Spectrophotometric Determination of Hydrogen Sulfide

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  • 8/20/2019 Spectrophotometric Determination of Hydrogen Sulfide



    A N A L Y T I C A L C H E M I S T R Y

    sponsorship of the Bureau of Ships, Navy Departmen t, which

    initiated this investigation. Thanks ar e expressed to James

    McCambridge and Leonard Zoole, under whose supervision this

    work was conducted, for their continued interest.

    The views expressed by the authors are their own and are not

    to be construed as representing the official views of t he Navy

    Department. RECEIVEDeptember






    of Ships,

    Navy Department,

    ~ p e c i f i c a t i o n 1-S-47(IXTT)



    J. D.,


    H. W.,

    and Frevel,


    K., ISD. ENG.

    (Oct .

    1, 1947).

    C H E Y . ,ANAL.


    467-513 (1938).

    Spect rophotomet r ic e terminat ion

    o f

    Hydrogen Sulf ide

    Methylene Blue Method

    J A J l E S


    Southern California Gas Company, Los Angeles, Calif.

    Hydrogen sulfide is absorbed from gases and precipitated as zinc sulfide. The

    precipitate is then redissolved and allowed to react with p-aminod imethy laniline


    the presenceof ferric chloride. The optical density of the resulting methylen e

    blue solution is measured at 670-millimicron wave length and the corresponding

    quantity of sulfide is read from a previously prepared calibration curve. The

    method is sensitive to about 3 micrograms and the range up to about




    The procedure is convenient for occasional as well as frequent use.

    HE determination of hydrogen sulfide in gases has usually

    T een accomplished by iodometric methods 2 , 6 ) . These give

    accurate results on appropriate samples but ar e often too insensi-

    tive for samples containing very lit tle hydrogen sulfide. A much

    more sensitive method is th at of Field and Oldach S ) , n which the

    sulfide is converted to bismuth sulfide which is determined photo-

    metrically while in suspension. This method, although very

    sensitive (1.4 micrograms), is not well suited for the occasional

    user, because very rigid control of technique is said to be neces-

    sary and all solutions must be protected against oxygen.

    The method described herein is a refinement of the methylene

    blue method 1, 5,

    7 ) .

    The technique has been improved by use

    of opt imum conditions for the principal reaction and by applying

    modern spectrophotomet ry to t he measurement of concentration.

    The manipulation is simple and the results are not affected by

    minor variations. Th e method has been in successful use in the

    form given for several pears.

    The hydrogen sulfide is absorbed from


    stre am of gas in a


    pension formed by adding sodium hydroxide to a solution of zinc

    acetate. The stripped gas is then suitably metered. The suspen-

    sion then containing the absorbed sulfide as zinc sulfide is treate d

    with a n acid solution of p-aminodimethylaniline, followed by the

    addit ion of a small amo unt of ferric chloride solution. Bfter time

    has been allowed for the formation of the methylene blue, the

    solution is diluted in


    volumetric flask and an aliquot is trans-

    ferred to the spectrophotometer for measurement. The corre-

    spondin quan tity of sulfide is then determined from a previously

    preparef calibration curve, plotted from similar measurements

    on methylene blue solutions prepared in the same manncr with

    known amounts of sodium sulfide


    hydrogen sulfide.

    The method is sensitive to abou t 3.5 micrograms of sulfide when

    used as given. Greater sensitivity could be obtained fairly easily

    by appropriate reductions in the volumes of solutions used. The

    upper limit of the method as given is abou t 500 micrograms. The

    1 Present addreas, Chemistry De part men t, University of Southern Cali-

    fornia, Los Angeles, Calif.

    precision at such high concentration is somewhat poorer than a t

    abo ut 100 to 200 micrograms, where it is *3%.


    The list of appar atus includes the items necessary for taking

    two samples simultaneously and thereafter treating them con-


    Two 250-ml. coarse sintered-glass type gas washing bottles.

    (Those made by Corning Glass Works are suggested.)

    Two test meters, either wet


    dry type.

    One pipet, 25-ml.

    Two pipets, 5-ml.

    One graduated cylinder, 250-ml.

    One glass tubing cross, 8-mm.

