SpaceX's Falcon 9 Reusable Launch Vehicle

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ON 3rd MARCH 2016








Mr.C SARAVANA KUMAR bearing USN:4BD12EC020 has delivered the seminar

entitled ”FALCON 9:REUSABLE LAUNCH VECHILE” on 03 MARCH 2016. He has

submitted seminar report with all correction and modification suggested by seminar

supervisors. The seminar presentation has been accepted for final evaluation.



Project Guide


Dr. G S SunithaM.Tech(DEAC),Ph.D.,MISTE,MIETE

Prof. & Head


FALCON 9 believes a fully and rapidly reusable rocket is the pivotal breakthrough needed

to substantially reduce the cost of space access. The majority of the launch cost comes from

building the rocket, which flies only once. Compare that to a commercial airliner - each

new plane costs about the same as Falcon 9, but can fly multiple times per day, and conduct

tens of thousands of flights over its lifetime. Following the commercial model, a rapidly

reusable space launch vehicle could reduce the cost of traveling to space by a hundredfold.

While most rockets are designed to burn up on reentry, Falcon 9 rockets are designed

not only to withstand reentry, but also to return to the launch pad or ocean landing site

for a vertical landing.

The main idea was trying to understand why rockets were so expensive. Obviously

the lowest cost you can make anything for is the spot value of the material constituents.

Musk formed Space Exploration Technologies, or SpaceX, with two staggeringly ambitious

goals: To make spaceflight routine and affordable, and to make humans a multi-planet


Table of Contents

Abstract ii

List of Figures v


1.1 Company Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

1.2 Space flight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

1.3 Launch vehicle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

1.3.1 Types of Launch vehicle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

1.4 Facts about Launch Vehicle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

1.4.1 ISRO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3


2.1 Falcon Program Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

2.2 Falcon 9 Family . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5


3.1 Falcon 9R Vehicle Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

3.2 Falcon 9 Reusable Launch vehicle Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

3.3 Falcon 9R First stage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

3.3.1 First stage Re-Use . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

3.4 Falcon 9R Second stage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

3.5 Payload Fairing and Dragon V2 Spacecraft . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12



Table of Contents


5.1 Falcon launch vehicle safety . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

5.2 Retention, Release and Separation Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

5.3 Programming in F9R . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16


6.1 Applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

6.2 Advantages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

6.3 Disadvantages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20



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List of Figures

2.1 SpaceX vehicles are designed for high cross-platform commonality . . . . 4

2.2 Falcon Launch vehicle Family . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

3.1 Falcon 9R Technical Details . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

3.2 Falcon 9R Interior Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

3.3 Falcon 9 landing legs and grid fins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

3.4 Drone landing pad in pacific ocean . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

3.5 Stage 2 separating from stage 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

3.6 Payload fairing and Dragon spacecraft . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

3.7 Launching and Vertical Landing of F9R . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

5.1 Vehicle safety . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

5.2 Stages parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17


Chapter 1


1.1 Company Description

SpaceX offers a family of launch vehicles that improve launch reliability and increase

access to space. The company was founded on the philosophy that simplicity, reliability and

cost effectiveness are closely connected. We approach all elements of launch services with

a focus on simplicity to both increase reliability and lower cost. The SpaceX corporate

structure is flat and business processes are lean, resulting in fast decision-making and

product delivery. SpaceX products are designed to require low-infrastructure facilities

with little overhead, while vehicle design teams are co-located with production and quality

assurance staff to tighten the critical feedback loop. The result is highly reliable and

producible launch vehicles with quality embedded throughout the process.

Established in 2002 by ELON MUSK, the founder of Tesla Motors, PayPal and the

Zip2 Corporation, SpaceX has developed and flown the Falcon 1 light-lift launch vehicle,

the Falcon 9 medium-lift launch vehicle, and Dragon, which is the first commercially

produced spacecraft to visit the International Space Station. SpaceX is also developing

the Falcon Heavy, a heavy-lift vehicle capable of delivering over 53 metric tons to orbit.

Falcon Heavy’s first flight is planned for 2016; it will be the most powerful operational

rocket in the world by a factor of two.

SpaceX has built a launch manifest that includes a broad array of commercial,

government and international customers. In 2008, NASA selected the SpaceX Falcon 9

launch vehicle and Dragon spacecraft for the International Space Station Cargo Resupply

Services contract. NASA has also awarded SpaceX multiple contracts to develop the

capability to transport astronauts to space.

