sept 6 is still a go, will resend invite to garner more RSVPs. RSVP to 661-362-3521.

Cuesta: Short in FTEs so they are working to increase enrollment. Looking to resurrect some programs like construction for enrollment. Administration is fully staffed, interim VPs were made permanent.

SBCC: DSN met with the sector navigator for global trade and working with Steve Tannenhill from COC and the SBDC. Together they are looking into an on-line certification for global business professional as well as adding modules for wine exporters, medical devices and un-manned vehicles.

New Business Discussion focused on formulating regional process/documentation to facilitate flow of grant monies between colleges. Fiscal office representation included: Tonya Yescas and James Zavas (SBCC); Kiyoko Koski and Jon Aasted (COC); Brenda Griego, Jeanine Day and Carolyn Shaw (VCCCD), Nancy Acebo (Cuesta); Kim Carlson (AVC) and Jennifer Clark.There was consensus on working under a regional master MOU and using invoices to bill for reimbursement on grant activities conducted. COC will take lead on MOU….e-mail or 661-362-5406 to let him know who at each college he should include in looking at the draft. The goal is to have a first draft out to the colleges for comments the week of 8/12 with a final document ready for signatures at the end of the month so it can go before everyone’s board in September and October. Leana will create an Executive Summary to accompany the MOU as well as be presented at the CIO meeting on September 6.



September 3-5

California Workforce Association (C.W.A) Conference Meeting of the Minds, Monterey, CA

September 6

Special CEO/CIO meeting at COC Details TBD, COC President sending invites

September 20, 8:30-12:00

Pierpont Inn in Ventura

October 13-16

NACCE Conference, Charlotte, NC.

October 23-25

CCCAOE, Palm Springs, more details closer to date

November 23

Powerful Women Conference, co-located at multiple campuses.

December 2-4

JSPAC Conference, Sacramento, CA

December 6, 8:30-12:00

Pierpont Inn in Ventura

January 31, 8:30-12:00

Pierpont Inn in Ventura

February 21, 8:30-12:00

Pierpont Inn in Ventura

March 12-14

CCCAOE, Sacramento, more details closer to date

April 18 at Allan Hancock Lompoc campus for tour

More info closer to the date

June Planning Retreat

June 8-10 in Cambria



Friday, September 20

Pierpont Inn, 550 San Jon Road, Ventura, CA 93001 8:30-9:00 Continental Breakfast and Networking, 9:00-12:00 Regular Meeting, 12:00 Working Lunch



Approval of Aug Minutes Luann Swanberg

New Programs

CCCAOE Board Report (VP South Central Region) Julius Sokenu

Chancellor’s Office Reports Katie Faires

Regional Chairs Report Luann Swanberg

Special Populations Robert Cabral

New/On-Going Business • Report on CTE Faculty Training Update Karen DuBois • For Employers: Workforce Training Resources Luann Swanberg • Sept. 6 CEO/CIO meeting Update Pete Bellas • Entrepreneurship Modules Update Israel Dominguez • Communication with Region Luann Swanberg

College Reports Group

DSN Reports DSNs

DSN Working Session DSNs/Workgroups



September 27, 9am-2pm DSN Meeting for Allied Health Pierpont Inn in Ventura

October 13-16 NACCE Conference, Charlotte, NC.

Oct 18 and Saturday Oct 19, 8:30am – 5pm CTE Faculty Training at Cuesta College

October 23-25 CCCAOE, Palm Springs, more details closer to date

November 23 Powerful Women Conference, co-located at multiple campuses.

