Southeast #23, 2010

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Southeast #23, 2010


Bell and Associates Construction LP photoThe Foothills Parkway Bridge will be located between Pigeon Forge and Townsend, Tenn. In asomewhat unusual move, construction is being performed from the top down.

Forty-two capital construction projects and33 planning projects in 40 states will share near-ly $600 million from the U.S. Department ofTransportation’s popular TIGER II program formajor infrastructure projects ranging from high-ways and bridges to transit, rail and ports,Secretary Ray LaHood announced.

Transportation Investment GeneratingEconomic Recovery (TIGER) II received near-ly 1,000 construction grant applications formore than $19 billion from all 50 states, U.S.territories and the District of Columbia.

The tremendous demand for TIGER II proj-ect dollars follows a similar demand for TIGERI project dollars. On Feb. 17, 2009, theDepartment announced 51 grant awards fromnearly 1,500 applications for TIGER I grantsnationwide. The TIGER I requests were foralmost $60 billion worth of projects, 40 times

the $1.5 billion available under that program.TIGER I dollars were made available under theAmerican Recovery and Reinvestment Act of2009.

“These are innovative, 21st century projectsthat will change the U.S. transportation land-scape by strengthening the economy and creat-ing jobs, reducing gridlock and providing safe,affordable and environmentally sustainabletransportation choices,” said LaHood. “Manyof these projects could not have been fundedwithout this program.”

Roughly 29 percent of TIGER II money goesfor road projects, 26 percent for transit, 20 per-cent for rail projects, 16 percent for ports, fourpercent for bicycle and pedestrian projects andfive percent for planning projects.

An example of projects funded is $47.6 mil-lion to the city of Atlanta to construct a new

streetcar line connecting many of the mostimportant downtown residential, cultural, edu-cational and historic centers, demonstrating thedepartment’s commitment to improving qualityof life in major metropolitan areas.

TIGER II also provided $20 million to theNew Hampshire Department of Transportationto replace the deteriorating Memorial Bridgethat connects Portsmouth, N.H., with Kittery,Maine. The bridge is at the end of its service lifeand has a bridge sufficiency rating of six out of100. Safety concerns recently required a maxi-mum three-ton weight restriction on the bridge,causing all truck traffic to be detoured. Theproject demonstrates the department’s commit-ment to bringing the nation’s aging road andhighway infrastructure to a state of good repair.

In addition, TIGER II funds are being used to

More Than 70 Projects Funded Under TIGER II


In what’s proving to be a challeng-ing task due to rugged terrain, sur-rounding wildlife and rapidlyapproaching cold weather, crews inTennessee are working to completethe so-called “missing link” neededfor the Foothills Parkway in GreatSmoky Mountains National Park inTennessee.

Construction began in January2010 on the roughly $25 million proj-ect, which will add an almost 800-ft.-long (243 m) bridge connecting theeastern end of the unfinished WearsValley stretch of parkway to theWalland segment. Expected to becompleted in November of next year,the bridge will be supported by fourpiers up to 100 ft. (30.5 m) above theground, placing the road across tworavines on the south slope ofChilhowee Mountain.

“We are building a temporarybridge to get to the piers and to erectthe precast segments,” explained

‘Missing Link’Span Begins on Foothills Pkwy.

KKoommaattssuu,, TTEECC SSppoonnssoorrNNAASSCCAARR SSpprriinntt CCuupp CCaarr……88

RRiittcchhiiee SSeellllss MMoorree TThhaann11,,440000 LLoottss iinn OOrrllaannddoo……5566

JJCCBB UUnnvveeiillss NNeeww SSkkiiddSStteeeerrss,, CCTTLLss……1122


470 Maryland Drive • Ft. Washington, PA 19034 • 215/885-2900 • Toll Free 800-523-2200 • Fax 215/885-2910 •“The Nation’s Best Read Construction Newspaper… Founded 1957.”

® SSoouutthheeaassttEEddiittiioonn

$3.00November 172010

Vol. XXIII • No.23

see PARKWAY page 26

Published Nationally

see TIGER page 42

Table of Contents ............4

Truck & Trailer Section ......................................28-30

Crushing, Screening &Recycling Section ....31-40

Parts Section ............42-43

Auction Section ......52-63

Business Calendar ........54

Advertisers Index ..........62

Page 2 • November 17, 2010 • • CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT GUIDE

CCaallll NNeeiill CCoorrrraaddoo:: 886666--331133--99667700 oorr 990044--228844--99667700 •• CCeellll:: 990044--557711--99227700





606 S. R. 16 East, Green Cove Springs, FL 32043904-284-9670 Fax: 904-358-8706 Email:




2007 Kobelco CK1000 HD 2007 Kobelco CK1000 2009 Kobelco CK2500-II American 5299 American 7250


Link Belt LS98 Cat 375 Barge 607 N35 Amer 5530

Mobro Doubletime Crewboat Mobro Dredge IMS Mobro ExNavy Landing Tugs Mobro Tug 1 Mobro Tug 2 Mobro Tug 3

CRANES22000033 HHiittaacchhii SSuummiittoommoo 224400 ttoonn HHyyddrraauulliicc ccrraawwlleerr ccrraannee –– 220’ main boom, 4 sheave block,ball ............................................................................................................................$$11,,110000,,00000022000099 KKoobbeellccoo CCKK 22550000IIII – low hours, 250 ton crawler crane w/200’ boom, freefall drums,block and ball ............................................................................................................$$11,,555500,,00000022000077 KKoobbeellccoo CCKK 11000000IIIIII – low hours, 100 ton crawler crane w/150’ boom, 3 drums, freefall,block and ball ..............................................................................................................$$669955,,00000022000077 KKoobbeellccoo CCKK11000000IIIIII HHDD – low hrs, 100 ton crawler crane w/150’ boom, 3 drums, freefall,block and ball ..............................................................................................................$$770055,,00000077225500 AAmmeerriiccaann 6600 ttoonn ccrraawwlleerr ccrraannee – 100’ boom, block and ball ..............................$$7755,,00000055553300 AAmmeerriiccaann ttrruucckk ccrraannee,, 75 ton capacity – 150’ boom and 40’ jib, block and ball..$$9955,,00000044445500 AAmmeerriiccaann ttrruucckk ccrraannee,, 35 ton capacity – 100’ boom, block and ball ..................$$7755,,00000055229999 AAmmeerriiccaann 5500 ttoonn ccrraawwlleerr ccrraannee – 100’ boom, block and ball ............................$$115500,,00000011998877 LLiinnkkbbeelltt LLSS 9988,, 4400 ttoonn ccrraawwlleerr ccrraannee – 70’ boom, block and ball ....................$$114400,,000000

EXCAVATOR11999966 CCaatteerrppiillllaarr 337755LL HHyyddaauulliicc EExxccaavvaattoorr – 3 buckets and quick coupler. Buckets included:Hawco clamshell, 4 yd digging, 2 yd ditching and quick coupler ................................$$118855,,000000

BARGES – TUG BOATS – DREDGETTuugg ““TTrrooyy”” 2299’’XX1133’’XX55’’ sstteeeell hhuullll ww// ttwwiinn eennggiinnee 66vv7711 DDeettrrooiitt DDiieesseell ......................$$221155,,000000EExx-- NNaavvyy LLCCMM llaannddiinnggccrraafftt ttuuggss - Cummins(new engines) ..........................................$$9955,,000000((AAmmbbuusshh aanndd GGuunnssmmookkee)) - Detroit(used engines) ........................................................$$8855,,000000““DDoouubblleettiimmee”” ccrreewwbbooaatt 2244’’XX88’’ AAlluummiinnuumm hhuullll ............................................................$$3355,,000000TTuugg ““SSccuuffffyy”” 2233..77’’XX2200’’XX55..88’’ SStteeeell hhuullll ww//ttwwiinn 66vv7711 DDeettrrooiitt DDiieesseell..........................$$222255,,000000TTuugg ““BBooggyy”” 110000’’XX2288’’XX77..88’’ SStteeeell hhuullll ww//ssiinnggllee eennggiinnee aanndd ggeenneerraattoorrss....................$$557755,,000000BBaarrggee ““AAllaabbaammaa”” 114400’’XX6655’’XX99’’ SStteeeell hhuullll bbaarrggee ww//ttwwoo 3366”” rroouunndd ssppuuddwweellllss ......$$220000,,000000BBaarrggee ““JJaaxx IIIIII”” 112200’’XX4400’’XX88’’ SStteeeell hhuullll bbaarrggee ww// ttwwoo rroouunndd ssppuuddwweellllss ....................$$115500,,000000BBaarrggee ““mmoobbrroo 991100”” 113355’’XX4444’’XX88’’ SStteeeell hhuullll bbaarrggee ww//ttwwoo ssqquuaarree 2244”” ssppuuddwweellllss ....$$117755,,000000BBaarrggee ““DDiixxiiee 44440099”” 119955’’XX3355’’XX1100’’ SStteeeell hhuullll bbaarrggee ..................................................$$220000,,000000DDrreeddggee IIMMSS 44001100HHTT 2244’’XX88’’ ..........................................................................................$$8855,,000000BBaarrggee FFSS 2277 225500’’XX5500’’XX1166’’ SStteeeell hhuullll bbaarrggee ..............................................................$$887755,,000000BBaarrggee ““660077”” 111100’’XX3322’’XX99’’ SStteeeell hhuullll bbaarrggee ................................................................$$115500,,000000BBaarrggee ““660088”” 111100’’XX3322’’XX99’’ SStteeeell hhuullll bbaarrggee ................................................................$$115500,,000000BBaarrggee ““660099”” 111100’’XX3322’’XX99’’ SStteeeell hhuullll bbaarrggee ................................................................$$115500,,000000BBaarrggee ““NN3355”” 5500’’XX1188’’XX44’’ SStteeeell hhuullll bbaarrggee ....................................................................$$4400,,000000

Special Sale:2009 Kobelco CK2500, LowHours, 240’ Boom, 3rd Drum....................Call for Price

CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT GUIDE • • November 17, 2010 • Page 3

Your VOLVO dealer inThe Carolinas • Georgia • Alabama • East Tennessee

Contact: Doug Wilson 704-562-2032 Email:

Contact: Billy Brice 678-318-9500Email:

VVOOLLVVOO AArrttiiccuullaatteedd WWaatteerr TTaannkkeerrss ..............................................................PP..OO..RR..

((22)) 22000088 VVOOLLVVOO LL2200BB,, 649-816 Hrs ..................................................$$5522,,000000 EEaa..22000077 VVOOLLVVOO LL2255,, 1617 Hrs ......................................................................$$3388,,00000022000055 VVOOLLVVOO LL4455BB,, 4075 Hrs ....................................................................$$4422,,00000022000099 VVOOLLVVOO LL6600EE,, 733 Hrs ....................................................................$$112288,,000000((22)) 22000055 VVOOLLVVOO LL7700EE,, 6322-14,501 Hrs ....................................$$5500,,000000--$$8855,,000000((44)) 22000099 VVOOLLVVOO LL7700FF,, 675-2189 Hrs ....................................$$113322,,000000--$$114422,,00000022000044 VVOOLLVVOO LL9900EE,, 10,385 Hrs..................................................................$$8866,,00000022000099 VVOOLLVVOO LL9900FF,, 1488 Hrs ..................................................................$$115522,,000000((22)) 22000077 VVOOLLVVOO LL111100FF,, 2357-7620 Hrs ................................$$112200,,000000--$$113300,,00000022000099 VVOOLLVVOO LL111100FF,, 2103 Hrs ................................................................$$117700,,00000022000088 VVOOLLVVOO LL112200FF,, 1416 Hrs ................................................................$$221155,,00000022000099 VVOOLLVVOO LL112200FF,, 6 Hrs ......................................................................$$222255,,00000022001100 VVOOLLVVOO LL112200FF,, 229 Hrs ..................................................................$$225500,,00000022000077 VVOOLLVVOO LL115500FF,, 6826 Hrs ................................................................$$116677,,55000022000088 VVOOLLVVOO LL115500FF,, 1752 Hrs ................................................................$$224400,,000000((22)) 22000099 VVOOLLVVOO LL115500FF,, 1794-1884 Hrs ................................$$226600,,000000--$$227700,,00000022001100 VVOOLLVVOO LL115500FF,, 1197 Hrs ................................................................$$330000,,000000

22000088 VVOOLLVVOO GG994400,, Stk# 14100712, 967 Hrs ..........................................$$116655,,00000022000077 CCHHAAMMPPIIOONN CC8866,, 320 Hrs ..............................................................$$110099,,00000022000077 VVOOLLVVOO CC8800AA,, 406 Hrs ....................................................................$$110022,,00000022000088 VVOOLLVVOO CC8866AA,, 291 Hrs ....................................................................$$111155,,00000022000088 VVOOLLVVOO GG993300,, 951 Hrs ....................................................................$$116655,,00000022000099 VVOOLLVVOO GG993300,, 506 Hrs ....................................................................$$221100,,000000((33)) 22000077 VVOOLLVVOO GG994400,, 357-1397 Hrs ....................................$$116688,,550000--$$119944,,000000((66)) 22000088 VVOOLLVVOO GG994400,, 304-1273 Hrs ....................................$$116655,,000000--$$221155,,000000

22000044 CCAATTEERRPPIILLLLAARR 224477,, 2375 Hrs ..........................................................$$1177,,00000022000066 VVOOLLVVOO MMCC7700BB,, 4217 Hrs ................................................................$$2244,,55000022000066 VVOOLLVVOO MMCC111100BB,, 312 Hrs ................................................................$$3344,,000000

22000077 IINNGGEERRSSOOLLLL--RRAANNDD CCRR3300,, 119 Hrs ..........................................$$5522,,000000

22000077 IINNGGEERRSSOOLLLL--RRAANNDD PPFF22118811,, 1613 Hrs............................................$$222255,,00000011999999 BBLLAAWW--KKNNOOXX PPFF116611,, 9715 Hrs ........................................................$$2277,,00000022000077 VVOOLLVVOO PPFF66117700,, 1302 Hrs ..............................................................$$225555,,000000

22000077 BBOOMMAAGG BBWW114455PPDDHH--33,, 157 Hrs ......................................................$$6611,,000000((22)) 22000077 BBOOMMAAGG BBWW117777PPDDHH--33,, 130-224 Hrs............................$$7722,,000000--$$7788,,55000022000077 BBOOMMAAGG BBWW221111PPDD--4400,, 791 Hrs........................................................$$7799,,00000022000077 BBOOMMAAGG BBWW221111PPDD--4400,, 752 Hrs........................................................$$7777,,00000022000077 IINNGGEERRSSOOLLLL--RRAANNDD SSDD7777DDXX,, 168 Hrs ..............................................$$7722,,55000022000066 IINNGGEERRSSOOLLLL--RRAANNDD SSDD112222FF,, 24 Hrs..................................................$$9977,,00000022000077 VVOOLLVVOO SSDD4455FF,, 9 Hrs ........................................................................$$6699,,000000

VVoollvvoo RRoolllleerr..................................................................................................PP..OO..RR..22000077 BBOOMMAAGG BBWW112244DDHH--33,, 5 Hrs..............................................................$$5511,,00000022000077 BBOOMMAAGG BBWW114455DD--33,, 114 Hrs ............................................................$$5533,,00000022000077 BBOOMMAAGG BBWW117777DD--33,, 116 Hrs ............................................................$$8855,,00000022000077 BBOOMMAAGG BBWW221111DD--4400,, 498 Hrs ..........................................................$$8877,,00000022000066 BBOOMMAAGG BBWW221133DDHH,, 588 Hrs ............................................................$$8822,,00000022000077 HHYYPPAACC CC881155CC,, 1 Hrs ........................................................................$$5522,,00000022000077 HHYYPPAACC CC883300CC,, 6 Hrs ........................................................................$$8866,,000000((22)) 22000055 HHYYPPAACC CC884400CC,, 360-1128 Hrs ......................................$$6600,,000000--$$6677,,00000022000077 HHYYPPAACC CC884400CC,, 278 Hrs ....................................................................$$9911,,00000011999999 HHYYPPAACC CC884422CC,, 1 Hrs ......................................................................$$110033,,55000022000066 HHYYPPAACC CC776666CC,, 34 Hrs ....................................................................$$110011,,00000022000077 HHYYPPAACC CC777788BB,, 261 Hrs ..................................................................$$112266,,00000022000055 IINNGGEERRSSOOLLLL--RRAANNDD SSDD112222DDXX,, 800 Hrs ............................................$$9944,,00000022000088 VVOOLLVVOO DDDD1166,, 50 Hrs........................................................................$$3322,,00000022000088 VVOOLLVVOO DDDD3311HHFF,, 1355 Hrs................................................................$$3388,,00000022000088 VVOOLLVVOO DDDD9900HHFF,, 616 Hrs................................................................$$112200,,00000022000088 VVOOLLVVOO DDDD111188HHFF,, 765 Hrs..............................................................$$114466,,00000022000088 VVOOLLVVOO DDDD113388HHFF,, 1288 Hrs............................................................$$112288,,000000((22)) 22000077 VVOOLLVVOO SSDD7777DDXX,, 114-204 Hrs ..............................................$$8855,,000000 EEaa..22000066 VVOOLLVVOO SSDD111166DDXX,, 1250 Hrs ............................................................$$7755,,000000((44)) 22000077 VVOOLLVVOO SSDD111166DDXX,, 68-1055 Hrs................................$$110055,,000000--$$110066,,00000011999999 WWAACCKKEERR RRDD2255,, 2497 Hrs ..................................................................$$88,,000000

22000066 VVOOLLVVOO EECCRR3388,, 196 Hrs ....................................................................$$3388,,00000022000066 VVOOLLVVOO EECCRR2288,, 33 Hrs ......................................................................$$3355,,00000022000055 VVOOLLVVOO EECC2255,, 47 Hrs ........................................................................$$3344,,00000022000066 VVOOLLVVOO EECC2255,, 25 Hrs ........................................................................$$3344,,00000011999988 VVOOLLVVOO EECC3355,, 763 Hrs ......................................................................$$2211,,00000022000066 VVOOLLVVOO EECC3355,, 839 Hrs ......................................................................$$2277,,00000022000066 VVOOLLVVOO EECC4455BB,, 83 Hrs ......................................................................$$4477,,22000022000066 VVOOLLVVOO EECC4455,, 120 Hrs ......................................................................$$5533,,55000022000088 VVOOLLVVOO EECC5555BB,, 1903 Hrs ..................................................................$$4488,,00000022000088 VVOOLLVVOO EECC5555BB,, 1765 Hrs ..................................................................$$4488,,000000

22000088 VVOOLLVVOO EEWW221100CC,, 609 Hrs ..............................................................$$118855,,000000

22000022 VVOOLLVVOO AA3300DD,, Stk# 13101008, 8362 Hrs ........REDUCED $80,000 $$9922,,55000011999999 VVOOLLVVOO AA2255CC,, 10,096 Hrs ................................................................$$6655,,000000((66)) 22000077 VVOOLLVVOO AA2255DD,, 2845-4263 Hrs ..................................$$116699,,000000--$$229900,,00000022000033 VVOOLLVVOO AA3300DD,, 5478 Hrs ..................................................................$$223355,,000000((77)) 22000077 VVOOLLVVOO AA3300DD,, 3510-4754 Hrs ..................................$$222200,,000000--$$227700,,00000022000044 VVOOLLVVOO AA4400DD,, 12,110 Hrs ..............................................................$$111155,,000000((66)) 22000077 VVOOLLVVOO AA4400DD,, 4660-5789 Hrs ..................................$$229900,,000000--$$440000,,000000((22)) 22000088 VVOOLLVVOO AA4400EE,, 3811-3325 Hrs ..................................$$449900,,000000--$$550000,,000000

22000077 VVOOLLVVOO BBLL7700DD,, 354 Hrs ....................................................................$$5577,,00000022000077 VVOOLLVVOO BBLL7700,, 2151 Hrs ....................................................................$$5566,,000000

22000077 VVOOLLVVOO EECC224400CCLLCC,, Stk# 11103798, 4154 Hrs..................................$$7799,,55000022000066 DDEEEERREE 445500DD LLCC,, 4161 Hrs ............................................................$$225500,,00000022000055 VVOOLLVVOO EECCRR5588,, 805 Hrs ....................................................................$$4455,,00000022000066 VVOOLLVVOO EECCRR5588,, 833 Hrs ....................................................................$$4499,,000000((22)) 22000077 VVOOLLVVOO EECCRR5588,, 71-1795 Hrs ........................................$$3399,,000000--$$5555,,55000022000088 VVOOLLVVOO EECCRR8888,, 262 Hrs ....................................................................$$8877,,00000022000055 VVOOLLVVOO EECCRR8888,, 487 Hrs ....................................................................$$6688,,00000022000088 VVOOLLVVOO EECCRR223355CCLL,, 844 Hrs............................................................$$116688,,00000022000044 VVOOLLVVOO EECC114400BB LLCC,, 2429 Hrs ..........................................................$$6600,,00000022000066 VVOOLLVVOO EECC114400BB LLCC,, 1523 Hrs ..........................................................$$7799,,00000022000077 VVOOLLVVOO EECC221100CC LLCC,, 785 Hrs ..........................................................$$112266,,00000022000077 VVOOLLVVOO EECC224400BB LLCC,, 3125 Hrs ........................................................$$113322,,000000((22)) 22000088 VVOOLLVVOO EECC224400CC LLRR,, 2019-2033 Hrs ........................$$118800,,000000--$$119900,,000000((66)) 22000077 VVOOLLVVOO EECC229900BB LLCC,, 8-2011 Hrs ..............................$$114400,,000000--$$118800,,00000022000055 VVOOLLVVOO EECC333300BB LLCC,, 3133 Hrs ........................................................$$117711,,660000((44)) 22000077 VVOOLLVVOO EECC333300BB LLCC,, 942-2352 Hrs ..........................$$116600,,000000--$$220033,,00000022000077 VVOOLLVVOO EECC336600BB LLCC,, 2450 Hrs ........................................................$$117755,,00000022000033 VVOOLLVVOO EECC446600BB LLCC,, 6514 Hrs ........................................................$$114499,,000000

22000099 BBRROOCCEE KKRR335500,, 686 Hrs ..........................................................$$3366,,000000

11999955 CCAATTEERRPPIILLLLAARR 996633BB,, 8447 Hrs................................................$$4499,,000000CRAWLER LOADER















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Page 4 • November 17, 2010 • • CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT GUIDE

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• Mississippi • North Carolina • South Carolina • Tennessee • Virginia • Puerto Rico • Virgin Islands

Founder, Publisher & CEO Edwin M. McKeon Sr.Vice President Emeritus Hal Ewing

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Construction Equipment Guide Southeast Edition (ISSN 1058-6474) is published bi-weekly by Construction EquipmentGuide Ltd. Advertising and Editorial Offices are located at 470 Maryland Dr., Ft. Washington, PA 19034. Toll Free800/523-2200 or Fax 215/885-2910. Annual Subscription Rate $65.00. Call for Canadian and foreign rates.Periodicals postage paid at Ft. Washington, PA and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes toConstruction Equipment Guide Southeast Edition, 470 Maryland Dr, Ft. Washington, PA 19034.Contents Copyrighted ©2010, by Construction Equipment Guide, which is a Registered Trademark, registered in the U.S.Patent Office. Registration number 0957323. All rights reserved, nothing may be reprinted or reproduced (includingframing) in whole or part without written permission from the publisher. All editorial material, photographs, drawings,letters, and other material will be treated as unconditionally assigned for publication and copyright purposes and are sub-ject to Construction Equipment Guide's unrestricted right to edit and comment editorially. Contributor articles do not nec-essarily reflect the policy or opinions of this publication.Call or write for advertising rates, publication schedule and media kit. The Construction Equipment Guide is not responsi-ble for clerical or printer's errors, every care is taken to avoid mistakes. Photographs of equipment used in advertise-ments are not necessarily actual photographs of the specific machine. Similar photographs are used occasionally andevery effort is taken to depict the actual equipment advertised. The right is reserved to reject any advertising.

