SOUTH WORCESTERSHIRE DEVELOPMENT PLAN - PREFERRED … · Tunnel Hill sites have been looked at...

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Issues raised & Changes sought Representation Nos.

Officer consideration Recommended response

Page 1 Council meetings 3rd July 2012

SUBJECT No: SWDP 21 Upton-upon-Severn and Allocations

1 Support the recognition that other settlements such as Tunnel Hill, Holly Green and Ryall have strong links with Upton-upon-Severn and it is appropriate for them to take some local housing need associated with the town.

3987 Noted No change

2 Ripple Parish Council would like to know what the evidence is for the requirement for housing – Social / Affordable / Other within Ripple Parish? Ripple Parish is a Category 3 parish but as far as the SWDP is concerned (on the SWDP website / paperwork)

4576 Noted Strategic Housing Market assessment is the latest evidence base for the housing requirements for South Worcestershire. The strategy consulted on is to provide housing growth in the sustainable towns and larger settlements- generally Category 1 & 2 villages, but in some cases Category 3. Upton Town Council would like additional housing development in the Upton area, but it is acknowledged that due to severe flood constraint, other sustainable settlements in the area such as Tunnel Hill and Holly Green have a close relationship with Upton, and could provide some additional housing.

No change

3 Support reference to commercial development at Upton Marina for boating and recreational uses associated with tourism.

3990 Noted No change


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Officer consideration Recommended response

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4 Omission. Amend policy to allow development at the Upton Marina site to include permanent homes and provision for some low cost housing (as well as the.

618 Disagree The suggestion to deliver permanent housing at Upton marina was put forward at the SWDP consultation stage in November 2011, but no detailed evidence has been put forward to show that this is desirable, or achievable in terms of: access to the site in terms of flood risk / highway safety; issues of contaminated land; landscape issues due to topography; coalescence between Ryall and Upton; general flood risk; delivery of affordable housing.

No change

5 Request deletion of section - proposed development would have adverse impact on infrastructure, access, flooding / drainage, local amenities and services.

1838 Agree Taking into account representations on the site at Holly Green, it is now suggested that the housing allocation is reduced from 50 dwellings to 25 to mitigate impact on landscape, keeping the development on the lower area of the site, and allow better achievement of drainage and access. Some of the difference can be made up by an allocation for 18 dwellings at Tunnel Hill.

Significant change Reduction in housing allocation from 50 to 25 dwellings at Sunny Bank Meadow, Holly Green, and an additional housing allocation at Greenfields Road, Tunnel Hill for 18 dwellings. Significant change requiring consultation

6 I oppose any development in Tunnel Hill, Upton-upon-Severn as it will upset a lot of people. I suggest any development at Upton-upon-Severn be on the east side of the river and to consider the A38 for communal development, it would relieve the town

1920 Disagree There are many people on the east side of the river who also do not want development. But it is not considered sustainable for Upton and the area to receive no development at all over the plan period, to 2030. A site is therefore suggested at

Significant change Allocation at Greenfields Road, Tunnel Hill for 18 dwellings and reduction in allocation from 50 to 25 dwellings at Sunny Bank Meadow, Holly Green. Significant change requiring consultation


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Issues raised & Changes sought Representation Nos.

Officer consideration Recommended response

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of traffic. Let the people decide. Tunnel Hill, at Greenfields Road, to accommodate 18 dwellings.

7 Objection made to omission of Ryall in policy. Amend the second sentence to read “The settlements of Ryall, Holly Green and Tunnel Hill…in accordance with Policy SWDP 21”. Ryall has the capacity to accommodate further development at land north east of Upton Marina. This has benefit of extant planning consent for holiday lodges / waterside apartments and would be in close proximity to other residential development, representing a sustainable location. Also there is a local political desire to see the site accommodate some limited development.

3989 Disagree The suggestion to deliver permanent housing at Upton Marina was put forward at the SWDP consultation stage in November 2011, but no detailed evidence has been put forward to show that this is desirable, or achievable in terms of: access to the site in terms of flood risk/ highway safety; issues of contaminated land; landscape issues due to topography; coalescence between Ryall and Upton; general flood risk; delivery of affordable housing.

No change

8 Delete reference to Sunny Bank Meadows, Holly Green, and include land north east of Upton Marina - see attached plan

3991 Disagree The suggestion to deliver permanent housing at Upton marina was put forward at the SWDP consultation stage in November 2011, but no detailed evidence has been put forward to show that this is desirable, or achievable in terms of: access to the site in terms of flood risk/ highway safety; issues of contaminated land; landscape issues due to topography; coalescence between Ryall and Upton; general flood risk; delivery of

No change in terms of Upton marina. Significant change- allocation at Greenfields Road, Tunnel Hill for 18 dwellings and reduction in allocation from 50 to 25 dwellings at Sunny Bank Meadow, Holly Green. Significant change requiring consultation


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Issues raised & Changes sought Representation Nos.

Officer consideration Recommended response

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affordable housing. Taking into account representations on the site at Holly Green, it is now suggested that the housing allocation is reduced from 50 dwellings to 25 to mitigate impact on landscape, keeping the development on the lower area of the site, and allow better achievement of drainage and access. Some of the difference can be made up by an allocation for 18 dwellings at Tunnel Hill.

9 Object to the inclusion of Holly Green and the exclusion of Tunnel Hill as a location to accommodate Upton’s housing needs, and specifically land to the east of Old Orchard. Holly Green is remote from Upton town centre and regularly separated from the town centre by flooding. Access to Tunnel Hill is not constrained by flooding to the same extent as Holly Green. Tunnel Hill is already a major satellite sub settlement of Upton delivering existing housing, facilities and a large school. The site is 2.5ha (+ a possible additional 1ha) and is in a sustainable location close to local transport, shows and schools and within walking distance of the medical centre. There are two possible access points depending upon third party

4226 Agree in part Tunnel Hill is a sustainable location for housing development. Land to the east of the Old Orchard is not adjacent to the existing settlement and is served by more minor roads. Taking into account representations on the site at Holly Green, it is now suggested that the housing allocation is reduced from 50 dwellings to 25 to mitigate impact on landscape, keeping the development on the lower area of the site, and allow better achievement of drainage and access. Some of the difference can be made up by an allocation for 18 dwellings at Tunnel Hill.

No change in relation to the sites stated Significant change- Allocation at Greenfields Road, Tunnel Hill for 18 dwellings and reduction in allocation from 50 to 25 dwellings at Sunny Bank Meadow, Holly Green. Significant change requiring consultation


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Officer consideration Recommended response

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agreement and moderate reconstruction of a short section of roadway. The site could accommodate a mixed development of 50 units (as per Holly Green allocation), or lower. All services / utilities are available to the site.

10 Object to the exclusion of land on the east side off Ryall Chase to meet the housing needs of Upton. The site would result in minimal disturbance to existing residents, it is within walking distance of the town centre and there is no need to increase existing traffic using the Ryall Road.

4483 Disagree Land east of Ryall Chase is not considered acceptable on highway safety grounds for access reasons

No change.

11 Too large; adverse impact on infrastructure and services; unsustainable; lack of employment; flooding; no evidence of housing need; suggest instead revising status of holiday accommodation; look again at Upton Tunnel Hills sites for Upton-on-Severn needs and remove Ripple from Category 1 status

4578 Agree in part The Strategic Housing Market assessment is the latest evidence base for the housing requirements for South Worcestershire. The strategy consulted on is to provide housing growth in the sustainable towns and larger settlements- generally Category 1 & 2 villages, but in some cases Category 3. Upton Town Council would like additional housing development in the Upton area, especially affordable housing, but it is acknowledged that due to severe flood constraint, other sustainable settlements in

No change in relation to Upton marina. Significant change Allocation at Greenfields Road, Tunnel Hill for 18 dwellings and reduction in allocation from 50 to 25 dwellings at Sunny Bank Meadow, Holly Green. Significant change requiring consultation


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Issues raised & Changes sought Representation Nos.

