Spartan I all ge Delays Disposition Rio Del Mar Case ...

Post on 14-Apr-2022

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California State Library Sacramento 9, California



� Sentors Ask for Deans Reilersal

I ho tor class rout.!! ote,! I lie Sophomore class flit’, t int.!. Also .....terday to re-request that tran-- a report from the ways and means portation to the senior beach pie- was discussed. It was decided to nic he by private means instead of find a way of raising some. money by buses as formerly ruled by the soon. personnel deans committee, at the’

The class constitution uas read

Senior class council meeting, and will be voted on in the near Class President Bill Ilushaw an- future. states Class President Dein

flounced that transportation hy Fletchcr. hit?: would cost $1.00 per person. SPRING FLING NI)mINEcs The council passed the motion to Nominations for "Miss Spring re-remirst private transportation Fling" who ail) reign over the ghe statements he In ern I:30

Freshman cla- la 14 picnic-so- and 3:30 p.m. toda3 and Ir eial will he accepted at next Mon- 1:30 to 2:30 Pm. tomor1"00. day’s class meeting. No picture% nfl be taken ot

All Freshmen students are eligi- eandidates if thet do not appear hie to vote for their favorite "cam- at the acbedulea tiro, or Mt, kr pus girl- at the preliminary hal- arrangements. before that C � loting Monday. 330 p.m.. in the uith the Spartan IaiIs Photo Morris Dailey auditorium. Bob editor, Roh Smith,

Tie’? at the Exposition building at Weis. Freshman class president. � the Fair Grounds. No decision was announced at yesterday’s meeting. Na cached,

ge Delays Disposition Rio Del Mar Case

because they felt "too small a pro-portion want to go by bus--

The personnel deans said earlier that the class must go by public transportation in order to hold the beach picnic.

The class also discusaed the pos-sibility. of holding the senior ban-


clothes tor the Junior Class � comage sale will he collected �aaet lVednesday at sorority houses

2:45 pm.. according to Paul S.�kamoto, Junior class president.

Anyone who wishes to donate rummage is urged to Call CY 4-3074 next week after 6 p.m. The rummage sale, which will he held May 8 at a business establishment at 124 N. Market St., is being sponsored primarily for the pur-raese of lessening the Junior class .ieht.

A snow-cone sale is also sched-uled tor May 6 and 7. Members are now working on that project. FROLICS NET $210

About $210 is the profit from ce faculty show, "Faculty

which will be donated to World University SVEN tee," states :1 nii JiltiPneZ, student show co-if. ector.

She reported this yesterday at

Vandals Strike Over Weekend

Vandals had a holiday on Si:ete campus early Sunday mornina.

According in John Amos, diiec-inf. of buildings and grim:ids. vis-itors in vehicles tore up sod on the new drill field near San Fer-nando and 7th Sts,

’They wrecked a tree near the la’arn.�it’s gym, "probably lay back-lit:: into it with a car," Amos says.

S�am�lime during the early i! hours they piled up

) the Quads.


� 0 1� eu. Adriser �

To Be at Court iches WUS

The film "Mahatma Gandhi." sponsored Iry the World University Service, as a part of their "’I’S

,i. of $195.00, of which $71 28 goes ion, aecoi.ding to Stan Croompilln i should r ’ ( ; MU I) tfl,1.111/1eleal":: "I" tittle"- "I’l the’ " 1 ‘-’’ eatiti t . h di.l . ...� . � . Week," brought in a gross amount 12:31) o’clock in the Student I

to the WUS program, according chief justice. Dr. Theckmann is tC.ISe would he olln 1..1 *.

to Doloris Mathias, chairman of from the m Matheatics deparm e tent ( .. hp. ll I Is for !tir state of CalifoliA.. I: .,


the WITS drise at San Jose state, At today’s meeting the Court F. .1 F sollitar charge any w he’ e � The fashion show which was held ’,� ill consider a request frOnn 1,.. . 4

Spartan Daily to change the fitt, I 1(11kt’ ( 4011 tAISI the state &army the enstimr of the .1SI3 elections front Th:,.. ’they mould be letitetwd It,

day and Friday to Wednesday ..: .: c ,, , , ze,.. ee�, named Ira, neck ’Santa Crif, C0111 1 tot i trial . Thursday of the same week. . , . . . -.J.: in th, "atom on their case The� , iaa .., , I

d. .. ,.... act!, I ,,ii,,,� Quern (tt Arm i 1,..,t(t010 01 110,11 01 11 hi r .0.� 0.1

1111, tittortinsell ;navs iironte,.., to rom,..1. , Olt vul, via, 1114,11 their .011i,111- ’ ’ 1;’ III.

, Sun t TOT ’,very coll. g.� .tial iii.. fin �t al

Forms Available Nomin.. Img petition forms for

the election ot the 1954-53 Facul-ty council are now available it) departmental offices and Room 34, ac cordmg to Glen Giatormsen. present faculty 1 I IleMbel’.

