Sparrows- Depletion

Post on 21-Jun-2015

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Every bird and animal has its own importance. But we humans are destructing and depleting sparrows - which is given an importance next to our national bird. Here is a slideshare which throws you information about the depletion of sparrows.



Changing climate, global warming, growing concrete jungles, depleting greenery and most of all mobile towers dotting the skyline of urban and rural areas are seen as plausible causes for decline of sparrows across the country.

Naturalists, conservationists, nature lovers and bird experts were concerned at the declining number of the friendly species of birds, said noted ornithologist Amarjit Gupta.

Gupta pointed out that the greatest danger to the environment was posed by the mobile towers erected atop buildings as the radiation released from them was affecting the avian creatures.

Stating a study has shown that the presence of this bird was only noticed in those areas located at a safe distance from the towers, he said, a little greenery also provided living and surviving space for sparrows.

According to bird watcher Raminder Singh, it is good news that there has been a campaign in the national capital to give the sparrow the status of a ‘state bird’ and the Delhi Government has accepted it.

“The sparrow has got recognition. The bird which has been seen disappearing from residential homes will now get a new lease of life. This will definitely give a boost to its preservation in the country”, Singh said.

Until a year ago, the sparrow was listed under the ’Least Concern’ category by the International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN).

Now, with the efforts of scientists and considering the decreasing number of sparrows, the IUCN has declared it endangered and placed it in the Red Data List of endangered species.


Effect of pesticides on insect food contamination

Another reason for the decline has been the poisoning in the food. Sparrows generally survive on grains and soft body insects. Due to massive urbanization, there has been a pressing need for food production. The insects/ pests being a problem for a good crop yield are being controlled by a variety of pesticides with higher dosages of chemicals. This has to some extent reduced the growth of insects, but there have been several cases where the insects have started to develop immunity towards these pesticides. Moreover, the crops on which the pesticides are sprayed are being contaminated by the harmful chemicals present in the pesticides. The sparrows feed on the pesticides and the softbodied insects and die due to poisoning. The young fledglings, who are fed grains and insect by the adult sparrows also die due to poisoning.

Food Poisoning in sparrows

Effect of environmental pollution on ecosystem

The huge swelling in the human population at the Indian cities has led to rapid strides in industrialization and a parallel growth in the transport sector. Moreover, lack of stringent policiesconcerning the environment have given rise to bad industry practices. It is to be noted that, due to the policy paralysis and lack of concern towards the environment, the industrial wastes are not managed efficiently. This has resulted in pollution of the ecosystem in general and over the years has challenged the sustenance of sparrows in the cities of India. Also, the unleaded fuel, which is said to reduce pollution and safe for humans, when burnt, liberates Methyl nitrite which is a harmful chemical. The Methyl nitrite gas is known to kill the insects and contaminating the remaining. The insects, over a period oftime develop immunity towards these chemicals. However, when consumed, the sparrows and their fledglings are directly affected by the poison .