Officer consideration Recommended response

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the area such as Tunnel Hill and Holly Green have a close relationship with Upton, and could provide some additional housing. The suggestion to deliver permanent housing at Upton marina was put forward at the SWDP consultation stage in November 2011, but no detailed evidence has been put forward to show that this is desirable, or achievable in terms of: access to the site in terms of flood risk/ highway safety; issues of contaminated land; landscape issues due to topography; coalescence between Ryall and Upton; general flood risk; delivery of affordable housing. Ripple does not have category 1 status, but can help deliver for Upton needs. Tunnel Hill sites have been looked at again, and representations on the Holly Green site have resulted in suggested reduction in sunny bank meadow site from 50 to 25 dwellings, and an allocation at Greenfields Road site, Tunnel Hill for 18 dwellings

12 Support the avoidance of the floodplain. Recommend reference to GI.

6446 Noted. GI dealt with in other policies.

No change

13 The permission to build on the Marina site could include permanent homes and provision for some low cost housing.

287 Disagree The suggestion to deliver permanent housing at Upton marina was put forward at the SWDP consultation stage in November

No change


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Issues raised & Changes sought Representation Nos.

Officer consideration Recommended response

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2011, but no detailed evidence has been put forward to show that this is desirable, or achievable in terms of: access to the site in terms of flood risk / highway safety; issues of contaminated land; landscape issues due to topography; coalescence between Ryall and Upton; general flood risk; delivery of affordable housing.

14 The Councillors were generally in favour of some development as Upton is in need of housing, particularly for local people. Councillors felt that the addition of more than 50 houses in the Parish could cause pressure on Upton’s infrastructure, local schools & amenities. South Worcestershire would benefit from an additional bridge crossing. It was noted that planning permission existed for a development of over 25 houses at the Marina, although these would not include low cost market or affordable housing. Councillors believe that dwellings to infill brownfield sites, even if they are less than 5 houses or flats on one plot, should count towards the 50 homes. It was acknowledged that development within the town was limited by the extent of the flood plain. As well as

4702 Noted. The Local Transport Plan does not put forward an additional vehicular bridge crossing in the vicinity of Upton upon Severn, and we are unaware of any costings or preliminary work done on this, so there is no evidence that this could be deliverable within the plan period. Whilst infill dwellings will count when they are completed, they do not provide certainty about the level of housing that can be delivered to meet the needs of a five year land supply for the district and the associated effects on services and infrastructure [although some consideration of windfall sites can now be put forward under changes to national planning legislation].

Significant change Allocation at Greenfields Road, Tunnel Hill for 18 dwellings and reduction in allocation from 50 to 25 dwellings at Sunny Bank Meadow, Holly Green. Significant change requiring consultation


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Issues raised & Changes sought Representation Nos.

Officer consideration Recommended response

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providing housing, additional households in the Parish would have the effect of reducing the council tax burden for existing residents, which is currently very high. The Council decided that Upton upon Severn would benefit from an additional fifty houses, which should be a mix of private sale, affordable housing (a combination of rental and shared equity) and low cost market housing, provided that the necessary infrastructure is in place.

15 Support approach of the Town Council who are keen to encourage and maintain a sustainable community through a balance of housing and employment opportunities providing opportunities for tourism and helping retailers in their businesses.


Noted No change

16 Sport England supports the policy and allocations for Upton upon Severn; SWDP 21, but would reiterate the points regarding the need to ensure sufficient sports infrastructure is provided for the existing and new residents.

5595 Noted No change

17 A target of only 50 new dwellings over the next twenty years appears

3289 Disagree Whilst the dwelling figures for Upton upon

No change


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Issues raised & Changes sought Representation Nos.

Officer consideration Recommended response

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woefully inadequate for a settlement of this size. The SWDP acknowledges the importance of sustaining local services in the town but only 50 new homes over 20 years will prove insufficient to achieve this. We note that the number of homes proposed for Upton-upon-Severn is exceeded by many of the Category 1 villages and some of those in Category 2.

Severn are fairly low, they reflect the acknowledged severe flood constraints experienced in the town. The SWDP seeks to overcome this by promoting development in the adjacent Category 3 villages of Holly Green and Tunnel Hill, but this still needs to be of an acceptable scale.

18 Re: Holly Green - As the owner of this site, I am confirming its availability. I would also comment that it is a good site from the point of view of the following considerations: above the flood plain; already an infill site; good access; right area / suitable infrastructure The plot which I own extends a little further north, providing further space to fulfil the capacity of the Local Development Plan.

4566 Noted / disagree Note availability of site Given representations received, the scale of the housing development on the site has been reduced to meet concerns on landscape / topography and traffic generation. It is thus suggested that the allocation is reduced from 50 to 25 dwellings, keeping the development to the lower part of the site.

Significant change allocation at Greenfields Road, Tunnel Hill for 18 dwellings and reduction in allocation from 50 to 25 dwellings at Sunny Bank Meadow, Holly Green Significant change requiring consultation

19 Oppose site's development - commercial expansion of Upton Marina will not generate enough jobs in the area to justify building more houses this side of the river. Tunnel Hill would strategically be a better location for houses as all the amenities are easily accessible

151 Agree Upton upon Severn is a service and retail centre that has a range of employment in retail, tourism, restaurants and pubs and jobs related to the marina, as well as those associated with the schools and other public and professional services. It is acknowledged that Tunnel Hill is a

Significant change Allocation at Greenfields Road, Tunnel Hill for 18 dwellings and reduction in allocation from 50 to 25 dwellings at Sunny Bank Meadow, Holly Green. Significant change requiring consultation


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Issues raised & Changes sought Representation Nos.

Officer consideration Recommended response

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(shops, schools, health centre). It would not require using Upton Bridge to access these amenities. Delete site SWDP21/1.

sustainable location for some new housing development. Taking into account representations on the site at Holly Green, it is now suggested that the housing allocation is reduced from 50 dwellings to 25 to mitigate impact on landscape, keeping the development on the lower area of the site, and allow better achievement of drainage and access. Some of the difference can be made up by an allocation for 18 dwellings at Tunnel Hill.

20 Oppose site's development. Adverse impact - congestion, noise, pollution, increase in traffic crossing Upton Bridge; wildlife. Tunnel Hill would strategically be a better location for houses as all the amenities are easily accessible (shops, schools, health centre). It would not require using Upton Bridge to access these amenities. Delete site SWDP21/1.

152 Agree It is acknowledged that Tunnel Hill is a sustainable location for some new housing development. There are no overriding wildlife or access or pollution constraints to the development of the site. However, taking into account representations on the site at Holly Green, it is now suggested that the housing allocation is reduced from 50 dwellings to 25 to mitigate impact on landscape, keeping the development on the lower area of the site, and allow better achievement of drainage and access. Some of the difference can be made up by an allocation for 18 dwellings at Tunnel Hill.

Significant change Allocation at Greenfields Road, Tunnel Hill for 18 dwellings and reduction in allocation from 50 to 25 dwellings at Sunny Bank Meadow, Holly Green. Significant change requiring consultation

21 Strongly oppose the proposed plans for many reasons, I have lived in this

160 Noted / agree in part There are no overriding wildlife or access or

Significant change Allocation at Greenfields Road, Tunnel Hill


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Issues raised & Changes sought Representation Nos.