The nominating petitions must be !elm ni if to Mr. Guttormsen, in Room 3.4, by 5 pm. on May 3. fin

versity In the United Stati ,�,. cording to Paid Sakatoote was in chargo tit st It clam

Ma% awl Nt III he It:\ l’IuttOglali.1 I I I etist.1 I Judgtng aill take phi( e� late in I I’LL III I

only, Sakamoto said ’No pi. hire’s,lonv Ictirth shot and eine jaw-: leg ,aistliN Liatr , trait ’cc’ ill I, � :Aerial tor judging � along it it). - it biography, \ I

I Fise tina’ � ill be chosen � �.,, � from the avel to

May 4. the Faculty council will .".nori. ;in paid. for the. Mei

No Quake 1)ania2:( final !L. fm. finalists ate .1

on th.� -Queen tor Da.\ radio � 1-:iTiftli tremors that shook.(:(piiiinitice tral California StindaN� afternow. �

According to John Amos. diree-1

caused no da MI" ""’ 1971.1 S"I41 lultu damage on the S,b- � r. GirIS 1)01: aon 1:11. a�olleglate

soph 1 �,.11 e�I le m ce ant. ’OW11 of did, �f,""t’-’ I IA coc.d. fr��in ne.�, th..1 I!).11 irinN tor of buildings and grounds. a

cheek hy leis cress s ha., tailed to ;1, , i!,i1"’"1�1d"et .." disclose any effects of the shrieks.y afternoon. S1.4ifil f nin(k, �,,1lIIS, , �Dm(

Ushers ’l"() Meet iftally committee cl..ifini.111, k

Nlaf 7\1.4f...4 V�;�,,.1 .1.sof . -}iedda Gabler" ushers art. re- 1 Tryolits tot the. peaitina. ’’c II Ii., }a-,

efforts or city police quested 11,1 attend an iinjx)rfaint i held May 11 :it Spoil tin I I c Dl kamoto

� ; secm�ity patrolmen meeting in the Little Theater at ’Girls may’ sire up 111 WI ’tin, 01

:s were not caught, Am- 3:30 p.m, today, Ronald Stokes, individually to be to Stri- oritirs (i. (onitti, nted. house manager, said )pste Irday. grmip

Religion Week Events Continue

()ffice .tspirants To Tell Platforms

Campaign statements from all ranilitlatis Will be taken ti) the Sioartan to and tumor. rim in the iteosroom.

Picture% of oril the presiden-tial and \ ice presidential can-didates n ill he taken at 1:30 p.m. todas in the photo studio located the journalism build-ing. students are to near etollts and ties.

I.’andidates ma) appear to

Dr. Richard Died:mann, !truly selected ads Vier to 1 h., Stud, Court, will make his first app. a. anci� before the Court meta%

By D’CK JONES SANTA CRUZ, April 26 � Municipal Judge J. J. Scoppebtare

arraigned SJS stude-+s f,ere today cn a charge of illegal posses-sion ci alcoholic beverages

Final disposif;on of the cases was suspended until April 26, I�SS, by Judge Scoppettone, who instructed the students that if thty

t .0 It �t; 0 beim, that el�o: .

; ’Sint; ale041010

! QII een ,M1dIdati- ,t; t tt t.111(1 cout-1.-

H. told the S.1S ..tutrteto if tiler charge is t.e.

;;; !II V.;11.111 ; I ..1 1 the ’’tat ,,’s

, .� apjproxiii 11 411 0’11100

�� letueen 18 a : .n. ��cie lai;.o..1 �

Tiu� with- m.o.\ ...e.lrom� I their patent, ; :-..oppettoo, th. thrfusek., .011,111:,

not he rind of hotte Is \ El ages ’the

el\ acted April 9 at . Mat brach with 10 ram .. � I:: their IMISSesratill

’nw itAge caui h.� v.a� la on � m the, first tittle Itceato,

tint not \\ ant the stioli.nt, to I � ci eons irtion of the: oattivi might t a ’rungs s nee. t Iona pOS1t1011, /I

their reiords 11.0 !licks. oat. 1,natel oh ,.;; �

du. sttab.nts Wele arle..1(fi

last Maine-a:day brought in a total of $65 an ri eontribotions from the faculty and $11.16 from other smirces.

� The Wl’a held its annual drive week ant) a full schedule of events on the. campus and through-out the city at various (ask or-ganiza t ions.

The World University Service is an organization for the purpose of raising funds for destitute stu-dents in fokign nations who have had their educational advantages either hampered la war or priva-tion Or who have never had a chance to begin their educational Ii aining.


it ill rereite p11/. -s and will appear that Itte serno.a�s f 01011,

Fol.lioving ’blush’ Tsui:Ina s ad- ’ Itaymiind Zohl, n find Ilitoshi 1.-,..ii. 1,-,n, I !ii, min.,,, v, ill disc..

lb. � in the Chapel this morfning. fora appear on a panel of "Que-s- .�,��.. im, ,,, L.,N.�1 J.,. Pc.

t Ies ’ns and Am e -wrs - th. 1:.,’Iigion-in-Lite Week pro- : mod,,lati.d in I )1�: .�11, Jr . }....,,1_ 1;11db:h....I, 411’ Citilt he Vl ;111;0141.W- , pow.

P’"ill Will continue today with beta professor of philosophx, the ,1""’-’�"1.-: l" ’cci "il"lichol-a ellutl’ir ’ the second in a series of informal ’ Tliey it In also distnis, stall sill,

d1setissions. Owen Broyles. asso- i Ir. is .is. "Ilow earl (’hristiar.i�’..

ciale professor of (1‘01101111CS, V. III n., i Ili oh,, 4 cc., r.f 7nrnf:

tt ad this disu cssion -Lo on }aff.. 1 ism" ’�11,.,� .1.� It’ i , .. I, i;� ,,..

