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IATA 6th e-Cargo Conference

Transform Today, Shape Tomorrow

19-20 September 2017 – IATA Conference Center – Geneva, Switzerland


Our Sponsors:

IATA e–Cargo Conference 19-20 September 2017 - Geneva - Switzerland

Speaker directory

Glyn Hughes, Global Head of Cargo, IATA

Glyn Hughes has been involved in Air Cargo for over 30 years having started his

career with British Caledonian in the UK. He joined IATA in 1991 and become

IATA's Global Head of Cargo in June 2014.

He has the overall responsibility to ensure IATA delivers on the agenda agreed

by the Cargo Committee to support the Air Cargo industry. Priority areas include

safety, security, quality, special cargo, operations, modernization and industry

sustainability. He is dedicated to working closely with industry stakeholder part-

ners through GACAG and other relationships to foster collaborative solutions. A

firm believer in supporting the next generation of industry leaders, Glyn spends a

large amount of time on outreach programs with training and other educational


He previously headed the IATA Cargo Agency and Cargo Accounts Settlement

System (CASS) programs growing the CASS network to cover more than 80 op-

erations in over 75 countries processing more than 18 million AWBs with a com-

bined settlement value in excess of USD 29 billion. Glyn is based in Geneva,

with his wife and two children.

IATA e–Cargo Conference 19-20 September 2017 - Geneva - Switzerland

Henk Mulder, Head of Digital Cargo, IATA

Henk Mulder is Head of Digital Cargo at IATA. In this capacity he is responsible

for ensuring that the airline industry develops and implements standards and so-

lutions to support a fully digital, connected and open air logistics supply chain.

Henk also leads the current e-freight programme with the objective of full e-AWB

and other e-freight message acceptance.

Prior to taking on this function Henk led the development of cargo solutions such

as for automated dangerous goods acceptance and a bilateral net rates distribu-

tion solution for the industry. Henk has close to 20 years of experience in the air-

line business, cargo and passenger.

Henk holds degrees in IT engineering and mathematics and is currently pursuing

studies in machine learning and artificial intelligence. He also received a post

graduate executive education from INSEAD in Fontainebleau, Paris.

Aymeric Brard

Aymeric Brard started his career specializing as an IoT business development

manager for Southern Europe and Northern Europe regions in Vodafone Group.

He then took up the position of sales manager at Vodafone Automotive Northern

Europe. He holds an MBA from ICADE (Spain) and graduated in France from

ESCEM – Business School.

With solid experience in the IoT sector, DataLong16 says he will be a key figure

in the development of the company. Its strategic plan is to create a framework of

trust with customers to become their technology partner. Aymeric’s participation,

says the company, will strengthen and contribute to the needs of different busi-

ness models; research laboratories, pharma, agri-food, medical, and chemical,

across various transport modes including land, air, railway and maritime.

Shahzad Aslam, Director of Core Cargo Products, CHAMP CargoSystems

Shahzad Aslam is Director of Core Cargo Products at CHAMP CargoSys-

tems. Based in London, Shaz oversees the product management of CHAMP’s

core cargo products portfolio. Shaz is responsible for creating and maintaining the

products’ digital strategy defining business requirements for new technological

directions, building support for relevant business models and leading major cargo

projects. Shaz has a special interest in the usability of machine learning and artifi-

cial intelligence across the cargo supply chain.

Shaz works directly with cargo airline and ground handling stakeholders, helping

them utilize digital technologies to improve organizational efficiency within their

businesses. Shaz has over 20 years of professional experience working in Air

Cargo and IT domain, having gained hands-on experience through working at a

number of international airlines prior to joining CHAMP nine years ago. Shaz

holds a Master’s Degree in Software Engineering from the University of Oxford.