IN THIS ISSUESPECIAL SECTION…RECYCLING, CRUSHING AND SCREENINGBe sure to check out this special section! Keep up to date with the latest information on recycling, crushing and screening.

FEATURES…KOMATSU, TEC SPONSOR NASCAR SPRINT CUP CARKomatsu America Corp. representatives flocked to Talladega, Ala., to jointheir distributor, Tractor & Equipment Co. for the first ever Komatsu/Tractor& Equipment Company sponsored NASCAR Sprint Cup car run.

JCB LAUNCHES NEW GENERATION SKID STEERS,COMPACT TRACK LOADERSThese “New Generation” machines are the first to not only be manufactured but also designed and engineered at the company’s NorthAmerican headquarters in Savannah, Ga.

MORE THAN $3M TO GO TO MISS. FOR HIGHWAY PROJECTSThe city of Cleveland will receive $1.1 million for construction of a boulevard and trail to venues at Delta State University in Cleveland.

KNOXVILLE BRIDGE TO CLOSE FOR TWO YEARS IN JANUARY Contractor Britton Bridge of Mt. Juliet won the contract, which includes a$1 million bonus to complete the work by Dec. 31, 2012.

VOLVO RENTS CELEBRATES GRAND OPENING INBATON ROUGE, LA.The grand opening included a fried fish and shrimp lunch with approximately 300 attendees, along with many local contractors involvedin the construction, agricultural and other local industries.

EIGHT-YEAR, $240M HOOVER DAM BYPASS BRIDGEPROJECT REACHES CONCLUSIONThe 1,900-ft. engineering wonder perched 890 ft. above the ColoradoRiver is expected to drastically cut travel time along the main routebetween Las Vegas and Phoenix

MORE THAN 1,400 LOTS GO ON BLOCK AT RITCHIEORLANDO SALEBidders came from 46 countries, including 49 U.S. states and 10 Canadian provinces. More than 65 percent of the trucks and equipmentsold in the auction.










EQUIPMENT…36 POWERSCREEN Pegson XA75038 TRAMAC V4500 Heavy Breaker






CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT GUIDE • • November 17, 2010 • Page 5

Page 6 • November 17, 2010 • • CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT GUIDE

Acworth, GA770-529-5125Atlanta, GA

770-319-0074Buford, GA

678-318-9500Savannah, GA912-964-8079

Asheville, NC828-687-0620Charlotte, NC704-596-8283Garner, NC


Greenville, NC252-754-5280

Cayce, SC803-791-0740

North Charleston, SC843-414-1120

Piedmont, SC864-704-1060

Chattanooga, TN423-308-7940Knoxville, TN865-525-1845

Location July AugustAsheville, NC x xAthens, GA x xAtlanta, GA x 08/25/10 TE/CSAugusta, GA 07/28/10 TE/CS xBaltimore, MD* 07/14/10 TE/CS 08/11/10 TE/CSBlacksburg, VA x xBoone, NC x 08/20/10 TE/CSBristol, TN 07/27/10 TE/CS 08/24/10 TE/CSCharleston, SC 07/22/10 TE/CS 08/19/10 TE/CSCharlotte, NC 07/29/10 TE/CS 08/26/10 TE/CSCharlottesville, VA x 08/10/10 TE/CSColumbia, SC 07/23/10 TE/CS xFayetteville, NC 07/07/10 TE/CS xFrederick, MD 07/13/10 TE/CS xGreenville, NC x xGreenville, SC 07/20/10 TE/CS 08/17/10 TE/CSGreensboro, NC 07/30/10 TE/CS 08/27/10 TE/CSHagerstown, MD x xHarrisonburg, VA x xJacksonville, NC x xKnoxville, TN x xLynchburg, VA 07/09/10 TE/CS xManassas, VA 07/15/10 TE/CS 08/12/10 TE/CSMyrtle Beach, SC 07/21/10 TE/CS 08/18/10 TE/CSNewport News, VA x x

Norfolk, VA 07/06/10 TE/CS 08/03/10 TE/CS08/31/10 TE/CS

Raleigh, NC 07/08/10 TE/CS 08/05/10 TE/CSRichmond, VA 07/16/10 TE/CS 08/13/10 TE/CSRoanoke, VA x 08/06/10 TE/CSSavannah, GA x xStaunton, VA x xSuffolk, VA x xVirginia Beach, VA x xWilmington, NC x 08/04/10 TE/CS

Greensboro, NC1.866.587.3624

Atlanta, GA1.877.312.1776

Charlotte, NC1.877.587.3624

Raleigh, NC1.888.587.3624

Richmond, VA1.866.887.3630

DC/Northern VA1.888.387.3624

Norfolk, VA1.866.887.3630

Baltimore, MD1.866.951.0809

Myrtle Beach, SC1.866.586.9404

Charleston, SC1.866.957.3624

Greenville, SC1.877.312.1780

Knoxville, TN1.877.312.1781

Birmingham, AL1.877.312.1782

Jacksonville, FL1.877.312.1783



Training Class

TE= Trench & ExcavationCS= Con!ned SpaceSP= Spanish Training Classx = No Class

LLooccaattiioonn NNoovveemmbbeerr DDeecceemmbbeerrAsheville, NC XX 1122//1100//1100 TTEE//CCSSAthens, GA XX XXAtlanta, GA 1111//1177//1100 TTEE//CCSS 1122//1155//1100 TTEE//CCSSAugusta, GA XX XXBaltimore, MD* 1111//0033//1100 TTEE//CCSS 1122//0011//1100 TTEE//CCSS

1122//2299//1100 TTEE//CCSSBirmingham, AL XX XXBlacksburg, VA 1111//2266//1100 TTEE//CCSS XXBoone, NC 1111//1122//1100 TTEE//CCSS XXBristol, TN 1111//1166//1100 TTEE//CCSS 1122//1144//1100 TTEE//CCSSCharleston, SC 1111//1111//1100 TTEE//CCSS 1122//0099//1100 TTEE//CCSSCharlotte, NC 1111//1188//1100 TTEE//CCSS 1122//1155//1100 TTEE//CCSSCharlottesville, VA 1111//0022//1100 TTEE//CCSS XXColumbia, SC 1111//0099//1100 TTEE//CCSS XXFayetteville, NC XX 1122//2222//1100 TTEE//CCSSFrederick, MD XX 1122//2288//1100 TTEE//CCSSGreensboro, NC 1111//1199//1100 TTEE//CCSS 1122//1177//1100 TTEE//CCSSGreenville, NC XX XXGreenville, SC XX 1122//0077//1100 TTEE//CCSSHagerstown, MD 1111//3300//1100 TTEE//CCSS XXHarrisonburg, VA XX XXJacksonville, FL XX XXJacksonville, NC XX XXKnoxville, TN XX XXLynchburg, VA XX XXManassas, VA 1111//0044//1100 TTEE//CCSS 1122//0022//1100 TTEE//CCSS

1122//3300//1100 TTEE//CCSSMyrtle Beach, SC 1111//1100//1100 TTEE//CCSS 1122//0088//1100 TTEE//CCSSNewport News, VA XX XXNorfolk, VA 1111//2233//1100 TTEE//CCSS 1122//2211//1100 TTEE//CCSSRaleigh, NC 1111//2244//1100 TTEE//CCSS 1122//2233//1100 TTEE//CCSSRichmond, VA 1111//0055//1100 TTEE//CCSS 1122//0033//1100 TTEE//CCSS

1122//3311//1100 TTEE//CCSSRoanoke, VA XX XXSavannah, GA XX XXStaunton, VA XX XXSuffolk, VA XX XXVirginia Beach, VA XX XXWilmington, NC XX XX

TTEE=Trench & Excavation Training, CCSS=Confined Space Training,SSPP=Spanish Training Class and XX=No Class

CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT GUIDE • • November 17, 2010 • Page 7

Page 8 • November 17, 2010 • • CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT GUIDE

Komatsu, TEC Sponsor NASCAR Sprint Cup Car

The number 1 Komatsu car on display was a topicof many conversations as this was the car drivenby Ryan Newman on July 2 for a top ten finish inthe NASCAR Nationwide Series race at DaytonaInternational Speedway.

Before heading trackside, RobMiddleton (L) of Baldwin Mining Co.,Foley, Ala., and Dan Stracener ofTractor & Equipment Company catchup on the latest industry news and abit of NASCAR conversation.

Bob Post (L) and Erik Wilde of KomatsuAmerica Corp. kept the prizes flowing as theycalled out winning ticket numbers for a vastarray of Komatsu racing shirts, souvenirs anddiecast models.

Photo provided by Justin Heiman/Getty Images.Veteran driver Bobby Labonte piloted the number09 Phoenix Racing Chevrolet Impala sponsored byKomatsu and Tractor & Equipment Company in theNASCAR Sprint Cup Series race.

Enjoying the morning’s festivities (L-R) are Darrell Irwin,Vulcan Materials, Atlanta, Ga.; Donna and SteveMcCondichie, Tractor & Equipment Co., Atlanta; SteveCollier, Vulcan Materials, Kennesaw, Ga.; Terry Shepherd,Tractor & Equipment Co., Kennesaw, Ga.; and Joe Gowens,Vulcan Materials, Kennesaw, Ga.

Approximately 500 guests, customers, and friends of KomatsuAmerica Corp. and Tractor & Equipment Company turned out fora hospitality event in Talladega, Ala.

The food line was stacked deep forsome great southern style catfish andchicken strips with all the sidesthanks to Alabama’s Whiskers Catfish.

Another beast of a machine on display at the event was theKomatsu NHRA Funny Car. Komatsu America recently part-nered with Pedregon Racing as a sponsor for two-timeNHRA Funny Car world champion, Tony Pedregon.

On Oct. 31, Komatsu America Corp. representativesflocked to Talladega, Ala., to join their distributor, Tractor& Equipment Company (TEC) to witness the first everKomatsu/Tractor & Equipment Company sponsoredNASCAR Sprint Cup car run in the AMP Energy Juice500 at Talladega Superspeedway.

James Finch, owner of Phoenix Racing, partnered withthe two companies in the past in the NASCARNationwide Series, and tagged them again for the firsttime for a Sprint Cup car. Finch also owns PhoenixConstruction and utilizes Komatsu equipment.

Approximately 500 customers, friends, guests and rep-resentatives of Komatsu America and TEC joined togeth-er for a hospitality event at the Champion Center on thegrounds of Talladega Superspeedway prior to watchingthe number 09 Phoenix Racing Komatsu-TEC sponsoredChevrolet Impala driven by Bobby Labonte run in the toptier series of NASCAR racing.

Race day kicked off with an early catered lunch, prizedrawings and an opportunity to check out some Komatsumachines on display as well as the Komatsu Funny Carand NASCAR Nationwide Series car.

CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT GUIDE • • November 17, 2010 • Page 9

22000055 WWAACCKKEERR RRTT8822--SSCC,, W/BROLLER-PADFOOT-3000, S/N5593138, UNIT #581593....................................................$$77,,339911

22000055 BBOOBBCCAATT SS222200,, SKIDSTEERLOADER-1851-2200 LB, S/N526215460, UNIT #590851 ............................................ $$1155,,771111

22000044 DDEEEERREE 555500HH--LLTT CCRRAAWWLLEERRDDOOZZEERR,, 75-84HP-STD TRACK,S/N T0550HX937358, UNIT#512419........................$$3322,,330011

22000055 IIHHII 3355NN MMIINNII EEXXCCAAVVAATTOORR,,10-10.9' DEPTH, S/NWM000642, UNIT #545200 ..........................................$$1188,,888888

22000044 JJLLGG GG99--4433AA,, RCH FORK-LIFT-9000 LB 35-45', S/N0160003850, UNIT #505796 ............................................$$3300,,227755

22000033 DDEEEERREE 220000CCLLCC,, EXCAVA-TOR-42-48.9K LB-TRACK, S/NFF200CX504633, UNIT #480043....................................$$4422,,882200

2004 JLG E300AJP-NAR, ART BOOM LIFT-30-34'-2WD DC, S/N0300079224, UNIT #517940 ........................................$18,4491999 GENIE Z45/25-DF-4WD, ART BOOM LIFT-45-49'-4WD,S/N Z452511283, UNIT#289324 ..................................$18,4512005 JLG E400AN-NAR, ART BOOM LIFT-40-44'-2WD DC, S/N0300081644, UNIT #541391 ........................................$22,4712002 TEREX TB85-D-4WD, STR BOOM LIFT-85-89'-4WD, S/N2660012, UNIT #7602108 ............................................$28,3192000 JLG 660SJ-DF, STR BOOM LIFT-65-69'-4WD, S/N0300053825, UNIT #350053 .......................................$25,4452002 GENIE S85-DF-4WD, STR BOOM LIFT-85-89'-4WD, S/NS853354, UNIT #439174 ..............................................$39,132

2006 ATLAS COPCO XAS97JD, AIR COMPRESSOR-DSL-80-185 CFM, S/N USA015223, UNIT#612085......................$6,5992005 ATLAS COPCO XAS186, AIR COMPRESSOR-DSL-250-375 CFM, S/N USA013977, UNIT#589291....................$10,809

2005 MULTIQUIP MRH800GS, ROLLER-SMOOTH-DD-1500#26”, S/N N4034, UNIT #588093......................................$5,0022005 WACKER RT820, W/B ROLLER-PADFOOT-3000#, S/N5599982, UNIT #585071 ................................................$6,6552005 WACKER RT82-SC, W/B ROLLER-PADFOOT-3000#, S/N5549433, UNIT #548636..................................................$7,3912005 IR SD45D-COMBO, R/O ROLLER-VIB-SD 5T 54”, S/N183045, UNIT #564018 ................................................$26,192

2004 GENIE GS1930, SCISSOR LIFT-15-19' DC, S/NGS300464946, UNIT #506376........................................$3,8642005 JLG 2032E2, SCISSOR LIFT-20' DC-30-34", S/N0200138716, UNIT #580396 ..........................................$4,3072005 GENIE GS2032, SCISSOR LIFT-20' DC-30-34", S/N GS320576098, UNIT #581686 ................................$4,8842004 SKYJACK SJIII-3226, SCISSOR LIFT-26' DC-30-32", S/N272214, UNIT #515905 ..................................................$4,9982005 GENIE GS2646, SCISSOR LIFT-25-26' DC-46-68", S/NGS460563998, UNIT #564334........................................$6,0062005 SKYJACK SJIII-4632, SCISSOR LIFT-30-34' DC-46-69",S/N 711485, UNIT #541377............................................$9,216

2005 DAEWOO G25E, IND FORKLIFT-5000 LB, S/N GA00539,UNIT #563670 ..............................................................$10,4762004 DAEWOO D35S, IND FORKLIFT-8000-9000 LB, S/NFZ00026, UNIT #513074 ..............................................$16,5442004 GEHL RS5, RCH FORKLIFT-6000 LB 20-34', S/NRS5JV1211568, UNIT #539392....................................$19,8202006 TEREX TX55-19, RCH FORKLIFT-FXD-5000 LB 18-24',S/N TX551913584, UNIT #613578 ...............................$25,0252004 GEHL RS6, RCH FORKLIFT-6000 LB 35-39',S/NRS6JV0813119, UNIT #528082....................................$23,2272004 LULL 644E-42, RCH FORKLIFT-6000 LB 40-45', S/N0160003168, UNIT #484162 ........................................$27,3902004 GRADALL 534D9-45, RCH FORKLIFT-9000 LB 35-45', S/N0160003937, UNIT #499455 ........................................$30,8272005 GEHL DL8L-42-CAB-HTR, RCH FORKLIFT-8000 LB 35-45', S/N 8L42JW0135516, UNIT# 541583 ..................$36.0102004 SKYTRAK 10054, RCH FORKLIFT-10000 LB 40-55, S/N0160004344, UNIT #508084 ........................................$39,816






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Page 10 • November 17, 2010 • • CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT GUIDE

Ph. 770-949-9231 • Fax: 770-947-9916

Take advantage of low rate financing or cash

in lieu of financing on all new JCB products*,

including the Safest Skid Steer and the

#1 Selling Backhoe in the World!

*Offer subject to credit approval. Valid through December 31, 2010. Not available on all models. JCB reserves the right to change or cancel the program at anytime.

CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT GUIDE • • November 17, 2010 • Page 11

Page 12 • November 17, 2010 • • CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT GUIDE

JCB Launches New Generation SkidSteers, Compact Track Loaders

JCB hosted North American dealers and both U.S. andinternational press Nov. 5 at the launch of its new line of skidsteer loaders and compact track loaders. The companyinvested 40 million dollars into these products, which are“representative of one year of thinking and two years in themaking,” according to themanufacturer.

These “NewGeneration” machines arethe first to not only bemanufactured but alsodesigned and engineeredat the company’s NorthAmerican headquarters inSavannah, Ga., which is“the skid steer capital ofthe world,” according toLarry Ashley, sales sup-port manager.

John Patterson, deputychairman of JCB, said,“North America generates60 percent of the world-wide demand for skidsteers and compact trackloaders, so developing andproducing the new gener-ation of machines inSavannah makes perfect sense and has enabled us not onlyto meet the unique needs of the North American market butalso develop a machine range that will have universalappeal.”

JCB has introduced a range of seven new skid steers —four wheeled and three tracked — in a range that will even-tually grow to 18 models. All seven machines are vertical lift,which allows for increased capacity and more reach at max-imum lift height. The models now available — the 260, 280,300 and 330 wheeled skid steers and 260T, 300T, 320T com-pact track loaders — are large platform machines with ratedoperating capacities (ROC) of 2,600 lbs. (1,179 kg) andabove.

With the introduction of the New Generation machines,JCB will be able to offer a complete range of wheeled and

tracked machines, both radial and vertical lift, ranging from1,300 to 3,500 lbs. (589 to 1,587 kg).

The new generation machines benefit from a number ofnew features, including:

• A tilting cab with increased service access • Multi-function joy-

sticks • A hydraulic quick

hitch • Isolated cab that is

sealed and pressurizedwith reduced noise levels

• Heated air-suspensionseat with adjustable arm-rests

• O-ring face seals forall hydraulic connections

• A new range of morethan 30 types of JCBattachments.


The new vertical liftmachines showcase JCB’s“PowerBoom” design,which uses a single arm,rather than the conven-

tional two arm skid steer design. The JCB models do notrequire a torque tube across the back of the machine provid-ing operators with an unobstructed rear view and better allaround visibility for increased job site safety and driver con-fidence.

To further enhance visibility JCB has eliminated the meshscreen on the cab machines and replaced it with laminatedglass.

Best-In-Class Serviceability With O-ring face seal hydraulic fittings and a simplified

design resulting in 38 percent fewer parts, JCB’s newmachines are even easier to service, according to the manu-facturer.

JCB put on a theatrical presentation to showcase itsNew Generation machines.

see JCB page 16

JCB’s sales support manager of North America, LarryAshley (R), points out the increased cab space on thenew generation of machines

Larry Ashley (L) presents the overall machine.

Larry Ashley presents the new tilting cab design, whichallows easier access to the machine’s power train andhydraulic components.

Larry Ashley presents the new tilting cab design, whichallows easier access to the machine’s power train andhydraulic components.

A new machine just off the assembly line.

JCB’s Larry Ashley (L) sales support manager of North America,and John Patterson, deputy chairman JCB Group and chair-man/CEO JCB Inc., fielded questions from the international pressrepresentatives on the newest series of JCB machines.

CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT GUIDE • • November 17, 2010 • Page 13

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New 2010 Load Lugger models still available discounted and 2009 55 Ton* AllHigh Tensile Models from our lease program coming off lease and available thirdquarter 2010. All units reconditioned and offered as with new 255R/70 Low ProfileTires, 25’ Load Well, Bucket Well, All Air w/Air Ride Suspensions. All units are set upto add Flip Axle Dolly, or Stinger. Prices for special attachments. Price can be quot-ed on request. Prices on units FOB, Griffin, GA from $48,750. Liberal sale and leasepurchase financing. Terms available for qualified buyers. Reserve a unit now.

*Other models can be made available.



Page 14 • November 17, 2010 • • CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT GUIDE

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More Than $3M to Go toMiss. for Highway Projects

JACKSON, Miss. (AP) The city ofCleveland will receive $1.1 million for con-struction of a boulevard and trail to venues atDelta State University in Cleveland.

U.S. Sen. Thad Cochran, R-Miss., said theproject is designed to alleviate trafficthrough residential areas.

Cochran said the funding is part of $3.3million from the Federal HighwayAdministration for four projects inMississippi.

Other projects are: • $440,864 for the city of Senatobia for a

lighting project at the south SenatobiaInterstate 55 interchange with MississippiHighway 740, including lighting the inter-section on 740 between I-55 and U.S.Highway 51.

• $844,990 to Jackson to finance a projectconverting Capitol Street into a two-waythoroughfare that will be more pedestrian-friendly.

• $918,467 for construction of a 1 mi.,two-lane road connecting Jonestown withMississippi 316.

CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT GUIDE • • November 17, 2010 • Page 15

! 1986 CAT® 12GFeatures: EROPS, Scarifier, Side Shift,Tip Controls

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! 2007 CAT® 12HFeatures: EROPS, A/C, Scarifier,12’ Moldboard, County Trade-In

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The RIGHT Equipment is as important as the RIGHT Employee.Looking for anLooking for an ExperiencedReplacement?ExperiencedReplacement?

Page 16 • November 17, 2010 • • CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT GUIDE

U.S. Dealers, Media Get Up Close Look at New JCB LineA new tilting cab design gives technicians

improved access to the machine’s powertrain and hydraulic components. The newmodels also feature a rear service door foreasy access to the engine and daily check-points, a top-opening hood for radiatoraccess and a hinged radiator for improvedengine access.

Outstanding Operator Comfort The new generation machines have a larg-

er entry door and a 17 percent larger cab thanprevious models. JCB also has introducedmultifunction joystick controls and anoptional heated air-suspension seat withadjustable armrests. Redesigned control pan-els have been relocated from the lower con-sole to the panels at the top of the cab to bewithin the operator’s line of sight.

