SPEECH DAY - Diocesan Girls' School day/Speech Day Booklet.pdf · DIOCESAN GIRLS' SCHOOL SPEECH DAY...

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Friday, 15th November 2019

5:30 p.m.

in the


** For the electronic copy of the Speech Day Booklet, please refer

to the School Homepage (http://goo.gl/xgQgZ4)

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Opening Prayer by the Revd Alex McCoy

Address by the Headmistress

Address by

Professor Sydney S.C. Chung

Former Dean

Faculty of Medicine

The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Presentation of Prizes and Certificates


Mrs. Doris Ho, JP

Supervisor, Diocesan Girls’ School


The Right Revd Andrew Chan

Bishop, Diocese of Western Kowloon

Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui (Anglican-Episcopal)

Chairman, the Council of the Diocesan Girls’ School


Professor Sydney S.C. Chung

Vote of Thanks in English by Fong Sin Hang Jada, Head Girl (2018-19)

Vote of Thanks in Cantonese by Mak Chiu Ki Astor, Deputy Head Girl (2018-19)

Vote of Thanks in Putonghua by Fung Wai Yee Queenie, Head Girl (2018-19)

School Hymn

Benediction by the Right Revd Andrew Chan

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Our Father, by whose servants

Our House was built of old,

Whose hand hath crowned her children

With blessings manifold,

For thine unfailing mercies

Far-strewn along our way,

With all who passed before us,

We praise thy name today.

The changeful years unresting

Their silent course have sped.

New comrades ever bringing

In comrades’ steps to tread;

And some are long forgotten,

Long spent their hopes and fears;

Safe rest they in thy keeping,

Who changest not with years.

They reap not where they laboured,

We reap what they have sown;

Our harvest may be garnered

By ages yet unknown.

The days of old have dowered us

With gifts beyond all praise;

Our Father, make us faithful

To serve the coming days.

Before us and beside us,

Still holden in thine hand,

A cloud unseen of witness, Our elder comrades stand:

One family unbroken,

We join, with one acclaim,

One heart, one voice uplifting,

To glorify thy name.

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SCHOOL COUNCIL (2018-2019)

Chairman: The Rt. Revd Andrew Chan

Vice-Chairman: The Revd Alex McCoy

Members: Mrs. Doris Ho, JP (Supervisor)

Mrs. Stella Lau, SBS, JP (Headmistress, DGS)

Mrs. Annie Lee (Headmistress, DGJS)

Mrs. Josephine Chang (Hon. Treasurer)

Mrs. Sheilah Chatjaval

Mr. Ronnie Cheng

Ms. Stephanie Cheung

Mrs. Yvette Ho

Prof. Arthur Li, GBS, JP

Mr. Hardy Lok

Mrs. Ng Saw Kheng

Mrs. Susanna Wong

Mr. Marco Wu, GBS

Ms. Benita Yu

The Hon. Madam Justice Yuen, JA

Mrs. Sherlynn Chan Wong (Chairperson, PTA)

Ms. Yvonne Chan (President, DOGA Ltd.)

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Mrs. S. Lau, SBS, JP, BA, University of Waterloo; MEd

(Counselling), Chinese University of Hong Kong; PCEd,

University of Hong Kong; Dip D'études Françaises

Modernes, University of Geneva; Honorary Fellow, City

University of Hong Kong; Honorary Fellow, Hong Kong

Polytechnic University.

Principal Graduate Master / Mistress:

Mr. S.K. Lam, BSc (Hons), PCEd, University of Hong Kong;

MA (Information Technology in Education), Chinese

University of Hong Kong.

Dr. A. Cheung, BA (Hons), Chinese University of Hong

Kong; PCEd, University of Hong Kong; MPhil, Hong

Kong Polytechnic University; EdD, University of Hong


Acting Principal Graduate Master / Mistress:

Mr. J. Oddie, BSc, King's College London; PCEd, University of

Hong Kong.

Assistant Principal

Mrs. P. Hui, BEd (Hons), Cheltenham & Gloucester College of

Higher Education; TC, Sir Robert Black College of

Education; ACTE (PE), Grantham College of Education.

Senior Graduate Masters / Mistresses I:

Mr. M.H. Au, BSocSc, Chinese University of Hong Kong;

CertEd, University of Hong Kong.

Mrs. C. Chan, BEd (Hons), University of Hong Kong; MA

(Chinese Linguistics), Hong Kong Polytechnic University.

Miss P.M.L. Cheung, BSc (Hons), Chinese University of Hong

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Kong; PGDE, MEd (Science Education), University of

Hong Kong.

Mr. S. Chu, BSc (Hons), University of Manchester; PCEd,

MEd (Administration), University of Hong Kong.

Mr. A. Ebrahim, BA (Hons), University of Pennsylvania;

PGDE, University of Hong Kong.

Mrs. C.P. Ho, BSc (Hons), CertEd, University of Hong Kong;

MSc (Information Technology), University of Edinburgh.

Mrs. K.Y. Lam, BA (Hons), DipEd, MA (Chinese Language and

Literature), Chinese University of Hong Kong.

Mr. J. Ng, BEng (Hons), MPhil (Information Engineering),

Chinese University of Hong Kong; PCEd, University of

Hong Kong.

Mrs. K.L. Shing, BA (Hons), CertEd, MEd (Curriculum Studies),

University of Hong Kong.

Ms. K. Suthiphongchai, TEFL Cert, BSc (Hons), California

State University, Long Beach; MA, Teachers College,

Columbia University; PGDE, University of Hong Kong;

Cert in Student Guidance & Discipline, Hong Kong Institute

of Education.

Mrs. P.S. Tong, BEng (Hons), Chinese University of Hong Kong;

PCEd, MStat, University of Hong Kong.

Acting Senior Graduate Masters / Mistresses I:

Miss N. Kitchell, BA (Hons), University of Keele; MA,

University of Westminister; PGDE, University of Hong


Senior Graduate Masters / Mistresses II:

Mr. H.C. Chan, BEd (Hons), Chinese University of Hong Kong; MEd (Teaching Chinese as a Second Language), Beijing

Language and Culture University.

Mrs. M. Fong, BSocSc (Hons), PCEd, MEd (Educational

Guidance), University of Hong Kong; MCS, Evangel


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Miss B. Lee, BE, University of New South Wales; PCEd, MSc

(Information Technology in Education), University of Hong


Mrs. J. Tang, BSc (Hons), PCEd, MEd (Liberal Studies),

University of Hong Kong.

Miss C. Wong, BA (Hons), PCEd, MEd (Chinese Language

Education), University of Hong Kong.

Mrs. R.L. Wong, BEcon&Fin (Hons), PCEd, University of

Hong Kong; PGDE, Hong Kong Baptist University.

Ms. D. Yeung, BSc, Simon Fraser University; PGDE,

University of Hong Kong.

Graduate Masters / Mistresses:

Mrs. F. Adamson, BA (Hons), University College London;

DipTESOL, Trinity College London; PGCE, University

of Sunderland.

Miss R. Ahuja, BA (Hons), Goldsmiths, University of London;

PGDE, University of Hong Kong.

Miss C. Au, BSocSc (Hons), PGDE, Chinese University of

Hong Kong; MEd (Educational Administration and

Management), University of Hong Kong.

Mr. T. Bugaj, BA, University of Bielsko Biala; MA

(American Studies), Jagiellonian University; PDipES,

University of Hong Kong.

Mr. E. Chan, BA (Hons), University of Sheffield; PGDE,

Chinese University of Hong Kong.

Miss G. Chan, Ontario Certified Teacher; BSc (Hons),

University of Waterloo; MT (Biology and Mathematics

Education), University of Toronto.

Mrs. L. Chan, BA (Hons), MA, Chinese University of Hong

Kong; PCEd, University of Hong Kong.

Ms. O.N. Chan, BA (Hons), MPhil, Chinese University of

Hong Kong; PGDE, Hong Kong Baptist University.

Ms. V. Chan, BSc (Hons), McMaster University; PCEd,

University of Hong Kong; MEd (Educational

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Psychology), Chinese University of Hong Kong.

Mrs. Y. Chan, BSc, University of British Columbia; PGDE,

MEd, University of Hong Kong.

Miss B. Chen, BSc, Peking University; MSc, Beijing

University of Aeronautics and Astronautics; PGDE,

University of Hong Kong.

Mr. L. Cheng, HKICPA, Chinese University of Hong Kong;

PGDE, City University of Hong Kong; MA (Professional

Accounting and Information Systems), Hertford College;

Mphys (Physics), University of Oxford.

Mrs. M. Cheng, BBA (Hons), Hong Kong University of

Science and Technology; PGDE, Chinese University of

Hong Kong.

Miss W. Cheng, BA (Hons), New York University; PGDE,

University of Hong Kong.

Miss P. Cheung, BA (Hons), DipEd, Chinese University of

Hong Kong; BFA (Hons), the Hong Kong Academy for

Performing Arts (Film & TV).

Miss G. Chiang, BA (Hons), Chinese University of Hong Kong;

MMus (Historical Musicology), Royal Holloway,

University of London; PGDE, Hong Kong Baptist

University; LTCL.

Mr. A. Chu, BA (Hons), PGDE, Hong Kong Baptist

University; MA (Chinese Language and Literature),

Chinese University of Hong Kong.

Mrs. A. Chung, BSocSc (Hons), DipEd, Chinese University of

Hong Kong; MSc, University of Oxford; DipCS, China

Graduate School of Theology.

Mr. P. Cortes, BA (Hons), University of North Carolina –

Wilmington; MA (Applied Linguistics and English

Language Teaching), University of Nottingham.

Mr. B. Doherty, BSc (Hons), La Trobe University; PGDE,

University of Hong Kong.

Mr. C.T. Fung, BSc (Hons), University of Hong Kong; DipEd,

MSc, Chinese University of Hong Kong.

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Mrs. J. Fung, BA, University of California, Berkeley; PGDE,

University of Hong Kong

Mrs. M. Galin, MA (Hons), University of Aberdeen; PCEd,

University of Hong Kong.

Mrs. J. Hau, BA (Hons), MA (Chinese Language and Literature),

Chinese University of Hong Kong; PCEd, University of

Hong Kong.

Mr. C.Y. Heung, BA (Hons), MA, Chinese University of

Hong Kong; PCEd, University of Hong Kong.

Miss C. Ho, BA, Charles Sturt University; TC, Northcote College

of Education.

Mr. E. Ho, BSc (Hons), University of Michigan; MSc,

University of California, Berkeley; PGDE, Chinese

University of Hong Kong.

Ms. O. Ho, BA, University of British Columbia; MEd,

University of Hong Kong.

Ms. P. Ho, BEd, University of Wolverhampton; TC, Northcote

College of Education.

Ms. D. Hui, BMus (Performance), University of Wisconsin-Madison ;

PGDE, Hong Kong Baptist University.

Miss R.J. Humphreys, BA (Hons), PGCE, University of


Mr. D. Hyam, BA (Hons), University of Stirling; PGDE,

University of Hong Kong.

Mrs. P. Kam, BA (Hons), Hong Kong Polytechnic University;

MEd (Visual Arts), Hong Kong Institute of Education; TC,

Sir Robert Black College of Education; ATC (Art &

Design), Grantham College of Education.

Miss W. Kong, BA (Hons), MA (Chinese Language and

Literature), PGDE, Chinese University of Hong Kong.

Ms. A. Lai, BSc (Hons), Hong Kong University of Science

and Technology; PGDE, University of Hong Kong; MA

(Translation), Chinese University of Hong Kong.

Mrs. D. Lam, BSocSc, PGDE, Chinese University of Hong


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Mrs. M. Lam, BSc (Hons), PGDE, KPLS, MEd (Liberal

Studies), Chinese University of Hong Kong.

Mr. F. Lau, BEd (Hons), University of Hong Kong; MA (Chinese

Language and Literature), Chinese University of Hong Kong.

Miss J. Lau, BEd, University of Hong Kong.

Miss Z. Law, BA (Hons), CertEd, MEd (Curriculum Studies),

University of Hong Kong.

Miss J. Lee, BSc, University of Hertfordshire; PGDE (PSHE),

MEd (Educational Studies), HKIed; Adv Dip Geoscience,

University of Hong Kong.

Mr. K.M. Lee, BSc, University of Hong Kong; PGDE, Chinese

University of Hong Kong.

Miss S.A. Lee, BA (Hons), University of Hong Kong; MA

(Literary Studies), Chinese University of Hong Kong;

PGCE, University of Sunderland.

Mrs. H. Leung, BA (Hons), University of Hong Kong; PGDE,

Chinese University of Hong Kong.

Ms. S. Leung, BEd (Hons), Chinese University of Hong Kong;

MSocSc (Counselling), University of Hong Kong.

Ms. Y. Leung, BA (Hons), MEd (Social Science), PCEd,

University of Hong Kong.

Mr. H.Y. Li, BEd (Hons), Hong Kong Institute of Education.

Miss S. Li, BSc (Hons), MPhil, PGDE, University of Hong


Mr. K.C. Lo, BA (Hons), BEd (Hons), MPhil (Chinese

Language and Literature), Chinese University of Hong


Mrs. V. Ma, BA (Hons), MA (Chinese Language and

Literature), PCEd, University of Hong Kong.

Ms. S. Mak, BEng (Hons), PGDE, University of Hong Kong.

Ms. C. Moy, BBA (Hons), Hong Kong University of Science

and Technology; PGDE, Chinese University of Hong Kong.

Mrs. C. Ng, BA (Hons), PGDE, University of Hong Kong; MA

(Chinese Language and Literature), Chinese University

of Hong Kong.

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Mr. M. Nip, BEng (Hons), PGDE, Chinese University of Hong


Dr. M.W. Or, BSc (Hons), PhD, DipEd, Chinese University of

Hong Kong.

Mr. D. Pang, BA (Hons), MA, King's College London;

certTESOL, Trinity College London.

Mrs. R. Santos, BEd (Hons), MEd (Sports Science & Physical

Education), Chinese University of Hong Kong; TC,

Northcote College of Education; ATC (PE), Sir Robert

Black College of Education.

Miss P. Sun, BSc, McGill University; PGDE, Chinese

University of Hong Kong.

Ms. A. Sy, BSocSc (Hons), PGDE, MEd (Educational

Psychology), Chinese University of Hong Kong.

Mr. J. Tam, BEng (Hons), PGDE, University of Hong Kong;

MSc (Math), Chinese University of Hong Kong.

Ms. S.S. Tam, BSc (Hons), MPhil (Chemistry), Hong Kong

University of Science and Technology; PGDE, Chinese

University of Hong Kong.

Ms. K. Tengvall, BEd (Hons), Queensland University of


Mr. J. Turner-Robson, BA (Hons), University of Teesside;

MA (Legal and Political Theory), University College

London; certTESOL, Trinity College London; PGDE,

University of Hong Kong.

Mrs. S.Y. To, BA (Hons), DipEd, Chinese University of Hong

Kong; MEd (Chinese Language Education), University of

Hong Kong.

Mrs. K. Tsang, BBA (Hons), PgDip in Psy, MPhil

(Psychology), PGDE, Chinese University of Hong Kong.

Mr. A. Tsui, BSc (Hons), Hong Kong University of Science

and Technology; MSc, PGDE, Chinese University of

Hong Kong.

Mr. K.H. Wong, BSc (Hons), PGDE, Chinese University of

Hong Kong.

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Miss L. Wong, BBA, PGDE, MA (Sociology), Chinese

University of Hong Kong.

Mr. W.S. Wong, BA (Hons), MA (Chinese Language and

Literature), Chinese University of Hong Kong; PGDE,

MEd (Teaching Chinese as a Second Language),

University of Hong Kong.

Miss T. S. Wun, BA (Hons), MEd, University of Illinois at

Urbana-Champaign; PGDE, University of Hong Kong.

Ms. C. Yam, BA (Hons), PGDE, University of Hong Kong.

Ms. S. Yap, BA (Hons), National University of Singapore;

DipEd, Singapore Institute of Education; MA (Applied

Linguistics), University of Hong Kong.

Ms. E. Yeung, BSc (Hons), PGDE, Chinese University of

Hong Kong.

Mr. R. Yeung, BSocSc, PGDE, University of Hong Kong.

Miss M. Yim, LLB (Hons), University of Greenwich;

certTESOL, Trinity College London; MA (English

Language Studies), Hong Kong Polytechnic University;

PGDE, University of Hong Kong.

Miss C. M. Yip, BA (Hons), Chinese University of Hong Kong;

MA (Chinese Language and Literature), PGDE,

University of Hong Kong.

Ms. P. L. Yip, BEng (Hons), PGDE, Chinese University of

Hong Kong.

Miss G. Yu, BSocSc (Hons), PGDE, Chinese University of

Hong Kong.

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Headmistress’s Report (2018-2019)

Speech Day – 15th November 2019

The academic year 2018-19 was an eventful, vibrant and rewarding

year for all of us at DGS, blessed as we are with God’s abundant

grace and guidance.

In the last academic year, I wish to especially highlight our

achievements in two areas that constitute two of the five pillars of

the DGS education. Firstly, in the area of zealous pursuit of

knowledge, in order to equip students with a better understanding

of the Greater Bay Area region and the varied opportunities that it

offers, girls from different year groups took part in the Greater Bay

Area (GBA) Research Project, which culminated in the very

special GBA Project Presentation-cum-Exhibition Day on 1st

March 2019. The event proved highly successful as parents, alumni

and friends enjoyed viewing the many exhibits that were set up in

booths created by Secondary 1 and 2 students. That day the

Assembly Hall had the semblance of a festive trade fair, with girls

manning colourful booths adorned with posters depicting texts,

photos, statistical charts and tables. Secondary 1 to Secondary 2

girls were extremely keen to share their research findings of the

past six months with our visiting guests, parents and teachers,

while Secondary 3 to 5 students reported their findings through

presentations of their projects to their peers. Students from our

sister schools in the Greater Bay Area, including Guangzhou

Zhixin High School, Zhuhai Number One High School, and Macau

Kao Yip Middle School collaborated with our students to give

presentations in the Auditorium on topics ranging from education

to conservation of water resources. All-in-all, the GBA Research

Project proved a very worthwhile exercise for all students, while

parents and visitors were generally very appreciative of the event,

acknowledging the rich trove of information it provided and its

sound educational value.

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The second area that I would like to highlight is in the area of sports

participation for health. Over the years, our school has always

fervently advocated the participation of our girls in sports, whether

in a competitive setting or a non-competitive one. We recognize

the manifold benefits that sports bring in our girls’ whole-person

development, and it remains a vital pillar of the DGS education. It

is fair to say that much of our school’s strong reputation stems from

our longstanding and successful sporting heritage. Therefore, we

were deeply humbled to learn the decision of the International

Olympic Committee to award our School the Achievement

Diploma in recognition of our outstanding contribution to

promoting the development of women and girls in sports. It is

indeed an honour to have this award bestowed upon us for our

efforts to develop our girls through sports throughout the years.

Armed with this affirmation from the world’s highest sporting

body, we shall continue to honour our legacy to ensure that sports

at DGS remains synonymous with excellence in the years ahead.

Now allow me to give you a report on the daily running of the

school. In addition to the two pillars of the DGS education that I

have mentioned; namely (a) the zealous pursuit of knowledge and

(b) sports participation for health; the philosophy of the DGS

education encompasses (c) music making and the performing arts,

(d) contribution to society through community service, and the

fifth pillar, the main pillar that buttresses all others, (e) spiritual

nurturing. With this guiding pillar, our girls can fully appreciate

their purpose in life, realize their goals and fulfill their calling to

become Women of Excellence under the wings of the Almighty

above. Hence, our aim is to cultivate in our girls the traits of

Steadfastness in Learning, Sensitivity towards Beauty, Stamina in

Sports, Generosity in Service, and to Honour God and Respect


Below is a brief account of the activities undertaken and

achievements attained in the five domains mentioned above.

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Readers may refer to the full electronic reports from the different

departments on our School Homepage at www.dgs.edu.hk.

At this juncture, let me briefly summarise the academic

achievements of our current cohort in public examinations. The

150 girls in the 2018-19 graduating class who sat the HKDSE

attained a total of 173 Level 5**, with 98 % of the subject entries

awarded Level 3 or above. Consequently, 99 % of the girls met

local university entrance requirements. Deserving our heartfelt

congratulations are Chloe Choi Yan Ping and Sze Wan Fong who

are two of the three girls in Hong Kong who received top scores in

all subjects in the 2019 HKDSE Examinations. As for the GCE A

Levels cohort, this is the second cohort of our school to sit the GCE

A Level examinations. I am pleased to announce that four of our

girls were able to score the top A* grade in all the four A Level

subjects they sat, while all members of this graduating A Level

cohort performed admirably this year.

At the local universities, for those who applied through JUPAS, 31

girls went to study Medicine, 3 for Dentistry, and 11 for Law. 12

girls opted for Double Degree Law with Arts/ BBA/ Government

programmes, 6 for IT Information Systems-related courses, while

5 have taken up offers to study Engineering related programmes.

Other girls opted for a diverse range of courses including Actuarial

Science, Biomedical Science, Business and Management, Chinese

Studies, Education, English, Journalism, Mathematics, Nursing,

Physiotherapy, Social Sciences and Speech and Hearing Science.

For girls pursuing the HKDSE curriculum, almost 100% of our

girls who applied overseas received offers of admission. The UK

universities include Cambridge University, Oxford University,

London School of Economics and Political Science, Imperial

College London and University College London, while the US

colleges include Johns Hopkins University, University of

Pennsylvania, Northwestern University and Cornell. Some of our

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girls enjoyed offers from the University of Toronto and University

of British Columbia in Canada, the University of Sydney and

University of New South Wales in Australia, the National

University of Singapore in the Singapore state, and from École

hôtelière de Lausanne in Switzerland. Students pursuing music as

their vocation received offers from world-renowned music schools

including Julliard, Colburn and Bienen School of Music in the

United States and the Royal Academy of Music in the United


As for the A Level cohort, all of our second cohort girls who

applied to local universities through the non-JUPAS channel

received excellent offers from HKU, CUHK, HKUST and CityU.

Programmes offered include Government and Public Administration,

Law, Science, Veterinary Medicine and one leading to the Bachelor

of Engineering in Financial Technology. We congratulate all girls

and wish them all the best as they enter the next stage of their life.

We must note that the achievements of our girls would not have

been possible without the selfless dedication and guidance of our

teachers. I would like to record my appreciation to our teachers for

their willingness and untiring effort to continually update their

skills and pedagogy through attending seminars and courses.

Undoubtedly, their readiness to deliver has enabled our girls to reap

tremendous results in whichever curriculum our girls chose.

School life at DGS is varied and rich. Apart from academic studies,

we encourage girls to develop a healthy balance between active

and quiet pursuits, which they can enjoy throughout life after


In terms of music, locally, our girls continued to take part in the

Hong Kong Schools Music Festival Competitions and Music

Interflows and came first or received Gold Awards in many events.

The annual Concerto Competition saw seven winners selected, and

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they include Elena Vemeer (soprano), Ng Hoi Yin (marimba),

Isabella Qian (flute), Nicole Ng (trumpet), Yip Hiu Tung (piano),

Athena Shiu (violin) and Rachel Wong (trombone).

Our six Choirs, three Orchestras, Concert Band and Guzheng

Ensemble gave performances on different occasions throughout

the year, not to mention those given by our two Madrigal teams,

two Piano Ensembles, three String Ensembles, three Brass

Ensembles, two Wind Quintets, one Erhu Ensemble and a Pipa

Ensemble. In the interest of time, for the full report of the many

events and the results, please refer to the report from the Music

Department on the school homepage.

One noteworthy item I would like to mention is our Concert Band’s

involvement in the 10th Winter Band Festival, in which bands from

all over Southeast Asia took part. Despite taking part in this event

for the first time, our Band was able to capture the Gold Award in

the Senior Division.

Another event of note is when our Symphony Orchestra was

invited by the Education Bureau to represent Hong Kong at the

Sixth National Arts Showcase in Suzhou, China in April 2019. This

event is held once every three years to showcase the best acts from

each province, and parts of it were televised live throughout China.

Led by conductor Mr Leung Kin Fung, our Orchestra gave a

rousing performance for the audience at the Suzhou Poly Grand

Theatre, and later we were happy to learn that the Orchestra was

awarded the First Level Prize for the performance.

In the spirit of “Daily Giving Service”, many musicians continued

to offer voluntary performances at the foyer of Queen Elizabeth

Hospital near our school each month to cheer up those working or

visiting there. Through these and other events, our musicians

honed their skills and gained exposure through performances in

front of eclectic audiences locally and abroad. The appreciation

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they receive through these musical endeavours will doubtless be

something that they will treasure for many years to come.

For the whole school, the Literature Appreciation Project, School

Drama shows, talks on theatrical art and literary study, and Drama

Ensemble Workshops continued to enrich the school life of the

whole community. As part of the Aesthetic Development

curriculum, senior form students were enrolled in workshops in

either English Drama, Chinese Drama, English Musical, Stage

Make-up or Set and Prop Design. They then put what they had

learnt into practice and produced twenty-minute long plays in both

English and Putonghua, as well as a fully-fledged original English

Musical. These mini-productions were then showcased during

Drama Night on 3rd May 2019. By all accounts, the three- hour

show (with intermission) proved to be highly entertaining for

parents, teachers and students.

In debate, different teams took part in many competitions to

provide opportunities for more girls, particularly those in the junior

forms, to gain exposure and experience. This year has been a very

solid year for our debating teams as well as our Model United

Nations (MUN) team. Our debating team took part in the 17th

Senior Hong Kong Schools Debating Championship as well as the

18th Junior Hong Kong Schools Debating Championship and

captured the Championship in both. Natalie Woo joined the Hong

Kong Team and was world-ranked in the World Individual

Debating and Public Speaking Championship in the Persuasive

Speaking category, while Cheng Chun Yan also represented the

Hong Kong Team. The Chinese Debating Team took part in the

2019 Bar Association Debating Competition and was crowned

Champion, with some team members being awarded the title of

Best Speakers in various competition events, including the finals.

Our MUN team took part in different MUN conferences locally

and in Singapore, with many members gaining awards for being

best delegates in their respective fields.