Oaths and American Fi�����doni " 1.1 AI ,,

d ,

12:30 p.m. in Room 8 4.f the V... I dcifornmat:. 4, if

miffifs gym, according to the 1Z4 , "��.11-1 4- 0,. 1,’,.-1,, � , � ,.’i cc

James Martin. eNecut i�.. chreet, . I .l� the third In the series it

nr the Student Y. 4 iiiii rning it. 0,40 it sr r% I. � ..... being Recauar. of the flint.," 01 Rah- Mid at 7:43 a.m, daily in the

hi Ephraim Fisehoff, oho it am t.hapel, Ili.’ Wc’.lm’.wtas morn -

scheduled to speak at 2:30 ; dm sersie.. still he in the Jen ish

o’clock this afternoon in the tradition and is 01101.11 to all stn.

Chapel, Rabbi Sidney Aaelrod from Temple Reth-F3 in Berke-let will give the third in the aeries of lectures on "This I Ile-

One of the week’s outstanding events will he on W’i�dnesrlaN morning at 9:30 in the Chapel when the four principal speakers .for the week, Dr. Bo del ,Rabhi Sidney Axe

dents and faculty membrr.. � ii,callse Iti iii ts. lor (fa. t�Icwinv

Itantitif t must pin chased by 5 m Wcdnesday. we want to urge

.di itid,tirtuallt and groups plan-ning to ..ttcnd to purchase ’boy iii�kets at the Glarluate Manago’s off I,N late Wednesday alter-

Jean Aga Bailey. atudent for Religion-in-Life

m e. �nizata-ae



� 1,1 ’ . Ii.

rs Roth I,. the 001.. 1... .,44 It.’,’ 111-1:Vd III:11 a’ Ii "�’

; .tlk tire of the comnlort %%vital, 1.’ .,11 FAI Rt.%

I’ Oh I pal speaker ten the e ’II PI: Ns, I fete 111,� %las Mrs Guy Gale, Del’ e 5, : � � I..

!Zeta national president Mrs. Cale , laboi al.,.

csnlained tit.’ functions fit Nation.’ solar I. a�� � c , l’anh. It. rue. Nat lona! Pantie II.I eft,’ I t � ; ; ’1 ; I;

I n 11 � is an ad% boaed tticn01 gives aid in helping to e stablan � lo lie hold t.; college groups, answering piule is a .unple.loi,kint.. .i, � ...

!ems in rushing, eligiinht) a n al mining parts and it hieh

standards, and in public re tattoos theca et wally. la.t intl. tutu. I

lc,.t,.,tut,I I a. tit le ed de I e ’ ii �

14114 444,41\ 1,1.

’...� ,1t

,1 I ; ; ..t!’ , 1, t.�

2 4IP4RTAN DAILY 7%. Ara .1 27 �-,

Spartan Daily 41111.0. SAN JOSE STATE COLLEGE

F eeeee d es ....on./ ’-’413 Aprl 24 1914. of San Jam Callf., under th� act id Month 3. 1179. 1,,A�,ter Cal.icania Neespapee Publishers: Association.

Puts, stoof dna, hf th� Associated Students of San Jos� State College �acept Susts.d�e �nd Sunday. dkir;119 the college year with ono iglu. dattrto fy.101/4 t.r�I ������,,,S,r,s mi.

T.siephan� Cow�cs 4 6414 - Edno.41 Est. 210 - AdverfisInq Dopr. Eat, 211 Seiss.:Opt,ons ..,��oed only on � rsiou..nder of school year bona:

In feb cpue.o.� $1 n so;nfie; 4.4.1��� $2; qua,f $1.

Pre� 01 11.� Cr ,b� lit;nEniii Co.. I445 S F4st street. San Jose, C�lif. ED POPE -Editor BOB GORMAN-Business Manager

Make ,p Editor, this ;ssue - BOB SMITH AD :’Ar-r 144. n � .�d,f i.. 11.6E. D.h..

Nro .� : Dri.� U� tr�

l’iteifir :1rt .-Isstpci(tiiipts II orkshop Lim ieretice May 1

A Par.U., Art Association work shop be held on the San Jose Saturday, May I. Approximately 80 members of the North-

section 0l PAA are expected. .nrf. ...lcorned to affeed the conference. Registration

plar_e Sat�Jr,lay mna�ning. The foe is $1. A barbecue will be *4 , noon for $2. Dean Fred

Herd Stall Starts llaterial Selection

� ..... 111,1.11y to. Ii

: on sale Ntay 12 is ootk owlet 4iiig to I fr .1,11714, I

X’ e arIr It� � .I whit 11 is in OA III lb 1/4 ’al

,..,111/111 r� ’ ; I � hot 1.��� lorry;,to 11 1/41/4 inch has Is.

st rate smarms

10.1tis of art to the group& Dr

trytes ktatzr�I :t1.11144-

� ’� � Paintthg: !Sirs. GI

elinan. flowto. arrativem, *I

It. the Ple�lan Liter :try ; or I fertiert If. Sander. cerarnir�s;

Itartilitl, :�.�lry , N erlit. ;1 lap% , the ; le I Ihaek, 1,11a1.�t: n

...15 stoderit a , T 1 1111 thsi.ttry. , � Oen N. rtoe.:./ 1/41/4..1 k raid, �,�,ifplata; elm’. A.

Jolui ’, I ..:Vineen-, t tsso, , hops in


I, � ti. II

I. 1,t

l� 1.1

In IT� rhi

�r ��Ira k 51..Ir � IV I lph I

\I .10111, I .


