Splash Screen. Chapter Intro 1 North America Before Columbus How did regional geography affect the...

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Chapter Intro 1

North America Before Columbus

How did regional geography affect the development of Native American cultures?

Section 1-Main Idea

Big Ideas

Geography and History Native American groups developed cultures based on the geography of the region in which they lived.

Section 1-Key Terms

Content Vocabulary

• agricultural revolution

• tribute

• kiva

• pueblo

Academic Vocabulary

• decline

• technology

• eventually

Section 1-Key Terms

People and Events to Identify

• Beringia

• Mesoamerica

• Maya

• Aztec

• Cahokia

• Iroquois Confederacy

A. A

B. B

Section 1-Polling Question

Do you believe that influences from early cultures in the Americas still exist today?

A. Yes

B. No



Section 1

Mesoamerican Cultures

An agricultural revolution led to the first civilizations in Mesoamerica, whose people built large, elaborate cities.

Section 1

• Mesoamerica is the region that today includes central and southern Mexico and Central America.

Mesoamerican Cultures (cont.)

• The agricultural revolution made possible the rise of Mesoamerica’s first civilizations.

Mesoamerica, 300 B.C.–A.D. 1500

Section 1

• Important cultures:

– The Olmec:

Mesoamerican Cultures (cont.)

• Possibly the first people to develop a civilization in Mesoamerica

• Emerged between 1500 and 1200 B.C., near where Veracruz, Mexico, is located today

Section 1

• Important cultures:

– The Maya:

Mesoamerican Cultures (cont.)

• This civilization emerged in the Yucatán Peninsula and expanded into what is now Central America and southern Mexico.

• The Maya culture thrived from A.D. 200 to A.D. 900.

Section 1

• Important cultures:

– The Toltec:

Mesoamerican Cultures (cont.)

• North of the Maya civilization, the Toltec people built a large city called Tula.

• They fell to the Chichimec in A.D. 1200.

Section 1

• Important cultures:

– The Aztec:

Mesoamerican Cultures (cont.)

• This culture created a mighty empire by conquering neighboring cities.

• They controlled trade in the region and demanded tribute.

• When the Europeans arrived in the 1500s, an estimated 5 million people were living under Aztec rule.

A. A

B. B

C. C

D. D

Section 1


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Which of the following cultures is known for their talents in engineering and mathematics?

A. Olmec

B. Maya

C. Toltec

D. Aztec