Special Education and Choice Scholarships Presented by INPEA and IDOE April 9, 2014.

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Special Education and Choice Scholarships

Presented by INPEA and IDOE

April 9, 2014

Agenda• Introductions• Understanding the Law and Rules• Special Ed Basics• Selecting Providers/Informing Parents• Assurances• CSEP• Parental Involvement• Reporting• Working with your LEA• Calendaring & Timelines• Special Ed Voucher Payment Process• Accountability

The LawWho is eligible?

• The individual is:

– a child with a disability who requires special education and for whom an individualized education program has been developed under IC 20-35 or a service plan developed under 511 IAC 7-34; and

– a member of a household with an annual income of not more than two hundred percent (200%) of the amount required for the individual to qualify for the federal free or reduced pricelunch program.

The LawServices and Funding

• In addition, if the eligible choice scholarship student has been identified as eligible for special education services under IC 20-35 and the eligible school provides necessary special education or related services to the eligible choice scholarship student, any amount that a school corporation would receive under IC 20-43-7 for the eligible choice scholarship student if the eligible choice scholarship student attended the school corporation.

• Notwithstanding 511 IAC 7-34-1(d)(4), a public school is not required to make available special education and related services to an eligible choice scholarship student who receives funds under section 4(2) of this chapter.

The LawServices and Funding

• If an eligible choice scholarship student:(1) who attends school at a choice scholarship school; and(2) who is eligible to receive special education funds under IC 20-43-7;

chooses to receive special education services at a school corporation required to provide special education services to the eligible choice scholarship student under 511 IAC 7-34-1, the special education funds under IC 20-43-7 for that student will be made available to the school corporation where the student receives special education services.

The Rule• Special Education Services

– Will the choice school provide?– Informing parents of the special education and related

services the choice school makes available

• Parent selection of special education service provider– Prior to submitting Choice Scholarship application, the

parent must select either the Choice school or the LEA as their service provider

– The selection is valid for one year

The Rule• Creating a Choice School Education Plan (CSEP)

– Meet with parents “within a reasonable time after the choice scholarship student enrolls. . .”

– Determine student’s special education needs– Develop a CSEP

•Parent’s written consent required to implement the CSEP

•Parent may revoke consent at any time

•Reconvening meetings to talk about or revise the CSEP

•Parent request for reevaluation

The Rule• Formal Complaint process

– Complaint resolution by Choice School– Formal investigation by IDOE

• Request for student records– 10 business days to provide– Exception for breach of contract situations

• Choice School Assurances

• LEA responsibilities

• IDOE onsite reviews

Special Education Basics• Article 7

• Child Find and Evaluations

• Eligibility Categories

• Special Education and Related Services

• IEPs - ISPs – CSEPs

• LEA Consultation with nonpublic schools

• Federal and state funding for special education and related services

Eligibility Categories• Level 1:

– Autism Spectrum Disorder, Deaf-blind, Emotional Disability (full-time), Deaf/Hard of Hearing, Severe Cognitive Disability, Multiple Disabilities, Orthopedic Impairment, Traumatic Brain Injury, Blind or Low Vision

• Level 2:– Emotional Disability (all other), Specific Learning Disability, Mild

Cognitive Disability, Moderate Cognitive Disability, Other Health Impairment.

• Level 3:– Language or Speech Impairment

Service/Education Plans• IEP (Individualized Education Program)

– Services provided by the LEA for students enrolled in the public school

• ISP (Individual Service Plan)– Services provided by the LEA for students enrolled in

the non-public schools• CSEP (Choice School Education Plan)

– Services provided by the non-public school for choice scholarship students who select the non-public school as their service provider.

(State APC dollars included in scholarship)

Helping Parents Make Informed Decisions

• Annually, at the time of enrollment in the Choice Scholarship Program, schools must inform parents about what special education and related services that both the LEA and the Choice School can provide their child so that parents can make informed decisions about service providers.

• Unless parents revoke the consent given to the Choice School, the selection is for the entire school year.

• “Say what you do and do what you say!”

Choice School Education Plan (CSEP)

• Within a reasonable time after the choice scholarship student enrolls in the choice school, the choice school shall convene a meeting with the parent of the choice scholarship student and school staff to determine the choice scholarship student’s special education and related service needs

• Develop a Choice School Education Plan (CSEP) for the choice scholarship student.– The CSEP shall be in writing and, at a minimum, include the following

components: • Measurable goals. • Information on how the student’s progress will be monitored and how parents

will be informed of the progress. • Accommodations that the choice school will provide to the student, including

accommodations needed for the student to participate in statewide assessments. • The length, frequency, and duration of the special

education and related services to be provided.

CSEP School Year: Click here to enter text. IEP Meeting Date: Click here for drop-down calendar.

Student Data Student: Click here to enter student name. Birth Date: Click here to enter

birth date. School: Click here to enter school name. Grade: Click here to enter grade. General Education Teacher: Click here to enter Gen Ed Teacher Name. Resource Teacher: Click here to enter your name. Present Levels of Performance Testing Date: Click here for drop-down Calendar.

Instrument: Click here to enter text.