IATA e–Cargo Conference 19-20 September 2017 - Geneva - Switzerland

Speaker directory

Speaker directory

IATA e–Cargo Conference 19-20 September 2017 - Geneva - Switzerland

Giuseppe Di Capua ,

Team Lead Performance Measurement & Special Projects,

Project Manager for Change, UNCTAD

Giuseppe Di Capua is presently UNCTAD's Team Lead for Performance Meas-

urement and Special Projects, and Project Manager for Change. In 1990 he

joined the ASYCUDA Programme of UNCTAD working in different roles manag-

ing technical cooperation projects, then, from 1999, he was appointed Chief for

Procurement and Logistics in UNCTAD's Administration, managing among other

the logistical needs for UNCTAD's international conferences in emerging and

developing countries. Since 2008, he returned to the ASYCUDA Programme

establishing the Programme's Monitoring and Evaluation framework, advising on

strategic planning and project implementation, developing and managing perfor-

mance measurement, and coordinating collaboration with other international or-

ganizations and associations, such as World Customs Organisation, IATA.

He holds an MBA from the Open University (Milton Keynes, England) specializ-

ing in knowledgement management, and before joining UNCTAD he collaborat-

ed within the Department of Energetics, University of Rome- La Sapienza ( Italy),

from where he had obtained a Masters Degree in Nuclear Engineering.

Tom Butterfly, Director and Lead Consultant, TDAF Consulting

Tom BUTTERLY is Director and Lead Consultant at Trade Development and Fa-

cilitation (TDAF) Consulting in Geneva Switzerland (www.tdafconsulting.com).

Recent projects include Senior Advisor to the Global Alliance for Trade Facilita-

tion (http://www.tradefacilitation.org/), consultant to the OECD, consultant to vari-

ous international development and UN Agencies including UNCTAD, UNIDO,

FAO, UNECE and GIZ, and adviser to national governments on trade facilitation

and Single Window implementation projects.

Mr Butterly was formerly Deputy Director of Trade and Economic Cooperation at

the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), Chief of Trade

Facilitation in UNECE responsible for the UN Centre for Trade Facilitation and

Electronic Business (UN/CEFACT), and Senior Trade Facilitation expert at

UNCTAD. Prior to joining the United Nations, Mr Butterly was Managing Director

of International Management Consultants (IMC), Ireland and Zimbabwe; Senior

Consultant to ZimTrade, Zimbabwe and the Mauritius Export Development and

Investment Authority (MEDIA); Manager of International Trade Research at the

Nova Scotia (Canada) Department of Industry and Trade; Senior Economist at

the Nova Scotia Department of Advanced Education; Senior Account Representa-

tive at Digital Equipment Corporation, Canada, and Production and Quality Con-

trol Manager at Telectron Ltd Ireland.

Mr Butterly holds a BA and MA in economics from Dalhousie University Canada,

a Diploma in Telecommunications Technology from Dublin Ireland, and has un-

dertaken extensive postgraduate training in international marketing and develop-

ment. He is married with 4 children. He can be reached at


Speaker directory

IATA e–Cargo Conference 19-20 September 2017 - Geneva - Switzerland

Jackson Chan, Cargo Services Manager e-Freight, Cathay Pacific

Do you know how airline ensure e-AWB data quality for each forwarder customer

before they switch over from paper to electronic air waybill? How airline com-

municates their found errors with forwarder based on existing MIP errors and

error codes? Forwarder always feedback they have difficulty to understand the

errors. Mr. Chan is going to share with you the IATA e-Cargo Working Group’s

plan and actions to enhance the existing MIP error list for improvement.

Mr. Chan is Cargo Services Manager e-Freight of Cathay Pacific Airways Limited

and e-Freight Management Group (EFMG) chairman in Hong Kong. His main

focus is on the development and implementation of IATA e-AWB and e-Freight in

Hong Kong and system-wide.

Prior to Cargo, Mr. Chan was Project Manager in Information Management De-

partment managing major projects such as CargoIQ, Mail Tracking System,

Electronic Customs Interface and Booking Engine. Mr. Chan Studied and com-

pleted his Bachelor degree in Computer Science and Business Administration.

He began his first career with Cathay Pacific Airways Limited in IT Department

since 1986.