Other available creature comforts includecup holders, MP3 player compartment withcharging outlet and auxiliary plug, optionalstereo package and an electronic throttle.

Operators also will enjoy a quieter cabwith noise levels at a very low 76dBa, an 85

percent improvement.

Versatility and Performance Switching to any of the machine’s 30

attachment families is a snap due to a stan-dard universal mechanical hitch or anoptional hydraulic quick hitch. Parallel liftand 2-speeds make it easy to maneuveraround the job site and complete more tasksin less time, and with the introduction of anoptional Smooth Ride System (SRS) trans-porting materials over rough terrain has beenmade easier, according to the manufacturer.

Safety As in previous models, the New

Generation skid steers and compact trackloaders feature a left side entry door thatallows the operator to enter and exit themachine clear of the attachment and loaderarm.

Value Owning a JCB skid steer or tracked loader

costs less due to increased productivity andserviceability. Overall fuel consumption hasbeen reduced 15 percent equating to an esti-

mated annual savings of more than $3,000versus competitive machines (based on anoff-road diesel price of $2.90).

“JCB has never shied away from innova-tion,” Patterson said. “Back in 1993, weintroduced the industry’s first single-arm, or‘monoboom’ skid steer, a safer, more pro-

ductive machine that was based upon thesame engineering principles as a telescopichandler, which also operates with a singleboom. What seemed uncommon to others,JCB saw as common sense, and took theintelligent design of telescopic handlers andapplied it to skid steer loaders. Our NewGeneration skid steers and track loadersembody this same spirit of innovation whiletaking performance, productivity and safetyto an even higher level.”

For more information,

About JCBJCB has 19 plants on four continents: 11

in the UK, three in India and others in theUnited States, China, Germany and Braziland employs around more than 7,000 peopleworldwide.

JCB is privately owned by the Bamfordfamily and the Chairman, Sir AnthonyBamford, is the son of the company’s latefounder, Joseph Cyril Bamford.

The company manufactures more than

JCB from page 12

see JCB page 24

The New Generation machines feature a range of more than 30 types of JCB attachments

Jesse Hartranft (L) JCB skid steer specialist and MarkCoberly, JCB North American service manager, areprepared with all the answers. Welders are hard at work in the JCB factory.

During factory tours, JCB’s Richard Mills pres-ents the installation process of the JCBDieselmax engines for the new generation ofJCB skid steer and track loader machines.

New models of JCB skid steer loadersand compact track loaders are nowbeing built exclusively in the Savannah,Ga., manufacturing plant for the world-wide market.

CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT GUIDE • • November 17, 2010 • Page 17

3144 Hwy 74 EastMonroe, NC 28112

HoursMon.-Fri. 7:30am-5:30pmSat. 8am-12pm

THE BEST PARTS AND THE BEST TECHNICIANSfor your Case Construction skid steerloaders and CTL track machines are atBROOKS SALES. And they’re waiting for YOU.

Contact Jimmy for Service appointmentsand Brian for Parts.


Page 18 • November 17, 2010 • • CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT GUIDE



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KNOXVILLE, Tenn. (AP) A major bridge rehabilitationproject in Knoxville will close a bridge over Fort LoudounLake for an expected two years.

The Tennessee Department of Transportation said theHenley Bridge, which carries U.S. 441, is scheduled to closeJan. 3 for extensive repairs.

Contractor Britton Bridge of Mt. Juliet won the contract,which includes a $1 million bonus to complete the work byDec. 31, 2012.

TDOT said the contractor will recycle 24,000 tons (21,772t) of concrete from the bridge and reuse about 800 tons (725t) of reinforcing steel.

Henley Street becomes Chapman Highway as it crossesthe bridge and is one of the tourist routes to the Great SmokyMountains National Park.

Knoxville Bridgeto Close for TwoYears in January

Visit CEG’s Web Site at

CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT GUIDE • • November 17, 2010 • Page 19


5710 Riverview RoadAtlanta, GA 30126



Houma, LA985/876-2280Broussard, LA337/837-2763

Baton Rouge, LA225/355-7716Metairie, LA504/885-8932

Page 20 • November 17, 2010 • • CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT GUIDE


-./ 012234 567#8'#9:6;<=;>65 ?@A-B/? C?@A/ D.B4.@ 2-@@3?44

2005 Komatsu WA200-5

3725 hours, Cab w/AC & Heat, GP Bucket, Ride Control, Add’l Counterweight $79,500

Volvo Rents Celebrates GrandOpening in Baton Rouge, La.

On Oct. 21, 2010, Volvo Rents officiallylaunched a new Volvo Rents location inBaton Rouge, La., with a grand opening cel-ebration. JPS Equipment is one of five storesowned and operated by Paul and PennyBullock. The location’s address is 36326Highway 30, Geismar, La. 70734. Phone225/744-4116.

The Bullock family is recognized by theirclients for their client care and has beennamed Volvo Rents’ Franchise of the Yearfor four years in a row during the VolvoRent’s Circle of Excellence Awards in 2010.

The grand opening included a fried fishand shrimp lunch with approximately 300attendees, along with many local contractorsinvolved in the construction, agricultural andother local industries. Also on hand wereequipment vendors to answer any questionsabout the wide range of equipment availableto rent. Door prizes — including a 4-wheel-er and two televisions — also were handedout to several lucky winners.

This new location will provide rental cus-tomers in Baton Rouge and surroundingcounties with faster access to equipmentdelivery and service. In addition to VolvoConstruction equipment, the center willcarry a comprehensive line of essentialequipment and tools for the construction,commercial, industrial and homeowner mar-kets. Principal Volvo products for its rentalcenters include the company’s extensive lineof compact excavators, wheel loaders, back-hoe and skid steer loaders.

Volvo Rents, a division of VolvoConstruction Equipment, the third largestconstruction equipment manufacturer in theworld, operates 71 rental stores in NorthAmerica, 89 rental stores in Europe, fiverental stores in India, one rental store inThailand, one rental store in the Philippinesand one in Mexico. Volvo Rents franchisesits rental centers in North America.

For more information,

CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT GUIDE • • November 17, 2010 • Page 21

Think ahead.

Just when you thought that nothing beats a JohnDeere loader, along comes our K-Series. Incorporatingmany of their predecessors’ innovative features, thesemachines introduce numerous refinements, plus a 2-3/4-yard model that further defines loader design.More spacious, quieter cabs provide even better visi-bility. Easier-to-read multifunction monitors expandoperator convenience and productivity. And a widevariety of options in both Z-bar and parallel-lift config-urations let you spec the right machine for your work.Looking for a utility loader that’s clearly ahead of thepack? Stop in today or give us a call, and we’ll showyou all the ways these John Deeres will have youthinking K-Series.

Albany, GA222299//888888--11221122

Atlanta, GA440044//669911--99444455Braselton, GA

777700//996655--11888899Adairsville, GA

777700//777733--99885577Dothan, AL

333344//779944--88669911Simpsonville, SC886644//996633--55883355Grovetown, GA770066//885555--55444400

Troy, AL333344//556666--44118811

Perry, FL885500//558844--99220000Tallahassee, FL885500//557755--55660000

West Columbia, SC880033//779944--99334400

Aynor, SC884433//335588--55668888Columbus, GA

770066//668877--33334444Macon, GA


R.W. MOORE EQUIP. CO.Main OfficeGarner, NC

991199//777722--22112211Ahoskie, NC

225522//333322--55555500Hope Mills, NC991100//442244--11220000New Bern, NC

225522//663388--55883388Greenville, NC

225522//775588--44440033Castle Hayne, NC991100//667755--99221111


880044//779988--66000011Manassas Park, VA

770033//663311--88550000Winchester, VA554400//666677--99777777

Charlotte, NC770044//559977--00221111880000//553322--66779977Greensboro, NC333366//666688--22776622880000//663322--00337766

Salem, VA554400//338800--22001111

Asheville, NC882288//666677--00117766Mt. Gilead, NC


INDUSTRIAL TRACTOR CO.Jacksonville, FL990044//229966--55000000

Lake City, FL338866//775522--99554444

Palatka, FL338866//332255--66226688Brunswick, GA

991122//226644--66116611Ladson, SC

884433//557722--00440000Savannah, GA

991122//996644--77337700Andrews, SC

884433//222211--44994400Walterboro, SC884433//553399--11442200


Page 22 • November 17, 2010 • • CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT GUIDE

Shipping and Handling Additional

Contact – Barry McKeon800-523-2200 Ext. 197 • 610-506-5961 Cell

Email –

CEG Scale Models470 Maryland Drive

Fort Washington, PA 19034

CCoolllleeccttiioonnss WWaanntteedd,, II BBuuyy CCoolllleeccttiioonnss

Allis-Chalmers HD21 Dozer/Ripper, 1:50 Scale ..............$70Bantam C-35 Crawler Backhoe, 1:50 Scale......................$60Bantam C-35 Crawler Shovel, 1:50 scale ........................$60Bantam C-35 Dragline, 1:50 Scale ..................................$60Bobcat A300 Wheel Loader, 1:25 Scale ..........................$30Bobcat M610 Golden 50th Anniversary Skid Steer Loader ..............................................................................................$45Bobcat S175 Skid Steer Loader, 1:50 Scale ....................$18Bobcat Tractor/Trailer Set, 1:50 Scale ..............................$75Case 580 Super M Backhoe Loader Series III, 1:50 Scale ..............................................................................................$40Caterpillar Vintage Twenty Tractor w/metal tracks, 1:16Scale ..................................................................................$60Caterpillar No. 12 Motor Grader, 1:87 Scale....................$25Caterpillar AP655D Paver, 1:50 Scale ..............................$55Caterpillar CB-534D XW Asphalt Compactor, 1:50 Scale ................................................................................................$40Caterpillar D6K XL Track Type Tractor, 1:50 Scale ..........$45Caterpillar D7E Track Type Tractor, 1:50 Scale ................$60Caterpillar D8R Track Type Tractor, 1:50 Scale................$40Caterpillar D10T Track Type Tractor, 1:50 Scale ..............$75Caterpillar D11R Track Type Tractor, 1:50 Scale..............$45Caterpillar 140H Motor Grader w/ripper & scarifier, 1:50Scale ..................................................................................$40Caterpillar 140M Motor Grader, 1:50 Scale ....................$60Caterpillar 226B2 Skid Steer Loader w/tools, 1:32 Scale ................................................................................................$30Caterpillar 247B2 Multi-Terrain Loader, 1:32 Scale ........$30

Caterpillar 272C Skid Steer Loader, 1:32 Scale ..............$30Caterpillar 302.5 Mini-Excavator, 1:32 Scale ..................$35Caterpillar 323D L Excavator, 1:50 Scale............................$50Caterpillar 365B Excavator, 1:50 Scale ..............................$40Caterpillar 365C L Front Shovel, 1:50 w/metal tracks........$65Caterpillar 420E Backhoe/Loader, 1:50 Scale ..................$45Caterpillar 432E Side Shift Backhoe Loader, 1:50 Scale $45Caterpillar 511OB Excavator, 1:50 Scale..........................$70Caterpillar 611 Motor Scraper in display case, 1:64 Scale................................................................................................$9Caterpillar 623G Elevating Motor Scraper, 1:50 Scale ....$35Caterpillar 725D Articulated Truck, 1:50 Scale ................$30Caterpillar 777D Off-Highway Truck, 1:50 Scale..............$40Caterpillar 797F Off-Highway Truck, 1:50 Scale ............$230Caterpillar 825H Soil Compactor, 1:50 Scale ..................$35Caterpillar 924 G Versalink Wheel Loader: 1:50 Scale ..$35Caterpillar 950H Wheel Loader, 1:50 Scale........................$45Caterpillar 963D Track Loader, 1:50 Scale..........................$45Caterpillar 966A Wheel Loader, 1:50 Scale ....................$45Caterpillar 977 Traxcavator, 1:50 Scale ..........................$30Caterpillar 988H Wheel Loader, 1:64 Scale ....................$30Caterpillar 992G Wheel Loader, 1:50 Scale ....................$50Set of Four Caterpillar Machines, 1:87 Scale ..................$75International 175 Crawler Loader w/Multi-Purpose Bucket,1:50 Scale ..........................................................................$45International TD-15 Dozer, 1:87 Scale..............................$40International TD-24 Ag/Crawler, 1:50 Scale ....................$40International TD-25 Dozer, 1:87 Scale..............................$40JCB 3CX Backhoe Loader, 1:50 Scale ..............................$45JCB 456 ZX Wheel Loader, 1:50 Scale ............................$65JCB Vibromax VM 115 Soil Compactor, 1:50 Scale ........$35John Deere 850J Crawler Dozer, 1:50 Scale ....................$40John Deere MC Crawler Dozer, 1:16 scale ......................$75John Deere MT Gas Farm Tractor, 1:16 Scale..................$50Komatsu 960E Mining Truck, 1:50 Scale ........................$250Komatsu PC300LC-8 Excavator, 1:50 Scale......................$70Komatsu WA500-6 Wheel Loader, 1:50 Scale..................$60Komatsu D51 EX Dozer, 1:50 Scale ..................................$60Komatsu D51 PX Dozer, 1:50 Scale ..................................$55Komatsu D375 Dozer, 1:50 Scale......................................$70Komatsu GD655 Motor Grader, 1:50 Scale ......................$60Komatsu HD605 Off-Highway Truck, 1:50 Scale ..............$70

Komatsu Mack Granite MP w/Talbert Lowboy Trailer, 1:50Scale ..................................................................................$75Komatsu PC2000-8 Front Shovel, 1:50 Scale ................$225Komatsu SK1020 Skid Steer Loader, 1:25 Scale..............$40Komatsu SK1026 Skid Steer Loader, 1:25 Scale..............$40Link-Belt 3200 All Terrain Crane, 1:50 Scale ................$180Link-Belt 80100 Rough Terrain Crane, 1:50 Scale ........$165LeTourneau Super C Scraper w/Cab, 1:50 Scale..............$80Set of three Mack Granite Dump Trucks, 1:64 Scale ....$115Northwest 25-D Backhoe, 1:50 Scale ..............................$90Northwest 25-D Shovel, 1:50 Scale ..................................$90Oliver OC-12 Dozer, 1:16 Scale ........................................$50Volvo SD-122 Soil Compactor, 1:72 Scale ......................$40Volvo A25C Articulated Truck, 1:50 Scale ........................$30Volvo BL71 Backhoe Loader, 1:50 Scale ..........................$45Volvo FH12 Tractor/Trailer w/Volvo L150C, 1:50 Scale....$55Volvo L90E Wheel Loader, 1:50 Scale ............................$70Volvo L60E Wheel Loader w/Attachments, 1:50 Scale ....$45Volvo L150C Wheel Loader, 1:50 Scale ..........................$25Volvo L350F Wheel Loader, 1:50 Scale............................$70

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CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT GUIDE • • November 17, 2010 • Page 23

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If you want maximum efficiency—no matter how rough the terrain might be—put this pair to work. At the end of the day, you’ll see the results from machines that are…


100% Komatsu. 866.513.5778


Bluefield, WV • 304/327-5124Chesapeake, VA • 757/485-2100

Chester, VA • 804/748-6411Coeburn, VA • 276/395-6901

Opal, VA • 540/439-0668Salem, VA • 540/380-2090

Staunton, VA • 540/887-8291


Knoxville, TN • 865/577-5563LaVergne, TN • 615/213-0900

Chattanooga, TN • 423/894-1870Kingsport, TN • 423/349-6111Memphis, TN • 901/346-9800Saltillo, MS • 662/869-0283



Ft. Myers • 239/337-1313Jacksonville • 904/786-6710

Ocala • 352/629-7585Orlando • 407/849-6560

Pembroke Pines • 954/433-2800Plant City • 813/754-2727

West Palm Beach • 561/863-0570

North CarolinaAsheville • 828/681-5172Charlotte • 704/376-7554Greenville • 252/695-6200High Point • 336/665-0110

Raleigh • 919/851-2030Wilmington • 910/254-2031

South CarolinaColumbia • 803/794-6150

Greer • 864/877-8962North Charleston • 843/552-0095


AlabamaAlabaster • 205/621-2489Anniston • 256/831-2440

Birmingham • 205/591-2131Decatur • 256/355-0305Dothan • 334/678-1832

Grove Hill • 251/275-4158Mobile • 251/457-8991

Montgomery • 334/288-6580Shoals Area • 256/383-5666Tuscaloosa • 205/752-0621

FloridaPanama City • 850/763-4654Pensacola • 850/505-0550

GeorgiaAlbany • 229/435-0982Atlanta • 404-366-0693Augusta • 706/798-7777Calhoun • 706/879-6200

Columbus • 706/562-1801Hoschton • 706/654-9850Kennesaw • 678/354-5533

Macon • 478/745-6891Savannah • 912/330-7500

Page 24 • November 17, 2010 • • CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT GUIDE

2005 Moxy MT41 articulated truck, 2615 hours, S/N 810064 ........10 MT41 trucks to choose from!


2007 Astec Mobile Screens FT2640 track mounted jaw crusher, 2638 hours, S/N 407200


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And Your Hitachi Dealers

VViirrggiinniiaa DDiivviissiioonnAshland, VA880044//779988--66000011Chester, VA880044//774488--99332244Burkeville, VA443344//776677--55557788Salem, VA554400//338800--22001111Fishersville, VA554400//333377--33005577Winchester, VA554400//666677--99777777Manassas Park, VA770033//663311--88550000Danville, VA443344//882222--66111100Fredericksburg, VA554400//889988--88993333

CCaarroolliinnaass’’ DDiivviissiioonnCharlotte, NC770044//559977--00221111Greensboro, NC333366//666688--22776622Wilkesboro, NC333366//997733--88220011Mt. Gilead, NC991100//443399--55665533Rock Hill, SC880033//332255--11555555Hickory, NC882288//332222--44330000Asheboro, NC333366//662255--22221122Matthews, NC770044//882211--77339999Salisbury, NC770044//663366--22667711Asheville, NC882288//666677--00117766

1206 Blaylock St.P.O. Box 3329Albany, GA 31706222299//888888--11221122Cuthbert, GA222299//773322--22663311Atlanta, GA 30336440044//669911--99444455Grovetown, GA770066//885555--55444400Columbus, GA770066//668877--33334444Braselton, GA777700//996655--11888899Macon, GA447788//778888--11558866

Adairsville, GA777700//777733--99885577Dothan, AL333344//779944--88669911Troy, AL333344//556666--44118811Perry, FL885500//558844--99220000Tallahassee, FL885500//557755--55660000West Columbia, SC880033//779944--99334400Simpsonville, SC886644//996633--55883355Aynor, SC884433//335588--55668888

JCB Launches NewSkid Steers, CTLs in Savannah, Ga.

300 different machines including: backhoe loaders; telescop-ic handlers; tracked and wheeled excavators; wheel loaders;articulated dump trucks; rough terrain fork lifts; mini exca-vators; skid steers loaders; JCB Vibromax compactionequipment.

In addition, for agricultural markets, the company pro-duces a range of telescopic handlers and the unique FastracTractor. JCB also manufactures the Teletruk forklift for theindustrial sector.

In 2005, JCB secured one of the largest orders in its histo-ry when it won a $290 million deal to supply the U.S.Government with high mobility engineer excavators(HMEEs). Full-scale production of the HMEE is now underway at JCB’s plant in Savannah, Ga.

The HMEE fulfills a need from the military for rapiddeployment high mobility products. To further meet theserequirements; JCB also has developed a range of other highmobility products from the high mobility Fastrac tractor,through to the high mobility rough terrain forklift and thehigh mobility utility vehicle.

JCB from page 16

9: In addition to the new skid steer and track loadermachines being exclusively built in the Savannah, Ga.,plant, the military HMEE (High Mobility EngineerExcavator) still continues to be built in the plant aswell.

Larry Ashley conducts the outdoor presentation.

CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT GUIDE • • November 17, 2010 • Page 25

6870 Phillips Hwy.Jacksonville, FL 32245990044//229966--55000000Lake City, FL338866//775522--99554444

Palatka, FL 338866//332255--66226688Savannah, GA991122//996644--77337700Brunswick, GA 991122//226644--66116611

Ladson, SC884433//557722--00440000Andrews, SC884433//222211--44994400Walterboro, SC884433//553399--11442200

Raleigh, NC991199//777722--22112211Greenville, NC225522//775588--44440033

New Bern, NC225522//663388--55883388Fayetteville, NC991100//442244--11220000Wilmington, NC991100//667755--99221111Ahoskie, NC225522//333322--55555500

Operators spend more time in their cabs than they do in bed. That’s why the new Dash-3 cab is the most comfortable, operator-friendly work environment on an excavator today. Shock isolation. More interior space. Added legroom. A multilingual, widescreen, color LCD monitor. An adjustable suspension seat with wider seatback. Plus 47-percent more glass on the right-hand side for improved visibility.

See how much gets done when operators are really comfortable. Not to mention content. Let them work in a new Zaxis Dash-3 Excavator.

Pajamas optional.

Page 26 • November 17, 2010 • • CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT GUIDE

Crews Employ Top-Down Method for Foothills Parkway BridgeBruce Nicely, senior vice presidentand partner of Bell and AssociatesConstruction LP, Brentwood,Tenn., the general contractor on theproject. “We have a 175-ton cranethat will operate on the temporarybridge. We are also purchasing acustom built segment handler thatwill walk on the temporary bridgeand place the 50-ton bridge seg-ments.”

Nicely, whose goal is to haveminimal impact on the existingenvironment at the job site, pointedout, “The work is truly top down.The temp bridge is constructed onespan at a time using the 175-toncrane to extend the micro pile drillrig out 36 feet and set it on a drillplatform setting on the one to oneslope. No access roads are allowedon the site between the abutments,a distance of 900 feet.”

Long-Time ComingThe oldest unfinished highway

project in Tennessee, the FoothillsParkway project has been delayeddue to funding difficulties sinceCongress authorized its construc-tion in the mid-1940s. Bridgenumber two, as it’s known, isanother important phase in tryingto complete a key unfinished seg-ment of the Foothills Parkway,according to park spokespersonNancy Gray.

“Bridge number two is on theeast side. The parkway’s right-of-way parallels the Park’s northernboundary from Chilhowee Lake inBlount County to Cocke County,”said Gray. “Only 22.5 miles of theparkway are complete and open tothe public — a 16.9 mile section onthe eastern end of the Park inBlount County and a 5.6 mile onthe western end. In earlier years,more road construction was doneon certain sections, but work washalted because of structural fill fail-ures and erosion problems in therugged segment commonlyreferred to as the ‘missing link.’

“Once we get the link complet-ed and funding becomes availableto do finishing work to the two par-tially completed sections to openup another 16.4 miles of the scenicdrive, visitors will have anotheropportunity to enjoy the unparal-leled vistas this segment will pro-vide. Viewing mountain scenery isthe number one attraction for visi-tors to the Smokies. The Foothillsparkway is also important to thetourism communities as well.”