Officer consideration Recommended response

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house for 46 years and feel the building will totally destroy the area apart from the appalling traffic problems we suffer now, overhead electricity lines, I have a pole in the garden, no mains gas and countless other issues.

pollution constraints to the development of the site. However, taking into account representations on the site at Holly Green, it is now suggested that the housing allocation is reduced from 50 dwellings to 25 to mitigate impact on landscape, keeping the development on the lower area of the site, and allow better achievement of drainage and access. Some of the difference can be made up by an allocation for 18 dwellings at Tunnel Hill.

for 18 dwellings and reduction in allocation from 50 to 25 dwellings at Sunny Bank Meadow, Holly Green. Significant change requiring consultation

22 I oppose the planning for building on Ryall Road, Upton upon Severn (Holly Green). The impact on traffic will be dangerous within an ageing community. Services will be negatively impacted and damage to wildlife and a semi-rural setting. Look at the development opportunity off the Tunnel Hill area. Closer to doctors / dentist, better transport options, not cut off in floods. A better safer option.

162 Noted / agree in part It is acknowledged that Tunnel Hill is a sustainable location for some new housing development. There are no overriding wildlife or access or pollution constraints to the development of the site. However, taking into account representations on the site at Holly Green, it is now suggested that the housing allocation is reduced from 50 dwellings to 25 to mitigate impact on landscape, keeping the development on the lower area of the site, and allow better achievement of drainage and access. Some of the difference can be made up by an allocation for 18 dwellings at Tunnel Hill.

Significant change Allocation at Greenfields Road, Tunnel Hill for 18 dwellings and reduction in allocation from 50 to 25 dwellings at Sunny Bank Meadow, Holly Green. Significant change requiring consultation

23 Village can become inaccessible in poor weather; inadequate

245 Agree It is acknowledged that Tunnel Hill is a

Significant change Allocation at Greenfields Road, Tunnel Hill


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infrastructure / services / facilities; adverse impact on visual amenity of area; proposed level of development would increase size of village by 1/3; propose development at Tunnel Hill as more appropriate, accessible, and serviced

sustainable location for some new housing development. There are no overriding wildlife or access or pollution constraints to the development of the site. However, taking into account representations on the site at Holly Green, it is now suggested that the housing allocation is reduced from 50 dwellings to 25 to mitigate impact on landscape, keeping the development on the lower area of the site, and allow better achievement of drainage and access. Some of the difference can be made up by an allocation for 18 dwellings at Tunnel Hill.

for 18 dwellings and reduction in allocation from 50 to 25 dwellings at Sunny Bank Meadow, Holly Green. Significant change requiring consultation

24 The site is very unsuitable for any building development i.e. sewerage can’t be dealt with now let alone with more housing. Electricity availability unsuitable. Road very narrow and the Ryall road already used as a rat run, and would be much worse with at least another 70 cars. No facilities in the area for children and no shop outside the Upton area. Site is on high ground behind bungalows. People in the new housing would look directly into the bedrooms of Hillview Gardens.

253 Agree There are no overriding wildlife or access or pollution constraints to the development of the site. However, taking into account representations on the site at Holly Green, it is now suggested that the housing allocation is reduced from 50 dwellings to 25 to mitigate impact on landscape, keeping the development on the lower area of the site, and allow better achievement of drainage and access. Some of the difference can be made up by an allocation for 18 dwellings at Tunnel Hill.

Significant change Allocation at Greenfields Road, Tunnel Hill for 18 dwellings and reduction in allocation from 50 to 25 dwellings at Sunny Bank Meadow, Holly Green. Significant change requiring consultation


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25 Upton has the highest unemployment stats in Worcestershire. The site cannot be sustainable if cut off by flooding. The new wall will now increase the water level towards Holly Green and surrounding areas. There have been three accidents in the last two months at the junction off Ryall Road and A4104!! Build on other obvious land which is sustainable and not cut off by flooding.

264 Disagree in part Upton upon Severn had 2.4% Job Seekers Allowance claimants, compared to 3.1% for the County average, and 2.1% for MHDC average [WCC ward level stats at April 2012], which is still quite low. Not aware of any evidence to show flood defence work in Upton will increase flooding in Holly Green. Acknowledge road safety can be an issue on Ryall Road. Taking into account representations on the site at Holly Green, it is now suggested that the housing allocation is reduced from 50 dwellings to 25 to mitigate impact on landscape, keeping the development on the lower area of the site, and allow better achievement of drainage and access. Some of the difference can be made up by an allocation for 18 dwellings at Tunnel Hill.

Significant change Allocation at Greenfields Road, Tunnel Hill for 18 dwellings and reduction in allocation from 50 to 25 dwellings at Sunny Bank Meadow, Holly Green. Significant change requiring consultation

26 Opposed to site - land levels of proposed site higher than adjacent with associated increase in visual impact of development and potential overlooking; planning permission refused previously; access and additional traffic issues; road safety and visibility issues; lack of infrastructure such as footpaths; poor public transport links; lack of

286 Agree in part There are no overriding wildlife or access or pollution constraints to the development of the site. However, taking into account representations on the site at Holly Green, it is now suggested that the housing allocation is reduced from 50 dwellings to 25 to mitigate impact on landscape, keeping the development on the lower area of the site, and allow better achievement of drainage

Significant change Allocation at Greenfields Road, Tunnel Hill for 18 dwellings and reduction in allocation from 50 to 25 dwellings at Sunny Bank Meadow, Holly Green. Significant change requiring consultation


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Officer consideration Recommended response

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employment opportunities; impact in facilities / amenities and associated infrastructure; drainage issues would be exacerbated by new development. Small development of up to 10 dwellings within the village would be acceptable.

and access. Some of the difference can be made up by an allocation for 18 dwellings at Tunnel Hill. Upton upon Severn is a service and retail centre that has a range of employment in retail, tourism, restaurants and pubs and jobs related to the marina- as well as those associated with the schools and other public and professional services.

27 Other sites should be considered and investigated, such as in Tunnel Hill: • Topography of proposed site will

result in overlooking of our property

• Adverse impact on foul sewers - already a problem from overuse

• Risk of flooding to rear of site to existing properties from surface water run-off

• No gas provision • Increased traffic through Ryall -

already a rat-run • What provision for shops and

recreation in new development? • When flooding at Upton, access to

shops, GP surgeries, garages will be unavailable to local residents

339 Noted / agree in part It is acknowledged that Tunnel Hill is a sustainable location for some new housing development. There are no overriding wildlife or access or pollution constraints to the development of the site. However, taking into account representations on the site at Holly Green, it is now suggested that the housing allocation is reduced from 50 dwellings to 25 to mitigate impact on landscape, keeping the development on the lower area of the site, and allow better achievement of drainage and access. Some of the difference can be made up by an allocation for 18 dwellings at Tunnel Hill.

Significant change Allocation at Greenfields Road, Tunnel Hill for 18 dwellings and reduction in allocation from 50 to 25 dwellings at Sunny Bank Meadow, Holly Green. Significant change requiring consultation


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Issues raised & Changes sought Representation Nos.

Officer consideration Recommended response

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28 Object to site SWDP21/1. Instead the housing needs of Upton Upon Severn should be met from land available at Tunnel Hill.

