Spinal Cord Tumors د.عارف

Post on 06-Apr-2018

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  • 8/3/2019 Spinal Cord Tumors .


    IntraduralIntradural SpinalSpinalNeoplasmsNeoplasms

    John K.John K. BirknesBirknes, M.D., M.D.

    Department of NeurosurgeryDepartment of Neurosurgery

    Thomas Jefferson University HospitalThomas Jefferson University Hospital

  • 8/3/2019 Spinal Cord Tumors .


    Spinal Cord AnatomySpinal Cord Anatomy

    31 pairs of spinal nerves31 pairs of spinal nerves

    8 cervical8 cervical 12 thoracic12 thoracic

    5 lumbar5 lumbar

    5 sacral5 sacral

    11 coccygealcoccygeal

    C & L enlargementsC & L enlargements

    ConusConus tapers to ~L1/2tapers to ~L1/2

    FilumFilum terminaleterminale-- attaches toattaches todorsum of 1dorsum of 1stst coccygealcoccygeal


  • 8/3/2019 Spinal Cord Tumors .


    Spinal Cord AnatomySpinal Cord Anatomy

    Central gray matterCentral gray matter

    Neuronal cell bodiesNeuronal cell bodies

    Supporting structuresSupporting structures

    Prominent ventral andProminent ventral and

    dorsal components withdorsal components withcommisurecommisure between halvesbetween halves

    White matter tractsWhite matter tracts

    encircle gray matterencircle gray matter

  • 8/3/2019 Spinal Cord Tumors .



    DuraDura: closest to VB: closest to VB

    single layer, contrast withsingle layer, contrast withbrainbrain


    PiaPia: contacts cord: contacts cord attaches cord toattaches cord to duraduraviavia

    dentate ligaments.dentate ligaments.

  • 8/3/2019 Spinal Cord Tumors .


    AnatomyAnatomy--Spinal Cord VasculatureSpinal Cord Vasculature

    VertVert a. gives rise to:a. gives rise to:

    1 Ant spinal a. &1 Ant spinal a. &

    2 Post Spinal a.2 Post Spinal a.

    Lower 1/3 of CLower 1/3 of C--spsp radicularradicular aaaa. off. off

    VertVert a.a.

    Ascending cervical a.Ascending cervical a. Deep cervical a.Deep cervical a.

  • 8/3/2019 Spinal Cord Tumors .


    AnatomyAnatomy--Spinal Cord VasculatureSpinal Cord Vasculature

    Below CBelow C--spinespine

    continuouscontinuous anastomosesanastomoseswithwith radicularradicular arteriesarteries

    AortaAorta intercostalintercostal a.a.

    spinal a.spinal a. ant & postant & postradicularradicular a.a.

    Central branches offCentral branches off

    ASA alternate sides ofASA alternate sides ofcordcord

  • 8/3/2019 Spinal Cord Tumors .


    AnatomyAnatomy--Spinal Cord VasculatureSpinal Cord Vasculature

    Artery ofArtery ofAdamkiewiczAdamkiewicz

    Left T11 (T9Left T11 (T9--12)12) radicularradicularart.art.

    Major blood supply toMajor blood supply to

    lower T and L spinelower T and L spine

  • 8/3/2019 Spinal Cord Tumors .


    AnatomyAnatomy--Spinal Cord VasculatureSpinal Cord Vasculature

    Batsons plexus:Batsons plexus:

    epidural veinsepidural veins

    no valvesno valves

    MultipleMultiple anastamosesanastamosesw/w/ AzygousAzygous systemsystem


    Pelvic plexusPelvic plexus ProstaticProstatic plexusplexus

  • 8/3/2019 Spinal Cord Tumors .



    Sir Victor Horsley (1857Sir Victor Horsley (1857--1916)1916)

    1887: 11887: 1stst successful resectionsuccessful resectionofofintraduralintradural spinal neoplasmspinal neoplasm


    1911: 11911: 1stst successful resection ofsuccessful resection ofintramedullaryintramedullarytumortumor

    CharlesCharles ElsbergElsberg

    2 stage procedure2 stage procedure myelotomymyelotomy,,1wk later remove extruded1wk later remove extruded


  • 8/3/2019 Spinal Cord Tumors .