Ili! 111.11 .111.ii Re 1,1 ..... �

�:� 611 Nit.. hi, I, luny 11..; � 11th ���1

1.1.1 In. .11;;s1: .1 It y fr

1.111. ; � Ill lit ;tin � I 1 irriat Ili .1 tit

;oil !porn \\ I..1I1/4 trt �Iti.1/45. I .1 Is.... � 11.1

��.It. ��l..s me: I.’ to I. tit Ili I’ � �1;irlt tits tit

I. I I al I A /NI. t..t,.s it,’Ii 11,1* .1 in the ,

, 1 ,* \Ts,- rrr ’

� Quality

Will Be


Long After

Price /s Forgotten

i!gt. e E

1:{iLirsx \.*1 .11Z 14

�-� - III: MO. far:f I’

Ilo, et will welcome the , .1 lir Mayo liryy.� of San

I-lam:1 o State ss ill deloi�r the .q..tung �iffilieSs III the -

building lertIlle hall. :Sine a ii k Atolls 55111 stall Ill

17. p ni San Jose State art in-st t minis will de


1:1111 il) IA114’1’ ’; � � I ..tt1/4.4 t set �

( tit., It ’1/41/411ikt�t �

� or I. iccent-,

F. I 55.1. un-

ean a4 I 114. I’ 1 .411114 � 11111 .� sup. N.,’ 0.11 % t.. the

1,4, 4..11111401e, and i.raduate St

� t !..y: total, -.mired, an-

itoliorson, director 4:1 till_ of teacher placement.

, she . tarry

.4: I t.fin -taft.

44-y far from 14.4 ’wad

The skyorraper iitillres the great strength id a ventral skel-eton of steel. II roil’, grounded on bedrock, with each section in ’’bled to the KI�ceding Ile. %% hob- beromes an in unit reaching up to breath-taking heights. The steel f tarnework permits

large glass areas and balconies to be cantilevered out to catch de-sirable .�xposures of sun, breeze or vif�Vl" The reSIIIUIlt: of the sky-scraper may work far above the ground les.�I and he shares the viewpoints of Ilwellers in other sky:e.Apers

%mire persons f�aI that eilitea-c osould lw like a pyr out. a lormill footing of basic solikets, such a program pro-

idle.. ...spat...tire to knotiledge in It �a Het.% of fields. hot makes it to olitain I petenee in any � field. 5% Hit a gken t 1,1 . � and a �tipulated III,’.,’ area, lite bright reached is limited. The skyscraper approach incor-

porat.�s�a rigorous diseiplin.� of building upward, with each course it uliltuig to the (idlest the prog-

:ress made in preceding study. ft the studend to become

14:414 .1 it exi�reises his mental on the highest POssibl,’

I I 4�istertsi% (4 knowledge in held permits him to appre-

ciate areomplishments in oth.�r Ii iFs

Thrust & Parry

Education’s Base , To Thrust and Pal r): ; The pl. ramut, for its strength, ’ relies on a broad base placed on , top of the ground. Brought togeth� 1er without any bioding material,

t he massive blocks are held in place by their weight alone. The oelosed spaces are small and the � suiting structure pros ides sety

little height considering the tre-mendiais anwint of building mate-rial involved. It is safe, however

can’t till

RALP11 J SMITh 1 , with an acknowledgement to

1 1 )1.. Joel I 1.1.1ebrami

Placement Names School Intervieus

Mod. , ,t:.I elementary school . 1- ’ ; .. � ,k I II hers’

tivint! 2.11 Opens To 12 lore lien

211 In, is Ii.;%% 111,11 III, It .

1111.: 141 .111/111 ’

. teacher �III :,�I , I ,, � t ..�. and sect)n-


i) .;,; I;

III 5e1.’114, :Ind tart II’s The Or-NMI/at len 11014 ,M 115 t5to rcit’nrt.

planes ital is pi, ...... to bus: an- ’Ica" Alt ’ ’1 Patricia Rarn-Matlini suit I � ts

� . I . . .

Fri�nch teachers ari� %%antis! by. th.� Los Angeles City Sehools F:x-ammat ions 5,5 ill be held on May 22, and Applications must he tiled by April 30.

Appheatiims can also be filed in the Plaeement ()It’ice for ma-chine shop teaching positions.

Tani:animal:roil!) to 11411141 Imiminm

1 eon. * 1 1.’ ’ ’ .�’’’ S(),Ii()r Fees ,

Stage Design Contest To Offer Prize Money Fifty dollars will ts, assail’ d to

the student who produe.., the best

!portfolio of designs in the third

:annual eompetition in Stage l’-

sign, J, Wendell Johnson, stage de-’sign instructor said yesterday.

Designs must be drawn for

:plays selected from the following

’list Fversman, The Rivals. Tar-

tot!". . R. R . Don Juan, The

Tempest. Tho Emperor’s New

CI .th ,�. ’11: � Pirates of Penzance.

The Skin (If I air Teeth. The Streets of New York. The

Scheherataile. Dream Girl. The

’ Adding Machine. The Cherry Or-. , chard. Peer Gynt. Beggar on Borseback. KISS Me Kate, Th.’

Life of Man, or any other siginifi-

!cant dramatic work acceptable to thy contest committee

Der.ignet May hr loir stage scrapes, eastuners, or both. Stage scenerx designs should be presented as color sketches and

home Ec Graduate Wins Scholarship For Dietetic Work

Barbara Smith. a June 4 ablate

of the iforne Economic. depart-

ment. is the recipient of a S200

scholarship ;married hy the i’,14-fornia Dieteties Assn. Miss Smith competed with outstanding grad-uates trom all ta the pre-dietician training colleges in California.

