Spice India

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Fried Chicken Fried Rice

Hi friends, its me here again with a different dish. Trust me you will surely love it. Fried Chicken fried rice???.... Hope it may sound different, but it tastes good. It is a good way to make this with left over chicken, but to be very frank with you, in my house, i never come across a any time the chicken to get left over. So i prepare the fried chicken just to make this dish. My hubby and daughter love it so much more than the normal chicken fried rice. More of all its so simple to make once you prepare the chicken.

For this recipe you first need to prepare the fried chicken. For this preparation visit Deep fried chicken.

Ingredients :

Chicken - ( 200 grms) Deep fried as told in the recipe.

Spring Onions - 2 ( Chopped finely)

Capsicum - Red and green colour ( Chopped length wise)

Green chilly - 3 ( chopped)

Ginger and garlic paste - 2 tsp

Seasame oil - 5 tsp

Salt - To taste

Soya sauce - 1 to 2 tsp

Ajinomoto - 2 pinch

Basmathi rice - 1 cup cooked. ( With 1 : 2 water and rice ratio) and cool it.

Preparation :

*First prepare the deep fried chicken as mentioned, then cut it into small pieces as shown below

* Then take a pan, add the oil, then add the spring onions and fry it, then add the capsicums and fry for few mins, then add the green chillies and fry it.

* Then add te ginger and garlic paste and fry till the raw smell disappears.

* Now add the cooked and cooled rice to the pan, and mix well.

* Now add the Ajinomoto and soya sauce and salt and mix together.

* Add the prepared chicken to the rice.

* Mix well, and check for the taste.

* Hmmmmmmm yummy Spice-India special fried chicken fried rice is ready to be served.

Serve hot, and enjoy yours.

Sura Puttu

Hi friends, Today i am going to post the recipe for sura puttu. Sura ( shark ) is a type of fish variety. Being in UK, its has become very rare to get this fish. One day when i was shopping at an Indian store, i found this fish in the frozen section. So i immedietly picked one pack. It will always taste better if we could get a fresh fish. But on the other hand something is better than nothing. But even with frozen fish it tasted great. Its a very simple yet delicous dish. Everyone will love this recipe with no doubt. Even my daughter "Trisa" who is just 3 years loved this so much that she asked for more and more. People prepare this sura puttu recipe in many different methods. And i prepare it this way, and i bet you will love it. So....Here is the recipe just for you.

Ingredients :

Sura ( Shark) fish - 2 ( cleaned and sliced)Chilly powder - 1 tspTurmeric powder - 1/4 tspOil - To fryOnion - 1 ( finely chopped)Green chilly - 2 ( cut length wise)Garlic - 3 pulluGinger and garlic paste - 3 tspSalt - To taste

Preparation :

* First chop the fish and clean it very well.* Now add the fish to the steamer and steam cook it for 15 to 20 mins.

* As i dont have a seperate steamer, i use my electric rice cooker with the steamer. So place it on the steamer tray, fill the cooker vessel with water and steam cook it for 15 - 20 mins.

* Then cool it, and remove the skin off.

* Then scramble the fish very well.

* Now add the turmeric powder, salt and chilly powder and mix well.

* Now take a pan, add oil and a dd the ginger and garlic paste and fry till the raw smells disappear.

* Then add the onion, green chilly and garlic and fry well.

* Then add the prepared fish to the pan, and mix well. ( Dont add water). Keep mixing it making sure it does

not stick to the bottom to the pan.

* You should keep cooking unt il the fish comes out to the granted coconut texture.

Thats all... The yummy and spicy sura puttu is ready.....Serve hot.

Kadai Paneer

Kadai paneer is another spicy, simple and yet tasty dish. I often make this for Naan, paratha, roti or chapathi, and even for mixed rice like ghee rice, pulav rice etc. Now of our spice-india visitor requested for this recipe. So here i am posting the recipe for kadai paneer. So here is the recipe just for you.

Ingredients :

Paneer - 150 grms ( Chopped into small cubes)Onion - 1 ( Chopped finely)Coriander seeds - 1 tspRed dry chilly - 5 - 6cumin seeds - 1/2 tspCapsicum - red 1/2 and green colour 1/2chopped into cubes ( Optional)Chilly powder - 1/4 tspSalt - To tasteOil - 5 - 6 tsp ( And some to fry the paneer)

Masala items :

Clove - 2Bay leaves - 1cinnamon stick - 1 small piece

Preparation :

* First take a pan, add oil and add the chopped paneer and fry till golden brown.