December 2-4 JSPAC Conference, Sacramento, CA

December 6, 8:30-12:00 Pierpont Inn in Ventura

January 31, 8:30-12:00 Pierpont Inn in Ventura

February 21, 8:30-12:00 Pierpont Inn in Ventura

March 12-14 CCCAOE, Sacramento, more details closer to date

April 18 at Allan Hancock Lompoc campus for tour More info closer to the date

June Planning Retreat June 8-10 in Cambria



Friday, September 20 Pierpont Inn, 550 San Jon Road, Ventura, CA 93001

8:30-9:00 Continental Breakfast and Networking, 9:00-12:00 Regular Meeting, 12:00 Working Lunch



Rich McNeal, Rick Rantz, Margaret Lau, Celine Park, Carmen Guererro, Pete Bella, Tom O’Neil, John Cascamo, Leana Bowman, Kristin Houser, Gina Bogna, Israel Dominguez, Dr. Gillespie, Luann Swanberg, Paula Hodge, Joe Klocko, Karen DuBois, John Cordova, Laura Coleman, Lauren Wintermeyer, Joe Pollon, Julius Sokenu, Kathleen Schrader, Marnie Melendez Congratulations to Celine Park for receiving an award for her work on the CTE videos! Approval of Aug Minutes Luann Swanberg Approved New Programs- None CCCAOE Board Report (VP South Central Region) Julius Sokenu

October 23-25 CCCAOE Conference, 320 already registered. Speakers include Richard Pimenthal, one of the people that drafted ADA. Train the trainer event coming up in January in Sacramento, only seven slots still open. Contact Rich Mabery if you are interested. Morgan Barker has been hired to manage the Leadership Academy. One session will be A Regional Approach to Sustaining SB70 Projects conducted by Lauren Wintermeyer, Diane Hollems and others.

Chancellor’s Office Reports-No Report Katie Faires

Regional Chairs Report Luann Swanberg

The regional chairs working to get a representative on the CCCAOE and EdPac boards to act as a liaison.

Special Populations-No Report Robert Cabral

New/On-Going Business

Report on CTE Faculty Training Update Karen DuBois Karen attended the train the trainer event in August at AHC. She has since conducted two sessions at COC and Ventura colleges, 17 total attendees. Some faculty have been teaching as long as nine years and reported that the training was helpful the groups all shared best practices. All left the training with goals to improve such as enhanced SLO, syllabi, etc. Karen has a waiting list for a spring training session, location/date TBA. Margaret has grant funds designated for CTE faculty recruitment; this training may be good for recruitment as well. The group was very interested in expanding the training and adding additional dates. (John, Kathleen, Margaret, Kristin will work with Karen to set some dates.) A training will be set for two Saturdays on Oct 26/Nov2 at VC so training can happen before spring semester. Another training will be held up Cuesta/AHC area in January/February. John and Karen will discuss dates.


For Employers: Workforce Training Resources Luann Swanberg

There is now a tab on the DWM website for employers. There is a link that the Chancellor’s office requests that everyone include on their websites.

Sept. 6 CEO/CIO meeting Update Pete Bellas Pete reported that the meeting went well, he will distribute notes later. The presidents cited that they need feedback from CTE about the community, industry, students, other college collaborations, job data. CTE folks cited they needed from the presidents communication, operational support, and clear direction. There will be another meeting scheduled for December 6 as part of our usual SCRC meeting. The CEOs can meet separately as during the business portion then bring all together. We will work on a report to demonstrate CTE outcomes to the CEOs. Laura Coleman will assist on this.

Entrepreneurship Modules Update Israel Dominguez Modules coming together with input from NAACE members. Saddleback College has similar CTE modules and they shared the workbook from their program. Israel feels that we can adapt for our needs. Barbara Cox is from Saddleback College is willing to present at a meeting. Israel also shared an on-line entrepreneurship program from HP Life that has useful information. The work group is looking at both programs to ascertain what is best to build into ours.

Communication with Region Luann Swanberg Working with DSNs on protocol on working in other college’s areas such as notifying the appropriate deans. Luann encouraged DSNs and deans work together to maximize existing partnerships and resources.