Evaluator: Click here to enter text.

Grade Equivalency Standard Score Percentile Rank Reading Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Mathematics Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Written Language Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text.

Instructional Reading Level: Click here to enter text.

Instructional Math Level: Click here to enter text.

Relative Strengths: Click here to enter text. Relative Weaknesses: Click here to enter text. Placement & Services Special Education Designation: Click here to enter text. Range of Time (minutes per week): Click here to enter text. A. Direct Services: Click here to enter text if necessary. Goals attached B. Support Services: Click here to enter text if necessary. Assisted Support: Supplemental Support: Goals attached

C. Consultation Services: Click here to enter text as necessary. D. General Education Accommodations & Modifications: Click here to enter text as necessary. Accommodations/Modifications Sheet attached E. Additional Services: Click here to enter text as necessary. Consent: I agree with this CSEP and the attached goals and objectives. _______________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ Parent Signature Date Student Signature Date

_______________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ Parent Signature Date Resource Room Teacher Signature Date

_______________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ General Education Teacher Signature Date Other Date

_______________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ School Principal Date Other Date

Choice School Education Plan• The CSEP shall include statements to inform the parents of the following:

– The parent must provide written consent in order for the choice school to implement the CSEP.

– The parent may revoke consent at any time by providing a signed written statement revoking such consent.

– Revocation of consent encompasses the entire CSEP. – Upon receipt of the written revocation, the choice school will stop implementing

the CSEP. – A parent may request a meeting at any time to review the CSEP. The choice

school shall convene a meeting to review the CSEP within a reasonable time after receiving the request.

– For any choice scholarship student returning to the choice school, the student’s previous year’s CSEP shall be reviewed at the beginning of the school year to inform the planning and development of a CSEP for the current school year.

– The choice school shall provide the parent of with a copy of the CSEP.

– The choice school shall implement the CSEP as written.

Choice School Education PlanRevocation

– At any time after the parent gives consent for implementation of the CSEP, the parent may revoke that consent by submitting a signed written statement to the choice school revoking the consent.

– A parent’s revocation of consent encompasses everything included in the CSEP.

– The choice school shall terminate special education and related services upon receipt of the parent’s written revocation and is not required to provide special education and related services for the remainder of the school year.

– Upon the choice school’s receipt of the parent’s revocation of consent, the choice school shall immediately: (1) provide written notice to the school corporation within whose boundaries the choice school is located that the student’s scholarship is no longer funded pursuant to IC 20-51- 4-4(2); and (2) provide the school corporation with a copy of the student’s CSEP. (h) Not later than ten (10) instructional days from the date the school corporation receives the written notice described in (g), the school corporation shall convene a case conference committee meeting and develop an individual service plan in accordance with 511 IAC 7-34-5.

Parental Involvement

• Partnering with parents in serving their children– Providing information regarding service provider

selection– Consulting on student’s needs and CSEP

development– Ongoing communication on CSEP

implementation– Consent and Revocation


• Special Education for Vouchers (DOE-SV) – December 1 and April 1

• Special education assurances (IDOE)– Annual

• Service provider designation (STN) – Annual

Choice School Assurances(1) The choice school will inform the parent of special education and related services available from the choice school so that the parent is able to make an informed choice as to who will provide the special education and related services to the student.

(2) The choice school and the parent will collaborate to develop the student’s choice school education plan.

(3) The Choice School Education Plan will be in writing and will be implemented only upon the parent’s written consent to the Plan.

(4) The choice school will inform the parent of the consent requirement, the parent’s right to revoke that consent, and the consequences of revoking consent.

(5) The choice school will provide student progress reports as described in the Choice Scholarship Education Plan.

Working with your LEA

• Consultation

• Child Find

• Service delivery designation for Choice Scholarship students– Students moving back and forth (falling through the


• Service Delivery for non-choice students

• Reevaluation

Calendaring & Timelines• Voucher School Assurances (time of reapplication)

Sept. 1– General and Special Education

• Provider Designation (at the time of voucher application/reapplication) Sept. 1

• Endorsement Forms (3 weeks prior to payment)• CSEP Development and Implementation• Special Ed student count (SV) (Dec. & Apr.)• On site compliance visits (spring)

Special Ed Voucher Payment Process

• Based on 3 tiered eligibility categories • Special Ed Count (SV) – December• Conflict resolution: Jan-Feb• Endorsement Forms (3 wks. prior to payment)• Special education voucher payment:

end of February • Second semester regular voucher payment: end of


Funding (APC)If a parent designates the non-public school as the service provider:

(1) The nonduplicated count of pupils in programs for severe disabilities multiplied by eight thousand three hundred fifty dollars ($8,350).

(2) The nonduplicated count of pupils in programs for mild and moderate disabilities multiplied by two thousand two hundred sixty-five dollars ($2,265).

(3) The duplicated count of pupils in programs for communication disorders multiplied by five hundred thirty-three dollars ($533).

Chat Questions???

Follow-up: Written FAQ

Questions and Comments

Contact Information

Becky Bowman, State Director of Special Education


Fatima Carson, Choice Specialist


John Elcesser, Executive Director, INPEA