As for how the work will affect

closings in the area, Gray said therewon’t be any drastic changes.

“These partially completed sec-tions that flank the missing link arealways closed to motor vehicletraffic. We allow pedestrian use —hiking, horseback riding — whenconstruction is not in operation.But once construction begins, weprohibit all use for safety reasons,”Gray explained.

Park Supervisor DaleDitmanson has described the newbridge as being almost as long asthe iconic Linn Cove Viaduct thatcarries the Blue Ridge Parkwayaround Grandfather Mountain. Thelatest bridge is expected to becomejust as noteworthy, Gray said,“because of it’s engineering designand the way it fits into the environ-ment and accentuates the beauty ofthe landscape.”

Assembling the TeamJohn Corven, president of

Corven Engineering Inc.,Tallahassee, Fla., is leading all ele-ments of the bridge design effort,as well as coordinating activitiesof the subconsultant team.

“It is a great thrill to once againwork for the Eastern Federal LandsHighway Division of the FederalHighway Administration on what Ibelieve will be another signaturebridge on one of America’s greatparkways. Corven Engineering isthe prime consultant for thedesign/build team. We’ve workedwith our subs as a cohesive unit torespond to the RFP, RFQ and pre-liminary bridge design, and thatwas what led to our selection.

“Corven Engineering preparedthe bridge design, is currently pro-viding construction engineering tofacilitate construction and is pro-viding on-site personnel to supportbridge construction. Our role iscomplete when the project is con-structed, as-build documentsdeveloped and the final bridge loadrated,” Corven said.

Details, DetailsThe new Foothills Bridge No. 2

is a 790-ft. (240 m) long precastsegmental bridge that will be bebuilt using the balanced cantilevermethod, with precast pier andsuperstructure segments deliveredfrom above, using a unique erec-tion trestle and segment walker.The erection details, developed byVSL, provide access to speed con-struction while protecting sensitiveterrain below the bridge.

Of critical importance is the

geometry of the precast segmentsthat need to be assembled to matchthe extreme roadway geometry, asthe parkway hugs the mountain-side. The alignment includes 262ft. (79.8 m) radii, grades of eightpercent and cross slopes of asmuch as 7.8 percent.

“The precast segments are beingproduced by Ross PrestressedConcrete, [Knoxville, Tenn.]Geometry for the 92 unique pre-cast segments is produced byCorven Engineering. Control pro-cedures are those developed bypersonnel of Corven, and havesuccessfully been used for over 30years. The precast segments will bestored in the Ross casting yarduntil they are needed for construc-tion. One by one, they will makethe nearly 30-mile trip to the proj-ect site and be erected in thebridge,” Corven stated.

The 9 ft. (2.7 m) deep segmentswill be delivered to the beginningof the bridge where a segmentwalker will pick the segments fromthe delivery trucks. The segmentwalker will then transport the seg-ments over the erection trestle andplace them in their final location inthe bridge.

The segments are assembledwith temporary post-tensioningbars and permanent cantileverpost-tensioning tendons.Completed balanced cantileversare jointed together by cast-in-place closure joints and continuitypost-tensioning.

VSL Post-Tensioning &Specialty Reinforcement Systemsis furnishing the temporary worktrestle, post-tensioning system, andsegmental erection equipment,according to project manager RyanRedman.

“We also are providing thelabor to install and erect the worktrestle, precast segments and post-tensioning. VSL will be involvedthrough the completion of the seg-ment erection and disassembly ofthe temporary works trestle, andthe work should be completed bySeptember of 2011,” Redman said.

“The construction team hasdeveloped and implemented a con-struction scheme where equipmentfor installing the temporary trestlewill be elevated on working plat-forms eliminating the need foraccess roads along the permanentbridge alignment. Top-down con-struction poses particular accesschallenges for our crews becausewe have to make sure we providesafe access to progress the work in

a timely and efficient manner.”Redman continued.

“This is a unique job. Thescenery and beauty of this bridgelocation are something not to betaken for granted. Since we havearrived on-site we have seen wildturkeys, bears, bobcats, deer andvarious other animals. It is not yourtypical bridge construction proj-ect.”

Strong FoundationAs specialists in deep founda-

tion design, construction and test-ing and slope stability problems,Dan Brown and Associates PLLC(DBA), Sequatchie, Tenn.,designed the foundations for thebridge, both the permanent andtemporary structures. The founda-tions also address slope stabilityconcerns at the pier locations dueto the intense terrain.

“We started last spring, as thefoundations are always the firstconcern and we are always on thecritical path,” said DBA presidentDan Brown. “We will be involveduntil the foundations are completeand the superstructure is underconstruction. When they are out ofthe ground, the hard part is doneand our work is finished.

“One of the major challenges onthis job is the difficult access con-ditions. Also, a major considera-tion is to limit the impact of con-struction activities on the environ-ment. For these reasons wedesigned the foundations to utilizemicropiles, which are small diame-ter [less than 10 inches] drilledpiles that can be installed using avery small mobile drilling rig. Thesmall, portable micropile drill rig isunusual for bridge construction.This type of equipment is normal-

ly used for underpinning buildingsbecause of the light weight andmobility.”

Keeping it RealKnoxville, Tenn.,-based

Hedstrom Design is serving as thelandscape architect for the project,and will be on the job until com-pletion. According to owner SaraHedstrom Pinnell, “One of ourmain challenges is management ofinvasive plant materials duringconstruction, and maintainingslope stability. Final plant materialmust match the local genotype, sosome of it will need to be grownspecifically for the project.”

Hedstrom explained,“Minimizing impact to the site hasallowed us to have stable slopesduring construction. Minimal dis-turbance allows vegetation fromthe existing seed bank to fill in nat-urally around trees that were cop-piced. We prefer to have nativevegetation stabilize the soils ratherthan an introduced seed mix suchas a fescue blend.

“Our strategy to blend with thenatural landscape is to maintainthis diversity with new plant mate-rial. The undisturbed forest is richin many different types of plants,”Hedstrom continued.

“Hedstrom Design has beenworking in the area with for quitesome time now on projects withsimilar challenges at sensitivitiesand it was a natural fit for us. TheBell team also is just as committedto protecting natural resources aswe are.

People often think of the land-scape architect arriving at the endof a project to ‘green it up.’ Thereality is that we are part of theteam from the very beginning, par-ticipating in general aesthetics ofthe impact of the bridge, under-standing the existing hydrologyand soils and how we work withinthe disturbance to ensure the plantssurvive. For example, dissipatingrunoff with site boulders into areasof new planting. All of this isthought of during the designprocess and then worked throughduring implementation.”

Top Down ConstructionThe Foothills Parkway Bridge

will be located between PigeonForge and Townsend, Tenn. In asomewhat unusual move, con-struction is being performed fromthe top down, using a trestlemounted gantry crane and work

PARKWAY from page 1

see PARKWAY page 43

Bell and Associates Construction LP photoInstallation of rock anchors atone of the abutments.

CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT GUIDE • • November 17, 2010 • Page 27© 2010 Doosan Infracore

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Birmingham has longbeen known as the “MagicCity” due to its rapid growthin the late 1800s. With rail-roads crisscrossing the com-munity, the town sprang up,“just like magic,” say histori-ans. Today the city isAlabama’s largest with 1.1million people in the metro-politan area, and the bankingand the medical industriesare its mainstays.

“It’s a can-do city,” saidCedric Roberts, deputydirector of fleet operationsfor the city of Birmingham.“That goes all the way to ourpublic works department,which handles road repairs,tree services, garbage pickup and street cleaning, among other duties.While other cities typically outsource manyof these responsibilities, we take pride inhandling them ourselves.”

The city is responsible for 151 sq. mi. sur-rounding Birmingham and operates a fleet of2,300 vehicles, ranging from scooters up toClass 7 and Class 8 trucks. The city recentlyput 27 Kenworth T370s, covering variousapplications, into service throughout

Birmingham. The trucks were purchasedthrough Kenworth of Birmingham.

“Each application has different specs andthat shows the versatility of the T370 tomatch up to what we need,” said Roberts.“We’re thrilled that we were able to get theKenworths since, as with other governmentagencies, there is a competitive bid process.”

According to Roberts, the city operates10 new T370 dump trucks, including eight

single-axle dumps and twofront-end dumps (whichoperate like a large dust panto pick up debris from streetsweepers). The five T370garbage trucks include threeside-loaders and two 18-yardrear loaders.

Four T370s are pickers orlimb loaders, which workwith the city’s Department ofPublic Works. Four are shut-tle trucks with flatbeds thatcan pull self-dumping trailersfor brush and demolition.Two are street sprayers forwork with sweepers or usedfor dust control. One is awork truck with a digger andan auger bit-equipped derrickto drill telephone post holes.

The last T370 is used as an aerial buckettruck.

The Kenworth T370s are equipped withPACCAR PX-6 engines rated at between245 and 280 hp (182.6 and 209 kW),depending upon the application, driventhrough Allison automatic transmissions.

“The T370s are an upgrade from what ourdrivers have been running,” said Roberts.“Drivers really like the comfort and the city

likes the fact that Kenworth trucks canhandle the test of time. On some of ourother truck makes, we’ve had problemswith door sag, which comes from years ofservice in an application where drivers getin and out of the trucks all day long. Thattakes a toll. The Kenworths are designedwith a piano-hinge on the door, so thatshouldn’t be an issue. The quality of theKenworth cab is very impressive.”

As the city of Birmingham moves for-ward in its replacement cycle, it plans torotate vehicles into and out of differentquadrants of the city to prolong servicelife. “For example, we own two landfillsand high-mileage refuse trucks that travellonger distances to the landfill will berotated out after a few years and replacedwith lower mileage ones,” said Roberts.“By managing our trucks and their use,we’ll be more productive and have a bet-ter vehicle to auction when it comes timefor replacement.

And, with these Kenworth T370s, we’reconfident we’ll be able to get a higherresale value than with other trucks in ourfleet. Kenworths are known for their qual-ity and long life, which makes them moreappealing on the used truck market.”

For more information, visit

Cedric Roberts, deputy director of fleet operations of the city ofBirmingham in Alabama, stands next to one of the city’s 27 T370s.

The Kenworth T370s are equipped with PACCAR PX-6 engines rated at between 245 and 280 hp (182.6 and 209 kW).

Birmingham Chooses Kenworth T370s for Versatility

SECT IONTrucks & Trailers

Construction Equipment Guide • Truck & Trailer Section • • November 17, 2010 • Page 29


4181 New Bern HwyJacksonville, NC 28546


805 Old Roberts RdBenson, NC 27504



Jacksonville, FL 904-296-5000

Lake City, FL386-752-9544

Palatka, FL386-325-6268

Savannah, GA912-964-7370

Brunswick, GA912-264-6161

Andrews, SC843-221-4940

Ladson (Charleston), SC843-572-0400

Walterboro, SC843-539-1420


Davie, FL954-581-8181

Fort Myers, FL239-693-9233

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Page 30 • November 17, 2010 • • Truck & Trailer Section • Construction Equipment Guide

LB’s Trailer Sales2904 Harmony Highway • Harmony, NC 28634

(704) 546-2231

Kenworth OffersFront Axles forT270, T370 Models

Kenworth Truck Company will offer factory-installed, front drive axles for the Kenworth T270Class 6 and T370 Class 7 models.

The new Kenworth front drive axle was intro-duced at the 57th annual Electric Utility FleetManagers Conference (EUFMC) in Williamsburg,Va.

“This is Kenworth’s first factory-installed, frontdrive axle on our medium duty product line,” saidJudy McTigue, Kenworth director of marketingplanning and research.

“We’re targeting utility service, constructionvehicles, oilfield service and boom trucks, in addi-tion to municipal applications, such as fire andemergency vehicles.”

The new front drive axle, is available for orderin ratings ranging from 10,000 to 14,000 lbs.(4,536 to 6,350 kg) on Kenworth T270s and T370sequipped with a PACCAR PX-6 engine.

This fall, Kenworth will expand front drive axleratings to 16,000 lbs. (7,257 kg) equipped withPACCAR PX-8 engines.

For more information, Kenworth will offer factory-installed, front drive axles for the Kenworth T270 Class 6 and T370 Class 7 models.

Crushing, Screening & Recycling Section

Anaconda Conveyors USA’s DF410 is a portable, compacttracked screener.

“Our machine is designed with theentry level producer or recycler inmind. Our screening plant has a wholelot to offer customers that are lookingto achieve large tonnages without pay-ing a high price tag. The DF410 isideal in compact urban spaces and willproduce tonnages up to 300 ton perhour. This work horse that is pricedlike an entry level machine is suitablein many applications, including con-struction demolition, crushed rock, topsoil compost, sand, gravel and coal,”according to Gordon Terry, generalmanager of Anaconda ConveyorsUSA,

The Anaconda DF410 trackedscreener is available with the follow-ing options:

• Wheeled model• Screen decks — mesh, bofor bar,

finger • Screens or punch plate

• Radio remote control• Steel apron feeder

The Anaconda DF410 trackedscreener is available with the follow-ing features and benefits:

• High energy 10 by 4 ft. (3 by 1.2m) two bearing screen box (2 decks)

• Variable speed heavy duty beltfeeder with impact bed

• Flip down hopper tailgate to allowdirect feed from crusher belt

• JCB dieselmax 444, 84 hp (62.6kW) engine

• Tail conveyor lowers hydraulical-ly to allow easy access to bottomscreen deck

• Hydraulic folding tail conveyor• Fixed screen angle at 15 percent• End tensioned mesh arrangement• Easy access to all engine replace-

ment parts• Ten minute set up timeFor more information,

call 508/808-8022 or visit

Anaconda Conveyors USAIntroducesDF410 Portable Tracked Screener

After 10 years of market development for RubbleMaster in North America, the company has opened asales and service facility in Michigan City, Ind.

Rubble Master Americas Corp. will serve the U.S.and Canadian markets plus several countries in theCaribbean, Central and South America. Servicesinclude supporting customers with their basic analysesand evaluation needs when starting up a recyclingbusiness, business planning, sales, rental, sales sup-port, after sales and parts.

“Our goal in North America is to be the specialistand best supplier when it comes to resource recoveryof concrete, asphalt, brick for small, medium and larg-er size companies around the construction industry,”said Alex Taubinger, managing director and vice pres-ident sales and marketing of Rubble Master AmericasCorp.

“Construction companies, contractors, paving com-panies and trucking/hauling companies serving theconstruction industry as well as the demolition indus-try start to experience a lack of profit margins becauseof heavy competition, changing demands of develop-ers and customers’ green building demands accelerat-ing disposal fees and high prices for natural aggregate,plus expensive trucking. We would like to share ourworldwide expertise of more than 20 years with busi-nesses surrounding the construction industry,”Taubinger said.

“Recycling and the re-use of recycled constructionaggregate [RCA] is just at the beginning stage inNorth America. We are not just talking about the hugesaving potentials on projects for contractors, construc-tion companies, customers, municipalities and cities,”Taubinger said.

Rubble Master has operated a parts hub inMemphis, Tenn., since 2009; its corporate office/head-quarters is in Austria.

For more information call 800/230-0418 or

(This story also can be found on ConstructionEquipment Guide’s Web site at CEG

Rubble MasterOpens NorthAmerican Office

Gordon Terry, general manager ofAnaconda Conveyors USA.

The Anaconda DF410 screener is a compact screener.

Page 32 • November 17, 2010 • • Crushing, Screening & Recycling Section • Construction Equipment Guide




FloridaFt. Myers • 239-337-1313

Jacksonville • 904-786-6710Ocala • 352-629-7585

Orlando • 407-849-6560Pembroke Pines • 954-433-2800

Plant City • 813-754-2727West Palm Beach • 561-863-0570

North CarolinaAsheville • 828-681-5172Charlotte • 704-376-7554Greenville • 252-695-6200High Point • 336-665-0110

Raleigh • 919-851-2030Wilmington • 910-254-2031

South CarolinaColumbia • 803-794-6150

Greer • 864-877-8962North Charleston • 843-552-0095


Construction Equipment Guide • Crushing, Screening & Recycling Section • • November 17, 2010 • Page 33

Kleemann: Combining process knowledge, technology, superior quality and product support.


Reversible 44” x 28” Jaw crusher

Fully independent double-deck pre-screen for highly effective material separation prior to crushing

Optional final product screen

Gap setting adjusted and set by hydraulics

Onboard diagnostic system for remote maintenance

Designed for ease of transport and quick set-up



Asheville, NC 828-681-5172

Charlotte, NC 704-376-7554

Greenville, NC252-695-6200

High Point, NC 336-665-0110

Raleigh, NC 919-851-2030

Wilmington, NC 910-254-2031

Columbia, SC 803-794-6150

Greer, SC 864-877-8962

North Charleston, SC843-552-0095

Ft. Myers, FL 239-337-1313

Jacksonville, FL 904-786-6710

Ocala, FL 352-629-7585

Orlando, FL 407-849-6560

Plant City, FL 813-754-2727

Pembroke Pines, FL954-433-2800

West Palm Beach, FL 561-863-0570

Page 34 • November 17, 2010 • • Crushing, Screening & Recycling Section • Construction Equipment Guide

The “It’s Only Another Beer” Black and Tan

8 oz. pilsner lager8 oz. stout lager1 frosty mug1 icy road1 pick-up truck1 10-hour day1 tired workerA few rounds with the guys

Mix ingredients.Add 1 totalled vehicle.

Never underestimate ‘just a few.’Buzzed driving is drunk driving.

Construction Equipment Guide • Crushing, Screening & Recycling Section • • November 17, 2010 • Page 35

PPoowweerrssccrreeeenn WWaarrrriioorr 11440000,, 2005 Model with approx.2200 Hours ..........................PPrriicceedd ttoo sseellll $$111144,,550000


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TTeerreexx PPeeggssoonn XXRR440000,, 2266""xx 4444"" TTrraacckkeedd JJaaww CCrruusshheerrwwiitthh HHyyddrraauulliicc RReelleeaassee,, 2008 Model, Approx. 2000Hours, 3 Months Warranty....PPrriicceedd ttoo sseellll $$332255,,000000

PPoowweerrssccrreeeenn HHoorriizzoonn 66''xx2200'' 33 DDeecckk HHoorriizzoonnttaall TTrraacckkMMoouunntteedd SSccrreeeenn,, 2006 model with approx. 1400Hours, in good condition ..PPrriicceedd ttoo sseellll aatt $$224455,,000000

TTeerreexx PPeeggssoonn MMeettrroottrraakk,, 2244"" xx 3366"" TTrraacckkeedd JJaawwCCrruusshheerr,, 2008 Model, approx. 1250 Hours, like newcondition with remaining factory warranty............................................RReedduucceedd PPrriiccee $$331100,,000000 $$226600,,000000

Page 36 • November 17, 2010 • • Crushing, Screening & Recycling Section • Construction Equipment Guide

Powerscreen Pegson XA750 Stays Large Scale User FriendlyPowerscreen, a provider of mobile crush-

ing, screening and washing equipment, haslaunched the Powerscreen Pegson XA750,offering customers greater jaw crushing pro-ductivity at up to 827 tph (750 t).

Pat Brian, Powerscreen global sales andmarketing director said “The Pegson XA750has been designed to ensure that large scaleend users and operators experienceunmatched performance, reliability and pro-ductivity in the toughest of applications.”

The Pegson XA750 is fitted with ahydraulically driven pan feeder and live pre-screening unit, complete with a bolt-in car-tridge style grizzly section, to remove finesand sizes prior to crushing, avoiding packingand unnecessary manganese wear. Pre-screened material can be stockpiled via anoptional dirt conveyor, or re-directed via theby-pass chute onto the main product con-veyor.

An unrestricted feed opening of 55 by 32in. (140 by 81 cm) prevents bridging andmaintains a consistent feed to the powerfulTerex WJ55 single toggle jaw crusher,which features a hydraulic closed side set-ting (CSS) adjustment system that can bechanged at the touch of a button for maxi-mum control of product sizing.

Powering the Pegson XA750 is the latestgeneration 389 hp (288 kW) diesel engine,which uses a direct drive system to achieveenhanced power transmission and fuel effi-ciency versus hydrostatic systems. Enginepower is transmitted to the crusher via arobust, self adjusting dry plate clutch withself regulation “push button” auto start up

sequence and v-belt drive. User benefits include a hydraulically

adjustable product conveyor with a 13 ft. 1in. (4 m) discharge height, a modular hopperthat can be removed for transport and twospeed tracks for maximum site mobility. Theproduct conveyor can be raised and loweredhydraulically during operation and for trans-

port and maintenance purposes.Maintenance downtime is reduced due to ahydraulic draw back rod retention systemand under crusher access. The plant weighs159,000 lbs. (72,000 kg), including magnetand dirt conveyor.

For more information, visit

The Powerscreen Pegson XA750 offers customers jaw crushing productivity at up to 827 tph (750 t).

Eriez P-REX Scrap Drum Improves Metal RecoveryWhen drum magnets don’t operate at peak per-

formance, large sphere-shaped meatballs andknuckles become impossible to capture.Fragments of electric motors and alternatorsand other items containing copper, alu-minum and steel are missed, money is lostand fires may result.

Eriez is hoping to put an end to all thatwith the introduction of the P-REXscrap drum.

“The unbeatable separation capabili-ties P-REX offers will bring more prof-its to your scrap recycling operation,”said Tim Shuttleworth, Eriez presidentand CEO. ”P-REX enables better meat-ball recovery than ever before thoughtpossible.”

The P-REX offers improved edge-to-edge separation, no “transfer point” drop inmagnetic force and no decline in performancedue to heat rise, according to the manufacturer.

“Prior to the introduction of P-REX, processors havehad to accept reduced revenue because of more limited metalrecovery systems — but no longer,” said Shuttleworth.

Weak ZonesWith today’s electromagnetic drum magnets, a steel core

is used to project the magnetic field. These cores generate alimited magnetic force at the drum edge because the electriccoil that is wound around the core takes valuable space

across the width of the drum, resulting in weak zones at theedges. These weak zones can amount to 20 percent or moreof the surface of the drum.

Because the P-REX is a permanent magnet, it extends to

the edge of the drum. That means wider and more effi-cient separation. Wider separation means greater prof-its through greater recovery, according to the manu-facturer.

Transfer Point Drops Today’s design of electro-axial

drums have a significant reductionin magnetic strength at the transfer

point, or “flip” point, along the arc ofthe ferrous material’s travel, resulting

in lost recovery. With the P-REX, theferrous material is transferred andflipped from magnetic pole to magnet-

ic pole to magnetic pole, resulting in acleaner product and more recovery.

Heat RiseElectro Drums consume power and heat up much

like a light bulb does during use. The higher the heat,the greater is the loss in strength.

“Check the gauss strength of your drum at the end ofthe shift and you will see that the electro drum has lost

up to 30 percent of its strength,” Shuttleworth explained.“In the summer and in southern climates, this can be an evengreater issue.”