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As we advocate participation in sports for health and a healthy

lifestyle for all our girls, our talented athletes represented the

School to compete in 23 inter-school sports competitions, and

achieved very pleasing results. Our School Teams were

champions in five inter-school sports competitions and the

runner-up in eleven other sports teams competitions. We were

once again Champion in Athletics, Fencing, Swimming, Squash

and Tennis. Indeed the feat accomplished by our Swimming and

Athletics Teams are genuinely remarkable in that these two teams

clinched the Championship for the thirty-first and thirteenth

consecutive year respectively.

Overall, DGS were first runner-up in the BOCHK Bauhinia Bowl

Award while we won the BOCHK Rising Star Award for the tenth

year running. Linna Fan (Fencing), Jenny Wong (Tennis), Wong

Sze Ting (Swimming) and Adele Fung (Squash) won the

Outstanding Student Athlete Award while Audrey Lau received

the BOCHK Rising Star Athlete Award. Seven students received

the Grantham Foundation Fund Outstanding Student Athlete

Awards including Pearlie Chiu (Archery), Happy Cheng

(Badminton), Jeanie Chung (Gymnastics), Ho Nam Wai (Indoor

rowing & Swimming), Cheung Hoi Lam (Life-saving), Justine

Leong (Tennis), and Sharen Hong (Tenpin Bowling). Nori Lam

was one of the recipients of the Ten Sport Excellence Awards

while our swimmer Ho Nam Wai was the SCMP Student

Sportsperson of the Year.

All-in-all, over 30 DGS girls represented Hong Kong to compete

in various international competitions. At the end of the day, the

International Olympic Committee’s Achievement Award is a

fitting tribute to our sports teams’ commitment to excellence over

many years.

The Overseas & Exchange Programmes’ overarching aim is to help

our students develop as versatile, open-minded and globally aware

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citizens. To this end, the team arranged for more than 570 girls to

travel abroad to take part in training, competitions and immersion

programmes in Singapore, Mainland China, Spain, Taiwan, South

Korea and Australia. This year, we played host to around 160

students from our partner schools in Mainland China, Singapore,

Australia, the United States and other local schools in Hong Kong.

The experience that such exchanges provide has proven invaluable

for our girls as they learn the skills of how to graciously host others

and how to handle cultural differences. Locally, we allowed a

select group of girls from two other schools to sample life at DGS

as part of their overall learning experience, and we hope that these

girls will treasure fond memories of once being students at DGS.

With many of our overseas partner schools reciprocating with

visits to DGS, I would like to especially thank our parents for

kindly hosting these overseas students at their homes and offering

them a very warm welcome.

The Other Learning Progammes (OLP), which take place on

designated Friday afternoons throughout the school year, have

broadened our girls’ non-academic learning outside the classroom

and were very well-received by the girls. This year a total of six

new Other Learning Programmes were added for girls to choose

from. They include the Advanced AV Course on Stage Lighting

Design, Sports Injuries and Taping Course, First Aid Basics Course

(with CPR/AED certification), K-Pop Dance Course, An

Introductory Course on Chinese Traditional Medicine and a course

on Understanding High Speed Rail.

With regard to Community Service, our School’s vision of

encouraging, nurturing and cultivating our students to contribute

their service to others within the local and international

communities has remained unchanged since our School’s

inception in 1860. Internally, the Big Sister Programme, which

has been in place for well over a decade, provides a firm bridge of

support and exchange between senior girls and new Secondary 1

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girls joining the School, helping them to adapt to life at DGS.

The opportunities for DGS to serve and live out our motto of

“Daily Giving Service” are vast and diverse, and I invite those

interested in the huge array of programmes and services on offer

to read the report by the Service Team on the school homepage. At

this juncture, I would just mention in passing one service project

that has been in place for some time and a new project that we

introduced this year for the visually impaired. All Secondary 2 girls

take part in the Service Learning Project in collaboration with

various organizations that target the elderly, the mentally

challenged, those suffering from dementia and the visually

impaired. In the project, students run courses for the Elderly

Academy, which include a Guzheng Course, a Cooking Course and

a Food Science course, using the facilities on campus. Feedback

from the elderly on the programme were overwhelmingly positive

and joyful. This year, our students also engaged in a new

collaboration with a social enterprise group called Beyond Vision

Projects to design a Tactile Audio Interaction Systems (TAIS) map

of our campus so that visually impaired guests can “see” the school

campus through their sense of touch and hearing. This

demonstrates a novel way for girls to provide meaningful service

to the visually impaired.

In our provision of spiritual nurturing to honour God and respect

people, activities were organized that instill in our girls Christian

values and sound moral principles. During Morning Assembly,

students and teachers congregated in the Auditorium to start each

day by worshipping God under the overarching theme

‘Encountering Jesus: Knowing God through Jesus Christ’. To

complement our walk with God, Revd. McCoy and his team from

St. Andrew’s Church came on Friday mornings to minister to us

God’s teachings. Christian Youth Fellowship members conducted

weekly meetings during lunchtime on Mondays under the guidance

of our Christian teachers. The Gospel Week was held in October to

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share the Gospel and celebrate the Harvest Festival. This year, our

dedicated old girls continued to bless their Secondary 5 sisters with

a most memorable and enjoyable retreat day camp at St Andrew’s

Church sharing with their younger sisters their wisdom in the

journey of life.

Let me now turn to the progress of construction of the Boarding

House which will provide facilities and ancillary support for up 60

boarders to reside in-situ at the school campus. I am happy to report

that the construction phase of this project, which began in March

2018, is almost complete, and we expect to occupy the site shortly

once the relevant permits are received. The team overseeing the

establishment and management of the Boarding House are now

preparing information regarding application procedures, fees,

boarding arrangements etc.. Once finalized, details will be released

via the school website.

To end this report I would like to once again congratulate all girls

irrespective of their examination results; we are proud of them for

they have been able to improve upon themselves and meet their

individual goals. I think it is important that every student in the

School recognizes that everyone has a combination of abilities and

limitations, and the challenge is to better oneself and surpass one's

own record.

The provision of quality education at our School was made

possible through the support of many members of the DGS family

and I would like to take this opportunity to thank them. I would

like to thank the EDB represented by Mrs. Alice Lo for their advice

and support. To our parents I thank them for their trust in us, which

enabled us to offer their daughters learning opportunities both in

and beyond the formal classroom. We thank the many members of

the Diocesan Old Girls’ Association. They gave us support in a

large variety of ways–career talks, job shadowing, and sponsorship

of scholarships; in fact, in whatever we ask of them. So many old

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girls were so generous with their time that they would always avail

themselves to us. We thank them for their timely help, especially

when we were undertaking projects beyond classroom learning.

At this juncture, I would like to record my gratitude to the

Chairman of the School Council the Rt. Revd Andrew Chan, Mrs.

D. Ho the Supervisor, our Honorary Treasurer Mrs. Josephine

Chang, the Legal Team headed by Ms. Benita Yu, the School

Management Committee, the Building Subcommittee headed by

Mr. Hardy Lok and Mr. M.Y. Wan, and the Repairs and

Maintenance Subcommittee headed by Mr. Marco Wu, for their

valuable guidance and devotion, that helped me in delivering my

responsibilities as Headmistress.

Last but not least, I would like to thank the following members of

staff who had served the school well and left us: Mr. S.K. Lam, our

former Deputy Head, who retired after 30 years of devoted and

unwavering service to the School, as well as Mr. D. Pang, Ms. S.

Leung, Mrs. F. Adamson, Ms. D. Ma and Miss M. Yim. We wish

them all the best in their future endeavours. I hope that the new

members who have joined us will enjoy working with us and find

their job rewarding.

This report would not be complete without expressing thanks to

God, our Heavenly Father, who has throughout the years greatly

blessed our School as we work each day for the betterment of our


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Major Awards and Scholarships (2018-2019)

External Section I Hong Kong Scholarship for Excellence Choi Chloe Yan Ping Gopaoco Ellery Looi Nga Laam Wong Aimee Yin Ting Wong Charlotte Loc-Heng Wong Janus Yeung Man Kei Helen

AmCham Charitable Foundation Lyn Edinger U.S. Studies

Scholarship Looi Nga Laam Yeung Man Kei Helen

The Hong Kong Jockey Club Music and Dance Fund

Ma Cheuk Lam

HarVest Scholarship

Chong Yan Ying

Grantham Scholars of the Year Award 2018-2019

Chan Chit Ying Joanne

Sham Sze Tung Tiffany

AmCham Charitable Foundation Prize Book Award

Mak Chiu Ki Astor

Woo Hay Tong Scholarship

Chang Cheuk Yan

Chan Wing In Anson

Vermeer Elena Yin

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SCMP/HKJC Student of the Year Awards 2018 organized by South China Morning Post and the Hong Kong Jockey Club

Sportsperson: Winner: Ho Nam Wai

Linguist (Putonghua): First Runner-up: Luo Danfangxuan

油尖旺區校長會傑出學生選舉 2018-2019──油尖旺區校長會


油尖旺區傑出學生獎 (高中組):吳家希

油尖旺區傑出學生獎 (初中組):冼家朗

卓越學生領袖選舉 2019──政賢力量主辦






Section II

全港青年中文創作故事比賽(2018-19 年度)──全港青年學藝



全港青年翻譯比賽(2018-19 年度)──全港青年學藝比賽大會





全港青年演講比賽(2018-19 年度)──全港青年學藝比賽大會


初中組 :


- 25 -

2019 第二十五屆聖經朗誦節──漢語聖經協會主辦

中四至中六對誦(廣東話) : 冠軍 : 張琛悅 ˴ 顏恩怡

中四至中六獨誦(廣東話) : 季軍 : 李芷欣


精英賽 : 銅獎 : 趙鈺荃 ˴ 蘇泳潼 ˴ 黃嘉愈

中國語文菁英計劃 2018-2019──中國語文教育研究學會主辦

中國語文菁英銅獎(中學組): 潘昕穎

「一帶一路」綜合能力比賽 ──帶路先鋒籌委會主辦

校際高中組 : 季軍 : 鄭藹瑩 ˴ 王沐昀 ˴ 蔡凱晴

2018-2019 中國中學生作文大賽──香港中華文化促進中心主


高中組 : 恆源祥文學之星提名獎 : 蔡凱晴


高中組 : 金獎 : 關瑋寧

初中組 : 金獎 : 張愷容





高級組:冠軍 : 方善珩

2018-2019年度全港青年學藝比賽 (全港青年演講比賽)──民


粵語初中組季軍 : 高正

第四十三屆全港青年普通話朗誦比賽 (公民教育)──全港青


初中組 : 冠軍 : 羅希堯

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87th China Girls Mathematical Olympiad organized by China

Mathematical Olympiad Committee

Silver Medal: Leung Ka Yan Miko

Secondary School Mathematics & Science Competition 2019

organized by The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Mathematics Medal: Leung Ka Yan Miko

International Mathematical Olympiad Preliminary Selection Contest

- Hong Kong 2019 organized by International Mathematical

Olympiad Hong Kong Committee

Bronze Award: Ng Sze Mai, Leung Ka Yan Miko

Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Mathematical

Olympiad 2019 (Greater Bay Area Region) organized by

Olympiad Champion Education Center

Greater Bay Area Region:

First Class Award: Leung Rachel Wai Ching

Second Class Award: Cheung Chun Yan Alicia, Shek Hei Tung

Hong Kong Region:

First Class Award: Cheung Chun Yan Alicia, Wan Kiu Isabella,

Tsui Vivienne, Leung Rachel Wai Ching

Second Class Award : Lee Ying To, Shek Hei Tung

Hong Kong International Mathematical Olympiad 2019 organized by

Olympiad Champion Education Center

Semi-Final: Silver Award: Leung Rachel Wai Ching

Hong Kong Junior Mathematics Olympiad - National Mathematical

Forum for Youths organized by International Mathematical

Olympiad Hong Kong Committee

Mathematical Modelling Section:

Team: Second

Problem Solving Section:

Team: Third Class Award

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Asia International Mathematical Olympiad Open Contest 2019

organized by Asia International Mathematical Olympiad Union

and Hong Kong Mathematical Olympiad Association

S3 Level: Champion: Ip Tsz Oi

S1 Level: Champion: Chow Tsz Yau

Hong Kong & Macau Mathematical Olympiad Open Contest cum

The Asia International Mathematical Olympiad Open Contest

Trial 2019 organized by Asia International Mathematical

Olympiad Union and Hong Kong Mathematical Olympiad


Overall: Second

Team: S.3 Level: Champion

Team: Senior Level: Champion

Canadian Mathematics Contests organized by Centre for Education

in Mathematics and Computing, University of Waterloo

Cayley Contest: Top Scorer : Tam Hoi Yan, Chu Tsz Wai


Pascal Contest: Top Scorer : Liu Hiu Wai Jasmine

Gauss Contest: Top Scorer : Chow Tsz Yau, Wong Ka Yu, Tan

Yu Yng Lorraine, Wong Hoi Yau Bertha, Chan Jing Jane

「華夏盃」全國數學奧林匹克邀請賽 2019 (全國) 總決賽──


一等獎:蘇泳潼 ˴ 張雋欣

二等獎:唐晞桐 ˴ 陸欣怡 ˴ 楊凱如 ˴ 黃嘉愈


Pui Ching Invitational Mathematics Competition 2019 organized by

Pui Ching Middle School

Silver Award: Chow Tsz Yau, Tam Hoi Yan

Bronze Award: Ip Tsz Oi, Tse Wing Yan, Leung Ka Yan

Miko, Ng Sze Mai

Hong Kong Mathematical Games Open 2019 organized by Hong

Kong Mathematical Olympiad Association

Full Score in Sentinels: Leung Man Sum

Gold Award: Leung Man Sum, Ng Hey

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Silver Award: Fang Samantha Guo Ling

Bronze Award: Lee Ying To, Leung Tiffany Sabrina, Barnett

Maggie Jean

Hong Kong Mathematical High Achievers Selection Contest

organized by Po Leung Kuk and Hong Kong Association for

Science and Mathematics Education

First Class Award: Cheung Chun Yan Alicia

Second Class Award: Ip Tsz Oi, Wong Ka Yu

Third Class Award: Tsui Vivienne

36th Hong Kong Mathematics Olympiad organized by EDB and The

Hong Kong Institute of Education

Second-class Honour: Ho Po Ying, Ng Sze Mai

Third-class Honour: Tse Wing Yan, Leung Ka Yan Miko

The 10th Hong Kong Mathematics Creative Problem Solving

Competition for Secondary Schools organized by EDB

Team: Gold Award

Mathematics Book Report Competition for Secondary Schools 2018-

2019 organized by EDB

Junior Secondary Category:

First Class Prize: Lam Wai Sum

Second Class Prize: So Wing Tung Abby, Yu Sui Ki Rita, Tan

Yu Yng Lorraine

Senior Secondary Category:

Second Class Prize: Ip Tsz Sum

Mathematics Project Competition for Secondary Schools 2018 –

2019 organized by EDB

Team: Second

National Hua Luo Geng Cup Mathematics Competition 2019 (Hong

Kong region) organized by The National Hua Luo Geng Cup

Mathematics Competition Hong Kong Committee

Third Class Award: Wong Ka Yu

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True Light Girls' Invitational Mathematics Contest 2018 organized

by True Light Middle School

Team: Champion


Champion: Leung Ka Yan Miko

First Runner-up: Tam Hoi Yan

JA Company Programme 2018/19 organized by Junior Achievement

Hong Kong


JA Company of the Year: Second

Corporate Sustainability Award


初級組甲項冠軍 : 陳昶晞



青少年創新成果競賽二等獎 : 陳劭頤

Secondary School Mathematics & Science Competition 2019

organized by The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Chemistry Medal: Shek Hei Tung

Robotics Intelligence DIY 2019 organized by Creative Power

Educational Association

Team: First Runner-up

Hong Kong Budding Scientists Award organized by Education


Team: Second

Hong Kong Youth Science and Technology Innovation Competition

2018-2019 organized by Hong Kong New Generation Cultural


Senior Secondary Division: Biology and Health Section:

First Place Grand Award, Outstanding Achievement for Ability

and Creativity in InVitro Biology, Young Scientist of the

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Year: Chan Siu Yee Tania

Hong Kong Student Science Project Competition 2019 organized by

Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups

Scientific Wallchart Division: First Prize : Chan Siu Yee Tania

2018/19 Hong Kong FIRST LEGO League (FLL) Robotics

Tournament organized by The Hong Kong Federation of Youth


Team: Robot Performance Award: 1st Place

International Biology Olympiad - Hong Kong Contest 2018

organized by Education Bureau and Hong Kong Academy for

Gifted Education

Best School Award


First Runner-up: Wong Yuet To

Hong Kong Biology Literacy Award 2018/2019 organized by Hong

Kong Association for Science and Mathematics Education

First Class Honours: Fung Wai Yee Queenie, Ko Yi Lam, Wong

Yuet To

Second Class Honours: Cheng Lok Lam Lorraine, Moy Sze

Wing Clara, Ng Ka Hei, Shek Hei Tung

International Junior Science Olympiad 2019 – Hong Kong Screening

organized by The Hong Kong Academy for Gifted Education, the

Gifted Education Section of the Education Bureau and the Hong

Kong Association for Science and Mathematics Education

First Class Honour: Ip Tsz Oi

Second Class Honour: Chan Tsz Ching

CUHK-Sensetime Secondary Schools Students AI Competition 2019

organized by CUHK Faculty of Engineering

Team: Second Prize

AiTLE InnoSTEMer Camp 2019 organized by AiTLE


Team: Silver Award

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Computer App Programming (CAP) 2019 Competition organized by

The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Junior Secondary Section: Champion: Chan Tsz Ching ECFix ICT Scholarship 2018-2019 organized by E.C. Fix

Technology Limited

Team: Scholarship



Hong Kong ICT Awards organized by the Office of the Government

Chief Information Officer of the Innovation and Technology


Student Innovation Category:

Team: Silver Award

Youreable Fashion Design 2019 Award Care and Chic Fashion

Design Competition organized by The Hong Kong Polytechnic

University Institute of Textiles & Clothing

Champion: Chin Chi Lam Gianna

LCSD Hong Kong Flower Show 2019 Plant Exhibit Competition

organized by Leisure and Cultural Services Department

Section 10 floral Art by School Children:

Third: Heung Ching Tung Sophie

App Jamming 2019 organized by First Code Academy

Team: Grand Prize and Winner of the Secondary Division

Hong Kong Olympiad in Informatics 2018/19 organized by The

Hong Kong Association for Computer Education

Junior Group contest: Bronze Medal: Ng Hannah

「阿爸、阿媽,食飯喇!」Interschool Cooking Competition 2018

organized by PAVAS Education Foundation Limited

Team: First Runner-up

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iFocus@2018 organized by The Chinese YWCA of Hong Kong

Team: Second

2019 National Exhibition for Fine Works of Art, Calligraphy &

Photography of Middle School Students organized by China

Association For Children's Arts

Gold honour award: Cai Rui Zhe


中學組 : 書法銀獎 : 羅希堯

中學組 : 國畫銅獎 : 羅希堯

"愛的印記" organized by the Power of Love

Senior Secondary School Photography Section:

Champion: Ma Yan Ling Madeline

The 48th International Children's Art Exhibition organized by


Bronze Award: Fok Ying Tong Charmaine

The 10th International Talent Competition organized by The

International Association of Cultural Arts Education

Junior Secondary School: Painting: Gold Award:

Cheung Chun Yan Alicia

《基本法》及『一國兩制』漫畫設計比賽 2018──香港青年培


金獎 : 温翹

The 5th Bauhinia Cup National Youth Painting and

Calligraphy Competition organized by Bauhinia Magazine

Hong Kong

Third-class Honour Award: Lau Yan Yin

ICAC iTeen Program organized by ICAC

Team: Gold Award & Best Partner Award

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Section III

BOCHK Rising Star Award 2018-2019 organized by the Hong Kong

Schools Sports Federation

Girls School : Champion

BOCHK Bauhinia Bowl Award 2018-2019

Girls School : First Runner-up

BOCHK Bauhinia Bowl Outstanding Athlete Awards 2018-2019

Fencing : Fan Linna

Squash : Fung Adele On Ying

Swimming : Wong Sze Ting

Tennis : Wong Hoi Ki Jenny

BOCHK Rising Star Athlete Award

Swimming : Lau Ping Yi Audrey

Grantham Outstanding Student Athlete Awards 2018-2019

Archery : Chiu Bui Lam

Badminton : Cheng Sin Yna Happy Serena

Gymnastic : Chung Yan Yuet

Indoor Rowing : Ho Nam Wai

Life Saving : Cheung Hoi Lam

Swimming : Ho Nam Wai

Tennis : Leong Justine Sophie Kwan Tung

Tenpin Bowling : Hong Shek Ning Sharen

Ten Sport Excellence Award : Lam Nori

Inter-school Archery Competition 2018-2019 (HK Island and

Kowloon Regions) organized by Hong Kong Archery Association Team

A Grade : First Runner-up

B Grade : Champion

C Grade : First Runner-up

Individual B Grade : First Runner-up : Chiu Bui Lam Pearlie

C Grade : First Runner-up : Tong Hei Tung

: Second Runner-up : Wai Katarina

- 34 -

Samsung 62nd Festival of Sport - Archery Tournament (Youth

Division) organized by Hong Kong Archery Association


Girls Recurve :

Novice : Second Runner-up: Tong Hei Tung

Junior : First Runner-up: Chiu Bui Lam Pearlie

FLSS Cup - Hong Kong Outdoor Target Archery Age Group

Competition organized by Fanling Lutheran Secondary School

Archery Team

Girls Recurve:

Open Division : First Runner-up : Cheng Pearl Tsoi Wun

Hong Kong Youth Indoor Archery Elimination Tournament 2018

organized by Hong Kong Archery Association

Girls Recurve :

C Grade : First Runner-up : Chiu Bui Lam Pearlie

D Grade : Champion : Tong Hei Tung

1st CUHK Youth Archery Invitational Tournament organized by



C Grade : Second Runner-up


C Grade : First Runner-up : Tse Tze Ching Andrey

Wong Tai Sin Archery Competition 2018/19 organized by Leisure

and Cultural Services Department

Girls Recurve – Novice:

Champion : Cho Sin Ting Athena

Star Archery Invitational Competition 2018 organized by Star

Archery Society

Girls Recurve:

Junior : Champion: Cheung Chun Yan Alicia

Inter-school Athletics Competition (Division 1)

Overall : Champion

A Grade : First Runner-up

B Grade : Champion

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C Grade : Champion


A Grade

100m : Champion : Leung Wing Hei

200m : Champion : Leung Wing Hei

800m : Champion : Chan Ying Sum

Javelin : Champion : Tsui Ka Yan

4400m : Champion : Chen On Yu

Chan Wai Laam

Lau Cheuk Yin Eugenia

B Grade

100m : Champion : Chan Sze Chai

200m : Champion: Chan Sze Chai

100m Hurdles : Champion : Chan Sophie

High jump : Champion : Ko Charis

Javelin : Champion : Wan Pak Hei Chloe

4x100m : Champion : Sham Haley

Chan Sze Chai

Chan Sophie

Lau Wing Yee

C Grade

100m : Champion : Tang Cheuk Man Serena

200m : Champion : Tang Cheuk Man Serena

400m : Champion: Wu Ying Qiao

4100m : Champion: (New Record)

Tang Serena

Tse Hang Ki

Pak Chloe

Chan Hazel

4400m : Champion: Ho Lam Lam

Wu Winky

Lui Rebecca

Sy Yi Yu

All Hong Kong Schools Jing Ying Badminton Tournament organized


Overall : Champion

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Inter-school Badminton Competition organized by HKSSF

Overall : Second Runner-up

A Grade : First Runner-up

B Grade : Second Runner-up

All Hong Kong Schools Jing Ying Badminton Tournament 2018-

2019 organized by HKSSF


Open : Champion : Cheng Sin Yan Happy Serena

First Runner-up : Yeung Sin Kiu


Open : First Runner-up

Inter-school Beach Volleyball Competition 2018-2019 organized by


Overall : Second Runner-up

B Grade : Second Runner-up

Inter-school Basketball Competition 2018-2019 (Kowloon Division

I) origanized by HKSSF

Overall : First Runner-up

B Grade : First Runner-up

C Grade : First Runner-up

Inter-school Cross Country Competition (Division I) organized by


Overall : First Runner-up

B Grade : First Runner-up

C Grade : First Runner-up

Inter-school Dodgeball Competition 2018-2019 organized by

Dodgeball Association of Hong Kong

Team : First Runner-up

10th Hong Kong Inter School Dragon Boat Championships organized

by Hong Kong China Dragon Boad Association

200m Women’s Championship (Standard Boat) : Champion

200m Women’s Championship (Small Boat) : Champion

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Inter-school Fencing Competition organized by HKSSF


Overall : Champion

Epee : Second Runner-up

Foil : Champion

Sabre : Champion

Individual Foil

A Grade : Champion : Fan Linna

: Second Runner-up : Cheung Sin Tung

B Grade : Second Runner-up : Yeung Hoi Ching

Poon Rachel

C Grade : First Runner-up : Sze Yan Chi

: Second Runner-up : Lai Chung Yan


A Grade : First Runner-up : Lau Yuet Yee

: Second Runner-up : Lee Bik Gwan

B Grade : First Runner-up : Poon Hei Wei Hayden

: Second Runner-up : Chan Fai Suen Bernice

C Grade : Second Runner-up : Wong Sze Yan Nicole


A Grade : Champion : Tam Yuen Ning

: First Runner-up : Chan Shut Yan

B Grade : First Runner-up : Cheng Lok Yan

: Second Runner-up : Kwok Yan Kei

Inter-school Handball Competition organized by HKSSF

Overall : First Runner-up

A Grade : Second Runner-up

B Grade : Second Runner-up

C Grade : First Runner-up

All Hong Kong Jing Ying Handball Tournament organized by


Team : Second Runner-up

All Hong Kong Inter-Secondary School Hockey Competition

organized by HKSSF

A Grade : Second Runner-up

B Grade : Second Runner-up

- 38 -

All Hong Kong Inter-Secondary School Life-saving Competition

organized by HKSSF

Overall : First Runner-up

A Grade : First Runner-up

B Grade : Champion

Individual A Grade:

200m Obstacle Swim : Champion : Ho Nam Wai

50m Manikin Carry : Champion : Leung Hui Tung

425m Manikin Relay : Champion : Ng Ka Hang

Yau Sin Lin

Tang Vannessa Yik


Leung Hui Tung

450m Medley Relay : Champion : Chan Sharron

Kwan Sum Yuet

Wong Cho Ying

Ho Nam Wai

B Grade:

200m Obstacle Swim : Champion : Lau Ping Yi Audrey

100m Rescue Medley : Champion : Cheung Hoi Lam

50m Manikin Carry : Champion : Cheung Hoi Lam

100m Manikin Tow with Fins: Champion : Lai Lok Yee

450m Medley Relay : Champion : Wong Sze Ting

Ho Pui Chi

Lau Ping Yi Audrey

Lai Lok Yee

Inter-school orienteering Competition organized by Orienteering

Association of Hong Kong


Overall : First Runner-ip

A Grade : Second Runner-up

B Grade : Champion


B Grade : First Runner-up : Chan Amanda Chun Yi

- 39 -

All Hong Kong Inter-School Rugby Sevens Competition organized

by HKSSF, Rugby Association

AB Grade : Shield Champion

C Grade : Bowl Champion

Inter-school Squash Competition organized by HKSSF

Team : Champion

A Grade : Gold Medalist : Fung On Ying Adele

Silver Medalist : Lee Sum Yuet

B Grade : Bronze Medalist : Fung Ching Hei

C Grade : Gold Medalist : Cheng Pik Ching

: Silver Medalist : Leung Ka Huen

Inter-school Swimming Competition (Division 1) 2018-2019

organized by HKSSF

Overall : Champion

A Grade : Champion

B Grade : Champion

C Grade : Champion


A Grade

100m Free Style : Champion: Wong Cho Ying

200m Free Style : Champion: New Record

Ho Nam Wai

100m Backstroke : Champion : Leung Hui Tung

4x50m Freestyle Relay : Champion : Chan Sharron

Hung Hiu Yan

Yau Sin Lin

Wong Cho Ying

B Grade

200m Freestyle : Champion: Wong Sze Ting

100m Freestyle : Champion : Du Zheng

50m Freestyle : Champion: New Record

Wong Sze Ting

200m Breaststroke : Champion : Lam Hoi Kiu

50m Breaststroke : Champion : Young Sze Ki

50m Butterfly : Champion : Lai Lok Yee

200m Individual Medley : Champion : New Record

Lam Hoi Kiu

4x50m Freestyle Relay : Champion : Ho Pui Chi

- 40 -

: Lam Hoi Kiu

: Ng Yee Wing Ines

: Wong Sze Ting

C Grade

200m Freestyle : Champion : Lau Ping Yi Audrey

100m Backstroke : Champion : Fung Suet Ying Chloe

50m Backstroke : Champion : Fung Suet Ying Chloe

200m Breaststroke : Champion : Hui Ka Ling

100m Breaststroke : Champion : Hui Ka Ling

50m Breaststroke : Champion : Ho Wan Yui

200m Individual Medley : Champion : New Record

: Lau Ping Yi Audrey

4x50 Medley Relay : Champion : New Record

: Fung Suet Ying Chloe

: Ho Wan Yui

: Lam Ping Yi Audrey

: Tse On Ching Inter-school Table Tennis Competition (Division 1) organized by


Overall : First Runner-up

A Grade : First Runner-up

C Grade : First Runner-up 2018 Hong Kong Open Table Tennis Championship organized by

Hong Kong Table Tennis Association


A Grade : First Runner-up : Li Cheuk Tung

B Grade : Champion : Hui Wai Phoebe

2019 全港公開乒乓球排名單打錦標賽 organized by Hong Kong

Table Tennis Association

Girls' Singles Open: Third : Hui Wai Phoebe

Inter-school Tennis Competition organized by HKSSF

Team : Champion

Inter-school Volleyball Competition organized by HKSSF

Overall : First Runner-up

B Grade : Champion

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C Grade : First Runner-up

Timberwolves Volleyball Tournament 2018 organized by Canadian

International School of Hong Kong

U20 Group : Champion

Section IV


團體 :重奏組 :金獎

團體 :重奏組 :銀獎

聯校音樂大賽 2019──香港聯校音樂協會主辦

中學小組合奏(中樂) :金獎 :古箏團


中學 A組: 金獎 :古箏團

10th Winter Band Festival organized by Rave Group & Hong Kong

Band Directors' Association

Gold Award: DGS Concert Band

70th Hong Kong Schools Music Festival

Senior Choir

Secondary School Choir – Chinese – Girls –First Division

– Senior: Second

Secondary School Choir – Foreign Language – Girls –First

Division – Senior: First

Intermediate Choir

Secondary School Choir – Chinese – Girls –First Division –

Intermediate: Second

Junior Choir

Secondary School Choir – Foreign Language – Girls –

First Division – Junior: First

Secondary School Choir – Junior: Best Secondary School

Senior Mixed Choir

Secondary Mixed Choir – Chinese – Mixed Voice - First

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Division – Senior: Third

Secondary Mixed Choir – Foreign Language – Mixed Voice

- First Division – Senior: First

Junior Mixed Choir

Secondary School Choir – Chinese – Mixed Voice – First

Division – Junior: Second

Secondary School Choir – Foreign Language – Mixed Voice

– First Division – Junior: Second

Secondary School Choir – Mixed Voice: Best Secondary


Brass Ensemble – Secondary School – Senior: Second

Brass Ensemble – Secondary School – Junior: First

Church Music – Chinese – Under 14: First

Church Music – Foreign Language – Under 14: Second

Concert Band – Secondary School – Intermediate: First

Erhu Ensemble – Secondary School: Second

Madrigal (Team A) – Secondary School: First

Madrigal (Team B) – Secondary School: Third

String Ensemble – Secondary School – Senior: Second

String Orchestra – Secondary School – Senior: First

String Quartet – Secondary School – Junior: First

Tom Lee Music Prize for Piano Ensemble: Second

Wind Ensemble (Combination of Different Instruments) –

Secondary School – Senior: First

Wind Ensemble – Octet – Secondary School: First

Wind Ensemble – Quartet – Secondary School: First

Wind Ensemble – Quintet – Secondary School: First

- Individual items – 18 first places,

10 second places and 16 third places –

2019 年大律師公會辯論比賽──大律師公會主辦

團體獎項 : 冠軍

個人獎項 : 決賽最佳辯論員 : 秦正堯

18th Junior HK World Schools Debate Competition organized


Team: Champion

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2019 Junior HK Individuals Public Speaking Competition organized


Champion : Woo Ho Tung Vanessa

17th Senior HK World Schools Debate Competition organized


Team: Champion

Singapore Chinese Girls' School Model United Nations Youth

Conference 2019 organized by Singapore Chinese Girls' School

Best Speaker (Overseas) in the Economic and Social Council:

Chan Wing Tung Tiffany

Best Speaker (Overseas) in the International Labour

Organisation: Chan Valerie

HARMUN III 2019 organized by Harrow International School

Best Speaker in the United Nations Office of Drugs and Crimes:

Ching Chloe Ho Yi

Best Delegate in the Crisis Cabinet: Kwan Tong Sum Olga

Best Speaker in the World Health Organisation: Lam Chung Yan


Best Delegate in the Human Rights Council: Fung Ashleigh

Hong Kong Schools Debating Junior Debating Tournament

organized by Hong Kong Schools Debating and Public Speaking


Team: Champion

Best Speaker of Grand Finals: Wu Xin Mei Madeleine

Victoria Shanghai Academy Model United Nations organized by

Victoria Shanghai Academy

Best Delegate in the Asian Security Council:

Li Wing Yan, Luk Mei Kei

Discovery College Model United Nations organized by Discovery


Best Delegate representing the United Kingdom of Great

Britain and Nothern Ireland:

Leung Ho Kiu, Lam Tsz Huen

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The 70th Hong Kong Schools Speech Festival – English Section


Solo Verse Speaking: Wong Ashley Gayle, Tan Shi Le Charlotte,

Wong Sze Kei Angelyne, Cheung Hoi Yau Ashley, Wong

Wan Chun Ashley

Solo Prose Reading: Lee Megan Li Jie, Fong Sin Hang Jada

Public Speaking Solo: Ho Chiu Yee Phoebe

- There were 11 second places and 12 third places -

The 70th Hong Kong Schools Speech Festival – Chinese Section

Champion Cantonese Solo Verse Speaking: Wong Chi Ching Chelsey,

Wong Ching Rachel

Putonghau Solo Verse Speaking: Lee Tze Yan, Fok Ying Tong

Charmaine, Wong Yanka

Cantonese Solo Prose Speaking: Fan Lydia Veronica

Putonghau Solo Prose Speaking: Lee Tsz Yan, Chan Charmaine

Yuen Ting, Lo Hei Yiu, Wong Yanka

- 14 second places and 8 third places -

Section V

Award for Volunteer Service (Individual) organized by Social

Welfare Department


Gold Award for Volunteer Service: Mak Chiu Ki Astor, Fong

Sin Hang Jada, Lee Cheuk Lam Cherlin

The Kiwanis Community Service Award 2019 organized by The

Kiwanis Club of Hong Kong

The Kiwanis Community Service Award 2019:

Choy Huen Wai Chloe, Mak Chiu Ki Astor

西九龍總部青年急救比賽 2018-2019──香港紅十字會主辦




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The Outstanding Unit Award 2018 organized by the Hong

Kong Girl Guides Association

Guide Section: The Outstanding Unit Award

The Outstanding Girl Guide Award organized by The Hong Kong

Girl Guides Association

Unit Level: The Outstanding Girl Guide Award:

Fung Wai Yee Queenie

The Chief Commissioner's Guide Award organized by The Hong

Kong Girl Guides Association

Fung Wai Yee Queenie

The Community Youth Club Outstanding Members Award

Leung Kwan Yu Jovita, Mak Chiu Ki Astor

The Community Youth Club Charity Plant Sale organized by

Community Youth Club of EDB

Yau Tsim Mong District: Gold Award

** For the full list of prize recipients, please refer to the

School Homepage (www.dgs.edu.hk) **

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Major Awards and Scholarships (2018-2019)

Internal Section I The Dr. C.J. Symons Cup

Fong Sin Hang Jada Fung Wai Yee Queenie

The Elim Lau Cup - The Most Outstanding Student of the Year Fung Wai Yee Queenie Students of the Year & the D.G.S. Women of Excellence Scholarships

Secondary 5: Fong Sin Hang Jada

Secondary 4: Kwan Wei Ling Chloe

Secondary 3: Liu Hiu Wai Jasmine

Secondary 2: So Wing Tung Abby

Secondary 1: Tong Hei Tung

The D.G.S. Vocalist of the Year Vermeer Elena Yin The D.G.S. Instrumentalist of the Year (Chinese Music)

Wong Tsz Yan The D.G.S. Instrumentalist of the Year (Western Music)

Lo Oceana Mimi

The D.G.S. Valuable Musician (Chinese Music)

Chan Ka Huen

Fan Chengyi

Ho Sum Yin

Kwan Yi Wing Agatha Lui Yin Lam

The D.G.S. Valuable Musician (Western Music)

Kan Chui Hei

Lun Hoi Ching Sherri

Ma Hiu Lam Gina

Ng Chee Ying Denise

Shiu Suet Yin Athena

Shiu Yan Ki Faith

Wong Rae Ching Rachel

Wong Yi Ki Erica

The D.G.S. Award for Sporting Excellence

Ho Nam Wai

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The D.G.S. Sports Girl of the Year

Senior section: Lam Nori

Junior section: Wan Pak Hei Chloe Victoria

The D.G.S. Athlete of the Year

Senior section: Leung Wing Hei

Junior section: Tang Cheuk Man Serena

The D.G.S. Swimmer of the Year

Senior section: Ho Nam Wai

Junior section: Wong Sze Ting

The D.G.S. Dancer of the Year

Senior section: Tam Sin Hin

Junior section: Lau Lia Yee Lam

The D.G.S. Outstanding Athlete Awards Senior section Junior section Archery:



Beach Volleyball:

Cross Country:


Dragon Boat:





Indoor Rowing:




Rugby Sevens:


Table Tennis:


Tenpin Bowling:


Chiu Bui Lam Pearlie

Cheng Sin Yan Happy Serena

Wong Yee Ching

Wong Sin Ling

Chan Ying Sum

Tsui Ka Yan

Lee Cheuk Ning Charlene

Fan Linna

Chung Yan Yuet Jeanie

Lam Nori

Chui Hay Yan

Ho Nam Wai

Leung Hui Tung

Lee Hoi Ting Michelle

Chan Amanda Chun Yi

Leung Kwan Kiu

Fung Adele On Ying

Lee Chung Yan

Leong Justine Sophie Kwan Tung

Wong Hoi Ki Jenny

Hong Shek Ning Sharen

Tang Hoi Lam

Tong Hei Tung

Wan Pak Hei Chloe Victoria

Ng Ki Wing

Hui Ka Ling

Lam Shun Hei

Cheng Lok Yan

Wan Pak Hei Chloe Victoria

Cheung Lok Ching Tiffany

Wong Sze Ting

Cheung Hoi Lam

Ikin Jennifer Christine

Ip Wai Lam

Hui Wai Phoebe

Wai Yee Ching

Ko Charis

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The D.G.S. Scholarships Secondary 6: Au Wai Yan Cheryl

Chan Cheuk Hei Sarah

Chan Siu Ting

Choi Chloe Yan Ping

Choi Pui Lam

Chong Chung Yan

Fung Sze Ngo

Gao Yawen

Ho Yin Yee Jocelyn

Huang Ying Xun Wing

Hui Shun Hei Janis

Lai Wing Tsz

Lam Hoi Ting Christy

Lam Patricia Dorothy

Lam Sze Yin Cecilia

Lee Lok Yee Asta

Lee Pui Ka

Leung Ka Ching

Leung Yin

Li Pui Yau Yoyo

Li Yui Yan Veronica

Liu Wing Sze

Lo Si Yu Florence

Lo Wing Lam

Looi Nga Laam

Man Pak Yan

Mi Yu Qi

Mui Tsam Yin

Pang King Chi

Siu Andrea

So Tin Yau Natalie

So Zi Qing Valerie

Sze Wan Fong

Tang Sin Kiu

Tse Jessica Hei Wai

Wong Chi Ka

Wong Janus

Yeo Victoria Anna

Yeung Man Kei Helen

Yung Wai Ching Divina

Secondary 5: Chan Hui Yin Chloe

Chan Lok To

Chan Oi Kiu Olivia

Chan Siu Yee Tania

Cheng Lok Lam Lorraine

Cheng Pearl Tsoi Wun

Cheung Hoi Shan

Chong Kiu Fung

Chong Ling Yan Bella

Chong Yan Ying

Choy Huen Wai Chloe

Chun Tsing Yiu

Fan Sum Yin

Fong Sin Hang Jada

Fung Wai Yee Queenie

Ho Chiu Yee Phoebe

Ho Yan Tung

Ko Yi Lam

Kwan Valerie

Kwok Sum Yin Sarah

Leung Kwan Yu Jovita

Li Junqiao Sabrina

Lo Oceana Mimi

Lui Yin Lam

Mak Chiu Ki Astor

Mak Kai Ling

Moy Sze Wing Clara

Ng Ka Hei

Ng Sze Mai

Ngan Yan Yi

Shek Hei Tung

Siu Margaret Cynthia

Tan Hui Ching Dorothy

Tso Ka Yan

Tsui Wai Tung

Vermeer Elena Yin

Wan Cheuk Ying

Yu Ki Yan

Yuen Laetitia

Yuen Tsz Kiu

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Secondary 4: Cai Rui Zhe

Chan Hoi Ying Emily

Chan Lok Hei

Chan Nga Kwan

Chan Siu Yan

Chen Ling Yi

Chow Yan Yu Jamie

Chu Tsz Wai Athena

Ho Po Ying

Hui Yuk Ting Victoria

Kwan Wei Ling Chloe

Kwok Hiu Lam Selina

Lam Cheuk Yan Jamie

Lao Chin Wai Kristie

Lee Cheuk Lam

Leung Ka Yan Miko

Li Wing Tung

Liu Tin Nam

Lo Tsz Yee Chloe

Looi Nga Man

Lui Tin Long

Lun Hoi Ching Sherri

Mung Hoi Yan Celine

Ng Claresta

Ng Hannah

Ng Tsz Ching Alexia

Pang Adelaide Kwun-Kiu

Poon Charlotte Yi-Sum

Song Xiuxuan

Tam Hoi Yan

Wong Charis Lorraine

Wong Hiu Yu

Wong Ji Ching Ally

Wong Wan Chun Ashley

Wong Yin Chi Jade

Yau Hazelle Nevada

Yeung Shuet Ching

Yip Hiu Tung

Yuen Cheuk Ting

Zhu Kezhen

Secondary 3: Cannon Stephanie Kate

Chan Hayley

Chan Tsz Ching

Cheng Chun Yan

Cheng Wing Chi Angelina

Cheung Chun Yan Alicia

Cheung Hoi Yung

Cheung Lok Ching Tiffany

Chong Tsz Ting Cassandra

Chow Cheuk Yiu

Chung Hiu Laam

Fung Hei Long

Hon Kai Yu

Huang Tsz Yiu

Huang Yunshi

Joeng Ying Tung Tiffany

Kung Mei Hang

Lai Shun Yan Gianna

Lam Yan Ni

Lau Hei Tsing Vanessa

Lau Yuk Yi

Lee Amelia Nicole

Lee Wing Ka Vivian

Leung Sze Wan

Liu Hiu Wai Jasmine

Luk Ho Ki Valerie

Luk Mei Kei

Ma Hei Yuet

Ma Sin Ching Alexa

Ngan Pui Ka

Sin Ka Long

Tang Hoi Ying Helen

Tse Yan Wing Alvina

Tsoi Valerie

Tsui Ka Wai Bernice

Wan Kiu Isabella

Wang Hing Ling Yana

Wong Yan Ching Grace

Wong Yat Yin

Wu Xin Mei Madeleine

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Secondary 2: Chan Ho Lam Valerie

Chan Shu Yiu Zoe

Chan Sum Yuet Tiffany

Cheung Mo Kiu Monique

Chung Nicole Mong Joo

Deng Chian Xi Shirley

Fong Ka Yan Emma

Fung Ashleigh

Hui Ching Yi

Hui Hoi Lam

Ko Hon Yiu

Kwok Ching Yan Hannah

Lam Wai Sum

Lam Yi Tak

Lau Charmaine

Lau Yan Tung Zita

Lau Ying Tung Chloe

Leung Chi Wai Natalie

Leung Ka Man

Liu Ching Tung

Miao Hoi Ching

Miu Kam Ying

Ng Allie

See Tin Wing Jamie

Shie Man Tak Mindy

Sin Kristie Yin Tung

Siu Audrey Abigail

So Wing Tung Abby

Tan Yu Yng Lorraine

Tang Lok Yee

Tsang Yeuk Wa

Wang Lu

Wong Ching Yan Victoria

Wong Hei Ching

Wong Hoi Kiu

Wong Hoi Yau Bertha

Yau Man Ching

Yeung Tsz Ching Kylie

Yiu Alvina

Yu Sui Ki Rita

Secondary 1: Chan Chun Yi

Chan Hei

Chan Man Yan

Chan Tsz Hei

Chan Yuen Ting Charmaine

Cheung Hoi Ching

Chow Tsz Yau

Fang Samantha Guo Ling

Fung Sze Ching Evelyn

Ho Nga Chi

Hui Sum Nam

Kam Hoi Ching Marina

Lam Lesley

Lam Wing Tung

Lau Cheuk Wing Sherrie

Lau Hilary Hiu Yin

Lau Hoi Ching Janet

Lee Hei Tung Christy

Lee Pak Ching Katherine

Lee Tsz Wai

Leung Man Sum

Leung Nok Lam

Li Janice Yin Tung

Lui Sum Yuet

Luk Yan Yi Cindy

Ng Hey

Ngo Nathania

Pak Hoi Man Chloe

So Hoi Ting

Tong Hei Tung

Tsang Mavis Olivia

Wai Ching Yin Claire

Wong Hoi Yiu Bernice

Wong Lok Tung Ellie

Wong Lok Yung

Wong Man Hei

Wong Tsz Tsun

Wong Yanka

Wu Sum Ching Charmaine

Yau Yu Sin Janice

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The D.G.S. Improvement Awards

Secondary 5: Chan Anise

Chan Lok Man Carissa

Chan Lok Yan

Chung Cheuk Yin

Jim Lok Lam

Lee Hoi Ting Michelle

Leung Wai Ching

Ma Hiu Lam Gina

Tam Cheuk In Michelle

Tang Hoi Lam

Secondary 4: Chan Chun Yan Natalie Chan Man Hei Symphony

Chan Tsz Wing

Gao Xin Yi

Poon Hei Wei Hayden

Tee Man Yan Jacqueline

Tse Wing Yan

Wong Hei Tung

Yau Sin Lin

Zhao Yuquan

Secondary 3: Chan Carolyn Cheuk Yin

Chan Pui Maan Ingrid

Cheng Wing Hei Hailey

Cheung Tung Sum

Lee Tsz Yu

Lee Wing Lam Kaitlyn

Luk Sze Tung

Mui Wing Sum

Tsang Fai Yee

Yeung Tsz Ue

Secondary 2: Chan Wing Chi Sarah

Cheng Ellie Chuen Mui Kwai China Rose

Du Zheng

Keung Yan Chi Katie

Lau Wing Hei

Li Yui Ying Anthea

Wong Cheuk Ying

Wong Chung Hei Janice

Wu Hoi Man

Secondary 1: Chau Samantha

Cheng Tsoi Kiu Charis

Hui Natalie

Khuu Jasmine Sin Yee

Lai Wing In Chloe

Lee Megan Li Jie

Lee Sin Nam

Mak Hey Tung Shanessa

Ou Cheuk Yan

Tse Hang Ki

The D.G.S. Exhibitions for Music Carless Alison Mary

Chan Anise

Chan Ching Tung Megan

Chan Fai Suen Bernice

Chan Hui Yin Chloe

Chan Ka Huen

Chan Lok Hei

Chan Lok Yan

Chan Vanessa Rose

Chan Yi Kwan Annette

Cheng Hiu Sin Hillary

Liu Hiu Wai Jasmine

Liu Ka Wing

Lo Katrina

Lo Oceana Mimi

Lui Yin Lam

Luk Yan Yi Cindy

Lun Hoi Ching Sherri

Ma Cheuk Yau Miffy

Ma Hiu Lam Gina

Miu Kam Ying

Mui Wing Sum

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Cheung Adeline Margaret

Cheung Man Ting Grace

Cheung Yim Ting

Ching Chloe Ho Yi

Ching Danica Ho Si

Chiu Janice Tsz Yu

Choi Hoi Tung

Choy Sophie

Chu Chin Wai Eternity

Chui Chung Hei Janice

Chung Cheuk Yin

Chung Sophie Hayin

Chung Wing Lam Chloe

Fan Chengyi

Fong Sin Hang Jada

Ho Hei Lam

Ho Kwan Yin Zabrina

Ho Sum Yin

Ho Yan Tung

Joeng Ying Tung Tiffany

Kam Hoi Ching Marina

Kan Chui Hei

Ko Hon Yiu

Kwan Hei Ching Godiva

Kwan Sze Wing

Kwan Yi Wing Agatha

Kwan Yui Hei Adelaide

Kwok Ching Yan Hannah

Kwok Pegeen Jayce

Lai Ching Lam Jocelyn

Lai Choi Yan

Lai Querida Oon Tung

Lam Chung Yan Mavis

Lam Yi Tak

Lau Pui Ying

Lau Yan Chi Emily

Law Chin Yuet Maxine

Lee Amelia Nicole

Leung Ching Ching

Leung Joanne

Leung Sau Laam Ada

Leung Seen Janice

Li Yui Ying Anthea

Ng Chee Ying Denise

Ng Hoi Yin

Ng Hoi Ying

Ng Ka Hei

Ng Sum Yin

Ng Tsz Kwan Chloe

Ng Yan Wa

Poon Charlotte Yi-Sum

Qian Shi Qi

Shek Cheuk Yiu Rose

Shiu Suet Yin Athena

Shiu Yan Ki Faith

Sin Kristie Yin Tung

Suen Yan Tung Justine

Sung Chun Yin Gabriel

Tam Natalie Nga Man

Tan Hui Ching Dorothy

Tong Ashley Tsz Yin

Tong Tsz Lui Audrey

Tsang Choy Yin Jocelyn

Tsoi Valerie

Tsui Wing Yuen

Vermeer Elena Yin

Wai Katarina

Wong Cheuk Hei Eugenie

Wong Ching Yan Victoria

Wong Eponine Kate

Wong Hiu Yu

Wong Hoi Yau Bertha

Wong Rae Ching Rachel

Wong Sa

Wong Si

Wong Sze Kei Angelyne

Wong Tsz Yan

Wong Yi Ki Erica

Woo Hoi Tung Natalie

Wu Ingrid

Yep Cheuk Yiu Chelsea

Yeung Hoi Ching

Yip Hiu Tsun Tiffany

Yip Hiu Tung

Yu Bethia

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The D.G.S. Exhibitions for Other Talents Cai Rui Zhe