* Keep the paneer aside.* Now in the same kadai, add the masala item and fry* Then add cumin seeds, coriander seeds, and chopped onion and fry till golden brown.* Then add the dry red chillies and fry for few mins.

* Then add the chopped capsicums and fry for few mins until they become soft and tender.

* Now add the fried paneer and mix well.

* Add the chilly powder and salt and mix well.

* Then add 1/2 cup of water and cook in medium flame until the oil starts to come out.

Hmmmmm, yummy and spicy kadai paneer is ready. Serve hot........

Palak paneer

Palak / Spinach paneer is a very famous dish in north India. This is such a simple recipe, but taste too good. You can serve this with naan, chapathi, roti or even with plain rice. The recipe is here just for you.

Ingredients :

Palak / Spinach - 300 grms ( washed and cleaned)Paneer - 100 grms ( chopped in small cubes and fried in oil till golden brown)Big onions - 2 ( Chopped )Tomatoes - 2 ( Chopped )oil - To fry ( 2 -4 tsp)Methi leaves - 1 tspChilly powder - 1 tspCoriander powder - 1 tspTurmeric powder - 1/4 tsp ( Optional)Salt - To taste Cumin seeds - 1 tspGinger and Garlic paste - 2 tsp

Preparation :

* First take a pan and add some oil and add onions( Dont add all the onions, add just 1 & 1/2 onion and keep the rest for later use) and fry till golden brown.* Then add the tomatoes and fry till the tomatoes are cooked well.

* Now add the cleaned palak and cook for 5 mins (Add little water , 1/2 cup)* When the palak is cooked, keep it aside to cool it.

* Now put the mixture in a blender and grind it to paste.

* Take a another pan add oil and now add the rest of the onion and fry till golden brown.* Now add the cumin seeds and methi leaves and fry for 2 mins.* Now add the grinded mixture to it.* Add chilly powder, turmeric powder, coriander powder and salt.* Cook the mixture for 5 mins.* Now finally add the chopped paneer to it and mix well and cook for another 10 more mins.

Note:To frying the paneer is just optional, we can also add it directly to our recipes, depeneding on how fresh it is. ( Dont fry it too much, because it may go hard, just fry for 2 - 3 mins in medium flame)

Palak paneer is ready now, serve hot.

F R I D A Y , 2 3 O C T O B E R 2 0 0 9

Saag Paneer

Saag paneer is one of the

famous dish in all Indian Takeway. Its almost a fav dish of many. It is a very simple dish

is cook, when you have all Ingridents handy. Here is the recipe just for you.

Ingredients :

Saag : 2 bunch

Paneer : 250 grms ( Cut into cubes)

Mustard Seeds - 1/2 tsp

Garlic : 2 ( Crushed)

Ginger and garlic paste : 2 tsp

Big Onions : 1 ( medium size) ( Chopped finely)

Green chilly : 1 ( Sliced lenth wise)

Tomato : 1 ( Chopped finely)

Chilly powder : 1/2 tsp

Garam Masala : 1 tsp

Salt : To taste

Oil : To fry ( 2 -3 tsp)

Yogurt : 3 tsp

Water : !/4 cup

Preparation :

* First clean the saag leaves, and cut the bottom stem.

* Chop the leaves and keep it in a vessel, with very less water and cook for few mins.

* Cover the vessel and cook. The saag leaves will shrink and at becomes soft. At this

time, take out squeece the water from it firmly pressing it with your hands. Try to take

out as much as water as possible.

* Now take a pan, add oil and add the mustard seeds.

* Then add the crushed garlic and green chilly and fry for few mins.

* Then add the chopped onions and fry till golden brown.

* Now add the ginger and garlic paste, and fry till the raw smell disappears.

* Then add the chopped tomato and fry till they are soft.

* Now add the chilly powder, garam masala and salt.

* Then add the cooked saag

leaves to the pan and mix well.

* Then take 1/4 water and add the yogurt and beat well. Add this mixture to it.

* Finally add the chopped paneer pieces to it. Mix everrything well, and cook for

another 3 - 5 mins.