P-REX’s magnets are permanent and maintain theirstrength. They also use no electricity.

For more information, call 888/300-3743 or

The EriezP-REX scrap drum enablesbetter meatball recovery.

Construction Equipment Guide • Crushing, Screening & Recycling Section • • November 17, 2010 • Page 37

SENNEBOGEN green line material handling machines make your competitors “green with envy”SENNEBOGEN green line material handling machines make your competitors “green with envy”

High Productivity – Low Operating Costs

Alabaster, AL220055--662211--22448899Anniston, AL

225566--883311--22444400Birmingham, AL220055--559911--22113311

Decatur, AL225566--335555--00330055

Dothan, AL333344--667788--11883322Grove Hill, AL225511--227755--44115588

Mobile, AL225511--445577--88999911

Montgomery, AL333344--228888--66558800

Shoals Area, AL225566--338833--55666666Tuscaloosa, AL220055--775522--00662211

Panama City, FL885500--776633--44665544Pensacola, FL885500--550055--00555500

Albany, GA222299--443355--00998822

Atlanta, GA440044--336666--00669933

Augusta, GA770066--779988--77777777Calhoun, GA

770066--887799--66220000Columbus, GA770066--556622--11880011Hoschton, GA770066--665544--99885500Kennesaw, GA667788--335544--55553333

Macon, GA447788--774455--66889911Savannah, GA991122--333300--77550000


www.powerequipco.comKnoxville, TN886655//557777--55556633LaVergne, TN 661155//221133--00990000

Chattanooga, TN442233//889944--11887700Kingsport, TN442233--334499--66111111Memphis, TN990011--334466--99880000

Saltillo, MS 666622--886699--00228833


www.aeandsupply.comHampton, VA 23661



www.ascvolvo.comAsheville, NC882288--668877--00662200Charlotte, NC770044--559966--88228833Greenville, NC225522--775544--55228800Raleigh, NC

991199--666611--88771100Charleston, SC884433--441144--11112200Columbia, SC880033--779911--00774400Piedmont, SC886644--770044--11006600


Tampa, FL 886666--558866--88995566

Fort Lauderdale, FL995544--332277--88880088Fort Myers, FL223399--333344--66006633

Jacksonville, FL990044--226688--44440000

Orlando, FL440077--885599--99116600


Jackson, MS880000--889988--44000000

FFaaxx:: 660011--993399--88444400Gulfport, MS

222288--883322--77557755Hattiesburg, MS660011--229966--77555566Magnolia, MS660011--778833--22111111


Page 38 • November 17, 2010 • • Crushing, Screening & Recycling Section • Construction Equipment Guide

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• Has 2 Fold-Out Belts

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Get ready to break into a new era of jobsite opportunity. Trade in virtually any brand of hydraulic hammer, and arm yourself with the greater productivity of reconditioned

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Tramac has added the V4500 to its line of heavy breakers. “Our customers wanted us to take the next step with our

heavy breaker products,” said Joe Forth, general manager ofTramac. “It was specifically engineered to provide a higherenergy per blow so that it can outperform other companies’breakers in this category.”

The V4500 boasts the same platform found in the V1800and the V2500, and shares in the features of Tramac’s heavybreakers such as:

• Blank-firing protection to prevent metal on metal con-tact, extending carrier, breaker and tool lifespan.

• Pressure regulator valve to prevent overpressure andaccidental overflow.

• Reinforced suspension to absorb vibration that leads topremature wear to the boom.

• Automatic pressure regulator ensures constant operationdespite variations in flow or temperature.

• Automatic frequency adaptation system for optimal beatper minute and strike force for the material being worked on.

• Increased striking from an energy recovery feature thatcaptures rebound energy and delivers it in the next blow.

• Automatic greasing system prevents heat damage withno work stoppage to apply grease.

For more information, visit

New V4500 RoundsOut Tramac’s Lineof Heavy Breakers

Tramac has added the V4500 to its line of heavy break-ers.

Keep Up With All the Industry News Subscribe to Construction Equipment Guide Today!

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Construction Equipment Guide • Crushing, Screening & Recycling Section • • November 17, 2010 • Page 39


Construction Equipment Co.18650 SW Pacific Highway Tualatin, Oregon 97062

Crushing Screening Washing Conveyors

The PRODUCT you want....The PRODUCTION you need....

....At a PRICE you can afford

102x115 Track MountedImpactor

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Birmingham, AL2238 Pinson Valley

ParkwayBirmingham, AL 35202

205-841-6666205-849-0853 (fax)

Huntsville/Decatur, AL15101 AL Hwy. 20

Madison, AL 35758256-536-9390

256-355-5250 (fax)

Mobile, AL35 Schillinger Road,

NorthMobile, AL 36601

251-633-4020251-639-0461 (fax)

Montgomery, AL3120 Old Hayneville

RoadMontgomery, AL 36108

334-262-6642334-834-2272 (fax)

Oxford, AL1501 Highway 78 East

Oxford, AL 36203256-832-5053

256-831-4295 (fax)

Pensacola, FL7950 Pittman AvenuePensacola, FL 32534

850-479-3004850-474-1602 (fax)

Atlanta, GA5710 Riverview Road

Atlanta, GA 30126404-696-7210

404-699-1679 (fax)

Ring Power Corp.500 World Commerce

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904-737-7730904-281-9110 (fax)






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P.O. Box 868Statesville, NC 28677


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Page 40 • November 17, 2010 • • Crushing, Screening & Recycling Section • Construction Equipment Guide

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CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT GUIDE • • November 17, 2010 • Page 41

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Page 42 • November 17, 2010 • • Parts Section • Construction Equipment Guide



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TIGER II FundsMyriad Projectssupport a $546 million TIFIA (Transportation InfrastructureFinance and Innovation Act) loan for the Los AngelesCounty Metropolitan Transportation Authority to build theCrenshaw/LAX Light Rail Line, a key piece of MayorAntonio Villaraigosa’s 30/10 initiative to construct 12 majortransit projects in 10 years rather than 30, exemplifying thedepartment’s commitment to bold, regional transportationprojects that create jobs in the short term while reinvesting inlong term economic competitiveness and livability.

Under TIGER II, more than $140 million is reserved forprojects in rural areas. As a competitive program, TIGER IIis able to fund the best projects from around the country.Using merit-based evaluation criteria allows the Departmentof Transportation to address some of the nation’s most criti-cal challenges like sustainability and economic competitive-ness.

This marks the first time that the U.S. Departments ofTransportation and Housing and Urban Development(HUD) have joined together in awarding grants for localizedplanning activities that ultimately lead to projects that inte-grate transportation, housing and urban development.Almost 700 applicants sought up to $35 million in TIGER IIplanning grants and up to $40 million in HUD SustainableCommunity Challenge Grants. HUD’s funds can be usedfor localized planning efforts, such as development around atransit stop and zone or building code updates and improve-ments. The two departments, along with assistance from theEnvironmental Protection Agency and the U.S. Departmentof Agriculture, participated in the evaluation of the planninggrant applications.

To ensure the important investments made by theRecovery Act continue, President Obama recentlyannounced a comprehensive infrastructure investment planthat would be front-loaded with $50 billion to expand andrenew America’s roads, railways and runways.

TIGER II grants were awarded to projects that have a sig-nificant impact on the nation, a region or metropolitan area.The projects chosen demonstrate their ability to contribute tothe long-term economic competitiveness of the nation,improve the condition of existing transportation facilitiesand systems, increase energy efficiency and reducing green-house gas emissions, improve the safety of U.S. transporta-tion facilities and/or enhance the quality of living and work-ing environments of communities through increased trans-portation choices and connections. The Department alsogave priority to projects that are expected to create and pre-serve jobs quickly and stimulate rapid increases in econom-ic activity.

TIGER from page 1

Construction Equipment Guide • Parts Section • • November 17, 2010 • Page 43

Foothills Parkway Bridge Gets Under Way in Tennesseeplatforms. Proper planning wascritical early on.

Scott Wilson, project managerof Palmer Engineering, wasresponsible for the structuralaspects, while Matt Everett headedup the roadway, hydraulic andenvironmental aspects of the proj-ect for Palmer.

“As far as roadway design, ourrole was to provide the roadwayplans incorporating safety appurte-nances, drainage and cross-sec-tions for the bridge and approach-es,” said Wilson. “The bridgedesign included the abutments andassociated retaining walls.

We also had to design adequatemeans for addressing rainfall. Thisincluded providing drainage for thebridge deck and roadwayapproaches. As for erosion pre-vention and sediment control, ourresponsibilities included providingthe storm water pollution preven-tion plan, as well as EPSC plans.Environmental compliance isanother concern. To help ensurethat the EPSC measures areinstalled and functioning as intend-

ed, Palmer will conduct 10 visits tothe site throughout the duration ofthe project. Two of these inspec-tions have already taken place.”

Wilson added, “In addition tothe resource impacts stemmingfrom release of sediment, the proj-ect site also has a high probabilityof encountering acid-bearing rock.In the late 1980s and early 1990s,mitigation for release of sediment,acidic runoff and dissolved heavymetals was prompted by improperimplementation of erosion preven-tion and sediment control meas-ures during construction. As aresult of these impacts, it wasagreed the National Park Servicewould perform the future designand construction for the remainingsections [8B-8E] and site specificplans for areas of disturbancewould be developed for the initial,intermediate, and final phases ofconstruction.

Runoff potential is high as theproject site consists mainly of rockand class D soils, and flows willultimately enter a tributary toBrickey Branch designated as a‘Known Exceptional TennesseeWater.’ With the steep terrain and

limits on project area, providingadequate storage area for sedi-ment-laden runoff is difficult.Therefore, the prevention of ero-sion is a much more viable option.The method of construction pro-posed by the Bell team works tominimize areas of disturbance andthereby reduces the amount ofrunoff requiring treatment.

“Ultimately, all aspects of thedesign are important as they mustwork together for a successfulproject,” Wilson continued. “Theretaining wall design was challeng-ing. In addition to the steep slopes,rock is very near the surface of theground. Our team felt it would bebeneficial to minimize the amountof rock excavation required for theconstruction of the cantileveredretaining walls [some taller than 40feet]. We utilized rock anchors thatenabled the use of footings with asmaller footprint than what wouldtypically be required for the stabil-ity of cantilever retaining walls ofthis size.”

Wilson acknowledged that therugged beauty of the project siteand dense vegetation does createobstacles for crews accessing areas

where ground work occurs.Though the drainage areas are fair-ly small, flows do develop signifi-cant shear forces when concentrat-ed due to the dramatic slopes,increasing the erosion potentialpost-construction.

“Our team has made greatefforts to minimize negativeimpacts to the natural landscapeand topography while providing asafe facility meeting the goals of allparties involved. Hopefully thissection of the parkway will affordvisitors views that they might nototherwise have been able toenjoy,” Wilson concluded.

A Little History The Foothills of the Great

Smokies reportedly began drawingtourists as early as the mid-19thcentury. Most visitors came for themineral-rich mountain springs,which were believed to providehealth benefits. Construction ofresort hotels quickly followed,making the region a popular sum-mer-time destination.

Over the years, the FoothillsParkway project has been consid-ered somewhat controversial,

because of the high volume oftraffic passing through theSmokies each year. Opponentshave claimed the parkway wouldadd to tieups, while others say itwould actually ease congestion bydrawing off some of the traffic.Some bloggers question the needfor new construction, concernedabout increased noise in the area,exhaust fumes and aggressive driv-ing; however, advocates of theproject say the elevated roadwayis long overdue.

The National Park Service,which manages the parkway, alsohas announced the FederalHighway Administration recentlyawarded a contract to continueconstruction on the Walland end ofthe ‘missing link,’ working east-ward from Bridge number eighttowards Wears Valley. Fundingwill need to be obtained to buildthe last two bridges, as well asmoney to perform finishing touch-es such as striping and guard railinstallation. The segment willmost likely be completed in timefor the National Park Service’sCentennial in 2016. CEG

PARKWAY from page 26

Page 44 • November 17, 2010 • • CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT GUIDE

Eight-Year, $240M Hoover Dam BypassBridge Project Reaches ConclusionBy Oskar GarciaASSOCIATED PRESS WRITER

BOULDER CITY, Nev.(AP) A soaring bridge thatwill let drivers bypassHoover Dam — and steerclear of its security check-points and gawking tourists— is set to open after nearlyeight years and $240 millionworth of work.

The 1,900-ft. (580-m)engineering wonder perched890 ft. (270 m) above theColorado River is expectedto drastically cut travel timealong the main routebetween Las Vegas andPhoenix, as motorists will nolonger have to make theirway across the dam’s wind-ing two-lane road at a snail’space.

U.S. TransportationSecretary Ray LaHood and adelegation of governmentofficials, including ArizonaGov. Jan Brewer and U.S.Senate Majority LeaderHarry Reid of Nevada, her-alded the span linking thestates as a crucial example ofwork being done nationwideto update the country’s infra-structure.

LaHood said the bypass isone of 15,000 transportationprojects that include updat-ing 4,000 mi. (6,437 km) ofroad.

The dedication gave Reidan opportunity to tout hiswork as the country’s mostpowerful U.S. senator lessthan three weeks beforeElection Day.

The bridge is named forformer Nevada Gov. MikeO’Callaghan and PatTillman, the former NationalFootball League player whoquit the Arizona Cardinals tojoin the Army Rangers anddied under friendly fire inAfghanistan. Family mem-

A view of the Mike O’Callaghan-Pat Tillman Memorial Bridge from downstream of the Hoover Dam.

see BYPASS page 46

More than 500 concrete segments used for columns and temporary pylons were fab-ricated at a pre-cast yard located 20 mi. (32.2 km) from the dam, delivered to thebridge site, then erected with cranes including a S-70 Derrick and a Manitowoc2250.

FLORIDACowin Equipment CompanyPensacola (850) 479-3004

G.S. EquipmentDavie (954) 327-8808Ft. Myers (239) 334-6063Jacksonville (904) 268-4400Orlando (407) 859-9160Tampa (813) 248-4971

LOUISIANACLM Equipment CompanyBroussard (337) 837-6693Sulpher (337) 625-5942

Lee Tractor CompanySt. Rose (504) 467-6794

Scott Equipment CompanyAlexandria (318) 448-1647Monroe (318) 388-9300Shreveport (318) 226-9696

NORTH CAROLINAHines Equipment CompanyRocky Mount (252) 446-0333

Stafford EquipmentCharlotte (704) 333-0786Raleigh (919) 657-0070

SOUTH CAROLINAAltman Tractor & Equipment Conway (843) 347-4664Florence (843) 662-0151

Greenville Tractor CompanyGreenville (864) 232-2463

TENNESSEEChattanooga Tractor & EquipmentChattanooga (423) 892-5725

Nashville Tractor and EquipmentNashville (615) 865-7800

VIRGINIAStafford Equipment Ashland (804) 798-4500Cloverdale (540) 992-4650

CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT GUIDE • • November 17, 2010 • Page 45


The ED150 and ED195 Kobelco Blade Runner excavator/dozers get the whole job done with one machine, one operator and one trailer. Use the large 6-way dozer blade to make quick work of grading and leveling, then fold the blade ends for a quick getaway. High-torque drive motors deliver maximum pushing power, and the long track provides a stable, comfortable grading platform. The ED Series also offers superior bucket and arm digging forces and unrivaled visibility. Streamline your operation with the one machine that works like two.







ALABAMACowin Equipment CompanyBirmingham (205) 841-6666Huntsville (256) 536-9390Mobile (251) 633-4020Montgomery (334) 262-6642Oxford (256) 832-5053

GEORGIACowin Equipment CompanyMableton (404) 696-7210

ARKANSASAlma Tractor & EquipmentAlma (479) 632-6300

Scott Equipment CompanyFort Smith (479) 648-1600Little Rock (501) 455-5955Springdale (479) 751-4242Texarkana (870) 772-0204

MISSISSIPPILee Tractor CompanyBiloxi (228) 392-9922

Tubb Equipment & Rental CompanyFlowood (601) 932-3900Hattiesburg (601) 268-1010

Experience the performance – visit your nearest Kobelco dealer! For product literature and full equipment specifications, please visit or call (866) 726-3396 toll free.

*CNH Capital and Kobelco dealerships do not provide tax, legal or accounting advice. Customers are strongly encouraged to seek their own professional advice on the proper treatment of these transactions.©2010 CNH America LLC. Kobelco is a brand licensed to Kobelco Construction Machinery Company America LLC.

Make your purchase by December 31, 2010!*

REAP THE TAX BENEFITSU.S. ECONOMIC INCENTIVES EXTENDED!Maximize your Depreciation Deduction. Consult your tax advisor regarding the NEW $500,000 Section 179 expensing and first-year 50% bonus depreciation.

Page 46 • November 17, 2010 • • CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT GUIDE


INC.233 Melville RoadArley, AL 35541800-669-6450205-387-1600

Fax: 205-387-1668Great performance from Dynapac’s rollers and paversDynapac is proud to present several new pneumatic tired rollers: the CP224, CP224W and CP274. Dynapac’s pneumatic tired rollers

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Top models for great performance

Albany, GA229/888-1212

Adairsville, GA770/773-9857Atlanta, GA404/691-9445

Grovetown, GA770/965-1889

Columbus, GA706/687-3344Macon, GA478/788-1586

Perry, FL850/584-9200

Tallahassee, FL850/575-5600

West Columbia,SC


SC864/963-5835Aynor, SC


Alabaster, AL205/621-2489

Anniston, AL256/831-2440

Birmingham, AL205/591-2131Decatur, AL256/355-0305Dothan, AL334/678-1832

Grove Hill, AL334/275-4158

Mobile, AL251/457-8991

Montgomery, AL334/288-6580

Shoals Area, AL256/383-5666

Tuscaloosa, AL205/752-0621

Panama City, FL850/763-4654

Pensacola, FL850/505-0550



Second Tallest Bridge inUnited States Completedbers of O’Callaghan and Tillman watchedthe dedication ceremony from the spanalong with hundreds of construction workersand their families.

People snapped photos and walked alongthe bridge Oct. 14 before the ceremony,many taking long pauses to stare at the 75-year-old dam below — itself regarded as anengineering marvel.

It took five years and 21,000 workers tobuild the dam, and it cost $165 million. Thelast of its more than 5 million barrels ofcement was poured in 1935.

Officials said the bridge contains some 16million lbs. (7.26 million kg) of steel, 30,000cu. yd. (23,000 cu m) of concrete and 2 mil-lion ft. (0.61 million m) of cable — enoughto stretch well past Phoenix from Las Vegas.The $240 million price tag includes costs tobuild roads and smaller bridges leading tothe picturesque span.

Cars previously were routed acrossHoover Dam to cross the border betweenArizona and Nevada, and checkpoints added

after the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks often causedlong backups. Federal officials also heavilyrestricted the types of vehicles and cargo thatcould cross the dam, sending semis andother large vehicles an extra 23 mi. throughthe resort town of Laughlin.

The new four-lane bridge allows travelersto bypass the dam much more quickly andwith no checkpoints. The U.S. Departmentof Transportation estimates it will cut at least30 minutes from the trip.

Those going to the dam will no longer beable to pass over it to cross the border by car,though it will remain open as a tourist attrac-tion.

Visitors to the dam often can’t help butturn and stare at the bridge, which federalofficials say is the second-tallest bridge inthe United States. The tallest is the RoyalGorge Bridge in Colorado.

The bridge is the longest built with con-crete arches in the western hemisphere,according to the Transportation Department.The arches measure 1,060 ft. (323 m).

BYPASS from page 44

CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT GUIDE • • November 17, 2010 • Page 47


You don’t use a sledgehammer to pound nails. You use the right tool for the job. Case wheel loaders offer two power modes to deliver the right horsepower at the right time. Max mode delivers enough power to muscle through the tough stuff: rock, asphalt, clay, ice and scrap. Efficiency mode puts cash back into your 401K with optimum fuel economy. Plus, with standard dual-slip axles, our wheel loaders do donuts around the competition. See your Case dealer, climb into the cab and discover the best of both worlds.

LOUISIANA CLM Equipment Company, Inc.Broussard (337) 837-6694Sulphur (337) 625-5942

Crawler Supply Company, Inc.Baton Rouge (225) 357-7515

Lee Tractor Co. Inc.St. Rose (504) 467-6794

M & L IndustriesHouma (985) 876-2280

Scott EquipmentAlexandria (318) 448-1647Monroe (318) 387-4160Shreveport (318) 226-9696

MISSISSIPPI Ayres Delta ImplementLeland (662) 686-2361

Hood EquipmentBatesville (662) 563-4546Bruce (662) 983-7181

Lee Tractor Company, Inc.Biloxi (228) 392-9922

Stringer’s InternationalClarksdale (662) 624-4305

Tubb Equipment & RentalHattiesburg (601) 268-1010Jackson (601) 932-3900

SOUTH CAROLINAHills MachineryColumbia (803) 658-0200

TENNESSEEContractors Machinery Inc.Johnson City (423) 975-9111Louisville (865) 982-6452

Diamond EquipmentLa Vergne (615) 641-1100

Liles BrothersJackson (731) 423-1637

ALABAMA Cowin Equipment CompanyBirmingham (205) 841-6666Madison (256) 350-0006Montgomery (334) 262-6642Oxford (256) 832-5053

ARKANSASPotter Equipment CompanyHarrison (870) 741-8900

Scott Equipment CompanyFort Smith (479) 648-1600Mabelvale (501) 455-5955Springdale (479) 751-4242Texarkana (870) 772-0204

Town and Country InternationalJonesboro (870) 932-8383

FLORIDATrekker TractorBonita Springs (239) 949-0100Hialeah Gardens (305) 821-2273Tampa (813) 621-5811West Palm Beach (561) 296-9710

GEORGIABorder EquipmentAugusta (706) 737-9191Decatur (770) 322-6960Pooler (912) 748-2828

Central Georgia EquipmentByron (478) 956-3833

Haney Farm & RanchRockmart (770) 684-7277

Vaughters Tractor Co.Gainesville (770) 536-1455

Wallace Truck & EquipmentValdosta (229) 219-7641

VIRGINIA Lawrence EquipmentAshland (804) 752-8333Cloverdale (540) 966-0151Waynesboro (540) 942-2610

Vernon E. Stup CompanyClear Brook (540) 662-8266

U.S. ECONOMIC INCENTIVES EXTENDED!Maximize your Depreciation Deduction.Consult your tax advisor regarding theNEW $500,000 Section 179 expensing andfirst-year 50% bonus depreciation.Make your purchase by December 31, 2010!†


†CNH Capital and Case dealerships do not provide tax, legal or accounting advice. Customers are strongly encouraged to seek their own professional advice on the proper treatment of these transactions. ©2010 CNH America LLC. All rights reserved. Case is a registered trademark of CNH America LLC.