    Three tubing clamps, screw type .

    Ten mete rs of 7-mm. Tygon tubing.

    Three volumetric flasks, 250-ml.

    One spectrophotometer or filter photometer.


    KO special care need be take n in the preparat ion of th e rea-

    gents. Deviations up to 5y0 in the concentrations given are al-

    lowable. If the diamine used produces a dark colored solution, a

    fresh supply should be obtained.

    Zinc acetate, c.P.


    solution in distilled Kater.

    Sodium hydroxide, c.P. 12y0 olution in distilled water.

    Ferric chloride, c.P. 0.023 molar solution in 1.2 molar hydro-

    chloric acid.

    gram in


    ml. of


    molar hydrochloric acid.

    p-Aminodimethylaniline sulfate, Eastman white label, 0.5


    A dual sampling procedure in which two samples are obtained

    simultaneously is recommended.

    The absorption should be done


    possible directly at the source. Gas samples brough t into the

    laboratory in metal or rubber vessels usually give low results due

    to th e reaction of hydrogen sulfide with the metal


    its oxide or to

    its solubility in rubber. The pressure at the source must be at

  • 8/20/2019 Spectrophotometric Determination of Hydrogen Sulfide


    V O L U M E 2 1 N O . 6, J U N E 1 9 4 9

    least 50 mm. of mercury above atmospheric


    a pump must be

    used t o draw the sample through th e absorption bottle.

    One arm of a glass cross is connected to t he source with Tygon

    tubing. A 5-cm. length of t ubing is attached t o another ar m and

    a screw clamp is placed on th e tubing. Each absorber is then

    charged with 130 ml. of 1% zinc acetate solution an d 5 ml. of 12%

    sodium hydroxide solution, and the solutions are mixed by swirl-

    ing. The parts of the bottles are assembled with petrolatum and

    fastened with rubber bands. The inlets of the bottles are con-

    nected t o the remaining arms of the cross and screw clamps are

    placed on the connecting tubing. A test meter is then connected

    to t he outlet of each absorber.

    M'ith all screw clamps open, the gas is turne d on a t th e source

    a t a rate considerably in excess of the sampling rate. Then the

    clamp on t he bleeder arm is slowly closed until gas passes through

    the gas washing bottles at a ra te of about 170 liters per hour ( 6

    cubic feet per hour). The rates through the two bottles may be

    equalized by adjusting the screw clamps on the connecting tub-

    ing. The amoun t of sample to be take n should be th at which

    will conta in betiveen 35 and 350 micrograms. Where it is neces-

    sary to use samples smaller than 50 liters, the sampling rate

    should be reduced correspondingly.

    If the method is being used to determine the amount of hydr o-

    gen sulfide resulting from th e conversion of oth er sulfur com-

    pounds to hydrogen sulfide for analysis 4),nly one gas washing

    bottle is used and the test meter can be replaced by a simple



    After the sample has been passed through the gas-washing bot-

    tle, the inlet and outle t of t he bottle a re closed by slipping the

    ends of a 25-em. length of tub ing over them. Jus t before begin-

    ning the methylene blue reaction the temperatu re of the bottle

    and contents is adjusted to 24 3 C.; the temperature of the

    diamine reagent should be similarly adjusted. Then the top of

    the gas-washing bottle is rai;ed and


    ml. of diamine reagent are

    pipetted int o the bottle. The bottle is closed quickly and the

    contents are sni rled until all the precipitate is dissolved. Then

    by alternately applying slight pressure and suction on the inlet,


    small amount of the solution is forced back and forth through the

    sinter in order to dissolve any zinc sulfide that may have concen-

    tra ted there. When all the sulfide is dissolved, the top is again

    raised and 5 ml. of ferric chloride reagent are pipetted into the

    bott le, followed by mixing as before. The use


    pipets designed

    forsho rt delivery time rat her t han great accuracy is recommended.



    I .

    Specimen Calibration Data

    (Coleman Universal spectrophotometer, wave length




    M I .