Hmmmmmmm the yummy saag paneer is ready to e served. You could make it dry of

little bit greasy. Well, have your way. It would really taste great anyway. It goes very

well with plain rice or any Indian bread like Naan, capathi, Roti etc. ENJOY....

C A T E G O R Y : A L O O R E C I P E S

A L O O P O H A R E C I P E – H O W T O M A K E A L O O P O H A

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By Suman Jain, June 19, 2009


2 cups Poha (Beaten Rice)1 Potatoes1 OnionsFew Coriander leaves1 teaspoon Chana dal1 teaspoon Urad dal2 teaspoon Peanuts1/4 teaspoon Mustard Seeds1 sprig Curry leaves1 Lemon4 tablespoon Oil1 pinch Turmeric powder2 Green ChiliesSalt to taste

How to make Aloo Poha

First of all soak the poha in water. Wash and drain all the water. Then add some salt, turmeric powder, keep aside. Now peel and cut the potatoes into small cubes, chop the onions, chilies, coriander leaves. Then heat oil and put chana dal, urad dal, mustard seeds, peanuts, curry leaves and fry until

they crackle. Then add potatoes, sauté for few minutes, then add chopped onions, chilies. Then cook till they are done. Add the poha, coriander leaves and stir. Now keep it on slow flame for 5- 7 minutes. Finally let it cool for sometime and add then lemon juice.

S T U F F E D A L O O R E C I P E – H O W T O M A K E S T U F F E D A L O O


8 medium Potatoes (peeled)2 cauliflower florets (chopped)1 tablespoon chopped onion1 capsicum (cored, seeded and chopped)1 tablespoon peas2 green chilies (chopped)4 medium tomatoes (cubed)2 cloves of garlic (chopped)Salt To Taste2/3rd cup water1/4th cup ghee1tsp chopped coriander leaves

How to make Stuffed Aloo

Slice off the top from the aloo (potatoes) – a thick slice to be used as a lid later, and carefully scoop the inside.

Place the Cauliflower, capsicum, peas, onion, chilies, garlic and half salt in a saucepan with the water.

Parboil until the water is fully absorbed into the mixture. Fill the mixture into the potatoes, cover with the potato lids and secure with wooden

cocktail sticks (toothpicks). Heat the ghee in a kadhai or saucepan and cook the tomatoes with the remaining salt over a

moderate heat for 2 minutes. Carefully arrange the stuffed aloo (potatoes) over the tomato mixture, cover tightly and

cook potatoes in their own steam for about 10 minutes until tender. Garnish the stuffed aloo with chopped coriander and serve hot with roti or paratha.

Popularity: 6% [?]

Aloo Recipes

M E T H I A L O O R E C I P E – H O W T O M A K E M E T H I A L O O

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By Suman Jain, June 4, 2009


4 Potatoes (boiled, peeled and diced)1 bunch Fenugreek Leaves (chopped)¼ tbsp Turmeric Powder¼ tbsp Cumin Seeds¼ tbsp Red ChiliSalt to tasteOil for cooking

How to make Methi Aloo

Heat oil in a pan and add cumin seeds. Allow it to splutter. Add salt, red chili and turmeric powder and sauté it for 2 min. Immediately add diced potatoes and fenugreek leaves to the above. Stir the contents and

cover the pan. Let it cook for 5 minutes on medium flame. Aloo Methi is ready to serve.

Popularity: 6% [?]

Aloo Recipes

A L O O P A L A K R E C I P E – H O W T O M A K E A L O O P A L A K

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By Suman Jain, June 4, 2009


A pinch of asafetida1 tsp white cumin seedsSalt To Taste2lb Spinach (chopped)1lb potatoes (quartered)2 green chilies1 tbsp melted butterGarnish Tomato slicesLemon wedges

How to make Aloo Palak

Heat the butter in a sauce-pan and fry the asafoetida and cumin seeds and fry for 2 minutes. Add the spinach, potatoes, salt and chilies. Cover and cook over a moderate heat for about 10 minutes. Stir several times and then arrange the tomato and lemon slices over the mixture. Cover, lowering the heat and cook for another 5 minutes. Serve the aloo palak hot as a side dish.

Popularity: 6% [?]