    Classification:Classification: IntraduralIntradural

    ExtramedullaryExtramedullary: ~90%: ~90%

    inin subarachnoidsubarachnoid spacespace SchwannomaSchwannoma


    MeningiomaMeningioma >90% nerve sheath tumor>90% nerve sheath tumor

    oror meningiomameningioma

    SubarachnoidSubarachnoid metsmets (only(only4% of spinal4% of spinal metsmets) or) ordropdrop metsmets

    PedsPeds:: DermoidDermoid//EpidermoidEpidermoid

    IntramedullaryIntramedullary: ~10%: ~10%

    within spinal cordwithin spinal cord EpendymomaEpendymoma



    Mets (only 2% of spinalMets (only 2% of spinalmetsmets))

  • 8/3/2019 Spinal Cord Tumors .


    ExtramedullaryExtramedullary: Nerve Sheath: Nerve Sheath



    Together ~1/3 ofTogether ~1/3 ofintraduralintradural neoplasmsneoplasms

    Slightly more commonSlightly more common

    Dorsal rootDorsal root

    Neurofibromatosis (NFNeurofibromatosis (NF--2)2) EncapsulatedEncapsulated

    Displace nerveDisplace nerve

    SchwannSchwann cellscells Malignancy v. rareMalignancy v. rare


    Together ~1/3 ofTogether ~1/3 ofintraduralintraduralneoplasmsneoplasms

    Slightly less commonSlightly less common

    Dorsal rootDorsal root

    Neurofibromatosis (NFNeurofibromatosis (NF--1)1) UnencapsulatedUnencapsulated

    Entangle nerveEntangle nerve-- elongateelongate

    SchwannSchwann cells & fibroblastscells & fibroblasts

    55--10% pts w/ NF malignant10% pts w/ NF malignantNST (NST ( 1 yr survival)1 yr survival) XRT implicatedXRT implicated


  • 8/3/2019 Spinal Cord Tumors .


    Nerve Sheath TumorsNerve Sheath Tumors Extended growth periodExtended growth period

    osseous remodelingosseous remodeling

    Widened neural foraminaWidened neural foramina

    VB scallopingVB scalloping

    IncreasedIncreased intrapedicularintrapediculardistancedistance

    Dumbbell shape (may haveDumbbell shape (may have

    extraduralextradural component up tocomponent up to15%)15%)

  • 8/3/2019 Spinal Cord Tumors .


    Nerve Sheath TumorNerve Sheath Tumor T1WI:T1WI: isoiso/hypo/hypo--intenseintense

    T2WI:T2WI: hyperintensehyperintense increased water contentincreased water content

    Homogeneous enhancementHomogeneous enhancement

    Target signTarget sign: T2 or T1 with: T2 or T1 withgadgad hyperintensehyperintense rim, hypo centerrim, hypo center

    NeurofibromasNeurofibromasw/ peripheralw/ peripheral

    myxomatousmyxomatous & central& centralfibrocollagenousfibrocollagenous tissuetissue

    40%40% schwannomasschwannomas cysticcystic

  • 8/3/2019 Spinal Cord Tumors .


    Clinical Presentation: NSTClinical Presentation: NST

    Middle aged adults (Middle aged adults (male~femalemale~female prevalence)prevalence)

    Uniform distribution in spineUniform distribution in spine

    Symptoms similar to HNPSymptoms similar to HNP

    Pain andPain and radiculopathiesradiculopathies ParesthesiasParesthesias



  • 8/3/2019 Spinal Cord Tumors .


    Nerve Sheath TumorNerve Sheath Tumor--SchwannomaSchwannoma

    31 nerve roots sacrificed31 nerve roots sacrificed

    C5C5--T1 (n=14)T1 (n=14) L3L3--S1 (n=17)S1 (n=17)

    23% w/ post23% w/ post--op motor or sensory deficit (7/31)op motor or sensory deficit (7/31)

    6 cases6 cases neurofibromaneurofibroma like characteristicslike characteristics No deficitNo deficit

    Spinal roots giving rise toSpinal roots giving rise to schwannomasschwannomas arearefrequently nonfunctional at the time of surgery.frequently nonfunctional at the time of surgery.

