Special contingency RiSkS ltD alert:24 – Protecting … · alert:24 – Protecting PeoPle,...

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Special contingency RiSkS ltD

alert:24 – Protecting PeoPle,rePutation & Profitsthe global thReat SpectRum In a complicated world our business is simple. We exist to help our clients protect their most precious asset: their people. We help our clients to understand their people risk exposures, evaluate their risk appetite and assist them to mitigate the risks they face. We do this by providing bespoke risk transfer solutions and consultancy advice. We offer a risk driven (not a transaction based) partnership with our clients’ needs at the core.

Owned and backed by one of the world’s leading global insurance brokers, we offer a detailed insight into a broad spectrum of risks facing people around the world. As a result we are able to identify the right insurance and risk reduction solutions that meet our clients’ particular business types and operations. Our service consists of four interwoven strands: Insure, Inform, Prevent and Respond.

Multinational organisations face a complex global risk environment as they span the world in pursuit of new business opportunities and fresh markets. Increasingly, global businesses are drawn to high-growth markets in emerging and frontier economies but these places represent challenging operating environments and play host to a broad range of risks.

Facing an increasingly broad spectrum of risks, multinational companies have a moral and legal obligation to ensure their employees are safe at all times wherever they are. This “duty of care” extends to high-risk markets but sometimes stands in stark contrast to traditional local employment practices. At the same time, organisations are increasingly being held to account by governments, shareholders, the media and pressure groups, no matter where they are in the world. Failing to properly discharge this corporate duty of care can severely tarnish a company’s reputation (and therefore profits) and, in some cases, provoke legal action against directors.

One of the gravest threats faced by multinational companies is political instability. In recent years a wave of political upheaval has spread around the world triggering disruption in key markets like North Africa and the Middle East. Developed markets, particularly those imposing harsh austerity measures, are not immune to these shocks. Growing volatility means that European cities have been rocked recently by social unrest, a trend which could increase if economic conditions deteriorate further. Meanwhile, natural catastrophes and extreme weather events continue to ravage the globe, particularly in emerging markets, which sometimes lack efficient and effective emergency response infrastructure. The prospect of a worldwide influenza pandemic remains a significant global risk, according to the World Health Organization. Mass evacuations, like those seen at the height of the Libyan civil war or during the Japanese earthquake/tsunami/nuclear crisis in 2011, are not the Black Swan events they used to be.

ouR conceptWe offer a wide portfolio of services to help organisations identify, mitigate and where appropriate transfer their people and security risks. We act independently and on behalf of our clients to help them access the best insurers and emergency response providers.

inSuReAs part of your insurance transaction you can take advantage of a unique Risk Mitigation Allowance that can pay for our consultancy services. Underwriters offer this because it decreases the likelihood of you making a claim – simple.

There are three pillars to our consultancy offering:

inFoRmProvides detailed insight and intelligence to help you understand risks wherever you operate in the world.

pReVentOur training and education services will help you put in place the right policies and procedures to mitigate risks and protect your people and business.

ReSponDIs a 24/7 operations and crisis management centre that provides advice and support whenever you need it.

Special Contingency Risks Limited Lloyd’s Brokers is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority for its general insurance mediation activities only. Registered Company Number: 617667 England and Wales Lloyd’s Broker Number: 0256 & 0587; Registered Office: 30 Fenchurch Avenue, London EC3M 5AD; FCA Registration number: 310187

This publication offers a general overview of its subject matter. It does not necessarily address every aspect of its subject or every product available in the market. It is not intended to be, and should not be, used to replace specific advice relating to individual situations and we do not offer, and this should not be seen as, legal, accounting or tax advice. If you intend to take any action or make any decision on the basis of the content of this publication you should first seek specific advice from an appropriate professional. Some of the information in this publication may be compiled from third party sources we consider to be reliable, however we do not guarantee and are not responsible for the accuracy of such. The views expressed are not necessarily those of Special Contingency Risks Limited Lloyd’s Brokers 2014. All rights reserved.