395 Noted / agree in part It is acknowledged that Tunnel Hill is a sustainable location for some new housing development. Taking into account representations on the site at Holly Green, it is now suggested that the housing allocation is reduced from 50 dwellings to 25 to mitigate impact on landscape, keeping the development on the lower area of the site, and allow better achievement of drainage and access. Some of the difference can be made up by an allocation for 18 dwellings at Tunnel Hill.

Significant change- Allocation at Greenfields Road, Tunnel Hill for 18 dwellings and reduction in allocation from 50 to 25 dwellings at Sunny Bank Meadow, Holly Green. Significant change requiring consultation

29 During flooding this site is cut off from any medical facilities which are sited at Tunnel Hill. To get there requires a drive almost to Worcester. During the 2007 floods Ryall was cut off from the “rest of the world” for 3 days. The site is therefore not suitable for affordable housing for young folk with children. Better alternative is Tunnel Hill as it has access to the Surgery during flooding.

514 Noted / agree in part It is acknowledged that Tunnel Hill is a sustainable location for some new housing development. Taking into account representations on the site at Holly Green, it is now suggested that the housing allocation is reduced from 50 dwellings to 25 to mitigate impact on landscape, keeping the development on the lower area of the site, and allow better achievement of drainage and access. Some of the difference can be made up by an allocation for 18 dwellings at Tunnel Hill.

Significant change Allocation at Greenfields Road, Tunnel Hill for 18 dwellings and reduction in allocation from 50 to 25 dwellings at Sunny Bank Meadow, Holly Green. Significant change requiring consultation

30 My experience from the last floods, Ryall was cut off from all amenities. I could not get through to any shop,

515 Noted It is acknowledged that Tunnel Hill is a sustainable location for some new housing

Significant change Allocation at Greenfields Road, Tunnel Hill for 18 dwellings and reduction in allocation


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chemist, doctors and supermarkets. We left to our own devices. Better option is Tunnel Hill where access is possible from Malvern to Upton-upon-Severn. All the needs are met not only to a new development but also to the present population in Upton.

development. Taking into account representations on the site at Holly Green, it is now suggested that the housing allocation is reduced from 50 dwellings to 25 to mitigate impact on landscape, keeping the development on the lower area of the site, and allow better achievement of drainage and access. Some of the difference can be made up by an allocation for 18 dwellings at Tunnel Hill.

from 50 to 25 dwellings at Sunny Bank Meadow, Holly Green. Significant change requiring consultation

31 Do not want to live on a large estate – if I wanted to do this I would have moved to Warndon Villages. I do not want increased traffic through this area – safety – noise issues connected to this. There are no gas mains so why build here. No jobs in local area. Just look at our weekly paper to see how many jobs there are. No facilities, shops, GP. People have to travel to Upton for local services so why not build in Upton. We should be protecting our green belt land. No facilities for children. No suggestions. I do not want this to happen

517 Noted Taking into account representations on the site at Holly Green, it is now suggested that the housing allocation is reduced from 50 dwellings to 25 to mitigate impact on landscape, keeping the development on the lower area of the site, and allow better achievement of drainage and access. Some of the difference can be made up by an allocation for 18 dwellings at Tunnel Hill. Upton upon Severn is a service and retail centre that has a range of employment in retail, tourism, restaurants and pubs and jobs related to the marina- as well as those associated with the schools and other public and professional services. Site is not Green Belt (there is no green belt land in Malvern Hills district).

Significant change Allocation at Greenfields Road, Tunnel Hill for 18 dwellings and reduction in allocation from 50 to 25 dwellings at Sunny Bank Meadow, Holly Green. Significant change requiring consultation


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32 If permission is given it will lead to further development in next field. Increase in traffic, access to main road is poor now. Risks to elderly will increase in the locality. We have sewerage and drainage problems now, this will increase, without upgrades. Access to Upton stops when flooded, why build more here. Road improvements have been done in Upton and Tunnel Hill. Mostly elderly live here, it will make it noisier and with respect lower the tone of the village. Put cattle back into the fields again as it used to be.

531 Noted / agree in part It is acknowledged that Tunnel Hill is a sustainable location for some new housing development. There are no overriding wildlife or access or pollution constraints to the development of the site. However, taking into account representations on the site at Holly Green, it is now suggested that the housing allocation is reduced from 50 dwellings to 25 to mitigate impact on landscape, keeping the development on the lower area of the site, and allow better achievement of drainage and access. Some of the difference can be made up by an allocation for 18 dwellings at Tunnel Hill.

Significant change Allocation at Greenfields Road, Tunnel Hill for 18 dwellings and reduction in allocation from 50 to 25 dwellings at Sunny Bank Meadow, Holly Green. Significant change requiring consultation

33 Increase in traffic, poor access to main road. Accident risk to elderly will increase. No need for extra housing in Ryall. As it is now. Access to Upton and schools stops when flooded, we have a 15 mile trip to get into town and schools. Why build here when improvements have been done at the Tunnel Hill side of Upton. We have sewerage and drainage problems. Extra housing will make it worse. Will make the area noisier and eradicate more wildlife.

532 Noted / agree There are no overriding wildlife or access or pollution constraints to the development of the site. However, taking into account representations on the site at Holly Green, it is now suggested that the housing allocation is reduced from 50 dwellings to 25 to mitigate impact on landscape, keeping the development on the lower area of the site, and allow better achievement of drainage and access. Some of the difference can be made up by an allocation for 18 dwellings at Tunnel Hill.

Significant change Allocation at Greenfields Road, Tunnel Hill for 18 dwellings and reduction in allocation from 50 to 25 dwellings at Sunny Bank Meadow, Holly Green. Significant change requiring consultation


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Put cattle back into the field again. 34 Inadequate evidence of housing need

in the area. Inadequate local resources (no gas, poor sewage, electric). Inadequate consideration of traffic impact. Unnecessary use of rural land. No appreciation of existing householders who have chosen and paid for housing in a quiet location. This location is inappropriate and not simply a matter of choice. It should be abandoned.

610 Noted / disagree The Strategic Housing Market assessment is the latest evidence base for the housing requirements for South Worcestershire. The strategy consulted on is to provide housing growth in the sustainable towns and larger settlements - generally Category 1 & 2 villages, but in some cases Category 3. Upton Town Council would like additional housing development in the Upton area, especially affordable housing, but it is acknowledged that due to severe flood constraint, other sustainable settlements in the area such as Tunnel hill and Holly Green have a close relationship with Upton, and could provide some additional housing. Taking into account representations on the site at Holly Green, it is now suggested that the housing allocation is reduced from 50 dwellings to 25 to mitigate impact on landscape, keeping the development on the lower area of the site, and allow better achievement of drainage and access.

Significant change Allocation at Greenfields Road, Tunnel Hill for 18 dwellings and reduction in allocation from 50 to 25 dwellings at Sunny Bank Meadow, Holly Green. Significant change requiring consultation

35 Holly Green is a small hamlet with no shops, school, Village Hall or other facilities other than a home for the elderly. This proposal would suffocate this village and as we are frequently

611 Noted / agree in part It is acknowledged that Tunnel Hill is a sustainable location for some new housing development. There are no overriding wildlife or access or

Significant change Allocation at Greenfields Road, Tunnel Hill for 18 dwellings and reduction in allocation from 50 to 25 dwellings at Sunny Bank Meadow, Holly Green.


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cut off from Upton by floods would not be beneficial to extra housing. Ryall Road is an access only road suffering from heavy traffic. Holly Green is extremely busy at events on at Malvern which would cause more problems by building more properties. Should consider alternative at Tunnel Hill which is the better side of the river as it is nearer schools, shops, doctors etc.

pollution constraints to the development of the site. However, taking into account representations on the site at Holly Green, it is now suggested that the housing allocation is reduced from 50 dwellings to 25 to mitigate impact on landscape, keeping the development on the lower area of the site, and allow better achievement of drainage and access. Some of the difference can be made up by an allocation for 18 dwellings at Tunnel Hill.