Each year the association gives a similar award to a prospect i5.� di.actics stialent who has ree..ived her undergraduate training in California or who is _raking her internship in a Calif:win:I hospital or institution. The 4innfqr is cho-sen for promise as �41 successful dietician, scholastic :ichievernent, and financial need. ,

Miss Smith has cha-en the Mas-sachusetts General ilospital in Boston. Mass., for her ,laye of in-ternship. Last year’s award also %sent to a SJS stiidert. Bessie Ro-zakis. a 1953 lions., economics craduate,

AffairsUmneil Meets in May-

All students who are interested in social seience are urged ’o at

the filth annual ...inference of the Student World Affairs council of Northern California May 7. H and 9 at Asilornaf. ac-cording. to Dr. George G. Brunt/.

Interested students should con-tact Dr. Rruntz. The topic of the conference is "Tho United States and Its Western Etirop.�an Allies Conflict and Harmony."

Some of the noted speakers will be Dr Norbert Einstein, ’cono mist, lectorer and author: Si.’ Rob-ert liadow British Consul Gen-eral. 1 William Winter, news anal 1.1,01r11,111:01,1’

1:r4m1) N (link

Apt it ."i � , 1rt Pat Appel,

I�st. :Os 1...� iii. tt.h. I... 411 Tt �tr1.4 ; � � ! �Y rt,lies ti;;-

1;en.1,111 � . : yr .4;


i � . st

The %%1101os:tie Pa� ;:tratii � trot.,1 thy; clam’ .111.1 j 1/4,11tekr: lr.rd tt;.� Frosy�rt 11 tint:tied at !t1:10).::’,

(limbers at the I,, he held at

(*ars will men’s (1)m

ring I to sign up an

%attn. of motor! ,..

ATTENTION ARTISTS! A NEW series of Skira art books. The taste of our time.

� Toulouse

� Gouqin

Laufrec � Van Gogh

� Picasso � Degas $4.95


COmPANT 112 S. 2nd St

Only about Ono fourth of the graduating seniors have paid Theo senior foi.s. the GI:admit.’ Manag-

s ()thee anmainced yesterday The fees total $15 per student

and rye.? he paid at the office by May

accompanied by floor plans and technical drawings made to scale. Costume designs should be ac-

companied by fabric swatches and notes on cutting and construction. Each character of the play must be presented, and a representatise member ot crowd. Normal figures should be used; avoid fashion pro-portions.

Designs for both costumes and settings may be submitted w, ith-out technical drawings or notes.

All plates must be uniform in %ire (12��iii") and executed with neatness, Nuitable for ex-hibit purposes. Any medium may b.� used. Designs based on (lass projects will be acceptable. Portfolios will be due Friday noon. May 2R, in M. Th., time of the judging, the

! judges, and the place of the ex-hibit will be announced later in the Spaitan Daily. For additional information concerning the natutv

;of the drawings or bibliographical materials see Miss Berneice Prisk in B�12 or J. Wendell Johnson in

.B5. I Johnson stressed that lack of Itechnical linowledge in stage de-!sign should not deter students I from entering the contest. Either 1 Miss Prisk or Johnson will he javailable tor advice and consulta-lion.

( ’emu’’, Club Sees’ isitors

The German club will ru., in

front of the Student Union. 7 p.m. Thursday. April 29, according to Wolf-Dieter Schulz. secretary.

"It is hoped that several mem-

bers of the group from Mainz will b.. able to participate in the meet-ing activities," Schulz said.

Last Thursday, an informal meeting took place with members of the German action team IroM Mainz, Germany. visiting SJS.

Dr. Theodore S. Verbaaren. fac-ulty adviser, led a picnic excursion to Big Basin last week. replacing a regular meeting. Dr. Presilla, a Spanish instructor, attended the picnic as a guest,

NORDS Fines. Shakes in San Jose



Special Rates to College Groups

1066 1-111-:


25c - - ond


rlus 25c

Jerry Xiild’4 Crystal Creamery Coffee Shop

Corner 7th and Santa Clara -Open 8 a.m. - 12 p.m. Vls.t our Cld�Fash;oned Craton P�010, 4:0, � .1..nbo Split - 40e


praise t Bob Bre ailsill




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"5:R." r Winter than

we’re I loan 0

6 feet

Four conferr of Art, Edticat Twen t five et.





Through The Aark 91,44e4


PRAISE FOR BRONZAN Bill Leiser, a columnist for a

raid paper, had some words of praise to heap on Football Coach iti Brorrzan this week. The praise was a direct quote from Frank Leahy, retired Notre Dame men-1

r Frank said that Bob "is at r:.’at young coach and that if he!

remained at Notre Dame hel have tried to lure Bob to.

the East." This got us to wonder-it any other schools were try-

,. � to lure the personable Bob When we asked hint, he

’aid, "There’s nothing on the fire."

JOKES INCORPORATED We have resisted an impulse to dl Quarterback Dick Erickson

-Bud" ever since we saw him. Now, after hearing him tell bum jiikes for 600 miles- to Fresno end back with the track team

don’t care and as far as we’re concerned he’s "Bud." Bud, ac-

on ding to members of the bas-ketball team, has a rival in the i�ain joke department. He’s Tor I 1: inson of Coach Walt McPher-

nS quintet. If any laxly promotes contest between the two, we

bola, they don’t ask us to judge if ’rot’s half as had as "Bud."

l’REsNO FUROR We became involved in a slight

dtereation at Fresno. Carroll won the high jump, but it

appeared for a while that he was at going to get credit for jump-ing over his head. Here’s our ver--ion of what happened. Carroll won the high jump and kept going :liter the other contestants drop-ped out. He cleared the bar four inches higher than his closest competitor. When he finally miss-ed, the bar was reduced to his winning heighth. Ile stood under the bar and held the tape while the official measured it. "5’8", said the official. "I’m 5:10 and it’s over my head," said Carroll. "5-8." said the official. We walked under the bar and pointed out that we are an inch taller than Carroll. -3:8." said the official. Coach Bud Winter walked by and he’s taller than we are. We decided not to loan the official our glasses, bit we’re recording Carroll’s jump at 6 feet and three-fourths inches.