Chan Siu Yee Tania

Chan Tsz Ching

Cheung Chun Yan Alicia

Cheung Hoi Yau Ashley

Chiu Man Yuet

Chu Ka Wing Katherine

Chui Nok Yan Yannis

Chung Yan Yuet Jeanie

Ip Tsz Oi

Ko Ching Stephanie

Kwan Tong Sum Olga

Kwok Hiu Lam Selina

Lam Sze Yin Cecilia

Lam Wai Sum

Lau Ching Kiu Natalie

Leung Ka Yan Miko

Li Wing Yan

Liu Tin Nam

Ma Annette Liv

Ng Sze Mai

So Wing Tung Abby

Song Xiuxuan

Tam Hoi Yan

Tong Hei Tung

Tsoi Hoi Ching Gisela

Wong Cheuk Hei Eugenie

Wong Chung Hei Janice

Wong Ka Yu

Wong Yin Chi Jade

Woo Hoi Tung Natalie

The D.G.S. Exhibitions for Sports But Cheuk Yiu

Chan Allison Siao

Chan Amanda Chun Yi

Chan Chi Ting

Chan Fai Suen Bernice

Chan Ho Lam Valerie

Chan Ka Huen

Chan Lok Yee

Chan Sharron

Chan Shiu Lam Chelsea

Chan Shut Yan

Chan Sophie

Chan Sze Chai

Chan Tsz Ching

Chan Tsz Yeuk

Chan Wai Laam Athena

Chan Wai Ting

Chan Whitney Felicia

Chan Wing Chi Sarah

Chan Wing Hei Hayley

Chan Wing Yan Viann

Chan Ying Sum

Chan Yuen Ting Charmaine

Chau Samantha

Chau Tsz Ching

Lee Leong Justine Sophie Kwan Tung

Leung Hiu Kei

Leung Hui Tung

Leung Ka Huen

Leung Ka Wai

Leung Nga Ching

Leung Tsz Hei Kelly

Leung Wei Chee

Leung Wing Hei

Leung Wing Tsun Rachel

Li Cheuk Tung

Li Tsz Ching Yvonne

Li Wing Tung

Ling Hau Ching

Liu Choi Yiu

Lo Ching Yi Jenny

Lo Tak Yan Bertha

Looi Nga Laam

Looi Nga Man

Look Avril

Lui Ching Sum Rebekah

Luk Ka Wing

Luk Sze Yu

Ma Gian

Ma Hei Yuet

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Chen On Yu

Cheng Lok Yan

Cheng Pearl Tsoi Wun

Cheng Pik Ching

Cheng Sin Yan Happy Serena

Cheng Wing Chi Angelina

Cheng Yan Ching

Cheng Yi Hang

Cheung Chun Yan Alicia

Cheung Hoi Lam

Cheung Hoi Ni

Cheung Yan Yuet Maia

Chiu Bui Lam Pearlie

Chiu Tin Wai

Chiu Wai Ching

Cho Sin Ting Athena

Choi Sherry

Chong King Tung Emily

Chow Kwan Wing

Chu Ka Hei Hailey

Chu Tsz Wai Athena

Chui Hay Yan

Chui Nok Sum

Chung Lillian Renee

Chung Pui Ka

Chung Yuet Ki

Du Zheng

Fan Linna

Fung Ching Hei

Fung On Ying Adele

Fung Sem Tou Sheryl

Fung Suet Ying Chloe

Ho Ching Hei

Ho Chiu Yee Phoebe

Ho Hei Lam

Ho Nam Wai

Ho Nok Lam

Ho Pui Chi

Ho Wan Yui

Hong Shek Ning Sharen

Huang Zhi Xun Iris

Hui Ching Yi

Hui Ka Ling

Hui Wai Phoebe

Ma Yi Tung

Ma Ying Wen Ashleigh

Mak Chiu Ki Astor

Mak Hoi Lam Hannah

Man Ho Lam Hina

Man Wing

Miao Hoi Ching

Ng Hoi Ying

Ng Ka Hang

Ng Ki Wing

Ng Tsz Kwan Chloe

Ng Tsz Ying

Ng Yee Wing Ines

Ngan Yan Wynona

Pak Hoi Man Chloe

Pang Wing Sze

Pong Tin Yan Elly

Poon Hei Wei Hayden

Poon Rachel

Shum Hei Lam

Siu Annissa

So Wing Sz

Song Xiuxuan

Sy Yi Yu Yvonne

Sze Yan Chi

Tam Hoi Yan

Tam Sin Hin

Tam Yat Sum Liz

Tam Yuen Ning

Tang Cheuk Man Serena

Tang Hoi Lam

Tang Hoi Ying

Tang Vanessa Yik Ching

To Wing Yan

Tong Hei Tung

Tong Tsz Lui Audrey

Tsang Sheung Yau Phoebe

Tse Hang Ki

Tse Lok Lam Joyce

Tse On Ching

Tse Wing Sze

Tse Yui Chin

Tsui Ka Yan

Tsui Wing Yuen

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Hui Wing Kiu Chloe

Hung Hiu Yan

Ikin Jennifer Christine

Jim Lok Lam

Ko Alexis

Ko Charis

Kok Chin Wai Jovita

Kwan Sum Yuet

Kwan Wei Ling Chloe

Kwok Hiu Lam Selina

Kwok Hui Man Natalie

Kwok Wing Sum Sharlott

Kwok Yan Kei

Lai Lok Yee

Lam Bernice Fon Ching

Lam Cheuk Lam Kelly

Lam Hiu Nam

Lam Hoi Ching Summer

Lam Hoi Kiu

Lam Nori

Lam Po Ying

Lam Shun Hei

Lam Tsz Chin Janice

Lam Yan Ni

Lau Cheuk Yin Eugenia

Lau Ching Kiu Natalie

Lau Hiu Ching Charlotte

Lau Ping Yi Audrey

Lau Wing Yi

Lau Yuet Yee

Lee Bik Gwan

Lee Cheuk Ning Charlene

Lee Chung Yan

Lee King Yi Mavis

Lee Lok Ying

Lee Man Fei

Lee Sum Yuet

Lee Wing Yeung

Wai Katarina

Wai Yee Ching

Wan Bai Yan Trudy Elizabeth

Wan Pak Hei Chloe Victoria

Wang Hing Ling Yana

Wong Cheuk Hei Eugenie

Wong Cheuk Ying

Wong Chi Ching Chelsey

Wong Cho Ying

Wong Chung Hei Janice

Wong Ho Ching Ashley

Wong Hoi Ki Jenny

Wong Lok Yan

Wong Lut Sum

Wong Sin Ling

Wong Sum Yin Jada

Wong Sze Ting

Wong Sze Yan Nicole

Wong Tsz Ching

Wong Wing Lum

Wong Yan Ching Grace

Wong Yee Ching

Wong Yi Man

Wong Yuk Ning Natalie

Wu Bailing

Wu Ying Qiao

Yau Sin Lin

Yeung Hoi Ching

Yeung Sin Kiu

Yeung Tsz Ching Kylie

Yip Sin Ling

Yiu Tsz Wan

Yiu Yi Yan Nicole

Young Sze Ki

Yu Chin Hang Carina

Yuen Natalie

Zhao Yuquan

The Daily Giving Service Awards

Choi Suet Yi

Fong Sin Hang Jada

Ho Sum Yin

Lam Sze Yiu Jade

Mak Chiu Ki Astor

Miao Hoi Ching

Tsang Kwan Chi Gigi

Wong Chi Ka

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Putonghua Shuiping Ceshi Scholarships Cheung Sin Yue Chloe

Fong Yuet Ning

Yeung Hoi Ling

The D.G.S. Awards for Academic Excellence

Chan Chun Yi

Lau Cheuk Wing Sherrie

Lau Hilary Hiu Yin

Lau Hoi Ching Janet

Ngo Nathania

Pak Hoi Man Chloe

Wong Yanka

The D.G.S. S1 Entrance Scholarships (Academic) Au Chapelle

Au Wen Xin Christiane

Chan Hei

Chan Vanessa Rose

Chan Yuen Ting Charmaine

Cheung Annabel Mirian

Cheung Hoi Ching

Chiu Wing Ki Jayna

Chow Tsz Yau

Fung Anise Kai-Lin

Ho Nga Chi

Kwok Pegeen Jayce

Kwok Tsz Yau Jenna

Lam Lesley

Lau Amy Hoi Tung

Lau Yan Nam Malinda

Lau Yat Yau

Lee Megan Li Jie

Lee Pak Ching Katherine

Leung Tiffany Sabrina

Leung Yui To

Li Cheree

Li Michelle Takako

Lim Charissa Ann

Lui Sum Yuet

Luk Yan Yi Cindy

Ng Hey

Ng Wing Lam Cheryl

So Hoi Ting

Tang Tim Yee

Tong Ashley Lok Yi

Tsang Mavis Olivia

Uchimoto Natasha Naomi

Wong Shun Wai Stephanie

Wong Tsz Tsun

Wu Bailing

Yeung Wan Chuen

The D.G.S. S1 Entrance Scholarships (Music) Chan Man Yan

Chan Vanessa Rose

Cheng Rosalyn Charis

Cheung Man Ting Grace

Choy Sophie

Chung Sophie Hayin

Kam Hoi Ching Marina

Kwok Pegeen Jayce

Lau Cheuk Wing Sherrie

Leung Lok Yi Charlotte

Leung Pui Man Chloe

Leung Yui To

Mak Hoi Lam Hannah

Ng Sum Yin

Shek Cheuk Yiu Rose

Tong Hei Tung

Wong Sze Kei Angelyne

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The D.G.S. S1 Entrance Scholarships (Sports) Chan Kei Lam Caitlyn

Chan Wing Yan Viann

Chan Yuen Ting Charmaine

Chau Samantha

Chiu Man Yuet

Chu Ka Wing Katherine

Kok Chin Wai Jovita

Lam Cheuk In Sophie

Lam Hei Yu

Lau Ping Yi Audrey

Lee King Yi Mavis

Lee Man Fei

Leung Ka Huen

Leung Wing Tsun Rachel

Li Cheuk Tung

Lui Ching Sum Rebekah

Mak Hoi Lam Hannah

Man Ho Lam Hina

Ng Chun Hei Martina

Ngan Yan Wynona

Pak Hoi Man Chloe

Sy Yi Yu Yvonne

To Wing Yan

Tong Hei Tung

Tse Hang Ki

Tse On Ching

Wong Hailey Shing-Fei

Wong Lok Yan

Wong Sum Yin Jada

Wong Tsz Ching

Yanamuthu Evangeline Gilbert Joseph

Yuen Natalie

The D.G.S. Entrance Scholarships (Music) Chung Nicole Mong Joo

Fung Hei Yin

Man Wing

Wong Chung Hei Janice

The D.G.S. Entrance Scholarships (Sports) Chan Tsz Yeuk

Du Zheng

Man Wing

Tam Yuen Ning


Cecilia Chan Scholarship……………..

Class of 1958 Scholarship……….........

Class of 1964 Scholarship……….........

Class of 1967 Service Award…............

Class of 1978 Scholarship……….........

Gibbins Scholarship…………………..

Grace Tsin-Kiu Young Memorial


Pong Chan Kwai Ying Scholarship…..

Pong King Cheung Scholarship............

Cheung Hoi Shan

Tan Hui Ching Dorothy

Chong Yan Ying

Fong Sin Hang Jada

Wong Ching

Ng Sze Mai

Cheng Wing Chi Angelina

Vermeer Elena Yin

Chan Siu Yee Tania

Lau Hoi Ching Janet

Fung Wai Yee Queenie

Ngan Yan Yi

- 58 -

Symons Scholarship…………………..

The Anderson Sports Prize……...........

The Grose Literature Prize……............

The Laing Science Prize………...........

The Major S.M. Churn Business

Studies Prize…………………………..

The Welfare League Language Prize…

Bishop Ho Ming Hua (Ronald O. Hall)

Memorial Scholarships……….............

Sze Wan Fong

Lee Pui Ka

Ho Nam Wai

Vermeer Elena Yin

Ng Sze Mai

Chan Hui Yin Chloe

Wu Kei Tsun

Mak Chiu Ki Astor

Leung Kwan Yu Jovita

Lee Cheuk Lam Cherlin

D.O.G.A. Scholarships

Dr. C.J. Symons Scholarship………….

D.O.G.A. (Hong Kong) Scholarships

Secondary 6………………………

Secondary 5………………………

Secondary 4………………………

Secondary 3………………………

Secondary 2………………………

Secondary 1………………………

D.O.G.A. (Southern California)


D.O.G.A. (Toronto) Scholarships…….

D.O.G.A. (Vancouver) Scholarships….

Yeung Man Kei Helen

Choi Chloe Yan Ping

Mak Chiu Ki Astor

Lee Cheuk Lam

Chan Tsz Ching

Tan Yu Yng Lorraine

Chan Chun Yi

Ng Ka Hei

Ho Chiu Yee Phoebe

Choy Huen Wai Chloe

Lui Yin Lam

Fan Sum Yin

Chong Kiu Fung

Chan Hui Yin Chloe

Shek Hei Tung

Kwan Valerie

P.T.A. Scholarships

Secondary 6U

Secondary 6W

Secondary 6X

Secondary 6Y

Secondary 6Z

Gao Yawen

Li Yui Yan Veronica

Wong Chi Ka

Mui Tsam Yin

Tang Sin Kiu

- 59 -

Secondary 5U

Secondary 5W

Secondary 5X

Secondary 5Y

Secondary 5Z

Chun Tsing Yiu

Ho Yan Tung

Lo Oceana Mimi

Chong Ling Yan Bella

Cheng Pearl Tsoi Wun

Secondary 4U Secondary 4W Secondary 4X Secondary 4Y Secondary 4Z

Lun Hoi Ching Sherri Chan Hoi Ying Emily Ng Tsz Ching Alexia Chan Hiu Chun Chen On Lam

Secondary 3U Secondary 3W Secondary 3X Secondary 3Y Secondary 3Z

Luk Ho Ki Valerie Cheung Hoi Yung Wu Xin Mei Madeleine Tang Hoi Ying Helen Fung Hei Long

Secondary 2U Secondary 2W Secondary 2X Secondary 2Y Secondary 2Z

Yu Sui Ki Rita Wong Ching Yan Victoria Chan Sum Yuet Tiffany Miu Kam Ying Fong Ka Yan Emma

Secondary 1U Secondary 1W Secondary 1X Secondary 1Y Secondary 1Z

Cheung Hoi Ching Leung Man Sum Wong Man Hei Lee Pak Ching Katherine Wu Sum Ching Charmaine

Modern Languages Scholarships

Japanese Level 1 Level 2 Level 4

Ng Hey Chow Yan Lok Annette Chan Pui Maan Ingrid

Spanish Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 (IC) Level 4 (IC) Level 5 (IC)

Leung Nok Lam Chiu Man Yuet Liu Ka Wing Ikin Jennifer Christine Sum Hei Ting Angel Wong Yuk Ning Natalie Wan Cheuk Ying

- 60 -

Section II

Subject Prizes & Learning Awards Secondary 6 Subject Prizes


Business, Accounting and Financial

Studies (Accounting)

Business, Accounting and Financial

Studies (Management)



Chinese History

Chinese Literature





Information and Communication Technology

Liberal Studies

Literature in English


Mathematics (Module 1 - Calculus & Statistics)

Mathematics (Module 2 - Algebra & Calculus)

Physical Education


Religious Education

Gao Yawen

Li Yui Yan Veronica

Cheng Hiu Wa Eunice

Tang Sin Kiu

Lee Pui Ka

Lee Pui Ka

Gao Yawen

Choi Chloe Yan Ping

Yeung Chun To Chloe

Mui Tsam Yin

Choi Pui Lam

Lam Sze Yin Cecilia

Lam Patricia Dorothy

Lo Kwan Yee

Lam Patricia Dorothy

Yung Wai Ching Divina

Wong Chi Ka

Kwok Hui Man Natalie

Lee Lok Yee Asta

Looi Nga Laam Secondary 6 Learning Awards

Chinese Set CL1

Chinese Set CL2

Chinese Set CL3

Chinese Set CL4

Chinese Set CL5

Chinese Set CL7

English Set A2

English Set B1

English Set B2

English Set C1

English Set C2

Choi Chloe Yan Ping

Yeung Man Kei Helen

Chong Chung Yan

Zhang Xinlu

Mi Yu Qi

Wong Wing Sum

Choi Pui Lam

Lo Wing Lam

Huang Ying Xun Wing

Man Pak Yan

Chiu Stephanie Ling Wun

- 61 -

English Set D

English Set E1

English Set E2

Liberal Studies Set B

Liberal Studies Set C

Liberal Studies Set D

Liberal Studies Set E

Liberal Studies Set F

Liberal Studies Set H

Mathematics Set ME2

Mathematics Set MC1

Mathematics Set MC2

Mathematics Set MC3

Mathematics Set MC4

Lok Hoi Man

Yeo Victoria Anna

Chan Tsz Wun Charis

Chan Tsz Wun Charis

Lee Yuk Kwan

Wan Tsz Kiu

Leung Ka Ching

Tang Sin Kiu

Chan Hoi Yan

Li Yui Yan Veronica

Lok Hoi Man

Mi Yuqi

Siu Andrea

Chan Tsz Wai Jasmine Secondary 6 GCE A-Level Subject Prizes








Lam Oi Ki Miranda

Gopaoco Ellery

Tsang Choy Yin Jocelyn

Wong Janus

Tsang Choy Yin Jocelyn

Chan Cheuk Yin Aurora

Gopaoco Ellery Secondary 5 Subject Prizes


Business, Accounting and Financial

Studies (Accounting)

Business, Accounting and Financial

Studies (Management)



Chinese History

Chinese Literature





HKDSE Physical Education

Ng Sze Mai

Ho Chiu Yee Phoebe

Lam Tze Ying Janice

Li Junqiao Sabrina

Ng Sze Mai

Mak Kai Ling

Chun Tsing Yiu

Fung Wai Yee Queenie

Vermeer Elena Yin

Chong Yan Ying

Tsui Wai Tung

Chan Ying Sum

- 62 -

Information and Communication Technology

Liberal Studies

Literature in English


Mathematics (Module 1 - Calculus & Statistics)

Mathematics (Module 2 - Algebra & Calculus)

Physical Education


Religious Education

Chong Ling Yan Bella

Chong Yan Ying

Vermeer Elena Yin

Ng Sze Mai

Vermeer Elena Yin

Ng Sze Mai

Tsui Ka Yan

Ng Sze Mai

Chong Yan Ying Secondary 5 Learning Awards

Chinese Set CL1

Chinese Set CL2

Chinese Set CL3

Chinese Set CL5

Chinese Set CL6

Chinese Set CL7

English Set A2

English Set A3

English Set B1

English Set B2

English Set B3

English Set C1

English Set C2

Liberal Studies Set B

Liberal Studies Set C

Liberal Studies Set D

Liberal Studies Set E

Liberal Studies Set F

Liberal Studies Set G

Liberal Studies Set H

Mathematics Set ME1

Mathematics Set ME3

Mathematics Set MC1

Mathematics Set MC2

Mathematics Set MC3

Mathematics Set MC4

Chun Tsing Yiu

Moy Sze Wing Clara

Tsoi Hoi Ching Gisela

Chong Yan Ying

Ho Chiu Yee Phoebe

Tan Hui Ching Dorothy

Lo Oceana Mimi

Wu Kei Tsun

Tsui Wai Tung

Ching Chloe Ho Yi

Suen Yan Tung Justine

Chan Lok Man Carissa

Mak Kai Ling

Ching Chloe Ho Yi

Tang Hoi Lam

Lee Yuet To

Li Junqiao Sabrina

Lam Tsz Huen

Ma Yan Ling Madeline

Ching Hou Sze

Chan Hui Yin Chloe

Shek Hei Tung

Wong Yi Ying

Chong Yan Ying

Ngan Yan Yi

Lui Sze Tung April

- 63 -

Secondary 5 GCE A-Level Subject Prizes Biology








Wong Yee Man Jasmine

Yuen Laetitia

Law Chi Wun Amelia

Yuen Laetitia

Yuen Laetitia

Pang Enyo

Yuen Laetitia

Ip Ting Chi Tiffany Secondary 4 Subject Prizes


Business, Accounting and Financial Studies



Chinese History

Chinese Literature





HKDSE Physical Education

Information and Communication Technology

Liberal Studies

Literature in English


Mathematics (Module 1 - Calculus & Statistics)

Mathematics (Module 2 - Algebra & Calculus)

Physical Education


Religious Education

Wong Ji Ching Ally

Lun Hoi Ching Sherri

Yip Hiu Tung

Lee Cheuk Lam

Wong Wing Yan Alicia

Lo Tsz Yee Chloe

Lun Hoi Ching Sherri

Lee Cheuk Lam

Ng Tsz Ching Alexia

Chan Nga Kwan

Shum Hei Lam

Liu Tin Nam

Lee Cheuk Lam

Wong Yin Chi Jade

Tam Hoi Yan

Tam Hoi Yan

Ng Tsz Ching Alexia

Yau Sin Lin

Lee Cheuk Lam

Ng Tsz Ching Alexia

- 64 -

Secondary 4 Learning Awards Chinese S4U Chinese S4X Chinese S4Y Chinese S4Z English Set B English Set C English Set D English Set E English Set F Liberal Studies Set B Liberal Studies Set C Liberal Studies Set D Liberal Studies Set E Liberal Studies Set F Liberal Studies Set G Liberal Studies Set H Mathematics Set ME2 Mathematics Set ME3 Mathematics Set MC1 Mathematics Set MC2 Mathematics Set MC3

Lun Hoi Ching Sherri Liu Tin Nam Lee Tze Yan Chan Chun Yan Natalie Kwok Hiu Lam Selina Ng Tsz Ching Alexia Man Wing Liu Tin Nam Chow Wing Ki Chan Hiu Chun Pang Adelaide Kwun-Kiu

Kwok Hiu Lam Selina Wong Yin Chi Jade Wong Hei Tung Cheung Sze Ki Wong Hei Tung Leung Ka Yan Miko Chu Tsz Wai Athena So Chui Hong Chan Long Kiu Sze Charlotte

Secondary 3 Subject Prizes

Chinese History Chinese Economics and Commerce English English Literature Geography History Information Technology Liberal Studies Mathematics Music Physical Education Putonghua Religious Education Science Technology and Living Visual Arts

Tang Hoi Ying Helen Lam Yan Ni Chan Tsz Ching Cheng Chun Yan Lai Shun Yan Gianna Cheng Wing Chi Angelina Cheng Wing Chi Angelina Chan Tsz Ching Chan Tsz Ching Cheung Chun Yan Alicia Wong Pui Ying Lai Lok Yee Leung Sze Wan Hon Kai Yu Cheng Wing Chi Angelina Tsui Ka Wai Bernice Cheng Yi Hang

- 65 -

Secondary 3 Learning Awards

Chinese Set A

Chinese Set C

Chinese Set D

Chinese Set E

Chinese Set F

Chinese Set G

English Set B

English Set C

English Set D

English Set E

English Set F

English Set G

Mathematics Set B

Mathematics Set C

Mathematics Set D

Mathematics Set E

Mathematics Set F

Mathematics Set G

Luk Ho Ki Valerie

Cheung Hoi Yung

Wong Chi Ching Chelsey

Wong Pui Ying

Lo Katrina

Moy Hoi Kei Jolie

Cheung Adeline Margaret

Chow Cheuk Yiu

Chan Wing Yun Michelle

Ko Ching

Moy Hoi Kei Jolie

Leung Joanne

Leung Sze Wan

Lam Yan Ni

Li Yi Lam Kristy

Tam Kam Yu

Tsang Fai Yee

Fung Hei Yin Secondary 2 Subject Prizes

Chinese History



English Literature



Information Technology

Liberal Studies



Physical Education


Religious Education


Technology and Living

Visual Arts

Wong Ching Yan Victoria

Tsang Yeuk Wa

Ikin Jennifer Christine

Kwok Ching Yan Hannah

Yu Sui Ki Rita

Tsang Yeuk Wa

Tan Yu Yng Lorraine

Tan Yu Yng Lorraine

Tan Yu Yng Lorraine

Cheung Yim Ting

Leung Hiu Kei

Lo Hei Yiu

Yeung Tsz Tung Ariel

Wong Hoi Yau Bertha

Miao Hoi Ching

Lam Wai Sum

- 66 -

Secondary 2 Learning Awards Chinese Set A

Chinese Set B

Chinese Set D

Chinese Set E

Chinese Set F

Chinese Set G

English Set B

English Set C

English Set D

English Set E

English Set F

English Set G

Mathematics Set B

Mathematics Set C

Mathematics Set D

Mathematics Set E

Mathematics Set F1

Mathematics Set F2

Mathematics Set G

Wang Lu

Chong King Yan

Leung Hong Kiu Queency

Lo Hei Yiu

Miu Kam Ying

Wong Yat Hei Ingrid

Wong Ching Yan Victoria

Chiu Wing Lam Agnes

Leung Ka Wai

Wong Hoi Wing Angelina

Pang Nga Ching

Lau Wing Hei

Leung Chi Wai Natalie

Hung Yui Sze Cecilia

Ho Yue Kiu

Ho Kwan Yin Zabrina

Wong Hoi Wing Angelina

Ng Hoi Yu Claudia

Fong Bernice Ya Rui

Secondary 1 Subject Prizes

Chinese History



English Literature



Information Technology

Liberal Studies



Physical Education


Religious Education


Technology and Living

Visual Arts

Chan Tsz Hei

Leung Man Sum

Chan Chun Yi

Chan Chun Yi

Chan Chun Yi

Leung Man Sum

Wu Sum Ching Charmaine

Chan Chun Yi

Ho Nga Chi

Kam Hoi Ching Marina

Wong Sum Yin Jada

Chiu Wing Ki Jayna

Leung Nok Lam

Lee Pak Ching Katherine

Wong Tiffany Ka Man

Leung Nok Lam

- 67 -

Secondary 1 Learning Awards Chinese Set B

Chinese Set C

Chinese Set D

Chinese Set E

Chinese Set F

Chinese Set G1

Chinese Set G2

English Set B

English Set C

English Set D

English Set E

English Set F

English Set G1

English Set G2

Mathematics Set B

Mathematics Set C

Mathematics Set D

Mathematics Set E

Mathematics Set F

Mathematics Set G

Leung Tiffany Sabrina

Lau Hilary Hiu Yin

Chan Man Yan

Chiu Man Yuet

Lee Hei Tung Christy

Wong Hoi Yiu Bernice

Yau Yu Sin Janice

Fang Samantha Guo Ling

Wong Shun Wai Stephanie

Chan Tsz Hei

Tsang Mavis Olivia

Ali Lilah Sofia

Wong Tiffany Ka Man

Chan Chi Ting

Leung Man Sum

Wong Lok Tung Ellie

Leung Nok Lam

Wu Sum Ching Charmaine

Wong Wing Ching Crystal

Wong Tiffany Ka Man

- 68 -

Section III ECA - Inter-house competitions (2018 - 2019)