SpaceX has state-of-the-art production, testing, launch and operations facilities.

SpaceX design and manufacturing facilities are conveniently located near the Los Angeles

International Airport. This location allows the company to leverage Southern California’s

rich aerospace talent pool. The company also operates cutting-edge propulsion and

structural test facilities in Central Texas, along with launch sites in Florida and California,

and the world’s first commercial orbital launch site in development in South Texas.



1.2 Space flight

There are two types of spaceflights or space travel that is

1. Commercial travel

2. Spaceflights

Spaceflight (also written space flight) is ballistic flight into or through outer space.

Spaceflight can occur with spacecraft with or without humans on board. Examples of

human spaceflight include the U.S. Apollo Moon landing and Space Shuttle programs and

the Russian Soyuz program, as well as the ongoing International Space Station. Examples

of unmanned spaceflight include space probes that leave Earth orbit, as well as satellites in

orbit around Earth, such as communications satellites. These operate either bytelerobotic

control or are fully autonomous. A spaceflight typically begins with a rocket launch, which

provides the initial thrust to overcome the force of gravity and propels the spacecraft from

the surface of the Earth. Once in space, the motion of a spacecraft-both when unpropelled

and when under propulsion-is covered by the area of study called astrodynamics. Some

spacecraft remain in space indefinitely, some disintegrate during atmospheric reentry, and

others reach a planetary or lunar surface for landing or impact.

1.3 Launch vehicle

In spaceflight, a launch vehicle or carrier rocket is a rocket used to carry a payload from

Earth’s surface into outer space. A launch system includes the launch vehicle, the launch

pad, and other infrastructure. Although a carrier rocket’s payload is often an artificial

satellite placed into orbit, some spaceflights, such as sounding rockets, are sub-orbital,

while others enable spacecraft to escape Earth orbit entirely. Earth launch vehicles typically

have at least two stages, and sometimes as many as four or more.

1.3.1 Types of Launch vehicle

Expendable are designed for one-time use. They usually separate from their payload and

disintegrate during atmospheric reentry. In contrast, reusable launch vehicles are designed

to be recovered intact and launched again. The Space Shuttle was the only launch vehicle

with components used for multiple orbital spaceflights. SpaceX is developing a reusable

rocket launching system for their Falcon 9 and Falcon Heavy launch vehicles.

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1.4 Facts about Launch Vehicle

About 1,100 active satellites, both government and private. Plus there are about 2,600 ones

that no longer work. launched the first satellite, Sputnik 1, in 1957. The oldest one still in

orbit, which is no longer functioning, was launched in 1958.

1.4.1 ISRO

ISRO is the Indian Space Agency run by the Indian government. Launch vehicles of India

are SLV , PSLV ,GSLV . Total of 81 satellites launched till date form ISRO made , were 46

satellite are launched form the ISRO made Launch Vehicle as above mentioned. After the

launch of Falcon 9R a special team is being made to built our own reusable launch vehicle

by 2020.

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Chapter 2


2.1 Falcon Program Overview

Drawing on a history of prior launch vehicle and engine programs, SpaceX privately

developed the Falcon family of launch vehicles. Component developments include first-

and second-stage engines, cryogenic tank structures, avionics, guidance and control

software, and ground support equipment.

With the Falcon 9 and Falcon Heavy launch vehicles, SpaceX is able to offer a full

spectrum of medium- and heavy-lift launch capabilities to its customers (Figure 2.1).

SpaceX operates Falcon launch facilities at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station, Kennedy

Space Center, and Vandenberg Air Force Base and can deliver payloads to a wide range

of inclinations and altitudes, from low Earth orbit to geosynchronous transfer orbit to

escape trajectories for interplanetary missions. Future missions will also be flown from

the commercial orbital launch site under development in South Texas. Falcon 9 has

conducted successful flights to the International Space Station (ISS), low Earth orbit (LEO),

geosynchronous transfer orbit (GTO), and Earth-escape trajectories.