Email Jackson Chan: jackson_chan@cathaypacific.com

Maria Rosoria Ceccarelli, Chief of Trade Faciliation Section, UNECE,

Secretary , UN / CEFACT

Maria Rosaria Ceccarelli is the Chief of the Trade Facilitation Section of the Unit-

ed Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) and the Secretary of the

UN Centre for Trade Facilitation and Electronic Business (UN/CEFACT). She has

18 years of experience in Trade and Transport Facilitation within UNECE.

In her former position in the UNECE’s Transport Division, she provided training

and advisory services to promote the development of border-crossing facilitation

and multimodal transport and supported Member States in formulating strategies,

policies and actions to facilitate transport developments in countries with econo-

mies in transition.

In her current position, she manages a group of some 300 experts working on

Trade Facilitation projects to produce Trade Facilitation Recommendations and

electronic business standards, covering both commercial and government busi-

ness processes that can foster growth in international trade and related services.

Speaker directory

IATA e–Cargo Conference 19-20 September 2017 - Geneva - Switzerland

John Dowds , VP Service Delivery EMEA, WFS

John Dowds started his career in Cargo nearly 20 years ago. He spent 14 years

with bmi (British Midland) at Heathrow. As Head Of Operations, he drove the

quality and continuous improvement through the team across 44 stations and at

the London hub.

In 2012, John moved to Qatar Airways, based at their head office in Doha. Origi-

nally responsible for Europe, Africa, Middle East and the Americas, and later the

global network operation, John led the team to drive consistency and quality in

the network operation whilst ensuring the growth of Qatar Airways Cargo was

delivered safely, securely and with the quality needed for the fast growing carri-


During his five years at Qatar Airways the network grew from 96 to 150+ stations

network wide and saw the transition to the new Doha Airport and state of the art

Cargo Terminal. In April 2017, John returned to the UK joining WFS as VP Ser-

vice Delivery for Europe, Middle East, Africa and Asia. The objective of service

delivery is ensuring we deliver what our customers want, consistently across all

regions, effective reporting and continuous improvement in our operational pro-


Brian Collins, VP Engineering

Almost 20 years of experience in engineering has taught Brian one thing—

empowering your team to make decisions with the right tools will successfully de-

liver quality products on time and on budget. Having worked in the telecom, ISP

and travel industries for leading brands such as Next Level Communication, AoL

and Datalex, where he was Director of Product Development.

Brian was graduated from Dublin City University with a B.Engineering in Telecom-

munications Engineering.

James Fernandez, Executive Vice President, Accelya Executive Committee

James has responsibility for Accelya’s Commercial Solutions and Cargo & Logis-

tics Divisions managing global teams, including subsidiary group companies, and

spanning both passenger and cargo industry verticals. James’ teams are respon-

sible for Accelya’s revenue management, passenger sales & incentive manage-

ment, airline loyalty management, predictive analytics & commercial insights con-

sulting as well as air cargo and ocean shipping solutions.

Prior to Accelya, James has had executive and commercial management respon-

sibilities at CHAMP Cargosystems, Infosky (a Chinese JV company), SITA and

CGI (formerly LogicaCMG). James is a graduate of the Royal Military College of

Science, Shrivenham and has received post graduate executive education at the

London Business School.

Malcolm Fowler

Prior to his recent retirement Malcolm was appointed as eBusiness Programme

Manager for IAG Cargo following the merger of British Airways and Iberia in 2011.

His role involved the management and delivery of eBusiness applications and the

integration of the British Airways and Iberia legacy cargo systems.

Previously, Malcolm had held various management roles in British Airways World

Cargo during his 37 year career with the airline. He has significant business ex-

perience in developing airline IT solutions covering operations, accounting, ware-

housing and commercial systems.

Throughout his time with British Airways and IAG Cargo Ltd he served on many

IATA committees, meeting with airlines, freight forwarders, airport authorities and

government officials to support the development of both electronic and business

process standards.

He now spends time consulting for The CCS-UK User Group, the UK’s Airline

Operators’ Committee Cargo and other companies working in the air cargo do-


Speaker directory

IATA e–Cargo Conference 19-20 September 2017 - Geneva - Switzerland

Thorsten Friedrich, Head, E-Freight Group, Lufthansa Cargo

Thorsten Friedrich is head of Lufthansa Cargo's eFreight group. He oversees

global process standardization and deployment, digitization of documents and

digital excellence measures. A push of data quality to enable truly paperless pro-

cesses is a key initiative.