Event Gibbins Hurrell Sawyer Skipton Symons

Athletics 4 5 7 3 2

A 5 3 7 4 2

B 5 7 4 3 2

C 4 7 5 2 3

cheering 4 7 5 3 2

Badminton 5 4 7 4 4

Basketball 5 3 3 7 5


Country 3 7 5 4 2

Dodgeball 5 3 3 7 5


Rowing 4 7 3 5 2

Skipping 3 7 4 7 2

Swimming 3 4 2 5 7

A 2 5 4 7 3

B 4 5 3 3 7

C 4 3 2 7 5

cheering 2 3 7 4 5

Total 62 80 71 75 58

Individual Champions

Swimming Athletics

A Grade Ho Nam Wai (Gibbins)

Leung Hui Tung (Symons)

Leung Wing Hei (Sawyer)

B Grade Lam Hoi Kiu (Symons)

Wong Sze Ting (Skipton)

Chan Sze Chai (Gibbins)

C Grade Lau Ping Yi Audrey (Skipton) Tang Cheuk Man Serena (Sawyer)

Ho Nok Lam (Sawyer)

- 69 -

Gifts to the School (2018-2019)

1) 2019 Annual Appeal - HK$2,234,711

2) From the Parent-Teacher Association:

a) Thirty P.T.A. Scholarships

b) Trophies for athletics and swimming competitions

c) Sports supplies and refreshment for various events

3) Contributions from Diocesan Old Girls’ Associations in Hong

Kong, Southern California, Toronto and Vancouver to:

a) Dr. C.J. Symons Scholarship

b) D.O.G.A. (Hong Kong) Scholarship

c) D.O.G.A. (Southern California) Scholarship

d) D.O.G.A. (Toronto) Scholarship

e) D.O.G.A. (Vancouver) Scholarship

4) Appreciation to the friends of the School for their contributions


Bishop Ho Ming Hua (Ronald O. Hall) Memorial Scholarship

Cecilia Chan Scholarship

Class of 1958 Scholarship

Class of 1964 Scholarship

Class of 1967 Service Award

Class of 1978 Scholarship

Gibbins Scholarship

Grace Tsin-Kiu Young Memorial Scholarship

Pong Chan Kwai Ying Scholarship

Pong King Cheung Scholarship

Symons Scholarship

Woo Hay Tong Scholarship

The Welfare League

- 70 -

Donations to Voluntary Organizations (2018-2019)

1. Aide et Action Education Foundation Ltd.

2. Alliance Global Serve Ltd. (New Sight Congo)

3. Association Concerning Sexual Violence Against Women (Rain Lily)

4. Centre for Community Cultural Development

5. Children's Cancer Foundation

6. Children's Heart Foundation

7. Christian Action – CharityServices (Qinghai Orphanage)

8. EQ Ambassador Society Ltd.

9. Heep Hong Society

10. Home Care for Girls

11. Hong Kong Cancer Fund

12. Hong Kong Committee for UNICEF

13. Hong Kong Dog Rescue

14. Hong Kong Red Cross

15. Hong Kong Single Parents Association

16. Integrated Brilliant Education Trust

17. Justice Centre Hong Kong Ltd.

18. Light of Yung Shu Tau Christian Association Society Ltd.

19. Medecins Sans Frontiers (HK) Ltd.

20. Mission to New Arrivals Ltd.

21. New Creation Association Ltd.

22. Our Daily Bread Ministries Ltd.

23. Project Orbis International, Inc.

24. SCMP Charities Ltd. - Operation Santa Claus

25. Showers of Blessing Evangelistic Ministry (HK) Ltd.

26. SPCA (HK)

27. St. Andrew's Church

28. St. James' Settlement

29. The Bond of Love Foundation Ltd.

30. The Hong Kong Society for Rehabilitation

31. The Outward Bound Trust of Hong Kong Ltd.

32. The Salvation Army

33. UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR)

34. Watoto Hong Kong Ltd.

35. World Wide Fund for Nature Hong Kong

36. Wu Oi Christian Centre

- 71 -

Public Examination

Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education (2019)

With 150 students and 1019 subject entries, there was a total of

172 5**s, constituting 17% of all subject entries. Our S6 girls scored

5* or above in 41% of the subject entries and Level 4 or above in 90%

of the subject entries.

Advanced-level Examinations (2019 cohort)

A total of 12 students completed the two-year A-level course.

Out of 44 subject entries, there was a total of 27 A*s, constituting

61.4% of the subject entries. They scored A or above in 86.4% of the

subject entries and B or above in 97.7% of the subject entries. In

addition, 50% of girls scored A* and 83% of girls scored A or above

in IGSCE Chinese (2018). As for the IELTS examination (2018), 83%

of girls scored 8.0 or above and 100% of girls scored 7.0 or above.

- 72 -

Class of 2019

Au Ka Wai Cheryl

Au Wai Yan

But Cheuk Yiu

Chan Cheuk Hei Sarah

Chan Cheuk Yin Aurora

Chan Ching Lam Alicia

Chan Cody

Chan Hoi Yan

Chan Lai Ki Crystal

Chan Lok Yan

Chan Renee Tsz Wai

Chan Sharron

Chan Siu Ting

Chan Sum Yu

Chan Tsz Hang Henrietta

Chan Tsz Wai Jasmine

Chan Tsz Wun Charis

Chan Wing In Anson

Chan Wing Luen Disney

Chay Hiu Wai Justina

Chen Ji Yan

Chen Ming Wai Sophia

Chen Yan Yan

Cheng Hiu Wa Eunice

Cheng Yi Ting Charlotte

Cheung Hiu Laam

Cheung Lok Yee

Cheung Wai Shan Fion

Chin Hei Yin Ramona

Chiu Dick Man Hannah

Chiu Seen Yung

Chiu Stephanie Ling Wun

Chiu Tsz Sum Canice

Choi Chloe Yan Ping

Choi Pui Lam

Chong Chung Yan

Chou Cheuk Lam Shermane

Chow Kei Yin Stephanie

Chow Kwan Wing

Chui Hay Yan

Chung Hiu Tung

Chung Wing Lam Chloe

Fan Linna

Fan Valerie Pearl

Fung Adele On Ying

Fung Sze Ngo

Fung Yat Yi Natalie

Gao Yawen

Gopaoco Ellery

Ho Sin Kwan

Ho Yin Yee Jocelyn

Huang Ying Xun Wing

Hui Nga Lam Ellen

Hui Shun Hei Janis

Hung Hiu Yan

Ip Ingrid

Kang Chuhui

Ko Sabrina Tsz Ki

Kwok Hui Man Natalie

Lai Mei Kwan Eva

Lai Wing Tsz

Lam Hoi Ting Christy

Lam Mei Ting

Lam Oi Ki Miranda

Lam Patricia Dorothy

Lam Sum Tim Felicia

Lam Sze Yin Cecilia

Lam Wing Ki Bonnie

Lam Wing Man

Lau Chiu Kwan

Lau Tsz Ching Rachel

Lee Ka Wai

Lee Kate Xintong

Lee Lok Yee Asta

Lee Pui Ka

Lee Wing Yan

Lee Wing Yeung

Lee Yuen Ying

- 73 -

Lee Yuk Kwan Leong Justine Sophie Kwan Tung

Leung Ka Ching Leung Lok Lam Courtney Leung Wai Tsam Alisa Leung Yin Li Pui Yau Yoyo Li Shulin Li Tsz Ching Yvonne Li Yee Ching Li Yui Yan Veronica Lin Ka Wing Ling Hau Ching Liu Wing Sze Lo Kwan Yee Lo Lok Yin Naomi Lo Si Yu Florence Lo Wing Lam Lok Hoi Man Looi Nga Laam Look Avril Luk Kei Suet Angela Luo Danfangxuan Ma Cheuk Lam Ma Wing Tung Michelle Ma Yi Tung Mak Hei Ching Man Pak Yan Melis Marsha Mi Yu Qi Mok Wing Sum Jess Mui Tsam Yin Ng Cheuk Yin Stephanie Ng Tsz Hang Victoria Pang King Chi Rim Hoi Ching Kristie See Joyce Sham Po Yan Siu Andrea So Ar Wou Joivia So Tin Yau Natalie So Zi Qing Valerie Sung Wing Kiu Gabriella

Sze Wan Fong Tan Yi Lin Eugenia Tang Sin Kiu Tang Vanessa Yik Ching Tang Wing Sze Joyce Tsang Choy Yin Jocelyn Tsang Pak Chi Tsang Yuk Yue Cherry Tse Jessica Hei Wai Tse Tung Yee Wan Lok See Wan Tsz Kiu Wang Lai Ka Natalie Watt Wing Yi Whitney Wong Aimee Yin Ting Wong Charissa Hannah Wong Charlotte Loc-Heng Wong Cheuk Ying Cherry Wong Chi Ka Wong Ching Tung Monique Wong Ching Yi Melanie Wong De Rong Michelle Wong Denise Wing Hei Wong Janus Wong Sheung Man Wong Sin Ling Wong Wing Lum Wong Wing Nicole Wong Wing Sum Xu Meiyi Yang Mingming Yang Qingfang Yeo Victoria Anna Yeung Alison Chin Fai Yeung Chun To Chloe Yeung Man Kei Helen Yeung Sin Kiu Yip Chuen Yan Yu Ming Chi Yuen Wing Chin Vinci Yung Sik Yu Danielle Yung Wai Ching Divina Zhang Xinlu

- 74 -

Girls representing Hong Kong in International /

Regional / National / Inter-port Events (2018-2019)

The School congratulates the following students for

participating in International / Regional / National / Interport


I. Sports A. Hong Kong Representatives in Major Games and


All China National Youth U18 Game organized by China Track &

Field Association

100m : Second : Leung Wing Hei

Medley Relay : Leung Wing Hei

4x100m Relay : Leung Wing Hei

Gwangju 2019 World Aquatics Champions

Women’s 4x100m Freestyle Relay: Ho Nam Wai

7th FINA World Junior Swimming Championships 2019

Ho Lam Wai, Lam Hoi Kiu, Wong Sze Ting

62nd MILO/PRAM Malaysia Open Swimming Championship 2019

100m Freestyle : Champion : Ho Nam Wai

200m Freestyle : Champion : Ho Nam Wai

400m Freestyle : Champion : Ho Nam Wai

800m Freestyle : Champion : Ho Nam Wai

Youth Athletes for the SF&OC Greater Bay Youth Sports Exchange

Tour (Hong Kong – Guangzhou)

Lam Hoi Ching Summer, Tse On Ching, Young Sze Ki

57th Hong Kong – Macau Interport Swimming Competition

200m Freestyle : Champion : Wong Cho Ying

100m Freestyle : Champion : Wong Cho Ying

50 Breaststroke : Second Runner-up : Wong Cho Ying

- 75 -

Thailand Age Group Swimming Championship 2019

Young Sze Ki, Cheung Hoi Lam, Lam Hoi Ching Summer,

Leung Wing Tsun Rachel, Tse On Ching

Badminton Asia U17&U15 Junior Championships

Quarter Finalist : Cheng Sin Yan Happy Serena

Yonex-Singha-Roza-BTY Junior International Challenge

Cheng Sin Yan Happy Serena

Pembangunan Jaya Raya Junior Grand Prix

U17 : Girls Single: Cheng Sin Yan Happy Serena

2019 Asian Youth Athletics Championships organized by Asian

Athletics Association

U18 : Girls Javelin Throw: Tsui Ka Yan

World Cadet and Junior Fencing Champions organized by

International Fencing Federation

Women’s Cadet Epee : Lau Yuet Yee

Asian Cadet and Junior Fencing Champions organized by Fencing

Confederation of Asia

Women’s Cadet Epee : Lau Yuet Yee

Women’s Cadet Epee : Lee Bik Gwan, Lau Yuet Yee

The 42nd SEASA Championship Taipei Linkau organized by Southeast

Asia Shooting Association

10m Air Pisto Women Junior : Third : Lai Mei Kwan Eva

The 19th Asian Junior Squash Team Championship 2019 organized by

Asian Squash Federation

Second : Lee Sum Yuet

2019 Australian Junior and Cadet Open organized by International

Table Tennis Federation

Cadet Girls’ Teams : First : Hui Wai Phoebe

Cadet Girls’ Singles : First : Hui Wai Phoebe

- 76 -

Panasonic Pan Asia Artistic Swimming Championship cum 15th

Hong Kong Artistic Swimming Open Competitions

13-15 Duet Free : First : Chu Ka Yan Katherine

13-15 Solo Free : First : Chu Ka Yan Katherine

2019 全國青年 U 系列沙灘排球錦標賽──中國排球協會主辦

團體 : 15 歲以下 : 吳祈穎

B. Hong Kong Representatives in International Invitation


2018 亞洲青少年羽毛球混合團體邀請賽

團體 : 冠軍

個人 : 女單 : 冠軍 : 鄭善恩

: 混雙 : 冠軍 : 鄭善恩

The 19th Macau International Artistic Swimming Invitation 2019

13-15 Duet Free : First : Chu Ka Wing Katherine

55th MILO/PRAM Malaysia Invitational Age Group Swimming

Championships 2019 organized by Amateur Swimming Union of


400m Individual Medley : Second : Chan Wing Yan Viann

200m Individual Medley : Third : Chan Wing Yan Viann

200m Backstroke Individual) : Third : Chan Wing Yan Viann

400m Freestyle Individual : Second : Chan Wing Yan Viann

200m Backstroke : Third : Ho Pui Chi

100m Backstroke : Second : Ho Pui Chi

200m Breaststroke : Third : Ho Wan Yui

50m Breaststroke : Champion: Ho Wan Yui

100m Breaststroke : Third : Ho Wan Yui

100m Freestyle : Third : Du Zheng

400m Freestyle : Champion: Du Zheng

800m Freestyle : Champion: Du Zheng

400m Individual Medley : Second : Du Zheng

- 77 -

200m Butterfly : Second: Du Zheng

800m Freestyle : Second: To Wing Yan

200m Freestyle : Second: To Wing Yan

50m Freestyle : Second: To Wing Yan

C. Hong Kong Schools Representatives in Regional /

National Schools Competitions

School Interport Cross Country Competition 2018-2019

Chung Pui Ka

The 2nd National Youth Games of the People’s Republic of China

Artistic Swimming: Chu Ka Wing Katherine, Lau Ching Kiu Natalie

Badminton : Cheng Sin Yan Happy Serena

Beach Volleyball : Ng Ki Wing

Swimming : Wong Cho Ying, Du Zheng, Young Sze Ki,

Hui Ka Ling, Fung Suet Ying Chloe, Lau

Ping Yi Audrey, Tse On Ching

6th Asian School Table Tennis Championships organized by Asian

School Sport Federation

Girls' Team Under 18 : Second : Li Cheuk Tung, Hui Wai Phoebe

Girls' Doubles Under 18 : Second : Hui Wai Phoebe

: Third : Li Cheuk Tung

II. Others

Dance World Cup organized by DWC Asia Company

Team Children Duo Trio Ballet : Gold Award

Junior Large Group Contemporary : Gold Award

Junior Small Group Modern : Gold Award


Children Solo Jass : Gold Award : Wong Yanka

Junior Solo Modern : Gold Award : Li Wing Tung

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Lundaspelen (Sweden) Handball Tournament 2018 organized by LUGI


Girls 16 Group : Wong Cheuk Hei Eugenie

47th International Exhibition of Inventions of Geneva organized by

Inventions Geneva

Team: National Research Council of Thailand: Gold Medal

Team: Exhibition of Inventions: Silver Medal

Asian Youth Chess Championships 2019 organized by The Chess

Federation of Sri-Lanka

U14 Rapid : Cheung Hoi Yau Ashley

U14 Blitz : Cheung Hoi Yau Ashley

U14 Standard : Cheung Hoi Yau Ashley

World Individual Debating and Public Speaking Championships

organized by Branksome Hall

First among Hong Kong Team members: Woo Hoi Tung Natalie

15th International Children's Drawing Contest "The Slavonic

Spring" organized by Lithuanian Art Museum

Diploma of the 1st Degree: Yuen Ho Lam

The 48th International Children's Art Exhibition 2018 organized

by Biiku Bunka Kyokai (foundation for Art Education) in Japan

Bronze award: Fok Ying Tong Charmaine

Aarhus International Piano Competition 2019 organized by Royal

Academic of Music Aarhus

Category A (Age 11 to 15): Finalist: Lun Hoi Ching Sherri

The 7th ASEAN International Chopin Piano Competition organized

by Persatuan Chopin Malaysia

Junior School Category: Gold Prize: Lun Hoi Ching Sherri

Junior Category: Best Performance of Chopin Ballade:

Lun Hoi Ching Sherri

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Junior School Headmistress’s Report (2018-2019)

Eager as we are in implementing the plans for the school year in

2019 – 20, which heralds the celebration of the School’s 160th

Anniversary, we cannot move forward without looking back at

2018 – 19 to count our blessings as we faithfully serve the student

community with fervent zest and diligence. A fifth of the twenty-first century has gone by, and we are totally

convinced that student needs are changing. While the School

understands the value of solid traditional learning, soft skills that

many current students may need to deal with life’s challenges are

now perceived as indispensable tools to success. Without much

need of explanation, we understand that the significance of

memorizing and dictating are definitely slowly eroding. As such,

lessons or learning-based interactions should not be conducted as

isolated, unconnected events. To give meaning to the girls’

experience at DGJS, students are encouraged to build the habit of

constructing knowledge, skills and meaning through reflection. To

this end, the School keenly tries to deepen their learning experience

by creating space and time for reflection. As teachers shared

reflective strategies and experiences with each other during staff

development days in the past year, we witnessed that the whole

staff was enriched in the process, and together with all the students,

the school is embarking on this reflective journey as one united


In addition to sharing of good practices, professional development

of teachers was further encouraged through inter-departmental

lesson observations carried out throughout the year. Teachers

benefitted from the widened scope of diverse classroom dynamics,

learning about how the needs of students vary in different subjects

and settings. Another valuable part of the observation process

included a platform for colleagues to explore the strengths and

weaknesses of different personalities, through which, teachers can

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be emboldened sufficiently to unleash their strengths and potential

for richer classroom interaction.

Character building continued to be an important element of the

DGJS education. A new Life Education Programme (LEP) was

introduced to Primary One and Six students. The younger students

learned about important values through storytelling and activities,

while the older students were given ample opportunity to practise

reflection and link their LEP lessons to their everyday life outside

of the classroom. An important feature of this new LEP was cross-

grade activities. The very busy Primary Six students no longer had

to feel guilty about not giving time to their little sisters because of

busy schedules. Class Periods were dedicated to giving the big and

little sisters opportunities for interaction and exchange.

Collaborative learning was also extended to the rest of the students

in the School. A mural was created through a whole-school

collaborative event and displayed outside the PTA room. Every

student’s thoughts and opinions of “What Makes a Happy School”

became a part of this mural, showing that life in DGJS is fulfilling

when every member works together hand-in-hand.

During the past year, the staff and students collaborated and

supported each other successfully, filling the calendar with brilliant

academic achievements, glowing accomplishments in athletics and

the arts, generous acts of service, and a warm sense of community.

Creativity and imagination are both crucial elements we wish to

develop in our students. As in previous years, teachers devoted

time and effort to engaging students in creative writing during

language lessons. Cynthia Honig of Pr. 6C was chosen as the Poet

of the School and was awarded the Silver Award in the Hong Kong

Budding Poets (English) Awards, while Charms Ng of Pr. 6D was

awarded a Gold prize in the “Project for Primary Students Gifted

in Chinese Language” Competition 2018-2019, and was granted

the opportunity to join a five-day study tour to Beijing, China. In

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the International Competitions and Assessments for Schools 2019,

organised by the University of New South Wales, our Primary

Three to Six girls once again achieved commendable results,

demonstrating their excellent command of the English Language.

Eighty-one students were awarded Certificates of High Distinction,

earmarked for the top 1% of the participants in Hong Kong, and

six students received the Medal Awards for coming first in Hong

Kong in their year levels.

To extend the learning of Mathematics beyond the classroom,

students participated in external competitions and events.

Mathematics teachers and students were rewarded with success

and recognition for their commitment. Valerie Choi, Cindy Cheung,

Elizabeth Lam and Cynthia Honig of Primary Six were awarded

the Gold Award in the World Class Arena Elite Competition 2019.

Our school was also awarded the Most Outstanding Group

Performance and Most Double Distinction Award in the Primary

Section of the World Class Test 2019.

Those girls willing to take challenges were also encouraged to

think on their feet and problem solve outside of the school context.

The DGJS Debate Team was the Champion in the Primary Section

of the Hong Kong Secondary Schools Debating Competition. On

the creative front, the DGJS Odyssey of the Mind team was the

Champion in the Hong Kong Regional Tournament 2019 and was

given the honour of representing Hong Kong in the international

tournament in Michigan, USA.

At the 71st Hong Kong Schools Music Festival, our three choirs

participated in six events and secured three first places, two second

places and one third place. The Junior Choir was selected as the

Best Primary School Junior Choir and The Most Outstanding

Primary School Choir of the Year. The Senior and Junior

Percussion Bands achieved fruitful results and came second and

third respectively. The Symphony Orchestra and the String

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Orchestra won the Gold Award at the 2018 Hong Kong Youth

Music Interflows.

The Primary Six students amazed the audience during the Summer

Concert with their collaborative performance consisting of

multiple arrangements of the famous melody, Red River Valley,

under the guidance of Mr. Chiu Tsang Hei, a renowned local music

producer. Working in groups, the students arranged their own

backing tracks on iPads, which were then played together with

their musical instruments live on stage.

Our students’ achievements were equally remarkable at the 70th

Hong Kong Schools Speech Festival. Altogether they won thirty

first places in the English solo classes and thirty first places in the

Cantonese and Putonghua solo classes. The Primary Two, Three

and Five Harmonic Speaking groups all came first in their

respective competitions.

For the all-round development of students, participation in team

sports is very important. 2018-2019 was a successful year for

DGJS athletes as a number of our sports teams achieved

outstanding results in various inter-school competitions in the

Kowloon South Area. The School was the champion in the inter-

school swimming (Grades A and B), athletics (Grades A, B and C)

and basketball competitions, and the first runner-up in the

volleyball competition. It gave us great joy to witness the coaches

and players reaping the fruit of their hard work and training as they

celebrated their achievements. As a participant in the newly

classified Kowloon South Area inter-school competitions, DGJS

became one of two schools to receive the Gold Prize for the best

achievement in sports in this district. Among many of our

outstanding athletes, Josephine Lee of Pr. 6D received the A.S.

Watson Group Hong Kong Student Sports Award and Chloe Hong

of Pr. 6B was the Sports Girl of the Year in the Kowloon South


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I would also like to extend my congratulations to the following

girls who have achieved exceptional recognition in various areas.

Valerie Choi of Pr. 6A was awarded the Mrs. Blomfield Cup for

her excellent bilingual skills and was one of the Most Outstanding

Students in the Yau-Tsim-Mong District. Chan Tsz Nam of Pr. 5B

and Anson Cheng of Pr. 2C were chosen as Junior Astronauts out

of 2000 competitors to attend a fully subsidised nine-day space

exploration journey in the United States Space Camp in Huntsville,

Alabama, sponsored by the MassMutual Junior Space Camp

Programme. These shining “stars” have added a warm sparkle to

the School.

To recognise the importance of learning beyond the academic

boundaries, the School presented sports scholarships to each of the

54 students for their outstanding performance and teamwork in

sports. Music scholarships were presented to 57 students whose

dedication and contribution to the School’s music teams were

invaluable. For the first time, one student of each grade was also

awarded a Visual Arts Scholarship for their creativity and

enthusiasm in composing their art pieces. Scholarships were also

offered to students of the year, subject prize recipients and those

who made the most significant progress.

A girl’s education is not complete without dedication to service and

social responsibility. To recognise the girls who demonstrated

exemplary conduct and service, the PTA generously awarded PTA

scholarships to two students from each class. In addition, the

School presented a scholarship to Chloe Chiu of Pr. 6C, the

recipient of the Mrs. Rebecca Yip Shield for outstanding

performance in Scripture, conduct and service. The Mrs. Emily Dai

Award together with a scholarship was offered to Sherene Chow of

Pr. 5C for her continuous improvement in conduct, learning

attitude, application and effort, maturity and academic studies. One

student from each grade received the Bishop Ho Ming Hua Ronald

O. Hall Memorial Scholarship for their commendable character

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development in the areas of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness,

goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. To give

recognition to outstanding scholars, the Senior School also

awarded the DGS Award for Academic Excellence 2018-2019

scholarships to three Primary Six students, Valerie Choi, Sarina

Hui and Charms Ng, to support their studies from S1 to S6 in DGS.

As I close the report, I praise our Heavenly Father for the year of

challenges, opportunities and colour, gratefully thank the

Supervisor and School Council for the wise leadership, my

colleagues for the seamless support and our parents and girls for

their trusting partnership. May the taste of sweet fruits urge us to

give our very best in this current and future years.