Figure 2.1: SpaceX vehicles are designed for high cross-platform commonality



Figure 2.2: Falcon Launch vehicle Family

2.2 Falcon 9 Family

Falcon 9 is a family of two-stage-to-orbit launch vehicles, named for its use of nine

engines, designed and manufactured by SpaceX. The Falcon 9 versions are the Falcon

9 v1.0 (retired), Falcon 9 v1.1 (retired), and the current Falcon 9 full thrust, a reusable

launch system. Both stages are powered by rocket engines that burn liquid oxygen (LOX)

and rocket-grade kerosene (RP-1) propellants. The first stage is designed to be reusable,

while the second stage is not. The three Falcon 9 versions are in the medium-lift range of

launch systems. The current Falcon 9 (”full thrust upgrade”) can lift payloads of at least

13,150 kilograms to low Earth orbit, and at least 5,300 kilograms to geostationary transfer

orbit. Full payload capacity is kept private, and may vary depending on whether the first

stage follows a reusable or expendable flight profile.

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Chapter 3


3.1 Falcon 9R Vehicle Overview

Falcon 9 full thrust-also known as Falcon 9 v1.1 Full Thrust, and earlier as Falcon 9 v1.2,

Enhanced Falcon 9, Full-Performance Falcon 9, Upgraded Falcon 9, and Falcon 9 Upgrade

is the third major version of the SpaceX Falcon 9 orbital launch. Designed in 2014-2015,

it began launch operations in December 2015, and has a large manifest of over 40 launches

contracted over the next five years. In 21 December 2015, the full thrust version of the

Falcon 9 was the first launch vehicle on an orbital trajectory to successfully vertically a

first stage and recover the rocket, following an extensive technology development

program in 2011-2015 that had developed some of the technology on Falcon 9 v1.0 and

Falcon 9 v1.1 launch vehicle first stages. Falcon 9 full thrust is a substantial upgrade over

the older Falcon 9 v1.1 rocket, which flew its last mission in January 2016. With uprated

first- and second-stage engines, larger second-stage propellant tankage, and propellant

densification, the vehicle can carry substantial payload to geostationary orbit and

perform a propulsive landing for recovery.

3.2 Falcon 9 Reusable Launch vehicle Specifications

Falcon 9 (Figure 3.1) is a two-stage launch vehicle powered by liquid oxygen (LOX) and

rocket-grade kerosene (RP-1). The vehicle is designed, built and operated by SpaceX.

Falcon 9 can be flown with a fairing or with a SpaceX Dragon spacecraft. All first-stageand second-stage vehicle systems are the same in the two configurations; only the payload

interface to the second stage changes between the fairing and Dragon configurations.

Falcon 9 v1.1 is a two-stage launch vehicle that stands 68.4 meters tall, is 3.66 meters

in diameter with a liftoff mass of 505,846 Kilograms when flying in its F9R version with

re-usable first stage. The launcher can deliver payloads of up to 13,150 Kilograms to Low

Earth Orbit and 4,850kg to Geostationary Transfer Orbit. Aiming to become a re-usable

launcher, Falcon 9’s first stage is modified with a reaction control system, four grid fins



Figure 3.1: Falcon 9R Technical Details

for steering and four deployable landing legs. Dropping the second stage off on its way to

orbit, the first stage goes through a series of complex propulsive maneuvers before guiding

itself through the atmosphere towards a target landing site for a soft touchdown under the

power of one of its Merlin engines to be reused on a future flight.

3.3 Falcon 9R First stage

The first stage of the Falcon 9 v1.1 is largely based on the first stage used on the v1.0

version featuring stretched propellant tanks and a modified engine compartment. The v1.1

first stage stands about 41.2 meters tall and is 3.66 meters in diameter featuring the standard

design with the oxidizer tank located above the fuel tank. Monocoque structure is utilized

on the oxidizer tank while the fuel tank features a stringer and ring-frame design that adds

strength to the vehicle. The first stage tank walls and domes are made from aluminum

lithium alloy and utilize reliable welding techniques to provide maximum strength. The

first stage uses Liquid Oxygen oxidizer and Rocket Propellant-1 as fuel which is highly

refined Kerosene. The LOX feedline is routed through the center of the fuel tank to supply

oxidizer to the engines. According to official FAA documentation, the first stage of Falcon

9 v1.1 is capable of holding 119,100 Kilograms of Rocket Propellant 1 and 276,600kg

of Liquid Oxygen. The empty mass of the first stage is not known, but can be estimated

at around 23 to 26 metric tons, depending on the version used (earlier estimates ranged

from 18 to 25 metric tons). Like the v1.0, the v1.1 version of Falcon 9 features nine

Merlin engines on its first stage, but v1.1 no longer uses the Merlin 1C used on the v1.0.