    Optical Density

    Sulfide Inserted,

    6 4 . 8

    6 4 . 5



    2 59




    0 2 1

    0 .22




    0 .82

    1 .12

    1 .16

    After the closed bottle is allowed to stand for


    minutes the blue

    solution is transferred to a 250-ml. volumetric flask and diluted t o

    the mark with distilled water. Before the optical density is meas-

    ured, the solution should be allowed to stand at least 20 minutes

    but not more th an 20 hours in a place out of direct sunlight.

    A blank solution is made by mixing the same amoun ts of th e

    four solutions used above in a 250-ml. volumetric flask and dilut-

    ing to 250 ml. with distilled water. This solution should be al-

    lowed to age for about 30 minutes before use in the spectropho-

    tome ter; the solution may be stored for several days in a dark


    dimly lighted place.

    The optical density


    transmit tanc e of th e test solution is de-

    termined by making the initial adjust ment of the instrum ent

    while the cell is filled with the blank solution. Sorma lly, an d for

    highest sensi tivi ty, the measurements are made with light of 670-

    millimicron nave length. Light of 750-millimicron wave length

    may be used if t he solution is unusually opaque.



    the measurem ent of th e optical density of th e test solution is

    to be useful, a calibration curve must be prepared by making up

    several standards in the manner described above but using care-

    fully measured quan titi es of sodium sulfide solution



    sulfide in place of th e sample.


    solution of sodium sulfide con-

    taining about 20 micrograms of sulfur per milliliter is sati sfacto ry.

    The lumps of sodium sulfide should be thoroughly washed imme-

    diately before making the solution, in order to remove any


    dium sulfite. Oxvnen-free distilled water should be used in mak-

    W VE


    Figure 1.

    Transmittancy of Methylene Blue Solution


    microgram. of


    i n 250 m l .

    Spectral band width, 2 to 3 millimicrons.

    Cell thickneae, 1.00 cm


    ing the solution. The solution is standa rdized

    iodometrically. Care must be taken throughout

    the preparation of the standa rds

    t o

    protect the

    sodium sulfide solution from more than a mini-

    mum am ount of contact with oxygen.

    The calibration is completed bv measuring

    the optical densities of the standard methylene

    blue solutions and plotting the values obtained

    against the corresponding mass


    sulfide used

    in preparing the 250-ml. solution. The result-

    ing curve should be nearly linear in the lower

    half of the useful range of concentrations. Speci-

    men calibration data are given in Table



    made the calibration may be used indefinitely.

    Data should be obtained at 670 millimicrons and

    also if possible at


    and 750 millimicrons. The

    apparent peak absorption wave-length may vary

    somewhat from 670 millimicrons when instru-



    low spectral purity are used. For


    ample, with the Coleman Universal spectro-

    photometer the apparent peak is at 650 milli-

    microns; this is apparently due to this instru-

    ment's band width


    about 35 millimicrons.

    The absorption spectrum for a methylene blue

    solution compared to a blank solution with


    Beckman Model


    spectrophotometer using a

    to 3

    millimicron band width is shown in Figure



    The amount


    methylene blue finally formed

    in the reactions involved is a function of the tem-

  • 8/20/2019 Spectrophotometric Determination of Hydrogen Sulfide



    A N A L Y T I C A L C H E M I S T R Y

    Table 11. Effect of Temperature on Yield of Methylene

    Temp erat ure, C. 5 20 25 30 40 5 5 75

    Relative yield, 76 99 100 98 79 64 43






    Acid Concentration of Diamine

    Reagent on Optical Density of Methylene Blue Solutions

    Mola rity (HC1) of

    Optical density at

    diamine reagent' 2 4 5 5 . 5 6 7

    8 10

    660 millimicrons 0.33

    0 . 66

    0.69 0 .71 0 .70 0 . 66

    0 . 6 3


    a -411solutions contained 222 micrograms of sulfide per 250 ml.

    perature and other variables.

    A t

    higher temperatures the reac-

    tion is rapid but greater amount s of hydrogen sulfide escape from

    the acid solution into th e vapor space of the gas-washing bo ttle

    before reacting; a t low temperatu res little hydrogen sulfide

    escapes bu t th e methylene blue reaction becomes

    so slow

    tha t side

    reactions occur to a greater extent . Th e over-all effect of tempera-

    ture on the relative yields of methy lene blue fromide ntical reaction

    mixtures is shown in Table


    Fortunately, the maximum yield

    occurs at ab out 24 C. and a reasonable tolerance may be allowed.