Significant change requiring consultation

36 Opposed for development of site because: Visual impact of elevated site; previous planning refusals; poor access to site and additional traffic generated; road safety issues; lack of amenity space; poor facilities for cyclists and pedestrians; lack of employment opportunities; query capacity of local services / facilities and infrastructure

617 Noted Taking into account representations on the site at Holly Green, it is now suggested that the housing allocation is reduced from 50 dwellings to 25 to mitigate impact on landscape, keeping the development on the lower area of the site, and allow better achievement of drainage and access. Some of the difference can be made up by an allocation for 18 dwellings at Tunnel Hill. Upton upon Severn is a service and retail centre that has a range of employment in retail, tourism, restaurants and pubs and jobs related to the marina - as well as those associated with the schools and other public and professional services.

Significant change Allocation at Greenfields Road, Tunnel Hill for 18 dwellings and reduction in allocation from 50 to 25 dwellings at Sunny Bank Meadow, Holly Green. Significant change requiring consultation


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37 Site proposed too large for small village; lack of local facilities; inadequate local infrastructure / services including roads and drainage; problems with flooding and run-off would be exacerbated by additional development; adverse impact on residential amenity of elevated site; road safety and accessibility issues

622 Noted Taking into account representations on the site at Holly Green, it is now suggested that the housing allocation is reduced from 50 dwellings to 25 to mitigate impact on landscape, keeping the development on the lower area of the site, and allow better achievement of drainage and access. Some of the difference can be made up by an allocation for 18 dwellings at Tunnel Hill.

Significant change Allocation at Greenfields Road, Tunnel Hill for 18 dwellings and reduction in allocation from 50 to 25 dwellings at Sunny Bank Meadow, Holly Green. Significant change requiring consultation

38 No access to Upton when flooded i.e. doctors, dentist, shops and school. School run difficult with busy A4104. No mains gas. Ryall Road unable to cope with any more traffic, side roads too narrow to be used as through roads. No play areas for children. Public transport limited. Tunnel Hill site would be a better option for all the access required.

855 Noted / agree in part It is acknowledged that Tunnel Hill is a sustainable location for some new housing development. There are no overriding wildlife or access or pollution constraints to the development of the site. However, taking into account representations on the site at Holly Green, it is now suggested that the housing allocation is reduced from 50 dwellings to 25 to mitigate impact on landscape, keeping the development on the lower area of the site, and allow better achievement of drainage and access. Some of the difference can be made up by an allocation for 18 dwellings at Tunnel Hill.

Significant change Allocation at Greenfields Road, Tunnel Hill for 18 dwellings and reduction in allocation from 50 to 25 dwellings at Sunny Bank Meadow, Holly Green. Significant change requiring consultation

39 Opposes development because of : flood risk - Holly Green/Ryall residents are unable to get to community

858 Noted / agree in part There are no overriding wildlife or access or pollution constraints to the development of

Significant change Allocation at Greenfields Road, Tunnel Hill for 18 dwellings and reduction in allocation


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facilities when Upton floods; inadequate pavement on A4104; inadequate public transport; lack of play areas; no mains gas; inadequate sewerage system; better alternative at Tunnel Hill.

the site. However, taking into account representations on the site at Holly Green, it is now suggested that the housing allocation is reduced from 50 dwellings to 25 to mitigate impact on landscape, keeping the development on the lower area of the site, and allow better achievement of drainage and access. Some of the difference can be made up by an allocation for 18 dwellings at Tunnel Hill.

from 50 to 25 dwellings at Sunny Bank Meadow, Holly Green. Significant change requiring consultation .

40 Adverse effect on residential and visual amenity; traffic congestion, road safety and access issues; lack of amenities / facilities; limited public transport provision; lack of additional employment; adverse impact on landscape and wildlife; inadequate infrastructure

1149 Noted Taking into account representations on the site at Holly Green, it is now suggested that the housing allocation is reduced from 50 dwellings to 25 to mitigate impact on landscape, keeping the development on the lower area of the site, and allow better achievement of drainage and access. Some of the difference can be made up by an allocation for 18 dwellings at Tunnel Hill

Significant change Allocation at Greenfields Road, Tunnel Hill for 18 dwellings and reduction in allocation from 50 to 25 dwellings at Sunny Bank Meadow, Holly Green. Significant change requiring consultation

41 Petition signed by 81 residents of Holly Green. In the main the petitioners are elderly residents in the area unable to go online to petition via the MHDC website. The main reasons for being against the proposal are related to road safety and the increased vehicle movement along the Ryall Road / A4104 and the A38

1286 Noted / agree in part It is acknowledged that Tunnel Hill is a sustainable location for some new housing development. There are no overriding wildlife or access or pollution constraints to the development of the site. However, taking into account representations on the site at Holly Green, it is now suggested that the housing allocation

Significant change Allocation at Greenfields Road, Tunnel Hill for 18 dwellings and reduction in allocation from 50 to 25 dwellings at Sunny Bank Meadow, Holly Green. Significant change requiring consultation


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particularly Ryall Road meeting the A38 at Ryall already an accident black spot. Adding to traffic flow into Upton from Holly Green will increase danger to young and elderly. Holly Green currently also houses the Beeches rest home. Services other than road will also be a problem with no mains gas provided on this side of the river; overhead power cables would need to be routed underground increasing cost. The buildings would also encroach on light and the open environment to local buildings. In your previous study document MHDC Local Plan – Inspectors report item 2.01.281 inspectors reasoning and conclusions it was stated that building would create intrusion in the landscape and effect traffic safety. A better argument can be made for Tunnel Hill with superior local services, doctor-dentist and existing children’s play area and park.

is reduced from 50 dwellings to 25 to mitigate impact on landscape, keeping the development on the lower area of the site, and allow better achievement of drainage and access. Some of the difference can be made up by an allocation for 18 dwellings at Tunnel Hill.

42 Adverse effects of development on character and appearance of existing settlement at Holly Green. Limited development may be acceptable but not of the scale proposed. Issues and

1342 Noted /agree in part It is acknowledged that Tunnel Hill is a sustainable location for some new housing development. There are no overriding wildlife or access or

Significant change Allocation at Greenfields Road, Tunnel Hill for 18 dwellings and reduction in allocation from 50 to 25 dwellings at Sunny Bank Meadow, Holly Green.


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concerns around road safety. As an alternative I would suggest an area such as Tunnel Hill, where there are already 2 lots of park facilities for children, a community centre, a nearby doctor's surgery and where the walk into town is quicker. Alternatively, I would suggest the area just above the newly formed flood alleviation area by the marina. This area is attractive, would overlook no established residences, is within walking distance to the town centre and could be constructed simultaneously with the new marina development.

pollution constraints to the development of the site. However, taking into account representations on the site at Holly Green, it is now suggested that the housing allocation is reduced from 50 dwellings to 25 to mitigate impact on landscape, keeping the development on the lower area of the site, and allow better achievement of drainage and access. Some of the difference can be made up by an allocation for 18 dwellings at Tunnel Hill.

Significant change requiring consultation .