Falcon 9 v1.1 sports nine Merlin 1D engines which are more powerful than the 1C version.

Merlin 1D uses improved manufacturing and quality control techniques to enable SpaceX

to produce a greater number of engines per year while reducing overall risk. The M1D

design is simplified over the M1C by removing no-longer-needed subassemblies. Electro-

plating of a nickel-cobalt alloy on the chamber to create the jacket that endures the primary

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Figure 3.2: Falcon 9R Interior Design

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stress of the pressure vessel was replaced by using an explosively formed metal jacket.

These changes provide the Merlin 1D with an increased fatigue life and greater thermal

margins for the chamber and nozzle. The first stage tank walls and domes are made

from aluminum lithium alloy and utilize reliable welding techniques to provide maximum

strength. The first stage uses Liquid Oxygen oxidizer and Rocket Propellant-1 as fuel

which is highly refined Kerosene. The LOX feedline is routed through the center of the

fuel tank to supply oxidizer to the engines. According to official FAA documentation, the

first stage of Falcon 9 v1.1 is capable of holding 119,100 Kilograms of Rocket Propellant

1 and 276,600kg of Liquid Oxygen. The empty mass of the first stage is not known, but

can be estimated at around 23 to 26 metric tons, depending on the version used (earlier

estimates ranged from 18 to 25 metric tons). Like the v1.0, the v1.1 version of Falcon 9

features nine Merlin engines on its first stage, but v1.1 no longer uses the Merlin 1C used

on the v1.0. Falcon 9 v1.1 sports nine Merlin 1D engines which are more powerful than

the 1C version. Merlin 1D uses improved manufacturing and quality control techniques to

enable SpaceX to produce a greater number of engines per year while reducing overall risk.

The M1D design is simplified over the M1C by removing no-longer-needed subassemblies.

Electro-plating of a nickel-cobalt alloy on the chamber to create the jacket that endures the

primary stress of the pressure vessel was replaced by using an explosively formed metal

jacket. These changes provide the Merlin 1D with an increased fatigue life and greater

thermal margins for the chamber and nozzle.

3.3.1 First stage Re-Use

The overall goal of SpaceX is to make the first stage of Falcon 9 (and the three cores

of Falcon Heavy) fully re-usable by returning them to a landing site through a series of

complex maneuvers performed after separation from the launcher using a small portion of

leftover propellant. To rapidly re-use the first stage of the vehicle, Falcon 9 is ultimately

planned to fly the stage back to the launch site after separation and land it vertically on

deployable landing legs. Initial attempts of demonstrating the return flight were made by

soft-landing stages in the ocean before upgrading to landing the first stage boosters on a

floating platform. The re-usable version of Falcon 9 is known as F9R which itself does

not represent a fully different launcher and is more of an add-on to the v1.1 version in

the form of the Nitrogen Cold Gas Attitude Control System, the four deployable landing

legs and four grid fins used for three-axis control during atmospheric flight, especially

during non-propulsive flight phases. The overall design driver for the landing legs was

mass since adding significant weight to the first stage would have resulted in a significant

payload penalty. Safety was also a major concern - the leg design had to be such that

no premature deployment during powered ascent was possible which would result in a

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Figure 3.3: Falcon 9 landing legs and grid fins

certain loss of the entire vehicle and payload. Made of aluminum honeycomb and carbon-

composite materials, the four legs have a total mass of around 2,100 Kilograms consisting

of a single-load bearing strut and aerodynamic fairing assembly. The central struts of the

legs interface with the load-carrying structure of the first stage while the fairings have two

structural interfaces at the base of the engine compartment heat shield and one interface

on the lower portion of the leg. During flight, the legs are stowed against the rocket body,

covered by the fairings that ensure no additional aerodynamic disturbance is introduced

by the legs. Deployment is accomplished by a pneumatic system using high-pressure

helium. When deployed, the legs have a span of about 18 meters, capable of supporting

the forces of landing and the mass of the nearly empty first stage. Grid-fins perform well