Aloo Recipes

A L O O T O O K R E C I P E – H O W T O M A K E A L O O T O O K

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By Suman Jain, June 4, 2009


500 g Potatoes1 tbsp Red Chilies (coarsely grounded)¼ tsp Black Pepper1 tbsp Mango Powder (dried)Oil for fryingSalt

How to make Aloo Took

Peel the potatoes and cut in thin round shapes. Fry them in oil until golden. Drain the excess oil. Flatten the potato chips and mix all the other ingredients to it.

Popularity: 6% [?]

Aloo Recipes

A L O O R A S S E W A L E R E C I P E – H O W T O M A K E A L O O


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By Suman Jain, June 4, 2009


500 gm aloo (potatoes) – peeled, boiled5-6 badiyan2 tbsp oil1 tsp cumin seeds1 tbsp salt1/2 tsp turmeric powder1/4 cup yogurt-beaten smooth2 1/2 cups water1 tbsp coriander leavesHow to make Aloo Rassewale

Break the potatoes, by holding them in your palm and closing your fists. Heat oil and add the badis in very briefly-just put them in, quickly turn them over and

remove from oil, keep aside. They should barely get darkened. In the same oil, add cumin, when it splutters, add the potatoes and fry over high flame but

just slightly. Add salt, turmeric and badis. Stir-fry till mixed well. Add enough water to cover the potatoes and badis, bring to a boil and

simmer, till the badis get soft, but hold their shape. Add the yogurt and mix well and serve the aloo badi curry immediately garnished with

coriander leaves.

Popularity: 6% [?]

Aloo Recipes

A L O O D A H I W A L E R E C I P E – H O W T O M A K E A L O O D A H I


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By Suman Jain, June 3, 2009


A pinch asafetida1 teaspoon cumin seeds1/2 teaspoon garam masala2 teaspoon coriander powder500 gram aloo (potatoes) boiled and peeled1 tbsp ginger-finely sliced2 tsp salt1/2 teaspoon chilli powder1/2 teaspoon turmeric powder1/2 cup yogurt (curd)3-4 green chillies2 tablespoon clarified butter1 tablespoon coriander leaves-chopped

How to make Aloo Dahi Wale

Break the aloo (potatoes), by holding each in the palm of your hand and closing the fist. Keep these unevenly broken potatoes aside until further use.

Heat the ghee, add cumin and asafoetida. When the cumin splutters, add ginger and sauté till slightly fried.

Lower the flame, add yogurt 1 tbsp at a time, stirring vigorously until all of it is well blended. Add garam masala, coriander, salt, turmeric and chilli powder. Stir a few times until well

mixed, add potatoes and green chillies, turn around over high heat, until they look slightly fried.

Add about 2 cups water, bring the mixture to a boil, and then simmer uncovered for about 15 minutes.

Serve aloo dahi wale hot, garnished with coriander leaves.

Popularity: 6% [?]

Aloo Recipes

A L O O K I S A B J I R E C I P E – H O W T O M A K E A L O O K I S A B J I

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By Suman Jain, June 3, 2009


2 teaspoon Turmeric Powder1/2 teaspoon Red Chilli Powder4 Potatoes (boiled and peeled)1 teaspoon Cumin SeedsSalt to taste1-1/2 tbsp OilFor the puree2 Onions4 Cloves garlic2 Green chilies2 Tomatoes1 Piece very small ginger

How to make Aloo Ki Sabji

Cut the potatoes into small chunks and slightly mash them. Keep it aside. Blend all the ingredients of puree to form a smooth paste, keep it aside. Heat oil over medium heat in a non stick heavy base skillet and add cumin seeds. Allow spluttering and then add turmeric powder, red chili powder, salt and wait for 10

seconds. Now mix the puree and saute for 2-3 minutes until the raw smell is gone and oil appears on

the sides of the skillet. Add potatoes and 2 cups of water. Simmer it for about 15 minutes. Aloo curry is ready to serve with rice or roti.

Popularity: 6% [?]

Aloo Recipes

A L O O G H O B I R E C I P E – H O W T O M A K E A L O O G H O B I

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By Suman Jain, June 3, 2009


1/4 teaspoon Chilli powder1/2 teaspoon Turmeric paste1 teaspoon Chopped coriander leaves450 grams Potatoes450 grams Gobi (Cauliflower florets)2 tablespoon Oil1 teaspoon Cumin seeds1 no. Chopped green chillies1 teaspoon Coriander paste1 teaspoon Cumin pasteSalt To TasteHow to make Aloo Ghobi

Par boil the potatoes in a large saucepan of boiling water for 10 minutes. Drain well and set aside.