Fiscal Representatives Meeting Pete Bellas Pete recapped the meeting and updated on progress on the MOU. The master/universal MOU has stalled. Pete has a meeting on Monday to continue drafting it.

Center of Excellence Laura Coleman The center will collaborate on conducting a statewide survey with CHA of hospitals/healthcare to ascertain the state of healthcare jobs particularly at the regional level. Laura will be presenting at CCCAOE on several panels. Several centers are conducting surveys of the business community using Info Group. Laura was wondering if the DSNs/Region wanted to do a similar project. Laura saw a glimpse of LaunchBoard.

AB86 Grant Opportunities Karen DuBois Karen asked if anyone heard anything on it. There is $250M available for career pathway for K-14. Marnie said that she heard K-12 would serve as fiscal agents. Paula said she heard regional projects would receive preferential scoring.

DSN Reports DSNs

Small Business: Israel has entered into several fruitful collaborative partnerships already including the EDC-VC and SBDCs. Attended a statewide meeting with other Small Business DSNs. Partner with AHC on Nov 19 for an OSHA event. Hosting a small business competition on October 23. Working on the entrepreneurship modules with a work group including the Secotr Nav for small business and others. Working on the Economic Summit in December. Israel is working with DSN for ICT on curriculum.

AG/Water: Margaret presented a written report over viewing on-going efforts developing collaborations and economic development partners.


ICT: Paula has been meeting with people and getting familiar with the region, programs and resources. She is also collaborating with the DSN for LA region on a digital media project.

Manufacturing: Offer for 3D printing is still good. Working with Port of LA/SBDC on a one day workshop for aerospace. Joe met with WIB manufacturing committee. A WIA/WIB sponsored Fast Track CNC machine program coming up, contact Joe is interested. Joe is serving on a couple panels at industry events.

Health: John has been meeting with deans and directors at the different colleges. A Men in Nursing conference is scheduled for January. John Cordova convening a meeting of Healthcare deans and directors on Sept 27th at the Pierpont.

Global Logistics: Melissa is working with Israel on several projects and has a good partnership with the EDC-VC. She has started a work group and also attended a statewide meeting of other DSNs.

DSN Working Session DSNs/Workgroups



September 27, 9am-2pm DSN Meeting for Allied Health Pierpont Inn in Ventura

October 13-16 NACCE Conference, Charlotte, NC.

Oct 18 and Saturday Oct 19, 8:30am – 5pm CTE Faculty Training at Cuesta College

October 23-25 CCCAOE, Palm Springs, more details closer to date

November 23 Powerful Women Conference, co-located at multiple campuses.