Thorsten's prior positions include project manager of strategic technology projects

at Lufthansa Cargo, and Head of Operations & Key Accounts in the U.S. market

for a leading ULD management company. He holds a diploma in logistics and

engineering management.

Peter Gerber, CEO, Lufthansa Cargo

Peter Gerber, born in Gießen, Germany in 1964, has been Chairman and CEO of

Lufthansa Cargo since May 2014. In his previous position, Gerber was board

member of Lufthansa German Airlines responsible for HR, IT and Services. He

started his career with Lufthansa in 1992. Mr. Gerber studied law and business

administration at the Universities of Gießen and Hagen. In 2008, he completed a

Senior Executive Program at Columbia University in New York.

In addition to his position as CEO of Lufthansa Cargo, Mr. Gerber serves as Su-

pervisory Board member of Fraport AG and Albatros Insurance, as well as the

German supply chain network BVL, the Federal Association of German Airlines

(BDF) and the Federal Association of the German Aviation Industry (BDL).

Mr. Gerber has been a member of the IATA Cargo Committee since 2014.

Speaker directory

IATA e–Cargo Conference 19-20 September 2017 - Geneva - Switzerland

Juan Pablo Giraldo, Global Airfreight Process Manager,

Kuehne + Nagel International A.G

Juan Pablo studied Business Administration in his hometown, Medellin – Colom-

bia and did his first internship at Kuehne + Nagel in 1999. Since then, he has suc-

ceeded in various airfreight roles in Bogota, New York and other locations in Ku-

ehne + Nagel. His primary responsibility has been and still is the implementation

of measures towards improving processes and data quality in the Airfreight organ-


After implementing, developing and leading a team of 120 colleagues at Kuehne

+ Nagel’s airfreight shared service center in Costa Rica, Juan Pablo moved in

August 2016 to Kuehne + Nagel Headquarters in Schindellegi, Switzerland to

implement processes, quality improvements and new initiatives on a global level.

Part of his current responsibilities is to develop the relationships with the different

carriers to increase EDI communication and increase FWB performance, im-

portant pre-requisite to roll out E-AWB in the right way (XML).

Jennifer Haigh, Director, North American Sales, Rapiscan Systems

Jennifer is the Director of North American Sales for Rapiscan Systems. Jennifer

is responsible for developing and executing growth strategies to achieve annual

targets and meet customer’s needs. In her role, Jennifer is responsible for culti-

vating and managing relationships with airlines, integrators, regulators and other

government and commercial clients through the integration of Explosives Trace

Detection (ETD) equipment, consumables and services.

Jennifer works closely with technology and product management teams to com-

municate clients’ future needs. Jennifer is also responsible for managing the rela-

tionships with TSA’s passenger and air cargo programs along with other interna-

tional regulatory bodies. Jennifer joined Ion Track Instruments, Morpho's prede-

cessor, in 2001 as a sales engineer and rejoined Morpho Detection in 2010 as a

strategic accounts manager. Jennifer brings more than 15 years experience in

the security industry in both R&D and sales with companies, including Stanley

Security Solutions, GE Homeland Protection and One Source Security and Auto-


Jennifer earned a Bachelor of Arts in Biology from Pine Manor College, a Certifi-

cation in Project Management from Southern New Hampshire University and a

Masters in Business Administration from Southern New Hampshire University.

Speaker directory

IATA e–Cargo Conference 19-20 September 2017 - Geneva - Switzerland

Alexandre Izri, Cyber Security Portfolio Manager, SITA

Alexandre is responsible for SITA's Cyber Security portfolio development.

His initial background is Market and Business Intelligence, that he managed for

SITA for 4 years. His prime objective was to provide SITA with a better visibility

on the Air Transport Industry market requirements and trends, and support overall


Since 2015, Alexandre initiated and drove the development of SITA’s Cyber Se-

curity program, through leading the market analysis, defining the strategy, manag-

ing partnerships and making sure that SITA’s portfolio is always addressing avia-

tion player’s requirements.