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Students’ Achievement and Performance

A. Speech 1. 70th Hong Kong Schools Speech Festival

English Section

Total no. of entries: Solo Classes: 402 in 52 classes

Harmonic Speaking: 3 groups

Improvised Dramatic Scenes: 3 groups

Dramatic Scenes: 2 groups

A. Solo Classes:

Position No. of Girls

First 30

Second 42

Third 39


1. Kristen Yip (Pr. 2A) Solo Verse Speaking (Open)

2. Rachel Rhodes (Pr. 2B) Solo Verse Speaking (Open)

3. Kayla Cheng (Pr. 2D) Solo Verse Speaking (Open)

4. Valerie Liu (Pr. 3C) Solo Verse Speaking (Open)

5. Charlotte Hsia (Pr. 5A) Solo Verse Speaking (Open)

6. Jasmine Chan (Pr. 1C) Solo Verse Speaking (Non-open)

7. Fung Din Yee (Pr. 2B) Solo Verse Speaking (Non-open)

8. Pang Sum Yau (Pr. 2B) Solo Verse Speaking (Non-open)

9. Sung Zhi Yin (Pr. 2B) Solo Verse Speaking (Non-open)

10. Wong Hin Yan (Pr. 2B) Solo Verse Speaking (Non-open)

11. Calissa Poon (Pr. 2D) Solo Verse Speaking (Non-open)

12. Pei Tsz Hin (Pr. 2D) Solo Verse Speaking (Non-open)

13. Hilary Chan (Pr. 3A) Solo Verse Speaking (Non-open)

14. Mak Shan Ga (Pr. 3A) Solo Verse Speaking (Non-open)

15. Vanessa Chan (Pr. 3B) Solo Verse Speaking (Non-open)

16. Alessandra Woo (Pr. 4A) Solo Verse Speaking (Non-open)

17. Candace Lee (Pr. 4A) Solo Verse Speaking (Non-open)

18. Lo Tsz Yau (Pr. 4B) Solo Verse Speaking (Non-open)

19. Julia Chung (Pr. 4D) Solo Verse Speaking (Non-open)

20. Chan Tsz Nam (Pr. 5B) Solo Verse Speaking (Non-open)

21. Hillary Lau (Pr. 5B) Solo Verse Speaking (Non-open)

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22. Nicole Fung (Pr. 6B) Solo Verse Speaking (Non-open)

23. Whitney Lau (Pr. 6D) Solo Verse Speaking (Non-open)

24. Hailie Szeto (Pr. 3D) Solo Verse Speaking (Non-open)

25. Sung Zhi Yin (Pr. 2B) Solo Prose Speaking (Open)

26. Tayla Siswojo (Pr. 3D) Solo Prose Speaking (Open)

27. Greta Ip (Pr. 3B) Solo Prose Reading (Non-open)

28. Tai Cheuk Wa (Pr. 4A) Solo Prose Reading (Non-open)

29. Agalia Kwan (Pr. 5A) Solo Prose Reading (Non-open)

30. Karina Lai (Pr. 5C)

Solo Prose Reading (Non-open)

B. Choral:

Primary 2 Harmonic Choral Speaking (Open) First

Primary 3 Harmonic Choral Speaking (Open) First

Primary 5 Harmonic Choral Speaking (Open) First

C. Dramatic Scenes – Third

Valerie Choi (Pr. 5D) Hazel Lee (Pr. 6B)

Claire Chow (Pr. 5D) Monique Khouw (Pr. 6B)

Leanne Chung (Pr. 6A) Lam Chi Yau (Pr. 6B)

Kwok Oi Ying (Pr. 6A) Charlotte Kong (Pr. 6B)

Sophie Cheung (Pr. 6A) Kelly Ng (Pr. 6C)

Amelia Chow (Pr. 6B) Chloe Chiu (Pr. 6C)

Putonghua Section

Total no. of entries: 131 in 20 classes

Solo Classes:

Position No. of Girls

First 11

Second 11

Third 20


1. Sung Zhi Yin (Pr. 2B) Solo Verse Speaking

2. Siu Pui Yung (Pr. 3B) Solo Verse Speaking

3. Elizabeth Lui (Pr. 3B) Solo Verse Speaking

4. Wong Hei Lam (Pr. 3D) Solo Verse Speaking

5. Wan Tsz Yau (Pr. 3D) Solo Verse Speaking

6. Chan Pui Kei (Pr. 3D) Solo Verse Speaking

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7. Kaitlyn Yu (Pr. 4A) Solo Verse Speaking

8. Jessy Chan (Pr. 2D) Solo Verse Speaking

Solo Prose Speaking

9. Agalia Kwan (Pr. 5A) Solo Verse Speaking

Solo Prose Speaking

10. Alexis Lam (Pr. 2A) Solo Prose Speaking

11. Hayley Yuen (Pr. 4B) Solo Prose Speaking

Cantonese Section

Total no. of entries: 143 in 37 classes

Solo Classes:

Position No. of Girls

First 19

Second 18

Third 26


1. Amelia Chan (Pr. 1A) Solo Verse Speaking

2. Sophie Li (Pr. 1A) Solo Verse Speaking

3. Themis Yeung (Pr. 1A) Solo Verse Speaking

4. Jacey Hui (Pr. 1D) Solo Verse Speaking

5. Andrea Lee (Pr. 2B) Solo Verse Speaking

6. Charis Poon (Pr. 2C) Solo Verse Speaking

7. Jeannie Cheung (Pr. 3A) Solo Verse Speaking

8. Natalie Fung (Pr. 3B) Solo Verse Speaking

9. Abbie Mui (Pr. 3C) Solo Verse Speaking

10. Evelyn Li (Pr. 3C) Solo Verse Speaking

11. Skye Ip (Pr. 3D) Solo Verse Speaking

12. Annette Che (Pr. 4B) Solo Verse Speaking

13. Katelyn Hsu (Pr. 5D) Solo Verse Speaking

14. Chan Sze Lam (Pr. 2A) Solo Prose Speaking

15. Janice Leung (Pr. 2C) Solo Prose Speaking

16. Valerie Chow (Pr. 2C) Solo Prose Speaking

17. Vanessa Kan (Pr. 6B) Solo Prose Speaking

18. Charms Ng (Pr. 6D) Solo Prose Speaking

19. Karen Ngai (Pr. 2C) Solo Story Telling

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2. The 25th Bible Reading Festival organised by Chinese Bible

International Ltd.:

Pr. 6 Solo Speaking

2nd Runner-up: Lam Sze Ching (Pr. 6B)

Pr. 5 Solo Speaking

Champion: Agalia Kwan (Pr. 5A)

1st Runner-up: Candice Ng (Pr. 5B)

2nd Runner-up: Anneka Chang (Pr. 5C)

Merit: Chan Tsz Nam (Pr. 5B), Samantha Tang (Pr. 5C)

Pr. 4 Solo Speaking

1st Runner-up: Mia Lo (Pr. 4A)

Merit: Hayley Yuen (Pr. 4B), Sophie Chow (Pr. 4C)

Pr. 3 Solo Speaking

2nd Runner-up: Serena Wen (Pr. 3C)

Merit: Cheryl Leung (Pr. 3B)

Pr. 2 Solo Speaking

1st Runner-up: Charlotte Kwan (Pr. 2A)

2nd Runner-up: Alisha Kong (Pr. 2C), Jessy Chan (Pr. 2D)

Merit: Audrey Lau (Pr. 2B)

Pr. 1 Solo Speaking

2nd Runner-up: Leung Cheuk Tung (Pr. 1C)

Merit: Daphne Fung (Pr. 1C), Katelyn Wong (P. 1C)

3. 第三十一屆 GAPSK 全港普通話朗誦比賽—小學邀請賽:

小學組(Pr. 3 - Pr. 4)校際邀請賽 A 組

亞軍: 符從恩 (Pr. 4A)

小學組(Pr. 5- Pr. 6)校際邀請賽 B 組

季軍: 周愉琳 (Pr. 6B)

4.第三十四屆 GAPSK 全港普通話朗誦比賽 ── 小學邀請賽

── 由GAPSK普通話朗讀比賽執行委員會及北京大學語文教


- 89 -


卓越獎: 馮靖潼 (Pr. 6B)


卓越獎: 袁伊婷 (Pr. 4B)


比賽 2019」九龍區中小組比賽:

優異星獎: 符從恩 (P. 4A)




銅獎: 陳芷楠 (P. 5B)


冠軍: 楊旼忻 (Pr. 5A)

優異獎: 簡德瑜 (Pr. 6B)

8.第 45 屆全港兒童故事演講比賽:


冠軍: 魏愷姈 (Pr. 2C)

B. Music 1. The 71st Hong Kong Schools Music Festival

Group Entries

Choral Singing in Chinese

Senior Choir First

Intermediate Choir Second

Junior Choir First

Choral Singing in Foreign Language

Senior Choir First

Intermediate Choir Second

Junior Choir Third

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Percussion Bands

Senior Percussion Band Second

Junior Percussion Band Third

Symphony Orchestra Third

String Oschestra Third

Primary School Choir Finals (Hong Kong Region and Kowloon


The Junior Choir was selected as

The Best Primary School Junior Choir in the Hong Kong Region

and the Kowloon Region, and was awarded the Hong Kong

Children’s Choir Trophy and Brother Cassian Memorial Prize

From the Winning Teams of the Primary School Choir Finals:

The Junior Choir was also selected as

The Most Outstanding Primary School Choir of the Year in the

Hong Kong Region and the Kowloon Region, and was awarded

the Hong Kong Children’s Choir Trophy and

Ms Barbara Fei SBS Memorial Choral Prize

Individual Entries

Vocal Solo in Foreign Language

Age 7 to 8 Calissa Poon (Pr. 2D) First

Siena Yeh (Pr. 3A) First

Renee Wong (Pr. 1B) Second

Alexis Lam (Pr. 2A) Second

Andrea Loo (Pr. 3A) Second

Hitomi Yip (Pr. 3B) Second

Wen Ching Hei (Pr. 3C) Second

Evelyn Wong (Pr. 3C) Third

Chloe Lit (Pr. 3D) Third

Ingrid Lo (Pr. 3D) Third

Wan Tsz Yau (Pr. 3D) Third

Age 10 or under Sophie Hosie (Pr. 5C) First

Candace Lee (Pr. 4A) Second

Chan Sze Wing (Pr. 3B) Third

Jesslyn Delfin (Pr. 4A) Third

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Adriana Che (Pr. 4D) Third

Agalia Kwan (Pr. 5A) Third

Wong Wing Tung (Pr. 5B) Third

Angelina Wong (Pr. 5D) Third

Age 13 or under Charlotte Hsia (Pr. 5A) Second

Josephine Lee (Pr. 6D) Second

Charms Ng (Pr. 6D) Second

Sarina Hui (Pr. 6B) Third

Vocal Solo in Chinese

Age 10 or under Calissa Poon (Pr. 2D) First

Mara Lang (Pr. 4A) Second

Rachel Yu (Pr. 5C) Second

Sherri Cheng (Pr. 4B) Second

Piano Solo Grade 1 Emma Chong (Pr. 1C) Second

Alma Tse (Pr. 1A) Third

Grade 2 Abrielle Wong (Pr. 2D) First

Chan Cheuk Yin (Pr. 1A) Second

Bernice Leong (Pr. 1A) Second

Wan Tsz Yau (Pr. 3D) Second

Charlotte Kwan (Pr. 2A) Third

Levana Hsia (Pr. 2A) Third

Agatha Wong (Pr. 2D) Third

Yung Yi Kiu (Pr. 3B) Third

Tai Chun Yan (Pr. 5A) Third

Grade 3 Hayley Yuen (Pr. 4B) Second

Chloe Chan (Pr. 2D) Third

Natalie Chan (Pr. 3A) Third

Heather Cheng (Pr. 3B) Third

Grade 4 Abigail Wong (Pr. 5B) First

Vanessa Chan (Pr. 3B) Third

Grade 7 Calissa Poon (Pr. 2D) First

Ko Hiu Yau (Pr. 5D) Second

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Grade 8 Cindy Cheung (Pr. 6B) Second

Violin solo

Grade 1 Ashley Lau (Pr. 1A) First

Grade 2 Youna Chau (Pr. 2C) First

Wan Xin Yi (Pr. 2A) Third

Chloe Lai (Pr. 3A) Third

Grade 3 Amelia Chan (Pr. 1A) First

Royce Yang (Pr. 4A) First

Chan Wing Chi (Pr. 3C) Second

Choi Shi Yin (Pr. 3C) Third

Grade 4 Mary Cheng (Pr. 5C) First

Shelby Chan (Pr. 2B) Second

Pei Tsz Hin (Pr. 2D) Second

Valerie Ho (Pr. 4C) Second

Audrey Wan (Pr. 5A) Second

Chan Joy Ching (Pr. 5C) Second

Natalie Chan (Pr. 3A) Third

Grade 5 Sophia Lau (Pr. 4B) Second

Megan Yan (Pr. 5A) Second

Zoe Wai (Pr. 6A) Third

Grade 6 Gladys Tam (Pr. 5C) First

Grade 8 Celeste Yeh (Pr. 5B) Third

Violin Concerto

Age 13 or under Siena Yeh (Pr. 3A) Third

Violin Duet

Junior Natalie Chan (Pr. 3A) Third

Chan Wing Chi (Pr. 3C) Third

Viola Solo

Junior Sophie Chow (Pr. 4C) Second

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Chan Joy Ching (Pr. 5C) Third

Cello Solo

Junior Karina Lai (Pr. 5C) First

Natalie Chung (Pr. 5A) Second

Micaela Tsoi (Pr. 4D) Third

Intermediate Choi Ho Ho (Pr. 6A) Second

Double Bass Solo Junior Kaylie Wong (Pr. 3A) Third

Flute Solo

Junior Charis Lo (Pr. 3B) Second

Senior Audrey Lai (Pr. 6B) Third

Oboe Solo

Junior Audrey Wan (Pr. 5A) Second

Clarinet Solo

Junior Hayley Yuen (Pr. 4B) First

Vanessa Chan (Pr. 3D) Second

Chang Tung Ka (Pr. 4D) Third

Alto Saxophone Solo

Senior Anson Cheng (Pr. 2C) Third

Descant Recorder Solo

Age 10 or under Kristina Chung (Pr. 4A) Second

Age 13 or under Alyssa Lapakulchai (Pr. 6A) Third

Recorder Duet Age 13 or under Mak Shan Ga (Pr. 3A) First

Mak Shan Shi (Pr. 6C)

Trumpet Solo Junior Giselle Cheng (Pr. 5D) Third

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French Horn Solo Senior Xiao Ka Yee (Pr. 5B) Third

Marimba Solo Primary School Angela Au (Pr. 5A) Third

Xylophone Solo Primary School Rainbow Chan (Pr. 5B) Second

Yangqin Solo

Junior Winnie Zhang (Pr. 4B) Third

2. Hong Kong Youth Music Interflows 2018, organised by the Music

Office of the Leisure and Cultural Services Department:

String Orchestra Contest Gold Award

Symphony Orchestra Contest Gold Award

3. The 4th Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups Percussion


Junior Percussion Band Silver Award

C. Sports 1. Swimming

a) Kowloon South Area Inter-Primary Schools Swimming


Girls A Grade: First

Girls B Grade: First

Girls C Grade: Second

b) All Hong Kong Inter-Area Primary Schools Swimming

Competition 2018-2019:

Our girls represented Kowloon South Area in this competition.

Girls A Grade - First

Outstanding Swimmers: Wong Hin Yi (Pr. 6D), Yeung Hoi Ching

(Pr. 6D)

Girls B Grade – First

Girls C Grade – Fourth

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2. Athletics

a) Kowloon South Area Inter-Primary Schools Athletics Competition:

Girls A Grade – First

Girls B Grade – First

Girls C Grade – First

b) All Hong Kong Inter-Area Primary Schools Athletics Competition:

Our girls represented Kowloon South Area in this competition.

Girls A Grade

Second in Shot Put: Chloe Hong (Pr. 6B)

Girls B Grade

First in 200m: Cheuk Nim Yan (Pr. 5B)

Fourth in High Jump: Katelyn Yiu (Pr. 5D)

First in 4X100m Relay: Richelle Wo (Pr. 5A), Cheuk Nim Yan (Pr.

5B), Erin Tam (Pr. 5D), Ellie Lau (Pr. 5C)

Girls C Grade

Second in 60m: Lily Lirk (Pr. 4B)

Second in 100m: Julie Chan (Pr. 4A)

First in 4X100m Relay: Julie Chan (Pr. 4A), Lily Lirk (Pr. 4B),

Sophie Chow (Pr. 4C), Nicole Sum (Pr. 3B)

c) Yau Tsim Mong District Age Group Athletic Meet 2018:

E Grade

Women’s 60m:

First: Sophia Liu (Pr. 6D)

Third: Cheuk Nim Yan (Pr. 5B)

Women’s 100m:

Second: Ellie Lau (Pr. 5C)

Third: Hayley Chan (Pr. 6D)

Women’s 200m:

Second: Jane Karlsson (Pr. 6D)

Third: Cheuk Nim Yan (Pr. 5B)

Women’s 4X100m:

First: Jocelyn Tong (Pr. 6B), Jane Karlsson (Pr. 6D), Sophia Liu

(Pr. 6D), Julie Suen (Pr. 5D)

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Second: Chan Yee Chun (Pr. 6A), Tse Sau Lam (Pr. 6A), Alisa

Wong (Pr. 6C), Hayley Chan (Pr. 6D)

Third: Lam Yin Ga (Pr. 5A), Daania Butt (Pr. 5C), Christie Fung

(Pr. 5C), Erin Tam (Pr. 5D)

Women’s High Jump:

First: Yiu Hong Ching (Pr. 5D)

F Grade

Women’s 60m:

First: Julie Chan (Pr. 4A)

Second: Lily Lirk (Pr. 4B)

Third: Nicole Sum (Pr. 3B)

Women’s 100m:

First: Julie Chan (Pr. 4A)

Second: Sophie Chow (Pr. 4C)

Third: Lily Lirk (Pr. 4B)

Women’s 4X100m:

First: Lily Lirk (Pr. 4B), Yu Yong Xuan (Pr. 4D), Christy Chan (Pr.

3B), Nicole Sum (Pr. 3B)

Second: Julie Chan (Pr. 4A), Sophie Chow (Pr. 4C), Yasmine

Leung (Pr. 4C), Charis Pak (Pr. 4C)

Women’s Long Jump:

First: Charis Pak (Pr. 4C)

Second: Sophie Chow (Pr. 4C)

d) Pui Ching Primary School Friendly Relay Match:

Second: Jocelyn Tong (Pr. 6B), Jane Karlsson (Pr. 6D), Sophia Liu

(Pr. 6D), Julie Suen (Pr. 5D)

3. Table Tennis

a) Kowloon South Area Inter-Primary Schools Table Tennis


Girls A Grade: Merit

Outstanding Table Tennis Player: Yeung Kaiqing (Pr. 5A)

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4. Volleyball

a) Kowloon South Area Inter-Primary Schools Volleyball


Girls’ Section: Second

Outstanding Volleyball Players: Tse Sau Lam (Pr. 6A) and Chu Zhi

Ling (Pr. 6B)

b) All Hong Kong Inter-Area Primary Schools Volleyball


Our girls represented Kowloon South Area in this competition.

Girls’ Section: Third

c) School Sports Programme 2019 Easy Sport Competition – Mini-

volleyball Competition:

Girls’ Section: Third

d) 聖公會李福慶中學「李福慶盃」小學排球邀請賽 2018:


e) 新星排球邀請賽 2019:

15 歲或以下(女子組):亞軍

f) 第 44 屆青少盃排球賽:


5. Badminton

a) Kowloon South Area Inter-Primary Schools Badminton


Girls’ Section: Merit

6. Tennis

a) All Hong Kong Inter-Primary Schools Tennis Competition 2018-


Girls A Grade


Merit Award: Natalie Cheng (Pr. 6B)

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Second: Natalie Cheng (Pr. 6B), Wong Jit (Pr. 6B)

Girls C Grade


Merit Award: Gabrielle Yue (Pr. 4A), Hebe Leung (Pr. 4B), Siena

Yeh (Pr. 3A)

7. Gymnastics

a) All Hong Kong Inter-Primary Schools Gymnastics Competition:

Girls A Grade

First in Balance Beam, Second in Floor Exercise and Uneven Bars,

Third in Vault, Overall Second: Joyce Chung (Pr. 6D)

Girls A Grade - Team

Third: Beatrice Lam (Pr. 6C), Alisa Wong (Pr. 6C), Joyce Chung

(Pr. 6D)

Girls C Grade - Team

First: Giselle Lam (Pr. 3B), Chiara Yeung (Pr. 3D), Nicole Chung

(Pr. 2B), Yolan Li (Pr. 2B), Yu Hei Yin (Pr. 1C)

8. Basketball

a) Kowloon South Area Inter-Primary Schools Basketball


Girls’ Section: Champion

Outstanding Basketball Players: Chloe Hong (Pr. 6B), Magdalene

Chan (Pr. 6C)

b) All Hong Kong Inter-Area Primary Schools Basketball


Our girls represented Kowloon South Area in this competition.

Girls’ Section: Second

c) CMA Secondary School Basketball Competition 2018-2019:

Cup Division: Fourth

d) Kowloon True Light School KTL Cup Basketball Competition


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Plate Division: Second

Three-point Shot Category

Third: Leanna Liu (Pr. 5B)

e) 6th Po Kok Basketball Competition 2018-2019:

Cup Division: Third

Most Valuable Player: Fan Chin Yin (Pr. 5C)

9. Fencing

a) All Hong Kong Inter-Primary Schools Fencing Competition


Girls’ B Team Foil: Merit Award

Girls’ C Team Foil: Fourth

b) Po Leung Kuk Camoes Tan Siu Lin Primary School Fencing

Invitation Tournament:

U10 Girls Foil

First: Charmaine Fung (Pr. 4C)

Second: Grace Wong (Pr. 3D)

U10 Mixed Sabre

First: Helen Wong (Pr. 4B)

U13 Mixed Sabre

Third: Adrienne Chau (Pr. 6C)

Girls Foil Team: First

10. Netball

a) Netball Development Tournament 2019:

9 to 12 Years Old

First: DGJS Netball Team B

Third: DGJS Netball Team A

b) Hong Kong Netball Association Junior Netball League Spring


U12’s Division Blue: First

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11. A.S. Watson Group Hong Kong Student Sports Awards 2018-2019:

Josephine Lee (Pr. 6D)

12. HKSSF Kowloon South Area Primary School Sports Girl of the


Chloe Hong (Pr. 6B)

13. Hong Kong School Aquathlon Championships 2019 - Race 1


Team A

Second: Kayleigh Lam (Pr. 6B), Katelyn Yiu (Pr. 5D), Nicola Yip

(Pr. 5D)

D. Visual Arts 1. 尊重與包容、負責與關愛、認識基本法公民教育創意填色比賽


優異: 林婉珞 (Pr. 1B)

E. Mathematics 1) International Competitions and Assessments for Schools 2019,

organised by the University of New South Wales:

Mathematics in English

Medal Award (Awarded to the student with the highest score in

Hong Kong):

Wong Hoi Ching (Pr. 4A), Greta Ip (Pr. 3B)

High Distinction Award (Top 1% of the participants in Hong


Li Ruyi (Pr. 5A) Tai Cheuk Wa (Pr. 4A)

Shum Sze Ching (Pr. 5A) Wong Hoi Ching (Pr. 4A)

Christina Wong (Pr. 5A) Jazlyn Au (Pr. 4B)

Yau Sin Yan (Pr. 5C) Hazel Lau (Pr. 4C)

Yuki Lam (Pr. 5D) Rachel Li (Pr. 3A)

Katelyn Yiu (Pr. 5D) Christabel Yu (Pr. 3A)

Faith Yuen (Pr. 5D) Greta Ip (Pr. 3B)

Megan Cheng (Pr. 4A)

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2) The Fifth Annual Hong Kong Primary Mathematics Challenge:


Gold Award: Wong Hoi Ching (Pr. 4A)

Merit Award (Pr. 5): Valerie Ko (Pr. 5A), Li Ruyi (Pr. 5A), Grace

Yeung (Pr. 5A), Anneka Chang (Pr. 5C)

Merit Award (Pr. 4): Wong Hoi Ching (Pr. 4A), Athena Bau (Pr.