    Th e effect of final acid concentration on the optica l density of

    a methylene blue solution formed from a given amo unt of hydro-

    gen sulfide




    preparing the solutions



    scribed above bu t with diamine reagents of various acid concen-

    trations. All the solutions contained 222 micrograms of sulfide

    per 280 ml.; the results are given in Table


    Th e effect is be-

    lieved to be due largely t o the influence of acidity on the absorp-

    tion spectrum of methylene blue rather tha n to influence on the

    yield of the reaction.

    When the di amine reagent is added to the suspension contain-

    ing zinc sulfide, hydrogen sulfide is formed. Some of i t escapes

    into the vapor space of th e bottle and is lost. The amount which

    escapes is a function of t he solubili ty and the to tal amount pres-

    ent . When only small amount s of sulfide were present no hydro-

    gen sulfide was detectable over the solution an d this was arbitrar-

    ily assumed to indicate complete conversion

    t o

    methylene blue.

    Then solutions were prepared with greater amounts of sulfide and

    these solutions were diluted with blank solution sufficiently so

    that the diluted solution should have corresponded to the one in

    which complete conversion was assumed.

    Invariably the optical

    densities of the dilu ted solutions were found to be less than t hat


    the reference solution, indicating a loss.

    The results of these ex-

    periments are given in Table


    Because corresponding losses

    occur in preparing the calibration curve, this effect is not consid-

    ered to be important for methylene blue solutions representing

    less than


    micrograms of sulfide in 250 ml. of solution.


    effect accoun ts for the deviation of the calibration curve from

    Beer's law.



    Recovery of Hydrogen Sulfide as Rlethylene


    Sulfide inserted,

    microgr ams 35 122 243 366 487 610 730 855

    Recovery, 100 99 98 97 96 94 88 80

    The reaction time of


    minutes allowed in the procedure in-

    cludes a considerable safety factor. Periodic determinations of

    the opt ical density of a solution during the reaction period indi-

    cated tha t the reaction


    just completed after




    no further increase in the opt ical density was detected afte r 10

    minutes. After about


    hours a decrease due

    t o

    fading may be-

    gin to be measurable.





    J . Am . Chem.


    47, 1381 (1925).

    (2) Calif. Natural Gasoline Assoc.. Los Angeles, Calif., Determina-

    tion of

    Hydrogen Sulfide in Natural Gas, Bull. TS

    413, 1943.


    Field and Oldach, IND.KG. H E X . ,

    N ~ L .






    Fog0 and Popowsky,

    ATAL.C H E M . 1,734 (1949).

    5 ) Mecklenburger and Rosenkranzer,

    2 . anorg. Chem. 86, 143

    (6) Shaw, ISD.ENG.HEM

    N A L .






    Sheppard and Hudson,

    I b id . 2, 73 (1930).


    RECEIVE D ugust 30, 1948.

    onversion of Sulfur ompounds t Hydrogen


    n Ai r, Fuel

    G a s , or


    JAMES K. FOG01



    Southern California Gas Com pany,


    Angeles, Calif.


    sulfur content of fuel gases is usually determined either


    y oxidation


    by hydrogenation. Oxidation methods



    I O 11)

    are capable of accurate results on gases conta ining

    as lit tle as 114 micrograms of sulfur per cubic meter (0.005 grain



    cubic feet), but the technique is cumbersome and the

    apparatus is likely to be capricious.

    Hydrogenation methods

    2 ,


    , 9)

    have some advantages but are limited in scope by the

    interference of oxygen, which is plentiful in certain types of gases.

    Even the oxidation methods cannot be applied to explosive



    nonflammable gases.


    method that can be used

    on any mixture


    air and fuel gas became necessary


    this labo-

    ratory in order

    t o

    determine whether the natu ral gas present in

    1 Present address, Chemistry ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t ~ ~ ~ t ,niversity of southern tali-

    Soil gases


    th at normally present in the soil of certa in areas

    or leakage from gas distribution lines which carry natural gas



    Angeles, Calif.