43 50 dwellings will result in approx. 100 extra cars using Ryall Road. This will not only cause longer queues at junctions with the A4014 and A38, but also at the A4104 and A38 staggered junction. It is the queue at this latter junction which causes non-re

1712 Noted There are no overriding wildlife or access or pollution constraints to the development of the site. However, taking into account representations on the site at Holly Green, it is now suggested that the housing allocation is reduced from 50 dwellings to 25 to mitigate impact on landscape, keeping the development on the lower area of the site, and allow better achievement of drainage and access. Some of the difference can be made up by an allocation for 18 dwellings at Tunnel Hill.

Significant change Allocation at Greenfields Road, Tunnel Hill for 18 dwellings and reduction in allocation from 50 to 25 dwellings at Sunny Bank Meadow, Holly Green. Significant change requiring consultation


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44 We wish to oppose on the above proposal on the following grounds: • Ryall and Holly Green are

Category 3 status villages with no services and facilities generally available. Public transport is very spasmodic, and as such is unsustainable for a further 50 dwellings. Sewerage and drainage is totally inadequate for existing dwellings and would therefore be unable to accommodate further development.

• The area is a natural habitat for wildlife. Foxes, pheasants, bats, newts and various species of birds are all very prevalent on this site and this development would not protect or enhance their natural environment.

• The site along with others around Holly Green was cut off from all main amenities within Upton including the health centre during the floods in 2007. The health centre and school were relocated in order that they would be accessible during these times. In view of this it seems ludicrous that

1716 Noted The strategy consulted on is to provide housing growth in the sustainable towns and larger settlements - generally Category 1 & 2 villages, but in some cases Category 3. Upton town council would like additional housing development in the Upton area, but it is acknowledged that due to severe flood constraint, other sustainable settlements in the area such as Tunnel Hill and Holly Green have a close relationship with Upton, and could provide some additional housing. There are no overriding wildlife or access or pollution constraints to the development of the site. However, taking into account representations on the site at Holly Green, it is now suggested that the housing allocation is reduced from 50 dwellings to 25 to mitigate impact on landscape, keeping the development on the lower area of the site, and allow better achievement of drainage and access. Some of the difference can be made up by an allocation for 18 dwellings at Tunnel Hill. The SWDP will provide for affordable housing requirements throughout the plan period, not just current needs. Upton upon Severn is a service and retail centre that has a range of employment in

Significant change Allocation at Greenfields Road, Tunnel Hill for 18 dwellings and reduction in allocation from 50 to 25 dwellings at Sunny Bank Meadow, Holly Green. Significant change requiring consultation .


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consideration should now be given to a development that makes these unaccessible in such circumstances.

• With regard to the 20 affordable homes within this development these have already been accommodated with Upton itself. Therefore we consider that the take up of these properties would not be viable and as happened in Diglis Worcester would be turned over to a Housing Association for social housing.

• The approach to Upton along the A38 is of outstanding natural beauty with the open fields and the Malvern Hills as a back drop. A development of 50 dwellings would have a damaging impact on the rural and largely undeveloped open landscape along the A38 destroying the character of the urban and rural settlement.

• Traffic along the A4104 is already congested during busy periods and further development would only add to this and compromise the safe movement and free flow of

retail, tourism, restaurants and pubs and jobs related to the marina- as well as those associated with the schools and other public and professional services. It is acknowledged that Tunnel Hill is a sustainable location for some new housing development.


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traffic onto the A38. Holly Green and Ryall are serviced by a no access road being stopped off at one of its former junctions with A38 because of the awkward junction with the main road itself.

• The current financial position the country / world finds itself in at present and analysts predict that it is not going to improve in the foreseeable future. Are people able to afford these houses or will the developer be left with a site that he is unable to finish leaving an eyesore derelict site.

• The site is active farmland providing employment which if developed will result in the loss of jobs and with very few employment opportunities in Upton and no new employment provisions being proposed will be detrimental to this area. Surely jobs should be available before consideration is given to more housing.

• A more realistic and sustainable site would be on the west side of the river which has easier access to amenities in Upton such as the


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health centre, shops and schools and access out of the town during floods where Ryall and Holly Green were totally cut off during the 2007 floods.

45 Sunny Bank cottage is a listed building next to Holly Green Farmhouse. In your site ref MHHG04 Developability Panel site form, no mention has been made of our cottage. So that’s two listed buildings that need their integrity maintained, as well as devaluation to our houses. Social housing shouldn’t be considered on green belt, in a semi rural village. Ryall Road is an extremely, busy already without adding more cars to the equation. Our dog has been knocked over, and fear for my 6 year daughter’s safety on the road. Suggest dismissing this site and building in an area in Upton, which already has housing estates i.e. near the community centre.

1874 Noted / disagree The land is not Green Belt. Site appraisal to identify potential development sites acknowledged that northern part of site adjoins listed building. The reduction in allocation from 50 to 25 dwellings will help to protect setting of listed building.

Significant change Allocation at Greenfields Road, Tunnel Hill for 18 dwellings and reduction in allocation from 50 to 25 dwellings at Sunny Bank Meadow, Holly Green. Significant change requiring consultation

46 This land is ancient green belt land, some of which is ridge and furrow supporting a wide range of wildlife in flowers, small mammals and multiple birds of prey. Civil War silver trees have been found here. This area

2013 Noted / disagree The land is not Green Belt. There are no overriding wildlife or access or pollution constraints to the development of the site. However, taking into account



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supports very poor services and transport links. There is frequent flash flooding causing raw sewage to spill out to the main Road-Upton road, this would worsen. The access to Ryall/Holly Green is dangerous and congested, this would worsen. No safe crossing, no facility for children in Ryall/Holly Green. Smaller developments to all towns and villages would help support local schools, pubs and village shops and spread increases in congestion. Increase use of brownland and enforce use of empty housing / factory sites.

representations on the site at Holly Green, it is now suggested that the housing allocation is reduced from 50 dwellings to 25 to mitigate impact on landscape, keeping the development on the lower area of the site, and allow better achievement of drainage and access. Some of the difference can be made up by an allocation for 18 dwellings at Tunnel Hill. An ecological assessment is likely to be required at the planning application stage.

47 50 new houses putting extra pressure on electricity, sewerage and doctors surgery. During the late 1990's when the general area surrounding Upton was flooded. Holly Green, Ryall and the surrounds was completely cut off from all shopping facilities etc. With the building of additional houses the flooding will be more severe. Traffic alone - Ryall Road is used as a 'rat run' at present with the increase traffic attributed to new houses, it will become unbearable for the locals. We already have an approved major

2214 Noted The strategy consulted on is to provide housing growth in the sustainable towns and larger settlements- generally category 1 & 2 villages, but in some cases category 3. Upton Town council would like additional housing development in the Upton area, but it is acknowledged that due to severe flood constraint, other sustainable settlements in the area such as Tunnel Hill and Holly Green have a close relationship with Upton, and could provide some additional housing. There are no overriding drainage, or access or pollution or flood risk constraints to the

Significant change Allocation at Greenfields Road, Tunnel Hill for 18 dwellings and reduction in allocation from 50 to 25 dwellings at Sunny Bank Meadow, Holly Green. Significant change requiring consultation .


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development at Upton marina to contend with this will exacerbate the situation. Therefore I strongly oppose the option of further development in Holly Green / Ryall.

development of the site. However, taking into account representations on the site at Holly Green, it is now suggested that the housing allocation is reduced from 50 dwellings to 25 to mitigate impact on landscape, keeping the development on the lower area of the site, and allow better achievement of drainage and access. Some of the difference can be made up by an allocation for 18 dwellings at Tunnel Hill.

48 The proposed site is in an area with no amenities. The shops in Upton can only be accessed via crossing a busy road. The field supports a vast array of wildlife including barn and little owls. Apparently the proposed site has had planning turned down in the past – it is green belt. Smaller developments in more areas to dilute the impact.