Four possible degrees are now conferred by State: the Bachelor of Arts, Science fin Engineering,. Education and Master of Arts. Twenty teaching or administra-�.. � credentials are authorized.










Spartan Judo ’Ron Green, Lopes � Tuesday, Apo] 27. 1954

Lead ’Title (lase: Team Captures Third at Meet


Coach Yosh Uchida’s Varsity ju-do team finished third in the PA-AAU tournament at Palo Alto Sunday after scoring five points1 in the 15-team tourney.

The San Francisco Judo club! lived up to pre-tourney expecta-tions and scored 14 points to copl top honors, while the San Jose

:Buddhist Church garnered eight I points for second place

Cadena, a third degree helt holder, tarn.’ up I rum

the junior yarsity to pace the Spartan. Cadcna fared eight men, including the black belts. and lost only to MItz Kimura of the Ray City team. Kimura. the tourney e ha mpio n, dreo with the San Jose entrant in the heaxyweight etas. and icon oh a decision.

Don Edwards also made a good showing for the Spartans in the 180-pound division, facing eight

, men and losing only to San Fran-cisco’s Vince LaRot, the winner of the class JAVVEES WIN

In a Friday night meet at spartan gym the iii i ll r Varsity

t Judoists turned hack Santa Ro-sa Junior College, 7-0, John Rorge of the Spartans ii as held to a draw hy Chet Slit op tbe Bearenhs, uhile the other ....yen $JS entrants scored %%ins. Spartan winners CadfIfla

Over Vic Glaem, Fred tgailenria over Irvin Konoshima, Larry Meek over Stan Asanama, John Nichol-son over Chuck Steakes, Ray Obierne over Lou Primes, Glen Carroll over Bill Dougherty, and Bob Smith over Roy Yamashita.

In a round robin after the team matches. Mario Albeit’ threw Mc-Gee and John Pl’r,ta do�flAted Dougherty for !wo individual Spartan wins.

Vic Rrarm00 drew with ProPes. Max Phillips drew with Steakes. and Jack Marlow di w with Asa-nama in the other tI eve round ro-bin matches.



geltel &dewier

TVESDAV Varsity Basehall � Sacramento

State at Sacramento, 3 p.m. Tennis� Santa tiara at San

Jose, 2:30 p.m. Freshman Baseball�Santa Clara

Frosh at Spartan Stadium. 3 p.m. Junior Varsity Golf - Modesto

Junior College at Hillview Public Golf Course, 1 p.m.

Freshman Track�SCVAL All-Stars at Campbell. 4 p.m.

Tennis�Fresno State at San Jose, 1 30 p.m.

VI1EDNESDAV Freshman Baseball San Jose

Junior College at Spartan Stadi-um, 3:15 p.m.

THURSDAY Tennis�San Francisco State at

San Jose, 1:30 pm. FRIDAY

Varsity Baseball�Santa Clara at Municipal Stadium, 3:15 pm.

Freshman BSI Whit II�Bellarmine at Bellarminc. 3 17; p.m.

SATERD.AY Varsity Track�College of the

Pacific at Spartan Field. 1730 p.m. Freshman Baseball�Santa Cla-

ra Frosh at Ryan Ft. Id. 3 p.m. sUND.%1’

Tennis-4’011,g., of the Pacific at San Jose, 1:30 p.m.

un. thru Sat., April 25 May 1



fatlfail the Tulip

ALSO: "Pool of London" � British thriller

Linemen Improve End Mersin Lopes, the veteran I

from Honolulu, continued to lead the pack for thy -Mr. Downfield" title after Friday’s scrimmage. 14)- I pes has accumulated a total of 114 points.

� Closest competitor to the "mid -.1

get- end is another wingman.’ Leon O’Neill. O’Neill has totaled. 88 points. Others in contention at, Tackle Jack Crawford with 32 points, and Guard Tom Powers and Center Jerry Ruse with 47 each.

Guard Ron Green is tied with Gaul rd Bob Ha shf ord for I he "Mr. ram. Protector- title. Eaeh has a .950 average. Ne�t in line is Craoford with .939. Guard Stan lialas, Thursday’s leadrr. is fourth with .9’..!5 and Center Tom Vaal trails with .917. Assistant Coach Bill Perry sin-

gled out some linemen for special praise yesterday. He named Bash-ford, Jim n Davis and Jim Hughes as pleasant surprises at guard. Bob rends, a holdover end. was praised tor his improvement and nods were gisi n End.s Dick Fores-ter and Ed Guizman for aggres-siveness. Also praised for his ag-gressiveness was Center John RI.-kins. Tackles Jack Adams. J urn Nagawa and Bob Ramsey wee’ applauded. Al St�veri no from Li,. year ’S FrIISt1 NV:II: a pleasant Sit! prise. P. rry

Backfield (*ouch I;ene Meng.. stated that the fiold,�ii Raiders hail. thre.� haektields that are at t ..pial in caliber, lie re-fused to give the edge to ails � of them. Fullbacks catching the 1.1111,11.� t’ f� cc.’ r.’ Herman Stokes. Da ye Fanner, Joe I liii and Jerry. Ch.inent.