Page 48 • November 17, 2010 • • CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT GUIDE

FLORIDAFlagler Construction Equipment, LLC

DavieTel: 954-581-4744

Ft. Myers Tel: 239-481-8554

Jacksonville Tel: 904-737-6000

Miami Tel: 305-477-2442

Midway Tel: 850-574-0082

Orlando Tel: 407-850-9614

Tampa Tel: 813-630-0077

SOUTH CAROLINAAltman Tractor Company

Conway Tel: 843-347-4664

Florence Tel: 843-662-0151

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Y O U R G R A D E R O P E R AT O R D E S E R V E S A B R A K E !It’s time to put a stop to small-time thinking in small graders!Here’s one way Champion helps you think big for professional results and productivity:

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Charlotte, NC770044//333333--00778866 •• 880000//668877--11667722

Raleigh, NC991199//665577--00007700 •• 880000//668877--11667722

West Columbia, SC880033//779966--44006600 •• 880000//668877--11667722

Valdosta, GA222299//224477--44449955 •• 880000//228833--22557766

Tifton, GA222299//338822--44440000 •• 880000//225555--44440011

Douglas, GA991122//338844--44440000 •• 880000//555599--44001199

Ashland, VA880044//779988--44550000 •• 888888//228855--66220000

Roanoke, VA554400//999922--44665500 •• 880000//999922--44665500

Birmingham, AL220055//884411--66666666 •• 880000//223399--22669944

FFaaxx:: 220055//884499--00885533Mobile, AL

225511//663333--44002200 •• 880000//222233--66775555FFaaxx:: 225511//663399--00446611

Madison, AL225566//335500--00000066

Montgomery, AL333344//226622--66664422 •• 880000//223399--66664422

FFaaxx:: 333344//883344--22227722Huntsville, AL

225566//553366--99339900 •• 880000//223399--77336688FFaaxx:: 225566//335555--55225500

Oxford, AL225566//883322--55005533 •• 880000//991177--77993311

FFaaxx:: 225566//883311--44229955

Pensacola, FL885500//447799--33000044 •• 880000//223399--44773366

FFaaxx:: 885500//447744--11660022Atlanta, GA

440044//669966--77221100 •• 880000//884499--33554400FFaaxx:: 440044//669999--11225500


P.O. Box 868Statesville, NC770044//887733--99004488

West Columbia, SC880033//779944--77440000Raleigh, NC



CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT GUIDE • • November 17, 2010 • Page 49

Terex Cranes WaverlyWaverly, IA Tel 319 352 3920 • Fax

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Dozier CranePooler, GA 31322

912-748-2684Fax: 912-748-5361

M.D. Moody & SonsJacksonville, FL 32207

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Ashland, VA 23005804-798-4500 • 888-285-6200

Roanoke, VA 24077540-992-4650 • 800-992-4650

Charlotte, NC 28206704-333-0786 • 800-687-1672

Raleigh, NC 27607919-657-0070 • 800-687-1672

West Columbia, SC 29169803-796-4060 • 800-687-1672

Atlanta, GA 30045770-822-9050 • 866-358-3299

Valdosta, GA 31602229-247-4495 • 800-283-2576

Tifton, GA 31793229-382-4400 • 800-255-4401

Douglas, GA 31533912-384-4400 • 800-559-4019

Mobile, AL 36582251-338-8909 • 800-687-1672

For Your Local Terex Dealer, Please Contact:

Waverly Operations106 12th Street S.E.

Waverly, IA 50677 USAPhone: (319) 352-3920

Fax: (319) 352-9395email: inquire@terexwaverly.comweb:

Page 50 • November 17, 2010 • • CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT GUIDE



All Makes & ModelsRental, Parts,

Service, Training

Modern EquipmentSales & Rental800/445-4381



Ingersoll-RandNew & Used Parts

Modern EquipmentSales & Rental800/445-4381


Asphalt Rollers

2004 Cat CB534DXW, 832hours ..........................$75,0002005 Cat CS563E, 287 hours....................................$75,0002005 Cat CS563E, 1,778 hours....................................$75,000

Ransome CATCall Tom Rosser215-245-2749 or

Joe Villa215-245-3729



2003 Cat H160 ..........$55,0002004 Cat H160 ..........$55,000

Ransome CATCall Tom Rosser215-245-2749 or

Joe Villa215-245-3729


Misc. Compaction Equip.

2004 CAT 836G, 7159 hours ....................................$355,000

Ransome CATCall Tom Rosser215-245-2749 or

Joe Villa215-245-3729


Crawler Tractor

NH Construction EquipmentNew & Used

Parts & Service

Modern EquipmentSales & Rental800-445-4381

2007 John Deere 700J1361 hours.

For more information on thistractor go to:

2004 Cat D6RXLII, 4551 hours................$139,0002004 Cat D8RII, 3406 hours................$369,300

Ransome CATCall Tom Rosser215-245-2749 or

Joe Villa215-245-3729

1997 John Deere 650G,OROPS, pedal steer, 104’’blade, 18’’ pads, new paint,very good condition, 8755hours..........................$27,500.2001 John Deere 750C, 24’’pads, newer paint, 128’’ blade,very good condition, 6833hours..........................$59,500.

JDE Equipment Co.616/530-2000

2007 John Deere 450J, LGP,ROPS, hydro trans., 124’’ 6-way blade, very good condition,1072 hours ................$57,375.2005 John Deere 650J, LGP,ROPS, hydro trans., 128’’screen and sweeps, good con-dition, 1806 ................$57,800.

Industrial Tractor Co. Inc.843-572-0400


Hydraulic Excavators

NH Construction EquipmentNew & Used

Parts & Service

Modern EquipmentSales & Rental800-445-4381

2006 Cat 303.5CCR, 698 hours....................$39,9002005 Cat 330CL, 2,366 hours ..............$199,0002003 Cat 345BL, 4,941 hours ..............$199,000

Ransome CATCall Tom Rosser215-245-2749 or

Joe Villa215-245-3729

Mini Excavators

NH Construction EquipmentNew & Used

Parts & Service

Modern EquipmentSales & Rental800-445-4381


Logging Equipment

1996 Caterpillar 320L strokedelimber, 31” pads, Baldersonattachment, good condition,7157 hours..................$92,000

Five Star Equipment Inc.607/775-2006


Industrial Forklifts

Gradall/LullSales, Service, Training

Modern EquipmentSales & Rental800/445-4381

Track Loaders

Backhoe Loaders

2007 John Deere 310J, ROPS,turbo, 4x4, GP loader, 24’’ buck-et, very good condition, 71hours..........................$58,635.2007 John Deere 310J, ROPS,4x4, power S trans., GP frontbucket, 24’’ BH bucket, verygood condition, 55 hours. ..........................................$57,200.

2009 John Deere 310SJ,ROPS, turbo, 4x4, PS trans., Pcontrols, ext. hoe, GP loaderbucket, 24’’ BH bucket, excel-lent condition, 38 hours ............................................$73,700.

2006 John Deere 310SG,ROPS, turbo, 4x4, PS trans, Pcontrol, ext. hoe, GP bucket,24’’ BH bucket, excellent condi-tion, 384 hours ..........$57,300.2004 John Deere 410G,ROPS, 4x4, turbo, P controls,PS trans, ext. hoe, GP bucket,24’’ BH bucket, good condition,2862 hours ................$39,500.

Industrial Tractor Co. Inc.843-572-0400

Skid Steer Loaders

2007 JCB 180T, canopy Servocontrols, 12’6’’ tracks, 56 HP,9’6’’ hinge pin height, ROC load1896 lbs. Demo model. Picturesavailable, 10 hours ....$28,500.

Farm-Rite Inc.908/625-0697

Wheel Loaders

NH Construction EquipmentNew & Used

Parts & Service

Modern EquipmentSales & Rental800-445-4381

2006 Cat 904B, 3,456 hours ......................................$29,0002005 928GZ, 2519 hours ............................................$87,3002006 Cat 972H, 3,180 hours ....................................$229,0001998 Cat 990 ............$599,000

Ransome CATCall Tom Rosser215-245-2749 or

Joe Villa215-245-3729

2008 John Deere 524K, s/nU7410, cab w/AC, auto diff.,ride control, excellent condition,272 hrs ....................$134,500.

Murphy Tractor316-945-1015

2004 John Deere 544J, cab,A/C, 20.5x25 tires, GP bucket,ride control, 6990 hours ............................................$79,750.

Call for more details!Murphy Tractor316-945-1015

Track Loaders

2006 Cat 953C, 1004 hours ....................................$135,000Cat 953C, 3577 hours ..............................................$115,000

Ransome CATCall Tom Rosser215-245-2749 or

Joe Villa215-245-3729

JCB Midi-CX, s/n 71330945,canopy model w/skid steer cou-pler, front hydraulics, detachedbackhoe 10’ dig, 4WD, hydro-static trans., PTO & 3 pt hitch.Mint condition. Pictures avail-able, 12 hours............$38,500.

Farm-Rite Inc.908/625-0697



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Motor Scrapers

1998 Cat 627F, 9,740 hours......................................$299,0001998 Cat 627F, 10,307 hours....................................$299,000

Ransome CATCall Tom Rosser215-245-2749 or

Joe Villa215-245-3729


Operator Training

Are your operators compliantwith Federal Standards,


MODERN GROUPoffers training for:- Front-end Loaders &Backhoes- Aerial work platforms (AWP)(Boom & Scissor Lifts)- Rough Terrain Forklifts(Gradall, Lull, JCB)- Skid Steer Loaders

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All prices include Trainer, traveland material



Misc Trucks

2004 Cat 735, 4,035 hours........................................$249,0002005 Cat 735, 3,738 hours........................................$269,0002006 Cat 740, 3,320 hours........................................$305,0001994 Cat D350D, 20,412 hours ..........................$49,000

Ransome CATCall Tom Rosser215-245-2749 or

Joe Villa215-245-3729

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The 2011 EZ-Screen 1200XL, with a 5'x6' screen box,and a patented non-hydraulic screen drive. The EZ1200XL works with a 1/2 to 2 yard loader. Now with a25-hp KOHLER Diesel Engine .....$39,500 plus freight

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2,500 Workers Help Build World’s Longest Tunnel in Switz.By Frank JordansASSOCIATED PRESS WRITER

SEDRUN, Switzerland (AP) Workershugged, cheered and set off fireworks as thehuge drill broke through the last stretch ofrock deep in the Swiss Alps. There wasdelight at the end of the tunnel — theworld’s longest — when it was completedOct. 15.

The $10 billion, 35.4-mi. (57-km) tubewill connect Europe’s high-speed rail net-work and is part of a larger effort to cut inhalf the number of trucks — now at 1.2million — that thunder through the Alpseach year.

The joy and pride felt throughoutSwitzerland over digging the GotthardBase Tunnel reflected the one cause thatunites the country’s wealthy city dwellerswith those living in traditional villages:Protecting the beauty of the mountains.

“Together we risked a lot,” said SwissTransport Minister Moritz Leuenberger.“Together we achieved a lot.”

Swiss voters approved the tunnel’s con-struction in a series of referendums almost20 years ago. Despite some criticism at thecost — almost $1,300 for every citizen —

the proposal passed by a wide margin. Leuenberger, who also is in charge of

environment issues, praised Swiss votersand took a swipe at neighboring Germany,where popular opposition threatens to haltthe construction of new high-speed raillinks and underground train stations.

“Today proves how sustainable, strongand efficient our direct democracy is,” hetold miners, VIPs and reporters amid theraucous underground celebrations.

His words were echoed by one of the2,500 workers who toiled for more than adecade. Dieter Meyer, an electrician fromGermany, expressed his awe thatSwitzerland — a country of just under 8million people — had chosen to pursuesuch an ambitious project.

Meyer said Germans should reconsidertheir opposition to new rail projects if theyare serious about protecting the environ-ment and halting climate change.

“This tunnel is the future,” he told TheAssociated Press. “In Germany, the peoplein Stuttgart should really think aboutwhether they want to protest against thenew project.”

Protesters in the southwest German cityoppose plans to move Stuttgart’s station

underground, viewing the $5.7 billion proj-ect as a waste of money. Supporters said itwill free up the city’s packed center andhelp shorten journeys across Europe.

Peter Fueglistaler, director of the SwissFederal Office of Transport, insisted Oct.15 that “our neighbors in Germany andItaly will have to fulfill their promise andprovide high-speed rail links” that aremeant to link the Dutch port of Rotterdamto its Mediterranean counterpart Genoa inItaly.

Already Switzerland transports some 62percent of freight by rail — far more thanany of its neighbors.

Mindful that heavy goods traffic has con-tributed to the steady erosion harming frag-ile Alpine plants and animals — as well ascherished scenery — Switzerland has beentunneling through the Alps for decades.

The Gotthard Base Tunnel — first con-ceived in 1947 by engineer Eduard Gruner— beats Japan’s Seikan Tunnel, which is33.5 mi. (53.9 km).

Other tunnels, including the recentlycompleted 21.5-mi. (35.6-km) LoetschbergBase Tunnel, complete an underground net-work that few other countries can rival.

“I hope that this tunnel will have lots of

brothers in the Alps,” Leuenberger said. HisEuropean colleagues, watching the ceremo-ny live at a meeting in Luxembourg, willhave recognized the reference to other proj-ects in France, Italy and Austria still manyyears from completion.

Switzerland’s dependence on its neigh-bors to play their part in the plan for a cross-European high-speed rail network was mir-rored in the many different flags waved byworkers in the newly carved hole under themountains.

First among them was foreman HubertBaer, an Austrian.

“This is the most wonderful moment inmy 36 years of tunnel building,” Baer said,surrounded by Italian, Portuguese andTurkish workers.

Many paid tribute to the eight men whodied working in the tunnel over the years.Some also took time to congratulate theircolleagues on the other side of the world inChile, who rescued 33 men from a col-lapsed mine.

“That was fantastic for us, too,” saidJuergen Sandtner, another Austrian. “It washuge. That they managed to get them all outalive again was a great achievement.”

Page 52 • November 17, 2010 • • CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT GUIDE

ALEX LYON & SON AUCTIONEERSwww.lyonauction.comPhone: 315-633-2944

• Manassas, VAFri., November 19, 2010For: Late Model ConstructionSupport, Aerial Lifts, Trucks &Trailers

• San Bernardino, CASat., November 20, 2010For: Rental Fleet Construction,Aerial, Forklift, SupportEquipment Auction

• Rochester, NYSat., November 20, 2010For: Late Model Dump Trucks,Truck Tractors, EquipmentTrailers, Construction Equipment,Aerials & Forklifts

• Dallas, TXTues., November 30, 2010For: Construction, SupportEquipment, Trucks, Trailers andAttachments

• Lexington, KYFri., December 3, 2010For: Late Model Cat, KomatsuConstruction Equipment, SupportAttachments, Trucks and Trailers

• Columbus, OHSat.-Sun., December 4-5, 2010For: Truck Tractors, Van Trailers,Construction, Support Equipment

• Allentown, PAFri., December 10, 2010For: Complete Liquidation ofAutomotive DismantlingOperation

• Tuscaloosa, ALSat., December 11, 2010For: Late Model Logging,Construction, SupportEquipment, Attachments, Trucksand Trailers

• Kissimmee, FLWed., December 15, 2010For: Construction, Support,Attachments, Trucks and Trailers

• Atlantic City, NJSat., December 18, 2010For: Construction, SupportEquipment, Attachments, Aerials,Trucks Tractors, Dump Trucksand Trailers

• Greenwich, NYWed., December 29, 2010For: Construction, SupportEquipment, Attachments, Tools,Trucks, Equipment and DumpTrailers

• Columbus, OHSat., January 15, 2011For: Construction, SupportEquipment, Attachments, Trucksand Trailers

• Orlando, FLSat. January 30 thru Mon., February7, 2011For: 9 DAYS OF SELLING!Construction Equipment, Aerial,Forklift, Dump Trucks, TruckTractors, Trailers, Support andAttachment

• Little Rock, AKDATE TBAFor: Complete Liquidation ofTruck Tractors, Van Trailers, Vans,Support Equipment

• Ledyard, CT (Foxwood Casino)DATE TBAFor: Construction and SupportEquipment, Aerial Lifts, Forklifts,Trucks & Trailers

RITCHIE BROS. AUCTIONEERSwww.rbauction.comPhone: 402-421-2631

• Tondela, PortugalNovember 18, 2010

• Phoenix, AZNovember 18, 2010

• Meppen, GermanyNovember 18-19, 2010

• Ocana, SpainNovember 18-19, 2010

• Brisbane, AustraliaNovember 23, 2010

• Grand Prairie, AB, CANNovember 24, 2010

• Moerdijk, The NetherlandsNovember 25-26, 2010

• Geelong, AustraliaNovember 25, 2010

• Truro, NS, CANNovember 30, 2010

• Saskatoon, SK, CANDecember 1, 2010

• Fort Worth, TXDecember 1-2, 2010

• Caorso, ItalyDecember 2, 2010

• Montreal, QC, CANDecember 2-3, 2010

• Omaha, NEDecember 3, 2010

• Polotitlan, MexicoDecember 3, 2010

• Salt Lake City, UTDecember 3, 2010

• Toronto, ONT, CANDecember 7, 2010

• Statesville, NCDecember 7, 2010

• Istanbul, TurkeyDecember 8, 2010

• Columbus, OHDecember 8, 2010

• Atlanta, GADecember 9, 2010

• Chicago, ILDecember 9, 2010

• St. Aubin Sur Gaillon, FranceDecember 9, 2010

• Olympia, WADecember 9, 2010

• Edmonton, AB, CANDecember 10, 2010

• London, ON, CANDecember 13, 2010

• Sacramento, CADecember 14, 2010

• Minneapolis, MNDecember 14, 2010

• Kansas City, MODecember 15, 2010

• Tipton, CAFebruary 11, 2011

BAR NONE AUCTIONwww.barnoneauction.comPhone: 866-372-1700

• San Bernardino, CAFri., November 19, 2010For: Commercial Truck and HeavyEquipment Auction• Sacramento, CASat., December 11, 2010For: Commercial Truck and HeavyEquipment Auction• San Bernardino, CAFri., December 17, 2010For: Commercial Truck and HeavyEquipment Auction

CAT AUCTION SERVICESwww.catauctions.comPhone: 866-750-9432

• Twin Cities, MNWed., December 1, 2010For: Construction Equipment

COCHRAN AUCTIONSwww.cochranauctions.comPhone: 301-739-0538

• St. Mary’s County, MDFri.-Sat., November 19-20, 2010For: Major 2 Day Equipment andTruck Auction

DAVIS AUCTIONSwww.davisauctionsinc.comPhone: 203-758-4087

• Prospect, CTSat., December 4, 2010For: Quinnipiac CommissionAuction of ConstructionEquipment

DEANCO AUCTIONSwww.deancoauction.comPhone: 601-656-9768

• Philadelphia, MSWed.-Thurs., Nov. 17-18, 2010For: Huge 2 Day Public Auction —Construction Equipment, Trucks,Trailers, Farm Tractors, Logging &Support Equipment and More

DEL PETERSON & ASSOCIATESwww.delpeterson.comPhone: 800-492-9090

• Mead, NEWed.-Thurs., November 17-18,2010For: Complete Truss, Wall &Construction Facilities,Equipment Dispersal

HODGINS AUCTIONEERS INC.www.hodginsauctioneers.comPhone: 306-752-2075

• Miramichi, NB, CANThurs., November 18, 2010For: Construction Equipment,Trucks and Trailers

IRAY AUCTIONSwww.iraymn.comPhone: 320-968-7230

• Lime Springs, IAFri., November 19, 2010

• Foley, MNFri., December 3, 2010

• Foley, MN Fri., March 4, 2011

• Sioux Falls, SDFri., March 25, 2011

• Portage, WI Fri., April 15, 2011

• Lime Springs, IA Fri., May 20, 2011

• Foley, MN Fri., June 3rd

• Sioux Falls, SDFri., June 24, 2011

• Portage, WIFri., July 15, 2011

• Lime Springs, IA Fri., August 19, 2011

• Foley, MNFri., September 16, 2011

• Sioux Falls, SDFri., September 30, 2011

• Portage, WIFri., October 14, 2011

• Lime Springs, IAFri., November 18, 2011

• Foley, MN Fri., December 2, 2011

IRON PLANET AUCTIONSwww.ironplanet.comPhone: 888-433-5426ONLINE AUCTIONSGo to toview the complete auctionschedules, inspection reportsand to place your bid!

• Thurs., November 18, 2010For: Construction Equipment

• Thurs., December 2, 2010For: Construction Equipment

• Thurs., December 9, 2010For: Construction Equipment

• Thurs., December 16, 2010For: Construction Equipment

J.M. WOOD AUCTION COMPANYwww.jmwood.comPhone: 800-447-7085

• Montgomery, ALThurs.-Fri., December 2-3, 2010 For: Construction Equipment andTrucks

KISSIMMEE AUCTION CO.www.kissimmeeauction.comPhone: 800-782-4506

• Spartan, SCThurs., December 2, 2010 For: Construction and ForestryEquipment, Heavy Trucks andTrailers

MARTIN & MARTIN AUCTIONEERS, INC.www.mmaauction.comPhone: 800-763-2728

• Pelzer, SCWed.-Thurs., November 17-18,2010For: Annual Winter ContractorsAuction

MEEKINS AUCTION COMPANYwww.meekinsauction.comPhone: 800-499-6560

• Lumberton, NCTues., December 28, 2010For: 16th Annual DecemberContractors Auction

MOTLEY’S AUCTION & REALTY GROUPwww.motleys.comPhone: 804-232-3300

• Richmond, VAThurs., November 18, 2010For: Rail Equipment, BackhoeLoaders, Cranes and More!

• Richmond, VAFri., December 10, 2010For: Excavators, Trucks, Trailersand More!

PETROWSKY AUCTIONEERS INC.www.petrowskyauctioneers.comPhone: 860-642-4200

• Stratford, CTFri., November 19, 2010For: Inventory of Crawler Cranes,Pile Driving Equipment andLeads

PURPLE WAVE AUCTIONwww.purplewave.comPhone: 866-608-9283

ONLINE AUCTIONBidding Starts to Close at 10:00AMThurs., November 18, 2010 For: Construction Equipment

RITCHASON AUCTIONEERS INC.www.ritchason.comPhone: 800-806-3395

• Lebanon, TNSat., December 18, 2010

RYAN AUCTION SALESwww.ryanauctionsales.comPhone: 603-491-6159

• Sat., Nov. 27, 2010 @10:00amVirtual Equipment & TruckAuction• Tues., Nov. 30, 2010 @10:00amVirtual Equipment & TruckAuction• Thurs., Dec. 16, 2010 @10:00amVirtual Equipment & TruckAuction

STOCK AUCTION COMPANYwww.stockra.comPhone: 800-937-3558

• Great Bend, KSThurs., November 18, 2010For: Farm Machinery and HarvestEquipment• TIMED INTERNET ONLY AUC-TIONWed., November 24,• Casper, WYThurs., December 2, 2010For: John Deere Farm Equipment• TIMED INTERNET ONLY AUC-TIONWed., December 8,• Columbus, NEThurs., December 9, 2010For: Behlen Mfg. Co. WinterAuction• TIMED INTERNET ONLY AUC-TIONWed., December 22,

TAMPA MACHINERY AUCTION, INC.www.tmauction.comPhone: 813-986-2485

• Tampa, FLSat., December 11, 2010

TRAIMAN REAL ESTATE AUCTION COMPANYwww.traiman.comPhone: 215-799-0655

• Easton, PAThurs., November 18, 2010For: 16 Prime Properties to beSold Individually.