Special Contingency Risks Limited, 30 Fenchurch Avenue, London EC3M 5AD | Tel: +44 (0)20 7088 9100 Fax: +44 (0)20 7088 9101 Email: contactus@scr-ltd.co.uk

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inSuReWe offer insurance products that provide financial risk transfer solutionsfor all of your People Risks and products that cover your business property against acts of Terrorism and Political Violence. Broadly, our products fall into four categories:

kiDnap & RanSom, extoRtion, hijack oR Detention RiSkSCoverage provides guaranteed access to Specialist Advisors as well as the associated costs of resolving an insured event such as; Ransom,Legal costs, Medical/Psychological costs and victims’ salaries.

acciDent anD healthA broad range of products can include; Group Personal Accident & Illness, Emergency Medical Expenses including Evacuation & Repatriation, Corporate Business Travel Accident, Group Life Policies, War & Terrorism, Professional Sports Disability, Key-man and Expatriate Medical.

teRRoRiSm anD political Violence Coverage includes property damage and associated Business Interruption losses in the event of acts of Political Violence and Terrorism.

coRpoRate all RiSkS eVacuation (caRe)Coverage includes costs of evacuation and salaries of affected persons for personnel evacuated for reasons of Natural Catastrophe, Political Violence, War, Pandemics and other perils.

integRateD RiSk management We have constructed facilities across the above lines of insurance with insurers who understand the value of a well-managed risk and therefore are prepared to include the Alert:24 Essential package within the transaction at no additional cost.

Our experienced team of insurance brokers will advise you on the best products to suit your business. Please see the contacts overleaf to call us if you would like a quote.

inFoRmTrying to predict or avoid global shocks altogether is next to impossible. However, armed with the right information about emerging threats and the impact they could have puts our clients in a much stronger position to mitigate or respond effectively, rather than simply reacting. This can supply a significant competitive advantage.

Delivered via an intuitive map based website, which draws on risk information and analysis from a variety of sources around the world, including government, NGOs, commercial and academic. Alert:24’s sophisticated information and intelligence feeds help clients identify their exposures and match them to their risk appetite. Our analysts are also available for more detailed and bespoke intelligence consultancy work.

Early warning systems give our clients the time and space to monitor risks, develop plans and exploit opportunities with greater confidence, all whilst delivering the highest levels of care for your people. The website also features a suite of travel advice products.

pReVentUnderpinning everything that we do is the expert advice and assistance that we provide our clients through our team of risk professionals.

Our consultancy team has a broad range of experience including backgrounds in the Metropolitan Police Special Branch, the United Nations (UN), the Special Air Service Regiment (SAS) and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) as well as having significant experience in commercial organisations. Drawing on their knowledge, experience and expertise, our consultancy team works with clients to develop and improve security techniques and reduce risk exposures. Our training and consultancy packages are always tailored to suit our clients but can include pre-incident risk and crisis management training, instruction on evacuation and advice on working in hostile environments.

By partnering with our clients and working with them in high-threat environments, we can educate your workforce and help protect your employees all around the world, wherever you operate.

ReSponDWhilst our goal is to mitigate risk wherever possible, there will always be situations when a coordinated response is required. Staffed 24/7 by experienced Risks Professionals, the Alert:24 Operations Centre offers a single point of contact for practical, hands on assistance and support to help clients respond when disaster strikes, wherever it occurs. During any incident or crisis the Operations Centre acts as a coordination and management centre bringing together the most relevant and effective resources from our global network of providers to ensure that our clients achieve the most appropriate and timely solutions.

contactS:Doug milne gareth batemenChief Executive Officer Respond Manager Telephone: +44 (0)20 7088 9109 Telephone: +44 (0)20 7088 9130 Email: milned@scr-ltd.co.uk Email: gareth.bateman@alert-24.co.uk

Who We aReSCR has been assisting clients in the insurance and management of kidnap and other types of extortion, political evacuation events, risk mitigation and general security for over 30 years, more recently expanding into Piracy. With a substantial market share, SCR is the recognised leader in this field.

SCR provides both in-house security risk management and financial protection solutions to corporations and high-net worth individuals. Our expert team of security professionals help clients mitigate risks and prepare for incidents. We work with the leading Insurers and Crisis Response Consultants to ensure our clients have access to the best products and services at competitive premiums.

Alert:24 is a client service offering from Special Contingency Risks Ltd which is a Lloyd’s Broker, authorised and regulated by the financial services authority.