Roy. _Hiram. Al Beown and Pill Beaseley are bat-tling for the left half starting post with Iiitle to choose between them, according to

Pat Hiram. the only holdoser right half, is having to batth� oil Fred 1)4.1g:0.110 from !Monterey Peninsula College and Melvin Soong, a transfer from Denver University.

Quarterback Benny Pierce is contending with "Bud’ Erickson, Tons, Teresa and Iloby Mervin. Menges reports that Mersin is an excellent passer



D4)1112: 13(w1iner Frosit. Stars Vie ,� I t) :I, 11


At Sacrament() Doug Boehner will %tart th,

mound for the Spartan varsity , baseball team when it invades the’ capital city for a tilt with Sail.

mento State today at 3 p.m.

&rimer. author of a two-win

Bile...loss record so far this sea-son, has a 3 82 earned run aser-

are in the six ....elle!: III cc huh Ii’

11:"..ThAirTeallilli4igi Don Visconti ti ns

termed a doubtful ...tarter tor tonnoroo’s �� . isconti miss-ed class.,, yesterday due to a sines ailment. Ile Is pacing the Spartan hitters I.i date iiith a .303 halting in eroge.

k Brady. I .Vg�ili tioak.�ned front a hitting slump, took over the second spot in the batting race with a 338 average. Ron WRIti,I5 dropped to third with .313. Mal Leal is fourth with .277.

Boehner will he trying for his third straight win and the Golden Raiders’ t It st ra glut t-ritimph. The Spartans lirse a .219 team halting iii 13 games, to their oppon,:ot...-i 210

riodluc, alit gh Imo III I .1 " 1:111.11��� generall% .olt.taniting on Ii,. Nra rl st chili. ...I ate tielder, ha% e gone through 17 inning, su it) an error mid 41.�liyered I our double pla iS Ill

th.� first g: � with College of the Pacific Saturday. John ()Wham leads escrs pitch -

ii ig du ’part ment for 1 he Spartan ’bit. Oldham has appeared in

most � ee. 10: started the most ,.,� rompli.ted the most

slum �ii: pitched the most innings 511 3: I runs, 41 hit. and 39 walks; struck out 110: pitched three shutouts: won six games straight; and has the loss 1.0 earned run as-crage. 1.79.

The rest of the Spartans’ line-up will hr. Shruder fll

icatching. id y at first base. Ron Palma or Ron Kauffman af sec-ond. Lon Gainlicilo or Bill Pitch-er at third. Jack Richards at shortstop. and Bill Anderson. Wal-ters and �’iscraiti or Jim coalter Ii the outfield.

at 4 pm on Ole Campis

iu..11 School oval. di’’ II (1,:l � �

Coach Bob NI, Mullen. NIcMulle.nmen will b.. Ly-

ing to twain.... hack Bow a 1-� � �

Iii�s sustained at Santa Ito,. .11’

last Friday S.1S. Billy Jo IA rigi trs to tweak his IMO Pl.t.

9-in .1 in the shot fad. ohich he .0 .4. Sitie


Dick Zimmerman is in the Spartan Spotlight

with his new

, litivoque � Ars , Regent

� 414,- 4 ,

Sec it of: HART’S

Merlet and Santa Cla.a

The WARDROBE Second and Santa Clara


1330 Lincoln Ave., Willow Glen

"Officio,. Photographer 1954 La Torre

Yours Alone o Give mph/it-4h Highest quality photograph at lowest college prices are She !



Tickets for the WAA-AWS bar-becue slated for May are rai sale this week in the patio of tlie Wii. men’s gym anti at the Arch. Pat Ramsey. co-ehaii man. announced that in addition to good food, there will be entertainment swimming, ping pong. awl volley - ball games. Tickets are 30 cents

� � . �

Bobbie Malawi-, riding mana::-er, reported that girls planning to go riding Wednesdays most sign; up in the Women’s gym Monday or Tuesday. Cars leave the gym at 4:10 Wednesday afternoons.

� � � �

A lounge is being planned the Women’s gym. Room 19 it

contain new furniture. a ping tiei table, and other recreational t eilities. �

An As iation M’ork-i op chi be given August 9 ...1 Ii is

met’, It will consist field IPS. study and �� ri� � on asiation subjects Thiee ore, will be gisen "1- lb.


Talk to Dad about this! An excellent opportunity requir-ing a $10,000 investment that wiil show a return of

over 40. This may be available in your home town.

CALL CY 7-4124

for appointment

reasons we were chosen of icial photographers for your 1954 ! �yearbook. On Mother’s Day, May 9, give the gift that you alone ! can give � your portrait.

�Come in and see how inexpensive it can be-





Roberts Typewriter Co. 156W. San Fernando Easy Parking CY 2-4842

Pay Little - - � Eat Big







A must for budget-minded students

ITALIAN RESTAURANT Open 11:00 cm. to 9:00 p.m.� Sat. and Sun. to 9:30


Downstairs CY 4-5045

I 4) 11111.1 1 4ttlav � ��� ,

� Athletic League Al.