December 2-4 JSPAC Conference, Sacramento, CA

December 6, 8:30-12:00 Pierpont Inn in Ventura

January 31, 8:30-12:00 Pierpont Inn in Ventura

February 21, 8:30-12:00 Pierpont Inn in Ventura

March 12-14 CCCAOE, Sacramento, more details closer to date

April 18 at Allan Hancock Lompoc campus for tour More info closer to the date

June Planning Retreat June 8-10 in Cambria


October 24, 2013


Welcome and Introductions Attendees: Karen DuBois, Julius Sokenu, John Cascamo, Paula Hodge, Laura Coleman, Lisa Weirda, Lauren Wintermeyer, Joe Pollen, Marnie Melendez, Gail Warner, Carmen Guerrero, Margaret Lao, Rick Rantz, Roanna Benne, Celine Park, Kathy Schrader, Karen Cowell, Kristen Houser, Regina Blasberg, Tom O’Neil, Scott Devanson (AVC), Dean Nevins, Chuck Eason, John Cordova, Robert Cabral, Katie Faires, Bob Avery, Margo Turner, Cynthia (COC), Ardis Nielson, Cynthia Dorroh Special announcements by Margo Turner TAP Communications liaison Margo Turner discussed the role of the Community College Foundation that helps with administration of paid Internships. Common Discussion Template is Renah. Catherine Swenson does California Corporate College and Contract Education Training. There will be a breakout at 10:45 am on Friday session on highlighting each of their services and deliverables for the field. Approval of September Minutes Kathleen asked whether there would be follow up on the fiscal meeting. Pete Bellas will bring handouts and do a summary at the December 6 meeting. M/S/approved New Programs (none) Carmen said they will be submitting a substantive change to the Paralegal program. She is not sure when it will arrive. CCCAOE Board Report (Julius) Julius asked for feedback about this conference. Carmen asked where the demographic survey is. Julius reported that since the Chancellor’s Office is not funding the conference on a grant, the form is no longer required, but the Board feels the information is necessary and the data will be captured on the registration form. At the Leadership Academy meetings some members asked how CCCAOE members can be more involved in the organization. Host a session is one way. Julius spoke to the Board about how our region engages with the membership. We need to address how we engage faculty or other deans who are not members of the group. Board members were asked to gather best practices from the field (especially faculty). Rick mentioned that it is difficult to find time and that it will be important for CEO/CIOs to allow time on their Dean meeting agendas. Kathleen suggested inviting

faculty to attend SCRC meetings. Julius suggested inviting a non-CTE faculty to the meetings. Julius added that it would be good to invite faculty who are part of Student Success grants to this conference. Luann added that the region has funds to bring one person per college to the conference. John Cascamo suggested a pre-meeting for non-deans and directors where we could engage with faculty. Margaret said that DSNs could play a vital role in bringing faculty together related to industry sectors. John Cordova reminded Julius that CCCAOE website says the conference is for administrators. Julius added that regions are doing Skills Panels in order to get ready for the Career Pathways Trust grants. The CCCAOE Excellence awards deadline is January 24th. Applications will go out by mid-November. They have reframed the applications which will now only require one letter of recommendation and the bio and resume can be combined. The Board will create a rubric for writing the letter of recommendation and this will help in the selection process. SCRC celebrates the nominees at the February meeting. Spring conference in Sacramento on March 12-14. Brice Harris will give a keynote. Julius solicited presentations. A NCWE White Paper has been drafted using 8 questions and now there will be another survey with an additional 6 policy questions that will be e-mailed to SCRC membership by Julius. CTE Outcomes Survey participants want to present findings to CEO/CIOs. They need someone to analyze data in order to generate a regional profile. Mallory Mewell at DeAnza College can do this. Kathleen mentioned that Ventura College did not get the “Leaver” data. Carmen added that they are changing the term from “Leavers” to “Skills Builders.” Kathy Booth will do a presentation at this conference. John Cascamo added that the information may have been captured but not dis-aggregated. John said that one of the unanticipated consequences was that they discovered that 40% of CTE students at Cuesta transferred. This is an important fact to relay. Carmen said that last year the funds to participate in the CTE Outcomes project came from SB70 and this year from Perkins (about $20k per year). Carmen added that Perkins only allows funding for 3 years, and after that it must be part of the general fund. Julius added that session 3D will inform participants about using the data. Regional Chairs Report (Luann and Diane) Luann attended the Extended Operations meeting in Sacramento. There were presentations on the LaunchBoard and DSN reporting. They are adding an event manager to the LaunchBoard which will allow for input of special events.