    Kim et al., J. Neurosurgery, 1989

  • 8/3/2019 Spinal Cord Tumors .


    SpinalSpinal MeningiomaMeningioma

    2525--30% of spinal tumors30% of spinal tumors

    1:8 spinal to intracranial1:8 spinal to intracranial

    Most dorsal or lateral toMost dorsal or lateral to


    Solitary (only 1Solitary (only 1--2%2%


    5% 5% extraduralextradural or bothor both

  • 8/3/2019 Spinal Cord Tumors .


    SpinalSpinal MeningiomaMeningioma

    80% in T80% in T--spine (15% Cspine (15% C--spine)spine)

    Rare bone remodelingRare bone remodeling

    IsointenseIsointense to cord T1 & T2,to cord T1 & T2,

    bright homogeneousbright homogeneous

    enhancementenhancement-- duraldural tailtail

  • 8/3/2019 Spinal Cord Tumors .


    Clinical Presentation: SpinalClinical Presentation: Spinal


    MiddleMiddle--aged women (80% women)aged women (80% women)

    Motor deficit: 90%Motor deficit: 90%

    Sensory deficit: 60%Sensory deficit: 60%

    PainPain: 50: 50--70% (diffuse localized over region or70% (diffuse localized over region orradicularradicular))

    Sphincter dysfunctionSphincter dysfunction--~50%~50%

  • 8/3/2019 Spinal Cord Tumors .


    SpinalSpinal MeningiomaMeningioma N=174 (143 women, 31 men)N=174 (143 women, 31 men)

    96.5% Gross total resection96.5% Gross total resection Surgical mortalitySurgical mortality 1%1%

    Recurrence rateRecurrence rate 6%6%

    92% good92% good--excellent postexcellent post--opop neuroneuro statusstatus longlong--term followterm follow--up (avg. 15 yrs)up (avg. 15 yrs)

    70% pre70% pre--opop

    EvenEven anteriorlyanteriorlypositioned tumors werepositioned tumors were resectedresectedvia posterior approach (sectioning dentatevia posterior approach (sectioning dentate liglig.).)

    Solero et al., Neurosurgery, 1989

  • 8/3/2019 Spinal Cord Tumors .


    IntramedullaryIntramedullary NeoplasmsNeoplasms

    2% of adult & 10% of pediatric CNS2% of adult & 10% of pediatric CNS neoplasmsneoplasms

    AdultsAdults 5050--70%70% EpendymomasEpendymomas

    PedsPeds 5555--65%65%AstrocytomasAstrocytomas

    HemangioblastomasHemangioblastomas 5%5% MiscellaneousMiscellaneous 5%5%

    ((gangliogliomasgangliogliomas,, oligodendrogliomasoligodendrogliomas,,


    MetsMets v. rare (2% of spinalv. rare (2% of spinal metsmets))

  • 8/3/2019 Spinal Cord Tumors .


    IntramedullaryIntramedullary GlialGlial NeoplasmsNeoplasms


    Cellular (CCellular (C--sp or anywhere;)sp or anywhere;)

    MyxopapillaryMyxopapillary((conusconus; slight; slight))

    Mean age: 43Mean age: 43 y/oy/o

    Cystic degeneration (>50%)Cystic degeneration (>50%)

    w/ hemorrhage at marginsw/ hemorrhage at margins Diffuse cord enlargementDiffuse cord enlargement

    multiple levelsmultiple levels

    SharpSharp deliniationdeliniation from cordfrom cord

    good planegood plane HomogeneousHomogeneous



    LowLow--grade:grade: fibrillaryfibrillary

    AA & GBM (10%AA & GBM (10% pedspeds &&20% adults)20% adults)

    Mean age: 21Mean age: 21 y/oy/o

    Cystic as well, less likely toCystic as well, less likely to

    hemorrhagehemorrhage Diffuse cord enlargementDiffuse cord enlargement

    multiple levelsmultiple levels

    More infiltrative often poorMore infiltrative often poor

    planeplane HeterogeneousHeterogeneous


  • 8/3/2019 Spinal Cord Tumors .


