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  • 8/9/2019 spinal,cord,nerve,plexii


    Spinal Cord and Nerve



    DR. T

  • 8/9/2019 spinal,cord,nerve,plexii


    1. Organization

    - General

    - Cauda equina

    - Meninges2. Structure

    Grey matter

    White matter

    3. Blood supply

    4. Spinal nerves

    - Typical n.

    - Components

    Part I: Spinal cord

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    1. Organization

    Cauda equina Meninges

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    2. Structure: Grey matter Components: Nerve cells, Processes, Neuroglia,

    Blood vessels

    Grey columns: Anterior, Posterior, Transverse,


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    Grey columns:


    Medial group: skeletal

    muscles of the neck and


    Central group: cervicaland lumbosacral

    segments & contains thephrenic, asccessory and

    lumbosacral nuclei

    Lateral group: cervical

    and lumbosacral areasinnervating skeletalmuscles of the limbs


    Substantia gelatinosa:concerned with pain,temperature and touch

    Nucleus proprius: fibersfrom white posteriorcolumn associated withproprioception, 2-piontdiscrimination andvibration

    Nucleus dorsalis (Clarkscolumn) from C8 L3/4proprioceptive endings inspindles

    Visceral afferent nucleusfrom T1 L3 receivesvisceral afferent


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    Grey columns (cont.)


    Contains central canal

    that starts in the MO,

    Inferiorly expands in

    the conus medullaris

    as the terminal

    ventricle: CSF &



    From T1L2/3

    Give rise to

    preganglionicsympathetic fibers

    Similar group in S2-4give rise topreganglionicparasympathtic fibres

  • 8/9/2019 spinal,cord,nerve,plexii


    2. Structure: White matter

    Mixture of myelinated nerve fibers, neuroglia and

    blood vessels

    Ascending tracts

    Descending tracts

    Ascending and descending tracts with the same

    origin, course and termination: Fasciculus

    Intersegmental tracts

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    Ascending tracts: Sensory, contain 1st, 2nd and 3rd order neurons

    Pathways for temperature, pain, proprioception

    Examples: Spinothalamic tract (lateral & anterior,

    fasciculus gracilis and cuneatus); Spinocerebellar tract

    (anterior & posterior); Cuneocerebellat tract.

    Other: Spinotectal, spinoreticular, spino-olivary, visceral


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    Descending tracts:

    White matter from the supraspinal centers with 1st, 2nd and

    3rd order motor neurons

    Examples: Corticospinal, reticularspinal, tectospinal,

    rubrospinal, vestibulospinal, olivospinal, descending


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    3. Blood supply: Spinal arteries From vertebral, posterior intercostal, lumbar, lateral sacral, ascending

    cervical, deep cervical, iliolumbar aa.

    Posterior spinal a. in close association to posterior spinal roots, but isinsufficient to supply the spinal cord alone

    Anterior spinal a. unite to for a single artery on the median fissure of the

    spinal cord.

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    Spinal arteries (cont.) Radicular a. reinforce the spinal arteries by entering

    through the intervertebral foramina Larger anterior radicular arteries: A. radicularis magna

    (artery of Adamkiewicz) from the left an intersegmental

    branch of the descending aorta, that supplies 2/3rds of the

    spinal cord

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    3. Blood supply: Venous drainage

    Internal (anterior & posterior) venous plexus

    External venous plexus (anterior & posterior)

    Basivertebral and intervertebral veins.

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    4. Typical spinal nerve Posterior (dorsal) root: Supplies synovial joints of the

    vertebral column, deep muscles of the back & overlying

    skin. Posterior root ganglia: Sensory, unipolar with

    satellite cells.

    Anterior (ventral) root: Supplies the remaining areas:

    anterior & lateral regions of the trunk and limbs

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    Part II: Nerve plexii

    1. Cervical plexus

    2. Brachial plexus

    3. Lumbar plexus

    4. Sacral plexus

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    Concepts of nerve plexii

    Peripheral nerve that divide and join otherperipheral nerves to form a network

    Plexus permits individual nerve fibers to passfrom one peripheral nerve to another allowing

    redistribution of nerves Peripheral nerve: Bundle of nerve fibers in a

    sheath, can be cranial or spinal

    Ganglion: Collection of nerve bodies outside theCNS

    T2 L1 segmental innervation of skin andmuscles

    Other areas: nerve plexii

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    1. Cervical plexus (C1 C4)

    Ansa cervicalis:

    superior (C1) & inferior

    (C2,3) radix

    Minor occipital n. (C2)

    Greater auricular n.


    Transverse cervical n.


    Supraclavicular n.


    Deep branches

    Phrenic n. (C3,4,5)

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    1. Cervical plexus in situ

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    2. Brachial plexus (C5 T1)

    Roots (C5-T1) Trunks: Upper (C5,6),

    middle (C7), lower(C8,T1)

    Divisions: anterior &posterior

    Cords: Lateral cords formed by

    the anterior divisions ofthe upper end middle

    trunks Medial cord formed by

    the anterior division ofthe lower trunk

    Posterior cord formed bythe posterior division of

    the middle, lower & uppertrunks

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    3. Lumbar plexus (L1 L4)

    Iliohypogastric n. (L1)

    Ilioinguinal n. (L1)

    Genitofemoral n.


    Lateral cutaneous n.

    of thigh (L2,3)

    Femoral n. (L2-L4)

    Obturator n. (L2-L4)

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    4. Sacral plexus (L4 S4)

    To LL and gluteal regions:

    Sciatic n.

    Superior gluteal n. (L4-S1)

    Inferior gluteal n. (L5-S1)

    Posterior cutaneous nerve ofthe thigh (S1-3)

    To quadriceps femoris (L4 S1)

    To obturator internus (L5,S1)

    To Pelvis:

    Pudendal nerve (S2-4) Nn. Splanchini pelvini (S2-4)

    To levator ani & coccygeus


    Perineal branch (S4)