4A), Alessandra Woo (Pr. 4A), Hazel Lau (Pr. 4C)

3) “Hua Xia Cup” National Mathematical Olympiad Competition,

organised by the China Mathematics Education Research

Association, The Hong Kong Mathematical Olympiad Association,

the Hua Xia Cup Organizing Committee and the Education

Mechanism Research Sub-Commission of Chinese Society of


Preliminary Round of Hong Kong Region

First Grade Honour:

Valerie Choi (Pr. 6A) Sophie Chow (Pr. 4C)

Lam Ho Ke (Pr. 6A) Leung Hoi Shun (Pr. 4D)

Fung Sik Ho (Pr. 6D) Annabelle Chu (Pr. 3A)

Charms Ng (Pr. 6D) Kaylie Wong (Pr. 3A)

Andrea Wong (Pr. 6D) Elizabeth Lui (Pr. 3B)

Grace Yeung (Pr. 5A) Chan Pui Kei (Pr. 3D)

Li Ruyi (Pr. 5A) Davina Tam (Pr. 2C)

Yiu Sze Wan (Pr. 4A) Ariel Leung (Pr. 2C)

Wong Hoi Ching (Pr. 4A) Cherisse Chan (Pr. 2D)

Yanoch Chien (Pr. 4B) Jessy Chan (Pr. 2D)

Jazlyn Au (Pr. 4B) Lam Yu Yan (Pr. 2D)

Sophia Lau (Pr. 4B) Yim Hau Yu (Pr. 1B)

Hazel Lau (Pr. 4C)

Qualifying Round of Southern China Region

Principal Award: Lam Ho Ke (Pr. 6A), Charms Ng (Pr. 6D), Wong

Hoi Ching (Pr. 4A)

First Grade Honour:

Fung Sik Ho (Pr. 6D) Hazel Lau (Pr. 4C)

Andrea Wong (Pr. 6D) Sophie Chow (Pr. 4C)

Grace Yeung (Pr. 5A) Chan Pui Kei (Pr. 3D)

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Angela Au (Pr. 5A) Tiffany So (Pr. 2B)

Li Ruyi (Pr. 5A) Davina Tam (Pr. 2C)

Yiu Sze Wan (Pr. 4A) Alisha Kong (Pr. 2C)

Yanoch Chien (Pr. 4B) Lam Yu Yan (Pr. 2D)

Jazlyn Au (Pr. 4B) Sophie Li (Pr. 1A)

Sophia Lau (Pr. 4B)

National Finals

First Grade Honour:

Lam Ho Ke (Pr. 6A), Li Ruyi (Pr. 5A), Wong Hoi Ching (Pr. 4A),

Hazel Lau (Pr. 4C), Leung Hoi Shun (Pr. 4D)

4) 2019 Asia International Mathematical Olympiad Open Contest,

organised by the China Mathematics Education Research

Association, the Asia International Mathematical Olympiad Union

and the Hong Kong Mathematical Association:

Preliminary Round

Gold Award:

Grace Yeung (Pr. 5A) Hazel Lau (Pr. 4C)

Li Ruyi (Pr. 5A) Leung Hoi Shun (Pr. 4D)

Wong Hoi Ching (Pr. 4A) Alisha Kong (Pr. 2C)

Yanoch Chien (Pr. 4B) Lam Yu Yan (Pr. 2D)

Jazlyn Au (Pr. 4B) Sophie Li (Pr. 1A)

5) 2019 Hong Kong & Macau Mathematical Olympiad Open Contest,

organised by the China Mathematics Education Research

Association, the Asia International Mathematical Olympiad Union

and the Hong Kong Mathematical Association:

Gold Award:

Lam Ho Ke (Pr. 6A) Annabelle Chu (Pr. 3A)

Andrea Wong (Pr. 6D) Chan Pui Kei (Pr. 3D)

Annette Jap (Pr. 6D) Catherine Jap (Pr. 2A)

Grace Yeung (Pr. 5A) Tiffany So (Pr. 2B)

Li Ruyi (Pr. 5A) Cherisse Chan (Pr. 2D)

Wong Hoi Ching (Pr. 4A) Jessy Chan (Pr. 2D)

Yiu Sze Wan (Pr. 4A) Alisha Kong (Pr. 2C)

Yanoch Chien (Pr. 4B) Lam Yu Yan (Pr. 2D)

Jazlyn Au (Pr. 4B) Sophie Li (Pr. 1A)

Sophia Lau (Pr. 4B) Tsang Hiu Nam (Pr. 1C)

Sophie Chow (Pr. 4C) Amanda Ma (Pr. 1C)

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Hazel Lau (Pr. 4C) Cherlin Chow (Pr. 1C)

Leung Hoi Shun (Pr. 4D) Yu Hei Yin (Pr. 1C)

6) World Class Tests 2018-2019, organised by the World Class Arena

Asia Limited:

Distinction in Mathematics section:

Angela Au (Pr. 5A) Grace Yeung (Pr. 5A)

Valerie Ko (Pr. 5A) Cheuk Nim Yan (Pr. 5B)

Lam Yin Ga (Pr. 5A) Hebe Yeung (Pr. 5B),

Jane Law (Pr. 5A) Chan Joy Ching (Pr. 5C)

Leung Wing In (Pr. 5A) Anneka Chang (Pr. 5C)

Li Ruyi (Pr. 5A) Kjersten Cheung (Pr. 5C)

Luann Ma (Pr. 5A) Bernice Wong (Pr. 5C)

Shum Sze Ching (Pr. 5A) Yuki Lam (Pr. 5D)

Jesie Yan (Pr. 5A)

Distinction in Problem Solving section:

Jane Law (Pr. 5A), Leung Wing In (Pr. 5A), Li Ruyi (Pr. 5A),

Shum Sze Ching (Pr. 5A), Jesie Yan (Pr. 5A)

7) World Class Arena Elite Competition 2019, organised by the

World Class Arena Asia Limited:

Gold Award: Valerie Choi (Pr. 6A), Cindy Cheung (Pr. 6B),

Elizabeth Lam (Pr. 6C), Cynthia Honig (Pr. 6C)

8) 2019 Hong Kong Primary Mathematics Contest, organised by Po

Leung Kuk and the Home Affairs Department:

Overall Competition

Second Grade Honour: Andrea Wong (Pr. 6D)

Third Grade Honour: Ip Tsz Kiu (Pr. 6B), Elizabeth Lam (Pr. 6C)

Mathematics Competition Section

Second Grade Honour: Valerie Choi (Pr. 6A)

Third Grade Honour: Ip Tsz Kiu (Pr. 6B), Elizabeth Lam (Pr. 6C),

Andrea Wong (Pr. 6D)

Computation Competition Section

Second Grade Honour: Valerie Choi (Pr. 6A)

Third Grade Honour: Elizabeth Lam (Pr. 6C), Andrea Wong (Pr.


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9) 26th Hong Kong Primary Mathematics Olympiad, organised by the

Hong Kong Mathematical Olympiad School:

Gold Award: Chloe Fung (Pr. 6D), Andrea Wong (Pr. 6D), Wong

Hoi Ching (Pr. 4A), Hazel Lau (Pr. 4C), Jessy Chan (Pr. 2D)

Silver Award: Alisha Kong (Pr. 2C), Cherisse Chan (Pr. 2D)

Bronze Award: Sophia Lau (Pr. 4B), Tiffany So (Pr. 2B)

10) Hong Kong Primary Mathematics Challenge:

Merit Award: Wong Hoi Ching (Pr. 4A)

11) The Hong Kong Youth Mathematical Challenge 2019:

Second Runner-up:

Hazel Lee (Pr. 6B) Wong Hoi Ching (Pr. 4A)

Chloe Fung (Pr. 6D) Hazel Lau (Pr. 4C)

Claire Ng (Pr. 5C) Ho Pui Fei (Pr. 3C)

Kjersten Cheung (Pr. 5C) Chan Pui Kei (Pr. 3D)

F. Science and Technology 1. Odyssey of the Mind Hong Kong Regional Tournament 2019:

Problem 3 Classics…Leonardo’s Workshop, Division 1

Champion: Valerie Choi (Pr. 6A), Sophia Joeng (Pr. 6A), Gianna

Kwok (Pr. 6A), Annabel Chan (Pr. 6C), Anneka Chang (Pr. 5C),

Chloe Wong (Pr. 5C), Claire Chow (Pr. 5D)

2. Hong Kong Technology Education Promotion Scheme 2018-2019:

Parent-child Solar-Powered Toy Boat Racing Competition,

organised by Lingnan Dr. Chung Wing Kwong Memorial

Secondary School

Award for “Best Parent-child Collaboration”: Lam Pui Wing (Pr.

4D) and her family

3. International Competitions and Assessments for Schools 2019,

organised by the University of New South Wales:

Science in English

28 students from Pr. 6 participated in the Science in English


2 students were awarded Certificates of High Distinction, 9

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students were awarded Certificates of Distinction, 12 students

were awarded Certificates of Credit, 2 students received

Certificates of Merit and 3 students received Certificates of


4. The Hong Kong Bebras International Challenge on Computational

Thinking 2018:

The Gold Award (top 10%) of Grades 5-6:

Jacqui Chan (Pr. 6A) Chloe Chiu (Pr. 6C)

Evelyn Cheng (Pr. 6A) Cynthia Honig (Pr. 6C)

Sophie Cheung (Pr. 6A) Grace Karlsson (Pr. 6C)

Choi Ho Ho (Pr. 6A) Elizabeth Lam (Pr. 6C)

Valerie Choi (Pr. 6A) Tasia Lam (Pr. 6C)

Sophia Joeng (Pr. 6A) Alisa Wong (Pr. 6C)

Kwok Oi Ying (Pr. 6A) Janice Wong (Pr. 6C)

Kwok Xin Tao (Pr. 6A) Calinda Chan (Pr. 6D)

Jennifer Cheung (Pr. 6B) Kyli Cheung (Pr. 6D)

Loria Cheung (Pr. 6B) Joyce Chung (Pr. 6D)

Amelia Chow (Pr. 6B) Jane Karlsson (Pr. 6D)

Kelly Chung (Pr. 6B) Charlotte Ho (Pr. 5A)

Sarina Hui (Pr. 6B) Tai Chun Yan (Pr. 5A)

Ip Tsz Kiu (Pr. 6B) Ranice Tsang (Pr. 5B)

Vanessa Kan (Pr. 6B) Mary Cheng (Pr. 5C)

Audrey Lai (Pr. 6B) Ip Tsz Ting (Pr. 5C)

Lam Sze Ching (Pr. 6B) Yau Sin Yan (Pr. 5C)

Hazel Lee (Pr. 6B) Imogen Yen (Pr. 5C)

Jocelyn Tong (Pr. 6B) Jamie Chan (Pr. 5D)

Magdalene Chan (Pr. 6C) Faith Yuen (Pr. 5D)

G. English 1) 2018 Hong Kong Poetry Writing Competition:

Junior Class

First Runner-up: Gisela Sze (Pr. 4A)

Intermediate Class

First Runner-up: Mak Shan Shi (Pr. 6C)

2) Hong Kong Young Writers Award 2019:

Winner of Poetry Group 2: Helen Ching (Pr. 5D)

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Finalist of Fiction Group 2: Valerie Choi (Pr. 6A)

Finalist of Poetry Group 2: Luann Ma (Pr. 5A)

3) Hong Kong Budding Poets Award 2018/19:

Primary Section

Poet of the School Award and Silver Award: Cynthia Honig (Pr.


Honourable Mention: Yau Sin Yan (Pr. 5C)

Open Section

Honourable Mention: Tiffany Fong (Pr. 5D)

4) International Competitions and Assessments for Schools 2019


Medal Award (Awarded to the student with the highest score in

Hong Kong): Greta Ip (Pr. 3B), Kaylie Ho (Pr. 4B), Chloe Wong

(Pr. 5C), Helen Ching (Pr. 5D)

Number of girls who received the High Distinction Award (Top

1% of the participants in Hong Kong): 58

International Competitions and Assessments for Schools 2019


Medal Award (Awarded to the student with the highest score in

Hong Kong): Wong Wing Sum (Pr. 6A), Jane Karlsson (Pr. 6D)

Number of girls who received the High Distinction Award (Top

1% of the participants in Hong Kong): 23

5) English Master Junior 2019 – Champion

Casey Lee (Pr. 3A) , Christy Lie (Pr. 3A), Emma Ngie (Pr. 3C),

and Amelia Oram (Pr. 3A)

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H. Chinese 1. 2018/19 年度中國語文菁英計劃 ── 教育局資優教育組委


菁英金獎,並前往北京參加五天學習團: 吳湛思 (Pr. 6D)

即席演講比賽優異獎: 吳湛思 (Pr. 6D)

即席朗誦比賽優異獎: 吳湛思 (Pr. 6D)

菁英銅獎: 蔡沛殷 (Pr. 6A)

中華文化問答比賽冠軍: 蔡沛殷 (Pr. 6A)

團體寫作比賽冠軍: 蔡沛殷 (Pr. 6A), 葉芷蕎 (Pr. 6B), 吳湛

思 (Pr. 6D)

2. 第四屆香港小學生創意閱讀報告比賽 ── 由香港創意閱讀


平面組亞軍: 余正穎 (P. 6C)

平面組優異獎: 紀卓言 (Pr. 5C), 林慧淇 (Pr. 3B)

3. 2018-2019 年全國青少年語文知識大賽「菁英盃」現場作文初



團體亞軍: 夏曉嵐 (Pr. 2A), 葉凱文 (Pr. 2A), 陸喬菲 (Pr.

2B), 楊思言 (Pr. 2C), 陳俙而 (Pr. 2D)

2018-2019 年全國青少年語文知識大賽「菁英盃」現場作文決



亞軍: 夏曉嵐 (Pr. 2A)

特等獎: 楊思言 (Pr. 2C)

二等獎: 葉凱文 (Pr. 2A), 陳俙而 (Pr. 2D)


二等獎: 白凱允 (Pr. 4C), 王皓恩 (Pr. 4A)

三等獎: 黃海晴 (Pr. 4A)


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季軍: 鄔凱堯 (Pr. 5A)

二等獎: 李如伊 (Pr. 5A)

2018-2019 年全國青少年語文知識大賽「菁英盃」現場作文總



特等獎: 夏曉嵐 (Pr. 2A)


三等獎: 王皓恩 (Pr. 4A)


一等獎: 李如伊 (Pr. 5A)

4. 2019 年「4‧23 世界閱讀日創作比賽」──「喜『閱』新一代」

── 香港公共圖書館主辦:


優勝獎: 區詠桐 (Pr. 6C), 余正穎 (P. 6C)

5. 全港小學微型小說續寫大賽 2019 ── 匯知中學主辦:


亞軍: 吳湛思 (Pr. 6D)

6. 樂思躍思創意總動員 2018-19 ──「20 年後的我」寫作比賽

── 躍思教育出版社主辦:

銀獎: 鄧琋謠 (Pr. 3C)

銅獎: 陳霈琦 (Pr. 3D)

7. 新雅文化 2019 年小學生創意閱讀及寫作大賽:


亞軍: 丘家蔚 (Pr. 3B)

8. 第八屆香港青少年科幻小說創作大賽:

冠軍: 程熹 (Pr. 5D)

季軍: 呂彥嬉 (Pr. 5B)

優異獎: 陳芷楠 (Pr. 5B), 阮呈 (Pr. 5D)

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9. 2018/19 年度香港學校戲劇節 ── 由教育局主辦:

傑出演員獎:黃悅笙 (Pr. 3B), 謝昕蒑 (Pr. 4B)


馮殿兒 (Pr. 2B) 陳元雯 (Pr. 3B)

麥亦萱 (Pr. 2B) 黃悅笙 (Pr. 3B)

江昊欣 (Pr. 2C) 陳霈琦 (Pr. 3D)

林穎熙 (Pr. 2C) 温子柔 (Pr. 3D)

陳焯芝 (Pr. 2D) 王皓恩 (Pr. 4A)

傅穎翹 (Pr. 2D) 謝昕蒑 (Pr. 4B)

關煒琪 (Pr. 2D) 袁伊婷 (Pr. 4B)

儲楚 (Pr. 3A) 白凱允 (Pr. 4C)

杜熙文 (Pr. 3A) 陳籽穎 (Pr. 5B)

李臻允 (Pr. 3A) 張子悠 (Pr. 5C)

I. Others 1) Cindy Cheung (Pr. 6B) and Emma Ho (Pr. 6C) were appointed as

Arts Ambassadors in the 11th Arts Ambassadors-in-School Scheme,

organised by the Hong Kong Arts Development Council and

supported by the EDB. Students with outstanding performance

in and enthusiasm for the promotion of arts were appointed as Arts

Ambassadors. The Scheme provided them with more opportunities

to participate in arts activities so as to broaden their horizons and

extend their influence in the community.

2) The Most Outstanding Student in the Yau-Tsim-Mong District

School 2018-2019, sponsored by the Yau-Tsim-Mong District

School Liaison Committee:

Valerie Choi (Pr. 6A)

3) The Most Improved Students in DGJS (2018-2019) –

sponsored by the Yau-Tsim-Mong District School Liaison


Class Name Class Name

1A Angela Lung 4A Andrea Li

1B Fan Yuet Chi 4B Miko Yuen

1C Tse Tsz Ki 4C Hailey Chu

1D Yau Ho Ching 4D Wong Yin

2A Chau Hou Lam 5A Chen Xuan Qi

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2B Jamie Tsang 5B Sophie Chan

2C Ana Fok 5C Gladys Tam

2D Belva Chow 5D Chan Chi Yuet

3A Siana Ng 6A Christy Lee

3B Theone Lam 6B Chan Yin Ning

3C Venus Yeung 6C Micha Chan

3D Wong Hei Lam 6D Yeung Ho Ching

4) In the Sir Robert Black Trust Fund Grants for Talented Students in

Non-academic Fields 2018-2019, organised by Sir Robert Black

Trust Fund Committee, Wong Wing Tung of Pr. 5B was granted a

subsidy to pursue further studies in music through vocal courses.

5) Fred Hollows Humanity Award, organised by The Fred Hollows


Outstanding Service Award: Tse Sau Lam (Pr. 6A)

Certificate of Appreciation: Kiri Au (Pr. 6C), Bianca Kwan (Pr. 4C)

6) Outstanding Brownies Election 2018 (Yau Tsim Mong District):

Valerie Choi (Pr. 6A) and Claris Hon (Pr. 6C)

J. Scholarship Scheme (2018-2019) 1. The Sports Scholarship aims at recognising the outstanding

performance of students in various sports. In 2018-2019, 54 sports

scholarships were presented to the students who received the

following awards:

Award Name Class Awardee Name

Outstanding Athlete Award 2C Janice Leung

Outstanding Athlete Award 3B Nicole Sum

Outstanding Athlete Award 4A Julie Chan

Outstanding Athlete Award 4B Lily Lirk

Outstanding Athlete Award 4C Charis Pak

Outstanding Athlete Award 5A Richelle Wo

Outstanding Athlete Award 5B Cheuk Nim Yan

Outstanding Athlete Award 5C Ellie Lau

Outstanding Athlete Award 5D Katelyn Yiu

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Outstanding Athlete Award 6A Tse Sau Lam

Outstanding Athlete Award 6B Chloe Hong

Outstanding Athlete Award 6C Grace Karlsson

Outstanding Athlete Award 6D Jane Karlsson

Outstanding Athlete Award 6D Sophia Liu

Outstanding Badminton Player Award 5B Hillary Lau

Outstanding Badminton Player Award 5C Bernice Wong

Outstanding Basketball Player Award 6B Chloe Hong

Outstanding Basketball Player Award 6C Magdalene Chan

Outstanding Basketball Player Award 6C Kelly Ng

Outstanding Basketball Player Award 6D Jane Karlsson

Outstanding Table Tennis Player Award 5A Yeung Kaiqing

Outstanding Swimmer Award 2D Anastasia Kavvathas

Outstanding Swimmer Award 3C Jiselle Chan

Outstanding Swimmer Award 3D Wan Tsz Yau

Outstanding Swimmer Award 4A Chan Lok Tung

Outstanding Swimmer Award 4A Casey Siu

Outstanding Swimmer Award 4B Jazlyn Au

Outstanding Swimmer Award 4B Miko Yuen

Outstanding Swimmer Award 4C Nicole Yuen

Outstanding Swimmer Award 4C Jennifer Yung-Coak

Outstanding Swimmer Award 4D Li Yan Nam

Outstanding Swimmer Award 5B Cheuk Nim Yan

Outstanding Swimmer Award 5B Sophie Chan

Outstanding Swimmer Award 5B Charlotte Chan

Outstanding Swimmer Award 5C Samantha Tang

Outstanding Swimmer Award 5D Katelyn Yiu

Outstanding Swimmer Award 5D Nicola Yip

Outstanding Swimmer Award 5D Alicia Wai

Outstanding Swimmer Award 6B Kayleigh Lam

Outstanding Swimmer Award 6B Tsang Wui Yu

Outstanding Swimmer Award 6C Annabel Chan

Outstanding Swimmer Award 6D Josephine Lee

Outstanding Swimmer Award 6D Wong Hin Yi

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Outstanding Swimmer Award 6D Yeung Hoi Ching

Outstanding Swimmer Award 6D Charms Ng

Outstanding Volleyball Player Award 5D Chan Chi Yuet

Outstanding Volleyball Player Award 6A Tse Sau Lam

Outstanding Volleyball Player Award 6B Chu Zhi Ling

Outstanding Volleyball Player Award 6B Charlotte Kong

Outstanding Fencer Award 6C Adrienne Chau

Outstanding Gymnast Award 6D Joyce Chung

Outstanding Handball Player Award 6B Zoe Lee

Outstanding Tennis Player Award 6B Natalie Cheng

Outstanding Netball Player Award 6A Jenna Chu

2. The Music Scholarship aims at recognising the students’

exceptional effort and dedication to the String Orchestra,

Symphony Orchestra, Senior Percussion Band, Junior Percussion

Band, School Choirs, Chinese Music Ensemble, Wind Band,

Junior Percussion Group and Junior String Group. In 2018-2019,

57 music scholarships were presented to the students who received

the following award:

Award Name Class Awardee Name

String Orchestra Outstanding

Member Award

5C Gladys Tam

String Orchestra Outstanding

Member Award

5D Ko Hiu Yau

String Orchestra Outstanding

Member Award

5D Julie Suen

String Orchestra Outstanding

Member Award

5D Nana Wong

String Orchestra Outstanding

Member Award

6A Choi Ho Ho

String Orchestra Outstanding

Member Award

6A Zoe Wai

String Orchestra Outstanding

Member Award

6B Cindy Cheung

String Orchestra Outstanding

Member Award

6B Jennifer Cheung

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Symphony Orchestra Outstanding

Member Award

6A Sophie Cheung

Symphony Orchestra Outstanding

Member Award

6B Sonia Chiu

Symphony Orchestra Outstanding

Member Award

6B Nicole Fung

Symphony Orchestra Outstanding

Member Award

6B Kayleigh Lam

Symphony Orchestra Outstanding

Member Award

6B Harmony Wong

Symphony Orchestra Outstanding

Member Award

6C Charlotte Chan

Symphony Orchestra Outstanding

Member Award

6C Mak Shan Shi

Symphony Orchestra Outstanding

Member Award

6D Janice Leung

Piano Accompanist Award 2D Calissa Poon

Piano Accompanist Award 6A Jacqui Chan

Piano Accompanist Award 6A Choi Ho Ho

Piano Accompanist Award 6B Cindy Cheung

Piano Accompanist Award 6B Katie Cheung

Senior Percussion Band

Outstanding Member Award

5D Faith Yuen

Senior Percussion Band

Outstanding Member Award

6A Juliet Tse

Senior Percussion Band

Outstanding Member Award

6A Hailey Yuen

Senior Percussion Band

Outstanding Member Award

6B Zoe Lee

Senior Choir Outstanding

Member Award

6B Katie Cheung

Senior Choir Outstanding

Member Award

6B Vanessa Kan

Senior Choir Outstanding

Member Award

6C Mak Shan Shi

Senior Choir Outstanding

Member Award

6D Hazel Law

Intermediate Choir Outstanding

Member Award

4C Lam Wing Yuen

- 114 -

Intermediate Choir Outstanding

Member Award

4C Aria Nam

Intermediate Choir Outstanding

Member Award

5C Anneka Chang

Intermediate Choir Outstanding

Member Award

5D Angelina Wong

Junior Choir Outstanding Member


3A Mak Shan Ga

Junior Choir Outstanding Member


3A Amelia Oram

Junior Choir Outstanding Member


3A Christabel Yu

Junior Choir Outstanding Member


3B Greta Ip

Junior Percussion Band

Outstanding Member Award

3B Hilary Yau

Junior Percussion Band

Outstanding Member Award

3B Janice Ong

Junior Percussion Band

Outstanding Member Award

3C Emma Ngie

Junior Percussion Band

Outstanding Member Award

3C Wong Lok Hay

Chinese Music Ensemble

Outstanding Member Award

3C Cheng Wing Nam

Chinese Music Ensemble

Outstanding Member Award

4B Winnie Zhang

Chinese Music Ensemble

Outstanding Member Award

4C Alanna Wang

Chinese Music Ensemble

Outstanding Member Award

4D Lam Pui Wing

Wind Band Outstanding Member


4B Cheng Chung Wa

Wind Band Outstanding Member


4B Hebe Leung

Wind Band Outstanding Member


5B Xiao Ka Yee

Wind Band Outstanding Member


5D Alice Cheung

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Junior Percussion Group

Outstanding Member Award

1A Amelia Chan

Junior Percussion Group

Outstanding Member Award

1C Ashley Kui

Junior Percussion Group

Outstanding Member Award

3B Yao Yuet

Junior Percussion Group

Outstanding Member Award

3C Anabelle Tseng

Junior String Group Outstanding

Member Award

3A Kaylie Wong

Junior String Group Outstanding

Member Award

3C Evelyn Li

Junior String Group Outstanding

Member Award

4A Wong Wing Lam

Junior String Group Outstanding

Member Award

4C Sophie Chow

3. The Visual Arts Scholarship aims at recognising the outstanding

artistic ability of our students. In 2018-2019, 6 visual arts

scholarships were presented.

Annette Jap (Pr. 6D), Shum Sze Ching (Pr. 5A), Ho Chun Chi (Pr.

4B), Lee Nok Ching (Pr. 3D), Karlotte Chan (Pr. 2B), Anna Ho (Pr.


4. Student of the Year Scholarship

The Student of the Year Scholarship is awarded to the recipients of

the Student of the Year, for their outstanding academic

performance and good conduct in the school year.

In 2018-2019, 6 scholarships were presented.

Valerie Choi (Pr. 6A), Luann Ma (Pr. 5A), Leung Sin Yu (Pr. 4D),

Kaylie Wong (Pr. 3A), Catherine Jap (Pr. 2A), Cherlin Chow (Pr.


5. Subject Prize Winner Scholarship

The Subject Prize Winner Scholarship is awarded to subject prize

winners, for their outstanding performance in English / Chinese /

Mathematics / General Studies in the school year.

In 2018-2019, 105 scholarships were presented.

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Class English Prize Chinese Prize Mathematics


General Studies


6A Emily Wong Valerie Choi Valerie Choi Valerie Choi

6B Kum Ho Yee Audrey Lai Audrey Lai Ip Tsz Kiu

6C Cynthia Honig Yue Ching Wing Kiri Au Yue Ching Wing

6D Charms Ng Bethany Cheung Annette Jap Bethany Cheung

5A Shum Sze Ching Luann Ma Lam Yin Ga

5B Lui Yin Hei Karis Lee Cheuk Nim Yan Cheuk Nim Yan

5C Yau Sin Yan Fung Pui Ying Kjersten Cheung

5D Chloe Ng Faith Yuen Helen Ching Faith Yuen



Shum Sze Ching



Richelle Wo

4A Kaitlyn Yu Lizabeth Wong Wong Hoi Ching Tai Cheuk Wa

4B Hayley Yuen Sophia Lau Jazlyn Au Jazlyn Au

Sophia Lau

Hayley Yuen

4C Angie Yeung Charis Pak Hazel Lau Angie Yeung

4D Toby Yiu Leung Sin Yu Leung Sin Yu Leung Sin Yu

3A Christabel Yu Kaylie Wong Kaylie Wong Rachel Li

Janna Tam

3B Lavinia Ma Lam Wai Ki Lavinia Ma Lavinia Ma

3C Hannah Liu Tang Hai Yiu Wong Yue Qiu Ho Pui Fei

Tang Hai Yiu

3D Hannah Yau Annette Wong Chan Pui Kei Wong Hei Lam

Annette Wong

2A Cheung Tsz Lam Catherine Jap Charlotte Kwan Jasmine Chang

2B Sung Zhi Yin Pui Hei Yu Sung Zhi Yin Sophia Truong

2C Anson Cheng Alisha Kong Anson Cheng Janice Leung

Audrey Ho

2D Pang Yuet Wing Jessy Chan Agatha Wong Chung Hui Lam

1A Winafred Zhu Sophie Li Sophie Li Winafred Zhu

Winafred Zhu

1B Sophia Tse Wong Ching Yan Yim Hau Yu Wong Ching Yan

1C Cherlin Chow Cherlin Chow Daphne Fung Cherlin Chow

Daphne Fung

- 117 -

1D Amelia Lam Kate Cheung Janelle Tam Kate Cheung

Lam Tsz Yu

6. Overall Progress Scholarships

The Overall Progress Scholarship aims at recognising students’

continuous academic progress and improvement in conduct in the

school year. In 2018-2019, 24 overall progress scholarships were


Pr. 6 Kwok Oi Ying (Pr. 6A), Wong Jit (Pr. 6B), Micha Chan

(Pr. 6C), Yeung Hoi Ching (Pr. 6D)

Pr. 5 Jocelyn Yeung (Pr. 5A), Chung Chui Tung (Pr.5B),

Teagan Lau (Pr. 5C), Nana Wong (Pr. 5D)

Pr. 4 Andrea Li (Pr. 4A), Miko Yuen (Pr. 4B), Aria Nam (Pr.