    IntramedullaryIntramedullary EpendymomaEpendymoma

    19-year-old presented w/ numbness and finger clumsiness.a. Coronal T1WI demonstrates a rostral cyst & expansile cervical tumor.b. Sagittal T1WI demonstrates the enhancing tumor from C2C5.

    c.The axial T1WI w/ gad: characteristic central location of this tumor type

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  • 8/3/2019 Spinal Cord Tumors .


    IntramedullaryIntramedullary GlialGlial NeoplasmsNeoplasms::

    Clinical PresentationClinical Presentation

    Pain present over extended timePain present over extended time

    Often localized to spinal segmentOften localized to spinal segment

    Worse @ night/awakeningWorse @ night/awakening hypercarbiahypercarbiavenousvenous


    Gait abnormalities (spastic paresis or ataxia)Gait abnormalities (spastic paresis or ataxia)

    Sensory changesSensory changes

    HighHigh--gradegrade astrocytomasastrocytomas sxssxs for mean of 4for mean of 4--77mosmosvsvs lowlow--grade meangrade mean sxsx duration 41 mos.duration 41 mos.

  • 8/3/2019 Spinal Cord Tumors .


    IntramedullaryIntramedullary GlialGlial NeoplasmsNeoplasms >90% 5>90% 5--yr survivalyr survival

    Goal:Goal: bxbx & prevent& preventfurtherfurther neuroneuro deficitdeficit

    N=239 lowN=239 low--grade spinalgrade spinalneoplasmsneoplasms

    NeurologicNeurologic outcomeoutcome

    40% improved40% improved

    50% unchanged50% unchanged

    10% worsened10% worsened

    Brotchi et al., Contemp Neurosurg., 1999

  • 8/3/2019 Spinal Cord Tumors .


    IntramedullaryIntramedullary GlialGlial NeoplasmsNeoplasms N=69 (N=69 (intramedullaryintramedullaryspinal cord tumors)spinal cord tumors)

    NeuroNeuro outcome (meanoutcome (mean f/uf/u of 54 mos.)of 54 mos.)

    20% improved20% improved

    50% unchanged50% unchanged

    30% worsened30% worsened Improvement @ 6Improvement @ 6--1818 mosmos ((dosaldosal columns longest)columns longest)

    PreopPreop neuroneuro fxnfxn best prognostic indicator outcomebest prognostic indicator outcome

    5/6 high grade5/6 high grade astrocytomasastrocytomas died by 9died by 9--1616 mosmos

    1 alive @ 101 alive @ 10 mosmos but with progressionbut with progression

    Cristante & Hermann, Neurosurg, 1994

  • 8/3/2019 Spinal Cord Tumors .


    IntramedullaryIntramedullary EpendymomaEpendymoma N=23,N=23, intramedullaryintramedullaryependymomaependymoma

    88 reoperationreoperation; only 4; only 4 conusconus, 0, 0 filumfilum GTR in all casesGTR in all cases

    MeanMean f/uf/u of 62of 62 mosmos (6 mos.(6 mos.--13yrs)13yrs)

    No pts lost toNo pts lost to f/uf/u No recurrenceNo recurrence

    8 pts improved8 pts improved

    12 pts unchanged12 pts unchanged 3 pts deteriorated3 pts deteriorated

    With GTR no role for adjuvantWith GTR no role for adjuvantTxTx

    McCormick et al., J of Neurosurg, 1990

  • 8/3/2019 Spinal Cord Tumors .


    IntramedullaryIntramedullaryAstrocytomaAstrocytoma N=25N=25 intramedullaryintramedullaryastrocytomasastrocytomas

    6 pts with high6 pts with high--gradegrade 5 died (45 died (4--2323 mosmos postpost--op)op) 2 pts with advanced2 pts with advanced neuroneuro disabilitydisabilitypreoppreop died fromdied from

    medical complicationsmedical complications

    17 pts w/ mean17 pts w/ mean f/uf/u of 50 mos. (16of 50 mos. (16--8989 mosmos)) FxnFxn: 3 pts improved, 12: 3 pts improved, 12 unchgedunchged, 2 worse, 2 worse

    15 pts: no tumor recurrence15 pts: no tumor recurrence

    2 pts: small residual neoplasm without progression2 pts: small residual neoplasm without progression

    Surgery beneficial in lowSurgery beneficial in low--grade but not AAgrade but not AA

    Epstein et al., J. Neurosurgery, 1992

  • 8/3/2019 Spinal Cord Tumors .