There was discussion about Program Approval process for each region. AB86 was discussed. One of the challenges that DSNs are having is how to engage faculty in their services. Deans are the conduit to the DSNs and their faculty. They talked about how to engage CEOs/CIOs. Luann and Diane will personally engage with Dianne Van Hook prior to the December 6th meeting. Carmen added that CEOs don’t understand the DWM concept. There is a statewide CEO meeting on December 6th, so AVC and AHC CEO will not be represented. Luann has asked Paula to help revamp the SCRC website. Full Capacity Marketing is the group doing the DWM website and Paula is engaging in discussion with them. Paula asked for people to e-mail her with feedback about the website and send items they feel should be incorporated into the website. We are getting a quote from them. Laura Coleman reported that she will do a few slides for the TAP presentation. In January they will survey health care providers in the region. She asked the group to send partners who need the survey. Next, will be Auto Shops and Dealers. Last week she was in Washington at an evaluators’ conference. She is a resource for faculty doing evaluations. If any of our colleges need data, contact Paula. Luann mentioned the one-page report from Paula and John as a good model and she said that it will be sent out to the region. --Discussion of SB1070 RFAs We will schedule a phone meeting starting in the afternoon October 31. Julius suggested that we work off of the SB70 activities grid that we created in order to discuss possible regional projects. Work off of the grid. Special Populations Update (Robert) December 2-4 is the Special Pops conference. Registration is open at website. “News You Can Use” is also on the site. During Fall Flex period at Oxnard College, Robert and Marnie presented on How to Identify Students who are Special Populations in the classroom and it was well intended. Chancellor’s Office Report (Katie) Katie has been with the CO for 25 years with EWD. She worked at Vandenberg AFB in the Space Shuttle program. She wants to help us with collaborations particularly with Sector Navigators. She reported that the Chancellor’s Office is undergoing drastic change. There have been serious glitches with databases and passwords. SB1070 advice—if you don’t ask, the answer is “no.” Capitalize on the resources that you have available to you. There is a Bidders workshop on October 31. There will be an AB86 Town Hall meeting on October 28th. Connect online through DWM website…far lower right-hand corner are e-Blasts which is current information. Katie solicited feedback from the regional consortia. Katie wants to

reach out to SNs and DSNs. Katie is the manager for grant scoring. She asked whether there are WIB attenders at SCRC meetings. Katie discussed out-of-state travel requests. She reviews whether costs are reasonable. Katie is developing the RFA for IDRC grants. Should go out next week. $1.9 is available and applicants determine the amount requested and there will be up to 10 grants. Campuses that may not have received IDRC funding in the past or economically disadvantaged areas may receive preference. Katie asked which colleges or DSNs have not received their face sheets. She requested that they e-mail her. None of the DSNs have received them. Ardis asked if any of the colleges are interested in the AB86 Adult Ed grant. Due to the shortened meeting time at the CCCAOE conference, we did not cover the following items posted on the agenda: New/On-going Business

Common Discussion Surveys and Reporting (Luann)

CTE Faculty Training Update (Karen)

Dec. 6 CEO/CIO meeting update (Diane)

Entrepreneurship Modules Update (Israel)

Regional Project Proposal (Paula and John)

K12 gathering with DSN Panel Proposal (Diane) DSN Reports COE Report (Laura) WIB Update (All) College Reports (group)



Friday, December 6, 2013

Pierpont Inn, 550 San Jon Road, Ventura, CA 93001 8:30-9:00 a.m. Continental Breakfast and Networking,

9:00-10:30 General Meeting, 10:30-12:00 Meeting continues w/ CEOs/CIOs, 12:00 Working Lunch


WELCOME AND INTRODUCTIONS Diane Hollems/Luann Swanberg Introductions and Approval of Minutes 9:00 to 9:10 Standard Reports (45 minutes) 9:10 to 9:55 Chancellor’s Office Regional Chairs JPSAC CCCAOE Program Approval 9:55 to 10:10 Announcements/other discussion (if no program approvals, have general discussion until 10:15) 10:10 to 10:15 Morning Break (15 minutes) 10:15 to 10:30

Introduction of CEOs/CIOs 10:30 to 10:40 a.m. Overview of the sectors in our region and the resources available presented by Luann Swanberg 10:40 to 10:50 Regional MOU/Contract/Agreement for inter-college fiscal transactions presented by Pete Bellas 10:50 to 11:00 Grid of all regional CTE programs presented by Pete Bellas 11:00 to 11:10 Dr. Dianne Van Hook facilitates group discussion (See next page) 11:10 to noon LUNCH Noon to 1:00 p.m. LaunchBoard webinar (if technically available) during lunch Noon to 1:00 p.m

Group Discussion


Facilitated by Dr. Dianne Van Hook

Coordination of SB1070 grant and activities

The future of CTE/workforce training funding (do CTE programs receive a higher funding differential based on FTEF than lecture-only)

Board of Governor’s legislative agenda: Dual enrollment which is focused on creating career paths for concurrently enrolled high school students and creating dual enrollment options between 2 and 4 year colleges, especially CTE.