4 ...ritirrivic D.11LY

, %iston set The ink %ill hardly be dry on Witt A. Portal, first hat boxing I

All students should have signed , mini to qualify tor gi:iduation ’ Me "le,Isloli -el is Turned r corn, material to be included in !coach at SJS�

P., F i ttl 4 � tot the California, student., ....1.0 lac... bot � of f ’luring ;h.’ 110 e5rePl To

�peetal programs, Miller said. the athletics section of the 19531 the Graduate Manager’s Office foi

, La Torres are still on sale at

slate and lo, al .ouurunation to he taken 1.10-1 a course may satisfy i

i o’clock each rooming. . La Torre photographers and re- ’added. I/ean H. rre.ais assistant prides- ’examination Irr riesap says


of ...i. rit -.len., "This may be the last time that ,I e. ’,is/tiers will work up to the last� : al

, -Igto iip outside students ran satisfy the require- ’, S ,,,,, . a ,_. ’minute covering all major sports 1 o Rent i events through the end of tins I ir Janice r arkin. %% ornn..1

rn in ilay roo tot thy lest .ment by just tak, .. ,1.0 examin , s. 11/41-10 i ’74 I 1()Id

’qoarter, according to Don Gordon ;physical education instructor, is ’athletics section editor. ’expected hack at work in the early

"We plan to .�,,i�e the ’t’ld’Ilts a I part of May. Dr. Carkin recently


1953-1954 season," Gordon corn- :allied. i returned home after being hospit-well rounded sports picture of the

s of outstanding athletics ’ I -- -

in all Spartan sports, records

broken this year. new prospects :

and pictures of all the coaches are I a few of the items we’ve planned ,

tor- this section." Gordon said.

A full !Mg(’ in this section will be de�ot,11 to the memory of De-


� o’i�

La Torre To Feature Cresap Names Monday

Stud. nts be at’ile to see

For State-Local Exam � t violent %feral-thy’ hearings

Is-ing broadcast over TV chan-

nel 1 on the Student I�nion tele-Late Sports Coverage

The hearings start at 11730 1954 La Torre yearbook. Mfanday tireOrd1/1:.! 10 Dr � the requirement to. passing the $6. or $3 Is ill reserve a copy, he

14 a hit ,

Tuesday. April 27 1%4 4! - - �

See Me( .art11%.

Quarter Sale Faculty Club

re r:. -

� ,1 k 1)1(tits rt,,, .,11

’.1,�nitiers .if th. ’ 1Vomeir’s

1- e--.Ity club ykdl 1 . � a potluck

- ope; :it 6.00 prr ’..;, il 29. The!

_ , I, ,iii inis�t ..! ., .� horn.. of

..I.�an 1....-. pi o�nt ta III,

I.. �,�111/.eillsti. at 372 Gordon At..

31 kiss

i � ii-,:,,,n)iiiii inA ores isni nu...!....qt ilm",1-..otri�nsigia y�.. tat if It.:,ii

Reservations for the supper Ysili

_ i lts’s tile 110,11 The elifflITSIttee Ill

p�L, r.I.,,,,f1,..1 Ad., ,.. .�...1 ir�has.4,e ’it arrangements are Nlis

IS-1,1 0’1 1,10se anything last

quaii.’ It you did. you .1 better

,heck at the Spartan Spears rum-

mage side today You can Lo�t your

belongings bark for a price Shirts.

coats gler. es and all the articles

for sale are from the lost and

found department of the

Mon I Mir,*

T11.. sale. WIII is’ hold outside

Morris Dailey auditorium

Spartan Spear s, sophomore

women’s honor:it% society, will

send all rni,erril � .1 the sale to

Wor�1,1 ii’...

SI sue.. 1 I 1.411 st ’; ’ 11’1’11 ’tor"’ Ths M Morgtin II , I ,� metier, and ome Er l)isplav �,�,� SKI)

Is on Accessories Men."

1’1, � I’t

11)5 HF.NT

re spl I ;men s.

k irom ,

1011 ...�f

1.11A I aldsp.r1 Ill i

I, � I I’ IV)

N rt 1{1111’..1�Ilial.INI� 1.0111011111%

State ,1.1 tl.,

’afire pi�.4.-am a,. ,!��,I

a representative cal..

Ins from a.m to sloths it. edne.-

day 1.1 arISWe�I’ their rya-strolls coin

cerning aid

A.. onions!. he Acr�Irtirlf Ittg �isstrl. $17 ’lie. ss ’s. I f � � r will be iti

leoat. 41.’7.0 6 gab shirts

AX 6 110I.

....resole trilist

lat. �

. IIll,’


9iltriletill � sr.’. i1

, � "

.1 .10 III.

sin I I 1,1


Arcessore, to be uith

blouses arid skirts are ’ii display

in ’,Mall If Th.’ display was ar�

langeri to Barbara Smith. as a

ts jet’, it ol teaching iorrim

It is :Ir. eXilnIple .r iltspda)-ease that might b.. arranged for

se� .’nth grade sewin4 class to

istimilat.� interest in accessories.

Included in the display are col-lats. necklaces [waits. decorated

,ibb � md for pli.r�PS

545 South Second

Expertly prepared food . . . served

in a college atmosphere.

cteak 7 a.m. to 9 p.m. CYpress 5-9897

How a star reporter

got started...

, r



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Chrome Clod Top�s a.. the choir* of �Agineers

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Whether you’re fanning 0 110,90y, bYikli00 a bridge or a building, railroading, road building,

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Specify Lufkin when you gel out on th� 106�

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1141 LUFKIN CULI CO., Segtemer, Mick Genve,.�ni

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CAMELS LEAD in sales by record

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Newest nationwide figures’ f�orn the lend,n9 industry analyst Hnuy M Wooster, show Cornels now 90 8/10% ,head of the second -place brand -biggest

prisfer�nr� lead in history! o�leril I C. :"r- I �