UTILITY AUCTIONSwww.utilityauctions.netPhone: 302-530-9103

• Wilmington, DEFri., December 17, 2010For: Construction and UtilityEquipment

YODER & FREY AUCTIONEERS, INC.www.yoderandfrey.comPhone: 419-865-3990

• Bow, NHThurs., November 18, 2010For: Construction Equipment,Trucks and Trailers

• Kissimmee, FLFebruary 7-15, 2011For: Construction Equipment,Trucks and Trailers


CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT GUIDE • • November 17, 2010 • Page 53



BACKHOE • NEED 2 JD 310SEBACKHOES. 4X4 EXT. HOES 1 OROPS 1CLOSED CAB. MAX PRICE 23,000. NOTINTERESTED IN ANYTHING ELSE!!!Contact: SAM COCHRANPhone: 704-960-9523Email:––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––BW900 VIBRATOR ROLLER • NEWContact: CARLPhone: 636-399-0408Email:––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––D8K TRACKS NEW OR OVER 60%,ADJUSTERS, AND BOTTOM ROLLERSContact: RUSSPhone: 989-245-7966Fax: 989-695-2036Email:––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––LOW BOY TRAILER 35 TON • 35 TONDETACHABLE GOOSE NECK TRAILERWITH PONY MOTORContact: ERIC CASEYPhone: 614-469-8338Fax: 614-469-0139Email:––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––CAT EQUIPMENT: US CONTRACTOROWNED | I AM LOOKING FOR SEVERALMACHINES RIGHT NOW. THEY MUST BECONTRACTOR OWNED AND NOTADVERTISED ANYWHERE. LOOKINGFOR CAT 12H, 140H/M, 14H/M, 16G,H,MCAT ROLLERS CS563E, CP563ESLOADERS: CAT 950G/H, 966G/H,972G/H, 980G/H DOZERS: CAT D8TSWOULD A/C CABS EXCAVATORS:PC200LC-6,7, 8, PC300LC-7,8 Contact: RESOURCE EQUIPMENTPhone: 1-601-750-0201Email:––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––HITACHI, KOMATSU, CAT 180210 SIZEWHEEL EXCAVATOR • CLEAN WKREADY MAX 4000 HOURSContact: RICHARDPhone: 603 828-6100Email:––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––EAGLE 1200CC CRUSHING PLANT •EAGLE 1200CC OR 1000CC CRUSHINGPLANT INDIVIDUAL OR TAKE OVERPAYMENTSContact: JOEPhone: 724-944-5569Email:––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––36' CLEAN OUT BUCKET 75UU2Contact: R. D. LYNCHPhone: 214 342 1794Fax: 214 342 0992Email:––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––SNOW BLOWER LX885 NEW HOLLANDContact: ART HOOVERPhone: 814-382-8184Fax: 814-382-5707Email: ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––NEED TO BUY 2 D8L OPEN ROPS ORCAB WITH RIPPER GOOD UNIT USERONLYContact: JEAN MAURICE BOUTINPhone: 1 450 346 8975Email: ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

KOMATSU WA3805 | MAX 5000 HOURSCLEAN WORK READYContact: RICHARDPhone: 603 828-6100Email:––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––USED CAT ENGINEContact: JASON GREENEPhone: 585-328-6849 OR 585-261-0804Email:––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––CEMENT/LIME POWDER SPREADER |SEMI TRAILER TYPE CEMENT/LIMESPREADER FOR ROAD WORKSAPPROX 20 TONNE CAPACITYContact: TIM CAMPBELLPhone: 0749823863Fax: SAME Email:––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––KAWASAKI WHEEL LOADER 80ZAContact: HAKIMPhone: 97148818035Fax: 97148817638Email:––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––HAMM 3410 UNDER 1000 HOURSContact: DAVID LIGHTPhone: 512-961-2431Email: ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––SOMERO POWER RAKE | LOW HOURPOWER RAKE 2.0Contact: TOM NACEYPhone: 651-214-1694Email: ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––TURBO FOR SK450 LC 1995Contact: BOB COSMOSPhone: 321-228-3766Email:––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––ZX 200Contact: HAKIMPhone: 971 48818035Fax: 97148817638Email:––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––COSTRUCTION / MATERIAL HANDLING |LOOKING FOR LOADERS, EXCAVA-TORS, DOZERS, ROLLERS, FORKLIFTS,AND FORESTRY EQUIPMENT.Contact: PAUL MADSENPhone: 407-468-1070Fax: 407-850-3914 Email:––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––LOWBOYContact: STEVE ALLENPhone: 915-222-6894Fax: 972-451-4523Email:––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––KUBOTA LA463 LOADER | NEED ACOMPLETE LOADER FOR A 3400 KUB-OTA LA-463Contact: ARNOLD KLEINPhone: 217-456-8711Email:––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––NEED TO BUY 3 D10T UNDER 300HOURSContact: JEAN MAURICE BOUTINPhone: 1-450-346-8975Email: ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

JOHN DEERE 760 OR 760AContact: MIKE MILLERPhone: 651-983-7978Email:––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––HYUNDAI 7807A WHEEL LOADER |MUST BE A HYUNDAI 780-7A WITHLESS THAN 5000 HOURS.Contact: BEAUFORD MULLINSPhone: 260 497 0500Fax: 260 490 8217Email:––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––BOBCAT T190 WITH JOYSTICKCONTROLS (SJC) WITH LOW HOURSContact: RONALD PEREDOPhone: (239) 334-4987Fax: (239) 334-7965Email:––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––2 CRADLE 7082L06630 | HAVE TO BENEW OEM KOMATSUContact: ROBERTO J PALACIOSPhone: 786-287-7056Fax: 305-573-7038Email:––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––KOMATSU BR380JG1 TRACK CRUSHER• CLEAN LOW HOUR-BUYING FORRESALEContact: RICHARDPhone: 603 828-6100Email:––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––NEED CATERPILLAR 320DL • HAS TOBE UNDER 3,000 HOURS AND HAVE AMEDIUM STICK WITH A/C AND BELOCATED CLOSE TO GA, PRICE NOMORE THAN $125,000 NON ADVER-TISEDContact: RANDY REECEPhone: 770-966-9056Fax:––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––THOMAS SKID STEER PARTS • I AMLOOKING FOR A RIGHT REAR AXLEFOR MY T133 SKID STEERPREFERABLY USED AS I CANT AFFORDA NEW ONE. THANKS G. LINTONContact: GORD LINTONPhone: 613-227-1454Email:––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––LOOKING TO BUY KOMATSU D65EX15 |WE ARE LOOKING TO BUY KOMATSUBULLDOZER D65EX-15 WITH RIPPER.PLEASE OFFER WITH PICS, DETAILSAND WHOLESALE PRICES. OCEANFREIGHT CHARGES TO KARACHI PORT,QUOTED SEPARATELY WOULD BEAPPRECIATED. THANKSContact: ATHER SIDDIQUIPhone: 00923332240692Email:––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––850B CASE DOZER | Contact: RICH OR KATEPhone: 724-459-7060––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

KOMATSU D85EX15 • WE ARE SEARCH-ING FOR BOTH ENGINE ENCLOSURESFOR A KOMATSU D85EX-15. THEKOMATSU PART NUMBERS ARE: 154-54-72121 AND 154-54-74780Contact: WENDELL CAINPhone: 770-381-8984Fax: 770-381-6977Email:––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––GENIE AND JLG AERIAL LIFTS • LOOK-ING TO PURCHASE ANY JLG OR GENIEAERIAL LIFTS AND SCISSOR LIFTS.2000 YEAR TO 2010 YEAR WHOLESALEIN RENTAL READY CONDITIONContact: SUE URBANPhone: 330 304 4024Fax: 330 319 8052Email:––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––BULLDOZER KOMASTU 375A 1 375A 2375A 3 375A 5 WITH RIPPERContact: JEAN MAURICE BOUTINPhone: 1 450 346 8975Email:––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––MINNIE DIGGER DERRICK SKY LIFT •SKY LIFT MINNIE33Contact: BRET KREISPhone: 561-214-0893Fax: 561-745-0613Email:––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––SERVICE PARTS AND OPERATIONMANUALS • WE BUY MANUALS-SERVICE PARTS AND OPERATIONMANUALS. CALL AARON @ 503-572-4169 FOR MORE INFORMATION.Contact: AARON HAYESPhone: 503-572-4169Email:––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––4X4 BACKHOE W/ EXTENDA HOEContact: CRAIG MOFFITTPhone: 585 755 8821Email:––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––USED 30" BUCKET FOR CASE 9045BContact: K SANSALONEPhone: 856-297-4758Email:––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––BRUSH CHIPPER W/GRAPPLEContact: JOHN CUMBERLEDGEEmail:––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––BOMAG TAMPER,AND VIBRATORYPLATEContact: JOHN RPhone: 918-246-2593Fax: 918-246-2594Email:––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––NEED TO BUY PAIMENT OUT BULL D8D9 D10 155 355 375 ENC CAB RIPPERNO JUNKContact: JEAN MAURICE BOUTINPhone: 1 450 346 8975Email:––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––NEED TO BUY ALL THE TIME FROMUSER D8 D9 D10 155 355 375 ENC CABRIPPERContact: JEAN MAURICE BOUTINPhone: 1 450 346 8975Email:––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

Attention Contractors!Post Your Wanted To Buy Listings FREE!

Here’s How! List Your Wanted ItemsIf you would like to place your Wanted To Buy listings on our website

for inclusion in our newsletters, simply visit: and enter your listings.

Page 54 • November 17, 2010 • • CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT GUIDE


CSX TransportationRail Equipment, BackhoeLoaders, Cranes & More!

Construction Equipment& Trucks – Excavators,

Trucks, Trailers & More!Thurs., Nov. 18 @ 10 AM Fri., Dec. 10 @ 9 AM

Motley’s Auction& Realty GroupMotley’s gets your idle assets sold! Flexible solutionsglobal results from one item to an entire fleet.



Location: 1798 Rhoadmiller Street,Richmond, Virginia 23220

CSX Transportation has chosen Motley’sto sell over 200 pieces of surplus railmaintenance, construction equipment, andtrailers located at its Richmond, VA facility.

Rail Maintenance Equipment Includes: (32)Spike Pullers, (9) Tie Handlers, (3) Tie Pluggers,(3) Tie Plate Sweepers, (1) Whole Tie Remover,(4) Adzers, (2) Kershaw Bridge Units, (3) Cribbers,(10) Anchor Spreaders, (2) Rail Brush Cutters, (3)Rail Saws, (3) Material Handlers, (7) Production& Spot Tampers, (5) Personnel Carriers, (6) ScrapRetrievers, (5) Rail Lifters, (1) Rail Heater, (1) RailDrill & More! Cranes Includes: (10) Rough TerrainCranes, (6) Burro Rail Cranes, (1) Bridge Crane& More! Construction Equipment & TrailersIncludes: (42) Backhoe Loaders (Case, John Deere& JCB), (8) Wheel Loaders, (3) Crawler Dozers, (2)Crawler Loaders, (3) Excavators, (1) Trencher, (7)Light Plants, (10) Air Compressors, (9) Welders, (3)Gators/Mule UTV’s, (23) Equipment Trailers & More!

Location: 3600 Deepwater TerminalRoad, Richmond, Virginia 23234Featuring: The Commonwealth of VA. AlsoSelling For: Sunbelt Rentals, C.W. WrightConst. Company, Dominion VA Power & Cityof Richmond.


Brochure Deadline: Friday, 11/19Items listed in the brochure receive acommission discount. Online consignmentpackages available.

1 2

SOLD: $34,900 SOLD: $26,800

SOLD: $14,200 SOLD: $21,000

Now Accepting ItemsDaily Through Wed. 12/8!

For complete terms and conditions, visit:

*AGC St. Louis, Glow Ball Golf Tournament a Huge Success!This past Construction Leadership Council’s Glow Ball Tournament event was a sellout and complete suc-

cess. The tournament raised over $1,700 to benefit the foundation. Thanks to Stephanie Neff, chair of the golfcommittee, and thanks to her assistants!

*St. Louis Blues Club Seats Available!It’s time to catch Blues action! Single games sales are available for this year’s St. Louis Blues Hockey

games. The AGC of St. Louis purchased 10 premium games (4 tickets per game) for the 2010-2011 Bluesseason. Seats are located behind the goal and in the middle section. This perfect view of the ice is ideal forwatching plays unfold. If you are interested in purchasing a game(s), please contact Donna Pigg at 314-781-2356, ext. 108 or by email at

Mining New Members. Everyone knows word-of-mouth advertising from satisfied customers brings morebusiness to your company. As an IAAP member, you have experienced valuable benefits from membership inthis Association and along the way maybe you have talked with others in the industry about joining the IAAP.Your efforts are now being rewarded through a new member recruitment program called “Mining New Members.”For more information, please contact IAAP Outreach Manager Shawn McKinney at (217) 241-1639

DONATION - HELP Support IAAP’s Political Activities – The IAAP Political Action Committee (PAC) was creat-ed in order to provide financial support for our allies in the Illinois General Assembly. Whether from Chicago orDownstate Illinois, Democrat or Republican, these legislators all have one thing in common – they support billsthat help the Illinois aggregates industry and oppose bills that hurt our interests. As the cost of political cam-paigns continues to rise, we want to ensure that legislators who support this industry can compete and contin-ue to do good work. For that reason, supporting the IAAP PAC is critically important to the future of our industry,your company, and your Association’s political activities. Please consider sending a donation, payable to theIAAP, to: John Henriksen, Secretary/Treasurer, IAAP PAC, 1115 S. 2nd Street, Springfield, Illinois 62704.

INFORMATION - AGC of St. Louis Governmental Affairs Legislative Update: Legislative Alert – New IllinoisLaw Could have Significant Effect on Contractors. The AGC of St. Louis has become aware of a new Illinois lawpassed that could have a dramatic effect on our members who perform work in Illinois. On June 16, IllinoisGovernor Pat Quinn signed House Bill 6349 into law which enhances the Illinois Workers on Public Works Act.From: AGC of St. Louis Governmental Affairs (mail to:

INFORMATION - The Transportation for Illinois Coalition (TFIC) has published and electronic version of it’smost recent white paper, an analysis of the 2009 capital program. To download a copy of this document, go tothe TFIC website:, click on publications and open the file entitled Capital Funding forTransportation. Questions? Please feel free to contact John Henriksen, Illinois Association of AggregateProducers, 1115 South 2nd Street, Springfield, IL 62704. Office: (217) 241-1639. Cell: (217) 899-7389. Fax:(217) 241-1641.

AGC Volunteer Appreciation - The AGC of St. Louis is grateful for the many members who serve on com-mittees. The time devoted by these individuals and the knowledge they share with the industry in very importantto the success of the AGC.

INFORMATION - MSHA Enforcement Alert from an IAAP Member. An IAAP company has posted a new MSHAcitation on the MSHA Enforcement Alerts website at maintained in partnershipby the IAAP and other Midwest Aggregate Associations. This citation concerned the company because the inspec-tor believed miners were stepping over the motor, but just as in a lot of other cases, this practice was acceptableduring previous inspections by this same inspector and also during a CAV that was completed on these screensjust 2 1/2 years ago. This motor configuration is present on many screens by different manufacturers. To viewfurther details on this citation you may log on to

November 17, 2010 – Happy Hour. The AGC St. Louis Construction Leadership Council invites you to HappyHour Wednesday, November 17th, Hosted at Hacienda Restaurant, 9748 Manchester, Rock Hill, MO 63119(located on the South side of Manchester Road West of Rock Hill Road and McKnight Road). Speaker: HarryMiller, EPA’s Lead Exposure Hazards for Renovation, Repair and Painting Program (RRP) Regulations andCertifications. Happy Hour begins at 5:00 P.M.; Appetizers will be served at 5:30 P.M.; Speaker Presentationbegins at 6:00 P.M. There is no cost to attend. Attendees are responsible for their own drink costs. For ques-tions, contact Donna Pigg at; AGC of St. Louis, 314-781-2356.

November 17, 2010 – Training School. AGC St. Louis Professional Development “Basics of Electrical andSpecial Systems” Quality Control Workshop 3:30 to 5:30 p.m. Wednesday, November 17, 2010 at theConstruction Training School, 6301 Knox Industrial Drive, St. Louis, MO. Join this workshop for discussion onUtilities and Inspections, Means & Methods, Safety Issues, Codes and Standards. For questions, please contactJoanne Engel at 314-644-1525 or

November 18, 2010 – Early Bird Seminar. AGC St. Louis presents One Hour Early Bird Seminar, “TheImportance of Written Notices.” Presented by the Supplier/Service Provider Council, Thursday, November 18,2010, 8:00 to 9:00 A.M. – Second Floor Assembly Room. Exercising good communication skills is one of thekeys to success. Satisfying contract and legal duties is yet another. The speakers will discuss various types ofnotices to preserve valuable rights. They will also discuss the practical and legal implications of giving timelywritten notice and the consequences of failing to provide a requisite written notice. Cost: Free for AGC of St.Louis Members. Non-member fee is $25.00 per person. Please register online at or call Kathy Givens at 314-480-3172. Questions, you may call the AGC of St. Louis office at 314-781-2356.

December 2, 2010 – Expo. AGC St. Louis “Build St. Louis Expo.” Join us December 2nd!!! Find everythingyou need for your next project from concept to completion at this year’s Build St. Louis Expo. For three hours therewill be an industry-wide showcase of the newest and sustainable products, best building techniques and infor-mation by the specialty contractors, suppliers, and professional service providers. This year’s construction indus-try expo invites all of AGC of St. Louis members, owners, developers, realtors, architects, contractors, subcon-tractors, suppliers and professionals. All industry partners are invited to “build relationships.” Hosted in con-junction with these participating organizations: AIA St. Louis and St. Louis Council of Construction Consumers.Contractors are encouraged to bring project managers, operation personnel, estimating and management staff.Exposition Hours: 5:00 to 8:00 PM. For Booth Information, contact Nancy Valentine at 314-781-2356 ext. 103or email:

January 12-16, 2011 – Convention. Early Reservations Now Being Accepted for the Riviera Maya thisJanuary, 2011. Network with Decision Makers and Build Your Business! ASA Chicago wants you to join usfor the Annual Convention in the Riviera Maya on January 12 to 16, 2011. You’ll stay at the El DoradoRoyale, an adults-only destination that provides the ultimate in service in the ultimate setting and is a CondeNast Traveler Readers’ Top 100 Hotels in the World and a AAA Four Diamond Resort. Contact ASA Chicago,2200 E. Devon Avenue, Suite 261, Des Plaines, IL 60018 at 847-827-8336 or email


CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT GUIDE • • November 17, 2010 • Page 55

Everything sells “AS IS,” “WHERE IS,” everything sells to the highest bidder without minimums or reserve. Visit us on the Internet at

The Complete Auction And Appraisal Service


Bridgeport, NY 315/633-2944, Fax: 315/633-8010 • Syracuse, NY (Evenings) 315/637-8912 •



JOB COMPLETIONFinley Asphalt & Sealing



DIRECTIONS: From Washington, DC and Points North: I-395 S to I-495 N; follow I-495 Nto I-66 W: follow I-66 W to Virginia Rt. 234 S (Bypass), exit 44; follow Virginia Rt. 234 S(Bypass) to the fifth traffic light (Business 234), turn left; go 1 mile to the Fair Grounds entranceon the left. From Richmond, VA and Points South and East: Take I-95 north to Virginia Rt. 234north, (Dumfries Road) exit 152; follow Virginia Rt. 234 14 miles to Business Rt. 234, turn right;1 mile to the Fair Grounds entrance on the left. Address: Off Business Rt. 234, Manassas, VA20108. Physical Address: 10624 Dumfries Road, Manassas, VA 20112

NOTE: Selling will be late model construction equipment and trucks from several finished jobsin the Northern Virginia area.

HILITES: 9 HYDRAULIC EXCAVATORS: Hitachi EX300, Kobelco SK330LC, 2005Kobelco SK290LC, 2005 Kobelco SK210LC, Kobelco SK210LC, 2004 Case CX290, JD892ELC, 2005 IHI 35N, 2 RUBBER TIRED EXCAVATORS: 2004 Gradall XL4100, GradallXL4100, 4 RUBBER TIRED LOADERS: Cat 966D, Komatsu WA320, Komatsu WA180, Case621, 2 CRAWLER TRACTORS: Cat D5GLGP, Cat D5C-II, 5 CRAWLER LOADERS: 2003Cat 953C, Cat 953C, Cat 953C, Cat 963, Cat 955K, 4 TRACTOR LOADER BACKHOES:(2)2005 Case 580M (4x4), JD 410E, 2004 Allmand TLB425, CURB MACHINE: 2004 GomacoGT3600, MILLING MACHINE: Wirtgen W500, ASPHALT ROLLERS: 2002 IR DD70HF, 2VIBRATORY ROLLERS: 2005 IR SD45D, Hamm 2320, 6 TRENCH ROLLERS: (2) 2005Wacker RT82, 2005 Wacker RT56, (3) Wackers, 8 RUBBER TRACKED SKID STEERS:2005-(2) 2004 Bobcat T250, (3) 2005 Bobcat T190, (2) 2006 JD CT332, 2 SKID STEERS: 2002Cat 236B, 2003 Cat 216, TRENCHERS: 2005 Ditch Witch RT40, 2 TELESCOPIC FORK-LIFTS: Lull 844C-42, Cat TH63, BOOM LIFTS: Genie S60, LIGHT PLANTS: 2005 AmidaAl4060D4MH, 2 SWEEPERS: 2003 Freightliner w/Schwarze M5000, Ford F650 w/Elgin, 8DUMP TRUCKS: 2005-(3) 2001-(4) 1994 Mack RD686S (quad.), 2 FLATBED DUMPS: 2005Ford F75XLT, 2005 Ford F650, 3 STAKE TRUCKS:(3) 2001 Ford F450, UTILITY TRUCKS:1999 Ford F450, 4 PICKUPS: 2003 GMC 2500, 2000 Ford F150, 2003-2001 Ford Rangers,ATTACHMENTS: Skid Steers: Pallet Forks, Stump Buckets, Hay Spears, Mount Plates, LowProfile & Smooth Buckets, Tree Booms, Backhoes, Forks, Root Grapple, Tree Boom, Backhoe,Frames, 3500-4800-5600 Thumbs, Stump Buckets, Quick Attach Plates, Snow & Mulch Buckets,TAGALONG TRAILER: Towmaster 6 ton (t/a), 3 DETACHABLE GOOSENECK TRAIL-ERS: (2) 2011 Witzco RG50 (tri.), 2001 Witzco RG35 (t/a), SUPPORT EQUIPMENT: NewMustang Plate Compactors, New Mustang Rammers, New Mustang Concrete Vibrators, NewMustang Submersible Pumps, Pintle Hitches, Jack Hammer Air Hoses, Huskie Hammer Drills,New Withman Generators, Bremer Core Drill, Cargo Straps, Impact Wrenches, Air Spray GunKits, 2010 Easy Kleen Magnum Gold pressure Washers, 2010 Easy Kleen Magnum 4000Pressure Washers, PLUS TRENCH BOXES, GRAVEL BOXES, BUCKETS, 4 WAYCHAINS, LIFTING DEVICES, PIPE LASERS.