2254 Noted / disagree The land is not Green Belt. There are no overriding wildlife or access or pollution constraints to the development of the site. However, taking into account representations on the site at Holly Green, it is now suggested that the housing allocation is reduced from 50 dwellings to 25 to mitigate impact on landscape, keeping the development on the lower area of the site, and allow better achievement of drainage and access. Some of the difference can be made up by an allocation for 18 dwellings at Tunnel Hill.

Significant change Allocation at Greenfields Road, Tunnel Hill for 18 dwellings and reduction in allocation from 50 to 25 dwellings at Sunny Bank Meadow, Holly Green. Significant change requiring consultation .

49 Consultant has assessed the site’s suitability for development for 50 dwellings, in its own right and as “overspill “ for Upton Although Holly

2293 Noted / agree in part The strategy consulted on is to provide housing growth in the sustainable towns and larger settlements- generally Category

Significant change Allocation at Greenfields Road, Tunnel Hill for 18 dwellings and reduction in allocation from 50 to 25 dwellings at Sunny Bank


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Green classified as a Category 3 settlement , concern that it is not a sustainable settlement in that it does not have a reasonable range of local services. Queries VFRT survey re facilities available. Only very limited local housing need likely to be required for Holly Green during plan period. Ageing population of Ripple parish will generate little natural population growth. Suggested allocation at Sunny Bank, Holly Green is disproportionate to the development needs of the villages and the level of services available. Location of Holly Green, near Upton does not mean that location is sustainable in terms of access to services other than by private car. Consider that landscape impact on Holly Green of proposed development likely to be equal to landscape impact on Upton itself. In times of flood, A4104 floods, preventing access to Upton. Lists constraints to development of site- residential amenity/ overlooking Setting of listed farm building-Land to south of farmhouse should be kept free from development. Access from the north not suitable. Overhead

1 & 2 villages, but in some cases Category 3. Upton town council would like additional housing development in the Upton area, but it is acknowledged that due to severe flood constraint, other sustainable settlements in the area such as Tunnel Hill and Holly Green have a close relationship with Upton, and could provide some additional housing. There are no overriding wildlife or access or pollution constraints to the development of the site. However, taking into account representations on the site at Holly Green, it is now suggested that the housing allocation is reduced from 50 dwellings to 25 to mitigate impact on landscape, keeping the development on the lower area of the site, and allow better achievement of drainage and access. Some of the difference can be made up by an allocation for 18 dwellings at Tunnel Hill. MHMT04/5 has no suitable vehicular access, is partly in floodplain and part is extremely steep in profile.

Meadow, Holly Green. Significant change requiring consultation


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power lines act as a constraint re viability Topography and landscape constraints Proposed site will have higher density than surrounding development. Site could be expected to deliver between 24-30 dwellings, respecting landscape and other constraints. Alternatives sites suggested for Upton. Revisit SHLAA sites at Tunnel Hill. Agrees MHTH02,03 and 07 not suitable. May be scope to access sites MTTH04 and 05.

50 Doesn’t favour the site as planning permission was refused for housing because it is an integral gap in the street scene.

3262 Noted. Significant change Allocation at Greenfields Road, Tunnel Hill for 18 dwellings and reduction in allocation from 50 to 25 dwellings at Sunny Bank Meadow, Holly Green. Significant change requiring consultation

51 Oppose to this site allocation. Traffic generation of proposals will cause a nuisance at peak times. Led to believe that proposed house types are for younger people, and they are more likely to have 2 cars. This could easily double the amount of traffic in and out of the Holly Green. We were told at the time of the Upton Marina planning

4182 Noted / agree in part There are no overriding wildlife or access or pollution constraints to the development of the site. However, taking into account representations on the site at Holly Green, it is now suggested that the housing allocation is reduced from 50 dwellings to 25 to mitigate impact on landscape, keeping the development on the lower area of the site,

Significant change Allocation at Greenfields Road, Tunnel Hill for 18 dwellings and reduction in allocation from 50 to 25 dwellings at Sunny Bank Meadow, Holly Green. Significant change requiring consultation


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application for holiday dwellings that mains sewage infrastructure was at its limit. We now understand that the marina development will be used for full time housing development, which will also impact on sewage capacity. Site is not a favourable location for school provision if family housing built. A housing development in Tunnel Hill would be more favourable. Schools and recreational facilities are on the Upton side of the bridge. Holly Green is full of retired people who have moved away from populated areas, and enjoy the nearby green areas. Development at sunny bank would lead to more development in the future at the back of the Woodlands Estate in the future. Proposed housing would be overbearing to the properties that exist on the other side of the road, because of the slope of the land. A hillside estate would be created that would effectively dominate the area because of the slope of the land.

and allow better achievement of drainage and access. Some of the difference can be made up by an allocation for 18 dwellings at Tunnel Hill.

52 Main objection is on highway grounds. Ryall Road is and has been inappropriately and illegally used as a cut through for many years. Traffic

4624 Noted / agree in part There are no overriding wildlife or access or pollution constraints to the development of the site. However, taking into account

Significant change Allocation at Greenfields Road, Tunnel Hill for 18 dwellings and reduction in allocation from 50 to 25 dwellings at Sunny Bank


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travels at excessive speed, the exit onto A38 is hazardous and traffic build up is already excessive. Holly Green has no amenities; this is part of its charm and character. Development would be out of character with existing properties and the social housing element is excessive. Number of houses is disproportionate for a Category 3 village. If site is developed, consideration should be given to preserving existing build line and village character. Due consideration should be given to mitigating effects of development on noise and privacy issues. There are alternative sites at Tunnel Hill e.g. adjacent to doctor’s surgery which could be considered.

representations on the site at Holly Green, it is now suggested that the housing allocation is reduced from 50 dwellings to 25 to mitigate impact on landscape, keeping the development on the lower area of the site, and allow better achievement of drainage and access. Some of the difference can be made up by an allocation for 18 dwellings at Tunnel Hill.

Meadow, Holly Green. Significant change requiring consultation

53 • There are no job opportunities in Upton nor a railway station and very limited bus services to Worcester, Malvern, Tewkesbury, Pershore and Evesham. People would be forced to take cars to work and to socialise, leading to more traffic generally and even more cars using Ryall Road, already a 'rat run'.

• 50 new houses will include 25

5801 Noted / agree in part Upton upon Severn is a service and retail centre that has a range of employment in retail, tourism, restaurants and pubs and jobs related to the marina- as well as those associated with the schools and other public and professional services. There are no overriding wildlife or access or pollution constraints to the development of the site. However, taking into account representations on the site at Holly Green, it

Significant change Allocation at Greenfields Road, Tunnel Hill for 18 dwellings and reduction in allocation from 50 to 25 dwellings at Sunny Bank Meadow, Holly Green. Significant change requiring consultation


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'affordable' dwellings, all putting increased pressure on electricity, water, sewage, doctors and hospital services.

• In 1997 Holly Green and Ryall flooded and house holders were completely cut off from all towns for five days. The Holly Green site would have absorbed some water, which means flooding in the future would be more severe if the site were built on and tarmacked.

• A huge development is already approved for the marina for year round occupation.

• Last but not least, what about the wild life on the green site? We already have the enormous marina development planning and approved on our doorstep. Let any additional development be on the other side of the river where there is better road access and access to work and hospitals.

is now suggested that the housing allocation is reduced from 50 dwellings to 25 to mitigate impact on landscape, keeping the development on the lower area of the site, and allow better achievement of drainage and access. Some of the difference can be made up by an allocation for 18 dwellings at Tunnel Hill.