Heat the oil in a large frying pan and fry the cumin seeds for about 2 minutes, until they begin to splutter. Add the green chilli and fry for a further 1 minute.

Add the cauliflower florets and fry, stirring, for 5 minutes. Add the potatoes, the ground spices and salt and cook for 7-10 minutes, until the vegetable are tender.

Garnish the aloo gobi with coriander and serve with tomato and onion salad and pickle.

K A K A R A K A Y A R E C I P E – H O W T O M A K E K A K A R A K A Y A

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By Suman Jain, June 10, 2009

Ingredients7-8 pieces of bitter gourd2 onions made into a paste1 tsp red chili powderSalt to taste1/2 tsp turmeric2 tsp amchoor powder1 tblsp oil + Oil for deep frying

How to make Kakarakaya

Wash the kekarakaya and slit lengthwise. Remove all the flesh from inside and make hollow. Deep fry them and keep aside Now in a wok heat 1 tblsp oil and put in the onion paste. Once they become brownish in color add the spices and salt Roast well till oil separates. Fill this mixture into the kekarakayas and serve.

Popularity: 3% [?]

Andra Recipes

V A D I Y A L U R E C I P E – H O W T O M A K E V A D I Y A L U

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By Suman Jain, June 10, 2009


1 c kali urad dal4-5 whole red chilies (sabut lal mirch)5-6 black pepperc1 c Bengal gram dalorns (sabut kali mirch)5 cloves of garlicSalt to taste

How to make Vadiyalu

Soak both the pulses in hot water for around two hours. Now grind them along with rest of the ingredients into a paste and add salt. Make small rounds on a clean cloth under sharp sun light and let completely dry. Store and deep fry for serving.

Popularity: 3% [?]

Andra Recipes

M A M I D I K A Y A P U L I H O R A R E C I P E – H O W T O M A K E


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By Suman Jain, June 9, 2009


1 teaspoon mustard seeds (rai dana)2 whole red chilies (sabut lal mirch)A bunch of curry leaves1 teaspoon turmeric (haldi powder)2 raw mangoes4 c cooked rice1 tablespoon chana dal1 tablespoon urad dal

How to make Mamidikaya Pulihora

Peel, grate or chop the raw mango and mix well with the rice. Heat oil in a pan and add the lentils, mustard seeds, whole red chilies, curry leaves and

turmeric powder. Add the rice to this and mix well. Add salt suiting to your taste and serve hot.

Popularity: 3% [?]

Andra Recipes

K A M M A P O D I R E C I P E – H O W T O M A K E K A M M A P O D I

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By Suman Jain, June 9, 2009


1 c toowar dal1/2 c urad dal1/2 c moong dal.1 teaspoon cumin seeds (jeera)2 stems of curry leaves

1 whole red chiliSalt to taste

How to make Kammapodi

Heat a heavy bottom pan and dry roast all the dals. Take off the dals and in the same pan add 1 tsp oil and fry the cumin seeds, red chili and

curry leaves. Mix them with the roasted lentils and grind into a smooth powder and store.

Popularity: 3% [?]

Andra Recipes

K A R A P O D I R E C I P E – H O W T O M A K E K A R A P O D I

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By Suman Jain, June 9, 2009


1 teaspoon coriander seeds (khara dhania)1 teaspoon cumin seeds (jeera)5 cloves of garlic1 teaspoon tamarind pulp1 large bunch of curry leaves5 dry whole red chilies (sabut lal mirch)Salt to taste.

How to make Karapodi

Heat a pan without oil and dry roast the curry leaves in it. Now add rest of the ingredients except the salt and tamarind and roast well.

Take off the heat and grind well with the tamarind. Add salt to your taste and store away.

Popularity: 3% [?]