SALE SITE PHONE: (863) 602-8365, (863) 325-5949VIRGINIA AUCTIONEER LICENSE: Larry Garner #2907 002879




SUPPORT EQUIPMENTCuba Timber & Carroll Custom Logging

DIRECTIONS: From Birmingham Airport: take Interstate 20 & 59 West to exit68, go 3 miles to 1st traffic light take left (south) on Hwy. 11 & 43. Sale site 3 mileson right. Adjacent to Black Warrior Equipment. Address: 7110 Black WarriorRoad, Tuscaloosa, AL 35401.

NOTE: Cuba Timber, having completed several large jobs and having purchasedequipment for these jobs have finished & completed them 100% and will sell theequipment and trucks that were used on these jobs and purchased new. Sellingsame time will be one large, finished in full timber job from Carroll CustomLogging.

JACK’S NOTE: This sale will definitely be the largest and latest model forestrysale of the year.

HILITES: 25 TRUCK TRACTORS: (12) 2011 Western Star 4900EX (t/a,505hp, 46 rears, weigh scales, 2 year warranty, 25,000-50,000 miles, DayCab,Virtually New!), 1998 IH (Day Cab), 2007, (2) 2005 Freightliner FLD, 2005Peterbilt 379, 3 SERVICE TRUCKS: 2008 Kenworth T300 (Maintainer Body/Crane), 1999-1997 Ford F150, 1997 Chevy 2500, 2 DUMP TRUCKS: 2006Western Star (t/a), 1998 Chevy 7500 (s/a), 15 LOG SKIDDERS: (3) 2008 JD648G-III (like new), 2008 JD 548G, 2004 Timberjack 460D, 2005 JD 200CLC/Hultdins Grapple/ Saw, 4 FELLER BUNCHERS: (3) 2008 JD 843J/ FD 22 Sawhead (Like New), Timco 425C (tracked), 2006 Hydro Axe, 6 LOG LOADERS:(3) 2008 JD 437/ CSI Delimber (like new!), (3) 2008 JD 427/ CSI Delimber, Cat539, 2009 Barko BX2230, STUMP & BRUSHER GRINDER: 2006 GyrotracGT25, WOOD CHIPPERS: Vermeer 1400 (140 hrs.), 10 LOG TRAILERS:2008-2003 Pitts & Blonde 4 Bolster, HYDRAULIC EXCAVATORS: 2006 Cat320CL, 2008 Terex TX225, MOTOR GRADERS: 2006 JD 672 AWD,BROOMS: (2) Bros., AG TRACTORS: Kubota M105XD (4x4)/ Loader, KubotaBX2230, Kubota 2500, 2009 Polaris 700, AIR COMPRESSORS: (2) IR185CFM, TAGALONGS: Trailboss 20T (air), DETACHABLE & EQUIPMENTTRAILERS: 2008 Magnolia (tri., 10ft. width), 2008 Landoll (35T), 2007 Pitts(35T), PLUS MUCH MORE TO INCLUDE TRACTOR LOADER BACK-HOES, RUBBER TIRED LOADERS, SKID STEERS, WELDERS, LIGHTPLANTS, PICKUPS, SUPPORT.

For more info.: contact Mark White @ (205) 454-4636.ALABAMA AUCTIONEER LICENSE: #1394, Jack Lyon.

Page 56 • November 17, 2010 • • CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT GUIDE

More Than 1,400 Lots Go on Block at Ritchie Orlando Sale

This Caterpillar 420G was getting a good look from IngacioMartinez of TNT Machines in Fort Lauderdale.

Michael Spell of Spell Construction, Clinton, N.C., takes a goodlook at a couple of self-loading scrapers.

Mike Underwood of Underwood Holdingsin Moultre, Ga., was taking a look at somecompact track loaders and these Volvoloaders.

Many loaders made theirway across the ramp.

Patrick Beame came down from Virginia to look at a widevariety of equipment, including this Ingersoll Rand SD77.

Ricardo Quentana traveled all the wayfrom Peru to bid on equipment includingthis Caterpillar 330C.

More than 1,700 registered bidders participated onlineand in-person at the Ritchie Bros. multi-million dollarauction held Oct. 27 in Orlando, Fla.

Bidders came from 46 countries, including 49 U.S. states and10 Canadian provinces. More than 65 percent of the trucks andequipment sold in the auction (based on gross auction proceeds)went to buyers from outside the state. More than 1,450 lots weresold on auction day, including a large selection of loader back-hoes, wheel loaders, motorgraders, articulated dump trucks,crawler tractors, hydraulic excavators, telescopic forklifts, trucktractors and other transportation equipment.

see RITCHIE page 60

CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT GUIDE • • November 17, 2010 • Page 57

Page 58 • November 17, 2010 • • CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT GUIDE

Komatsu Unveils PC78US-8 Compact Hydraulic Excavator Komatsu America Corp.’s (KAC)

PC78US-8 compact hydraulic excavatoris designed for increased production andadded operator comfort, when comparedto previous models. The new excavator iswell-suited for a variety of construction,utility, landscaping and other small- tomid-sized applications, according to themanufacturer.

The PC78US-8 is equipped withKOMTRAX technology, which sendsmachine operating information to a secureWeb site utilizing wireless technology.Data such as operating hours, machinelocation, maintenance notifications, out ofarea notifications, machine utilization,and residual fuel levels are just a few ofthe features that are relayed to the Webapplication for analysis. The KOMTRAXfleet monitoring system increasesmachine availability and reduces the riskof machine theft.

Special features of the PC78US-8include:

• Power and PerformanceThe PC78US-8 gets its power from a

Komatsu SAA4D95LE-5 engine with anet horsepower of 55 hp (41 kW). Thedirect injection engine is EPAInterim Tier

IV emissions certified.The PC78US-8 has an operating

weight of 16,240 lbs. (7,366 kg) and fea-tures a maximum digging height of 24 ft.11 in. (7.6 m), a maximum digging depthof 15 ft. 5 in. (4.7 m), an arm crowd forceof 7,760 lbs. (3,520 kg) and a bucketbreakout force of 13,780 lbs. (6,250 kg).

• Advanced HydraulicsUsing Komatsu’s HydrauMind

hydraulic system, the PC78US-8’s pres-sure compensating CLSS system ensureseach function works according to its con-trol input regardless of the load, giving theoperator precise control. Utilizing anengine speed sensing system, enginespeed is maintained regardless of loadcondition, ensuring that the engine’s fullpower potential is available.

Auxiliary hydraulics come as standardequipment, and the flow can be adjustedfrom the operator’s seat via the 7 in. colormultifunction monitor. Flow range can beadjusted from 5.3 to 33 gpm (20 to 125Lpm) depending on the attachmentrequirements.

• Customized ApplicationsFive working modes allow the operator

to tailor machine operation to the given

application, either maximizingpower during difficult workloads(power mode) or conserving fuelwhen the job doesn’t requiremaximum power (economymode).

When placing pipe or otherobjects, lifting mode reducesengine RPM, providing finecontrol. Breaker and attach-ment modes are availableto provide single or bi-directional flow depend-ing on the attachmentbeing used. (Breaker,thumb, grapple etc.)

• Service and MaintenanceA number of features facilitate ease of

maintenance, including an engine hoodthat can be opened in confined spacesproviding access to key service points,and a wide opening side hood that pro-vides access to the fuel and hydraulictanks, selector valve for auxiliaryhydraulics, washer fluid,and overflow for radiator.

For more information,visit

Komatsu’s PC78US-8 compact hydraulicexcavator is designed for increased

production and added operatorcomfort.

MT12 MicroTrencher From Ditch Witch Aids InstallationsThe Ditch Witch organization’s MT12

MicroTrencher is designed to quickly andcleanly slice through asphalt to createtrenches into which fiber-optic cable can beinstalled.

Throughout the world, demand is increas-ing for faster broadband communications,necessitating an increase in the installation ofhigh-speed fiber-optic cable for commercialand residential use. Many utility companiesprefer underground installation to reduce therisk of cable damage due to the elements(e.g., ice storms and high winds). With itscapability to efficiently install fiber in con-gested urban areas, the new MT12 offersunderground contractors a rapid, highly cost-effective solution, according to the manufac-turer.

Using specially designed and manufac-tured saw blades, the Ditch Witch MT12cuts through asphalt to create a trench forfiber-optic cable installation—from 0.75 to1.25 in. (2 to 3 cm) wide, and up to 12 in. (30cm) deep — in one quick, efficient pass. Thenarrow, shallow trench created by the MT12enables contractors to install fiber aboveexisting utilities, so there is minimal disrup-tion of surrounding infrastructure and road-ways, which saves time and money.

The MT12 offers a choice of four saw

blades with widths of 0.75 in., 0.95 in. (2.4cm), and 1.25 in. Each blade can be easilychanged in the field with standard handtools, reducing downtime. Three blades fea-ture conical bits that can be replaced in thefield, a design that extends the life of theblade and reduces maintenance expense. Afourth blade features welded shark teeth.

The trenching depth of the MT12 is

mechanically adjustable—from 6 to 12 in.(15 to 30 cm) in 1-in. (2.5 cm) increments.This feature helps the operator quickly setthe depth to match job specifications andmaintain a consistent depth for the entirelength of the trench. The microtrencher alsocan be manually tilted six degrees to theright or left, which helps the operator main-tain a true vertical trench on uneven surfaces.

Often it is necessary to cut a trench rightnext to and parallel to curbs and gutters,which is why the MT12 saw is designed tohydraulically traverse 24 in. (61 cm) fromthe center of the machine to the right.

The MT12 is part of a complete DitchWitch microtrenching system that includes aspecially configured Ditch Witch RT45 orRT55 trencher and an FX60 vacuum exca-vation system configured with a cyclonicseparator, an advanced filtration systemdesigned to handle the dry, dusty spoils pro-duced by microtrenching. The customer canchoose whether to run the vacuum excavatorhoses in front of or to the rear of the trencher,depending on job site conditions.

The MT12 also can be equipped withonboard chutes that deposit spoils along theside of the trench, for easy cleanup when notusing the FX60 microtrenching vacuum sys-tem.

The MT12 MicroTrencher also may beused for other roadway applications such ascutting expansion joints, utility repair (e.g.,sawing square sections of roadway prior toexcavation), and maintenance (e.g., trim-ming the rugged edges of new layers ofasphalt to make a clean shoulder).

For more information contact 800/654-6481 or visit

The Ditch Witch MT12 cuts through asphalt to create a trench for fiber-optic cableinstallation in one quick, efficient pass.

CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT GUIDE • • November 17, 2010 • Page 59

86 Excavators

61 Backhoes

67 Loaders

63 Dozers

32 Aerial Work Platforms

56 Skid-Steers

171 Forklifts

98 Compactors

262 Trucks – On-Road

Online AuctionsDec. 2 Dec. 9 Dec. 16

IAuction Company Bond #70259785. Preliminary list to date. Equipment subject to change. 888-433-5426Inspected and Guaranteed

Visit our website to see the complete list of equipment, review the guaranteed inspection reports, and place your bids.

Page 60 • November 17, 2010 • • CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT GUIDE

Ritchie Draws More Than 1,700 Bidders Online, In-Person

There were four John Deere 644Js on the ramp at one time.This 2005 model went for $55,000.

This 2006 Komatsu WA500 went for $145,000 and was onits way to Louisiana.

Jack Goyke, Southern Construction Equipment, came down from Jacksonville,Fla., to look for some equipment for his used equipment business.

Mike Perdigon of M&D Trucking and Equipment, Lowell,Fla., gave this Lee G440 grader a good try out.

Alden Perkins (L) and Marcus Shepard of APTquip LLC inPlant City, Fla., bid on several pieces and ultimately picked upa shooting boom forklift.

This Caterpillar 12H may be making ashort trip to Tampa if Mike Scott ofMascott Inc. has his way.

RITCHIE from page 56

CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT GUIDE • • November 17, 2010 • Page 61


89':;<=&'<> ;='>







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Equipment, Heavy Duty Trucks and Trailers

Catalog deadline: NOV 30th

Visit our website at kissimmeeauction.comfor equipment lists and important information.

Buyers Fee: $2500. and over 2% Under $2500. 10%

Pro-Tech’s Switchblade PlowHandles Changing Weather

With its ability to switch between a rubberedge and steel trip edge, Pro-Tech’sSwitchblade snow pusher can handle chang-ing weather and job site conditions withouthaving to change plows.

The steel edge of the Switchblade featuresPro-Tech’s IST technology, which includes asteel edge mounted on a specially blendedmemory urethane. When an obstruction ishit, the edge flexes and snaps back to its orig-inal angle in a smooth, non-shocking tripaction. Compared with traditional trip edgesystems that use springs or hinges, ISTreduces maintenance concerns as well as therisk of breaking, according to the manufac-turer.

Because the new design uses a cuttingedge that spans the entire width of the unit,the Switchblade eliminates snow trails at itssides. Furthermore, the wear shoes havebeen redesigned to cut through hard snow-pack, keeping the edge in contact with thesurface at all times.

When dealing with wet, heavy snow orsurfaces that are sensitive to steel edges, theSwitchblade can be flipped to push with arubber edge, which acts as a squeegee to pro-duce a clean pass.

A total of 12 Switchblade models areavailable for attaching to any make of loader,backhoe or skid steer. The 10- to 18-ft. (3 to5.5 m) loader models are capable of pushing12 to 23 cu. yd. (9 to 17.6 cu m) of snow inone pass, respectively. The 10- to 14-ft. (3 to4.2 m) backhoe models can push 9 to 13 cu.yd. (6.9 to 9.9 cu m), and the 6- to 12-ft. (1.8to 3.6 m) skid steer models can handle 5 to11 cu. yd. (3.8 to 8.4 cu m).

The Switchblade features heavy-dutyconstruction with few moving parts, result-ing in minimum maintenance. It also comeswith a 10-year limited warranty.

Options include a variety of wear shoesand a level gauge. Binder kits are availablefor backhoe and loader models, and skidsteer products can be equipped with a quick-attach mounting system.

Besides the Switchblade models, Pro-Tech also offers a full line of rubber edge andsteel trip-edge containment plows for load-ers, backhoes, skid steers, and compact trac-tors.

For more information, call 888/PUSH-SNO or visit

When dealing with wet, heavy snow or surfaces that are sensitive to steel edges, theSwitchblade can be flipped to push with a rubber edge.





Sales Consultants: Glen Brown, Daniel Pruitt

,(800) 806-3395 TOLL FREE (615) 444-5464 LOCAL

Crawler Tractors, Crawler Loaders, Hyd Excavators, Wheel Loaders, Loader Backhoes, Skid Steers & Attachments, Motor Graders, Motor Scrapers, Off Hwy Trucks, Compaction, Cranes, Forklifts, Farm Tractors, Trucks Tractors, Dump Trucks, Specialty Trucks, Lowboys, Trailers, Pickups And Much More!

RARA1989 – 2010

Auctions AppraisalsDewain Ritchason President

“Turning Machinery Into Money Since 1989”


Lebanon, Tennessee (RA Auction Facility)Now Receiving Consignments – Must be Onsite by Dec 10th

Equipment added daily! Check web for detailed photos and descriptions!

Buyers Fee 5% on each item under 50K ~ 4% on each item over $50K

Online Bidding Provided by:

3% on each item over $75K ~ 2% on each item over $100KAdd’l 2% Buyers Fee applied to internet purchases

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2011 AuctionsMARCH 12 JUNE 11 SEPT 17 DEC 10



Page 62 • November 17, 2010 • • CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT GUIDE


TThhee AAddvveerrttiisseerrss IInnddeexx iiss pprriinntteedd aass aa ffrreeee eeddiittoorriiaall sseerrvviiccee ttoo oouurr aaddvveerrttiisseerrss aanndd rreeaaddeerrsshhiipp.. CCoonnssttrruuccttiioonn EEqquuiippmmeenntt GGuuiiddee iiss nnoott rreessppoonnssiibbllee ffoorr eerrrroorrss oorr oommiissssiioonnss..

A E D .....................................................................................................20ALEX LYON & SON INC

MANASSAS VA 11/19/10, TUSCALOOSA AL 12/11..........................55ALLU GROUP .......................................................................................15ASC CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT USA .........................................3,6ASES SERVICES LLC ..........................................................................13BARGAINS.............................................................................................51BLANCHARD MACHINERY USED PARTS .....................................15,43BROOKS SALES INC ...........................................................................17CASE CONSTRUCTION .......................................................................47CATERPILLAR INC ................................................................................11CEG SCALE MODELS .........................................................................22CERTIFIED BOOM REPAIR SERVICE INC ..........................................13CHAMPION MOTOR GRADERS ..........................................................48CLASSIFIEDS ........................................................................................50COBLE TRENCH SAFETY .....................................................................6CONEXPO ............................................................................................41CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT CO ....................................................39CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT GUIDE ..............................................57DOOSAN INFRACORE AMERICA CORP ............................................19DOOSAN PORTABLE POWER ............................................................27DURATECH ...........................................................................................40DYNAPAC .............................................................................................46FELLING TRAILERS .............................................................................30FLANGE LOCK ....................................................................................14FLECO ATTACHMENTS .......................................................................18GATORBACK TRACKS & EQUIPMENT ...............................................42GEHL .....................................................................................................46HILLS MACHINERY COMPANY ...........................................................64HITACHI CONSTRUCTION MACHINERY.............................................24HYDRAULICIRCUIT TECHNOLOGY ....................................................18INDECO NORTH AMERICA .................................................................34IRON PLANET ......................................................................................59JCB OF FLORIDA AND SOUTH GEORGIA ..........................................10JOHN DEERE .......................................................................................21KAWASAKI CONSTRUCTION MACHINERY ........................................48

KISSIMMEE AUCTION COSPARTANBURG SC 12/02/10............................................................61

KMP USA LTD .......................................................................................42KOBELCO ..............................................................................................44KOMATSU AMERICA CORP ................................................................23LINDER INDUSTRIAL MACHINERY CO .........................................32,33M D MOODY & SONS INC ...................................................................18MOBRO MARINE INC ............................................................................2MOTLEY’S AUCTION & REALTY GROUP

RICHMOND VA 11/18/10 & 12/10......................................................54NATIONAL ATTACHMENTS .................................................................17OKADA AMERICA .................................................................................38PILE EQUIPMENT INC .........................................................................14POWERSCREEN MID-ATLANTIC ........................................................35REMU SCREENING TECHNOLOGY ...................................................40RITCHASON AUCTIONEERS

LEBANON TN 12/11/10......................................................................61RITCHIE BROS. AUCTIONEERS

STATESVILLE NC 12/7 & AUCTION CALENDAR.............................63ROAD BUILDERS MACHINERY & SUPPLY.........................................20RSC EQUIPMENT RENTAL ...................................................................9SAND SCIENCE ...................................................................................38SENNEBOGEN .....................................................................................37SOLESBEES EQUIP & ATTACHMENTS LLC .......................................10SOUTHERN TRACTOR SERVICE .......................................................42STAFFORD ........................................................................................5,24TEREX CRANES ..................................................................................49THOMPSON MACHINERY USED PARTS ...........................................42TOPCON POSITIONING SYSTEMS ......................................................9TOWMASTER INC ................................................................................29TREKKER TRACTOR .............................................................................7TRENCH SHORING SERVICES ..........................................................13U-SCREEN ............................................................................................38YOUNG CORP.......................................................................................17

CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT GUIDE • • November 17, 2010 • Page 63

1 OF 2– 2005 JOHN DEERE 650J LGP

CAT 120H

BRISBANE, QLD, AUSTRALIA +61.7.3382.4444 NOV 23GRANDE PRAIRIE, AB, CAN 780.538.1100 NOV 24MOERDIJK, THE NETHERLANDS +31.168.392.200 * NOV 25 & 26GEELONG, VIC, AUSTRALIA +61.3.5245.3333 NOV 25TRURO, NS, CAN 902.895.3700 NOV 30SASKATOON, SK, CAN 306.933.9333 DEC 1FORT WORTH, TX, USA 817.237.6544 DEC 1 & 2CAORSO, ITALY +39.0523.818801 DEC 2MONTREAL, QC, CAN 450.464.2888 DEC 2 & 3OMAHA, NE, USA 816.633.4096 DEC 3POLOTITLAN, MEXICO +52.427.266.0909 DEC 3SALT LAKE CITY, UT, USA 801.250.1836 * DEC 3TORONTO, ON, CAN 905.857.2422 DEC 7STATESVILLE, NC, USA 704.873.6633 DEC 7LOS ANGELES, CA, USA 951.940.9441 DEC 7ISTANBUL, TURKEY +90.216.3945465 * DEC 8COLUMBUS, OH, USA 937.568.9500 DEC 8ATLANTA, GA, USA 770.304.3355 DEC 9CHICAGO, IL, USA 815.941.6400 DEC 9ST AUBIN SUR GAILLON, FRANCE +33.232.778.610 DEC 9OLYMPIA, WA, USA 360.956.1500 DEC 9EDMONTON, AB, CAN 780.955.2486 DEC 9 & 10LONDON, ON, CAN 519.425.4321 *DEC 13

Upcoming UnreservedPublic Auctions23

* NOTE: NEW DATE – Dates are subject to change

Can't make it to the auction? Place your bids over the Internet at Submit proxy bids in advance of any auction, or place real-time bids through our live auction broadcasts. Click rbauctionBid on the Ritchie Bros. web site for details.

For equipment listings and photographs, visit our web site at



Tuesday, December 7, 2010 8:00 amAuction Site: 2718 Salisbury Highway, Statesville, NC 28677

Fax: 704.873.3394


StatesvilleNorth Carolina

Auction Update

Auction Firm License #6980Motor Vehicle Dealer License #61711

Page 64 • November 17, 2010 • • CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT GUIDE


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In your business, there's no time for machines that don't perform.You need equipment that you can depend on to get the job done.Case E Series wheel loaders feature dual limited-slip axles that deliver superior traction. Tier III-certified engines with three powercurves let you specify the exact power needed – reducing operatingcosts. An incredible cab environment offers maximum visibility and comfort. Plus, best-in-class serviceability extends machine life andlowers maintenance costs. Bottom line, when you're running equipment from sunup to sundown, you can depend on Case.


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