in all velocity ranges including supersonic and subsonic speeds with the exception of the

trans-sonic regime due to the shock wave enveloping the grid. These properties make them

ideally suitable for the Falcon 9 first stage that starts out at supersonic speeds and returns to

subsonic velocity as it travels through the atmosphere, en-route to the landing site. Before

attempting to land first stages on land, SpaceX commissioned a floating platform that can

be deployed in the ocean, downrange from the launch site to provide a landing pad for the

first stage boosters. Known as the Autonomous Spaceport Drone Ship, the floating landing

platform was built at a Louisiana shipyard and measures 91 meters by 52 meters with a

prominent Space”X marks the Spot” logo in the center The return flight of the first stage

booster starts at the moment of separation from the Falcon 9 second stage that is delivered

to a trajectory from where it can boost the payload into its desired orbit. First stage burn

duration in missions that include a propulsive return is on the order of 160 seconds. Initially,

the first stage uses its cold gas thrusters for attitude control - starting with a maneuver to

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Figure 3.4: Drone landing pad in pacific ocean

depart the engine plume of the second stage before re-orienting to an engines-first position

that is maintained past the point of apogee. Around T+4.5 minutes into the mission, the first

stage re-lights a subset of its engines for a boost-back maneuver that slows the vehicle down

and controls the downrange travel distance of the stage, beginning to target the planned

landing site - either on land or in the ocean. The duration of the boost-back burn depends

on the target landing site and is also driven by propellant availability for the return which

varies depending on payload mass and insertion orbit. Heading back into the dense layers

of the atmosphere, the first stage completes its supersonic retro propulsion burn using three

engines that are fired for about 20 seconds starting at an altitude of 70 Kilometers.

3.4 Falcon 9R Second stage

The second stage of the Falcon 9R is based on the design of the v1.0 second stage which

is essentially a smaller version of the first stage. SpaceX has always followed a policy of

choosing simple solutions to reduce cost and risk in order to manufacture a robust launch

system. Using the same materials, tools and manufacturing techniques for the two stages

is a perfect example of that policy. As with the first stage, the exact dimensions of the

second stage have not yet been disclosed by SpaceX. The second stage matches the first

stage’s diameter of 3.66 meters. Documentation shows the stage to be 13.8 meters in length

without payload adapter and 1st Stage Interstage with an intert mass just under four metric

tons. The second stage can hold 64,820kg of LOX and 27,850kg of RP-1 giving it a launch

mass of 96,600kg. The second stage also uses Rocket Propellant 1 as fuel and Liquid

Oxygen as oxidizer. One Merlin 1D engine is powering the second stage. This engine

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Figure 3.5: Stage 2 separating from stage 1

differs from the first stage engines as it is optimized for operation in vacuum featuring an

extended nozzle with a high expansion ratio. M1D is also a turbo pump-fed gas generator

engine, it also operates at a chamber pressure of 97 bar. The system is fully redundant,

constantly checking itself to verify that all GNC components are functioning properly.

SpaceX uses commercial off-the-shelf parts that are radiation tolerant instead of radiation

hardened (cost reduction). The flight computers run on Linux with software written in C++.

3.5 Payload Fairing and Dragon V2 Spacecraft

The Payload Fairing is positioned on top of the stacked vehicle and its integrated spacecraft.

It protects the vehicle against aerodynamic, thermal and acoustic environments that the

launcher experiences during atmospheric flight. When the launcher has left the atmosphere,

the fairing is jettisoned. Separating the fairing as early as possible increases ascent

performance. Falcon 9’s standard Fairing is 13.1 meters in length and 5.2 meters in

diameter. The fairing consists of an aluminum honeycomb core with carbon-fiber face

sheets fabricated in two half-shells.

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Figure 3.6: Payload fairing and Dragon spacecraft

Figure 3.7: Launching and Vertical Landing of F9R

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Chapter 4




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Chapter 5


5.1 Falcon launch vehicle safety

We continue to push the limits of rocket technology as we design the safest crew

transportation system ever flown while simultaneously advancing toward fully reusable

launch vehicles. Our emphasis on safety has led to advancements such as increased

structural factors of safety , greater redundancy and rigorous fault mitigation

5.2 Retention, Release and Separation Systems

The first and second stages are mated by mechanical latches at three points between the top

of the interstage and the base of the second-stage fuel tank. After the first-stage engine shut

down, a high- pressure helium circuit is used to release the latches via redundant actuators.