Andra Recipes

V E R U S E N A G A P O D I R E C I P E – H O W T O M A K E V E R U S E N A G A


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By Suman Jain, June 9, 2009


3 teaspoon red chili powder (lal mirch)2 whole dried red chilies (sabut lal mirch)3 tablespoon dry cocnut powder10-15 cloves of garlic.1 tablespoon oil2 c peanuts2 teaspoon cumin seeds (jeera)1 stem curry leavesSalt to taste

How to make Verusenaga Podi

First roast the peanuts in a pan without any oil. Once they are done, take out the skin by rubbing them together in your hands. Now, heat oil in a pan and put in all the rest of the ingredients except salt. Fry them for around 5-10 minutes and take off the heat. Now put this mixture and the peanuts in a grinder and make into a powder. Store it and serve with meals

Verusenaga Podi

Popularity: 3% [?]

Andra Recipes

U G A D I P A C H A D I R E C I P E – H O W T O M A K E U G A D I P A C H A D I

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By Suman Jain, June 9, 2009


2 teaspoon neem flower4 teaspoon chrushed jaggery (gur)One small lemon size ball of tamarind made into thick tamarind water (imli)1/2 teaspoon red chilli powder1/2 teaspoon mustard seeds(rai dana)Salt to taste1 teaspoon oil1 tablespoon finely chopped raw mango (kachcha aam)1 c water

How to make Ugadi Pachadi

First add the raw mango pieces to the tamarind water and bring it to boil. Boil it till mango pieces are tender Now to this add jaggery and let it cook till it melts and blends into the mixture Remove from heat and keep aside Now in a pan, heat oil and add mustard seeds let them splutter, add neem flower and fry till

light brown Now add chilli powder and salt Mix well Take this neem flower tadka and add it to the tamarind and mango juice Serve in small quantities as an accompaniment to the main course food.

Popularity: 3% [?]

Andra Recipes

S O R A K A Y A R E C I P E – H O W T O M A K E S O R A K A Y A

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By Suman Jain, June 8, 2009


A small bunch of curry leaves¼ c chopped fresh coriander1 teaspoon mustard seeds(rai)1 teaspoon Cumin seeds(jeera)1 teaspoon fenugreek seeds(methi dana)1 1/2 c chopped sorakaya (bottle gourd or lauki)1 tablespoon tamarind (imli) pulp2 tablespoon Bengal gram flour (chana dal atta)(made by dry roasting Bengal gram and grinding it)1 teaspoon chili powder (laal mirch powder)2 teaspoon cumin fenugreek powder(jeera methi powder) (made by dry roasting and grinding them)¼ teaspoon turmeric(haldi)¼ teaspoon asafetida1/2 c chopped onions3 whole red chilies

How to make Sorakaya

Heat oil in a pan and add asafetida. Now add cumin fenugreek and mustard seeds. Once they stat spluttering, add the whole red chilies. Now put in the onions and fry them till they are golden in color. Add turmeric powder and the sorakaya pieces. Mix well and fry till sorakaya is a little tender. To this add the Bengal gram flour and fry well. Now you should add the tamarind pulp and 3 or more cups of water. Once the water starts boling, add curry leaves, cumin and fenugreek powder and chili


Cover and let it boil till the time the sorakaya pieces are tender and the consistency is of a desired curry.

Garnish with coriander and serve hot.

Popularity: 3% [?]

Andra Recipes

P E S A R A P A P P U P A Y A S A M R E C I P E – H O W T O M A K E


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By Suman Jain, June 8, 2009


1 c dhuli moong dal1 c jaggery, crushed1 tablespoon ghee2 teaspoon elaichi powder

How to make Pesarapappu Payasam

First wash the moong dal and keep aside. In a deep, thick dish, heat ghee and roast the moong dal till you can smell a good flavor. Now add the jaggery and let it melt. Mix well and fry till the dal is done and it looks like a smooth mixture. Now add the elaichi powder and mix well. Take off the heat, garnish with grated coconut and serve hot.

Popularity: 3% [?]

Andra Recipes

P A N A S A P A T T U C U R R Y R E C I P E – H O W T O M A K E


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By Suman Jain, June 8, 2009


1 teaspoon urad dal1 teaspoon mustard seeds2 whole dry red chilies2 teaspoon coarsely ground ground nutsA small bunch of curry leaves4 cups water1 small raw jackfruit1 tablespoon oil1 1/2 tablespoon tamarind pulp3 green chilies, chopped1 teaspoon turmeric powderSalt to taste1 teaspoon chana dal

How to make Panasapattu Curry

Peel and cut the jackfruit into small cubes by rubbing oil in your hands. Now add turmeric in water and boil the jackfruit for around fifteen minutes till it is tender. In a pan heat the oil and add the green chilies, chana dal, urad dal, mustard seeds whole red

chilies, ground nuts and curry leaves. Once they start spluttering, add tamarind paste and a little water. Now add the boiled jackfruit and mix well. Serve hot with steaming rice.