Alex Lechler, Head of Partnerships & UBiMAX Consultant

Since 2015, Axel is working as Head of Partnerships and Consultant for UBiMAX.

In his career, he has gone through different positions in project management,

sales, and consultancy for logistics, as well as working as an Augmented Reality

specialist for industrial applications.

In his role at UBiMAX, both stakeholders and shareholders benefit from his broad

technological knowledge, his ability to identify use cases for virtual technologies,

and his talent to create solutions for an optimized operational and business result.

Speaker directory

IATA e–Cargo Conference 19-20 September 2017 - Geneva - Switzerland

Bart Krol, Product Owner E-Acceptance

Bart Krol is an experienced airline manager with more than 30 years’ experience

at different levels within KLM. Started in the IT in 1985 and moving after 10 years

to Revenue management at the Passenger business running O&D projects in-

volving forecasting and midterm planning.

In 2003 Bart switched to the CARGO Business as Manager procedures, training

and IT systems for the worldwide commercial Customer Service organisation. He

played an important role in the integration with Air France setting up the first joint

procedures and systems for Air France/KLM. In 2010 he switched to the opera-

tional domain and was project manager of several operational projects, like im-

proving flight planning, introducing warehouse scanning and integrating Marti-


Bart is also member of ACN (Air Cargo Netherlands) on behalf of KLMCARGO

and the NLIP (Netherlands Logistic Information platform). His current position is

Product owner E-Acceptance, a program to digitize the CARGO acceptance pro-


Amar More, Director, Kale Logistics Solutions

Amar is the first proud Indian recipient of International Young Achiever Award

conferred by Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport (CILT) International

and is the only individual globally to receive this honor on account of his exempla-

ry contribution in delivering Technology solutions to the logistics industry.

He has also been elected on the “Board of Directors” of TIACA (The International

Air Cargo Association) and he works very actively with the e-commerce work

group of TIACA. He is an accomplished professional with over 17 years of experi-

ence in setting up new initiatives / business practices, delivering process improve-

ments and developing cargo community systems and enterprise applications.

He has been driving strategies behind key business areas of Kale Logistics Solu-

tions. He works closely with several Industry Associations and Stakeholders in

defining and implementing process and technology standards. E-freight is Amar’s

passion and he has contributed in proliferation of e-AWB in India catapulting India

in the Top 10 e-AWB countries through implementation of community system initi-


Prior to joining Kale Logistics, Amar has worked in various capacities at Keane

Consulting and the Tata Group. The foundation of his excellent domain expertise

is his rich educational background with an MBA in Supply Chain Management and

a Bachelor’s Degree in Electrical Engineering.

Speaker directory

IATA e–Cargo Conference 19-20 September 2017 - Geneva - Switzerland

Jan Markill, Sales Director EMEA, Descartes

Based in Copenhagen, Denmark, Jan has been with Descartes since 2000 and is

commercially responsible for Descartes Global Logistics Network in the EMEA

region. Prior to joining Descartes, Jan worked 8 years for A.P. Moller-Maersk in

different positions in US, Asia and Europe.

Speaker directory

IATA e–Cargo Conference 19-20 September 2017 - Geneva - Switzerland

Christian Riege, Riege Software

Endowed with “e” almost from birth. Innovation in logistics has a history within the

Riege family since 1985. Christian (Riege) literally grew up with computers since

his early days. While his father Johannes, founder and now Chairman of Riege

Software, started programming one of the first innovative logistic softwares,

Procars, he also endowed Christian with the gadgets that became popular in

those days – Personal Computers.

Consequently, Christian has studied Computer Science at the Universities of

Kaiserslautern and Cologne, where he encountered the Internet. Subsequently,

he joined the family business. Since his foremost interests always lay in

challenging and pushing the boundaries in the field of human-computer-interfaces

in “Enterprise Software”, he started an innovative project which resulted 2008 in

the company's new marketable software Scope – Innovation in Logistics.