Understanding of campus CTE/workforce training and partnerships CEOs need to understand what’s happening on their campuses relative to CTE and workforce training and partnerships and then understand collectively what’s going on in the region. Identify programs especially well-suited for veterans. Note: Pete will distribute a grid of all the region’s CTE programs.

Identify performance targets expected of the colleges and discuss how we are going to improve and grow. We need to fully understand the context and backdrop and then identify issues to move forward on.

Re: Doing What Matters—

1) There must be willingness of the faculty at a select number of colleges in the region (3 colleges at least) to work together so that their curriculum aligns (may or may not be exact). There needs to be agreement on transferability and acceptance of courses from other colleges—agreeing to accept introductory courses as their first-year courses and vice versa. 2) The most important thing in DWM is doing what matters to get students through the pipeline and into the workforce. Old philosophies must go. 3) We must identify where the greatest potential (# of jobs) is going to be. 4) Take 1 or 2 programs in each industry sector, and then identify willingness on the part of the faculty is to get the alignment done. If the faculty do not want to work together, they won’t, so go with early adopters—people are flexible. Everything starts with coordination of curriculum.



January 31, 8:30-12:00 Pierpont Inn in Ventura

February 21, 8:30-12:00 Pierpont Inn in Ventura

March 12-14 CCCAOE, Sacramento, more details closer to date

April 18 at Allan Hancock Lompoc campus for tour More info closer to the date

June Planning Retreat June 8-10 in Cambria



Title: SCRC Meeting with CEOs and CIOs College/Group/Org: Santa Barbara City College

Date Start time End time Duration

12/6/2013 9:00 AM 12:00 PM 180

PARTICIPANT DETAILS > Dial your telephone conference line: 719-785-4469 or (888) 450-4821 > Cell phone users dial: 719-785-4469 > Enter your passcode: 650406


*0 - Contact the operator for audio assistance *6 - Mute/unmute your individual line FOR ASSISTANCE CCC Confer Client Services - Monday - Friday between 8:00 am - 4:00 pm Phone: 760-744-1150 ext 1537 or 1554 Email:



DEC 6, 2013 MINUTES 8:30-9:00 AM Continental Breakfast/Networking, 9 AM – 12 PM Meeting, 12:00 PM Working Lunch

Pierpont Inn, Ventura or CCCConfer (see following page for sign-in info)


Luann Swanberg, Diane Hollems, Joe Klocko, Caroline Shaw, Vta Finance, Carmen Guerrero, Marnie Melendez, Rick Rantz, Gina Bogna, Bret Clark, Israel Dominguez, Lauren Wintermeyer-Ramirez, Robert Cabral, Kristin Houser, Pete Bellas, John Cascamo, Karen DuBois, Tom O’Neil, Paula Hodge, Celine Park, John Cordova, Cynthia Dorroh, Leana Bowman, Suzanne Valery, Julius Sokenu, Sharon Dwyer, Greg Gillespie, and Margaret Lao and Sabrina Robertson via conference call.

Approval of October Minutes Luann Swanberg

Pg 3, intend to attend. Accepted as revised.

New Programs-None

COC will be presenting three new/revised programs in the near future in Culinary Arts, Electronic Systems and Sustainable Design. Cuesta will be presenting changes to their paramedic program. Hancock will expand agri-business programs.