For added reliability, a redundant center pusher attached to the first stage is designed to

dramatically decrease the probability of re-contact between the stages following separation.

5.3 Programming in F9R

The Flight Software team is about 35 people. We write all the code for Falcon 9,

Grasshopper, and Dragon applications; and do the core platform work, also on those

vehicles; we also write simulation software; test the flight code; write the communications

and analysis software, deployed in our ground stations. We also work in Mission Control to

support active missions. The Ground Software team is about 9 people. We primarily code

in LabVIEW. We develop the GUIs used in Mission and Launch control, for engineers

and operators to monitor vehicle telemetry and command the rocket, spacecraft, and pad

support equipment. We are pushing high bandwidth data around a highly distributed system

and implementing complex user interfaces with strict requirements to ensure operators can

control and evaluate spacecraft in a timely manner. SpaceX uses an Actor-Judge system

to provide triple redundancy to its rockets and spacecraft. The Falcon 9 has 3 dual core



Figure 5.1: Vehicle safety

Figure 5.2: Stages parameters

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x86 processors running an instance of linux on each core. The flight software is written in

C/C++ and runs in the x86 environment. For each calculation/decision, the ”flight string”

compares the results from both cores. If there is a inconsistency, the string is bad and

doesn’t send any commands. If both cores return the same response, the string sends

the command to the various microcontrollers on the rocket that control things like the

engines and grid fins. The microcontrollers, running on PowerPC processors, received

three commands from the three flight strings. They act as a judge to choose the correct

course of actions. If all three strings are in agreement the microcontroller executes the

command, but if 1 of the 3 is bad, it will go with the strings that have previously been

correct. The Falcon 9 can successfully complete its mission with a single flight string.

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Chapter 6


6.1 Applications

1. It’s a type of launch vehicle which can lift up satellite to the orbits , can take payload

to the International Space Station and can also take humans using dragon vehicle.

2. As this is the 1st reusable launch vehicle ever used is the pivotal breakthroughneeded to substantially reduce the cost of space access.

3. The reusable launch vehicle can reused with in 24 hours after the Stage-1 F9R lands


4. Falcon 9R is being said to be used in human MARS mission in 2020.

5. In a single launch F9R can put 15 satellite of orbit of each of 200kg.

6. As being said the in future when a colony will be formed in MARS the transportation

for human beings are being carried out of next versions of FALCON launch vehicle

as said by the SPACEX CEO.

7. Can be used in Military applications.

6.2 Advantages

1. Compared to other launch vehicles the F9R is a reusable launch vehicle.

2. By using F9R the cost is being reduced by 40 percent.

3. Total liftoff mass1400 metric tons(14 Lakh Kilo) by using in a single launch

have been planned this year.



4. The stage-1 can be landed any were means in a ship or sea drone which is very


5. Falcon 9R is a highly reliable launch vehicle.

6.3 Disadvantages

1. The Falcon 9 experiences major temperature changes during its flights, as well as

intense pressures and vibrations from the winds in the atmosphere.

2. Refurbishing a rocket engine is often expensive. And if those repairs take too long,

company can’t launch its vehicles as frequently. Refurbishment costs are to expensive.

3. To launch F9R the climate condition should be absolute normal, if anything goes

wrong the return stage-1 of falcon 9 will get damaged.

4. The vertical landing of F9R is very complicated .

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Chapter 7


If one can figure out how to effectively reuse rockets just like airplanes, the cost of

access to space will be reduced by as much as a factor of a hundred. A fully reusable

vehicle has never been done before. That really is the fundamental breakthrough needed to

revolutionize access to space. FALCON 9 believes a fully and rapidly reusable rocket is the

pivotal breakthrough needed to substantially reduce the cost of space access. The majority

of the launch cost comes from building the rocket, which flies only once. Compare that to a

commercial airliner - each new plane costs about the same as Falcon 9, but can fly multiple

times per day, and conduct tens of thousands of flights over its lifetime. The main idea

was trying to understand why rockets were so expensive. Obviously the lowest cost you

can make anything for is the spot value of the material constituents. To make spaceflight

routine and affordable, and to make humans a multi-planet species.


Chapter 8