S I M P L E D A L R E C I P E – H O W T O M A K E S I M P L E D A L

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By Suman Jain, June 12, 2009


1/2 cup Masoor Dal1 Tomato (Tamatar)1/2 tsp Jeera1/4 tsp Turmeric (Haldi) Powder2 Green chilli3 tsp Oil1 level tsp Salt (Namak)3 Garlic (Lasun) Cloves

How to make Simple Dal

Boil the dal with salt, turmeric powder and slit green chillies. In another pan, heat oil, add the jeera, tomatoes and garlic pods, sauté on a high flame till

the tomatoes are soft and pulpy. Add the boiled dal into this with little water, boil well for 15 minutes to incorporate the

masala into the dal, garnish with coriander.

Popularity: 3% [?]

Bachelor Recipes

Q U I C K V E G E T A B L E P U L A O R E C I P E – H O W T O M A K E


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By Suman Jain, June 12, 2009


1 cup Rice (Chawal)2 cup Water200 grams Cauliflower (Phool gobi) Florets2 small Potato (Aloo)1/2 cup fresh Peas (Matar)1 large Onion (Pyaj)3-4 black Cardamoms (Elaichi)1/2 teaspoon Red chilli (Lal Mirchi) Powder1 x 1 inch Cinnamon (Tuj/Dalchini)2-4 Cloves (Lavang)4 tablespoon Oil1 teaspoon Salt (Namak)

How to make Quick Vegetable Pulao

Wash and soak the rice for 1 hour, drain and keep aside. Slice the onion finely and chop the potatoes into small pieces. Heat oil in a pan and fry the onions till golden brown, add all the vegetables, cinnamon,

cloves and cardamoms. Saute for 2-3 minutes, add little water and cook till the potatoes and peas are half cooked. Then add the drained rice, salt and red chilli powder. Mix well. Add 2 cups of water and boil. When the water starts boiling, reduce the flame and cover and cook till the rice is done.

Popularity: 3% [?]

Bachelor Recipes

Q U I C K K H E E R R E C I P E – H O W T O M A K E Q U I C K K H E E R

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By Suman Jain, June 12, 2009


3 tblsp chopped Nuts200 gms Sugar (Cheeni)500 ml Milk (Doodh)250 gms Rice (Chawal)50 gms Ghee

How to make Quick Kheer

Pick and wash the rice. Soak in water for 30 minutes. Drain completely. Melt the ghee in a pan, add the drained rice and saute for 5-7 minutes on a medium flame. Add the milk and cook on a low flame till the milk is reduced to 3/4th its original quantity. Add the sugar and simmer further till the milk is reduced to half its original quantity. Garnish with nuts.

Popularity: 3% [?]

Bachelor Recipes

S I M P L E R A J M A C U R R Y R E C I P E – H O W T O M A K E S I M P L E


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By Suman Jain, June 11, 2009


150 gms Kidney Beans (Rajma)2 medium sized Onion (Pyaj)1 large Tomato (Tamatar)2 Green chilli (Hari mirch)1 tblsp Ginger-garlic (Adrak-Lasun) Paste1/2 tspn Garam masala Powder1 tsp Coriander (Dhania) Powder3/4 tsp Salt (Namak)

How to make Simple Rajma Curry

Soak the rajma overnight. Boil in a pressure cooker till tender. Heat oil in a pan and add the chopped onions and ginger garlic paste. Cook till brown. Add the tomatoes, green chillies and cook till pulpy. Add coriander powder, salt and 2 cups water and boil well. Add the rajma and cook on a low flame for about 10 minutes. Add the garam masala powder and cook further for another 15 minutes or till the gravy

thickens. Garnish with coriander leaves. Serve hot with steamed rice.

Popularity: 3% [?]