54 Reject the Holly Green option. Holly Green is defined in the plan as a Category 3 village, where development is restricted to conversions, replacements, infill and

6712 Noted / disagree in part The strategy consulted on is to provide housing growth in the sustainable towns and larger settlements- generally Category 1 & 2 villages, but in some cases Category

Significant change Allocation at Greenfields Road, Tunnel Hill for 18 dwellings and reduction in allocation from 50 to 25 dwellings at Sunny Bank Meadow, Holly Green.


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small rural exception sites. They do not report this site (SWDP 21/1) within the Category 3 villages; we have double the number of houses allocated to any Category 3 villages in the whole of South Worcestershire. Ripple has done a Parish Plan, and a Housing Needs Survey with no demand for further significant development. The site fails to meet their criteria. It fails 3 of the 9 required elements for a site to be considered. The sewerage system is known to be inadequate, the traffic access and congestion issues, close to a partially blind junction onto the A4104, already officially well over capacity, and it is closer than 450m to an existing oil pipeline. There is no town gas, only expensive LPG or oil. There is no access to Upton in times of flood. This proposed site is buried in the report under Upton. The Town Council say they want more houses, but I can't see a meeting minute that requests 50 houses.

3. Upton town council would like additional housing development in the Upton area, but it is acknowledged that due to severe flood constraint, other sustainable settlements in the area such as Tunnel hill and Holly Green have a close relationship with Upton, and could provide some additional housing. However, taking into account representations on the site at Holly Green, it is now suggested that the housing allocation is reduced from 50 dwellings to 25 to mitigate impact on landscape, keeping the development on the lower area of the site, and allow better achievement of drainage and access. Some of the difference can be made up by an allocation for 18 dwellings at Tunnel Hill. Town Council have made formal representations to the SWJCS and the SWDP at the consultation stages.

Significant change requiring consultation

55 No objection in principle provided water / sewerage infrastructure is improved to cope; land levels lowered to minimise visual impact; care taken

255 Noted. However, taking into account representations on the site at Holly Green, it is now suggested that the housing allocation is reduced from 50 dwellings to 25 to

Significant change Allocation at Greenfields Road, Tunnel Hill for 18 dwellings and reduction in allocation from 50 to 25 dwellings at Sunny Bank


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with access and road network as settlement used as access for A38; if these requirements cannot be met then suggests alternative site at Tunnel Hill (more accessible during flood episodes)

mitigate impact on landscape, keeping the development on the lower area of the site, and allow better achievement of drainage and access. Some of the difference can be made up by an allocation for 18 dwellings at Tunnel Hill.

Meadow, Holly Green. Significant change requiring consultation

I am vehemently opposed to any development at Sunny bank Meadow, Holly Green, principally on grounds of unsustainability. Holly Green does not have a school, and its drainage is inadequate. It is not protected against flooding by the Upton bund. What Holly Green needs is not more housing, but a shop (we had one until about 15 years ago) and a village hall. Holly Green is in the parish of Ripple, but the hall is in Ripple village, 3 miles away. It is inevitable that any development at Holly Green would become a car-based dormitory for Worcester and Malvern. There are no jobs in Upton, apart from poorly paid work. There have already been numerous complaints regarding congestion at the A38 / A41404 junctions, and speeding along Ryall Road. Any development at Sunny bank Meadow would exacerbate this. The majority of Holly Green residents

1288 Noted / disagree Taking into account representations on the site at Holly Green, it is now suggested that the housing allocation is reduced from 50 dwellings to 25 to mitigate impact on landscape, keeping the development on the lower area of the site, and allow better achievement of drainage and access. Some of the difference can be made up by an allocation for 18 dwellings at Tunnel Hill. The community facilities in Upton, such as the Memorial hall are closer to Holly Green. Upton upon Severn is a service and retail centre that has a range of employment in retail, tourism, restaurants and pubs and jobs related to the marina- as well as those associated with the schools and other public and professional services.

Significant change Allocation at Greenfields Road, Tunnel Hill for 18 dwellings and reduction in allocation from 50 to 25 dwellings at Sunny Bank Meadow, Holly Green. Significant change requiring consultation


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were opposed to the marina extension. The decision to go ahead was taken by people living miles away, and not affected by the development. So much for “localism”.

56 Opposes lack of allocation on Land at east side of Ryall Chase, Upton upon Severn (MHHG05). Proposes this as an additional site. As owners of the land our interest remains in the possible development of the land west of Ryall Chase. As residents of Holly Green for fifty years we understand the need for affordable housing for young families who wish to stay in the local area, which otherwise are forced to move elsewhere. This land is suitable for the building which is needed within the Holly Green Area: Minimal disturbance to existing local residents (fewer properties would be affected). Desirable location. Walking distance to local Upton town thus helping trade. No need to increase existing traffic via the Ryall Road, near existing estates such as the Woodlands and Beeches that access road is inadequate to withstand yet another estate and is already a very busy road in particular in the morning

51 Disagree Land east of Ryall Chase is not considered acceptable on highway safety grounds for access reasons

Significant change Allocation at Greenfields Road, Tunnel Hill for 18 dwellings and reduction in allocation from 50 to 25 dwellings at Sunny Bank Meadow, Holly Green. Significant change requiring consultation


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and evening. 57 Oppose omission of site for housing.

Representations on behalf of the Rimell family who own land at Tunnel Hill, Upton on Severn. As part of these submissions a revised (smaller) site for 50 dwellings is put forward for consideration as part of SWDP as an alternative to the Preferred Options Holly Green allocation. The owners are supportive of development of site MHTH07 (or part of it). Tunnel Hill is Category 3 settlement and a more sustainable location. Alternative Site is closer to health facilities (new Upton Surgery which provides extensive medical facilities) school, other community facilities; on regular bus route with frequent services. Site is visually constrained and can be landscaped. Site MHTH07 (or part of it) is considered to be a better site in relation to objective planning criteria than the currently preferred site at Holly Green (which has flood risk issues). Amend SWDP to make allocated Tunnel Hill site to accommodate development for Upton on Severn.

389 Noted / agree Taking into account representations on the site at Holly Green, it is now suggested that the housing allocation is reduced from 50 dwellings to 25 to mitigate impact on landscape, keeping the development on the lower area of the site, and allow better achievement of drainage and access. Some of the difference can be made up by an allocation for 18 dwellings at Greenfields Road, Tunnel Hill. The site at ref MHTH07 land at r/o Karuna Lodge was examined in the SHLAA but considered to be not well related to the main settlement at Tunnel Hill and of too large a scale.

Significant change Allocation at Greenfields Road, Tunnel Hill for 18 dwellings and reduction in allocation from 50 to 25 dwellings at Sunny Bank Meadow, Holly Green. Significant change requiring consultation


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Officer consideration Recommended response

Page 39 Council meetings 3rd July 2012

58 Include reference to site at Upton Marina. Amend last sentence to read “The Town Council recognises that any growth would have to be outside of the settlement itself. The most appropriate and available site to accommodate the 50 dwellings would be land north east of Upton marina, Upton upon Severn.

3992 Disagree The suggestion to deliver permanent housing at Upton marina was put forward at the SWDP consultation stage in November 2011, but no detailed evidence has been put forward to show that this is desirable, or achievable in terms of: access to the site in terms of flood risk / highway safety; issues of contaminated land; landscape issues due to topography; coalescence between Ryall and Upton; general flood risk; delivery of affordable housing.

No change