Nick Platts, Head of Cargo, Heathrow Airport

Nick is Head of Cargo for Heathrow and has been at the airport since January

2012. In 2015, Nick moved from his senior leadership role in the airport’s airside

operations team to develop Heathrow’s cargo strategy.

He’s now accountable for implementing its key priorities and transform Heathrow

in to one of the best airports in Europe for a predictable cargo service. Prior to

joining Heathrow, Nick worked at FedEx Express where he gained great insight

in to the air-cargo industry having managed a key node in the FedEx network.

Nick is married with 2 young children and migrated to the UK from Australia in

2004 after serving in the RAAF as a Pilot.

Hasse Roemer, Lead Engagement New Industries, Logistics

Have a Master of Science in Industrial Engineering

Born in Copenhagen, Denmark, in 1972

Joined Ericsson in 1996 and have been working within Supply & Logistics

in various roles and locations worldwide

- Production Planner Gaevle Factory

- Head of Supply North East Asia

- Head of Supply South East Asia

- Manager in Supply Americas

Since 1st Jan 2017, working within Industry & Society New Industries, Lo-

gistics as Lead Engagement

Sebastian Schirmers, Manager, Cargo iQ

As the Operations Manager of Cargo iQ Sebastian is guiding industry-members

to implement Cargo iQ quality standards as well as overseeing the industry per-

formance reporting.

He is also responsible for their smart data project, which collects and processes

more than 10 million lines of members’ data every month.

Previously Sebastian was with DB Schenker, where he was leading various im-

plementation projects as well as change initiatives aiming at productivity en-

hancement for Schenker’s global airfreight.

Parvinder Singh, Managing Director, Hans Informatic

Parvinder Singh has been associated with the IT industry for over two dec-

ades. He got an opportunity to work with large global IT organization in early

1985 when IT industry was at a nascent stage and global companies started

establishing themselves in India.

He worked on various international projects involving state of the art data-

bases, messaging and communications based on global standards. He had

various stints with different IT companies in developing solutions for industry

verticals like automobiles, manufacturing and retail. Since 2001, Parvinder

has specialized business for providing IT solutions and services related to

Logistics industry.

As software provider, Parvinder is actively promoting the need for paperless

transactions in the logistics space. He is an active participant in IATA’s Stra-

tegic Partner programme for Cargo XML and e-freight initiative and believes

that cloud based IT products and solutions are key needs for logistic industry.

Speaker directory

IATA e–Cargo Conference 19-20 September 2017 - Geneva - Switzerland

Benjamin Rozenberg, Project Manager E-Acceptance , Air France Cargo

Graduated from Kedge Business School in 2010, Benjamin started at Air France

Cargo as assistant of the Central Africa Market Manager during two years. He

was then appointed in May 2013 Local Manager in Pointe-Noire for both Congo

(Republic of Congo and Democratic Republic of Congo), where he successfully

implemented the company plan of development and transformation. He managed

a team of five people to manage, and supervised one GSA and two GHA.

In February 2016, he returned to France where he was appointed Project Manag-

er for e-Acceptance at Air France Cargo. Working jointly with KLM Cargo, he’s

currently busy developing a new internal application that will simplify and digitize

the acceptance processes for both airlines, aiming to adapt to a specific ac-

ceptance process for a given station. He’s also currently implementing a new dim-

ming system at Air France Cargo facility in CDG.

Speaker directory

IATA e–Cargo Conference 19-20 September 2017 - Geneva - Switzerland

Henk Venema, Senior VP & Global Head of Network Carrier Management

DHL Global Forwarding

Cargo iQ makes performance visible.”

“Last year, Cargo iQ introduced its vision to the air cargo community, promising

to use data to help its members and the industry improve their processes. Now

Henk Venema, the new chairman of the group’s membership board, showcases

the latest developments and explains the group’s future plans.”

Henk Venema kicked off a successful career in logistics with Exel, which he

continued in various air freight roles for UTi on station, country, and regional

levels, as well as in his previous role of Global Director Air Freight for Geodis

Wilson. Henk joined DHL Global Forwarding as Senior Vice President and Glob-

al Head of Network Carrier Management, in 2016.