4C), Wong Yin (Pr. 4D)

Pr. 3 Christy Lie (Pr. 3A), Elizabeth Lui (Pr. 3B), Yannis Lie

(Pr. 3C), Katrina Lam (Pr. 3D)

Pr. 2 Jaslyn Lui (Pr. 2A), Danielle Lam (Pr. 2B), Au Fong (Pr.

2C), Ivana Shiu (Pr. 2D)

Pr. 1 Chan Cheuk Yin (Pr. 1A), Fan Yuet Chi (Pr. 1B), Gabriella

Wang (Pr. 1C), Wong Hei Tung (Pr. 1D)

7. The PTA Scholarship aims at recognising the exemplary conduct

and service of our students. This is a joint effort of the PTA and the

School to deliver an important message to our students and parents

that noble values and service to the School and the wider

community are highly valued.

This is also a demonstration of the school motto of Daily Giving

Joyful Service.

In 2018-2019, 48 PTA scholarships were presented.

Class Awardee Name

1A Lee Wai Lam, Winafred Zhu

1B Tina Ng, Hayley Tang

1C Cherlin Chow, Ma Lok Yin

1D Elyse Lau, Byanca Ng

2A Alexis Lam, Tiffany Taw

2B Shelby Chan, Bella Pang

2C Ariel Leung, Yeung Sze Yin

2D Chung Hui Lam, Calissa Poon

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3A Kaylie Wong, Christabel Yu

3B Greta Ip, Hilary Yau

3C Cheng Wing Nam, Emma Ngie

3D Cassie Chan, Chloe Lit

4A Athena Bau, Yiu Sze Wan

4B Jazlyn Au, Andrea Yee

4C Sophie Chow, Lam Wing Yuen

4D Valerie Chow, Leung Sin Yu

5A Luann Ma, Jocelyn Wong

5B Karis Lee, Hebe Yeung

5C Megan Chan, Kjersten Cheung

5D Jaime Chan, Julie Suen

6A Sophie Cheung, Kylie Sze

6B Kayleigh Lam, Tsang Wui Yu

6C Magdalene Chan, Chloe Chiu

6D Emma Ho, Hazel Law

8. Bishop Ho Ming Hua Ronald O. Hall Memorial Scholarships aim

to promote both Christian and altruistic values among our students,

and to highlight both their academic and virtuous development

during an important stage of their whole-person growth.

In 2018-2019, 6 scholarships were presented.

Pr. 6 Kiri Au (Pr. 6C)

Pr. 5 Samantha Tang (Pr. 5C)

Pr. 4 Andrea Yee (Pr. 4B)

Pr. 3 Maison Fan (Pr. 3B)

Pr. 2 Levana Hsia (Pr. 2A)

Pr. 1 Yu Zhi Lin (Pr. 1C)

9. The Mrs. Blomfield Cup Scholarship was awarded to Valerie Choi

of Pr. 6A, the recipient of the Mrs. Blomfield Cup, for outstanding

bilingual skills demonstrated in the school year.

10. The Mrs. Rebecca Yip Shield Scholarship was awarded to Chloe

Chiu of Pr. 6C, the recipient of the Mrs. Rebecca Yip Shield, for

outstanding performance in Scripture, conduct and service

demonstrated in the school year.

- 119 -

11. The Mrs. Emily Dai Award Scholarship was awarded to Sherene

Chow of Pr. 5C, the recipient of the Mrs. Emily Dai Award, for the

continuous improvement in conduct, learning attitude, application

and effort, as well as in maturity and academic progress in the

school year.

12. DGS Award for Academic Excellence 2018-2019

The following girls have consistently performed outstandingly in

DGJS and have displayed good conduct. They are thus offered a

full 6-year scholarship, the DGS Award for Academic Excellence,

to support their studies from S.1 to S.6 in DGS.

Valerie Choi (Pr. 6A), Sarina Hui (Pr. 6B) and Charms Ng (Pr. 6D)

13. School Fee Remission

In 2019-2020, the School has reserved a significant amount for the

school fee remission / scholarship scheme.

Community Service and Charitable Efforts 1. Collaboration with DGS and St. Andrew’s Church in “Act of Love”


DGJS girls designed and made Christmas cards attached with the

gifts packed by Senior School girls. The gifts and Christmas cards

were delivered to the elderly in eight Sheng Kung Hui Elderly Care

Homes to spread God’s love and peace to the elderly.

2. Funds raised at the Mini Bazaar were donated to the following

charitable organisations:

St. Andrew’s Church $40,000.00

New Sight Eye Care Limited $12,023.00

3. 299 girls from Primary 4 to Primary 6 joined the Famine Lunch,

organised by the Christian Youth Fellowship of the Senior School

in March 2019.

4. “Spare-a-Lai-See” Fundraising Project for LEAP

Students donated some of their “Lai-Sees” amounting to $25,371

to the Life Education Activity Programme.

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DGJS is the winner of the following award:

Most Generous School Award: First Runner Up

Loyalty Award

“Most Inspiring” messages written on the Lai-See packets:

First Runner-up: Annette Jap (Pr. 6D)

Second Runner-up: Levana Hsia (Pr. 2A)

Staff Development 1. A workshop conducted by Dr. Sharon Ng for DGJS teachers on

24th August 2018

This teambuilding workshop was designed to raise teachers’ level

of awareness of the composition of different personality and

communication styles on their team.

2. A workshop on “Understanding Our SEN Students” by Dr. Renee

Ip for DGJS teachers on 26th September 2018

Different types of learning difficulties were delineated to help

teachers become more aware and hopefully identify students who

are at risks and need further assistance early.

3. Workshops conducted by the Life Education Programme Team for

DGJS teachers

Mrs. Williams, Dr. Sharon and the Life Education Programme

(LEP) Team focused on refining our CP lessons and had been

providing interactive and experiential teachers’ training

workshops on topics such as emotions, stress management and

appreciating self.

Teachers were given opportunities to experience the lessons as

students and to share their views on the lesson plans.

4. Staff Development Session on 2nd January 2019

The staff development day allowed teachers to engage in an

exchange of ideas in creating a multi-disciplinary programme for

our students in the coming school year.

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5. Staff Development Workshop on 13th February 2019

This workshop on developing critical thinking using thinking

routines was organised to enrich our teachers’ professional


6. Exchange visit with the Mathematics Department of Diocesan

Boys’ School Primary Division

On 28th March and 4th April 2019, the Mathematics Departments

of Diocesan Boys’ School Primary Division and Diocesan Girls’

Junior School conducted two exchange visits to share teaching

strategies and curriculum planning approaches.

7. Joint DGS-DGJS Staff Development Programme on 28th May


Mrs. Lee and all the teachers attended a seminar about STEM

Education and new programmes at the Hong Kong University of

Science and Technology, together with Mrs. Lau and all the

teachers from DGS.

8. Staff Development Sharing Session on 30th May 2019

The sharing session aimed to challenge and encourage teaching

staff to develop and extend their teaching pedagogy in pursuit of

core values: Compassion, Generosity, Gratitude, Joy, Respect,

Uniqueness and Zest, and the promotion of a Thinking Culture at


9. In the 24th Teachers Commendation Scheme, organised by the

Committee on Respect Our Teachers Campaign, Miss W. Lau and

Mrs. V. Lee were elected by all DGJS teachers to receive a

commendation certificate. The Certificate Presentation Ceremony

was held in September 2019.

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Parent Teacher Association 1. PTA Seminars / Workshop

a) A seminar on “How to Help Children Develop Healthy Boundaries

in Friendship” was conducted by Dr. Kwai-wah Hong in October


b) A nutritional workshop on lunch and snacks for students was

conducted by Ms. Cheung Yin-ting, Nursing Officer from the

Department of Health’s Central Health Education Unit, on 3rd

October 2018.

c) A seminar on “Numbers, Numbers, Everywhere” was conducted

by Mr. David Schwartz, an accomplished storyteller and an

innovator in presenting mathematical information in entertaining

ways, on 8th October 2018.

d) A seminar on “How can Parents Instill Healthy Positive Culture in

the Family” was conducted by Ms. Shirley Loo and Rev. Dr. Ho

Chi Dik Peter in December 2018.

e) A seminar on “Parent’s Role in Nurturing and Managing

Guidelines for Cyber Citizenship” was conducted by Dr. Wat Wai

Ho Benjamin in January 2019.

f) A workshop on “Transformational Parents” was conducted by Ms.

Florence Lau in March 2019.

2. Visits and Special Activities organised by the PTA:

a) Visits

Summer Term

Pr. 1 Health Education Exhibition and Resources Centre

in Tsim Sha Tsui

Pr. 2 Hong Kong Science Museum in Tsim Sha Tsui

Pr. 3 EMSD Education Park; Zero Carbon World in Kowloon


Pr. 4 Hong Kong Heritage Museum in Shatin

Pr. 5 St Mary’s Home for the Aged in Wong Chuk Hang

Pr. 6 Po Leung Kuk elderly homes:

6A & 6C - Po Leung Kuk Eco-Home for the Senior in

- 123 -

Sham Shui Po

6B & 6D - Po Leung Kuk Services for the Elderly in

Wong Chuk Hang

Autumn Term

Pr. 1 Noah’s Ark in Ma Wan

Pr. 2 Zen Organic Farm in Ta Kwu Ling

Pr. 3 Tree Top Cottage in Tai Po

Pr. 4 HKFYG Organic Farm in Yuen Long

Pr. 5 Hong Kong Science and Technology Park in Tai Po

Pr. 6 STEAM VR 體驗中心 in Yuen Long and Tai Fu

Tai Mansion (大夫第)

b) Used School Winter Uniform Exchange Programme in October

2018 and Used School Summer Uniform Exchange Programme in

March 2019.

c) A Christian Mothers’ Group on the Journey of Faith was organised

in collaboration with St. Andrew’s Church from October 2018 to

June 2019.

d) Mothers’ and Fathers’ Breakfast Meetings were conducted by Dr.

Lawrence Chen and Mrs. Sarah Williams, the DGJS Student

Counsellor, starting from October 2018.

e) The PTA Chinese Book Club and the Chinese Department invited

Ms. Sun Wai Ling, a children’s literature author, to deliver two

talks to our girls of different levels in October 2018, to arouse their

interest in Chinese reading.

f) To promote more communication between teachers and parents,

the School held a Pr. 4 and 5 parent-teacher breakfast meeting on

7th December 2018, and another for Pr. 2 and 3 parents on 16th

April 2019.

g) The PTA Chinese Book Club and the Chinese Department invited

two children’s literature authors, Mr. Wang Wenhua (王文華) and

Ms. Lay Hsiao-Chen (賴曉珍), to sign books for our students on

Parents’ Day on 26th January 2019.

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h) A rice-dumpling fund-raising event was organised in collaboration

with the Towngas Cooking Centre on 31st May 2019.

i) A retreat was organised in collaboration with St. Andrew’s Church

for our Pr. 6 girls on 10th June 2019.

j) The PTA Chinese Book Club and the Chinese Department invited

Ms. Lay Hsiao-Chen (賴曉珍), a children’s literature author from

Taiwan, to deliver two talks to our girls of different levels on 18th

June 2019.

k) A Primary One Parent-teacher Breakfast Meeting was held on 19th

June 2019. The breakfast meeting also highlighted a sharing

among Pr. 1 girls on “My First Year at DGJS”. As a gesture of

gratitude, each Pr. 1 student presented an appreciation card to their

parents at the breakfast meeting.

l) A Parent-teacher Appreciation Breakfast was held on 3rd July 2019

to express gratitude to parents for their dedication and support to

different school functions and activities in the school year.

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Gifts to the School

1. Sponsorships from the P.T.A.

a) Maintenance of the mosquito magnet executive and replacement

of some parts

b) Annual maintenance for 5 sets of water dispensers

c) Symphony music stands and short carts for symphony stands

d) Memo pads for Teacher Appreciation Day

e) License for soft score

f) Music scores

g) Signature choral risers

h) Wind Band programme

i) Pizza party for the Music Department, Athletics Team, Volleyball

Team, Basketball Team and Swimming Team

j) Arranging fees for Pr. 1 “Christmas Song”

k) Cakes for Pr. 2, 3 and 5 Harmonic Speaking Groups

l) Yamaha BBb Tuba & Stand

m) WWF STEP 18-19 Programme

n) Yangqin Cases

o) Gifts for EatSmart Campaign

p) Repairs and Cases for Violins and Cellos

q) Books for the English Book Club

r) Trophies and Medals

s) Refreshments for Parents’ Day

2. An alumna donated a set of KEF EGG Wireless Digital Music


3. An alumna donated a personal djembe.

4. An alumna donated a book.

5. Diocesan Old Girls’ Association Ltd donated $32,000 to the

Headmistress Discretionary Fund.

6. A former DGJS parent donated $10,000 to the Headmistress

Discretionary Fund.

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Mrs. A. Lee


B.A. (Hons), CertED, M.Ed. (TEFL), University of

Hong Kong

Mrs. E. Au B.Sc., University of British Columbia, Canada;

PGDE, Hong Kong Institute of Education

Mrs. K. Au Bachelor in Information Engineering; PGDE

(Major in Primary Mathematics), Chinese

University of Hong Kong; M.A. in Education,

University of Hong Kong

Mrs. L.


Teacher’s Certificate, Hong Kong Institute of

Education; B.Ed. (Hons.), Chinese University of

Hong Kong

Mrs. M. Y.


B.Ed. (Hons.) in Primary Education, Hong Kong

Institute of Education; M.A. in Chinese Language

and Literature, University of Hong Kong

Miss W. Y.


B.A. & B. Ed. (Hons.), M.Phil in Chinese Language

and Literature, Chinese University of Hong Kong

Miss E.


B.A. (Music), Chinese University of Hong Kong

Miss M.


B.Ed. (Hons.)(Physical Education and Sports

Science), Chinese University of Hong Kong

Mrs. W. K.


B.A. (Hons.), B Ed. (Hons.), M. A. in Teaching

Chinese as an International Language, Chinese

University of Hong Kong

Mrs. G.


B.Ed. (Teaching), B. Sc., University of Auckland N. Z.

- 127 -

Miss M. P.


B.A. (Hons.), B.Ed. (Hons.), M.A. in Teaching

Chinese as an International Language, Chinese

University of Hong Kong

Mrs. C. Fan Teacher’s Certificate, Northcote College of

Education; B.Ed. (Hons.), M.Ed., University of

Hong Kong; M.A. in School Guidance and

Counselling, Chinese University of Hong Kong

Mrs. E.


Bachelor of Social Sciences, PGDE, University of

Hong Kong

Mrs. T. Fung B.A. (Hons.), Chinese University of Hong Kong;

P.Dip. Ed., Hong Kong Baptist University

Miss W.N.


B.A. (Chinese Language Studies) & B.Ed. (Chinese

Language Education), Chinese University of Hong


Ms. Y.


B.A. (Hotel & Catering Management), The Hong

Kong Polytechnic University; M.A. (Music), Hong

Kong Baptist University

Miss P. Ip B.A. (Fine Art in Illustration), Savannah College of

Art & Design; B.Sc. (Food & Nutritional Science),

University of Hong Kong

Mrs. M. Kan

B.Ed. (Hons.), M.A. in Chinese Language and

Literature, Chinese University of Hong Kong

Mrs. S.


B.Sc. (Hons.), Hong Kong Polytechnic University;

Postgraduate Certificate in Education, University of

Hong Kong; Master of Health Science, P.Dip. in

Health Promotion and Health Ed., Chinese

University of Hong Kong

Mrs. V.


Bachelor of Social Sciences, University of Hong

Kong; PGDE (Major in Primary Mathematics),

Chinese University of Hong Kong

- 128 -

Mrs. B. Lam B.Eng., M.Phil. (Systems Engineering and

Engineering Management), P.Dip. Ed. (Primary),

Chinese University of Hong Kong; Professional

Certificate for E-learning in School, Hong Kong

University of Science and Technology

Miss T. Lam B.Sc. (Exercise Science and Health Education),

PGDE (Primary), M.A. in Education, Chinese

University of Hong Kong

Miss A. Lau M.A. (Hons.) in English Literature, University of

Edinburgh, U.K.; CPE, LSF, Chester College of

Law (UK); M.A. (Theology), STM, Lutheran

Theological Seminary, H.K., PGDE, University of

Hong Kong

Mrs. D. Lau M.A. (Trauma Psychology); PGDE (Primary),

Chinese University of Hong Kong; M.A. (Hons.) in

Psychology, University of Edinburgh, U.K.

Mr. K. Lau

B.A. (Music), Berklee College of Music,

Massachusetts, USA

Miss W. Lau B.Sc. Information Technology; Master of

Philosophy, Computer Science and Information

Technology, Hong Kong Polytechnic University;

P.Dip. Ed., (Major in Primary Mathematics),

Chinese University of Hong Kong

Miss S.M.


B.Ed. (Hons) in Language Education (Primary),

University of Hong Kong

Mrs. V. Lee B.Ed. (Hons.), B.A., University of British

Columbia, Canada

Mrs. J.


Teacher’s Certificate, Grantham College of

Education; B.A. (Hons.), City University of Hong

Kong; M.Ed., University of Hong Kong

- 129 -

Miss K. Y.


B.Ed. (Hons.) in Language Ed., M.A. in Chinese

Language and Literature, M.A. in Teaching Chinese

as an International Language, Chinese University of

Hong Kong

Miss H. Luk B.Ed. (Primary), University of Sydney

Mrs. J. Mak Bachelor of Commerce and Laws, Monash

University, Australia; P.Dip. in Ed. (Major in

Primary English), University of Hong Kong

Mr. J. Ng Master of Music in Music Theory and Composition,

Florida State University; B.A. in Music (Hons),

Hong Kong Baptist University

Miss E.


Teacher’s Certificate, Hong Kong Institute of

Education; B.A. (Hons.), City University of Hong

Kong; M.Ed. (Child & Adolescent Development),

Hong Kong Baptist University; M.Ed. (Educational

Leadership and Administration), Chinese

University of Hong Kong

Mrs. S. H.


Teacher’s Certificate, Hong Kong Institute of

Education; B.A., Open University of Hong Kong;

M.Ed., University of Hong Kong

Miss E.


Bachelor of Music (Hons), Hong Kong Academy

for Performing Arts; M.A. in Music Education and

Performance, Trinity Laban Conservatoire of Music

and Dance, City University London

Miss Y.M.


B.A. (Hons.), B.Ed. (Hons.), M.A. in School

Guidance and Counselling, Chinese University of

Hong Kong

Mrs. A. Tse B.Ed. (Hons.) (Secondary)(Major in Visual Arts);

PGDE (Primary) (Major in English), Hong Kong

Institute of Education

- 130 -

Miss E.


B.Sc. (First Honours) in Biomedical Sciences,

University of Newcastle Upon Tyne; Postgraduate

Certificate (Distinction) in Psychology, University of

Hong Kong

Mrs. J.


B.Com., University of Toronto, Canada; PGDE

(Primary), University of Hong Kong; Cert. TESOL,

Trinity College London

Mrs. J.C.


B.Ed., York University; B.Sc., University of


Miss L.


B.Sc. (Hons.), Manchester Metropolitan University,

U.K.; P.C. Ed., University of Hong Kong; M.Ed.

University of Hong Kong

Miss P.S.


B. Ed (Mathematics & Mathematics Education),

Chinese University of Hong Kong

Mrs. R.


Bachelor of Business Administration, The Chinese

University of Hong Kong; M.A. in Law, University

of Bristol; PGDE, University of Hong Kong

Mrs. W.


B.A. Sociology, Simon Fraser University, Canada.;

PGDE (Primary English), University of Hong

Kong; M.A. in Language Studies, Hong Kong

Baptist University

Mrs. N. Yau

Teacher’s Certificate, Northcote College of

Education; B.Sc. Psy. (Hons.), Cheltenham &

Gloucester College of Higher Education, U.K.

Mrs. Y.W.


PGDE (Chinese & Putonghua); M.A. in Education,

Education University of Hong Kong; B.A. in Chinese

Linguistics & Literature, Dalian University, China

Mrs. E. Yu B.Ed. in Primary Education, Dip.Ed. in Secondary

English, University of Alberta, Canada

- 131 -

Mrs. R. Yu B.A. & B.Ed. (Language Education), M. Ed. in

Educational Studies, University of Hong Kong

Mrs. S. Yu

B.Sc. (Hons.) in Computing Mathematics, City

University of Hong Kong; M.Ed., PGDE (Maths

Education), University of Hong Kong

Miss K. S.


B.A., Hong Kong Baptist University; PGDE, M.A.

in Education, University of Hong Kong

Miss Q. Y.


B.Ed. (Hons.), Hong Kong Institute of Education;

M.A. in Education, University of Hong Kong

Miss L.



B.A., Harvard University; Teacher’s Certificate,

University of Massachusetts at Boston, U.S.A.

Mrs. K. Hai


B.A., Cornell University, U.S.A.; P.C.Ed.,

University of Hong Kong

Mrs. C. Lam


B.A. (Hons.), University of British Columbia,

Canada; P. Dip. in English and Hong Kong Law,

Manchester Metropolitan University, U.K.; M.Ed.,

Chinese University of Hong Kong; P.Dip. Ed.

(Primary), Chinese University of Hong Kong

Mrs. H. L.



B.Econ. (Hons.), University of Hong Kong;

Postgraduate Certificate (Language Studies), City

University of Hong Kong; ICTT (Primary), Hong

Kong Institute of Education; M.A. in Putonghua,

Chinese University of Hong Kong

Mrs. J.



B.A. (Hons.) in Languages for Business, Oxford

Brookes University, U.K.

- 132 -



Class English Mathematics General Studies Chinese

6A Emily Wong Valerie Choi Valerie Choi Valerie Choi 6B Kum Ho Yee Audrey Lai Ip Tsz Kiu Audrey Lai

6C Cynthia Honig Kiri Au Yue Ching Wing Yue Ching Wing 6D

Charms Ng

Annette Jap

Bethany Cheung

Bethany Cheung

5A Shum Sze Ching Shum Sze Ching (5 Faith)

Lam Yin Ga Luann Ma

5B Lui Yin Hei Cheuk Nim Yan Cheuk Nim Yan Karis Lee

5C Yau Sin Yan Richelle Wo (5 Love)

Kjersten Cheung Fung Pui Ying

5D Chloe Ng Helen Ching Faith Yuen Faith Yuen


Kaitlyn Yu

Wong Hoi Ching

Tai Cheuk Wa

Lizabeth Wong

4B Hayley Yuen Jazlyn Au Jazlyn Au Sophia Lau Hayley Yuen

Sophia Lau

4C Angie Yeung Hazel Lau Angie Yeung Charis Pak 4D Toby Yiu Leung Sin Yu Leung Sin Yu Leung Sin Yu 3A

Christabel Yu

Kaylie Wong

Rachel Li Janna Tam

Kaylie Wong

3B Lavinia Ma Lavinia Ma Lavinia Ma Lam Wai Ki 3C Hannah Liu Wong Yue Qiu Ho Pui Fei

Tang Hai Yiu Tang Hai Yiu

3D Hannah Yau Chan Pui Kei Wong Hei Lam Annette Wong

Annette Wong


Cheung Tsz Lam

Charlotte Kwan

Jasmine Chang

Catherine Jap

2B Sung Zhi Yin Sung Zhi Yin Sophia Truong Pui Hei Yu 2C Anson Cheng

Audrey Ho Anson Cheng Janice Leung Alisha Kong

2D Pang Yuet Wing Agatha Wong Chung Hui Lam Jessy Chan 1A

Winafred Zhu

Sophie Li Winafred Zhu

Winafred Zhu

Sophie Li

1B Sophia Tse Yim Hau Yu Wong Ching Yan Wong Ching Yan

1C Cherlin Chow Daphne Fung Cherlin Chow Dephne Fung

Cherlin Chow

1D Amelia Lam Janelle Tam Kate Cheung Lam Tsz Yu

Kate Cheung

- 133 -

The Mrs. Blomfield Cup, awarded to the girl with the best bilingual

skills in Primary Six – Valerie Choi (Pr. 6A)

The Mrs. Rebecca Yip Shield, awarded to the girl with outstanding

performance in Scripture, conduct and service in Primary Six –

Chloe Chiu (Pr. 6C)

The Mrs. Emily Dai Award, awarded to the girl with continuous

improvement in conduct, learning attitude, application and effort,

maturity and academic studies – Sherene Chow (Pr. 5C)

Student of the Year

Pr. 6 Valerie Choi

Pr. 5 Luann Ma

Pr. 4 Leung Sin Yu

Pr. 3 Kaylie Wong

Pr. 2 Catherine Jap

Pr. 1 Cherlin Chow