    Adjuvant TherapyAdjuvant Therapy EpendymomaEpendymoma

    Follow w/ serial MRI ifFollow w/ serial MRI ifGTRGTR

    Local XRT ~50Local XRT ~50 GyGy ifif

    subtotalsubtotal resexnresexn oror

    disseminateddisseminated dzdz

    No role for chemoNo role for chemo


    Follow w/ serial MRI ifFollow w/ serial MRI ifGTR, lowGTR, low--grade & wellgrade & well--


    If highIf high--grade of diffuse:grade of diffuse:

    5050 GyGylocal XRT in 30local XRT in 30


    Chemo:Chemo: TemozolomideTemozolomide

    or PCV (or PCV (procarbozineprocarbozine//CCNU/CCNU/vincristinevincristine))

    Stereotactic spinal radiosurgery yet to be defined

  • 8/3/2019 Spinal Cord Tumors .


    IntramedullaryIntramedullary HemangioblastomaHemangioblastoma

    ~1/3 of pts with VHL~1/3 of pts with VHL

    80%80% syptomaticsyptomatic by 5by 5ththdecadedecade

    Presentation similar toPresentation similar to

    glialglial neoplasmneoplasm Rarely present w/ suddenRarely present w/ sudden

    deficit from hemorrhagedeficit from hemorrhage

  • 8/3/2019 Spinal Cord Tumors .


    IntramedullaryIntramedullary HemangioblastomaHemangioblastoma

    Bright homogeneousBright homogeneous

    enhancementenhancement No more than 1 VB inNo more than 1 VB in


    80% w/ cystic tumor80% w/ cystic tumornodule;nodule; serpiginousserpiginousvesselsvessels

    AA--gram &gram & emboembo possiblepossible

    prior to surgeryprior to surgery

  • 8/3/2019 Spinal Cord Tumors .


    Thank YouThank You

  • 8/3/2019 Spinal Cord Tumors .


    MRI in a 19-year-old male who presented with numbness and finger clumsiness.

    Histological diagnosis was an ependymoma.a. Coronal T1-weighted MRI demonstrates a rostral cyst and expansile cervical tumor.b. Sagittal T1-weighted MRI demonstrates the enhancing tumor from C2C5.

    c.The axial T1-weighted images with contrast demonstrate the characteristic centrallocation of this tumor type

    Figure 1A and B (A) MRI of the cervical spine performed first shows an area of irregular

  • 8/3/2019 Spinal Cord Tumors .


    Figure 1A and B. (A) MRI of the cervical spine, performed first, shows an area of irregularenhancement within the cord at C2-3, with an associated multiloculated syrinx extending in

    both cranial and caudal directions. The very intense enhancement of the lesion marks it as a

    hemangioblastoma and prompted a spinal survey. (B) MRI of the thoracic spine shows asecond lesion at T9-10, containing a flow void and also showing bright enhancement. Cysticchange within the cord extends all the way from the cervical lesion to the thoracic tumor.

  • 8/3/2019 Spinal Cord Tumors .



    Figure 1C. The intraoperativeappearance of the cervical cord

    gives a classic picture ofhemangioblastoma in situ, withengorged, numerous arteries anddraining veins leading to and froma well-circumscribed and highly

    vascular tumor visible at the pialsurface. This tumor, as well as itsthoracic counterpart, was excisedcompletely and its suspectedidentity confirmed. She remains

    well (with asymptomatic pancreaticcysts) six years after diagnosis.

  • 8/3/2019 Spinal Cord Tumors .


    FIGURE 1.FIGURE 1. SchematicSchematic

    drawingdrawing(A(A) and) andrepresentative T2representative T2--weightedweightedsagittalsagittalmagnetic resonancemagnetic resonanceimageimage(B(B) demonstrate a) demonstrate a

    strictlystrictlyintraduralintraduraltumortumor(Group 1 tumor).(Group 1 tumor).