CCCAOE Board Report (VP South Central Region) Julius Sokenu

Conference March 12-14 in Sacramento, time is now to register. Excellence Awards nominations are due by January 24. Julius encourages submission of letters of nominations from each college for awards of Leadership or Partnership. Include a letter and a photo. E-mail to Rich Mabry. Julius will be sending the info via e-mail. We recognize all nominees at our February SCRC meeting.

Chancellor’s Office Reports Katie Faries


Regional Chairs Report Luann Swanberg

Luann attended extended ops meeting. They worked on the common talking points templates for the DSNs. There was conversation about working with the WIBs. Conversation turned to joining forces with WIBs and Econ Dev groups for skills gap analysis to not bombard employers with multiple surveys. Conversation also about bringing together K-12, college, WIBs, CEOs and other community partners for a meeting, February 7 offered as possible date at Cabrillo Art Center in SB. There will be continued effort to bring CEOs together. Are the DSNs using the Career Café? It is a very good resource. There was a presentation on LaunchBoard, there is a webinar today. There is $250M in career pathway trust grants coming out.

Special Populations Report/Update Robert Cabral/Group

Robert attended Special Populations Advisory Committee conference. He distributed copies of the conference schedule and an inventory survey on diversity and equality. There are new publications available on the website. The conference was very informative on bringing K-12/Colleges in alignment in CTE programs. John Cordova was a presenter. He spoke on nursing and his journey to accomplish it.


New/On-Going Business

CTE Faculty Training Update Karen DuBois-Nikolas Training conducted Oct/Nov went well. Margaret Lao will be funding an additional training for the northern section of the region. There is also a wait-list for the spring training for northern SB County. Marnie and Kristin gave Karen kudos for the training; they felt that faculty was getting a lot out of it.

Entrepreneurship Modules Update Israel Dominguez HP-Life has a good model for the modules. (HP Learning Initiative for Entrepreneurs) Israel is going to train to be a certified instructor. He is hosting a pilot train the trainer event January 31/February 1. He shared an overview of the program for both college and high school students. Israel says there is a lot of traction for the program nationwide and it highly modifiable and customizable for faculty with resources on how to teach and implement it face to face or on-line.

Regional MOU Pete Bellas Pete distributed a CTE program matrix for our region. He also overviewed the Master Agreement. It started as 75 pages and now is five pages (14 revisions). It was vetted by Chancellor’s Office (EWD), auditors, lawyers and other powers that be (CBOs) at each college/district. Pete will also send out electronically. Goal: to get master agreement to go to boards in January. Everyone applauded Pete for his extraordinary effort to bring this to fruition.

SB-1070 Grant Implementation Diane Hollems Grant was submitted.

DSN Reports DSNs

Margaret and Melissa submitted hard copy reports.

Joe joined WIB manufacturing committee. There is talk about using their Fast Track program for the WIB. There are several workshops coming up at COC, but Joe willing to host at other colleges, contact him if interested. Joe has $60K for high school robotics programs, he needs to know if he work w/ colleges or high schools directly.

Paula attended a STEM conference in Sacramento.

John encouraged participants for Effective Teaching Strategies to improve Student Success workshop.

Israel is hosting a Vintner’s conference and is working on a skills gap analysis with the COE.

Working Lunch: LaunchBoard Webinar Adjournment

INFORMATION ITEMS AND UPCOMING EVENTS December 19, 2013 from 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Paths To Prosperity Institute

Los Angeles Area Chamber of Commerce, 350 S. Bixel Street, Los Angeles, CA 90017

January 31, 8:30-12:00 Pierpont Inn in Ventura

February 21, 8:30-12:00 CCCAOE Leadership Nominee Recognition

March 12-14 CCCAOE, Sacramento, more details closer to date

April 18 at Allan Hancock Lompoc campus for tour More info closer to the date

June Planning Retreat June 8-10 in Cambria