Spiritual Pilgrimage to the Holy Land - Jun/Jul 2012, part 1

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Follow this pilgrimage daily from your home! Our unique Spiritual Pilgrimage offers reflections, prayer, photos and videos of the holy sites!


The Holy LandA Pilgrimage of Prayer & Solidarity


June 30 - July 11, 2012

part one

A digital publication of The Pilgrim Center of HopeMinistry of Pilgrimages.

Copyright 2012.For more information about our ministry, visit pilgrimcenterofhope.org


June 30 - July 11, 2012

n Saturday, June 30, a group of 41 pilgrims will begin their journey to the Holy Land. You’re coming, too.

A pilgrimage is a journey of faith and is an ancient practice in the Church. It’s not simply a tour or a trip, but a journey to a blessed place as we seek true encounter with God.

Through this digital publication, you will see, hear and experience the sites of the Bible, the sites of our Lord’s life and our Lady’s life. Each day, you and the pilgrim group will have the privilege to prayerfully retrace the footprints of Jesus, and meet the local people, Catholics living in Jerusalem who are called “the living stones.” Meet the Custodians of the Holy Land—the Franciscans—and other religious communities. You will also be introduced to the various cultures of the Holy Land and the history of our Church.

Submit your prayer intentions through our website; you will be offered in prayer during daily Mass while in the Holy Land. As you follow along, please pray for the pilgrim group, as well as your own intentions and those of the Church.

United in prayer, let’s begin...

Each day will include photos, videos and info

about the holy sites, reflection & prayer.


Excitement, anticipation, joy and wonder accompany the pilgrims in their thoughts and conversation as they travel half-way across the world to the land sanctified by our Lord. Upon arrival in Tel Aviv airport, the group will travel to Mount Carmel in Haifa.

Saturday, June 30, 2012

Although I cannot be there physically, I nevertheless feel that I am spiritually a pilgrim in that land where our reconciliation with God was brought about, to beg the Prince of Peace for the gift of redemption and of peace which is so earnestly desired by the hearts of people, families and nations – in a special way by the nations, which inhabit this very area. (Pope John Paul II, 1984)

On one hand, faith must keep us in a constant attitude of humility before God, more than that, of adoration and praise in relation to him. In fact, what we are as Christians we owe only to him and to his grace. Our radical belonging to Christ and the fact that ‘we are in him’ must infuse in us an attitude of complete confidence and immense joy. (Pope Benedict XVI, 2006)

Lord Jesus, you call us each by name. Thank you! We ask your blessing upon each pilgrim. May their journey of faith bring them closer to your heart. May they have a safe journey to the Holy Land. Glory be to the Father, to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, as it was in the beginning, is now, and will be forever. Amen.


We arrive to our hotel after sunset over the Mediterranean Sea. We’re on Mount Carmel; specifically, at the site of Prophet Elijah’s cave (1 Kings 18). The Carmelite Order was founded here. Today, the Basilica of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel is built over the cave of Elijah. Our pilgrim group will have the honor of celebrating Mass in this beautiful church, which is called Stella Maris, Star of the Sea.

As we enter the Carmelite pilgrim hotel, the Carmelite sisters greet us like family! (Click for video.) Our first dinner in the Holy Land will be a home-cooked meal of fresh vegetables, poultry, soup and fruit for dessert. (Click for video.)

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Elijah, you were a prophet with courage and zeal for God’s Truth. I ask your intercession for me, that I may develop a courageous and zealous heart. Pray that I would live and share my faith in the One, True God!Amen.

inside Elijah’s cave



This morning, we awoke to the stillness on Mount Carmel. After breakfast, we again visit Stella Maris, to learn about the Carmelite order and Prophet Elijah. After taking time for prayer, we drive to Nazareth where the Basilica of the Annunciation is built over ancient Nazareth and the House/Grotto of Mary.

It is here that the Angel Gabriel came to Mary (Luke 1), announcing the Good News that God wished to give His Son to the world, through her womb! We celebrate Mass at an altar outside Mary’s grotto home. We’ll also spend time in the nearby Church of St. Joseph, built over the home of the Holy Family. (Click for today’s photos.)

Monday, July 2, 2012

O Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee! Blessed Mother, pray for us to have the grace to say “Yes” to God’s will in our lives! Saint Joseph, pray for our families, our households that they remain in God’s protection and peace. Amen.

inside Mary’s home




Last night, we drove to the Galilee area. In the morning, we awoke to sunrise over the Sea of Galilee. We have just slept our first night atop the Mount of Beatitudes! The Scriptures are coming alive to us with each passing moment. (Click for today’s photos.)

Our Lord Jesus spent three years of His Apostolic life in this area; we will spend three days. First, we take a gentle boat ride across the Sea of Galilee. Hearing the sound of the waves and the wind rushing over the waters brings tears to many pilgrims’ eyes.

Arriving in Capernaum, we celebrate Mass in a church built over St. Peter’s home! A glass floor in the center of the church allows us to peer down into the first pope’s house. Afterwards, we learn about the town—including the synagogue where Jesus preached the Bread of Life discourse in John 6. We also travel to two more holy sites (see videos below) before ending the day with a walk along the shore of the Sea in silence.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Lord, we, unlikely as we are, are your disciples now, because those first disciples said ‘yes’, and went forth to be fishers of men. We were caught in their nets and brought to you, Lord Jesus, so that we might become your disciples. Help us respond to Your voice still calling... ‘Whatever you are involved in, wherever you work, no matter how unlikely you may think you are; follow me, and I will make you fishers of men!’ Amen.

inside Peter’s home




This morning, we traveled to Mount Tabor. On this mountaintop, the Lord Jesus was transfigured before Peter, James and John. The Father said, “This is my Son, my Chosen one, listen to him” (Luke 9:36). In this blessed place, we celebrate Mass at the Church of the Transfiguration. (Click for today’s photos.)

After lunch, our journey takes us to Cana, the site of the First Miracle, the changing of water into wine. Here, the servants obeyed Mary’s request, “Do whatever He tells you.” (John 2:5) A church is built over this site, including one of the ancient wine jugs. Couples in the group that have received the Sacrament of Matrimony will renew their wedding vows in Cana. Later, they will celebrate with wine from Cana!

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Lord slow us down. Sometimes we get so busy that many distractions challenge our values and priorities. Take us apart with your Son so that we may listen to Him and not become confused or empty. Speak, Lord; we desire to listen to your voice!

Mary, pray for us to “Do whatever He tells us.” Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee...

wedding church at Cana




An early morning Mass on the Mt. of Beatitudes will begin our day. How blessed we are to hear the Gospel proclaimed: “Blessed are the poor in spirit...” at the very spot where they first were proclaimed from the mouth of Christ. (Click for today’s photos.)

Today, we have a long drive southward to the Jordan River, the site of Our Lord’s Baptism. We renew our baptismal vows where John the Baptist prepared the Lord’s way.

We will also experience floating in the Dead Sea. This is the lowest point on earth below sea level. After a stop for lunch in Jericho, the ‘oldest city in the world,’ we drive through the Judean Desert, where Jesus spent 40 days and 40 nights fasting and praying. We make our way up to Jerusalem.

Before our arrival at the Notre Dame Hotel in Jerusalem, we make a short visit to Bethlehem for the opportunity to purchase olive wood items carved by the Christians of Bethlehem. Purchasing items from Bethlehem helps the Christians living under Israeli Military Occupation.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Because of the Holy Spirit who has been poured forth in our hearts, we are no longer slaves but children of God! (Galatians 4:6) Our Father who art in Heaven, hallowed be Thy name...

tree Zaccheus climbed in Jericho