    From:From: Jinnai:Jinnai:

    Neurosurgery, VolumeNeurosurgery, Volume56(3).March 2005. 51056(3).March 2005. 510--515.515.

  • 8/3/2019 Spinal Cord Tumors .


    FIGURE 2.FIGURE 2. SchematicSchematic

    drawingdrawing(A(A) and) andrepresentative gadoliniumrepresentative gadolinium--

    enhanced T1enhanced T1--weighted coronalweighted coronal

    magnetic resonance imagemagnetic resonance image(B(B))demonstrate a tumor withdemonstrate a tumor with


    extraduralextraduralcomponents withincomponents within

    the spinal canal (Group 2the spinal canal (Group 2


  • 8/3/2019 Spinal Cord Tumors .


    FIGURE 3.FIGURE 3. Schematic drawingSchematic drawing

    (A(A) and representative gadolinium) and representative gadolinium--

    enhanced T1enhanced T1--weighted coronalweighted coronal

    magnetic resonance imagemagnetic resonance image(B(B))

    demonstrate a strictlydemonstrate a strictlyextraduralextradural

    tumor within the spinal canaltumor within the spinal canal(Group 3 tumor).(Group 3 tumor).

    From:From: Jinnai: Neurosurgery,Jinnai: Neurosurgery,

    Volume 56(3).MarchVolume 56(3).March2005.5102005.510--515515

  • 8/3/2019 Spinal Cord Tumors .


    FIGURE 4.FIGURE 4. SchematicSchematic

    drawingdrawing(A(A) and) andrepresentative gadoliniumrepresentative gadolinium--

    enhanced T1enhanced T1--weighted axialweighted axial

    (B(B) and coronal) and coronal(C(C) magnetic) magneticresonance images demonstrateresonance images demonstrate

    a strictlya strictlyextraduralextraduraltumortumor

    extending through theextending through the


    (Group 4 tumor).(Group 4 tumor).

  • 8/3/2019 Spinal Cord Tumors .


    FIGURE 5.FIGURE 5. Schematic drawingSchematic drawing

    (A(A) and representative gadolinium) and representative gadolinium--

    enhanced T1enhanced T1--weighted coronalweighted coronal

    magnetic resonance imagemagnetic resonance image(B(B))

    demonstrate a tumor with bothdemonstrate a tumor with both

    intraduralintraduralandandextraduralextraduralcomponents extending through thecomponents extending through the

    intervertebralintervertebralforamen (Group 5foramen (Group 5

    tumor).tumor).ArrowArrowindicates anindicates an


  • 8/3/2019 Spinal Cord Tumors .


    Bar graph showing classification of spinal nerve sheath

    tumors at the various spinal levels.

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    --Spinal Cord VasculatureSpinal Cord Vasculature

    VertVert a. gives rise to 1a. gives rise to 1

    Ant spinal a. & 2 PostAnt spinal a. & 2 PostSpinal a. (see JSHSpinal a. (see JSH

    anatomy talk)anatomy talk)

    Blood fromBlood fromvertsvertssupply cervical spine,supply cervical spine,

    but below isbut below is


    radicularradicular arteriesarteries

  • 8/3/2019 Spinal Cord Tumors .



    Nerve Sheath Tumors:Nerve Sheath Tumors:

    SchwannomasSchwannomas slightly more common thanslightly more common thanNeurofibromasNeurofibromas

    Dorsal root (sensory)Dorsal root (sensory)

    3535--45% have Neurofibromatosis:45% have Neurofibromatosis: NeurofibromasNeurofibromasw/ NFw/ NF--1 &1 & SchwannomasSchwannomasw/ NFw/ NF--2 (p676 Wilkins)2 (p676 Wilkins)

    SchwannSchwann cells vs.cells vs. SchwannSchwann cells & fibroblastscells & fibroblasts

    Displace nerve vs. Entangle nerve fasciclesDisplace nerve vs. Entangle nerve fascicles

    Malignant nerve sheath tumor degeneration:Malignant nerve sheath tumor degeneration:

    increased incidence with NFincreased incidence with NF