Bachelor Recipes

S I M P L E P O T A T O V E G E T A B L E R E C I P E – H O W T O M A K E


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By Suman Jain, June 11, 2009


250 grams Potato (Aloo)2 tablespoon Oil1/4 teaspoon Turmeric (Haldi) Powder2 Green chilli (Hari mirch)4-5 Curry Leaves (Kari Patta)1/2 teaspoon Mustard seeds (Rai/Sarson)As per taste Salt (Namak)How to make Simple Potato Vegetable

Boil, peel and cube the potatoes. Heat oil in a pan, add the mustard seeds, slit green chillies, curry leaves, fry till the seeds

start spluttering, add salt and turmeric powder and cubed potatoes, add little water so that the potatoes absorb the masala and simmer for 4-5 minutes till well blended.

For a different taste you can substitute mustard seeds with cumin seeds.

Popularity: 3% [?]

Bachelor Recipes

A A M R A S R E C I P E – H O W T O M A K E A A M R A S

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By Suman Jain, June 11, 2009


2 cups Milk1 cup Water11/2 tablespoon Sugar4 cups Mango Flesh (cubed)¼ teaspoon Saffron strands

How to make Aamras

In a microwave or stove top, heat the milk near boil. Crush the saffron strands, add it to the milk and let it stand for around 15 minutes.

Use an electric blender, puree the mango flesh, water, milk and sugar. Add to it the saffron milk

S T U F F E D B A I G A N R E C I P E – H O W T O M A K E S T U F F E D


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By Suman Jain, June 12, 2009


6 Baingan / Brinjal1 teaspoon salt1 onion (finely chopped)1/2 cup ghee / vegetable oil2 tablespoon lemon juice2 green chilies (finely chopped)Spices4 tablespoon coriander seeds1 tablespoon fenugreek seeds2 tablespoon aniseeds1 tablespoon cumin seeds1 teaspoon turmeric powder

How to make Stuffed Baigan

Clean the baigan and slit them lengthways without halving them. Roast the first four spices together and then grind them to powder and add the turmeric

powder. Now mix with the salt, lemon juice and green chilies to make a stuffing. Stuff the mixture between baigan (bringal) and tie them back together with cotton thread to

prevent stuffing escaping. Heat the oil / ghee in a large frying-pan and fry the onions until light brown. Add the brinjal

and cover tightly. Leave to cook turning occasionally until cooked for about 20-30 minutes. Serve the stuffed baigan (bringal) hot with roti or paratha.

Popularity: 2% [?]

Baigan Recipes

B A I G A N K A L O N G E E R E C I P E – H O W T O M A K E B A I G A N


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By Suman Jain, June 12, 2009


900 gram Small Baigan (brinjal)2 gram amchur2 gram red chilli powder2 gram coriander powder2 gram turmeric4 gram panch phoran (Bengal spices)2 gram garam masala powder25 ml oilGarnishes3 gram ginger julienne5 gram chopped corianderHow to make Baigan Khalongee

Slit the brinjal into quarters length wise. Roast the panch phoran (cumin, saunf, kalonji, methi dana, rai. 2:1:1:1:1) and powder.

Mix with all the other spices and fill in the brinjal. Heat the oil and saute the brinjal until done. Garnish with ginger juliennes and chopped corriander before serving.

Popularity: 2% [?]

Baigan Recipes

B A I G A N B H A R T A R E C I P E – H O W T O M A K E B A I G A N


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By Suman Jain, June 12, 2009


1 Brinjal1/2 teaspoon Garam Masala Powder

1/4 teaspoon Turmeric Powder1-3 Green Chilli (chopped)1/2 teaspoon Red Chilli Powder1/2 cup Cooked Peas1 Tomato (finely chopped)1 Onion (finely chopped)3 tablespoon Vegetable OilSalt to tasteChopped Coriander Leaves

How to make Baigan Bharta

Smear the Brinjal with oil and roast it on a medium flame. Turn upside down when lower portion becomes soft. Keep on rotating until it gets roasted

properly. Remove from the flame and submerge it in a bowl containing cold water. Heat oil in a frying pan or kadhai. Add onion and green chilli and fry on a medium flame till onions turn golden brown. Add turmeric powder, garam masala, red chilli powder and salt. Fry the masala for a minute and add the chopped tomatoes. Cook until tomatoes become soft. Now add peas and mashed brinjal. Stir properly and fry for about 5 to 7 minutes on medium heat. Baigan Bharta is ready. Serve it garnished with chopped coriander leaves.