Tim Strauss, VP Cargo, Air Canada

Tim Strauss was appointed Vice President, Cargo in April 2017, with oversight

for all aspects of Air Canada’s cargo business, including leading, directing, devel-

oping and implementing customer-centric initiatives and solutions, and responsi-

bility for commercial business and its profitability.

Strauss has more than 31 years of cargo experience in both the airline and

freight forwarding industries. Prior to joining the company, Strauss held leader-

ship roles in global sales and operations at Northwest Airlines, Delta Air Lines

and in Hawaiian Airlines. He began his career with Emery Worldwide in 1987

(now UPS Supply Chain Logistics) where he held roles of increasing responsibil-

ity, starting as a cargo handler and completing his tenure as Vice President of

Transportation and Logistics.

Mr. Strauss advanced his understanding of the logistics industry via studies in

management at The Ohio State University, Massachusetts Institute of Technolo-

gy, and Cambridge Institute.

Sarah Van Gelder, Project Manager, Cargo, Brussels Airport

Sara Van Gelder graduated in 2013 from the K.U Leuven as a Commercial Engi-

neer with a Master‘s in Logistics and International Business. She started her pro-

fessional career in the Contract Logistic department of Kuehne+Nagel as Project


Later, via her role as Project Manager of Sky Fresh, she was introduced to the

aviation industry, working on traceability and digitization of time and temperature

sensitive goods.

Since 2016 she is in charge of the different digitization projects and especially

the roll-out of the BRUcloud and the different applications within the Cargo de-

partment at Brussels Airport.

Speaker directory

IATA e–Cargo Conference 19-20 September 2017 - Geneva - Switzerland

Lars Wever, Air France / KLM Project Manager e-Freight

Lars is Project Manager e-Freight at Air France/KLM, based at Schiphol, the

Netherlands. Working in a very strong combination and aligned in the AF/KL or-

ganization with the e-Team of Air France.

On 1 September 2017 Lars celebrated his 28th jubilee within KLM Cargo, so a lot

of experience in the Cargo industry. Special jobs done within AF/KL are Area

Revenue Manager at the joint Cargo Revenue Management and Manager Ship-

ment Control & Tracing. Lars’ knowledge of all the processes within the Airline

Industry and his practical way of acting has been very beneficial. He used his

experiences and brought the e-AWB performance together with his French col-

leagues within Air France KLM Cargo to a 65% level in June 2017!

Lars is chairman of the SOP and Single Process implementation in the Nether-

lands and also chairman of the IATA e-Cargo Working Group. In this role Lars

will speak in the “2030 - Paper prohibition in the transport industry: the industry

vision” session on September 20th.

Dr. Stefan Weber, COO, modum.io AG

Dr. Stefan Weber is Chief Operating Officer of modum.io AG in Zurich, respon-

sible for their blockchain-based, GDP-compliant temperature monitoring system

for pharmaceutical products. Stefan Weber studied experimental physics at the

KFU Graz and the FU Berlin where he received his PhD in time-domain femto-

second spectroscopy. He developed an Optical MEMS device at the EPFL and

the University of Geneva between 2008-2010, and was product manager for

optoelectronics modules at Jenoptik Optical Systems GmbH from 2011-2013.

Between 2014 and 2016, he was COO of the nanotechnology startup

SwissLitho AG in Zurich.

Ariaen Zimmermann, Executive Director, Cargo iQ

Ariaen Zimmerman is the Executive Director of Cargo iQ, whose global member-

ship works together to measure success and continuously improve the value of

airfreight for customers.

Ariaen was educated in the UK, the US, and the Netherlands, and began his ca-

reer in aviation with Polar Air Cargo, where he managed Global Accounts for

over four years.

After running his own change management consultancy, Ariaen brought his ex-

pertise to Saudi Airlines, where he initiated and lead their Key Account Depart-

ment as Director Global Key Accounts.

Ariaen took up the role of Executive Director role at Cargo iQ in July 2015 and

has driven the IATA interest group’s change program which has included a new

industry standard audit and certification scheme, and now, in 2017, the launch of

its Air Cargo Intelligence Hub as part of it Smart Data services to its members.